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■jfnon's Age: Nens- Moon, Ansnst 3, nt 0.28 a. tu. Srinsex: This evening. 5.1. TV-tuorrow tuorninz. €.53. SiGn WATEH. An<-lc!aud Tuesday. 2.22 a.m.. 2.44 p-m. A c-klaiid... .Wednesday, X 2;'. a.m., 3.49 p.m. 1'- i iiunga WednesUay, G ."•:; a.m., T. 10 p.m. M.i-.ukau H-.Wpdn-esday. 5.83 a.:u., fi.lo p.m Kn.;>:ira H... Wei!ae»lay. 0.43 a.m.. 7.8 p-in. Tidal Constants (to be added or ruD-! trn'ted from water at Auckland): — WLanjrarel minus 5 minutes, Thames plus ]i| minutes, Tauranga minus 12 minutes. liußoell pica 17 minates, Coromandel pins ly mUintes.

-VAVTTA, =..=.. -2.r.>Ki tons. D. Todd, at 7.5 1 li.m., from Suva (Fljl>. Passengers: Misses t B. Stnart-Forbes, G. Cork, K. T. Cock, Q. f lldutosh. M. Sutherland, Musdames Forbes. ' B. I-eydon, llaslett. liray, Treblico and f child. 11. Michael. Messrs A. Stevens Far- '•> icy. W. Haslett, W. £1. Steam, C. Griffiths, K. Treblico, D. Mack, and eight steerage.— WALMARIE." s.s., C. F. Green-berg, from Paema.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. 1 THIS DAY. l SUSAMA, S.K., 64.'!7. .7. Rolls, at 0.30 Suva. Passengers:—First class: Sir W.G. ' Har. llr. axid Mrs. 11. R. Bio.nnn.eld, Mr. A ] Mr-Nab. Mr. E. 3. Hyanis. Mrs, A, S. Ah- ' bott, ilLss E. Abbott. Mr. 11. St. George. " Air. and Mrs. D. Carter, Miss Sloc-k. Mr. J. ' lk.lms. Mr. J. Smith. Set-nod chics: Mr. : J. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. K. Hydra, Mr. ■ ManselU Mr. 1". Cuthbert. Miss .1. Cameron, < Miss M. Badger, Mr. S. Westnracott Mr. S. ! Klempster. Mr. G. Fisher, Mr. a-nd Mrs L>. f Jones, Mr. F. A. Cock. Mr. G. Chewings. Mrs. G, McX«- Mr .7. Lig u -ine Mr. F. Cm.per. Mr. <J. Knight. Miss MacKenzie. Third class: Mr. J. 'joncs. Mr. H- Dnnn, Mr. J. McLean, Mr. A. Green, Mr. G. White, ! Mr. W Barrett. Mr. .1. Ilrett. Mr H. ■ F.verett, Mr. J. O-Uander. Mr. A. Bowen, ' Miss E. Low, Miss .7. I»w, Mr. and Mrs. F. j King. Mr. 3. Cnthbertsou.— Cniou Co., ■ agents. ' DITTAKrriTRKS. YESTERDAY. , MAXATA, s.s., E. Stephen son, for Win- , ugarei. NUAPinH. s.s.. T. Ha-ultam, for Tanranga. <I,A\SMAy, s.s.. E. MeLeod. for Bussell . ar.d i >prra. WAIOTAHX 8.5.. c. Hopkins, for Mer- , CtLry !",ay aiKl KuaotuTin. T.» XIVTiIA. s.s.. W. Sullivan, for I"a<Tcia. A! , A NCI. K.S.. J. Wilson, for Awanui, Jlni"; .'iiir;i, v> imnzTiro;!. ;i nd conn i. PAEBOA, S.S-, J. Taw, for Marsden Point ] ami ivay ports. ••'. I.F.NELG. *.*.. F. .Tnnas. for Whangarei. ; RAPEX-POWEIvL, s.s.. H. Petersen, for ( Whangarei. : THIS DAT. : MOSOWAI, s.s. ZAX'j A. M. Edwin, for I Dunedin. via ports. Passengers:—For Gis- ' li.ihh-: Mesdsmts J:ihips and rhild. Huddle, 1..!-n.\ Petherbridjre. Sister Catherine. Mtssrs. McGlll. Luyne. Petherbridge, Morrit ,■> >'-■), Carrini'ti-.n, Hayes, Smith. Dever, , Anr»ll, Goodyear. Mahon. Audertou. For j N.iuier: Mesdames Lewis, James, Miss Con- \ r.eily. Messrs. Farmer. Lewis, PhiUipsou. j ]' .- \Vp!lir;rtou ■ Misses MclntoFU, Johnson, , SV.pnard. Mesdamrs Pojlison, Cross, Lami nr - Cirter, MNses Carter. Stevens. Ry- ' i i-t • ■>» For I.vrelton- Mesrrs. Dunford, ! iiiwlerton Capt." Twid. For Dunedin: Miss • Cap". Messrs. Scott and Grieve. For ail ports': "•" fXION COMPACT'S MOVEMENTS. ] HAST COAST. Wminesdav—Navna sails for Eastern P;vitic Islands. I Thursday—Rosamond arrives from Gis- i borne: Maitai arrives from Southern ports; i 11.M.s Niagara arrives from Sydney. l Friday—H.M.S. Niagara sails for Suva. Honolulu. Van>-ouver: Kalapoi sails for \ Wcst;».>rt: Wbaugape saib for Newcastle; I Kauri sails for Suva and I.autoka. Saturday—P-osamonil sai s for Tolopa Bay and Gisborne: Maitai satis for Southern I'orcs; Kaiianoa. destination to be announced. WEST COAST. llarawa arrives from New Plymopth : T>'ednesday and Saturday, aod sails for New ' Plymouth Monday and Thursday. VESSELS ,N PORT. ! PANADA CAI'E. s.s.. at RE, Railtvny wharf EKVIKE.S", sju, in stream EAUItOIX), s.s., in stream ING A, s.s., in Calliope l*ock LRIS. cable steamer, at Devonport KAURI, s.s., at Chelsea. KAIAPOI. 3.5., at RF, Railway wharf 11AMAPJ. XC. Railway wharf KAKJOPJE CEAIG, barqne, at S, No. 2 jetty MA KAMA, s.s_. at O, Qwen Street wharf PYRAMUS, H_Ms-. ia stream. tI>NA, bargee, at BA, Railv-ay wharf. in stream T*ncrJECTET> I>EPAHTURE3. ATFA, S.S., for Sydney; Au;mst 12 MARE.Nu, sjs for Sydney: August II 11AKAA1A, s-s, for Sydney: July 3U MAM Alt!, for London: August 2 MONOWAL s.s, for South; July 29 NAVX'A, s_s_ for East I'actfic; July 32NIAGARA, for Vancouver; Aujnrst 1 EOSAMOXIX, s.s.. for Gisborne; July 2G TAIiAWERA. for South; Jnljr 2G TALUXE, S.S.. for Fiji; Ausust 11. iWIMMEKA, S-S-, for Hj-dney; Angust-4 EXPECTED AEBrVALS. •AFSICA-S MOSAECH, SJ3, from Japan; dne August o APARIMA, s.s., from Calcutta; due Ang. 31 ATL'A. from Sydney; due Aognst 7 «JA.Pii LiKiiTON, s.s, from Xew Yort; doe AUfTUSt JO CLAN MACISSES, from Bombay: dne July lit DELPHIC, S-Er. from I-ondon; d-ae DEVON, s.s., from Montreal; August 9 HAVRE, s.s, from Singapore; due July 31 HEUCLLES, s.s.. Iroic Huubury; to sail. INDIiALEMA, from London; due August -ti KAIKULIU, s-s,. from LondoVi; doe August LOCH GARTE, barque, from Marseilles: silked May 2.1 MAKL'iiA. 3-s- from YawouTw: Anjmst 26 MaTATIA. from Montreal; due Sept. 3 MELBOURNE, s.s., from Christmas Islanddue August 13 SIOKOIA. s.s_ from South: July rSI NTAGAUA, s.s. from Sydney: August 1. >:aVUA. s_s.. from Snva: due Jnly 28 EHKINFELS, sji., from New York- due S STAIt OF SCOTLAND, s.s. from New York<J.:e September 2 TUOKA. barqne from Fabre Island- due July 2S TYRONE. from Liverpool: dne Aug 30 V. aK,:f:KLD. s.s.. from New York; due Vv'ESTMEATH, k.s., from Liverpool; due V.'i; AK.'.r.l'i, s.s., from London; dne SepLrtr.ber 21. Liarqner.tine, from Nnkualofa; to Tbo ?tr?iir"r T>elphic Iβ fnlty due at Aucktmv :'.-.--:!i London. lI.M s. Pyramns is to Bail this afternoon friin' Anf-kland lit is understood) for the New Tl •• Nana, whirl) went up to Chelsea this nit , : r._r. is to rouie down to tljt? liobsou ft-'--; ■■■ ;.arf tv load for the Cook and Society Tii- T.icter Eos-imoad left Gisborne at r, : -"strrday for Anrkland. via Lime- '>•!■■ iFlaiiii. SL-e is dn.' here -»q Thursday. :■.:■; now been dix-lded t>. detain the :.;• .-..■-r Kauri at Auckland till 4 p_m. on !- 1=... t.pforc departure is taken for Strra a:;-! !.:iut--kii. '1 ■ ■ ..Ilir-r p;aiapr,i is to proceed from A-.;_i-i.iin:.l i.. Weßtport. She will sail on i'li.ih,'- nUiTiioon neit. It •■ ■ . ted that the Norwegian steamer Kγ •. ;,.■..! « ; sail on Thursday with hunker »sl supply 'ur the German warshios now in the lilui-ds.

The barqne Rona is to leare Auckland to-day for Hokianga. where she will load a Umber cargo for Melbourne. The Sqnali is loading general cargo today for Bast Coast bays, and is to sail for Gisborne. via ports, this evening. In order to allow tbe Tyser liner Indraharah to tx> docked ot Port Chalmers the keel blocks in the big dock had to be reiaij. It is anticipated tliat tbe sarvey and overhaul undertaken on board the Mokoia at Tort Chalmers will occupy several weeks in completion. H is expected that the F. and S. Line's steamer Kent will leave Bluff for Australian ports about July 31st_ She is to load in. the Commonwealth for Home. Tho Federal-Shire steamer Suffolk is to be dispatched on Thnrsday morning for Wellington, LytteLton, and Dtmedin, to put out the balan<-e of her Liverpool cargo. The S.S. Victoria is schednled to sail from Sydney to-morrow afternoon for Auckland. She is due here on Sunday next also on the through passage to the N.S.W. terminal port. H.M.s. Pyramus sailed this morning, her destination, it is understood, being the Npw Hebrides. Although the Pyramus has tlou has been given regarding her recent cruise. The Xavna. which arrived from Fiji last evening, berthed at the Queen Street wharf. She went up to Chelsea to-da? to land a quantity of raw sugar. The Navua is to sail from Auckland ar ."> p.m. to-morrow for the Cook and Society Islands. After ii very long passage from Auckland the American four-masted barqiientine Amaranth arrived at Newcastle yesterday from Auckland. The Ticania, which was recently recommissioned at "Wellington, also arrived at Newcastle yesterday to load coal. The steamer Havre, which is at present anding case oil in the South, is an oiljurner. The apparatus is found to work nost satisfactorily on the vessel, though, n the event of anything going wrong, gear or burning coal can be substituted within i couple of hours. IMPOSTS. Per Navua, from Fiji: 7,000 sacks sugar. I.GSO sacks copra. -15 sacks maize, quantity jananas, and geueral cargo. Per Marania. from Vancouver —36 crates lesks, o"Spa-tapes sewing machines, 10 :ases incubators, 110 cases lard, 184 cases lawn mowerb, 3,600 bundles laths, 50 cases Lomatocs. IS cases garters. 506 cases drugs, j cases uutos, 'Jo cases rubbers. 40 cases r-ompound. -A cases cash registers, 2 cases :i cases pa? engine, 73 cases corsets, 104 cases salmou. 00 cases paint In oil, SO rases clocks. 7 cases organ, 33 pieces lumber, 3 cases telephone material, and quantity of general cargo. EXPORTS. Per Malirao. for Sydney: 69 hides. 100 >acks pumice. 27$ sacks sand, 3 crates fowls, 70 cases asparagus, 2 bars gold. 31 casks L>il, - doss, 'Hi bales wool. 34 pieces timber. 15 sacks fungus, 0o bags ore, 313 sacks and 207 cases kauri gum, 29 cases vanilla, 40 .rases uieats. and quantity sundries. WESTMEATH LEFT DURBAN. The Federal-Shire Line steamer Westmeatti. which left Uvcrpool on June 21st. continued her voyage from Durban last Thursday to New Zealand ports, via Uobart. Auckland will be the flrst port of arrival buiug looked for here about August 13th. After discharge, the Westmeath will proceed to the usual southern ports. NIAGARA DUB FRIDAY. R.M.s. Niagara is reported by cable to tiave sailed from Sydney at 1.30 p.m. yesterday for Auckland, en route to Suva. Honolulu, and Vancouver. The Niagara is Line here early on Friday morning, and. ifter loading general cargo, is to sail at t p.m. on the same day for the Canadian port- The Niagara is due at Vancouver ou Tuesday, August 10. PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. MARAMA to sail at 12.30 a.m. Wedneslay:—First saloon: Mr. and Mrs. Julian Soloman, Mr. and Mrs. V. Eobertsou, Ml-. vV ■ft" -Vuderson, Mr. A. R. Watkiii, Miss Slav. Mists B. O. Keefe, Mrs. Henderson. Sec'oiid saloon: Mr. .1. W. Keeling, Mrs. md Miss Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Sample and two children. Mrs. and Miss Slatier, Mjss M. Uoss, Mr. and Mrs. Williams. MARAMA IN PORT. An arrival at Auckland this morning was R.M.s. Marama, from Vancouver, via Honolulu and Suva. The purser reports that the Marama left Vancouver on the 9th iust.. Victoria on the afternoon of the same day. Elonolulu ou July lfith, and Suva on the early morning on July 20th. Moderate southerly to S.B. winds were experienced, with moderate seas, during the voyage down to Auckland The Marama is to sail at 12.30 p.m. to-morrow for Sydney, where she is schednled to arrive on Saturday next. COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Expected Arrivals To-day.—RotomabaDa from Coromandel and Waiheke at 0 p.m.; Auponri from Thames at 7.1 D p.m.: Taniwba from Paeroa at 10.30 p.m.: Chelmsford from Cabbage Bar. etc.. at 10 p.m.: Manala from Wtuingarei lit 7 p.m.; Paeroa from Marsden Point etc. at midnight; Waiotahi from Mercury llay. etc.. at 6 p.m.; Hauiti from Orewa, etc.". at 5.30 p.m.; Kawau. from Kawau, etc., at 11.15 p.m.: Kotiti from Matakana and Mullet Point at fi.3o p.m. Projected Departures This Day.—Ngatiawa | for Tauransa and Opotiki at 2 p.m.; Wainiiirie for Paeroa at 6.30 p.m. PASSENGERS FOR VANCOUVER. li. M.s. Niagara, zo san ai 4 p.m. on Friday, for Vancouver, via Suva and Honolulu, takfs the following passengers:—First saloon: Miss Andrews, Miss Baieman, Mrs Biirtou, Miss Barton, Her. Canon F. M. Beuuiuunt, Mr A. W. Beveridge, Mr C. F. Bickford. Mr Bloomoeld, Mrs Bloomfleld, Mr H. Bonlton, Mr C. It Bradley, Mr Burnett. Mr Cujneron. Mr W. B. Carmichaei, Mr Carter. Mr J. C.leghorn, Mrs Cleghorn, Mr C. Conduit. Mr J. P. Crankshaw, Mr E. Mr Crauford, Mrs Crauford and infant, Master Hugh Crauford, Miss Dorothy Crauford, Mr R. H. Cropps, Miss R. Cripps, Mr T. J. Dav»y. Mrs J. Duncan, Miss Duncan. Miss Duncan. Mr E. lKKtert, Miss J. Elliot, Mr C. O. Knquist, Mrs Enquist, Mrs .V. F.-.llon and maid, Mrs Fergcson, Mr Walter B. Find!. Mr R. Fisher, Mrs R. Fisher, Miss V. Fitzpatrick. Miss Foljambe, Mr A. Krankel Rev. J. F. Goldie, Miss A. M. Grey. Mrs Willie Gnnther, Mr J. R. Hall. Master J. S Hall. M-r E. E. Harriogton, Dr. Uenxicksfln, Mrs Henricksoo and child, nurse and infant. Mr N. H. Johnson, Mrs Johnsou, Mr Chas. MarkeU, Mrs Markell, Miss Markell Mr R. McVeagh, Mrs McVeagh. Mr V. Mitchell, Mrs Miteh«U, Mr J. Mitchell, Mr G. W. Moore. Mrs Moore. Miss Moore, Mrs A. M. Myers, Miss EX Myers, Miss B. Myers. Master K. Myers, and two maids, Mr O'Connor. Mr K. V. Price, Mr W A. Prickett, Mrs W. A. Prickett. Miss i'rickett. Captain P. G. Shnter, Mr F. K. Smith, Mrs Smith. Mra Hartley Smith, Mr J. F. Studholme. Mrs Studholme, Dr. R. W. Swtndley. Mr and Mrs C Jackson Taylor, Mr S. G. Trneey.Mlss Turner. A£ns Jean Valette and maid, Mr .1. W. Vcila'-ott. Mrs Vellaoott. Miss Vindra, Mr P. G. Watson, Mrs H. B. Williamson. Miss WHliams, Mr W. J. Wnsnn. Mr Geo. Wlnstone. Mrs Wtustone. Second salcvm: Mr Frank Adams, Mrs A.gassiz. Rnv. Allan. Mrs Allan, and two children, Miss L. Allen, Miss R. Blsiiop. Mr J. A. Bowrcn. Mr CampbeU. M-γ R. Clark. Mr J. Clark. Miss A. Coul«on. Miss L. Cox, Mr H. D. Curling, Mrs Curling. Mr Dean, Mrs W. A. Donman. Mr T. Dillon, Mr G. Dewp, Mr R. P. Dunn, Mr G. C. Crvrickshaak. Mr R. Finch. Mr Finl-ayson, Mrs Finlayson. Mr A. P. Forbes. Mr G. Frith, Mr \V. Fritli, Mrs Frith. Miss Frith, Miss Cleorire-. Mr A. GtHespie, Miss Edith Graham. Mr A. Grier. Mr C. E. Hail. Mr J. ! Hallraay. Mrs Halpern. Master Halpern, Mr A. Hatrick. Rev. S. Harbison. Mr A- G Johnson. Mrs Johnson. Mr King, Mr A. H. Lnnn. Mrs I,Enn. Mr H. B. Lnsk, Mrs .1. Mrttbeson. Mr P. F. Miles. Mr Mogford. Mis.< Naden, Mrs G. H. Nichols. Mr F. H. Partington, Miss M. Price-. Miss Robertson, Mr H H. Robinson, Mr J. Robinson, Miss Rodgerson. Mr D. S. Romney. Mr M. J. Ross. Miss E, Srhmitt. Miss L. Southall, Miss Konttrall. Mr J. F. Stiles, Mr J. -Sturrock, Mrs Stnrrock and two children, Mr B. Tex, Mrs Tt>x. Master Tex, Mr Theiwall. Mr A. J. Thomas, Mr S. C. Tnome. Mr Titfen, Mr John Topping. Mrs Topping, Master J. Topning. Master F. Toppmg, Miss A Topping. Miss Topping. Rev. N. Turner, Mt P. Wailis, Mr H. Fletcher.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 179, 29 July 1913, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 179, 29 July 1913, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 179, 29 July 1913, Page 4