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GRADE CHAMPIONSHIPS. TJJTIVERSITT DEFEATED. WINS FOR AUCKLAND. POXSOXBY, AND OOLLEOF. RIFLES, ARE! A AND MOUNT EDEN DRAW. The seventh round of lie Auckland Hookey Association's euiiiupioßfrulps was plnyed nn Saturday at Rcmnera, North Shore, and cm various otui-r around. At Romurra the grounds wore still in a very rough condition. wiUi long grass, which, undoubtedly. had au adverse influence on the play. The surprise of the afternoon was the L'niverslti-roiisoTiby match. 11l which tho students suffered their Qrst defeat this seas>on, thus dropping behind Auckland iv the rare for the championship. Tfco match between Areta and Mount ■Eden, which was played in front of tae stand .-.t Remnera, was a rather discreditable exhibition, and ended in a draw. College Rifles accounted for United, and Auckland d+'eated Shore wltuom much trouble by n good margin. The following tabic shows Ihe positions or irsras;--

COLLEGE RIFLES V. UNITED. T'uited pressed from the opening of the gflmo. hut Sloman cleared for the ISilles, ttie whites, however, returning to tlie attack. o'Loughlrn cleared Into touch well down the field, and the Kitiee started to press. A series of open and not very well combined rushes ended in Uallam, In goal, takin~ a !<liot wei; with his f-oot. Woods liitorcepted eieverly jnst afterwards, and after some rather slow work around the circle fnitp.ii managed to worU the ball a boul of bitting between the 2-Vs. The whiles jol the best of this, and their forwards reached the circle. O*Loughlin proved very useful at this stage In intercepMnis centres, and sticks by Gilflllan gave temporary relief. United, however, retiinied to the circle, where tiiere was another the KiOes eventually clearins. Fletcher tock the ball up the Held, bm was blocked in front of the circle, ant] the bull went back to half way. S-veral free hits left both teams still in neutral territory, till the blues' forwards caiTieil the ball up ilekl in rather haphazard fashion. liallam savins a score with his suck. His forwards ~.«i possessirm. and reached the opposite circle after an open nisi], but did not jjet .1 chance to Fiioot. and there m> a monotonous spell of hitting and short rushes just inside the Uitl.r*' territory. Fletcher got away on his own at lengtu. tint Woods stopped him. and Rrown staved oft" a second rush in good srvlc The play had been decidedly ->lo w and up to this, hut both teams lion- started to make things mnn livf'y. Creeks broke away and headed n bunched rush for the I'nltcd cirrle. hut Ha.l.-.m ran out with the ball at his feet anj frpotit a score. The bines' forwards pressed again, and Creeks, taking a pass, found the net. I'nlted started to make the price lively at the Oihpr end. and thrrr was a weh-snstalnctl tuss.p in the Rifles' circle, though no ,?core Ujd eventuated when half time wi'ut. Co!!eL-e 1 United o I'uitcfi pressed ban! after the chanse over, but missed some fine chances in the circle ami allowed the blues to clear. The latter now took the offensive, and Fletcher jusr missed the net with a hot shot at the conclusion of a rapid run. A second rush ended in tbe same player sending in a centre to Creeks, who missed it. The blues continued to press hard, two corners succeeding one another, hut their forwards missed a number of good chances to score, until Fletcher took the ball on his stick from a corner hit and seat it into the net. United rushed up the field n. minute later, and Barry had a shot, which went wide. Gilflllan had an attempt jus I afterwards, bnt bis shot was blocked, and the defenders brought play back again. United, however, were soon bombarding the KUles , goal once more, but no score resulted, and the succeeding rushes, though fast, did not set as far as they might hnve. At length Knight ran tip the live and past the opposing full-backs, drawing llrst blood for United with a shot from a diflicnlt angle. The whites had a chance n minute later, bnt Cotton snved a likely shot by Gilflllan A lot of give-and-take play followed, College Rifles eventually developing an attack, tvhieb, however, did not prove very danjterons. Time sounded without any further store. College Rifles United \ i Mr. W. E. Hay was referee. ARETA V. MOUNT EDEN.

Mt. Eden defended the western coal, and from the Initial bully Thomas broke away, passed to Coltraan. and n dangerous onslaught by the blacks was time.iy checked by Kin*. Cole cross hit to Drower, the left wing, making a dash down the line to the midway Hag, then centred. Richards intercepted and hit over to his left, but M»leolm secured aud headed n rush for the browns. Ajr.iin Mt. Ellen's right wins got powession, and successfully piloted the ball into the net. The ehot was disallowed, the relief offering the blacks beiug fully availed ©f. Ellison hit to Mosinie, and on to Preston the ball travelled. The right wing gained the circle, hut fumbling on the part of Thomas spoilt a capital chance. Temporary relief came in clearance *iy King, but Preston was aggressive, a g,ood centre res-alted in a short assault ou lit. Eden's net, and from scrambling play Moginic netted. Fr«m the ensuing bully play hovered about •tnldfleld, many exchangee by the respective back divisions causing exciting moments. At last McLeod broke away, dashed up fleld unsupported, and st the critical moment overran. In clearing, Areta obstructed, hut the blacks Intercepted the free bit. Stainton and Richards set their vanguard in motion. Coltman, Thomas and Moginle carrying the scene of action to the danger zone. King stopppij. Bartlett cleared, and away swept Mt. Eden to the blacks' territory. The attack was shortlived, then to midfield play drifted. Several penalties for eticks and obstruction caused monotonous play, this being followed by the danger zone. King stopped. Rartleet at last rolled the ball in, aud Ellison returned to centre. Hunt stopped the oncoming, vanguard, but fumbling enableil Vrcston and Moginie to again be in quest of goals. A knock on frustrated their efforts, hut renewing the attack the browns conceded a penalty corner. Mt. Eden's forwards nectiTOd. raced up field, and from a scramliling rush In the clrele Areta's soalkeeper missed a cl«?«ranee ana McL«od and Bar,tlptt sbarvd the honours of equalising the score. (Jive nnd take play ensued until half time vim called, with the scores: — Areta i Mt. Kden .: i

The second half op-?ned with a flnroe attack by Areta. and their mipporters' hopes »tp raised. Hi. Rden "tl>r<M a stubborn defeuse, at last rrumrins the enemy to tlielr own quarters. Drower nil 1o O Bart.ett, and iv turu tbe sphere travelled to Mcljend and Malcolm. The Utter passed ba«-U to Woolford. who had n r raud chance Imt ob.nrn<ted. Th* his hits of England fc-lllson and (iratuim tPrnporarlW easfd the prpKsiirr-. Thrn Hrownr wi'h a ~of>,l m Si rrom limit hll hard n Mnlrolm. " an d iho ,)!.iiks were forr-.v]. MrT.ond ionk n rtnl, hill li iul.«sml the post by inches. -Mp i nlfi i mn~ rOTnmand. anot-hpr rnsh fepminated in O. Rsrtlett findlns the net This r»v<>rsr ariMisri Areta, and the pace was increased. Mosmio sot away and sained the cirrlo. only to have the ball snapped away by Cn>«. Preston came amin, and I-*im w»» fnread 10 kick ont . t '£~""

the hit, and with a well-directed shot piloted the ball between the posts just on the call of time, the game thus ending:— Mt. Eden - Areta -. - Mr Baddiley refereed, POXSOXBY V. UNTVERSITY. At 3.30 p.m. Oslorne and King bullied-off and I'oiisonby opened the attack, iiud immediateiy entered the students' circle, through tlie agency of Hay and Alison, anil inside five minutes put 'in a couple of clinking shots without result, besides losing a chance or two. From the ensuing bully the ball was again circled, and this time Murray fairly fixind the net. Ponsonby .....-.• 1 Uuiversity 0

: This surprise roused University, and King aim iii'.vnoius icu iiii onsmuguc upon tue opposing cuauel. Jucousen tfor voaaouuf) U'usuutt-d Hit attack, and Collins, cuopinus iv, iiocU the danger. University were toon Lurki ayaiu, witn Mahony in tue villi, auu tuu i on.-ouuy skipper once more caiuc io tue rescue. U'ue pressure was continued, the circle, l)ut "sticks" saved the ulue auu uiacks. rousouby made a brief, saiiy iiiio [ueir opponents' territory through lieume missing tuc uall. Speight recovered, and set tue xorwards going. The attacK was well Held uy who hit out lv ma own tweuty-uve. i-roin tbe roll-ia play advanced along the live until Jones brought It to an euu aud bit to l'onsonby's tweuty-nve. Ibe latter worked the sphere back again, Usbornc and Hay being prominent. Jones mishit, and matters looked dangerous lor the students, who were not showing the lor in displayed in previous matches, but Uoire lilt tliu ball through his legs, and. King connecting, brought tbe scene of danger into l'onsonby's turritory. Mincher replied with n big hit. and play hung iv University's half for a while. '"Sticks" against Alison changed the attack, and an exchange of hits between Speight and Minrher brought the 'Varsity forwards into operation, and the ball passed to King, to Ma-, hony, to Reynolds, and then was hit out by Jaeobsen. A boot of even play followed until Ciitcheon sent to Hay from midfleld, and Fonsouliy invaded the circle. From a scramble in the shooting zone. Mahony broke away, aud 'Varsity were goal-hunt-ing. OfT-side nullified tbe chance. A lot of close play followed In J'onsonby's twentyfive, Reynolds and Jacobsen making frequent attempts to break down the defence. The Westenders just managed to hold their own. A clearance was effected by University hitting across the goal chalkline wide of the net. A long pass between the Jacobson Brothers terminated iv a good opening, Irat Mincher was bandy, and spoilt the shot. Obstruction gave University a freehit, from which the "two colours" conceded a corner. Snenrten changed the flight of the ball, and the forwards, following up fast, placed University on the defensive. Hesitation spoilt an opportunity for Ponsonby, a corner accruing. I'lay gravitated to Ponsonby's circle, where the whole of the University line missed the ball as it crossed the circle. Half-time was called shortly afterwards.

University opened the attack when the crame re-started, and a bard drive from Jacobsen to Jarobsen gave the defenders some anxious moments. Keeping up tho attack. Ponsonby had. a busy time holding the siege, but were sufficiently active to prevent a bombardment. A nice run by Murray nnd Sneddon inside the five-yards' line eased tlir pressure, and Speight and Whittaker were called upon to defend, the latter putting in a very clever piece of work. A spell of open play followed, in which Ponsonby had slightly the better of the argument, lint could not pierce the students' back line. The students cleared and. opening n smart attack, Pousonby had great trouble ill keeping them out. Reynolds ill sides by tl>e Ponsonbyites. Pensonby conld n<it free the danger for some time: at j last the ball went through to the rightwing, and Hay set the line in motion. I Speight ami Rove were equal to the occaI sion. Osborne picked up a big drive, but J overran the ball, aud Iteunie hit to the I other twenty-five, Punsonby Jacobsen stopped the 'Varsity van. and Murray came away, only to be sent back by YVhittaker. I A little aerial work, in which Alison, Os- ■ borne and Rowe participated, brought the 1 students in front of an open goal. Again I they failed to score, Mackie interfering. Time was going fast, and 'Varsity realised the position, attacking with vigour the peii-ned-down Ponsonby, whose defence was well tested, and they emerged with a clean sheet. A fast centre from the right-wing gave .Tacolisen a shot, but Mincher was in the way, the ball rebounding to Reynolds, who repeated tho dose. Collins and Caitcheon relieved, only to be brought up by Rowe at midfield. Mills stopped a sndden onslaught, but it was renewed, and Jacobj sea was once again in the llmeiight. The I light, was failing, and players had great difficulty in following the ball, and, after another onslaught, Ponsonby made a sudden invasion. The students' backs, missing the ball, matters were dangerous, but Wilks saved. After a spell of give-and-take play time was called, and Ponsonby emerged victorious. Mr A. E. Curry refereed. AUCKLAND V. NORTH SHORE. The Auckland-North Shore match, opened by Auckland attacking, and play was swept info the home ream's circle, where Smythe scored for the visitors For the rest of the spell Auckland seemed to have it all their rmi way and kept Shore well -within their own 20. Tho second half saw Shore rally, and the game became more even, the visitors being carried several times within their own circle, where Shore had bad luck with their shots. The visitors reasserted themselves, and Wallace dribbled the ball up the wing and centred to Suiytlie, who shot for goal and scored. When the whistle blew for half-time the visitors were leading by 2 goals to nil. When they resumed play, Shore kept play very even, Farquharson. Bongard. and Whitaker doing some particularly good work. Towards the end of the game, however, the visitors attacked visorously. aud it became apparent that Shore was outclassed. Moore, Fuller, Smythe, and Murray succeeded in piling up the score for i"he visitors, and when the game anded the taliy was: — Auckland ...»«•........ 6 North Shore „ o SECOND GRADE. fuiversky 4 (Mark 2, BJake 1. Ennor 1) beat Areta 3 (Edmonds. Burton, Preston).'' Mount Bden 1 (Newman) drew with Auckland 1 (Reid). Kiatere 2 (Thomson and Haresuape) beat Ponsonby 0. Training College 4 (Earl 3, Robertshaw 1) beat Tui 0. St. .Tames' 1 (Williams) beat United O Epsom Methodist (7 goale) beat Helensville (3 goals). The scorers for Epsom were C. Waddingham 2, W. Waddingfcam •■ A\ orsley 2, and Jansen 1. THIRD GRADE. St. Peter's 3 (Bushell 2. Anderson l) beat Onehunga Methodist 1 (Keesinsi Ml Kden A 4 (Fletcher 3, Newman 11 beat University l (Rossi. '' FOURTH GRADE. Training College 4 (Philpot 2, Woods 1, Scholium 1). beat Tui 1 (Hehden) Akarana 7 (Kingsland 5. Jackson ") be-,' Mount Ed«n 4 (Harvey, Till, Clay, Davis)'. FIFTH GRADE. Devonport 4 (Pitts 3, Morrison 1) r Stun ley Bay ail. PRIMARY SHOOLS. The primary schools hockey matches «• »• continued to-day. Following are ths result: Bdeudaie, 3 (Davis, Bart left and Uravsonl beat Itemuera A. 2 (Carter). The -am • was fairly even. Ue-. m ,era i-olng mos: ;\ th.» forclug. On one occasion Cuner (Rniim-ru) hhot a goal from within the circle, but it was disallowed hy the referee.

Grariou, 12 (Wattß 3. Holrojd 5. Uurton 1, Uuwcleu 2, Blakp.T 11, heat Remoi-ra It to l^h" OI!, - ,: '- !lft0 "" s '"T win was due to tdeir Buporior combination. The Imo'

Mt. Eden. 13 (Alexander 3, Preston r, wAt" 2 ;, Po f T V, Mouat ] >- bP » s°"fi i „"': n: ' l "hnwpa a good knowledge r." • omViination. Pooler. ITeston and \li»v. anner playing f>perially well. For '\>w-

HAMILTON. Hamilton beat Prankton. 5 goals tn 4 Kta Kiha beat G Battery, to *

Goals Ch. I*. VV. Auckland .... fi t> University .. <i ."i Areia ' 7 4 Mount Kilen fi 1 :'olle?c Rifles li 2 Ponsonby ... t; i l~nlt.iri.iii ... fi 1 North Shore li 1 Called 7 — L. D. T'or. Agst. I'ts _. _ IS 1 12 1 _ 28 :'• lo 2 1 17 '•• S> 1 :; 11 11 7 .1 1 7 :» 5 :; i s lo r» 4 i s 20 4 1 5 2i K 5 2 -i 15 2

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 8

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HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 8

HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 8