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POSSOSTBY AND MARIST BEOS. WES. CITY AND 'VARSITY DRAW. rSTERESTIXG FOOTBALL. The Auckland Rugby Union championships were continued at Epsom on Saturday afternoon. Tbe weather was splendid, and there was an attendance of about 3,000, who were rewarded with some interesting JootbaiL

City and University had pride of position on No. 1 ground, a fast game resulting in a draw—six points all. The play throughout was much faster than Is usual so early in the season, both sides showing _>e_t_r form than expected. 'Varsity stayed the better, and had all the best of the final quarter, but were unable to score, __c game ending in a draw —six points all. Another fast game was witnessed on the _bow ground, when Marist Bros, met College Rifles, eventually winning by three points to nil. after having somewhat the __st of a hard-fought contest, Ponsonby found Parnell a somewhat tougher proposition than was expected, the ._._____ patting up a good fight before they -jwere beaten by eight points to nil. - Che positions of the teams are:—

,-J.etails of the play are: — CITY X. UNIVERSITY. Pniversity and City met on No. 1 grouncL Cirv winning the toss, and playing 6 ran at their backs: but there was very Utile wind in their favour. The exchange of kicks , ended in Macky following up fast and spoiling Moffltfs return, and the blues were en the attack. A fine dash by Macky put the students in a good position, but the passin- was wild, and they were beaten back, _»_rbv saving nicely and getting the line near "CitVs chalk mark. Tbe reds cleared. Stewart "getting in a nice bit of work, and play went to the half. City broke away, and Barclay set bis backs going, but Stewart missed an easy pass, and a chance was lost. Tbe blues came back, and Geddes made a great run. beating the City backs one aft. r tbe other till he came to Moffitt. when he handed on to Gray, who got over, but the pass was f .ward, and it had to j-oaic back. The students were not to be denied, and Ross picking up quickly, sent to *.'Hides to ii ray 10 Wilson, who ran over and drew first blood amidst applause. Macky failed at goal. 'Varsity 3 City 0 City livened up from the kick off. and bad a bit the best of it for a while, Hogan putting tbe reds in a good position, but they were too eager, and a couple of free kicks against them sent them back. "Varsity shortly after getting relief in a free. The bine now took a hand, and made the pace _ < racker, and Wylle starting a rush. Biikey followed up fast and spoilt Mofßtt's return, and City were hard at defending. Another nne dash by Ma.-ky. who was just stopped near the line, gave the blues an opportunity and the backs getting going again, Wilson badly neat V-oolgram and Moffitt. and scored Detween the posts. Mack, failed with tn easy one. 'Varsity - Cit ? ..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. o The blues continued to play a winning ends. ** tfce be " na * l ° Turning over. pL_y hung round the centre to W..."V_m , . _;.'.. tu . :rm ' e tv Stewart _itv were i_ .l/_._ . sr °Pr ,p * i J°st ~v the line _on.c point. i, . %_'- snerat <" "forts to notch Bruce ser the ho, _:?'-' ha<l been forced waiting f.,r I h. a , a .- U ; n mot „ u - <">«> Darby tie mm. _tew_r_ ™. ._.™ d _ of s ° in S run and .t rL " Sb with a fa -'t _ ~ . . --.e_t _r the corner . \r. __.lea wjtii the kick. uru er. s. M ag . c "Varsity • 'ity .' [[" 6 ttan 7 -.S iE "_ .^- , _r er l mUCb be "« r busy defendin. Tt.,.._. , ty were k *?Pt &^_&€^2»s^sj ! r-^iE^»^ r : boo« by A,,,., tr^l t> a high centre. A further .tv din/ _ ,D<? Dast the potted at the kick °- acd V,Jis °« forJ_jftS e , ..,VT.._ __ 0l , t . i un t. itJ banng a . , ( rter Ba...av SS '"the second soell further aSbS- .-UvTn.J'thf.*" "^ _Ht#^s_il ibe . .X .„••" r a nast - v knock over Ihe r_%mr U ""-.- '"• rel V" c ' "««* «25 ___..-- iarstry livened un •,„<! ._£_*._? -° Ve _ ntJ " with • forward rush took .he leather over the line, and Bilkev the I ? ress K .-n.. oriD '. i nbat from __vecfT- ? . ~ falr .-7' but the referee . ..."-' a forrc - T "e narrow escape woke City up. and they kept 'Varsity at it a aad miss by Pierce giving his side some ___ieiy, bar Darby saved cleverly City continued to have the best of It, a quick kick by Hogan sending 'Varsity to their lice, where the reds bad a chance, but Sr tire had bard luck, the ball going over the dead ball line. On resuming. City at-taeke-i again, a spell being called owing t<> an i_j.ry to Woolfgram, who had to retire with a nasty wrenched knee, and M.gee t.vtk his place. Continuing again, a combine:] rity rush took the leather over and Bruce fell on it. ilagee's kick failed. 'Varsity _ '-'ity ." 6 With the scores even, 'Varsity rallied an : \v srarted a rusb. which was well ' stopped b.. Rare-lay. who set his forwards ! S n an-l play went to 'Varsity's quarter. J A pa.:, lug run, snrt Stewart bad a dash fori '' :■-..- Hue, but just fell short, a free relieving the students. A fast rush by Bilker, ' w'.. followed up fast and spoilt Moffltfs ' return, had City in trouble, but they were ' equal to tbe occasion, and play went back. < The students were now putting more dash > into their work, and a couple of passing I runs had City thinking, but a faulty pass ' from Wilson to Darby threw away a good - chance. 'Varsity were still making it fast ' and Macky had a go for th. line, but just ' failed to get there, and tbe bell rang for ' the l_st quarter. -„ Pia? lo! '0"in_ the kick out was fairly I 561....S 61 .... iot J" 1 !ouse u l<*iug keeping pla.i I ~___ e _ cent£e - passiag City run \_V .1 • »* J ?tew_rt _£ I ___ g B on'*§_. Sn\ _nd !£*** bad a turn in attack, but over««S>__e» v _ued them upland pla j. Sreut

, back to the half. The reds were badly beating tbe students for the ball in the | scrum, but their passing was very slow, and they were beaten back. The students I secured, and Pierce sending to Maeky, the j latter put in one of his sensational runs, j being just stopped near the line by Moffitt. Another dash by Macky, and City were very hard pressed. The blues were looking like a winning side, but their handling was faulty, and several chances were lost, Stewart removing the danger with a nice kick. The students kept up the pace, but Gray slipped at the critical moment, and a probability was lost. A kick by Hogan was useful to City, a fine mark by Tresize being of further assistance. 'Varsity were stayiug better than City, a halt being called by Bruce getting a knock, but he was able tt> continue. The students' forwards were grafting bard for victory, and they were getting off some very line rushes, but. with the failing light, it was hard to distinguish the players. Good work by Darby and Macky had City uuder pressure again, a fine mark by O. Stewart stopping progress. 'Varsity were rucuiug over tbe reds, but oil-side pulled them up, and the kick sent play to tho half, when the bell rang, with the scores— 'Varsity 6 City 6 Mr Oram refereed. PONSONBY V. PARNELL. Parnell tried conclusions with Ponsonby on No. 2 ground, which was iv excellent condition. Hall kicked off for Ponsonby, and the ball was taken at Parnefl's threequarter flag by Edwards. Parnell got the best of the scrum, an.i headed by Hanch transferred play to Ponsonby's 25. Tbe Ponsonby forwards, putting in solid work, soon bad Parnell on the defensive, a number of line-outs taking place at their 2.. Gradually play was worked back to mid-field in a loose rush by Parnell, and an exchange of kicks along the" line took place. A rush, in which most of the Ponsonby backs took part, placed Parnelis line in jeopardy, and a free kick further improved their position. Stewart attempted to put the ball between the posts, but did not allow enough for the wind, and the kick was __succes_Cul. Scrummaging in the Parnell danger zone -was then witnessed, and Bater obtained possession and dashed over the line. Before he had time to fall on the ball, however. It was knocked out or his hand, and an opportunity of scorin--' was lost From a scrum near the line the Ponsonby backs got possession, and Estall ran round and scored a neat tn- Stew_r+ converted. Ponsonbv .... *; Parnell ' '.'..'.'.V.'.'.'.'..'.\ o Immediately folio-ring the kick-out Ponsonby, heartened 1 v drawing first blood continued on the aggressive, and made a loose rush, which their opponents were unable to tide. The bine and blacks' threequarter line, in the vicinity of Parneir . _. "_?_*_ ~ P assiD S "Jsa. 'as the result of which Seliars was able to score. Stewart faued to improve the try. Ponsonbv ... o Parnell ' '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'.'.'.Y. 0 ■___ gah ' beaded by Hanch. the Parnell team made an invasion into Ponsonbv's territory, out the opposing backs quickly retaliated, ana the maroons were soon again in di_3fn I s ' J" atter s looked still more promis- >. = „. or . t _ em wheil marked right in f ..__.°s r . * maroons ' S oal Post, but Stewart wir___.° *"* ,? coal - " a li-ti_ie was called without any change in tbe scores rii P< l n r t- Urni _ s D,a r was straight-way car- ___..* * a ? eUs , -'' nhere a scr um took Place. A free kick for Parnell relieved the maroons. From a mark by a Ponsonbv forward at Parnell's three-quarter line ~1.1?" atten JP tpd to kick a goal, but railed. The Parnell forwards shifted the scene of operations to midfiehl and from __»_._" 9tt _ W:ls °a attempted to make an opening, but his effort was smothered. The Parnell pack tried lo shake things up a bit and Wilson and Hanch were prominent ma rusb. which momentarily improved Che maroons- position, but a loose rush by tbe blue and blacks again placed the maroons lv difficulties. A scrum took place right on their line, but their forwards got the ball away, and stalled off danger, a kick from mark improving their position still more. Ponsonby continued to make the pace, and Hall taking the ball iv a loose rush looked a likely scorer. He was brought low near Parnell's line, however, and the maroons' forwards cam . to the rescue of their side with some footwork, which equalised play for a while. The aggressive tactics of Ponsonby quickly made things uncomfortable for Parnell until Hanch, Jackson, and Millar headed a good dribbling rush, which was stopped at halfway by Stewart, who attempted to pot a goal but whose effort, although an excellent one. was futile. The Ponsonbv backs were improving, and started a number of passing rushes, which, although threatening Parnell's line, were not successful, although the maroons were compelled to keep strenuously on the defence. For a change Parnell set up an attack, but McGregor took tbe ball in a passing rush, and after dodging two of the Ponsocby backs, hurdled over another and continued his charge until he was hrought to the ground near Parnell's twenty-five. Ponsonby maintained thc-lr advantage, and a rush by their pack was stopped just in ■ time by Hall. The bine and blacks continued to threaten their opponents' line, ■ and Bater dribbled the ball from Parnell's Twecty-flve over the line, but it was kicked our of the field of play by the Parnell forwards. With a few minutes to go play livened np . considerably, bat the second spell closed with the scores still: Ponsonbv <? Parnell ' 0 Mr. S. Conway was referee. MARIST BROS. V. COLLEGE RIFLES. Th" game opened with the P.ifles facln. a l:gbt breeze, and the preliminaries saw Ibe game at tbe centre. Tbe Tykes' pack rushed the ball down the line, ami a mark . by Sheeh.n gave the Tyke., a 40yd kick at , goal, which fell short. King took the ball. : and put in a good dash and cross-kick, but • l.axon was downed with tbe ball ai his own i 25. The Tykes opened up a passing rusb. : lint Weston intercepted, and cleared to : half-way with a strong run and a kick to • touch. A long kirk by Sheehan put the ; Hides park to their corner, hit they cleared with a forward rush. .1. O'Brien ran up and starred a passing rush, which looked i like a score, but l.'ornaga knocked-on. From the scrum the Tykes got (be bail, and Ole--1 son opened up a passing rush, bur ._eeh._ waited too long, and Hines intercepted and cleared. The Tykes now entered on a iong ?pel! of attack, getting Lbe ball in the scrum and on the line, and harrying the Rifles in fast, loose forward rushes. Twice in succession the Rifles were forced, though good piay by Westou and Hines kept their opponents in check. Eventually, a mark by Hines, and a forward rush headed by McHugh, helped the Kifles to half-way, but off-side play by Birnie resulted in their being pushed back to their 2... A miss by j Hines let the Tykes down to the corner, and here, from the line-out, Harris passed out to B. O'Brien, who went over, but touched the corner flag. When the spell ended, the Rifles were still defending. The opening stages of the second quarter were played out strenuously at the centre of the ground, the Rifles making a better showing in the scrums, and indulged in some passing, but found the tackling sound. A failure by Hines to field clcaniy let the Tykes down to the Rifles' line, but they c eared to half-way. The dark blues' were now following hard and fast, and bustling the Tyke pack, but the fielding and kicking of J. O'Brien kept them from getting dangerous. From the ruck Oleson set his backs going, but their passing was hurried and inaccurate, and a great chance was lost. Again the two-blues came to the attack, and one. more their passing was unequal to the opportunity. Rifles petting out with a force. and half-time came round without any score. Shortly aftcn the second half opened the score came to Marists. J. O'Brien," fielding a long kick, ran up and passed to Shechan to B. O'Brien, who was j solidly brought down at the corner by McI Hugh. From the line out the hmli w_J .aaaed-by^Barrett to SheohercLia-Coni-O,

who got across and scored. He failed to convert. Marlst Bros _..._,._...__... 8 College Eifles 0 Shortly after the drop out Cox created a flutter by getting away for Rifles to J. O'Brien and kicking, but he was not fast enough to keep the advantage, and the Marists cleared. A succession of misses on the field let Harris away with the ball at . foot, and a clear field, but he was overhauled and Laxon cleared. McDonald and Weston showed up in attacking work by the Rifles, which put the side on the right side of the middle line, and a free kick helped them on. A fine follow op by Hincs had J. O'Brien in trouble and tbe ball went to tone, at Marists' 25. Denneby was conspicuous in a dribbling dash lo half way, but Laxon brought tbe ball back, and still the 'Marists wet'L- defending when the quarter ended. t Offside play on the line out by Carroll - gave Rifles first advantage, but a mark by . McDonald (Marists) resnlted in the kick 1 going to touch against the Rides A pass- '■ ing rush and kick by McDonald for Marists . looked dangerous, and Weston's clearing ' kick was returned to near the corner. From the line Barrett passed to B. O'Brien, whom ' Hines sent out of touch at the corner. From the line-out Carroll aud Harris went away ' in a dribbling rush to the line, but Weston stopped and broke back, the ball being rushed across 9eW, where King got it and sent on to Waymont., who kicked and forced J. O'Brien's return to be sent short to touch near the Marists' line. By dint of forward close passing and good line kicking by the backs the Marists came back to the attack. A free kick to Rifles saw J. O'Brien fall to take, and Nisbet kicked the ball hard over the line. B. O'Brien just beating Walker for the touch and forcing. The Tykes came back to the attack from the drop out. and bustled the College backs. Cox kicking behind, but Hines saved _nd got the ball to touch at the corner. From a scramble at the corner Harris forced his way over, but could not ground the ball, and a free to Rifles from tbe ensuing scrum enabled them to clear, and a few minutes later the game ended with the score: Marist Bros 3 College Rifles 0 Mr. G. Nicholson was referee. SECOND GRADE Ponsonby 3, v. Marist Bros. 0. University A 32, v. University B 0. Grafton 3, v. College Rifles 0. City 8. v. Parnell 0. THIRD GRADE. Grafton 15, v. Post and Telegraph 0. Remuera 25, v. fur. ersirv 0 City 6. v. A Battery 5. Marist Bros, defaulted to College Rifles. St. John's, a bye. FOURTH GRADE. Ponsonby defaulted to Grafton. City 17, v. New-ton O. Marist Bros., a bye. FIFTH GRADE. Parnell 26. v. Ponsonbv 0. Newton 25. v. City 0. North Shore 6, v. Marist Bros. 0. SCHOOLS MATCHES. A GRADE. Remuera 34, defeated Mt Eden 0. For Remuera Foss (4), Cadman. McGuire and Badeley scored, Badeley convertins three and Wilson one, and Badeley potted a goal. Beresford 12, defeated Grafton 11. For Beresford Grinlinion, Dimler, Todd, and Glasson scored. For Grafton Broadhurst scored three tries. Devonport 10, defeated Ponsonby 0. For Devonport Dacre (2), Fuller. Byke, and Coleman scored, Dacre abd Coleman converting one each. Newton East 25, defeated Parnell 3. For Newton East Knowles (2), Brown 12), Thompson, and Marsdeu scored tries, Kelly converting two and kicking one penalty. • R. Taylor scored for Parnell. B GRADE. Vermont Street 6, defeated Napier Street 3. For Vermont Street Dineen and Siade scored. For Napier Street Home kicked a penalty goal. Bayfield 6, defeated Avondale 0. For Bayfield Craig and W. McNamara scored. Mt. Albert 3, defeated Newton West 0. For Mt. Albert Marshall scored. Onehunga 6, defeated Nelson Street 0. For Onehunga Laycock and Brown scored. C GRADE. Edendale 9, defeated Te Papapa 3. For Edendale Sparks, Gutry, and Ricketts scored. For Te Papapa, L. Phillips scored. Normal 6. defeated Mt. Roskill 0. For Normal Verrall and Thompson scored. For Jit Roskill Smaller scored. Maungawhau S. defeated Newmarket 3. For Maungawhau Morgan and Mitchell scored, Newcomb converting one. Ellerslie 6, defeated Epsom 3. For EUers_ie Green and Mattson scored. For Epsom Grierson scored. COUNTRY MATCHES. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) WHANGAREI, Saturday. United defeated Kia Ora by 3 polnt3 to nil. Rough scoring n try in the last few minutes. The attendance was small, and mostly comprised Territorials from the 10th Regiment camp. Mr Men. ies refereed. At Hiturangl. the Whakapara and Hiturangl game resnlted in a pointless draw. CAMBRIDGE. The Rugby match between Cambridge West and Hautapu was played at Victoria .Square. Cambridge, on Saturday afternoon, when the former proved victorious by 20 to nil. The scorer, were Tucker. Stewart, and Keeley. The game was not a good exposition, for there was too much off-.iue play. THAMES. In tbe senior cup competition on Saturday, Suburbs defeated City by 11 points to 5. after a fas. game. Tries were scored by R. Smith, Fleming, and E. Johnston, one of which was converted by Itickit. C. Molloy scored a try for City, which was converted by T. Crawford. In the Junior division. Rovers' first juniors defeated Suburbs by 18 to 3. and Roverr.' second Juniors defeated Defence Cadets by 26 to 0. WAIHI. City. 6. beat Mataura. 3. Saunders and L. Morgan scored for the winners, and Murphy for the losers. PAEROA. East defeated Netherton by 0 to ... W. Crosby scored two tries and W. Bain one for East, while V. Young kicked a goal from a mark for Netherton. ROTORUA. The school Rugby competitions were com-' menced ou Saturday. Convent defeated Public by S points to _. In tbe juniar competition Kahukura beat Waikiti by 9 ' points to 0. In the senior match between Waikiti and Kahukara, in the first spell Tamahau potted a goal for Waikiti —the . only score. In the second spell Kahukura gave a good exhibition, their backs playing fine football. Clarke, who was given plenty of chances, scored three tries, none of which were converted. TE AROHA. The first matches of the season under the auspice, of the Matamata Rx'gby Union were played on Saturday. Wa_bbroa, 6, defeated Wairere, 0. MANIAPOTO. The football competitions of the Maniapoto Rugby Union commenced on Saturday, when some good games resulted. At Te Kniti the OtorohaDga team met Nehenehenni, and the former team won by 10 points to 8, after a fast game. The Te Kniti team defeated Woimiha by 11 point. to 0. DARGAVILLE. In the senior Rng_y contests Dargaviile defeated _he''M___. team by 11 points to 9. A_*p____e detested Te Kopwra by » points

SOUTHERN MATCHES. WELLINGTON. Athletic 13. beat Melrose 10. Petone 13,* beat Oriental 9. St. James' 8, drew with Victoria College, 8. Wellington 9, beat Poneke 5. CANTEBBUR-f. The championship competition is in an interesting stage, Canterbury College leading Llnwood by half n point, and Old Boys half a point away. To-day Albion C, beat Llnwood 3; Merivale 0, beat Old Boys 0; College 19, beat Sydenham 0; Christchurch I_, beat Marist's 3. OTAGO. Rugby first grade matches resulted: —Kai-, korai 13, beat Union 5; Southern 6, beat j University 3; Port 3, and Alhambra 3, a draw; Zingari ~ beat Dunedin 0. PALMERSTON. To-day's Rugby senior matches resulted:— Feilding 12, beat Western 0; United C, beat Oriental 5. WAIRARAPA. Wairarapa will have a busy season this year. Matches are to be played against Canterbury, Otago, Southland, Wellington (2), Manawatu. Taranaki, Wanganui, Ilorowhenua, Hawke's Bay, and Bush, while Auckland has informed Wairarapa that a match will be played against Wairarapa if a suitable date can be arranged to fit In with the Auckland Southern tour. Should it eventuate this will be Auckland's first match against Wairarapa. Wairarapa senior results:—Gladstone 32. v. Martiuboro' 0; Bed Star 7, v. Carterton Bush Rugby Union senior results: —Hukanni and Mangatainoka played a drawn game: no score. Ptiketol Union senior results:—Rakaunui 3, v. Pukehinau 0. WANGANUI. Rugby championship games resulted:—■ Seniors: Pirates defeated Wanganui, B—3. Tbe junior match resulted: Kaierau 18, v. Pirates <i.

P. W. L. D. for. ag'st. Pts. __i_ri_t Bros. 2 2 — — 12 — * "University .2 1 - 1 16 9 * ponsonbv .. 2 1 — I U •? J City " — — - 9 9 College Rifles» _ — 2 — 3 13 — ■Parnell .... 2 — 2 «

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 118, 19 May 1913, Page 8

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 118, 19 May 1913, Page 8

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 118, 19 May 1913, Page 8