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LAST NIGHT'S EJECTIONS. KEEN INTEREST IN THE CITY. I . I The annual meetings of liooeeholders in the various ecbool defericts of Auckland took place last evening for the purpose of receiving reports of pact work and of electing new committeefe for the ensuing fwelve juoii'tbs. Keen interest was displayed in connection with the ejection of 'a fresh city schools' committee, about 500 people attending the meeting for that, object, in St. James' Ha.ll, Wellington Street. However, there were no questions o! outstanding interest for diecußßion either there or at any of the suburban -meetings, and the proceedings were generally -marked by brevity. The results of tbe elections are given below. CITY SCHOOLS. There was an unusually large number of householders Jit the annual meeting for the city schools district last night. Mr W Tudeiiope was voted to the chair, and, in referring to the interest in school affairs Shawn by the attendance of parents and gimi-dinuK. paid a tribute o£ appreciation to the men who, on the School Committee had rendered such adiuinu .c service in the interest of the schools of the district. Mr F. li. N. Uauditi, chalrmau of the retiring committee, presented the animal report (already published), and, in moving its adoption, took occasion to remark that the relations between the Committee and the Board of Education were not at all satisfactory. Quite apart from the closing of Chapel Street school, an iniquitous proceeding, in Mr Giiuditi's opinion, there was the much discussed question of the appointment of teachers. The Board of Education has been usurping the powers of the Committee in this connection, and tbeif procedure baa, it was contended by the Committee, been a contravention of the Education Act. 'Che Committee did not contend that it should have the entire powers of selection, and recognised that It was reasonable and proper for a teacher -who wae highest on the list and was eminently suitable for a position, to be appointed to It. The Committee claimed, however, that where there were several teachers aU 6a the same mark the right of selection sbonbl be Riven to the Committee, and this point was to be made a test case for the Supreme Court. Reverting to the closing of the Chapel Street school. Mr Gnndin remarked that in the last report submitted the Committee whs given no indication whatever of the impending closing of the school. So far as the medical inspection of school children was concerned. Mr Gaudin explained that he, as a parent, had no objection to the principle, bnt when, in practice, it meant taking up the time of the teaehprs for six weeks of the yeur. the question was one that requlrwi very serious consideration. The financial (statement of the schools showed th»t the year had started with a credit balance of £81 IC/5. to which had been added £413 15/11 in ordinary grants, £25 In special grants, and £501 0/.1 of ordinary receipts. After all expenditure had been met there I was left a credit balance of £84 16/3. There -were fifteen caudidates for election to the Committee, the result of the ballot being as follows:— J. Trevethick 27r>, F. E. N. Gnndin 242, George Fell 236, J. K. Hosking 216, Win. Kane 201. J. C. Sharpies 179. Wm. Millar 164, G. Partington 142, William Tallby 141 CclectM), B. E. Cauham IH9, J. F. Pullen 109, H. Hillier 79, F. Power 07, D. A. Sommcrville 51, A. Mcßrine 5L A meeting of the newly-elected committee was held at the conclusion of the annual j meeting, when Mr Gaudln was elected ' chairman and Mr Trevetbick ■ treasnrer for I the erisnlng year. It Is interesting to note thilt of the new committee, Messrs FVll. Hosklnz. Katm, Partington, and Tallby take their seats for the first time. GRAiFTOX. Thr meeting of householders In tne Gruftbn district, held in the school last evening, was attended by over eighty householders, Mr U. A. Buttle presiding. The Annual reprtrt stated that the yen-r had been a very satisfactory one. The roll number was 707, and the average attendance b'2u, a number of absences being due to various epidemics. The year opened with a credit balance of f:« 12/0, «-bile the amount now available wae G 0/11. The report referred to the promotion of the head teacher, Mr W. \Y. Hill, to the Mount Eden school, and highly eulogistic references were made jto his work auring the 21 yfcars—l7 as headmaster—that ho had been connected with i the school. The repori and iraluuce-shcet [ were adoptod. Mr c. Layer, a member of the outgolug committee', declined re-riomi-natlon. He hid done his little bit, having been a member of the committee for thirty , years. Mr K. T. Michaels also declined, to I stand again as a protest against the curtailI meul of the committees powers in the selecI tion of teachers. Under the present system lof appointment by an aatocratic board, the j committees were mere figureheads, and I thbrigh familiar with tbs environment and I character of the schools, they had no voice in the selection of the uron who was to direct and control thorn. The Chairman said that Mr Michaels was voicing a Ihirtj-yejr-ola grievance, and the only means of ameudtng the position was through the Legislature. A motion was carried recommending the Incoming committee that steps be taken to ensure consultation of the comfnitteos in appointments to toe teaching staff. Mr I Burton, chairman of the committee had later something to say Iv defence of the pjesent system, pointing out that the Board ?L .^^.l 00 1 , experts to guide it, and that the applicants with whom the committees were familiar were not necessarily the men best fitted for the positions to be QUed. while written testimonials were by jno toeing ah Infallible guide. Twelve were I uonllnateu" for the committee, and the foli lowing were elected:—Messrs .1 Burton ichalrmax, re-elected,. J. J. furlong D S,,IUvaD - A - "osc, A. S. Lamb, a A White, the Rev. K. J. UaU, and Percy Salmon (secretary and treasurer) - A rc=olii tion was passed expressive of the meeting's PONSONBY. ovtnin Salnt ?" R( \ b v o P lr °om -wis well filled last evening, when the annual meeting of house holders took place. Mr R. Darlow ci c ™><?w«"S School Committee was elcTt". IST), R. H. Swales (86). '-*wiai>} The defeated candidates Tvere Messrs ii. TonSr ' E - Martin - aud, a - NEWTON. v T ll e Methodist School, Great North Road, was literally packed lait nicht niany being nuable to the room 6 a' r«w>lutlon was adopted snegestinc that d^ 1 Com , ml " ec shotUd be conducted on Blmllar lines to other ones. The following committee was A. E. Toy, T. Dromgool. F. wf Brinsdenf j McGulre, W. .1. Holdsworth W r H. Bottrill, A. Jenkins, and j. M. w^ite. MOUNT EDEN. &*£?£&»%& in the Mount Eden school last nighf. Mr inlssaJ of between 200 anflaoo pnplld. many of -wlioin joined the new Maungawnan sdiool. It was -wl«i sincere regret that the committee Beard of the resignation of (Mr j>. B. McKenuie, who had been headmaster for nearly three years. HouseHolders nad every reason to he satisfied with the appointment of Mr W W Hill to enoceed Mt McKenzie. Honseboiders are to be congratulated on the selection of the first headmaster of -Ma-ungawlran school 01r F. J. Ohlson)." The balance-sheet showed that after all expenses liad been paid, there was £°3 IK/ to credit.

Both the report and balance-sheet were adopted as read. The meeting passed he.irty votes of thanks to tho outgoing committee, the headmaster, and his staff, and it was decided to place on record the householders' appreciation of the services of Mr McKenzie. Those elected to the new committee were fis follows:—Messrs Fernandez. Lorrigan, Foley, O'Hara, Mahoney, Burrow. Potter, Man son. and Mcintosh. On the motion of Mr W. Shakelford. it was decided that the following protest should be Scent on to the Education Board:— "That, la the opinion of this meeting of

householders, the Mount Eden ainl Maungawhan schools should lit uu'der the direction of separate committees." nbwsSarkStt. ' Tile annual meeting of hoUMbbiflere In connection with the Newmarket school -eras attended by about 40 persons. Tie committee's anuaal report was adopted. Reference w«s made to the fuel that the school garden had earned one of three prizes of £1 13/4 awarded by the Education Board far the best gardens In the district. Thirteen nominations for the committee were received, and the following were elected:— Messrs C. LnxTord, S. Donaldson, H. S. Luinsdcn, A. Smethurst, S. Smethurst, D. L. Donaldson, K. Yon Ainelu, A. Rogers, and T. Simpson. On the motion of Mr K. Yon Amelu, It was nnaninioosly resolved teat iv view of the fact that an application was being made for a grant to enable tJifc school grounds to be enlarged, the Board .-hould be asked to make provir! a. as early n date ns possible, lor 11 .■ erection of a new' school in brick. The chairman remarked that the present building was not only old, but too small to give proper accommodation to the children who attended it. Tlie infant department, in particular, was baaiy overcrowded. Tie hew committee met subsequently, and re-elected last year's chairman «nd secretary (Messrs S. Donaldson and H. G. liornsdeh) to their former offices for tne coming yeaT. REMCPEHA. ■ Aa a meeting held In the Remuern school last night to elect a committee, there was a very good attendance of householders. A committee of nine was elected, as follows—Messrs W. J. Parker* (chairman), C. IT. Furness, R. .T. Lusher, J. B. ■ Paterson, \V Kos.ser, .7. ■ Demps-ey, J. W. Ryburn. S. V. Underwood, «nd H. Dearsley. A resolution wirfs passed that in view of the cougeeted state of the roil of the Remuera school the meeting viewed with extreme dissatisfaction the attitude of the Auckland Education Board in delaying the obtaining of a school site at the eastern end of the district, more particularly when such site had the approval of tne local School Committee and of the presidents. ONEHtXGA. The annual meeting of householders was held last night in the Presbyterian Hall. Mr John Rowe. Mayor, presided. About 2SO persons attended the meeting, quite half of them being ladies. Very keen interest was takeu in the election, reminding one 6£ old limes The whole of the old committee wns re-elected. Thirteen candidates were nominated the voting being as follows: T. H. Horn 181. W. V. Watts 107, L. J. Sutherland 154, Rev. 13. D. Scott. 145, VT. Pritchard 144. A. H. Gunter 141. F. .Tackson 141, T. E. Smith iSS, F. Roget 1.16. R. Donovan. L. Dragcr and A. E. Goodwin T2 each, H. Jury 85. . At a subsequent, meeting. Mr T. H Horn was chairman or tne committee, and it was agreed to recommend tne Board of Education to purchase another" acre of land adjoining the Te Pap*pa school in order to increase the accommodation for a district high school. DBVONPORT. The Devonport meeting was attended by about ."0 householders. Mr J. F. Buddie presided. The election resulted in the return of the following members of thp retiring committee: Messrs Bartley, Buddie, Harty. S. C. Jlacky, Thos. Macky. Mason, Mitchell,.and Timewell, with the addition of Mr M. W. Lane. The following resolution was passed unanimously:—"That this meet-, 4ng of householders of Devnnport view with extreme regret the abolition of tne school cadet organisation." At a subsequent meeting of the new committee, Mr J. F. Buddie was elected chairman, and Messrs Mason and Mitchell secretary end treasurer respectively. NOBTH-COTE. The annual meeting of householders wis hem last night, ana there was a good attendance. Some considerable discussion look place regarding the question of a sldescbool for Xortncote, and it was resolved, on the motion of Mr A. W. Potter, 'That, in the opiniou of this meeting, the time has arrived for the establishment of a sideschool in the centre of the district, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Bonrd of Education." It was also decided to request the Board of Education to forthwith secure a site for a main school in both districts. The election resulted as follows:—Messrs J. 1 , . JlcPhail (chairman), I T. H. Lunny, F. Si. King, A. W. Potter, , J. Broarly. A. W. Tyer, E. V. Fitzpatrick, A. H. Grcenslade, and C. II Lyon (secret tary). 9 OTHER COMMITTEES. The following cbmluittees were elected in other districts:— ' Mount Roskill.— Messrs. J. Peet (chairman), ,1. Lnckie, A. Oleen. J. Howtion A. J. Small, and T. E. Hayr (secretary and treasurer). . Avondale.—Messrs. J. Bollard, M.P II Bollard (secretary), T. H. Spargoe (treksurer), J. Rogers, A. .1. Morris, W. Cooper, P. S. Finlaysen. G. Heron, ami A. Rogers. Edendale.—Messrs. w. Garrett (chairman), C. W. Harris, J. McDonald, A. B. Hart, J. Carrie, "S. T. Hutchlnson, F. C. Utting. B. C. Lambert, and F. 11. Grayson. Mount Albert.—Messrs. F. J. H. Ellisdon icbsirman) re-elected, C. H. Page, C. W. Kaycs, W. Dryland, E. S. Inwood W. Daly, D. Wright. J. W. Butler, and Mark Berry (secretary and treasurer). Point Chevalier.—Messrs. Lesley Sprsgg (chairman), F. Astley (secretary and treasurer). T. B. Clay, A. \V. Page, T. Webb, J. Galley, H. J. Stone, J. C. Entrlean, arid J. May. Epsom.—Messrs R. G. Clark (chairman), A. L. Ferneyhough, A. Jones, A. WorraJl, J. S. Williams, C. S, Hodgson, "W. T. Smith, E. Clay, and H. Frost. , Onehucga.—T. H. Horn; W. C. Watts, L. Sutherland, Rev. D. D. Scott,, T. Pritcbard, A. H. Ghntef, F. Jackson, T. E. Smith, F. Roget. Ellerslic—Messrs. C. McKiune? (chairman), G. Wilkinson. W. Gavin, G." Hunter, C. Elle.r. S. Soinernelcl, T. Peek, G. Peeft, au<i O. Fj-le. Otahnbu. — Messrs W. McMuUin, 6. Harlll. W. J. rVHAra, C. E. Hayward. R. B. Totlfl, W. Thwaites, J. NoUwell, Tattersail, aprl E. West. Waiwera.—Messrs. A. Hall (chairman, reelected), A. ,T. Hatneid, 3un., R. Howell, W. Howell, J. Sehischka, W. McCaphie, and J. Sidwell. Birkdale,—Messrs J. W. Stewart (chairman), V, Finch, E. Wall, W. J. McCullough, J. G. Kay. E. C. Walton, and E. Taylor. Glentield. — Messrs Boyce (chairman), Athertou. Shaiuller, Douglas, Killam, Ptigh, Witherford (secretary). C. Laurie (chairman), F. Perkins. A. P. Daysh, J. H. Hindman, .1. PiUdogton, C. Cargill, E. Smith, E. P. Blamires, and J. Patterson (secretary and treasurer). , Parnell.—Messrs. Chas. H. Frayling (chairman), H.. P. Josey, A. V. Cliffe, T. Long, E. J. H. O'Keefe, H.. J. Skinner, J. H. Brown. T. M. Taylor W. Packman (treasurer), and W. C. Speight (secretary). Mr. R. S. Briggs presided^ Taiireuga.—Messns. TorranCd. Chappell, Clark. Wayte, Crabbe, Bickers, Murdoch (chairman). Te Aroha.—Rev. W. Blair (chairman). Messrs. W. E. Smith, (5. Sherlock, C. F. Hansen. H. Dalton. W. Mairigay, J. D. Morrison. G. Hedge (all re-elected), and G. A< Cornish. New Lynn.—Messrs. .Archibald Grandison (chairman), Alfred J. Thorn, William Jblroeori Parker, Louis A. Margan, William J. Pugh, Alexander Shaw, and Horace Sonthgate. Waliiktl.—Messrs. Charles Thomas Barriball (chairman), Vincent John Williams, Charles Henry Greenhead (secretary). Alfred Martyn Barriball. Adam Iyiibonrn, Richard Hjenry Honey, Cornelius Hodgkioson, and Robert Hudson* Riverhead.—Chevies Henry Booth (chairman), George Clifton (treasurer), Charles Elllee, James McNair, William ,T. Reynolds, James DowUng, William J. Williamson. Walhl.—H. B. nevereui Mβ. J. Newdick 116, A. Parry 111, D. Johnston 100, .1. Coi-nes 93, J. Oracie SS. V. .Tarvis SS. A. Taylor 81, V. H. Potter 7!» (elected): P. Cleary 72, S. Thompson 63. T. Shearson 62. P. Wlgmore 58, U. Bogtocfc 41. Sir.Johnston was re-elected chairman, Mr Comes secretary, and Mr Potter treasurer. Morrinsville.—Marshall (<*alrmuß). Re*. Butler (secretary), Lowry, Barlow, Cheyne. Howie, Mclhtvre. NeeJs, Bremner. Tauhoa.—B. S. Boler (chairman), E. C. Boler. James Oihbs. P. Barker, H. Paynter. and f. V. TTooner <inrt trensurpr). X)niry.—Messrs. William H. C. Glasson (chairman). Sidney Fielding (secretary and treasurer). Thomas Hamilton Brooks, Joseph Brooks. Leo Peake, Jnmes McCullum, and William Stein. Mangere. —Messrs. John Edward Taylor (chairman), Frank 11. Tapp. Thomas E. >'. McKenzle, Robert Henderson, James King, Charles C. Reffer. and Edward Kemp. Clevedon.—Messrs. 11. Cunningham (chairman), Alexander David Bell, John Luke, George Campbell, Philip S. Gee, William John Hyde, and Thomas P. Fraser (secretary and treasurer). Riverhead. —Messrs. Charles Henry Booth (chairman). George. CHfton, Charles Blllce, James McNair. William J. Reynolds. James Dowllas, and William j, .Williamson.

Opotiki.--Messrk J. McArthur, .Rev. W. Tlatt, Rev. Mackenzie, J. Burnett, Chas. Gordon, A. Millar, 11. T. Torrens, Rev. R. Propels (secretary), R. T. Jeffery (chairman). Henderson.—Messrs. H. Spen.ce, M. Bilieh, A. R. Moor, Chas. Double, jua., B. Cranwell, McCormick. C. Smith. Thames.—ilessrs Hays, Muir, Winder, Hodge, McCormick, Potterton, Daldy, McEnteer, Batemah. Cambridge.—Messrs Lundon (chairman), -E. J. Wilkinson, H. Bell, Fletcher, Asher, White, Richards. Speight. Leamington —Messrs Perkins (chairman), Thornley (Secretary), Attwood, J". Keeley, sen., Waitc, Davies, Hall. Pnkerimu.—Messrs J. S. Fisher (chairman), Thompson, Watson, McDonald, Speake, Johnson. An endeavour is being made to get this school removed to Kaipaki, most of the children attending from there.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 101, 29 April 1913, Page 6

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 101, 29 April 1913, Page 6

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 101, 29 April 1913, Page 6