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Moon's Age: First Quarter, April 14, at i ;, irset: This cvoninp. 5.?.r>. _t<ujirise:.To-uio.rj'uw lnpruinp, 6,12. HIGH WATBTt. Auckland: This, evening, to-'morroiv morning, 5.2. Onebunga: To-morrow morning, 11.32; tomorrow evening. 11 :-!'.>. ■ ii aiiukiiu Heads: To-iaornnv morning, IC I .-'!:.': tomorrow ovpnirii;," 10.J0. ' Kiilpura Jlcn'.ls: To-iuorrow morninc 11.:.'-: to-morrow evening. 11.0.1.

~"_■".... . ".: . arrivals. ... "": SATURDAY. MANAIA, s.s.. J]oO. E. JStephenson. from Passengers: Jlesdames Woodi' iimii." Rollestoii,' Milne,'' Beeroft. Harden,. Koolor-. King, Incite. Conway, • Turuur. . lleivli-k, Wayninuth, Shepherd Jlasbn -and child, Ware, Robertson, SoloHioiv Worilen, lli<rliam. Misses McLeod, Wrlg-ut, lrvin, Henry, Kilos, l-'ieree, Edlinst.m, Robertson. Griffiths, Murphy, King, Hcpliimi, Sutherland, Nurse Gifnej, Messrs. W'noilman. Badger,' Bonlaw, Stonex, -Eccles. 'Murray, Johnson. Ingram, Harden, Nelson. Nichols Giiyan, Crooks. - Hewir-k; Waller. Macklovr, Jacques, Gaibraith, Wilson, ton, Cntfield, Orme. Walker, Palmer, .fiigharii, Lee, Gilbert, SmltU, 'Hammil, Robertson, Ware, F. Matitlpr, M.P., Hon. Poll, Captain JlcKehzie. Master Tlzard, and 15 st encage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. SQUALL, s.s.. 3(30, S. Jones, from Gis- '" borne and East Coast bays.—Richardson and "Co., 'Limited.' agents.' EADEN-F'OWELL, s s.. 170. H. Petersen. from Whangarei.—Northern Coal Co., agents. CHELMSFORD. s.s., 121, E. 11. GoerK from Marsden I'oiut and way ports.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. KAWAU. s.s., 90, E. Olsen, from Manga- ■ wai.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. YESTERDAY. MAHBKO, s.s.. 10.45 a.m.. 5.252, D. McI.can, from Sydney. Passengers: Misses J'arker, Jones, Mactier. Smith c>), Newman, • M\t>,irp, Walker. Thompson. Mudgi\ Mesdhmes Smith, Kirk, Jebb, Seaton, Bougers. Kesso. Stone, and ehilU. Millet, Flintopp, Jiarliyslifre, Wallis and child. Thorp, Carter. Mudpre, Mooney, Hushes, Messrs. Ryder. Smith, Harrison, Patterson, Davis, Burton. Hlslop, Jebb, Scnton (2), Sesso, Clardy '.-*. Carter, Shafer, Cornwell. Stone, Hnn--Uir.-Aehley, Newman, V-aughan. Sweet, Dowsctt, Darbysiiire, Tytherleiirb, Young. SiiKli, Morris (til. Brcwiii. Page. Hooper, SrJ.utte, Thorp, Mooney. Sebisehka. Under, si ml .boy, Sergeants O'Neill C 2), Rev. Smith. uu'l K!4 steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agents. JIAJTAI-. s.s., 10.40 a.m.. n>3o3, A. Carson, . from Southern and East Coast ports. PasKcr.L'ers: Misses-Young, Laffey, Kennont. TCirfc... .Teffares, Brown. Dnnbara. Wilson, Monro. Mills. Livisjr. Turner, Elliott, Lang.', (><■.niieU, Arndt. Kylu-ttrl. Mesdames Deuforii. Heps. Foster and child, Jcffares, War-bi-rti,>n. Chatterton. I-'iiilavsou and child. Wall. Mills .ami child.' Deve'r'y. llilt and ■ itifaut.'Tatv-hai and infant, Hawhuis and ' MVo children, "Elliott Crawford, Montuilc rind infant, Richards, Messrs Lowe Iloueh. Winkle?-; , Iving, Young. Cooiiey. Cot-. •BngfT. Seasrer, Foster. Raymond, Moreland," i'.'iijtfin. Wilson, McCilashan, Mossop, (Jor•ilon. Gooder, Parus, Eiulayson. Wall, MilTs. Devury, Hilt, Tawhai, Theridan. de ilon- ' Ullk: Butler, Kootes &i, Strons, Huhbs, Busclie, Crawford, Taylor, Mahoney. Tumor,- Clarke, Addis. Spangpr.' Owen: Morrison, and iO steerage.—l'niou S.!S Co a.eonts. ... WAIOTAHr. s .s.. 275. C. Hopkins, from Tairi-a aud Mercury Bay. Passpngprs: Miss l/ee, Messrs. Rosser. Flef-licr. Pratt Jones . SK-.c:onuell;- IJsivis, Wilkinson. f^.K. Co., agents. Oi,oMk! TlA atalii 4e3, X " Keatley : flom jrW-u'iusou 1iT U S ul 'hJ,. xitTnan. Coml'on' '■"P'nanies QwOmrd, Mcßnniey, Wonm and and PhJld. iMewr.s .lohusou c-ir-inir-le. Innes. L~tzsinimons. Orchard, KandIcnt. I\ooHer. Dalsaty. Bittle, McLaren Hirr-hrock. Phillips, Hovte, Watson - Northern S.S. Co.. agents.' . PAEKO.\, s.s.. <n. .7. T.-iw. frbui Pas f ß,, S Pr.; : Korr. Bnrko. Mciionalil' Co-n-an, DaH-.--OL.-Northern S.S. Co..'agents' THIS DAY. SQCAtX. s.s.. 363.'5. .Tones, from Gisbonie.—Richardson and Co., agents. Ti^ AXA^: v -, S - S X 2 - 42 -- - T - Flynn. from Timaru.—L nlon Co., agents. DEPAK-TTIiES. SATt-RDAY. r-.ANIBRI, s ;i 20":!. t. Jlpyprg fo . Whaiiirarei. YSABEL, baroupntinp. 14, , ; w Rn« f or the Keppel ami Prlpndly Islands. THIS mv WATMAXA. Kβ.. io'm, W Burvill ! Holmes. H.N.R., at' 11 aim., for■ hon'ioa MOTEMEXTS OF UXIOX S.S. CO/S STEAMERS. EAST COAST. arrives from C,u. ■ borne: Maheno sails for Sydney Tuesflar.—Zea-landia aVriv.-s from Van cou-rer, B.C. : Kurow airlvcsj from West- I .port: Navua arrives from Fiji; Talunc sails for Eastern Pacific; Rosamond sail* C Tologa Bay and Glsborne: Koromiko"sails ■ {or Sy4ae.T;..ilaitai sails for South; Zca- i landia--t?aite-for ■ Wednesday.—Wanaka sails for Bluff ■ Oamara, ajid Timaru- Navua -sails for Wei". ' linirtoD and WcStpdft. ThHFsd*y,--Jlokoia arrives from South; . Friday.—Kurow sails Jor Westjiort ; Ma- '' kura sails for Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver. Saturday.— Tiosamobd from Ols-' home; Roaamend-sails for Tologa B<iy sail Glsborne; llokoia sails for South. WEST COAST. -Wednesday.—Kittawa -sails IDr fir.cyjnoiith. - - - . .— .... Friday.—Haupiri arrives from and sails for Mew Plymouth, ' Wellington,' Plc.-I.on, and Nelson. Saturday.—Corinna arrives from and sails for New" Plymouth aud Wellington. The Mukoia leaves Wellington this evening . for Auckland, via East Const ports. She is due here on Thursday morning. The collier Kitta-na 1* ihic af Onehunga to-morrow morning witn a cargo ..of coal from Greyiuouth. The barqnentine llaiida Isle, bonnd from Xanier to Uokiimga, paswd Cape Maria on "Saturday at lenwon. She lir.ids timber ■at Holiianga for Sydney. The Union Company's steamer Maitai arrived from Southern ports yesterday morning, aud lierthrd at. RB, Rail-nay whurf. •She leaVes again for the South to-morrow . al'ternuon. The New Zealand Shipping C'ompany\s liner Opawa will probably leave early tomorrow morning for Wellington and Nelson to discharge the balance of her London cargo. -•The ferry steamer Sparrowhawk was unilnekeu this morning, and her place was taken by Uie hulk Veritas and the steamer Pelican. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka arrived from- Timam 'direct, with a cargo ef' produce, aud berthed at the Railway wharf. She leaves for the Bluff, Oamaru, and- Timaru at noon on Wednesday. The Shaw, Savill and' Albion fjQmpany's liner Waimana, which was to have left for London direct at an early hour inorniui, was delayed through the desertion of three firemen, and was not able to get away till 11 a.m., by which time the missing "men had been replaced by others. Jlessrs. A. and T: Burt, Ltd:, carried out a smart piece of "work in repairing the broken crank shaft of tho s.s. Barenfels in the short time of 4fi days. The job conasicrl.iD removing the broken crankshaft, -which weighed about eight -tofts; and fitting a spare one carried by tho is'.iiji. "The new Ehaft required considerable 'litung at 'tW .main behTiirgs-VThe-/joh-' was -carried ouf tmtler "contract, and was ""supervised.-- l>y TJoyd's "StJlTejpr at A-acklaad, Captain ■'riimliett.- ■ ■■'"'- '-- ■" -

The following vessels are expected to he within wireless range or tlie Auckland radio station to-uight: -Vlalieuo (A)ickland to Sydney), OUnmroa iKluff to Hobaptt. Zealandia (Suva to Auckland!. Moeraki (Sydney to Wellington). Navua (Suva - to AucJdandl. Wuimana (Auckland to London*, and Maunganui ißluff to Duucdlul. IMPORTS. Per Malta!, from Southern ports:" 1310 tons, general raercliatullw. Per Malieuo, from Sydney: 114 bales .hessian. L'S-f sacks Hour. 43;> i-ases soup, 2Uu bars lead. lU(>p cases candles. SSO eases tea. 103 cases tobacco, l-'li sacks seed. 1212 sacks 'boned us t. i>oo cases sugar,. (iSU lmjrs rice, j SOQ rases schnapps, quantity sundries, and : transhipment:;. ■ .[ NAVUA DUE 1 O-MORUOW. Tbo Union Company's steamer' Navua. wblch .left Suva for Auckland on Friday evening, is expected tune to-morrow ev.-n----itiir. and will berth at U. Hnlisou' Street wharf. She reaves Hd Wednesday for Wel- ; lingtun aud Westpon. i. . . . . ■ ~ ZEALANDIA DUE TO-lIOrfBOW. The Auckland radio station has received a wireless message. from the Vaßcouyer mail steamer Zealandiu, to the effect that, the vessel expects to reacli Auckland at 7 a.m.- tomorrow. The Zealaßdia,-. ivKich left Suva at .1 a.m. nn Saturday, vi-ll] berth; at P. new Queen Street wharf, and after landing Auckland passengers anir .10U tbira of cargo will sail for Sydney -direct -' at 5 p.m. the same. day. . ; Tin-: syuNKY r.oAT..._ The I'nion Co.'s steamer Malicno rciichr-U Auckland from Sydney-direct at 11 a.m.. yesterday, and berthed; immediately, lit <>, I llobsou Street wharf.-where she was mcdii cally Inspected. The Mula-no left -fcydney ut I 1 p.m. on Wcduemi-Jj. and li.'ht variable winds and , snipr.rh seas -wer.- met with on the way lu-rb'iw. 70 =mW.n and i:! 4 (i_t;-cr:ij.'i> lau-.-enjii-rs mid a larsav general cariu, lV,i-ir.illn? transhipments linm lifff followini.' vessel's: - Mnn;.-olia. Itiverlna. Wyreema. .Wxundiu. Cillpdonli'ii. I;riic:clui<. I'rinz .Sif,'isniiid. IVx-huin. (Jotlin-en Comna;' ilobart, StolslwrsF, Orontos, Lndarro, Tysia. Lurul, Empire. Itonn.e.' Kuniano Mam, Uramu, and Kanifwna. She is due lo leave i cm the return trip at 5.30 p.m. I'Mlay." hrit may be later on account <>r the large qoan- ; rity of cargo to he put out. . MACt-DONIA AND MAKLKA. The V. and 0. Company's H.M.s. Macedonia is due to leave Sydney tais-afternoon for Aueluand dirt>et. aud should, reach thJ.* port early on Friday morning. She , is "down to sail" at 4' p.m. Uic same day .for London, via Australian- and Oontiuental pons. The Vancouver niail steamer. Makura also leaves Sydney ihis aftevnoon, and Is due on Friday morning early". She will load oM tons of frnsien tneni. iTiy ions of butter, and a quantiiy of general cargo, and is-set. down to leave Auckland ;u 3 p.m.' on t'riday. '........ . ~ " . rass kx i; !■; v s foj :. s vixn cv . The Union Company's steamer -Maheno, which leaves at S o'clock this evening .for; Sydney direci. takes the following pas.simifcts: — Alices Cioouan, Maliad.v. liall, Spencer, shearer, Jowiti, Wllsi.u cJ). May. Moore. pjarlmit. Sherwood. Mesdames | Cloomon, Mahady, lirazicr. j McCoy, Marrta, Brown,' Civil, ■ Muntrr, Ivaihau. I'iaiK, Shirley. Campb.cil.. ,Vv"aldron. ilaspr. Mat-arthur. Uiimann, ('. lU.berta. C. ,1. Roberts... •Laurie. Vv'ebii, kelson, Moore.. Brlsss, May. Messrs Murr.iy, BeatMfi, 1-ux. ii. Sehoifrld. f:.iilli>i. }ilorelaiid.._ShoriU\an. P. O. WheaUey, Itrownoll. Clark. Anderson, Stcphenson. ]-loyd, I'arke.s, (Julrlc, Ma'rt'fn.", McAlpine, Plumpton,, t'obb. Hannigan, L;iud, McCoy, r.razier, Joiccy, Meikleiohn. Raddlley. Seccomlie,; Maddison, "*H. ~ .Itoisiu... Uooncy, Shirley," Balliu. Bdwxrdii, Uaiuunn, Reid, l.anrl«.Webb.. Ncltoti, ISriggf. -md l-'iO steerage. , . CCTAPTAL -p-ABBEXOI!Mt S Kit VICES- • - Kxpccted Arrivals.— To-day; Koiomaharra,from Coiomandcl," \\i.'.'A> a.m.; Kanieri, f',<]u Whanfarei. s p ni.; Orewa, troin iSroWn's Hay, Artie's I'.j.y, aud Silvurilale, 10.."0 p.m. Projected _liEnartufes.'— To-day: Apii'nui, for Awauul, lluuhom, Waibarara. Wliuugnroa. and Mangoiiui, 2 p.m.: Daphne, '.for Cabbage -Ifciy irud Amodeo Bsy. jnldnjsbtr;: Itotomahaua, foe Coromandel aud Waibike, 1.30 p.m.; Waiouihl. for Mivrcury 'Buy and Kuaotunu, S p.m.; Clielmsfonl, for Marsdeii Point, Malgapal, WUangarci Heads, Parua Bay, and Limestone island. - p.m.; Clajtsman, for Kuswll ami Opua, 0 pm.; \Vaiinaric, for I'afr.roo, miilrugni; .>gapniil," fur Tauranga, 7 p.m.- Manala, for Whangarei, 10 p.m.; Wakatoo, for 'iMiames,> p.m.; Haniti. for Urewu, Walwera, aud -VVarkwortb, 1 p.m.: Kawau, for Kawau,' Leigh, l'aldri, aud Manga wai, 11 a.m.: Kotili. for Malakaiia and Mullet Point. IX a.m.; Orewa,.Tor P,rowir.s Buy, Arkb-'s Hay, and Silverdalo, :: p in. West i:on»l: C\a'y more, for Haglan , and Kawhla. 'J p.m.: ltarawa, for New Plymouili, 4 p.m. PASSENGERS FOtt NEW ZKAI.ANI). (From Oor Special Correspondent.) LOKDOX, February 2s. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's lonic leaves Plymouth 10-morrow with the following saloon passeusors:—Mr A. Beecroft, Hey. T. and Mrs Cree, Misses JE. and It. and Master J. Klworthy, Miss 13. Ford, ilr .1. B. and Miss K. Gardner, Mrs-F and Master Garner, Mr A. J. and -Mrs Haggle, Mr W. and Mrs Harild, Mrs B. Healy, Misses M. and 1. - Heron, Mrs A. .losephs, Mrs iM. Lascelles and maid rind Master J. J>aseKlles, Mr J. Neill, Miss E. Smlui, Mr W. F, Tatam, Colonel "H. Thoyts and Colonel N. Thoyts, Miss K. Williams, Mr F. A. "Wills, Mr Zanebj, Rev. .J. Abbott, Mr W. and Mrs Bcverldgo, Messrs H. and .1. and Masters M. and C. Beveridge, THiss" S. A Bone, Mr 3T. Box, Mx O. F. Boyd. Mr C and Mrs and Master and Miss Christie, Mr W. and Mrs Cloggie, Mrs M., Master and Miss V. Crouch, Mr V. and Mrs yon Gaerne. Miss Hamilton. Mr T. and Miss Harrison. Mr C. A. and Mrs Heald. Mr E. V. Janke, Miss B. Johns, Mrs i. ■ P., the Misses A. and .1. and Master It. Knowles. Mr K. McLennan, Mr 11. aud Mrs and Miss E. Marshall, iMr F. Martin, Itev. F. and Mrs Oldrleve.and Miss M. Oldrievo, Miss B. Robinson, ilr C. and Mrs Salt and Miss O. Salt, Mr "H-. D.~ Saward. Miss I: Smith, Miss a Tiicli Mrs-A. H. and,.-Misses- M.. I L.-and L. E. Thoriie, Mr 0. anij Sirs Wil- i klnson,' Mrs E. an.d Miss "WUlopghiry, Mr _H. P. Yarren, and d6!> tn -ffie stcerase. 1

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 82, 7 April 1913, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 82, 7 April 1913, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 82, 7 April 1913, Page 4