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M ■ ..Vs. Age: yinri-'. February 28, ' a. s :;. , L ._. S r —s-<-; -fn-tmimnr inonrhrS: -Tr.3l-. -- < Jlliill VVATKIS. \ .-:..;.•: This .vcniii.. Hi._.n : tomorrow D. -:: .... il.i '.unga: To-morrow morning. _....; 10 | _.. • evening. -'■•'" X . i-a Heads: T .-morrow morning. 2... ii-mnrmw rv.nlnc. 2.40. arrivals. yust:_rda_. MiAHKI'F.. >s.. L.i mn t..ns. H DiUncr, « '■' |'.:i... fn.m i, r... mouth.— ' L • • . .i.ents. THIS |i„\ i KATnA. s.s.. 2A>4. A. T. Norton, at I" ! a.a-. 11-..H1 1 Dlini Co.. age_:. ; . DEPARTURES. YESTERDAY. MAHK.Vj. s.s. .-,.__. tons. D McLean. ; ai :/.:m ;..;i;.. !or Sydney. MANAIA. s.s , 1.. Slepbcnson. for Whi- , nga.-.i N'.APL'HI, .-..-. M. I.eroui. for Tan- j ' LANS____S. s.s. K. Mcl.eod, for Russell '■Ii.SKLi;. s.s.. Jonas. f..r Whangarei. ..I'ANll. s.s.. J. Wilson, for Awanui. | Li •::..,,-.i. Whan„aroa. and Muu.onni. li.-.rU.NK, s.s.. .1. IVixcira. f-r Mercury ! EUiy and Kuaotunu. H.-DF..N-POWKLL. s.s.. ii. Petersen, for j Whaugaret. I PF.I H'AX. s.s.. L. Setters, for the coast, j iUK I.MR FORD. s.s.. K. H. doer z. tor Mar '.-:: feint and way ports. THIS HAY . sTAH of IRK LA M). s.s. 4,mi. Griffiths. | c; : - .. m., tor v.Wi'A, s.s.. _.:•;.. McLean for Fiji. l Pis-, -or.: Misses I'imeii. Clark MeS r. nu... Thorn. Micbael. i rajr. .\l»ssi-s. i V.-..0..p.-n__ Livingstocie. Thorn. I". .1. Sliec 1.a.., ruotnpson. Mattier Micbael. au.l _'" TAKAWERA. «.*.. t.'ltX}, McLean, for ! ImnedLo ras-scatters. - For (Jlshorne: i , Mi-. . Morpeili. Kin!. SpitUill. Hood, 'I nomas. Earidy i_i. Mesdaines Niveu, de j Montatk, Hennler and two children, fias.!-', wood I'riridle. Hamilton. Messrs. Hart.. IJ Sherrirlsn. Toby. Davis. Suakelfnrd. Ra'uum. . ChisDCll. Lowe. Oldueld. Lugtoe. Umh. ' I Williams. Williamson. Jones, llcnnler. <Ie I M'lntfllk." For Napier: Miss liallagher. j Messrs. SimmotNis-. Woodward. For Wei- | 1 liostnn: Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. H. .1. Orowley. . i For rinarflin: j'rs. Priddl.. Me-ssrs. Priddle. , Sli-Leod t'-l. For all ports: 40 steerage, j FNKiN COMPANY"- MOVEMENTS. j EAST COAST. Wednesday.- Atua sails for smtrti Sea j Islands: Rosamond arrives from Oisborne i Thursday.— Mokoia arrives from South: j Rakanoa "arrives from Newcastle: Pukaki j arrives from Samoa: Rosamond arrives from i Fritiav —Rosamond sail« for Tolnga Bay j and Cisborne: Pukaki sails for Wellington and Greynouth: Wan.ika arrives from j 5..-::h. Katoa sails for Westport. Saturday.—Mokoia bails for Sooth. WEST COAST. Saturday.—Haupiri an ,yes from Welling- !■ :_. I*l.-toil. Nelson. New Plymouth: Corlnna arr ir,.s from Wellington and" New Plymouth; , Hauptri sails for New Plymouth. Welling- j ton.- Piotoa. Nelson: Corinua sails for New t Plymouth and Wellington. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. AMOKCRA, sj.. from Kermadec Islands: due March 7 AMARANTH, barquentlne. from Columbia Itiver: to sail. . J DAKENFELS, s.s.. from New York; due _i__c_--__ COLL INGHAM, s.s.. from New Tort: due March 3. - ■ ■■"-".' KSSLX. s.s., from Liverpool: due -March 6 HA WEE'S BAY, s.s. from Loudon: due March 5 INDRABARAH, s.s., from London: April 12 INDRALE-SA, s.s.. from Loudou; due CiLFNETIVE. s.s.. from New Tork; AprU 20 EON A, barque, froui Paget Sound; sailed January 10 KIA ORA. s.s„ from Canada: due April 20 LOCH GABVE, barque, from Marseilles; to sail MAI.FKA. S.S., from Vancouver: d-.e March 11 MACEDONIA, s.s.. from Loudon; Apri: 11 MaHKNO, from Sydney: March '.» MARAMA. from Sydney; due March 14 MOLDAVIA, s.s.. from London: March 14 MOEOLA. from the South; Feb. 27 l!ONOW_I.-_s.; -from Sonth; March 6 XAVI'A, S.S.. from Suva: due March 10 (i'l'iWA, S;s.. from London"; due March 30 S.S.. from Samoa: February 27 . I'AKEIIA, s_s, from Liverpool: March 26 RANOATIRA, s.s., from Loudou; Uu. March 29 KIMTTAKA, s.s.. from New York; due May -20 KAH ANOA, from Newcastle: Feb. 27 TAUi'ME, s-s., from Eastern Pacific; March 6 TO-TA, from Sydney; due March 22 TAKAWEBA, from South; March 9 TOEOMARU, from Canada; doe March 5 VICTORIA, sjs. from South: March 2 W-HAJWJAFE, s_i.. from Newcastle; March 1 M" AIMATE. s-s., from Southern portsr March 13 WLMMERA. S.S., from Sydney: March 2 WHA X AREA S.S., from London: April 1 2EALANDIA, from Vancouver; Aprils PROOECTED DEPARTTTRES. ATCA, s.s_ for Sydney; February 26 MAHKNO, for Sydney; February 24 MARAMA, 5.3., for Vancouver; March 14 MACEDONIA, sj_, from London; April 11 MOLDAVIA, s.n.. for London.; March 14 MOKOIA. s.s.. for South; March 1 MAKURA, s.s.. for Sydney: March 11 MONOWAL s.s_ for South: March X STAR OF IRELAND, for the South; February 2G TARAWERA, s.s. for South: February **o VICTORIA, s.s.. for Sydney; March S WIMMERA, s.s.. for Soutli; March 4 VESSELS IN PORT. ATCA, s.s.. at Queen Street wharf BAROONA. s.s., in stream HAUROTO, _._., iv stream IRIS, cable s.s.. in stream RONA, barque, at Rail-way wharf SOUTHERN CROSS, s-s, in dock STAR OF IRELAND, s.s, at Railway wharf S"SABEL. baraueDtine.'in stream ! Tie Navua sailed this afternoon for Fiji and the Tarawera for Dunedin. via ports. " I The New Zealand Shipping Company's ! liner Ot.iki arrived at Avonmomh from Wellington .in Februao" 2<*. The collier Whangapc i s ii_ e -i n, sail from Sydney to-day for Auckland. She is due at this port abont Sunday next. The T._s.t line steamer Indralenia :. <mc .his eventng fro m Loudon via Australian ports. She win berth al the new' gneen Street wharf. The T.vser s.s. Star of Ireland -ailed this morning for Wellington and Lyttelton Further New York cargo win ')„. discharged in the So-uth. __ The Rosamond passed the Last Cape at 3 a.m. to-day. and is due here to-morrow momfna. She is fixed to sail on Thursday for Oisborne and Tologa Bay. The New Zealand Shipping Company's s_s. Whakatane, which sailed from St. John on the 15th inst., is dile" aT tm_—port about Ap~il 20. ' - The Union Company's recently-purchased steamer Westmeath will be docked at Port Chalmers to have a new propeller blade fitted. The R-.U.s. Remuera is due back at Wellington at the end of this week from Lyttejtofi. Final departure is _o be" taken from the Southern port for Landun on March U. Liuier the auspices of tbe U.S. and A.S.S. Company, the German Hansa Line steamer liraunfels has taken the loadin™ berth at New York for Australian and New- Zealaud ports. A cargo <.f timber is to be taken from Eaipara to-Sydney by rhc Cniou Company's s.s. Kitxawa. SLe tnea g''es to Newcastle to ioa.l coal for New Plymouth and Wanganui. I'pon arrival from Greytnouth last evening, the Blackball Coal Company"? s.s. Ngaherp was berthed at the Railway wharf. After discharge she is to return to dreymouth. A pr'-Pcted departure from Liverpool to N. w Zealand ports on Saturday lasi was the Federat and Shire line steamer Surrey. She will be followed by the Banffshire, which is to Ipa_-e- the Home, port on" March IS. it was 9 o'clock -last night before the Union Company's ss.'Ma-hcnn mailed for Svtuey. She is due a. the New South Wa.e* - _I>ori onJFruiaj- _.CJ.L.aiid aj= Auckl_nd I oa Marrh 8, ._•

The s.s. Han ;* expected oti Monflav morning n>'XT from rhe Sonx.h. TM« r k i? the final londins port, and siie wil] lie' promptly dispat'-heO. The I'niou lompttiiy'e ■ollior Katoa ar^' rived at Auckland this morning, ai»l was. berthed at the Hobsop Streci whftrf u> dlsiharpe a coal <-nrK<>. I : p<in <-onipleUr>n fhe " Kjitoa is to return to 4he West Coasr. Liu* , ur < >nplinnpa on Sanirdnv naorntnjr.. ill.- Uamn Compuny'ft S.ts. r.irlniia is to loiv.l ' : about i:..C"w> boxes of buru-r for j raeot at Wellington to rhe New ZeakiDd I lonipuiy's a.t. Ueranejrci, j Top lluddart-l'arkpr Company's steamer , 1 Winunera is to sail from Sydney to-morrdw | i afternoon for ■ Auc Ulainl. She is 4up on Sunday. Th>- Vkruria. of ihe same lino.: li> dm- from v.<. south "t! Sunday, hound . ! ihrmish to Sydney. ' - - " . i Tbi- Uanpiri ,-jo.sscd llic Marvnkiin Ba- ' I :,i-« o : <'icwg la>f-tttght. and is due [in \\l'lllngton to-morr«»w nmntlnfx. She-, is tixeil »■> «iil ironi tho • Southom -port U^ niori-ow for "f"ienn and Onehnn-gii. and is due l>:ick at iht- latter port on , ' "**■ "" r - ■ ■■ i Messrs and l'u. advise that the ! follow'ius passf-ngfis are dnp at Aaekland Oii • Sunday. Manh- V*k- -ex s_s. Priedrich der 1 tjrossc-, ai Sydney, ilarch and . Mrs' '• tH It. BU.nitM'ld. Miss- --Ble infield. - and' Masters .1. and K. Blomfleld, M.r and Mrs Bartlenian, Mr aud Mrs Derllle. Mr and ■ Mrs and Miss KUis. Miss A. Haltmeyer. BKIEZ 121iU FX.)R AtiCKIANU. "' ' The Vacuum Oil ("wnpanj's steamer Krie« Uel. wM<-b .--aib-d frum New Y-ori; • laii(l uu J_. is live, a.t tht< pi>rt- iiliout April iy. She lias aboara a cargit i-r i-.isf oii f.. r ttris pwl. -TBe lnstt'stekiflttr ro" visit Auckla-mi floder ihi- ;iHS4>ict's -ot tiie compsuiy was tin* CSlpe 1" Lotsterre. Arivi.-e wa.~ retreired to-day of tbc damage Io the Briez Izels propeller, airtl tlris will pn r babiy deia- tlje vesscln arrival , at this port. Sue is to proceed from Auvkland to Unusual Sonthern " ,"" 00ASTAL1 rA?sitNriku' Sfiit'tiCk. Expeotcd arriTals vo-i!ay: — Pacroa. trorn Cabbage Bay. 4 p.m.: M.fiJiaia. frmn Wharignrei. 7 l»:ipiiij«.-. from Morcurr Bxiv.-r.-p.m.: lvaTvan. (roia Ka»"aii, O.Sff'fa. m. _"" Projected trepajrnre.- to-dtry: —WakaHrco,for TTrames. 5-3OT».lfi. ■ ' VIA WIRBUfiSS. Mkp Auckland Radio Ststjo-n ailwised at ; 9 a_m. to-da.y tbat the are expected in be withla wireless ransv••' this evening: — Mabr-ij<i. "MiiHTilrti" Vlofoxia,. llltmaroa. Mouii*. ffOii iiursng!.- At WeHlnston: Victoria, IKimaroa. Jlahcr.n. " and Moaiia. PtrKAKI'S MOVEIMENTS. The Union Co.'s s_s. Pttkaki. wnic3i> was delayed in Xhe lskuuiy riroußl: Ihe, recent hnrrl<Tir.e. is line at Auckland from Apia (SaiDoai on Thursday or 'Frtaay-nexr: After diecljargre of a <-ar£O of copra bere, tho I'nkaJd la to pro<fe<i to IJnvstooe Islnod (■> load for Wellington aid tjreymonth. IMPORTS. Per Ngahere. from fireymonth: I.2CX) tons coal.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 48, 25 February 1913, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 48, 25 February 1913, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 48, 25 February 1913, Page 4