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. DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS. McCORMICK A CENTURY. A CENTURY IX SECOND GRADE. I The second draw of th.c second round of District <'lub championships was started on Saturday on fast wickets. AI F.deu I , art the home team made 213 a£uia>t Ponsonby. Taylor uotchiug 62 runs. I'oD.-onby in the few minutes left for batting p'K on IS without loss. • ■i. i:.e Liuaiiiiu. North Shore got Univer-.-i:;- out for 16ri. and at rail of time had inaUe 123 for four wickets. Gmfton did big scoring against Parneli, putting up 321 for eight wickets before declaring. McCormick made 129 and Sauverin 72. Parnell have lost no wickets for 11 runs. In the second frrade games Baker, of Grafion A, made 10T, playing against Eden 3.


Ed»n and Ponsonby met on Men Park. The home team hatrins fir=t. had ,S1 on I fr,r ibe first wi.-ket. bar a rut set In. and fivp -v>kPis »..-p down for 134. BrnokeJSmirji. Heighway. and Murdoch. ia>r two .-ojti p:i;r:i:z "ii 4i> -iin.~. Tile j inn:n:s closed for 2 ]."".. Scores:— i EDEN.—First Innings. He-mns. b Kavanash 4S Taj-li.r. r- Gavin, l> Ksvacash 62 fk.rdon. r Shepherd, l> Kavauagi 11 f'cnrminss. h Shepherd 9 Brooke-Siniii. r and b Shepherd 22 Mills h Kavanash 0 <njp,-ton. b Kavanazh 1 Tattf-rsall. b MoMaih IS Hriirhway. nor nut 32 Tlnnprr-ombe. r Sneddon, b Shepherd .. 1 -Murdoch, b Kavanazh 12 Extras 1 Total • . 215 Rowling Kavanach sis wickets for 63 runs. Shepherd three for 38, McMath one for 4.i. Snedden none for 3K, V'oods uont for '-Mj. PONSOXRV.— First Innings. C. Slitdden. not out 5 'j.ajinr. uot out ... 0 Kitrea :::::::::::::::: i N- wickets for is


T diversity went To The wickets Hrsr in their matca asainst V.rth Shore on the Domain, aid -"o rpd 16e aftpr hatting for oj h onrs ' North shore played nnr time for the loss of four wickets and a total of lii. Prime was in dashins form, and he stands 60 not ojt. ine lOllowing are -the scores: - CNTVEBSITY.-First Innings. Airey. b Stewart 42 i"ar.irins. c Wheian. b Archer 23 X. .Jacobsen, c Dacre. b Archer.'.'..'.'. "5 Taylor, lbw. b Archer ...............'. \ Grnhnme. c .Tub, b Stewart . ifi Rotre. n«t out .."..... •*& Raker, lbw, b Frewart ~q <~. Jarobsea. c snh. b Stewart n Fawcett. h Darre o Fen-wick. b Bush " ' 0.-> Extras 73 Total 166 Ecwlins: Oarrp two for ~»2 Rush nnp fo" M. Archer three for 30, Stewart fonr for NORTH SHORE. —First Innin-s Prim-, not out m Sale. ?t Baker, b Tarlor q. Archer, b Fenwick "... , •"■oleman. b Ffinwick 1 Hay. not ont i Uankin. lbw, b Taylor 1 Extras ...'...'.'.....' -0 Total for fonr wickets j-5 FWlin ? analysis: Jacobsen none for 33. two for 24. Taylor two for 30. Wrjham none for IS.


Grafton batter] nearly the whole afternoon fn th<- Domain in their match with Parnell ™f"S » for the loss of 8 wickets, after win. n the innings was declared Hosetl The feature of the play was the flue stand for 129 not out made by E. MacCor-mi.-k. while Sauverin also did well. Parnell went in with about a quarter of an hour to co. and made eleven for no wickets down. Scores:— tfRAPTOX—First Innings. MaH'nrmir-k, nut ont ]2M K. Horspool, «• Grenier. b'oiliff ..." Tγ, r-ratt. <• sub., b OHiff 34 Saurprin. b OHiff 70 Slonian. •■ Olliir. b Kerr . l", I). Hay. st Wrighl. b Olliff 0 Patterson, b Anthony •) Jackson, b OllifT 1 faro, c Stephens, b Kerr ........... 31 Horspool. not out 5 Extras ".'. 10 Total for eicht wickets (innings declared closed! 321 Bowline analysis: Olliff fire for 151, Kerr two for 7e. Anthony one for 45. Stephens none for 34. PARNELL.—First Innings. Wriu-ht. not ont 4 Grenier, not out 7 Total for no wickets 11 Bowling: I'ratt none for 5, Jackson none for 6.


EDEN A V. WAITEMATA. ■Taitemata.—First innines. 180. (Mayall, b Alexander, 7; Riddell, c Horspool. b Gilmour. 11: Arhlaster. b Gilmonr, 4; C. Moller. b Punch. 42: K. Moller. ibw. b Horspool. 61: Templeton, not ont, 23: Satehell. b HorspooL 0: Melville, b Horspool. 0: MacKay, c Alexander, b Punch, 10; Hurley, b Horspool. 3; Corin. b Punch, 15; extras, 1. Bowling: Gilmoor two for 21, Alexander one for 36, Horspool four for 63, Punch three for 24. Eden.—First innings: McLaughlin, lbw , , b Moller. 1; Harris, c and b Arblaster, 2; Haase. not out. 20; Murray, Ibw, b Arblaster. 0: Gilmonr. c Templeton. b Arblaster, 1: Pnnch. c and b Templeton, 46; Alexander, not oat, 2; extras, 8. Fi.e wickets for SO. UNIVERSITY V. PONSONBY A. f/niversity.—First Innings: Winks. b White. H: Moore, b Edmunds, 0; Lawry, c and b Edmnnds. IS>: Speight. Ibw. b Roberts. 8.".; Goulding. b White, 43: Hannah, b Roberts, 11! A. M. Goulding. b Roberts. 5: Player, b Edmunds. 18: Blake, c ■and h Roberts. 0: A. Goulding, not out, 1; extras. 22. Total. 210. Bowling: Edmunds three for 62, White two for 75, Roberts four for 13. GRA_FTON B V. PARNELL. Grafton.—First innings: P. Horspool. b Dobie. IS: Rutherford, b ,Mann, 11; C. Yatce. b Warner. 11: F. Horspool, b Breeze. IS; Norton, b Breeze, 3: Fletcher, Ibw, b Doble, 0: MrCormick, not ont. 8; Hangh. b Donle, i: Lewis, run out, 0; extras. 12: total. So. Bowling analysis: Mann one for 2S, Warner one for 20, Breeze two for 7, Dob.c three for 18Parnell.—First innings: A. Warner, b Norton. 0: W. Badel'y, ran out, 0; L. Breez\ c and b Norton, 31; Moore, run oat, 6; Foster, r. and b Norton, 11; Dow, b Norton, 40; H. Warner, b Yates, 7; J. Mann, b Lewis, 28: Rose, c and b Lewis. 0; Dobie, not ont. 5; extras. 11: total, 13D. Bowiing analysis: Norton four for 34, i Yatet oee for 26, Lewis two for 7. I GRAFTON A V. EDEN B. Graftou.—First innings: Ilaresuape, b Burt-in. ;3: Marshall, b Sommervell, 11; i b hominerveil, j; Dudley, b Burton ■>: Ri-cn.-irds. b Gieems-ood. IS- Baker not : oui. 1OT; Willis, b Greenwood lh- 1' linine b Mills, IS; Jack, b Brown,' 17'; Lephfe b ! Greenwood. 5; extras, 27. Total! one skirt. Bowling for Eden: Burton two for 48. Mill* one for 14. Greenwood five for 7l" Brown one lor 42. ** Hiien B.— First inninss: Sale, Ibw h If-^JS , ; j> Haresnapo 34. Brown, c sub., t> Hare&nape, 10; Gray b Haresnjrpe. 13; Mills, not out. 18; bS£" Ji«vt nut. 4: extrr.*. r, Ti»n'. f.irr fn T sr.

j ST. JAMES" V. KINGSLAXD JCBH.EE. j The march between St. James' and Kinzsj land Jubilee resulted in a win for St. James" Iby an iDnings and 5*5 ruus —a three-point j win. Scores :- St. James".-First innings, 117 (Cbitty 4S, Davidson 41J1. Kingsland.—First innings. 9 fXJshtingale 6): se.ond innings. 52 (Ni?htingnle IS). Bnwlins: For fit. James'—in first innings. j Dr-I.iney took dye vrtrkets for 1 and Chitty 1 four for ?: in second innings. White five for jlO and Chitty live for 23 (Chitty secured the liat trirki. For Kingsland, Cunningham took live wi.-krts for 41.


EDK.N A V. rOXSONBY A. Eden won by default. I'XIVEKSITY V. EDEX B. j EdPU. -Firs: iuning.-: W. Rankln 57, vvatscin 40. M. It.iukm 33 not ont, Uoedlcke | 24. Tipping 2<i. Benjamin 18, U. Herbert 18, I U. T. Uintiii 10: extras. 30: total. 271. Bonilng for I niversity. Lan; took four wickPU for ijii runs, Thomas four lor SS, Aire.v one for 82. Iniver?iry.-First innings. 63 for three wiekt'ts (Airey 22 not out. Thomas 19, Lang 10Bowiing for Eden, MeOonnell took one wi:kp; for 24 rnns. W. Kantin one for IS, Watson one for 0. <;RAFTOX V. NORTH SHOKE. Xonh Shore.—First innings, 122 (MrArthur 4S. Nettleton 21, Jackson not ont 13, (;r.-y 111. B'.-.viin: for (irafton. Slmmonds took six wi.U.ts for :{2 runs, C'aro throe for 23, MrUnuKsll ooe for 21. liraftou.— First innings. 124 (Simmonds 48, McLiuusail 41. Cul'erne la; four men absent-) PAKXEUL V. WAITEMATA. ! Pjrucii, ipatiin- two short. 127 (W. Burn- 41. il. WillLims 41. B. Crawford 10,, S. Hi:nt IT), and 5U for two wiikr.s (Bums lv; ..ut :-,4. Crawford not out 22i. Waitemata, 83 (Hazelwood 13. Langsford IS. Hall .3). Boniiii:.-: K..r Waitemata. <;racle took two vrkkiTs ;,vr 4ti. Kdwards three for 22, Metgc ;wi> for 32, Hazelwood one for 24. For Parnell. Huut took three for 34. Seed three for 33, William? one for 7. Burns two for 0.


GRAFTON V. NORTH SHORE. Grafton.—First innings, 145 (Schlaepfer 22, Jackson 14. '.Vangli 4,' i. Cocrtney 271. Bowling for Shore. White five for 50. Dacre ;tvo fop 4^>. Xi.rth Shore- First innings. 6O (Waller lv Brown 14i Bowling for Grafton. Waugh five for 21. Whisker four for 22. I>!itre m.".ile his first "dnck" of the season, being nk-ely caught by Grantley oft Wangh's se..ond ba!!.


ST IIARY"S V. W.Y.M.I. St. Mary's.—First innings. 88 (Smith 20, Bnrns In, Kissliug 14). Bowling for W.Y.M.1.: Davies five for 28, T. 'ordon four for £>. W.Y.M.l.—First innings, 0C (Jackson »4. Tonkin St. I>-ivies 11). St. Marys.—Second innings, 76 (Burns Bowlins: Cordon fire for 44, Davies three for 13. W. V.M.I, won by S runs. ALL SAINTS" V. W.T.M.I. W. T.M.I. —First innines. 215 (Waddinshain 07. (Jreenwood 32, Ready 31, Jacousoo 10. Second innings. 31. All Saints , .—First innings. 15S (H. Wrizht 59, Flicker 27. Liversidse Stephenson 18). Second innings. 90 for three vrickets 51 not out, H. Wright 16, L. Nesbit lr.). Bowling: For All Saints' first innings, Gleaister took four wickets for 48; second innings. A. Nesbit took six wickets for 14, and L. Nesbit four for 16. For W.Y.M. 1., Jacohson took three wickets for 41. All Saints' won by seven wickets—a threepoint win.


BAIL WAS WORKSHOPS A V. CROYDON. Railway. — First innings, 117 (A. Lang «<i. E.THll—verincentnry cm cm cmcmmb M. T. Elliott J. Elliott 13j. <'royiion.—FMrst innlngs, 60 (Kingston 13, Fanthorpe i(»j. Bowling for Railway A. Lang took five wickets for TJ.. T. Elliott Jive for 27. Bowling for Ooydon 11. Wilson took five wickets for 02. Robinson three for 18.

Railway won on the first Innings by 52 runs. BROTHERHOOD V. RAILWAT B. RTothertiood.—First innings, 93 (Eyre 20, Carl -Si. < Ole 11, Thompson 11). Crjmmine anil Morrison took most wickets. Hallway.—First innings, 91 (Reed 22, Dee 16. Carnahiin 14). Bennett and Dee took must wickets. BEMCERA V. BROTHERHOOD A. Brotherhood, 172 (J. Seed 73, Bunker 34 Blair 21). Ketnuera, 170 for eight wickets (Robinson S7. Thomas 41. Johnson 11). Bowling: For Brotherhood. G. Seed four wickets for r>2. J. R. Seed two for 30, Boggs one for 29, Bnnker one for 53. For Bemuera, Johnson three wickets for 32. Robinson one for 21, Thompson one for 31, Beeson one for 30. A drawn game resulted. MARITIME MARRIED V. SINGLE. Married.—First innines. 160 (Stemson. 52 retina. Uouglajs 51. Hi«,-ins 19). Single.—First innings, 180 (Whalley 47. Watkins 22. Mo.vle 50). Bowling: For Married. Donglas one wicket fnr 60 runs, Stemson six for 80, Steadman throf for 40. For Single. Moyle one for 30, Walking two for 30, Whalley five for 20, Sanrto two for 80. • RAILWAY B V. BROTHERHOOD. Railway.—First innings. 90 (Reed 22, Dee I Iβ. I'urrathan 14). Brotberhood.—First innings, 92 (Carr 23 E.vrp 20>. Brotherhood won by two rnns.


(By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON, Saturdaj. In the senior cricket matches to-day East A. 265. beat Victoria College 98 and 140 (Mclntosh 71). Central, 152 and 128 for five wickets (declared), defeated East B, TO and VU. Xaugliton took three East wickets for 11 runs.


CHRI-STCHUiRCH, Saturday. vided sensations. West Chrlstchurch went down before East <*hristchurch, Riecarton failed miserably before some fine bowling hy Wilson for Sydenham, and St Albans, two rai-n short, failed to play ont timp against Linwond, giving the eastern clnb a throe-point win. Results: Sydenham, 356, v. Rii'carfon, 104 and Sβ. Linwood. 204 and 203 for four, declared fA. Grant 6», S Orchard not out R2>. v. St. Albans, 202 and 06. East Ohristchurch. 343 (T. Carlton 61, H. W. Monaghan 70, J. W. Crichton 63), y. West Christchurch, 229 and 44 for six.


QUEENSLAND V. VICTORIA. (By Cable.—-Press Association.— Copyright) BRISBANE. February 1. The cricket match Queensland t. Victoria opened in dull weather with a good wicket. Queensland in their first innings made 330— I Sheppard 42. Thomson 116. Eyans 75. Matj thews took three wickets for 107 and ArmVictoria made 256 CE. V. Carroll 31, Armstrong CO, Ryder 21. E. L. Carroll 29, Brown ' 63, Matthews not out 19). Smith took two ' wickets for 22. Downey seven for 98. QneeneI land in the second innings lost two wickets 1 for 40 (Sheppard not out 20).

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 29, 3 February 1913, Page 8

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CKICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 29, 3 February 1913, Page 8

CKICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 29, 3 February 1913, Page 8