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' I PRINCE OLAF. i One day Prince Olai had a little play- ! mate with him in one of- the private , salons in the palace at Oliristiania. The J visitor climbed into one of the armchairs- j ' "Get out of there," cried Olof; "that's my faUiiej-'s place!" King Haakon hast- I J eiied aero*, tho rr>om to comfort the I little visitor, who looked stared; and in j order to ire_t*-ire him picked hiim up and < sat liim on his knei-s. At the; young ( Prince Olaf became still more enraged. With a stamp of his small foot, he ex- j postulated, "Get out of -here; I tell you, that i» fny motherV place!" 3 OPEN TO MISCONSTRUCTION. t i Mayor Stewart, at an insurance men's 1 banquet, told cii insurance story. "A j septuagenarian," he began, said one evening at dinner to bis fair young wife: 'My ; darlirig. 1 haw jur,t insured my life in I your favour tor £100.000.' "Oh. you' l 'kick:' the beautiful girl vried. and. ris- j ' incr and jxassing round to the table, she : i kiss>ed her husband lightly on bis bald ' head. 'Darling,' he .-aid. taking her slim : white band, '.t- there anything eis_' I can . <lo for y>u':' "Nothing on earth,' she answered: and then, v .th a little silvery , laugh, slu- added, 'Nothing iv this world, j Nothing under heaven.' " j' THE BOY AND THE BATH. I I Tbe American President. Dr. Wood- ' j row Wilson, is -a. delightful com- ' paaiion and a t-plendi.l .-t■oryleller, with |,t fund of humorous stories alumst inex- | haustable. One of his favourite- is about ! | President liadley. of Vale. i It Ls a.- follows:—Mr Hadley one day j went to hie room to take a b.wii. end, : itln-re found a buy of po*il»ly ten ye-irs Ur-ing the bath uci a niiiiL-ture lake, upon ; i wbi.h he was sailing :-omc toy bouts. Mr Hadley told the boy that he would j | have to give up his fun a while, a.s he j | wished to take a bath: the lad reluetanti!y complied. cxn>n aftcrw-axd* tlie little i I fellow, walking through the main street' |of New Haven, stopped a passer-by with ! •this remark : —"President Hadley cannot I take Ids bath to-day." *1 he so_new_u_t surprised. 1 -ask«d:—"Why not?" | "Because 1 have the stopper." said the boy. .holding up the plug of the bath. DISRAELI BROUGHT TO THE POLNT. Mrs Disraeji. speaking of her marriage. I said. "'After t-he death of mv first husband 1 wiu- still v good -looking woman • and bad a good fortune. 1 had many j admirers who wanted to marry mc, but | I knew they were all thinking ot my money and not of myself. There was one exception Ho thin, namely Disraeli. I knew that hr was in love with mc and not with my money, because he showed his afft-citKin and love tii mc while rcy j rinst husband was alive." Speaking if' tiu; <ai(j_{.-erment, s.he said: "Disra-li i_sed I to come to my bouse nearly every day. I and spend some time in talking to ray. He was evidently uitfcaehed to inc. and wished to propose, but was. emb_rrr_s*sed by the difference in our fortunes. One day when he spent some _r__e with mc but did uot come .to the point, I brought . the m_tter to a head by laying my iu_n-J on his. and saying, 'Why .should not. we ! two put our two fortuneis*' c-nd i thus it came about L-hvt-t we were ciii STEVEN.SOVS BIRTHDAY. ' he lived, Robert Louis Stevenson would have lw?en only sixty-two in Noi vemh-r. He had. however, given away ! all riglKs in bis birtlsd-.iy. three years I before his death, to the <L-u_-h_— T of the I Ameriran Lan<l t'ommissi.-ner in Samoa, | Annie lde. 'Bltis .transfer uf rightis he j quaintly set forth in a deed of gift: — I "Whereas M_*s Annie lde was born, out jof all reason upon Chris-En-i- Day, and is therefore denied the consolation of a proper birthday, and considering that 1 had attained an age when. O, we never ' mention it, and that 1 have now no furi ther use for a birthday of any descrip- ' I tion. I do hereby transfer to the said I | Annie 11. lde. all and whole my rights I I and privileges in the ikirteen-ub day of November, formerly my birthday, now. ' j hereby and henoerforth the birthday of ! | the said Annie H. lde. to have, bold, ' exercise, and enjoy the eune in the cits- - tomary manner, .bvt the sporting of fine > j raiment, eating of rich meats, and receipt - lof gifts, compliments, etc.. according to -i the manner of our ancestors." IrUDYARD KIPLING'S CONVERSION. _ I In a poem some years ago Rudvard .', Kipling, the poet, referred to cricketers aj a» " flannelled fools " and footballers as , "muddied oafs." His lines have often 1 been quoted by those who do not fully l 1 value athletics, and the poet has been .credited with opposition to physical dell veloprncin and culture Mr P. A. Mc-Ali-ter, in a speech at the Victorian - I Junior Cricket Association recently, rec ] ferred to the lines, and gave it as his ? ! opinion that Kudyard Kipling had t changed his opinion. " When I was at c i Canterbury with the Australian eleven 1-09," said Mr McAlister, " a welir cricket writer came to mc with a ' t i bat. and asked mc if 1 could obtain the «' signatures of the team on the Lice of the I bat. Printed on the other side of the bat were the words, '.loim Kipling, his bat.' The pressman said. "Mr Kudyard - Kipling would be very much obliged if s you could do this for his son.' I was '- glad to be able to do it, for it showed o mc that' one poet, wiio h'ld written s against cricket, bad been converted." Mr p McAlister's remarks were greeted with '" laughter and applause. c "" ' n AN EXPENSIVE JOKE c-ir Edward Moss used to tell a story | of an incident that happened to him when be was staying at an hotel in the country in England. He w-as invited tt a game of bridge by three bearded stran sere. Amazing luck attended Sir Ed ward's play, successive hands showin* five homcHins and four aces. Just as h< was beginning to be bored by the ahund ance of grand slams, one of the player: rose and inditrnantiy denounced the win c uer as a cheat. He insisted on eearchinf Sir Edward, who was found to liave tw< n aces up his sleeve and one in his pocket c To make the punish ment fit the crime it was suggested that Sir Edward ehoule y go scot free on payment of £1.000 to i '■ charity and the return of his .winnings ' r But the blackmail ing oonspiratoTS hac L managed to give themselves away, anc on Sir Edward expressing- astonishanen =• thai they shomld have taken to the wear l ' ing of bearrds. the game was up. The? -" disclosed themselves as a popular come *• dian. a conjuror, and a singer, intent oi c a. prhrtjcal joke. Sir Edward had th. -- best of the joke, for he 6tuck to hi: booty.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 15

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PERSONAL ANECDOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 15

PERSONAL ANECDOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 15