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\\ Moon's Are: New Moon. February 6. at i 4. ■■- p.m. - . -■ : : This evening. 7.1. - J-r..- : To-morrow -morning, 5.9. HIGH WATER. Ar.-fcland : This evening, 3.26; to-morrow 1 -.. •'. ;-:.-. : To-rr_orrow morning, 7.13; to?.....:ikau Heads: To-morrow morning, 0 7 -morrow evening. 6.53. __.-....i.ara Heads -. Xo-morrow morning, i.v. tj-mjrrow evening. 7.4,3. ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. CAPE FINISTERRE. s.s.. 4.350 tons. 1... iimoud, a: 12 p.m.. from New York, via AuoiraUan ports.—Vacuum Oil Co., agents. AI'ANUI, J. Wilson, from Mangonui. Hvjliora, and Awanui Ncrutrn S.S. Co., agents. _..£ ADEN-POWELL. S.S.. H. Petersen, from « naugarei.—Northern Coal Co., agents. IiAMERI. s. s ., x. Meyers, from Whanga-rei-—Northern S.S. Co., agents. THIS DAY. ING A. 5. s.. J. Bull, at noon, from Newcastle.—J. ,1. Craig, agents. NGAPTJHI. s.s.. T. Haultain, from Tau-rang.-i. l-usrtage-s: '.asses Daldy, Marshall. Hewitt. MuiLiurci. Baker, Jolinsou. Smith, Betueheiiu, Pearson. Meriey, Dames, McNaushton, Price, Darby. Stichbury CO, Hope, Goldsworthy, Mitchell, Vasey (2i, Mesdames Bullman, Semadeni, Daldy. Adair, Rutttir, Pearson, Jones and two children,, Hammond, Ferguson. Messrs Lemon, Hansen, McNaughton, M-;lctosh, Tbornton, Mitchell, Carson. Harper, Semarlni, Sheath, Simms. Farrell, Garland, Fisher. Taylor, Mayeli. Hammond. Allely. Marniord. Thompson, Young. Gray. Anderson, Hurse, Ferguson. Douglas, and Masters Dalley, Clark, Surcliffe i 2), Farrell. Fisher. Fraser. Hope. Hurst, and five steerage.—Northern Co.. agents. CLANSMAN, s.s.. E. McLeod. from Russell. Passengers: Mesdames Coster, Baker. Buchanan, .1. H. Jackson and family, Robb and four children, Elmsley and child. Milson, H. C. Bull, Armstrong, Cox. Rapson and five children. Davis and child, W. Perry. Herbert. Hampton. White and family, Orr. Misses Black. Coster, Lane, Ed-wards, Metcalfe, Johnston. McKaj-, Duthie, Scanley. Buchanan 13). Fleming, Whitney, Fordyce. Cnrson. D. Mountain, Heron* Wrenall, Wright, Carter, Sew"ell, Jenkins, Donavon, Messrs T. M. Lane, Fagan, Emsley. H. C. Bull. Seaxle. Har.'.tatn. A. R. Benjamin. Sherman. A. Sanderson. Salmoud. Bramlev. Crump, Lane. White, L. Davis. MJlsoti (3). Hardy. J. Ha re. Donaldson, Watson. White, Cos., Porter. Fle-rnrnir. Orr. Acheson, Appleton. Goodhue. Masters Gedfles (2). Coster. T.. Tver. Perry, Lawforrt. Fagan. 'Perkins, Carter, and Dr. X- Perry.—Northern Co.. agents. DEPARTTRES. YESTERDAY. MANAIA. s.s.. E. Steohenson, for Whacenrei. WAIOTAHI. s.s., C. Hopkins, for Taima and Mercury Bay. THIS DAY. Mokoia. s.s.. 3.502. E. Harris, at 4 p.m.. for D-nneflin via ports. Passengers :—For I Gisborne: Misses Cussen (2). Martin i' 2). j Quigley, Wlßox. Robsn-wa. Blair. Moore. I Geissler. Adams, Louch, Scof; (21, i Buttemore (2>, Fantn. "Baker. Angland, Neilson, Mesdames Colebourne snd child, Martin, Furnan. Prime. Jefferd. Lewis. Webster, Laird, Stichbnry. and ■ i-hilri, Loomb. Johns and child, Messrs. MarTin. o"CommeU Fuman. Williamson, Bacon. T.pwif. Ppttv. Stephen, Ranna. Taylor. Rae. Percivai, Longdale, Coscrove. Rodcc—s. Mayn. Faram. Field. Smith. E7- ! !<*ry. McLean. Treblecock. Loomb. Major j Beere. Masiers Prime (2) and Blackburn. For Xapi»r: Misses Hanna (21, Morton. Dobbie, Fcnwick. Mrs. Northcroft. Messrs. Perry, Brown. McPberson. Ross, Cato. Masrer Northcroft. For Wellington : Misses " pl "'™'™ - '2i. Gasquolne, Robertson. Howard. Mesdames Howell. Perkins. Whi-fie'.d, Mr-ssrs. Howell. Moses. Murray' P"-kins. Malcolm, Koberrson. Squires Dcjjhs. For Lytelton: Miss McK e««ie. M,-<=-lamcs L«e. Perry. Messrs. Hurse, Perry, Ove-rend. Power. Scccnmbe (21. Man-tf-r I'erry. For : Misses McNn'o. Johr.s'on (2.. Mrs. Jordan and child. For all pons : o > steerage. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. f ' J -.-".inv.—Rosamond arrives from Gi-borne. Thursday.—Talnne arrives fronrj Fas-ten Pa-;-:-: Kurow arrives from Timarj: M.t ->wai nrrivr-s from South : Rosamond sails :or Tn>-p. Pay and Gisborne.—TVanuka arrives f_rom Oamaru, Bluff. Timaru. Saturday. — Monowai sails for SouthKurow ,-aiU I" .r Newcastle. '.vest coastt. Sunday.—naupiri arrives from Wellington and Pinon : Coriaia sails for New Plymouth and Wellington. Monday.—Hanpiri sails for Wellington, Pic: in, and Nelson. Friday.—Hanpiri arrives from Wellington. Ti-ton. N»l _A__ Npw Plymouth : sails for >c.v r.ymou.s" "Vel.ington, Plcton, and N -j is on. Captain Kaultain has gone on holiday, and Mr. Picrotti. the chief offi'-er. is to .omnian.l the Ngapnhi in the meantime. Inga, s.s.. arrived at Auckland from Newcastle to-day. and was berthed at the Queen .-rrf-et wharf. She is to go up to Chelsea when a berth is available. Northern Co.'s Ngatiawa was unable to work the Opotiki inward-, and is at Ouiwa. She v, ill probably arrive bm-k al Au> kianl on Tuesday. As tlip po:lico arc de-iling with the reront outbreaks of lire on th" steamer Arahura. the Collector if Cur.oms will not bold any inquiry. The New Zealand Shipoinz Comptinv's liner Rna.ielju. which left Wellington 'on January lOth for London, is reporfed hv came to bove arnvea at Monte Video on Ihnrsd.-iy last. The Star of Ireland, due ar Auckland from New York dire.-t about February 10th. has 2.400 tons of U.S.A. cargo to land here. The Union Company have received advi-r that the Canadian-Pairic Railway Company s 15.000-tou steamer empress ol Ku.-iia will cornmeucp ho/- niailen trii from Hongkong on or about May 21st. The Star o: New Zealand, due at Sydney from London with a rarzv for Ausrraiia. is to .oad in Now Zealand after disoharge >ac is due here eariy In February. Some lime nest week the training ship Am-.L-.ra will r~:urn to Wellington from Cook Strait. Apparently her northward voyage has b"en postponed, as the vessel Is to go to Ship Cove, in connection with the nnveilics of top Captain Took memorial there, aoout I ebrnary 10;h. When at Capetown. Cantain Richmond of the Lyle steamer Cape l-'iuiste-ie which arri\eil last night, 'n-j, recalled by the home olln-e. aud Mr. J McNeil the chief took command.' Mr. H Foster joined the steamer at Newcastle as second jiEcer. IMPORTS. Tor Cape Finitterre, from New York )0,0'.»J cases of oil. CORINNA'S PRODUCE CARGO. The T'n'in Company's produce carrier Conana arrived at Onehunga this morning frr-tn Punediu. via ports. Included in 30C tons of cargo she had aboard 252 biles oi woo' purchased at Southern sales for rhe Ouehnnga Woolleu Mills. She is ro sai: a- 4.30 a.m. 10-morrow for New Plvmoutt .-.:■! Wellington, and will take 21.737 boxes of butter for transhipment to the Tura k:-a a: Wellington for Home. MATATTA DUE MONDAY. "■ aw Sa i ani A -oion Co. s linei M--i- a «;i, In touch by wireless last r.■ = ..:. and advice was dispatched iutimatii - 'hat rhe v&ssei -sviil probably arrive rn.-r.- -.a Monday forenoon. She has evln. -■ ,v uad a tine weather run for London, '" - ue J. s *, da >' aheaJ °t her scheduled ii.i-- I he Matatna has over 7.000 tons o1 -:ir:o 10 land here, before proceedto ports. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. Huddart-Parker Company's ss.' Wim ~:,., . '2 U A w,lh the rad'o station laa v.slit and advice was sent that the vesse w , ; ,! not reach port till some time Ste noon on' Sunday. a berth has teen al 1- ■■ .-.! rhe VMmaiera at the skw™ ... th. Queen Street wharf ,TCSt «n. tee o The s.s_ Victoria sailed from Gisborne „ ...-. fir .-..ici.ard and is due here to-moi r-.v morning She has 1,000 tons of earto land at this port, and will berth at to h,, : Streei wharf. Her departui outwards fur Isydney has been flied fi,.Jj p.m. oa Moaday.

NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice is given by the Marine Department that the unwatched white occulting light on the beacon off Shelly Beach, in tho south branch of Kaipara River, has (un-til repairs can be effected) been changed to a. used white light and fixed red light over the same arcs as before. A further notice will be issued when repairs are effected. COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Expected Arrivals.—To-day: Wakatere. from Thames, 7.15 p.m.; Taniwba, from Paeroa. 11 p.m.; Mann in, from Whangarei, 7 p.m.; Hauitl, from Orewa, S p.m.;j Kawau, from Kawau. Riiduight. Sunday: Daphne, from Ohivva, 10 a-m.; Rarawa, from New Plymouth, 5.30 a.m. Projected Departures.—To-day: Wai-' marie, for Paeroa, S p.m.; Kanieri, from Whangarei. 5 p.m. PRODUCE STEAMERS. Union Co.'s steamer Kurow is to leave Timaru at 5 p.m. to-day for Auckland. She is due bere on Thursday nest, and has a vargo of produce to land. After discbarge she is to proceed to Newcastle. The s.s. Wanaka is not to sail from Tituaru fur Auckland till Monday. She is due here on Friday i.ext_ After discharge she is to return to Southern ports. VICTORIA'S PASSENGERS. The Victoria sailed from Gisborne at noon to-day. with the following passengers: — From Gisborne : Misses Wood. Stringer. Ricson, Lips-combe, Trevor. Bray. Austin, Ashton (21. Corrigan, Wiltius, Mesdames Carroll, Steele and child, Trevor and child, Henderson and two children, Ashton, L.arke, Sinclair, Carter, Mills, Nurse Gill, Messrs. Anderson, Simester, Manning, Sqnlre, Xeill, Werson. Chapman. Trevor, Sloan. Faulkner, Miller. Pearson, Glover, Hatsen, Latta. Dingley, Hudson, Hughes, Wilkins. Masters Trevor, Marsdop. and Begg, and nine steerage. CAPE FINTSTERRE. The steamer Cane Finisterre arrived at Auckland last night from New York, via Albany and Newcastle. The steamer was berthed this morning at the Queen Street wharf. She left New York on November 21, St. Vincent on December 5, Capetown on December 26, Albany on January 16, and Newcastle finally on January 26. Generally tine weather was experienced, though a heavy gale, met with abet five days after leaving Capetown, caused the cargo to shift slightly. The officers with Captain J. McNeil are: Messps. H. Foster chief. ORyan second, T. Birkett third. W. A. Smith chief engineer. J- Bruce second, J. Adams third, and S. Steel fourth. Mr. J. Crawford is purser. NEW YORK SHIPPING. In their latest report of New York shipping to hand by the -San Francisco mail. (Messrs. Mailler and Querean state: —"Ship- ; ping matters remain very much as indicated in our recent reports, with continued scarcity of tonnage and difficulty in procuring sufficient stea.mers for the loading j berths ualess by paying very full charter I cost. We anticipate that the coming year | will show somewhat easier conditions, and i that tonnage will offer more freely, but up to tha present time there is no Indication of I any declines. Freight rates are firm, with | every indication that they will not decline at least for the coming six months. Since our last report was issued the steamship I Buteshire sailed on November 22nd for j Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports ; the Kandclfels, November 2Sth. for Australian ports: the Uhenfels. December Sth. i for Australian ports: the Katruna, Deeem- ! ber 15th, for Australian ports : the Star of i Ireland is expected to sail December 24th. i for New Zealand ports direct; the Star of i New Zealand. December 30th, for Melbourne I and Sydney only ; the Barenfels, January i 6th. for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zeai land ports ; the Meissen, January 11th, for i Australian ports : the Kazembe, January 13th, for Australian ports: the Scharzfels. ! January 20th. for Australian ports; the Glenetive. January 2oth. for Melbourne. Sydney, and New Zealand ports; and the 1 Kasama. January 31st, for Australian ' ports. This appears to be a fairly large j volume of tonnage, but there has been an i accumulation of freight which it is hoped i these steamers will be able to carry during

1 this and next month.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 4