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1 I m. ics sale I Bigger Bargains thai, ever oa Monday " In view of the wonderful values that have been offered during ', | A-VAnriprfnl r.-ff csfiryfr txt the past fortnight, the statement at the head of this announcewunueriui ouering vi Mail Orders ment may seem a bold one ' neverth ei_ss it is correct, as a careful Cotton -Sponcre Jap. Crepes Cloth * \X /.. j_. j n q. RpHcnrpaHc perusal of the following items will plainly shew. f . " & .IUIOC WlUlll \ »-____£ L_>CUS>|Jl CaU3 Careful fecial at- -_ almost e „ ery fashioriable and dependable C-Otll for DrCSSCS still continue to be one of the best \ In Beautiful Art Colourings and Designs, orders by post and any goods have been brought forward and marked down to pnees that Champasne °_nd Tr _-ST_O . P1^ n Butcher and Small j these Washing Bedspreads represent one of the *»* JChangedTr ""* ° Ur abS ° lUte Greened White S'sSkTrfpt beautiful _W »«* St "P- \ Greatest Bargains ever offered in the Furnishing money refunde d. Economical shoppers cannot afford to miss Monday's oppor- 28 . mtAea widej 4ii Thi is a Splendid Collection in Single and _Sy I "thTlS 5/ 1 1 DrCSS 3/11 ttlQ 40 ™ hes *.d. Double Bed Sizes, and the range includes a num- amount is remitted. DOOTS OOetl clt 9 O'clock ber of Exquisite Block Hand-printed Styles. I I * * ■"""" ~~ ~~"~"~ — ™™ — _____________ _____ _____________________________________ Early shopping will be necessary to secure 1 [ I ' ————__—_—_________ _______________________ them, as they are HALF THE USUAL PRICES OXIO DAY Savings on A Bargain in Special Reduction o~> Noteworthy Items in fop si ciE bed- Household Goods Hoire Velour Silks Silk Crepes tlle n °wroom. I really a/11, 10/0. 12/6 to 39/6 ) -_*-l_v w__ F v,_- CACHEMIRE SATIN OPERA COATS, in Ivory On MONDAY 2/11 to 19/9 J^kable^Valut ItoSehS ThpSe bpaUtifUl g °° dS WPrP ° rif?inal ' y Suitable for Simple Evening Wear Sk y , Pi_ k , and M au Ve trimmed in various Remarkable \ alues in the liousenold imported for Evening Dresses, but, being very .-. _ £ .. ?, styles with Braid and Cording— YOU DOUBLE BED- See *i? n __ 41 ___-,_.. expensive, did not sell as freely as was or Afternoon and Reception Dresses. Usually 49/6 to 63/-; on MONDAY 35/Usually 8/11 12/6 14/6 to 55/- f R'ght tjirough the reductions are uni- expected. However, at MONDAY'S Moderate A very Dainty Material that drape. WHITE MUSLIN DRESSES, in Dainty One and On MONDAY 3/11 to 27/6 '\ T ' >J difficult to select any p_. t , cou](l bp uspd fo _ a . vaript of soft] and ttil and showi in Two-piece Styles, trimmed with Val Lace _nd On MONDAY 3/11 to 27/6 special ltem . Nevertheless, the fewnffl. poses . For Opera Coats and other EveAing Plain and Small Brocaded Figures. Tucks, slightly soiled- val. Lace and tioned here will give the thrifty housewife w t , ,j H !ul mirablv, beino- of _•„ n w_ xr «■ Usually 15/6 to 35/-----some idea of the savings and assortments. that Heavy, Soft Make of Silk that drapes " S ' lk pcS *" f™" 88 ' the^ WeSt A Now All 5/11 each to Clear HONEYCOMBED TOWELS-1/6 and 2/6 dozen freely. Materials, and will be largely used JA p ANES E KIM ONO DRESSING JACKETS in r , PLAIN BUTTONED PILLOW CASES—4.d. Next Summer. Lnfortunately, thl« New Designs— m | Lircat L/iearanCe OI FRILLED PILLOW CASES— 7Jd., lOid. each , colours— shipment arrived too late for the sea- AH 2/11 each to Clear. A rr rf_-tr.riri_-_- .-tr* WHITE SHEETING- BLACK 42 inches wide. JO n's trade, and Must be Cleared. NEW WHITE BEDFORD CORD COSTUMES, Aft UretOnneS, dC «»■ —■ "g CHAMPAGNE . - f-- , PLAIN SILK CREPE, 42in wide, in Black, Sase, Sale Price 63d. 83d- lOid. PINK A /* __ Navy, Pale Grey, Sky, Royal, and Lemon ZTZ -n ; ° n M ™ A , Y 42/ " j Here is another splendid opportunity in the GREY SHEETING- • ™ SKY iT / 1 I PLAIN SILK CREPE, heavier make and better S^' j __xn._h.Bg Section. 64m. j2.n. 80m. fa* /1£ quality 42in wide, in Darkest Navy, Old WHITE CAMBRIC SHIRT BLOUSES, Embroi--1 Superior quality CRETONNES, TEXAS Sale Price 73d. 9Jd. IOJd. NATTIER I ~™~- , Kose . Amethyst, lirown dcred and T _ cked Fronts— 1 CLOTHS and REPPS, suitable for Loose Covers, 40-INCH PLAIN PILLOW COTON—7Jd.; Now 53d. CREAM V-rH BROCADED SILK On MONDAY, 6/11 to 11/6; Now 3/11 to 6/11 i Upholstering and Hangings, are offering on MON- 40-INCH TWILL PILLOW COTTON—B}d ;.Now 63d. CREPE, with Small ALL ' CREAM SILK BLOUSES, daintily trimmed SDk ' H ] „' - . ' 7- , , , • t. - LINEN GLASS CLOTH AND TEA TOW-ELLING, 27m. APRICOT Figures, 42in, speci- Embroidery and Val. Insertion— 1 DA\ at ridiculously low prices. Tlicv are now T - ~ -~ vr„_. <__ „i-ii r T' Priooc .. . %, ■ ,_- -iuui»iu-j <_uu. to.i. hu.ii.iuu .„,.,.,_,. Lsually Oid.; Now 43d. MOLE I su,U Prices— ally for Evening Wear, _« _>____. __i UsuaUy 11/9; Now 6/11 | being specially shown in the window. See them. Splendid Value in WHITE MARCELLA QUILTS, all AMETHYST 5/11, 7/11, 9/11 yard. in i oV ely shades of C / ■_■ I _/ .] Double Bed Size—From 5/11 ______________________________________________________________ Champagne, Sky, H I \ CRETONNES— MARCELLA TOILET COVERS—IO*d.; Now B*d. Black, Cream, Old Rose, ■ / ~ I TtlH r 3 , WHITE CALICO—From 2/11 dozen _-, - . -_, Saxe, Helio, Navy, Pale JL / «T !_5 UIIUCI WCdr I Lsually 10.d., 1/14, 1/3 INDIA LONGCLOTH, 36in.—4/11; Now 3/11 dozen SUU batTl OiC VSit VS OT 11OSC Grey, and Dove. / rm PURE SPUN SILK COMBINATIONS, Short and | On MONDAY All 73d. yard WHITE DAMASK—Usually 1/3; Now Hid. _ . . _ - «-_ Vot-H No Sleeves, medium and large sizes— ' ? lk -'- I GREY DAMASK— Usually 113 d.; Now 93d. „f n pn r | v H«lf Prir.* Id ' U Usually 23/6 to 29/6; CRETONNES- TURKISH AND LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING- -IL llCdl I ldll T I I-,C on MONDAy 18/11 T - „ w_ i/o i/ii 9/« 9/a X.axially oad-s 5-ow 33«■ LACE AND EMBROIDERED LISLE—From lOd. pair 2/11 to 4/6 LADIES' COTTON CREPE PAJAMA SUITS Lsually 1/6,1/9,1/11,2/3,2/9 LUNCH SERVIETTES-1/6 and 1/11 half dozen TRANSPARENT LISLE. Silk Finish, in Black, Tan, and 2/11 to 4/6 nicely shaped, in smart colourings— On MONDAY All 9Jd. yard |_ —_ 1 Champagne—From 1/3 pair Usually 16/6; Now 13/11 PLAIN CASHMERE HOSE—9d., 1/- and 1/3 pair ' 1 I 1 I \ T me^m a e m ae jm aee l e ami j tm MaidS 1 Sample Summer Gloves at y ß Dip^_.ln_!' I nearly Half Price OTR =^K ; AUColours - _Tfl_ /_ *r /•/_ V € 0,1 _-_ | -DOME CINNAMON LISLE- RE-Tl fWI 11f| Pl 4 I.i 1(1 VI X \ \\ it t P -MAIDS' SKIRTS in Navy Blue Sexge, light and I Usually 1/3; Now 7id. pair Vhllnagne IflllllV V VIIVjVV O VJ Ui V wTa? "" I ELBOW LENGTH MOSQUETAIRE LISL_>- , 6Ad each Champagne ~ «f UsuallyVe to 11/6; MONDAY 4/11 each it I Usually 1/9; Now lOd. pair A Few RE ' A £ PA NAAL\S left- _-.••—•.-_» MmMMMM _••___•»• __..-_ CHILDRExN'S PIQUE __MERICAIT COATS, trim- | THREE-QUARTER LENGTH SUEDE, White, sizes 53 and 6 only- Usually 39/6_ «A 1 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. S Smart | Usually 5/6; Clearing at 2/11 pair TRIMMED MILLINERY All Further Reduced X Clearing at Half Price on MONDAY ; J I

______________________________________ _^_»_^_»_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_f^_^_^_^_B SMITH & CAUGHEY'S Great Summer Clearance ■ F A I R BEGINS MONDAY NEXT. I Every Article Reduced lo Bona Fide Clearance Price \ SMITH & CAUGHEY (LIMITED).

________-__________-_________-___-___-____-___-^ PUBLIC NOTICES. 1 Electro Plate Copper Ware I Cutlery :: :: Fancy China I CASE* OF 3-PIECE CARVERS, 11/6, 13/6, 15/6, 21/-, to 30/- set. j CASE OF 6 CAKE FORKS, 7/6, 9/6, 12/6. JAM SPOON and BUTTER KNIFE, in case, 10/6, 11/6. FISH EATERS, xylonite handles, 6 each in case. 32/6 FISH EATERS, pearl handles, 6 each in case, 42/6. BRASS or COPPER VASES, 5/-, 5,9, 6/6, 8/6, 10/9, 11/6 BRASS or COPPER HOT WATER JUGS, 12/6 SPIRIT STOVES and KETTLES, 22/-, 25 , 32/-, 36/-. I COPPER TRAYS, 4/6, 6/6, 13/6, 15/6, 18/6. IRON and COPPER FERN TABLE CENTRE, 18/6, complete with 4 ferns. ANTIMONY BOXES, 3/3, 4/6, 5/6. 6/6 to 16/- each. « ANTIMONY PHOTO. FRAMES, 6/9, 7/9, 8/6,10/6 each. I ANTIMONY ASH TRAYS 4d. to 4/6 each. I KINDLY INSPECT. SATISFACTION ASSURED. H. M. SMEETON, Ltd. I General Providers Queen Street %%>%£ oNßoY_* 11-5 MAKES ALL LINEN LIKE NEW WHITIMSS-STIFFfVESS-SMOOTHMSS I ALWAYS ASSViV&V~& Sbbl'

■■■■BIHBBI-_--_-_-__-_--_______-H___-_________H___H HHBfl-fl _________________ ___ I HOUSE FURKISHPrGS, 1 Drawing Room Furniture An attractive Drawi:i„- Room need not be expensively furnished, a small investment will give it that touch of beanty and attractiveness thnt will meet all demands of good taste. If you are thinking of a Drawing Room Suite, come here. We ■ can show you styles that are different at fair prices, and | quality the heat. I ;S Drawing Room Suites upholstered in Utrecht Velvet £6 0 0 1 » » •> ,i ~ Tapestry Plush £8 50 * I „ „ „ „ Genoa Velvet & Plush __H 10 0 1 Occasional Chippendale Chairs, upholstered in Silk Tapestry J 16/6. 19/6. 22/6 and 25/W. LAMBOURNE 1 THRfiE LAMPS Complete House Furnisher PONSONBY (17/6) pew (25M I v__/ ONLY \___X I I ART SQUARES I IN I I SELF COLOURS J J. BROWN & SONS, -1 34 Karangahape Road I ~ _T=IFor Dining Room Suites Furniture and Linoleums ■ Leather Suites S-_dc_ie-b-_g Suites > Tapestry Suites %** Chippendale Suites ' 1 _Hi-f Rsrnu Dining Chairs Carpets & dearth Rusts : Bedsteads and Bedding li. -It C. LAMS • ! l.ate LAMB _• SMITH 3 Ironmongers and House Furnishers j _! j KARANGAHAPE ROAP J

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 28, 1 February 1913, Page 22