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Mnon'= Age- New Moon. January 7, at | 6.SS p.m. Sunset: This evenit j, 7.10. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 4.31. HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, 7.4; to-morrow Eornlnz. 7.3.1. Or.ehunga: To-morrow -morning, 11.5: tomorrow "venlngi 11.-4. Manukan Heads: To-morrow morning. 10.'. to-morrow evening. 10.24. Eaioara Heads: To-morrow morning, 10.5.--; to-morrow evenicu. 11.11. ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. KGATIAWA. s.s W. Hark, from Opctiki. raSbi-agers: Miss Punch. Mrs. Forth and two rh.Mteii.—Northern Co., agents. PELLCAX. s.s.. !".. Sellars. from the coast—Lor lam! O'Brien Timber Co.. ageuts. AKAKOA, is.. .1. Whittingham, from the ecas; - I'iirker-Lamb Tinulicr Co.. agents. HCIA, sus. s. hooner. D. McKenzie, from Lvtiel'oti.— E. Porter and Co., agents. PAEROA, s.s. J. Taw. from Whatianak: I and way ports. Passengers: Mesdames Fi-'l ier Walker and six children. Messrs. Walker. Law. Prowley. Fielder, Asten, Walker and child. Richardson, Pauldcu, Curry. —Northern Co., agents. THIS DAY. KANIERI. s s.. T. Meyers, from Whangarei.—Northern Co.. agent.-. OEPAETt'ItES. YESTERDAY. WIMMEKA. s.s.. :\.<y_-2. Win. Waller, at 6.20 p.m.. for Sydney. IRIS, cable repair steamer. 2.200, Sharpe, at 4.20. p.m.. for No.'fo.k Island. MANAIA. s.s., E. Stephenson, for Whangarei. _ NGAPUHI, s.s.. T. Haultaln. for TauraTASMAN. s.s.. c. Faulkner, for Mercury Bay and k'naotunu. CHELMSFORD, s.s.. E. H. Goertz. for Marsden Point and way ports. THIS DAY. WAIOTAHI. s.s.. C. Hopkins, for the Gr»_: Barrier. WANA&A. ss-. 2.422. Fiyun, at .. p.m,. for i'orr Obalnier*. VICTORIA, s.s.. H. Kfll. for Dunedin. I Kaussengers: For OUborut- ML*ses Wines | .3', Fi-lp. Mansfield. Mesdames Sin. h. . Quina, Frip, Hope. Cato Robin-on. Roge s. . !Lee Warburt. Newman. Messrs Mays. John- i ston Council. Symes. Sanders. .\ aruoc__. IFrip. Mitchell. Cbarlesworth. "■"'•£■ Meikle. Whyte. Warburt. I ato. Lee, Rob nson. Smith. For Napier—Master 1 iFor Wellington--Miss Gray. Messrs -.ra'Dam, ; Cairchild. For Lyttelton-Mr and Mrs j .Qulnu. For Dunedin —Miss WorraU, Mr; 'Kin;:. Rev. and Masters Simpson (4). tor all ports, 40 steerage. UNION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Wednesday—Atua arrives from Tonga, Samoa. Fiji, and Sydney. Thursday — Waipori arrives from Newcastle Rosamond arrives from Gisborne. Friday: Mouowat arrives troui the South; Bakanoa arrives from Westport Saturday: Rosamond sal's tor Tologa Bay and Gisborne: Monowai sails for the South; Maheno arrives fiom Sydney. WEST COAST. Friday: Haupiri arrives from Wellington, Pictoii." Nelson. New Plymouth, and sails again for New Plymouth, Wellington, Picton, and Nelson. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ATUA, s.s. for Sydney. December 31 IRIS, cable s.s., for Norfolk Island, December 2-i MAHENO, s.s.. for Sydney: December 30 MA.IOLA,- s.s., for Londou: January 17 MAKURA. s.s- for Vancouver; January 17 MARAMA, ss. for Syduey NAVUA. s.s.. for Fiji; Jan. 2 NORTHERN CHIEF, tor Sydney: Dec. 24 TALUNE. s.s.. lor iiastern Pacitic; Jau. 14 WAIWERA. s.s.. for Londou; December 2t> «-SALANDIA, s.s- for Sydney; January 14 VESSELS IN PORT. CORMORAN. ( cruiser, in stream HALKOiO. *.s.. in ttream Ki'itOMIKO. s.s. at Hobson Street wharf KENT, s.s.. aJ Railway wharf SOUTHERN CROf-S, s.s., iv stream TALUNE, s.s.. in stream XSA EEL, barqnentiue, iv stream EXPECTED ARRITALS. AMARANTH, barqnentiue, from Columbia River; to Bail. ATUA, s.s.. from Islands and Sydney; due December 20. Bai.E.M eI_S, s.s.. from New York; due March 20 BUTESHIRE, s.s., from New York: due February 10. COLLLNU-JAM, s.s.. from New York; to sail. CLAN McALPINE. s.s.. from Bunbary; due December — - CA. ■- r.."-.; iciiKE, s.s., from New York; die February 0 HARPAGL'S, s.s., from New York; due December 2S HURUNUI. s.s. from Liverpool; due December 23 INDALEMA. s.-.. from London; due February 22 LODUKeR. s.s.. from New York; to sail KUMARA. s.s.. from Montreal: due Dec. 29 MAKARINI. s.s. from Louuou; January 15 M_AHE.NO. s.s.. from Sydney: Dec. 2S MAKURA. s.s.. from Sydney: due Jan. 17 MAJULA. s.s.. iroai London; due January 17 MARAMA. S.S-, from Vancouver; due Feu. 11 MAT.'TT'A. s.s_. from London: dne Feb. 7 MORAYSHIRE, s.s.. from Liverpool; due February _> Natal, Transport, s.s.. from Bunbary; due iiecetuner 'JO OR.VK.. ».s.. from London: due Dec. 25 RUTEM-'ELb". s.s.. from New York; due Jantar; S SOUTHERN CROSS, from Norfolk Island; due to-morrow SENOHITA, barque, from Newcastle; to sail. ST.iK OF INDIA, s.s., from London; due December .11 STAR Oi IRELAND, for New York; to sail Deceniba - -1 SUTHERLAND, s.s., from New York; to sail. STAR OF SCOTLAND, s.s.. from London; due January 10. TOKUMA-iiL., s.s.. from Canada; due February 20. TYRONE, si, from Liverpool; due February 10. TOFUA. s.s.. from Islands and Sydney: due Jinuarv -... WAIHtiUA. s.s. from Calcutta; sailed December Ui WAiMATF, s.s., from Montreal; due Febmarv 4. WESTMEATH. s.s.. from Liverpool; due January *-- r '- WAKANUI. s-s., from South; due December 31. WAIPORI. s.s., from Newcastle; due December 24. ZE.iLi.MJiA. s.s., from Vancouver; due January II TOFUA. s.s.. from Sydney: due Jan. 2." MATATUA. s.s.. from Loudon; due Feb. 7 LNI'RAJLEMA. s.s.. from Loudon; due FebTne sailing vessels Rock Lily and Will Wat'-h were admitted to the Graving Dock this morning. Waiporl. s.s.. sailed from Newcastle on Saturday for Auckland direct. She Is due on Thursday night or Friday morning. After some delay in the stream the Iris sailed late yesterday afternoon for Norfolk Island. She is due back early o»xt week. Tie .-oaster Hanpiri sailed from Wellington at 0 a.m. '.o-day. aDd she Is to leave Pio:.'n for Ocehun-__a direct this afternoon. The Union Company's Island ser-ciee stea-uer N'avaa is scheduled to sail from An-kLand at 1 am on January 2 for Suva dit«—_ Union Co.'s s.s. Monowai is due at Auckland ou Friday next, a day later than usual. She is to sail for southern ports on Saturday as usual As expected, the schooner Huia arrived from Bluff last night. Upon discharge stubs to await the arrival of the Orari with explosives. The Star of India is to sail from Sydney on Friday lor Auckland, and is due ben about December 31. She has 2050 tons o. car;:o for this port. The Wauata sailed this afternoon fo: Port ..halmers direct. She is to undergo survey there before resuming her runnin" early ia the new year. The s.s. Rimu arrived at Onehunga this ■morning from Wanganui and Raglan. Sue was unable, owing to rongh weather, to work Opuuake on her outward trip. The Mam Line steamer, due at Auck land to-morrow from Japan via Newcastle will berth at the Railway wharf. A. 11 Hathan and Co., Ltd., are the agents.

The tramp steamer Roseric made a call at Wellington on Sunday for bunker coal. Tbe vessel is outward bound from Newcastle, but arrangements had been made that she was to ptit into Port Nicholson. A survey of the cargo of No. 5 hold of the F. and S. Line steamer Durham, In which an outbreak of fire occurred at Brisbane recently, showed that little damage bad been done. Some thirty bales of wool were found to have been wet by water from the bose, but these were taken ashore, dried, and re-shipped. VIA WHtELBSS. The following steamers should be within wireless range, from tbe Auckland station to-night:—AfUa, Moeraki. Maunganui, W;mmera. Victoria, acj Ulimaroa. From \Vellij_e_on station; Maunganui. Atua, Moernki, Wimmeru, Ulimaroa, Navua, aud Victoria. ISLAND STEAMERS. According to wireless advice received at the local ufiii-c 01" the Union Co. tbe s.s. Ama Is due to arrive at Auckland to-mor-row from Sydney, via the Islands. She is to sail on the reiuru passage ou December .(1. Tofua. s.s.. arrived at Sydney at 3 a-m. yesterday from Auckland. She is to leave ou tbe return passage ou December 31, and is due back here on January 23. STEAMERS FOR AUCKLAND. Cable advice from London states that the Sha-.v, Savlll. and Albiou Co.'s steamer Matatua sailed from London on December 13 for Auckland. Welllugtou, and Timaru. She is due here about February 7tb. The Tyser Line steamer Indralema is reported by cable to have sailed from London on December _xt for Auckland and southern ports, via Australia. She is due hire about February 22. SYDNEY TO AUCKLAND. Advice has been received by the New Zealand Skipp.n:. Company that the steamer Hurunui is to sail from Sydney to-day for Auckland in continuation of her passage from London. She is due here on Saturday, and 2.MHI tons of general cargo to land before proceeding to .Southern ports. The s.s. Kumara is scheduled to sail from Sydney for Auckland to-day. She has a quantity of Canadian merchandise to land here. UNION COLLIER "STEAMER'S. The ss. ltakanoa is due at Auckland on Friday morning from Westport. A:ter discharge of a coal cargo the steamer U to dock at Auckland for survey. The s.s. Kaxaiuii was to hare sailed from ■Greymouth last night for the Mauukau. When discharge is completed at Onchuuga the Karaniu is to return to Westport. The Korouiiko is to complete discharge of her coal cargo to-day at the Hobsou Street wharf, an! she is then to lay up for a tin;?. Having completed her rime charter to the Union Company, the steamer Myra Fell, now at the Hallway wharf, is to sail for Sydney direct on Saturday uext. COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Expected arrivals aud projected departures lv coastal passenger services at Auckland to-day and to-morrow are announced Arrivals.—To-day: Rotomahana, from Coromandei. 11 p.m.: Wakatere. from Thames. 10.30 p.m.; Orewa. from Cabbage Bay, midnight; Manaia. from Whangarei, 7 p.m.: Chelmsford, from Marsden Point, 10 p.m.; Tasman. from Mercury Bay, t> p.m.; Waiotahi. from Great Barrier. 5 p.m.; (Hauiri. Trotn Orewa, midnight; Kawnu, from Kawau. G p.m.; Kanierl. from Arkle's Bay, S p.m. Tomorrow: Wakatere. from Thames. 11 pin.; Apanui. from Awanui, noon; Clansman, from Russell, 6 a.m.; Ngapuhi, from Tauranga. 7 a.m.; Rara-wa, from New Plymouth, at Onehunga, 5.30 a.m.

Departures.—To-day: Daphne, for Kawau, 9 p.m.; Taurwha, for"Waiwern. 9 p.m.; Gael, for Arkle's Bay. 9 p.m. To-morrow: Wakatere, for Thames, 2 p.m. THE STRANDED HAWERA. Tho work of effecting the necesßary repairs to the s.s. Hawera, stranded at Patea, is being vigorously carried out, and the vessel should be ready for launching in from six to eight weeks' time. The repairs are being carried out by Mr Brown, of Auckland, who built both the Hawera and the Klripaka. The work was rendered more difficult by the fact that the vessel was embedded some six feet in the sand, and nothing could be done until she was lifted out of this position. This work was successfully carried out with the aid of hydraulic jacks capable of lifting some 70 tons each. A large amount of timber had to be utilised, and the work, owing to the tide, was necessarily laborious and somewhat protracted. As soon as the vessel is above high-water mark the holds will be cleaned out. aud the final work of repairing the rents in the hull will be carried out. As soon as these and various minor repairs lave been effected the work of relaunching will take place without delay with a view to tbe boat being placed again in commission before the dairying season ends. POET OP OJTEKmrGA. -' ARRIVALS. THIS DAY. RIMU. s.s.. E. Dorlinc. from Wanganui and Raglan.—Northern Co., agents. TELEGRAPHIC SHTPPIKG, Pouto. December 24.—Arrived. 7.30 p.m. yesterday: Inga. s.s.. from Newcastle; o a.m. to-day: Ohinemuri. s.s., from Wbangape. Kaipara Heads, December 23.—Arrived, at 4.30 p.m.: Klttawa, s.s., from Auckland. Whangarei, December 24.—Arrived, 5.30 a m.: Manaia. s.s.. from Auckland. Gisborne, December 24.—Arrived. 7 a.m.: Rosamond, s.s.. from Auckland; 7 a.m.: Koutonul. s.s.. from Auckland. Cape Maria van Diemen. December 24.— Wimmera passed west at 9 a.m. Lyttelton. December 23.—Arrived: Himltangl. s.s.. from Chatham Islands. Dunedin, December 23.—Sailed, at 10 a.m.: Mimosa, Norwegian barque, for Falmouth; at 4.20 p.m.: rilmaroa, s.s., for the Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne; at noon: Waiwera. s-s., for Wellington. OVERSEA SHIPPING. Newcastle, December 21.—Sailed: Waipori s.s., for Auckland. Sydney. December 21.—Arrived: Makura, R.M.F.. from Auckland. December 22. —Arrived: Malwa. R-M.s., from Auckland. GISBORNE SHIPPING DELATED. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) GISiBORNE, Monday. A heavy sea was running In the bay all day to-day. and caused delay to shipping •reneraliy. The Rosamond, from Auckland, via Tolago Bay. put back to Tolago Bay, and is expected to come on when the weather caJms a little.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 4