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I OPL'KA Hl'l'Sl-:. The Orm House wns filied by a hol'day -audience last night, and the perform..***-.-.; eai.mi-.ted by the Fullor-lirennan \aude..lie Combination was received in a lio.iday spirit. Featured '.a Hie first part of the nroeramme was the turn of "V'.cior 'ac Great." . conjuror and illusion;,: who has not been in Au.-kland for seven year-. 111----wcrk id clever and entertaining, and the "thumb-:le trick." which he pu:s on with the aid of his assistants, was probao.v a More than us'uai later.-st .itta.'bes to the reappearance in New Zealand uf Fred. ttlvcnhall. who. it is hard lo realise, has been doe's not see.ii so ion*: since Mr Uivcnhall made "I'm Studying the 1 tor's Orders" ami other catcbv refrains ring from one e.,d j of New Zealand to the other. And u.w be has come Lack with a bud-get of u.-w s n-s which. If they are up to sample ■stnimit.. d : las: night, will carry him again en n:* other triumphal round ot the vaudeville The "Los Rlnehs." who have already established themselves as Arm favourites w tli Auckland vaudeville patrons, were r-ecci.c.l with a degree of heartiness that let n.. doubt as to the appreciation with which their dartnr and ir.terestin**: performance is regarded. The mere ability to l:ft heavy j weights does not inspire a grea: d"al ot : enthusiasm as a rule, bu- these artists en- ] veion their fears of strength with pictur-sqne ; an d manage tn Introduce a few s delights 'of comedy. Th- 1.-lroys are a pair of expert nioiuet spinners and hoop whose graceful and skilful turn eausht the ■nope.'ar fancy straight away ias: night. M:ss* Eva Mndge a captivating young songstress, who changes with remarkable celerity mio the costumes of tie various Characters she impersonates, made he- firs; appearance before an Opera House audience. <-nd qnickiy established herself as a favonrtte Phillips and Merritt. who have added tne 5-ig. "Come into the office.*" :.• the c "'''^ r " sational resources of a .-..n.-.derable •-''<'-*'' of the Auckland public, continued ■merry wav ro the huge satisfaction of a v - lifted audience. "The Fontenoys. a couple of unusually tuneful ladies who con trtbuted some pretty duets in a pretty way, end Mfcs Pearl Livingstone, an established .Jivou-ite. rendered valuable assistance to the harmony of a delightful entertainment. KING GEORGE THEATRE. The change of pro-rramme last night at the King George Theatre was one of the ■best- No less than four star feamre dramas were among the series. of these Lieutenant Rose and the Train W r.-.-kers was tbo most popular. Incident follows incident in rapid succession, and tor exciting situations and realism this picture is quite exceptional. When the Lieutenant's pur-sn-ers side track the train he is ou the engine and carriages are seen to rush airing the nier and plmiire into the sea. "■For Her Mother's Sake" is the story of a •fane-liter's sacrifice in marrying a man she fiisHlres to save her mother from disgrace. \ •"■ensntional accident o>-cnrs on their wending tour by motor-car. The car is seen to rTOS. thrnn'-rh a bridre The girl ■escapes, but the husband is killed, thus .nahllng her to marrr her former lover. "The One She Do-yes- Is a s,orv of love and jealonsy. which nearly ends in a -Officer Mutts v" is another fin" feature drama, full «.<• intecesrin" nT>ri PTcirins sit-ations. "The Warwick Chroni-le" shows some of the very latest hrr-penim-*-** ln the Old CountTv and <rfber places including the -Treat Pre nt Kensington. T ondon. -nohiTi=ation of froon* fn the et-. The rest of the series jjomprise comic and seem.- pietnres. KING'S TIIEATF.E. A special holiday programme is to be seen at the Kings Theatre, the rirst presentation ha-n.-ig beeu made last night. Among many excellent films shown is "Broncho Billy and the Sheriff." an ex-iting Western story, with Mr G. 3d. Anderson in the title role. An election for sheriff Is on. and promises to be a one-sided affair, as the man holding office threatens to do for anyone who opposes him. Broncho Billy is persuaded to do so. and seems likely to win. As he is travelling to the poll on election day he rescues the sheriff's child, who is lost iv the bush, and tales it to a doctor. He then makes ... belated appearance, and as he staggers down the road, hurrying to be in time, the other man sees Mm coming, and draws on him. Later he .lis. overs what his opponent has done for lilm. and nominates him for -he position. The other star drama is "The Vow nf Vsobel." a romance of old Mexico. There ar e quite a number of humorous subjects, including "Tbe Bishop's Bath." "Lion Tonic." "P.ustor ~,;,! the Pirates." and "A Red-hot Courtship." "The Siren's Call to Duty" is the exciting story of a --rent industrial strilie. while "The Grit of a Telephone Girl" thoroughly deserves its place in the 'ist. Variety is provided by scenic items. "T.and"-<-?ipes in Sicily" and "From Jerusalem to the Dead Sea."" and the Oaumont Graphic. The management a special holiday p*-o:rrnmme for Christmas nitrht. nnd a special programme for RoTintr niirl-t. Christmas presents will be given to the children. LYRIC THEATRE. Variety is the keynote of the new programme presented at the Lyric Theatre last evening, one essentially in keeping \\ lib the holiday sea-sou. With <*i:c exception, the pictures touch the lighter note. "The Dandies' Ciub" is tl.e story of a so- iety of fashionable young men nan commit daring burglaries. A new member is set to steal a valuable miniature the property of a mil lionaire. whose .laughter he is engaged to. In order to in.-rease the difficulty of his task, a detective is informed that the burglary is about to take place. The story concerns the adventures of the two men, and the strategical tactics adopted by each make it an extremely interesting one. "The Cup Reporter" is the story of a former mi. road telegraphist who joins a big daily. lie gets Ms chance through the "first man" beins intoii.-ated and unfit for duty. The other is. however, sober enough to attempt to do him out of the job, and does indeed succeed. The iatter. however, brings iiis familiarity with the keys into use. and gets the story just in time from bis sweetheart. who has been on tbe spot, and is also a telegraph operator. The story is brimful of exciting situations. "A Double Danger" tells of a father's efforts to get sufficient money to pay for au operation on hi- crippled daughter by capturing an escaped eriniirrei formerly a train rohbpr "A Six Cylinder Elopement" "Betty Fools Dear Old Dad. and "Bunny's Pnfoide" are all comedy subjects of the best type. Other Interesting items are Canmont Graphic. 'The Sea-son's Greetings." and a coloured scenic entitled "The Chateau of Chamhord." WEST'S I'll TIKES. The programme shown on the occasion of tne usual weekly change at the Koyai Albert hau last night should, according tv indiearious. prove \ery popular. 'I he new series is a splendid eouibinatiou of pictures chosen with ex.■client taste, and forming a blend v- vi, h appeals iv the ta-ste uf the average patron. The big picture U a romance in .-..10ur photography entitled "Alone in I'ar.s." It follows the life of a girl alter leaving her home and travelling to Paris. She is of a musical turn, and for a time earns her living by singing in a cafe chantaut. Her genius is partuuly recognised and she becomes au understudy to the "hief singer. She comes to the rescue in a .as.' of sudden emergency, and at ou<e makes a sensational leap ii,t.. populariiy. By-and-by. however, she begins to think of home, and finally derides t ,, return, ending the story by finding true happiness iv marryinc her old lover the doctor. A good selection of dramatic a-ei .omit- subjects support this splendid production. The best of these are pn.liahl.- a Vitagraph study entitled *'.it:id Robin Gray." the accompanying sons of which will be to-t.igbt rendered by Signorina Murrinen*ro, and "Wou by Waiting."' A spe ial matinee will bt given on Christmas afternoon. NEWTON PICTURE PALACE. Another high-class programme was pre sented at the Newton Picture Palace vestercay. and admiring crowds were present at al sessions. Tbe opening picture was a splendid coloured dramaric film of Shakespeare? "Korner. and Juliet." "The Mat"h makers" (arousing comedvi "The I ittle Spy" m nne dramatic subject depicting a n Incident in the American war' "The I'athe Gazette" .showing several' interesting Items). "I-annrhio-of-i Dreadnought." "TieTiew of Boy Scouts." "Review of Troops by the King." "San Marino Republic" < a rne scenic film showing the beauty spots In this Ettie-kcown quarter of the globe"), "Ninas Baffle" .comic), and "Tired and Absentminded-" (comic, completed a very fine pro■rramme, which will be presented again to-Ste-hr,

I OTHER PICTURE ENTERTAXNMENTS. ' All sessious at the Queen's Theatre were 1 . n.wded yesterday, and the programme was very appreciatively received. Tbe "star" picture Is "On the Track of the Corkscrew lOanß," a sensational photo-play which is most realistically worked out. i The (.'lobe continuous pictures are re- ■ riving a very liberal share of public patronage, tile attendances yesterday and last . voning being large and enthusiastic. The . j rogramme comprises a varied lot of suhj je.-ts. serious, comic, and topical, and all tastes are liberally catered for.


St. Michael's Christmas Fair, now being held in the Hoyal Kink in aid of the funds *'or a m-w Unman Catholic Church at lieinuera. Is having a most successful season, frhrotighout yesterday and last evening it was largely patronised, and the hearts of the stallholders were gladdened by the large number of purchases made, (lood business was also done at the side shows and in the refreshment rooms The fourth round of the tug-of-war was •decided las: evening, when Confraternity mc: the Klhikihl Natives. The Natives turned out in old-time dress and gave a stirring haka. The first pull was a strenuous ..i.e. hut the Natives, not having pulled together before, were a; a disadvantage, and ih.'i- opponents won by a straight-out pu 1. In the second pull a great "go" was witnessed, and the Confraternity boys were hard pu: to to win by four inches. The Maoris were led by Kii-1 Katipa. a famous haka dancer, who did his best :o urge his men to vi.-tory with his dances and war erics. The teams were as follows:—J. I mlfln icaptalnl. J. Murray. J. Bulge-. W. Mccabe. W. o'Keilly. L. Corbett. C. Heffernan. 1-. Deverall. M. Cotter, and W. Krarus Natives: D. Kyan icaptainl, Hinaki. famlliana. Hiriurrrt. Mnnu. Kum, Emeri, Tumunuko. Mana, and Nania Mr T. I', r.urke was the referee. The draw for the semifinals is as follows:— To-n-g>-t: Harbour Board versus "The Tykes." Th-irs-day night: Geo. Court's versus Telegraph Linesmen. To-night another tug-of-war will be held, and promises to be the most exciting of the series The opposing teams will be the Uariit Brothers Old Boys and the Harbour Board, and will include some very hefty competitors. In addition a capital programme of dancing and other items will be provided. CHRISTMAS CONCERT. To-morrow night's Xmas concert at the Town Hall should attract a very large audience. Mr Hamilton Hodges will render a . ouple of Xmas sougs. while associated with him will be other well known artists in Madame Chambers (soprano), Miss Margaret Mackenzie (contralto). Mr W. T. Sharp lor-muisti. Mr .1. T. Ligbton icornetistl, Mr A. Gordon (violinist). Mr Wm. Aspinall itenon. Mr Alan McElwaan (humoristl. and the Lyric Four (male quartetl. The full programme appears lv to-night's advertising i ..lumns.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 2

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 2

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 307, 24 December 1912, Page 2