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.ifoon's Age: Full Moon, December 24, at 4.0 p.m. This evening, 7.9. Sunrise: To-morrow morniDg. 4.30. HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, fi.l3; to-morrow m-ii-.L--, ti.43. ''i-.Lunga: To-morrow mornin-, 10.13; to-morrow eveu.uv. 1"..; i. Ai.i.mkau Hej ,c: To-morrow morning, O.lo: Lo-morrow e> cuing, fl.o-4. ku.para llfau.-. lu-iporrow morning, lu.J; to-morrow eientug. lu.^4. ARRIVALS. SATL'KDAV. MAVAIA, s.s., E. Stcpuenson from Wha-r.-u.-e . PasseLger*: -W, i-xcursiuuisi-s.— Noit .itd Co., agents. i.Kl.iiiUl _\l>, mix. schooner. H Suhr;iz..;.. frum N-.tUern pur..-. I'a».-iisers: Nn- « i.soo a..d v..v. M ...■*!>. WAmm. I'li.ui, >un. Keaue. ilusm-,1 ( 2i, Murray, Foru, Bruce, Juijiiaiuu, .-uurnzty.—jiaster, £:n.:. ISABELLA DEFRAINE. am. schooner. A. Uisen, tr:)m TauraLga.—C. ii. Furuess aid Le., agenis. SUNDAY. WIMMERA, s.s.. 3.v.'2 ions. W. Wallet, ar l.jij p.m., from Souuitrn and East Coast 1-.'.--. -. Mc'iiaUiCa C>> aLd two children, sujiih ai-d child, Rutherford ac-d four children. Knight. Ledger. Bennett, Thompson, An<«;i>"., Patten, 1 lel-u.-r, Davis bl.l . ...\. Scott, Luwtoii, Edwards, McFar.aml and two i-hiiareu, Ura--1..1LU and chiid. Harris, Eyre, Warren, Lewis Mooie, Lioidsuiltu, Uugj'es. Wa.Us, lie Lat..i.r, Lican, Cameron ami two children, Malcolm and chad, tiolaud, Smith, Buchanan ai.d two children, Misses Drew, Uorlou, lirant, Lake, t ox. Trainer, Uee (2), Lake, Laii-g, Johnsiou, Norman. Morton, Hodye, Bea..e:t, Louch, I) Ruuke, Btaduall. Butler, i-pc-oe. Shaw. BiaUey, Baker Dooliug, Wyllie (2), Mu.gan, .UcKiustry,' Johusou, Cv = sea, Walsh, i'arp.n. Adauis, Holmes. Nil ".as. Peatce, t.raui. FruselL Forsoauh.. Gailagner, Carlyou. McFarULe, Fowier, Busoy. seven Sisteis of Mercy, bisters Her-r-.eLt, iatrick. a_d Lucy, .vieasib. Caradus, Williamson, Belloe and child, uee (2i, RuuV ti:., Cole, Prime. Maddison, Ruti-eTtord. Hii-'druarsh, Carpenter Bieuner. Dowry. Wright, Beaie, bim. <j. Smith, J. Sajitn, Hi.., Ledger, Stubbs, Barnttt, Powell, TLouidsqh, Sundberg, Kelha. Dunrer. Harford, tyre, Newton. McLouguleu. Olsec, Allen, Fielder, ,EL:s, 'shiff, King. Oray, Lawton, Travis, Parker. Martin, C James, W. James, Boalase, Gaxflaud, Riddell. Bright. Hookey. Harris, Adams. Warren, Wood, Lewis, Heazler, J. Smirh, PeaiX>ck. Moore. Goldsmith, Faran, Duggau, Bolan, De Costa, Kaisman, Wallis. De Laiour, Waliis, (Jeorge. Paul. King, Sprasue, Miller, Chrisp. Swan son. I'aine, Toomau, Kendall. Donaldson. Butler, Smith, Hart, Pearson, Hesketh. Taylor. Wilson Dr. Scott, and 117 steerage. — Huddart-FarSer, Limited, agents. VICTORIA, s.s-, 2,y«i tons, H. ,T. Kell, at 12.45 p.m., from Sydney. Passengers: Mesdames Eastway, Furuess. Coates, j Moore, Rosewarne and two children, Rcu- i ton, Mudge and child, Fumes*. W. Good-] fellow. Parkinson. Vidor ami chiid, Cato and 1 , two children. Hope. Wiles, Misses Vogel, PriLg. Hodgson. Dignan, Renton. Duttoc Furuess. Goodfeilow. Delroy (2i. Footing, Maii.-neld, Messrs. Eastway, Farrar. Coates. Siu-lair, Hanson Davis (2), P.auer. Pa:erson. House, Alphonius, Webb. Murfltt. Header fi-r,, Baker, Powell, McKee, Moore, ri.ikium: . \idor. Moore, Schmidt. Graham. IJaDdlav. Hard : e, Curran. Hood, UptoD, Wragge, I'.alnzigor, McEwan. Harrowell, Captain Pennington, New Comic Opera Company and 70 members, atid HJO steerage.—HuddartParker, Liimdted, agents. WAIOTAHL s.s., C- Hopkins, from Tairoa. Mercury Bay, and Kuaotunu. PasEenzers: Misses'Laia, Rooke, Agnew, Meyenberg, R. Rhodes. McQuinlan, Joyce. L. Cleaver, Thompson. Sutherland, Vlalous. Mesdames Meyenberg, JemGon, Rhodes, McCcne. Coulson, Kell. Brunton, MessTs. Pearson. Wikt, Cory. Wricht, B. Webb. Boyd. C. Niccol, Agnew, Hay, J. Reid, McCune Coulson, F. Norton. White. C. Turner, Cleaver, Negus, Bramlev Jessin, M<rllwriiith, ,7. Rhodes. Baker, Currie. Fraser, Mathews, Ftinach. Jenkins. Kelly. D. O'Brien. J. McQuinlan, Sewell, Bemrose.— Northern Co., agents. THIS DAY. CORMORAN, third-class German cruiser, 1614 tona, 2930 h.p., 16 knots, eight 4.lin guns and seven maxims, commander Caxir tain Ebert. at 5.45 a.m.. from Wellington. TASMAN, s.s., Falkner. from Whakatana. via Tauranga. Passengers: Miss Anderson. Messrs Fraser. Workman. Brown, Boland. Foreman, Overton. —Northern Co., agents. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. MOKOIA, s.s.. 3.502 tons. E. Harris, for Eas: Const'and Southern ports. KITTAWA, s.s., 1.247. ,1. W. Holmes, at 5 D m . for Kaipara. Melbourne, and Sydney. ROSAMOND, s.s., J. Morrison, for Tolago Bay and Gisborne. CLANSMAN, s.s.. E. McLeod, for Russell. Whan-aroa, and Mansonui. SQT:aLL, s.s.. S. Jones, for East Coast bay s and Gisborne. APANUI, s.s., J. Wilson, for Awanni, Houhora, and Waiharara. KANIERI, s s., T. Meyers, for Wnangarei. SUNDAY. nHANCAEOA, whaling steamer, Neilsen. for Russell. GLENELG. s.s.. Jonas, for Whangarei. LOUISA CRAIG, barque. R. Kennedy, at 6.30 p.m., for Wnangarei and Melbourne. UNION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Tuesday: Wanaia sails for Port Chalmei-s. Wednesday: Rosamond arrives from Gia borne Thursday: Waipori arrives from Newcastle: Atua arrives from Sydney. Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga. Friday: Moncwai arrives from the South; Rakanoa arrives from Westport. Saturday: Rosamond sails for Tnlngn Bay and Gisborne: Monowai sails for the South: Maienc arrives from Sydney. WEST COAST. Friday: Hatrpiri arrives from Wellington, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, and saiis again for New Plymouth, Wellington. Picton, and Nelson. The Joan Craig commenced loading cargo st the Railway wharf this afternoon. She is used to sail for Kaipara t_his evening. The Northern Co.'.s s.s. Ngapuhi is dne from Tauranga on Wednesday. Her next outward sailing for the Bay of Plenty port has been fixed for 7 p.m. on Friday. The s.s. Myra Fell is fixed to sail from Auckland about the end of this week for Newmarket. Afterwards she is to load wheat in Australia for the United Kingdom. The schooner Greyhound will remain in port over the holidays. She is to sail for ports again on January 4. In tow to the s.s. Glenelg. the barque Lousia Craig left for Wnangarei on Sunday evening. -She is To load timber at the Northern port for Melbourne. The steamer Hakushika Mara sailed from Newcastle on Saturday for Auckland. Due on Friday morning, she has 2000 tons of super-phosphates and sulphur to discharge. A message by wireless received locally last evening intimated that the Union Co.'s £.s. Atua, en route from Sydney and Island ports, will arrive at Auckland on Wednesday. Her outward sailing is fixed for December 31. In Wellington a shortage of raihvay trucks is delaying shipping considerably. Ou Saturday the steamers inconvienced through the shortage were the Ruapehu. the A. and A- Line's chartered steamer, the Tyser Marere, and the U.S.S. Co.'s Rakanoa. Capt. Chas. McLean, of the Union Co.'s Tarawera, is ashore, and Capt- A. Carson las taken conumand of the vessel temporarily. Capt. Bergquist. late of the Oarquentiue Wanganui, left for 'Frisco by the Sonoma to taie charge of the barque British Yeoman, now under orders to load at the Pacific Slope for Sydney. A preliminary inquiry was held on Saturday in regard to the stranding of the s.s. John. Seen previous to the inquiry. Capt. S. Holm said that he would not make any statement at rresent. On January 2 nhe s.s. Waiwera is to loao Home cargo here. She is to sail finally fron the Dominion on January 15 for London. The cable s.s. Iris was hauled from her moorings into the stream this morning, preparatory to sailing for Norfolk Island. The schoner Huia is due at any time now from the Blnff. She is to bevth at the Railway wharf to land a cargo of grain. Afterwards she is to take the loading berth for the Nobel Explosives Company. En route from Montreal, the Ktrmara is fixed to sail from -Sydney to-morrow for Auckland. Sic is due-on the 29th inst-. and has 1350 tons of Canadian merchandise to land. For Homeward loading, the Wakanui is to sail from Oamarn on December 28 for Auckland. She is to leave this port for Tokomam Bay on January 4, and is to take final departure from. Wellington for London en January 10,

The Wanaka is to sail at noon to-morrow for Port Cha.mers, where she Is to undergo surrey. Afterwards she resumes running in the Southern Coast ports to Auckland service. The s.s. Kurow is due at Kaipara to-day ro commence loading timber for Melbourne and Sydney. At present the Union Co.'s Koromlko is on the lay up berth at the Hobson Street wharf, aud the steamers Talune a_nd Uaurolo are moored in the stream. The Tyser liner Star of Scotland is reported by cable to have arrived at Melbourne yesterday from London. The Star of Scotland lpft London on November S, and is due here on January 10. WAIHORA LEAVES CALCUTTA. The Union Co.'s steamer Waiaora. 4638 tons, is reported to have sailed from Calcutta on. December 15 for Auckland and Sontiera ports. The vessel has a large consignment of merchandise for N?w Zealand ports. En route to Auckland, she is to make calls at Singapore. Samarang, and Joaita. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. The β-s. Wimmera is to sail from Auckland for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. to-day. She is dne back at Auckland on Satnrday. January 14, and is toed to sail for the South as usual on the following Tuesday. The Sydney to Auckland passage was completed by the Victoria at 1 p.m. yesterday, less chan four days iiaving been occupied on the voyage- The Victoria is to sail for the South to-morrow afternoon. She Is due back at Auckland on .Tanuaxv 5, anc! is to sail at 0.30 on the followingday for Sydney. PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. Wimmera, s,s,, .fixes} to sail fop Sydney ?t 5.30 p.m. to-day takes the following passengers:—Misses Brabant, O'Brien, Snroft, Abrahams, Ince, Dowhev, Watson, Hughes. Birch, Harbuttv Pelbaru. Clark, Mesdames Leslie, Pyke, Nicholas, Hender and infant, Struthers, Nicolls, Howard, Wilkins, Heale, Vaughan. Smith and two children, Messrs Brown. Clark, Phillips. Chandler, Hodge, Tait. De Coursy. Collis, Shaw, Sheridan Ewen. Twohey. White. Cbisholm (2), V. G. Bird, Cox. Scott. Prendergast, Chamberlain. Lewis, Kalman. Miller, Pope, Soott, Strnthers. Smith. Vaughan, Catlow, Smerdon, and Zo steerage. COASTAL FASSEN'GER SERVICE. Expected arrivals and projected departures in coastal passenger services at the port of Auckland to-day are announced as follows:— Arrivals.—Rotomahana, from Coromandel. 10 p.m.; Wakatere. from Thames, 10 p.m.; Hauiti, from Orewa, 11 p.m.; Gael, from Waipu, midnight. Departures.—Tasman. for Mercury Bay, 10 p.m.; Waintahi, for Barrier, midnight; Chelmsford, for Marsden Point, 4 p.m.: Waimarie, for Paeroa, 10.30 p.m.: Ngapuhi, for Tauranga. 7 p.m.; Manaia, for Whangarei, 10 p.m. GERMAN WARSHIP IN POET. The third-class German cruiser Cormorau arrived at Auckland from Melbourne, via Wellington, shortly before 9 o'clock this morning, and went to an anchorage in the stream. Although somewhat larger, the Cormoran has something of the appearance of the British gunboat Torch now in Lyttelton and recently in port here. The German steamer is credited with a speed of 16 knots. She carries eight 4.lin guns and seven maxims. The Cormoran will probably remain in port till January 2nd, when she is to sail for Samoa. IMPORTS. Per Victoria, from Sydney: 720 bags rice. 625 cases sugar, 317 bags peanuts, 40.3 bags onions, 200 bales kapok, 4SO bags lead. 724 bags bonednst, 50 sacks maize, 170 bags bark, 85 bundles sh-afts, 34 bags bottles, and large quantity sundries. Per Wimmera, from Southern ports- 151 sacks oats, 90 sacks wheat, 425 sacks chaff. 290 sacks malt, 33 sacks seed, 55 sacks peas 611 bales straw, 538 sacks' floor, 150 100's flour, 510 50' a flonr, ?7 sacks bran. 50 sacks pollard. 40 packages biscuits ant! confectionery. 60 cases canned goods, S6 casks beer, 120 boses soap, 92 cases tea, 62 bars iron, 120 bundles pipes, 23 lengths pipe, 21 packages disc harrows. 54 packages I bedsteads, 30 rolls paper, 30 cases bacon, 33 boxes lard, 20 cases lard. 15 bales woolpacks. 173 bundles twine. 100 cases salmon, 108 boxes butter, and transhipment cargo ex Ruapehu and Inveric.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 4