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DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIPS. WENS FOR EDEN, PONSONBY, AND VARSITY. EDEN'S NARROW ESCAPE. The fifth round of the cricket district championships was ramtinned on Saturday noon in fine weather, and on easy wickets. On the Domain, University upset Grafton's calculations by putting up 170 for their last five wickets, and running out a winner on the first innings by 70 runs. Ponsonby registered a similar win over Parnell at Eden Park, replying to Parnell's 181 with 252, the feature being -an innings of 92 by Kavanagh. Eden, at the Shore, effected a sensational recovery through the agency of excellent bowling performances by Hay, Honeycombe, and Cunrmings, with the result that Shore's last wicket fell at a total of 153, which was nine runs less than were required. Thus two more points go to Eden. PARNELL V. PONSONBY. The conclusion of this game on Eden Park resulted in a win for Ponsonby by 71 runs on the first innings. Fnnsonbv, with four wickets dow-n for S2, had a century to make to win, and they did it for the loss of oaly one wicket, thanks to a very fine partnership between Taylor and Ke.vanagh. which defied all the Parnell howlers fop over an hour and put on 80 runs. Kavanagh got withl-n an are of his century before being bowled by Olliff. In the hour left for play. Parnell put up 110 for two wickets. Scores: PONSONBY. —First Innings. N. C. Snedden. run out 20 C. Sneddon, st Pell, b cWliff S Woods, c Bennett, b OUiff 2S Collins, st Pell, 1. Anthony 11l Wilson, c Anthony, b Oliiff .„ H Taylor, c Bruce, h Stephens 44 Kavanagh. b O'liff 92 r.arra. st Pel.. 1> Stephens 11 Shepherd. <• Kerr, b OUiff 11 Robinson, h OUiff 1 McMath. not oct 0 Extras 11 Total 251' Bowling: OUiff seven for 69. Kerr none for 34, Stephens two for 53. Anthony one for 30. Bennett none for 6, Bruce none for 21. PARNELL. First Innings ISI Second Innings. Sotnmervell. ■• Robinson, b McMath .... S Anthony, c Robinson, b Woods 4fi Wright, not out 48 OllitT, not ont Extras *5 Two wickets for JlO Bowling: McMath one for 31, Snedden none for 20, Woods one for 24, Shepherd none for 20. GRAFTON V. UNIVERSITY. I The "wooden matrh between University and Grafton was concluded r>u the Domain ou Saturday, resulting lv a win for the former ou the firs-t innings. Un the previous Saturday Urafton had compiled 170 runs, while L'uiversity were tS) up for the loss of two wickets. Far a while it looked as if things were going in Graftou's favour. Harvey being put o u for the firs: time aud securing Taylor and Atrey. the two noi-onis, at a cost of seven raus. After Jacobsen had also been dismissed, Vickerman and Howe turned the tide, their sixth-wicket stano. making over 90 runs, before the first-named was bowled by Pratt. Rowe carried bis bat ont for a sound innings of SI, which was aided along considerably by slow fielding. Grafton played out time and got to within measurable distance of a century within a fairly short space of time, losing three wickets in the process. Scores:— Grafton, first innings . 170 UNIVERSITY.—First Innings. Caradns, thrown out . 23 Airey. b Harrie „ . 37 Graham, b Mason l Taylor, b Harvie IS Jacobsen, b ilorspool . 4 Vickerman. b Pratt 54 Rowe, not out 61 Walker, b Pratt s Faweett, run out . fi Fisher, b Mason \\ Fenwick. b Harrie . 3 Eitras „. is Total „ 246 Bowling analysis: Mason two for 81. Pratt two for 61. Horspool one for 53, Sanvarin none for 17, Mackrell none for 1. Harrie three for 25. GRAFTON.—Second Innings. Maeon. c Jacobsen ri Hay, b Fenwick 1 Sanverin, b Walker IS Horspool, not oat —.. 42 Mackrell. not ont 5 Extras _. .._„. 24 Total for three wickets 94 Bowling: Jacobsen one for 19, Fenwtck one for 17, Waiter one for 13, Fisher none tor 19. EDEN V. NORTH SHORE. The match between North Shore and Eden was concluded at North Shore on Saturday, when Eden effected a surprise with a win by eight runs on their first innings, and making 228 for seven wickets in then- second. North Shore, who last Saturday had lost three wickets for 93, continued their innings, but slumped badly, and only managed to take their score up to 153, Scores: NORTH SHORE.—First Innings, L. Dacre, b Honeycombe ~..,. 20 i J. Howie, Ibw, b Honeycombe . .. ,"> L. Prime, c Roantree, b Cammings.... 4 E. V. Sale, c Hay. b Honeycombe 221 Coleman, c and b Hay _. . 50! Farqnharson, run out . .. n not out „ 19 Bosh. Ibw. b Hay ol Archer, b Hay ... 1^ Rankin, c Hemns, b Cuinmings 9 Townsend. b Hay " js Extras 3 Total "7^3 Bowling analysis: Honeycombe three for 60. Hay four for 42, Cummings two for 27. Taylor none for 16. Hemus none for o. EDEN. First innings 161 j Second Innings. I. Mills, b Dacre _ 33 R. Gordon, c Townsend, b Bush 23 Ronntree. st Prime, b Bush . .... S Cummings, b Bush 51 Brooke-Smith, c Sale, b Townsend .... 4 Hemus. c Archer, b Bosh 27 Smeeton, c Townsend, b Dacre 45 Heighway, not out " 22 Extras 13 Total for seven wickets 22S Bowlin.c analysis: Dacre one for 3S, Townsend one for 54, W. Bnsn four for 65, Archer none for 13. Stewart none for 11, Rankin none for 26, Howie none for 10. SECOND GRADE. WAITEMATA V. PONSONBY A. Waitemata. —First innings: Mayall, c and '' b White, 63; Claud Moller. b Cheshire, 6:, Arblaster. b Barclay. 54: J. Riddell. c' Camber, b White, 3: Carl Moller, c Osborne.' b White, 0; lenrperton, b Barclay, 5; A. I Riddell. not. out, 34; A. Satchel 1. b White, 13- T. Hurley, b White. 6; P. Melville, Ibw. | b Cheshire. 27; A. Golden, c S. White, b Wnite. 6; extras, 15. Total, 232. Bowline: P. White six for 59. Cheshire two for S3. McCoy none for 19, Barclay two for 37, Roberts none for 5. Ponsonbv. —First innings: A. Mills, b Axblaster, 3; D. Comber, c itayall, b AibUs-

ter, 1: Roberts, c May-all, b Moller, 3; Barclay, b Arblaster, 4; S. White, run out, 0: Cheshire, not out 3: Osboren, b Claud Motler, 8; Pegler, 'b Claud MoUer, 1; P. White b Claud Moller. 0; Kimber, b Arblaster, 0; McCoy, absent, 0. Total, 23. Ponsonby.—Second innings: A. Mills, b Arblaster, 1; D. Comber, Ibw, b ; Arblaster. 0; Roberts, c and b Arblaster, 6; Barclay, b Arblaster, 5: S. White, c and b Temperton, 2; Cheshire, c and b Arblaster, 5: Osborne, c and b Satcbell, 31; Pegler, absent, 0; P. White, not out. 1: Kimber, b Satehell, 5; McCoy, absent, 0; extra, L Total, Bowling: Arblaster four for 14 and five for 3<j, Claud .Moller four for !> and none for 12, Temperton one for 10, Satchell, two for 2. Waitemata won by an innings and 15----runs—a tbree-point win. EDEN B V. PONSONBY. Eden. —First innings. 200. Second innings: Smith, b Kavanagh, 71; McDonagh, not out 37; Burton, b Kavanagh. 7; S. Mills, not out, 23; extras, 9: Two wickets for 147. Ponsonby.—First innings: M'mogne. b Sotnmervell, o"; Worker, b Burton, 0; C. Kavanagh, b Sommervell, 9; Plummer, b Sommervell, 0; Watson, b Sommervell, 9; Young, not ont. 14: Brown, thrown out, 2; Merme, b Burton. 0; Quintal, b Sommervell. 39; Smith, b Sommervell, 25; D. Brown, thrown out. 1: extras. 7. Total, 111. Bowling: Sommervell six for 37, Bnrton two for 81. A two-point win for Eden. NORTH SHORE V. UNIVERSITY. University.—First innings. ITi2. Second Innings: Winks, ltvw, Miller 4: Moore, b Joyce. 1: T. A. Goulding. c and h Millpr. 5: A. W. Oonldlng. b A. Miller, 2C: Blake, <: and b Young, 3: Player, not out. 21; F. P. Gonlding, b O. Miller, 7; Thomas, h Joyce, 11; Lang, run out. 0: Melville, run out, 1: Luce, absent. Extras. 4. Total. S6. Bowling: Joyce two for 28. O. Miller four for 24, Young one for 2, Cossey one for R. North Shore.—First innings." 149. Second innings: Cossey, b Player. 26: Young, c and b Player. 28: O. Miller, c and b Gonlding. 1: Meikle. b Player. 11: Coleman, not ont, 6; Joyce, not out! 29. Extras. 2. Total for four wickets. 102. Bowling: F. S. Gonlding onp for 2S; Player three for 27. Blake none for 16. North Snore scored a three-point win. PARNELL V. EDEN A. Parnell.—First innings. 251. Eden A.—First innings: Haase. c and b Mann. 37: Tattersall, b Doble, C; Gumore, b Doble. 0; Murdoch, h Warner. 10: Horspool. b Mann. 10: Punch, c and b Mann. 1. Murray, b Warner, 3fl: McLaucnlan. b Moore, 30; Bennett not oui, 0. Extras, 9. Total. 141. Bowling: Mann three for 42. Doble three for 42, Warner two for 12, Fairbum none for 22. Mrore one for 14. Eden—Second innings: Haase. st Dow. b Fairburn. 22: Bennen. b Warner. 0: Murray, b Warner. 0 : McLauchlan. c Jackson, b Fairburn. 5: Tattersall. b Doble. SO: Gilmore. b Mann. 10. Horspool. b Fairburn. 19: Murdoch. Ibw. b Moore, 0: Punch, Ibw. b Doble. 13; Harris, not out, 1; extras. 20: total. 172. Bowling: Mann one for 46. Warner two for 34. Fairburn three for 30. Doble two for 36. Moore one for 6. Parnell.- Second innings: A. Warner, run ont. 22; Moore, b Horspool, 20: Fairburn. h Horspool. 1: Jackson, not out. 3: extras. 1. Total for three wickets. 47. A two-point win for P arneil by 113 rnns on the first innings. THIRD GRADE. EDEN A V. GRAFTON. Eden. — First innings, IS7 (Rasmnsseu 39, Aikman 33, Thomas 32 not ont). Bowling: McCormick seven for 66. Grafton.—First innings, 137 (McCormick 37. McDougall IS). Bowling: Blair seven fer 37. Carr two for Eden- Second innings, 132 (Jenkin 22, Aikman 31. Blair 21). Bowling: McCorniick five for 35, Simmonds two for (S. (irafton.— Second innings. 90 (Smith !."», Mi-nougall 131. Bowling: K.ismusson three for 17, Kyd two for 10. Blair two for 2S. Eden won by 92 runs, a three point win. FOURTH GRADE. POXSONBT V. NORTH SHORE. ronsonby. — First innings. 111 (Smith 35, Edlin 20, not not. Large 13). Second innings. 30 for one wicket (Smith 17. not out). North Snore.—First Innings, 10<> i Dacre 31. Waller 21. not out). Bowling for Ponsonby: Maguire six for 17, Edlin cue for 1. Ponsonby won by 5 runs on the first innings. CHURCHES' ASSOCIATION. JUNIOR GRADE. V.M.C.A. V. ST. JOHN'S. T.M.c A.--First innings, 12; second innings, 36 (Greer 15). St. John's.— First innings (declared}, 149 (Arneil 36, Corney 30, Aitken I. 29 not out, Aitken 11. 23 not out). Bowling—For St. John's: First innings. Corney six for 5; second innings, Arneil four for 10. For V M.C.A.; Greer three for 67, Menzles Three for 78A three-point win for St. John's. DETONPORT PRESBYTERIAN V. W.Y.M.t. W.YJi.l.—First innings. 85 (T. Condon 47 not out. Tonkin 18, Cowley 10). Second InDings. 80 (\T. Condon 20. Tonkin 19). Bowling for W.YALI.: W. Condon focr for 7L Devonport.- First innings. 162 for seven wickets (Coleboume 77, Reashaw 26, A. Kennedy 24). Bowling for Devonport: Colebourne four for 22. Croot two for 6. A two-point win for Devonport. OUTSIDE MATCHES. TE PAPAPA V. CARLTON. Carlton, HE (Whisker 20, Philpot 25. Williams IS not ont. O'Shea IS), bear To Papapa, SS (Hoskins 32, Cross 15. Beaver 14). Bowling: For Te Papapa, Hajward five for 19, Mann three for 24: for Carlton. Higgins six for 23, Whisker two for 20. COUSINS AND COUSINS V. "HERALD." Cousins and Cousins.—First Innings, 2X. Second Innings, 42 (Carry 20). Bowling for "Herald," Clark took five wickets, O'Connor five wickets, Ninkle three, Sinlin three, Steele two. "Herald."—First Innings, 166 (Steele 49, O'Connor 31. Horspool 21, King 21). Bowling for Cousins and Cousins, McDowell took five wickets and Curry two. "Herald" won by an innings and 105 runs. MAHITIitE V. ST. PETER'S. Maritime.—l 77 (Breese 101 not ont, Douglas 20. Quintal 16, Moyle 11). St. Peter's. —First innings, 141 (Isbimter 32, Little 25). Second innings, seven for 140 (Mills 54). Breese gave a fine display, and reached his second century this season. RAILWAY WORKSHOPS V. PAPATOETOE. Railway.—First innings. 75 (T. Elliott 17, Lynch 10. Martin 21, G. Higginbottom 10). Papatoetoe.—First Innings, 97 (D. Burnside 39, E. H. Burnside 14, W. Burnslde 15). Bowling for Railway, T. Elliott took five for 27, H. Martin one for 11. Lynch one for 3, Bennett two for 1. For Papatoetoe E. H. Bennett took five for 30, A. Swaffield three for 12. PLASTERERS V. SMITH AXD CAUGHEY. Plasterers—First innings, 92 (J. Lecky 27, F. Heath 23, G. Stott 10, Spnrbnr 10). Smith and Caughey.—First innings, 23 (Finlay 12). Bowling for Plasterers, Newson took four wickets for 11, Frew four for IS. For Smith and Canshey, French took three for 16, Cotticgham two for 12, Sayers two for 13, Emery two for 3L i AUCKLAND V. WELLINGTON. THE AUCKLAND TEAM. The following players have been selected by Messrs. Lusk. NeilL and Sale to represent Auckland in the match against Wei Hngton, commencing on New Year's Day. Wellington are challengers for tie Flunke* Shield, held by Auckland:—L. G., Hemus (captain), W. Brooke-Smith, G. Cuimmings, Bonn tree, L. Taylor (Eden Club); E. Y. Sale, L. Dacre (North Shore); N. C. Snedden (Ponsonby), E. Horspool (Grafton), Ollin i and Sommervell (Parnell). N. Kavanagh (Ponfiottbr) is twellth. man.

HAMILTON. The cricket match Hamilton A v. Frankton Junction resulted in a draw. The former made 145 for three wickets (J. Pomeroy 73, Howden 26, -Mibon 22). and the latter 142 for seven -wickets (Bentley 51, Lentfer 29). Hamilton B easily defeated MorrmsriTle, at MorrtosviUc. by- 91 runs. Hamßtou declared with five down for 137 (Shep*ei>d 67, Farrer 22). Morrinsville were all disposed of for 46. MARLBOROUGH V. S. MELBOURNE. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) BLENHELM, Saturday. The cricket match South Melbourne v. Marlborough "was commenced in fine weather on a good wicket. Marlborough batted first, and two wickets fell for 9. Wedde and Pearpoint played cautiously, runs coming slowly. At 27 Wedde was bowled by Giller, the ball coming right from the off. Pearpoint and Jackson made a stubborn stand, the partnership realising 50. The former showed freedom In hitting. Trott went on for a change of bowling, and was relished by the batsmen. The fielding was very keen. Scott yorked Jackson, who tmide 'JS. Pearpoint was narrowly missed at 97, when he put a leg in front. McCorinack made 37 by clean driving and good defence. At luncheon Blenheim had eight wickets down for lIS. The rest of the Marlborough batsmen made only 30, the innings closing for 14S. Trott look Sykes in with him to open the vN tors' innings. Pearpoint got Trott's wicket before a run had been si-ored, but when Scot: went in the bowling was severely punished. The newcomer hit Ross for four fours in one over, but eventually was taken in the long field. Sykes. meanwhile, -i-as scoring rapidly, and there was great cheering when he reached the century. Fifteen runs later, however, he was taken in the long field. He never gave one chance, anil hit lb fours. When stumps were drawn South Melbourne had lost six wickets for 334 runs. Scores: — MARLBOROUGH. Mills, Ibw. b Giilcr o Whittle, c Pykes, b Giller 3 Wedue. b Giller lo Pearpoint, Ibw, b W. McCormack 37 Jackson, b Scott „ 28 Gouldlng, st Pentland, b McCormack.. 20 Robinson, b Kyle . 2 Martin, b Kyle 3 Reid, Ibw, b McCormack 0 Cragg, b McCormack 2 Ross, b McCormack y Keid, Ibw, b Kyle () Whitby, b Kyle " 0 Siorton, c Giller. b McCormack 12 Monro, b Kyle v Blinks, sr IVutland. b McCormack.... o i Bennlug. not out 1 I Uyltoa. b Kvie 4. i Extras \ - 2 j Total its j Bowling analysis: Giller, three wickets for 124 runs: Kenny, none for 11; Kyle, six for ; 27: Trot:, none for 23; McCormack, seven for 23; Scott, one for 11. SOL'TH MELBOURNE- First Innings. Trott. c Martin, b Pearpoint 0 Scntt. c Ross. I) Gouldiug 51 j Wilier, run ont 5 Sykes. c Cragg, li Unnlding .'lls Kenny, r Cragg. b Whittle 3s c Bencing. b Uortou 44 Kyle. Dot out _ ;r* I McCormack. not out is I Extras 41 Total for six wickets 334 Bowling Analysis: Pearpoint. one wicket for 52 runs; Ross, none for 33; Moulding. i two for 63; Bennmg, none for :S; Hyiton, noue for 21: Cragg. none for 15. Whittle, one for 31; Reed, uone for 9; Martin, none for 21; Uorlon. .jne for 22. WELLINGTON v. N.S V/. TEACHEES. A DRAWN GAME. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Saturday. The cricket match between N.S.W. Teachers and Well.ngton was continued today. The weather was tine, but the attendance was small. Continuing their iumngs, Wellington were disposed of for 116. Grimmett brought his total up to 27 by cautious play. The last wicket partnership was tae best of the local side and netted 28 runs. The vusitors commenced ihvir second innings after lunch, Barnes and Myers opening to i.tobiusnu ana Saunders. They put 011 40 before being separated. Myers played pretty cricket for his runs, which inciudeu uue six. The scoring, however, was slow. Southall a: las; got O'Neill Ibw. Barnes and Freeman batted freely, and 10*,) appeared after '.to minutes' plaj. Freeman was caught behind the wickets when his score stood at 19. The partnership added t6. i Smirh was caught after adding 17 in : style, and Barnes touched a fast one and was :aken in the slips. Harvey and McMnllen then became associated and scored rapidly, 200 appearing after three hours' ; play By six o'clock the rate of scoring had slackened and stumps were drawn, leaving the game in an unfinished state. Scores:— WELLINGTON.-First Innings. Glbbes, c Harvey, b Barnes. ..__.__ 14 Patton. b Harvey »„ 5 Beechey, b Harvey . , ~ ~ ). Cullen, b Harvey . ...... —«.._ U Grimmett, b Freeman _._.._._ 27 Robinson, b Harvey . o Saunders, run nut o Southall. C Smith, p Harvey 9 Blacklock. c Smith, b Barnes 10 Wilson, not out 21 j Brice. c Smith, b Freeman is Extras — 4 j Total lib' i Bowling analysis: Morris, no wickets for I2S runs: Harvey, five for 42; Barnes, two j for 28; Freeman, two for 16. ! TEACHERS. —Second Innings. I Barnes, c Southall, b Robinson 7S Myers, b Rooinson 23 O'Neill. Ibw. b Southall „ 7 Freeman, c Cullen, b Saunders..... 19 Smith, c Glbbes, b Robinson _ 17 Harvey, not out ._._..__ „ 5." McMullen. b Grimmett... 43 Extras _. ... — _. is Total 2&> Bowling analysis: Robinson, three wickets for 61 runs; Saunders, one for 69; Southall, one for 34.; Brice, none for 28; Grimmcrt, one for 27; Gibbes, none for 13.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 8

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CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 8

CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 306, 23 December 1912, Page 8