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The following is Mr D. C. Bates'" "weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 a.m. this day:—-Thorn are nviications for southerly moderate ti strong winds VTea-ttlM probably coo] a.nd chan ? rabl«, but there ie a prrenect of fair to cloadr weather predominar.iT!~. The -barometpr has -a ri&ng tendem-y. ?ea and tides moderate."'

Prosperous tirues ahead for Xew Zealand were predicted by mast of the speakers at the Wellington Harbo'-.r Board gathering last Thursday night, urx-il, frozen meat, and dairr * producp would for sotue yrars stand oa.a higher level than they had done in the past, was the opinioa expressed by Mr. J. G. Harkness, who instanced the. great demand, for our products in market* abroad. IJY added that the time would shortly come when this- Dominion would have to face the. question of increased support for the Navy, and would have to make -a much greater sacrifice in the past in order to keep open the rontei of commerce.

The contention of Mr McGregor, raised iTi defence of the master of the auxiliary schooner YVaro, that Article 29 of the Collisions Regulations does not create any express rule, the breach of which- is an offence under the Shipping Act. was upheld by Mr Cuttcn. S.M., yesterday The YVaro grounded at Oraail Bay o"n the night of October 11, when there was on deck only the man nt the wheel, and Hie Marine Department prosecuted the master of the schooner, alleging a breach of Article 29 of the. Collision Regulations, which prescribes that a "proper look-out' : by Mr McGregor the charge against the master was dismissed.

Use Prime Minister has received a handsomely printed card of greeting rrorn the officer commanding the OanjTdian cadets who recently visited New Zealand, conveying the following message: "Please convey to your Government the sincere appreciation of the Canadian cadets on a,-connt of th* generous hospitality extended to us during our pleasant and profitable tour of ° roar prosperous Dominion." The card is dated "From E.M.s. Zeaiandia at sea, homeward bound from our clorious tour of Australia and New Zealand."

A young half-caste was proceeded against in the Police Court to-day on a charge that he had failed to contribute to the support of a near relative who is an inmate of the Auckland Mental Hospital. Mr Matthews, who appeared' for the defendant, detailed the. family history of the case, which showed that*the defendant was the illegitimate son of a Maori woman and a European, and that the mental patient was also of illegitimate issue from the same mother but by a different father. Mr F. V. Fraser, S.M., agreed with Mr Matthews' contention that, the Destitute Persons Act imposed r.o responsibility on illegitimate children for the maintenance of their parents' kin, , and dismissed the inrormaticm.

Evidence for the defence :a the proeeoution i2atatu,t«d by the HeaJth De-part-men.t against John Taylor and W. B. Jenkins for selling milk below the standard in fatty solids, mc taken yesterday afternoon ajid this morrxiag. The suggestion of the prcseciition wae not thai, t'ue milk iad b*en adulterated in any way, but that by the use of the cream separator the natural percentage of butter-fat had been reduced. Defendants deposed that the milk, purchased under a warranty as being pure, ne-w, and s»*t, had W.n pasteurised before being E-old, but, stated that paeteiirimtion could not reduce the butter fat in any way. It w.i.s ale.i stated that linlpjs the m'tik we-rs paetrurised so that it would keep, dairympn cmiH not caTry nn bus-mew In Auckland. TV defendant Taylor finid that frww milk and . teuris'ed milk never mixed, because that would kwsen tftr kefpine; qHa-lity of, the.milk. dtfi'iiinTs denied laying separated tJLO ir.ilk. Tbe case w-nfi adjourned till January 13, for legi! ;»rgiimrnt.

Ferro-corterete for thoroughfare foundation is to be emnloyed in tbe roadinjr of the Comisky Estate, off the. King'V Drive, Parnell. It i=; claimed that this method of formation is ,-omp twenty-five per cent cheaper than the usual system. "Die engineer for tlip work. Sir. J. liojrere, intends to put i!mvn a foundation of four inches of shingle t-oncrcto re-inforced with steel triinjrular mesh. The won ring enrfaee will h.ilf an ipfh nf .Tsplialt nude v,-ith shinirle, which shouM ?ive a gofxl wearing surface, not ton Bii:ippry. There is a total lenath of l<oo tVet of roading to lip done, the width being 42 Wt lietween the kerbin?. and the nontrac-t nnc>e ia ffl.loo. The successful tenders were' Messrs. Wilson ard Murray, and they will begin thp work on M' Tt is expected that the roads will be "finished ia about ten .weeks. The. p.xr>eriment win he watched with interest, partienlarl-y. by those outsidp boroughs whn, since Newmarket's lead, havp been dr?;;u=siT!ff tap matter of improving their thoroughfares.

Tie scval of the Cuftorne Department in OiristrbiinSb -v.~i= by Mr ~L. M. Isitt, M.P.. in a bf.v-py after-dinner ipeer'n to Tne-riibors of the C : vil Service Aasw'itiou. He «i-,1 tb?t his business ns a bookseller, obl'/jrf n ; m to import tracts, a form of pa4>Hra.tion very pornilar many years but not so' widely d isitTJibutmi imwa*iTs. One of these, *.iM Mr Teitt. w.ts a littl* handbill with '■A\T, P re Are You CinjnffV , on the front of it. Tic bead-of the futtortie Department, however, had rhaxtrefl a duty of a pound as advertising matter— (Uugh.ter)— and he thought it very Kird if It was to cost fio much merely for advertising a warning that peovle were going to the -'other placp." At thp tame timp, ho adrrire.d the officer's zeal, and the interests of the De-part-m-mit mnet surely be in good hands if pvptv officer dlpplaypd thp same care to his dutiee.

The City Fire !n. s just in--taUed a second Thomeyeroft motor firq, engine, which -will be put iuto use this week. The motor is a 55 borse-powei model, an exact replica c f that , which has been in use at the ?t:ition far soe list three and n half yenrv The la.3t has pTverrsnich ■sattsfaction in that r p rioi. having cost nothing in repair?. 1 that it was flenided to import a. similar chassis, the body bein<; made br a local firm. The only details tfierein the new motor difTrrs ./rPOT. the old i.~ the fact that the two rear wheels are pneumatic tyrod inpt.ead o-f beincr shod Mith solid rnbher. pves srreater m.?e nf movement over the rouffh portions df ?trePt. an imprnvfiment frreatlr needed as the old car was not only uncomfortable over rou?h .2-oing. but was extremely hard on its enaine. The car has =P3trni aecomniodation for 12 men. an 1 \vi!l all first aid frre appliances, iirftirlins 12.00f> feet of ho?e. two 20ft. ladders,' ajld a i'injpine sheet. Its-total<sO?t was £9?5. The old car Tnl! be tnn = ferrrd u> the Ponsonhy Station in of the- ArielSimr'.ox iT,S-."R h.p.. wlrch lias now been in the service of the brsrade for t.lx> last

A Southland jrentipman, qti-aHiied to epp-nk with, some desrreo of authority on the states ih?f. tlierp arc ■ahinwiawt ev '. d-ew-es of a great wheit shorta-ere in New Zealand this year. He wa-s forcibly s-trwk with the sm.i.H ouaTrt : tie6 be:np "r>,n<ii»-<1 on th° rai-'wave. and p-ive it as his t7>".t millere wcTe etoc'rfi-ns very hpsvily asainst ths nrvof Tirc«npcte of next s&geonVs ea-pplv. The CiriTβ-rhiiry crops .were a ve-rv thin *:;■! loi. and their snv tactions wou.Vl fall <t Tonjr mv behfnd the UP!ia.l. There w;ie ever- I tint flour would go up to a very ad- I vincd price before ir.a.ny months had 7>a?6frJ. _A recpnt arrival frnm Scotland. PeteT Younfr, who was servini a sentence of six months' irnprisomr.e-it for breafchig and enter-D? and taeft "at Hasticrs. p?r*?pd from custn<3v yp=tr-tiay. He hn<i been removed from "the T»rrace sraol to the hosDital for trentnifir. and about five o'clock had disap7)eaTpd. A uiri(ru«_nrize ia_tlif furci of % brvo'< wriiten in French ■pfwpj.eA at the GirV filgW ' S«li-eol- ■ prize This was n prize prr«pnte.-t by. the French Coveraineni to the eohool for Frcnciu The lady principal eaid the idea bid nrignnated with the French Conoid in Auckland for the purpose o f bipdiao- -the .ties b»tn-«m the two emmtrVs. She fho"o-ht : - ivv-u-ld "be a pood idea the CUtW EiiJS . ..mxt year tn spnd a to France to be T>resentf-1 to some FreTich school. Somethincr was rrpi-tvsai-y ont hero to renrnd lie of t-lie. kindred of n.itione. 7u hs- :- tor T we ' c ' :lrll ' t a-bout oirr w<*re nr>d en-mitic-i with F-rancp, bur abiu: ! our fr:pnds-bips. Suc'i x prize r>.r h:id ' offered more n-eceasary '.n a cir!s' #choo." than a hoys* hecau&e jirls WP7P too opt tn look n-t TinitPTW from i personjiJ point of view, I: had b->en : decHlod to award, r-ir prize t-, a pffh L>nn girl principally j,,. r rrr;vPTK-i-tlonsl | French. Th-e lar>y «ho had t-onducfe<l 1 the exa.minatrion ha<l nni-ormed he- tint the reading-■ in l-"Vench tos of the i eet standard. Choufrh f* tii? con- ! versa-tioTi u:v no-i &o gnoA. The bursting of .1 water, mala i.i , Cii.riiitchurrJi recently has run the Ci+y :r,:o a very itirly sum. The Water Commuttee have p«s«ed f-»r pay- : ment a≤ cumpenKaiion ever £400 to a ' draper, whose celVar we and his ■ shock damaged, and over t'-in to a to- | bacoanJFt. The wool auctJims in D-.inedia caneed ' a stir, the rjp;>li?s of .v.h'c'i are ! rnj? all over the Ponrnion, a Soufchem paper. The average price over the whole sale was high —very hig-h considering tha-t much of the wool waa far- j mers' wool, which as a rule is not co carefully sorted as the largje station ' clipe tna-t come to market in Janua.ry. i In thie connection, .however, it is but j fair to eta/te ihat much of the fa-rmsrs' wool -was BJceiy ; V-eotser estimate of one day's returns places- -the , tota.l transaction -at £110,000! • i The Cae-tiepoint will no!; be exuntil January 12th, instead of January let, ac at first announced. |

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 4