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Auckland Star Office, - " " ___rs_y, December ISth, 1912. Merch—nts report that trade is very satiff-, factory. An enormous amount of business j - i&s been l>n'- during the last ten I 4lays, and there is a general consensus of-j - opini' nl; thnt tie voiume of trade done this ] jaonth wiii -easily ellipse that of the corre- • Jgpondrnsr peri.-is of previous years. The-MO-arrival nf shipiii"nrs of seasonable com'modititß till almost the lost moment has "rendered opera-tious doubly ditficult for jnerc—trits, and retailers taTe also suffered some loss lv consequence of the same 1111----avoidalile delay, whi.-h. it may be explained, was due par:.y to lalwur troubles in G-reat "Britain. 10 the present war in lite fruit-, producing c«.iUDtries in Southern Europe, and In the rase of Anr.prican goods to. the difficulties whR-Ji exporters encountered inproenring the requisite* amount of cargo space owing to ilic ;-reriii]irrg boom in the.. pipping wor'.d. Soft goods' warehousemen advise a vast. -__nroveme:-t. in business, which has In-, creased substantially sin-re last report. Kales! cf sum goods tiare been very " ' fai. and wiLh several iargf- shipments dnfr directly, a still further improvement in trade is conflJently anticipated. . Wholesale grocery mercnants and indesntors, a;enrs, au.i manufacturers engaged" ]n lines akin to tne same trade are reaping tie usual harvest of orders due at thus tseason of lac year. Brisk business, bard 'work plenty of overtime are the orders Of the liny in everything connecter) with the or retail grocery trade at the prose:-', time. Hardware merchants' trade has slackened., off somewhat in view of tbe fact that almost all tbe big hyiidiug operations will be suspended during tlie holiday season. In _tlie ironmongery and retail departments 'trade is very fair. 'Irain and produce rnerccants are finding business slightly easier, which is looked upon as "usual thing at' this lime of 'he year. Fancy goods merchants are naving a phenomenal run of good business, and are having some dim-- ■ culty in coping with the tremendous de> — .nand for their lines. Firms engaged in the bacon-curing industry advise that the demand for hams '.for tbe Christinas trade this year has created a record, ancl the recent advance in price had to be u_ide in view of supplies: ■'• rnn—ing short, and the consequent impossibility of f-UUling contracts made some months ago. With retailers generally in . both city aud snbnrbs trade is active and brisk, aud ready money seems freer than for some tinie past. Salmon.—Several brands of various qualities and grades have been landed this week, and although quotations are abnoniially : "high the demand ha< been fair. It is not likely that prices will decline this season, I es the catch has heen very poor. . Linseed OiL—The English market continues very weak, and quotations to hand represent a stiil further reduction of one halfpenny per gallon. This market nfnsr shortly reach bedrock, and buyers would do well to operate within a short period. Kerosene. —A shipment is due by the s.s. .("ape Finistprre in February, and the quo-! tations ex wharf remain the same for both! Shell and White Kose brands. ' Pine Apple.—Quotations received this.i week by cable from Singapore indicate that rhis line has reacbe.i a bedrock price, and the tendency of =rhe market is now somewhat harder, so that buyers .who bare not aire—ity essvered wouid be wise in doing so at once. Dates.—.The demand for bulk has been "enormous." and the present prices cannot, in. consequence, last for long. espeH_ally as the supply is limited. Ceylon Tea, —Advices from Colombo s.tate that at the last sale an improved' tone prevailed, and the one and a-half million pounds me_ with more active competition. Although quality was Inferior, last week's .prices were fully maintained for fine mejeUmn and common grades. Dust and fan.nings were dearer. Tbe London market is cabled, as demand. Is good, prices stestdy and &nn. » Sardines-—Several well-known brands of Norwegian smoked have been landed this week and met with an active demand. The packers of the Louis Tref brand have not yet ft—ilied the orders of local importers, and this brand still remains in short supply, with no prejepect of replenishing gtecks. . - ... '" Offers "frtrt- London have come forward: more freely 'Teyf flax since last report,' "V. y_Ubaag_ no change In price has.been cabled. „; —his would seem to Indicate a better "tone' in the market at Home. Locally the quotalion ls £27 10/, £26, and £24 for the respective grades of hemp. Deliveries are -- 'steady, as tbe sunny weather Is admirable ~for -bleaching purposes. Keporting on the —bndon hemp market, under date of November 9th, James Morrison aud e'o., Ltd., ■emote: Good fair Nr-w Zealaud flax at £35 2/.6, high point £34 2 B. and fair £33.10/ for , sjiipmect up to January-March. Kilo. Stocks 7'stood then -at 324 ton.-. In Londou. us compared with SlO tons sum;- date iv 1911. '" ! Stocks of kauri gum arc short iv the _ liands of brukers. as all supplies of good ... grade have found ready sale as they are ; sent in. At the present time, however, the ; great bulk of the guio coming to hand is of 3 low grade, due no doubt to the fact that; , .the hot weather rendered the swamps dry enough to he worked with more com- ; fort while at tin- name time it lias ren- . dered dipginf: on tiie Ml is from which better eless gum is v. ou I—ucli hiiruer work. Tile ■v total arrivals for the nionth to date amount ' to about s'Xi tons. Prices for all grades of giim have been well maintained. /: The shadow of tbe holidays secerns ta. i. hare been cost ahead on the Stock Exchange as far as business In mining shares Is concerned, for transactions have been reduced to a miuimum, and prices slide so ~. gently do-wnwards that it seems impossible to state what will be bedrock. Thames 1 shares are dull indeed, even Occidental Consolidateds having at last dropped to lid, while Waitangi Cousolidateds failed tomove above a couple of pence in response. ■ t to repeated telegrams announcing tnu-13 of ,' 'picked stone. Saxons and May ejjueens seem to be entirely neglected, and New Sylvias are slightly easier ir. price. Returns should he to hand shortly fi-cm the -. Watchman and tin- Occidental. Yesterday the diamond drill in tbe race of the UlOOl't level at Thames srrc k a heavy flow of water. Should this -.rove to be draibing tlir. - workings in the Waiotahi mine it will he an imnortant matter. On tbo other hand, if the flow is coming from the Moanataiari ■ slide, It will at least settle the vexed ques- - 2ion of the true location of that fault. Investment stocks maintain their price,' although the volume of business has been , restricted latterly. Taupiri Coal shares" • sold yesterday at 22 9, and the same rate was paid for New Zealand Cement. For new issue Gas 18/ was oEered. and sales ~ took place "of ordinary issue Auckland Trams at 24 -i". Turkish Bath shares • are- •- still in request ut tIS. . but no sales bave- ] .been reported. Bank and Insurance stares Ehou- no change this week. Totatoes. -Tbe market is very weak for .potatoes, as the spell of Hue weather fcas re- ' stilted in dinging Iwua general in tiie Auckland district. As the uiit-nme of free deliveries since last report, the price has _ declined considerably. First-class samples t "are worth £ti fo ti per ton, and second quality are selling at very low figures, ranging as low as £4 per tou, as very large quan--Hities hare been sent in. With the drop in price that has taken place digging has jeased off a good deal. Therefore the defor the ne.\t fortnight or three j 4weeks will not he so heavy, and better ; 'prices may rule. Tho demand continues for (shipments for the Soutlj, but the new crop •twill come ln short!.- iu'the Wellington dis"*—"ict, aud the southern 'Tops arc also reported to be almost ready for digging to start. Therefore export from Auckland to ,the South should shortly cease for this season. The potato crop prospects in tbe "-—"Coniinonwealtii are reported as follows by 'John Hogan and Co.. of Newcastle. N.S.W.: "Victoria equal output to last year, Tas,manian crops magnificent and evtru results •anticipated. New South Wuics at the moment practically nil. Uuyra distrii t pota;toes will be entirely absorbed by Queens.laud, so iv 1813 It is fairly safe to assume that in Juno, July, August, and . ..September Australia will bo again operatJng heavily in potatoes from New Zealand. ... 1 Oats.—Very little business is being done In the oat market. In fact, this is rather '--.a quiet time with wholesale seedsmen. B grade oats ore quoted ut 2/11 ex store and -.2/10 ex wharf. The Wunaka is due on Friday direct from Timaru. with the usual shipment of oats. Tbe local market is '.fairly well supplied. No export Is being done at the present time. Tasmania has « record crop of oat> this year. - Fowl Wheat—The high price, of maize still causes .-1 strong demand f..r fowl wheat Trices are therefore well maintained. - Milling wheat shews no change tbis veek. The total harvest nf wheat for the Commonwealth is given in "Dun's Gazette" as -80,300.000 bushels this season, as compared .; ;Vith 71,664.000 bushels last year, Maize.—Arrivals though light since last ' '-.-jeport have been ample for all requirements m the face of the high price still ruling. "1.1 Chaff.—Good local chaff is now offering 'Very freely, but prices are unchanged. In a " "report by circular em the interstate crops In I -de Commonwealth, Messrs John Hogan and Co.» o_ "K.S."W_ report that Aisrtr __, __;

net require to draw supplies-from New Zealand during the coming year, owing to the magnificent crop in Tasmania ad _ ed to which •'Western Australia has a.record yield this season. Onions- Some 927 tons of onions came to band by the Maheno from Sydney, added to which LallfornUns came to. hand from the Invu-ta. and a further lot by the mall |is verj well supplied- at the present time, ( aiiii the price has dropped to. £10 10/ per | Bran and Sharps.-Stocks of sharps are on the light side, and although bran is selling well supplies are now ample. CDRBENT PRICES. ' Farm and Dairy Proauce. — Factory butter, 1/1 per lb; eggs, lid per dozen; farmers cheese. 5.1 to 6d per lb" factory! do., o«d to 7d per lb. I'lour, £U Ue—3 .—'counts); wheat meal, £11 per tou (less discount*,; snarps „-. uran, _4 10,- per ton; ontmeal, £15" per tot lor 2o s wholesale. Grain.—Uu,_s, 2/11, ex store; milling! wucat, 0..y to 3/10. f.0.b.; fowl wheat, 4/0, \yharr e ' m * az * v4 -' 4 ' wholesale-lines, on tne Cliaff.—Southern, £5 15/ per ton, ex store; local, ±4 10/ to ±5, country stations Unions.—l 4/ per cwt. Potatoes.— New pocacoes, £6 to £7 per ton. - xrv *- " "Timber.—Ordinary building tlmtier undressed up to 2-iit long, iiu to lin or "more) in thickness, and from 3in to 12in wide, nrst-class 28/, medium 22/6, second-class 14/ per luuit; rough heart, 22/6 per luejft supeynclal; surface planing, 1/ yer lejort extra, pianed both slues, 1/6 per louft extra; three or four si-ies. 2/ do. Flooring boards: 1 laved, tougued, and grooved, _0/0," _5/. j Lliun '*' Doaxds: Flaued, tougued, proved, beaded or V-jointed. 30/, 24/6. 16/. •nf- and £ P ec ial weather boarding. oU/0 ' ,r°'< ll */0. Urdinary building tot—:a, scantling, 15/, boards, 4iin to 12in, 16/ , second-class totara, scantling, _/; clean heart of totara for joinery, scantling 23/; rough heart of totara, scantling, lb/; rough heart of totara, scantling, a _ z and under, 10,; rough heart tuatai, scantling 13/6; ordinary building rimu. boards, 15/6: heart rimu scantling, 14/0; neart rimu Cfraining and bridge quality.), scantUug 17/, clean Ml .; second-class rimu boards. IS/. —ABEET REPORTS. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency C<__p3_y, Limited, report as follows:—We submitted and sold extra "nrga catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow „n luesday, competition telng keen at latt rates:— - Hides.—Market firm. We quote: Extra 1 stout ox Bid to BJd, stout do. Bid to Sid, medium do. 7Jd to 84d, light do. 7£d to 7jd; cows, bedt lines Sd to Bid, good 7id to Tid : inferior 6i,_ to 7d; kips, 6jd to 74d.; calfI—una best lineis to-10eL good «d to yd; cut aud damaged, 5d to 7d; stags, sd~ to s^d. Sheepskins.—ilaiket brisk-. Best butch- . ers skins, l_z_e to 9,€, good lines 7-6 to 8/6, medium 5/6 to 6/6, small 3/6 to 4/6; lanihs and pelts, 1/8 to 2/7. Country dry I skins, large to 9/6, medium 4/6 to 6/6, small 11/6 to 3/9. • \ Tallow.—Market firm. Best mixed to 2S good —/6 to 26/6, inferior 23/ to 24/3; rough to 2d per lb. Lunes, £5. Cowtails, 1/B -dozen. Horsehair,. I,'fii to 1/IQJ. There -will be uo further sales until Tuesday, January .7. Oats have been very steady during the • month, and merchants generally are vow ■■ holding fair stocks. Many Hues nf poor quality oats have been shipped to Auckland market, and have realised poor .prices, ge>od - lines- 2/11 ei~ store, -finding" ready sale. Wheat.—The market has been steady at - 4/6" ex Stote. Southern holders' offerings nave been made at a price above Auckland merchants' ideas of value, and but small ' sales have resulted. ; Bxan in good demand at £5 ex store, and from appearance- will remain stejady f>r . some little time. Pollard.—-The price has firmed from £6 ' ex store to £6 5/ ex store. • Chaff.—The local market is glutted, and • any iines of poor quality are bard to dispose of esnve at very low _gur«s. Large stocks are accumulating in Auckland stores. • Southern chaff i« selling readily at late ; r„os,-.owl—g to-the-quality-bi-ru-.r superior -.:_o most of the .local offered. Butter is in better demand- at lOld choice., .iflrst. quality 9{d ami -hOdt second Sid and ' 9*d milling lines 9d. Fungus hj--selling rapidly at 4gd, and ' higher rates are anticipated. i- Messrs. A. Buckland anQ Sons report:— Hides.—Ox, heavy to Sid, stout 7Jd to 7Jd, : interior e3d to 6Jd; cov-s, good TJd -to Sd. I light 7d to 72d.; calf, best to I'll, others BJd to O'd; kip 7id to »id. Horsehair. 14 ti LTJ. Tallow, £1 4/ to £1 6,9. liones, £0. Skins.—Woolly, best butchers" S/S to 1 10/6, othf__ 6>'9; tlry and country, large ' 6,-9 to 7/10. medium 5/6 to 6/2, others 4/3 I to 4/8. small and damaged .1/3 to 4/; lambs - and pelts. 2/6 to 2/S. :| •-• ;; G. W. Binney and Sons report:—On Tues- - day we ofleied and cleared iarage catalogue— ■ of hides, skins, and tallow. '• Hides.—-Market very firm, with hrisk com- '■ petition. Extra stout ox Sid to B|d Ftout r Bid to BJd," medium 7i!d to Sd. light 7ld to 8d: Cows, e>xtra_ gopfl Bel .to .Sid, good 7'd to x 7ld; seconds, 6}d to -7d; stags, old to 6d; ' kips. Bid to 7d: yearlings, 7d to -Ts&; -calf- "'! skin* best 9}d to "lOd, good Bid to 9d, meaty " 17d to 7": d: ciit and damaged hides, 4-J.d to • 5Jd per'lb. - Skins. —Market firm, with keen competl--3 tiou. Butchers' picked skins 7/6 to 8/6. 1 large 676 to 7/3, medium 5/6 to 6/3, small ' 4/9 to-5/3; pelts, 1/9 to 2/6; lambskins, 1/9 >lto 2/6; country, best (salted skins 6/ to 6/9, U medium 5/--to 5/-9, s-mall 4/ to 4/9, pelts 1/9 £| to 2/; lamosklns, 1/9 to 2/; dry skins, large 5 1 double fleeces 7/ to -8/3, good 4/3 to 5/9, ■''-medium. 3/3 to 4/, small 2/' to 8/; pelbs, 9d -1 to 1/; lambskins, 1/ to 1/2 each. .. s Tallow.—Market firm. Best mixed, it I \ shipment casks. 28/ to 29/. good 25/6 to 27/, II medium 24/B to 25/. InferlOT 22/ to 23, t i per cwt. Rough fat, 13d to lid per lb. J Cow" tails. 1/8-per dozen. Bones.—Good, dry. £4 17/6 to £5 per ton i Wool (Bumps and Bags'.—Market firm - Fleece, Sid to ICid. mixed (Bd to 7d. crutchingsoW tt>-61d, beHies and pieces 6id to I.d. locks 4*4 to 3id per lb. 1 3 J I AUG—LAND STOCK SALES. I • The Nev>* Zesaia_ei- Loan- and Mercantile U Agency Compa;ny,. Limited, _ report:-'----f" At Westtield yards on Thursday last dairj aud store cattle came forward in usual , numbers, and sold at late rates. Best dalrj I cows and heifers, close to pront. sold al . I from £G 10' to £9, others £4 to £6 5/; empty I cows £3 3/ to £4 126: yearlinc to 18----!lmout_s-old heifers. Ci to £4 4/; calves, 20/ to •'" "" bulls, £5 10/ to £6 15/. il At the Albert yards on Friday, horses came forward in very large numbers, aud "competition was keener than the previous 'l week Heavy draught horses sold at from 1 i £33 to medium draught. £2*> to £33 10/; S ! tight harness horses, £15 to £30; harness II ponies, £3-to. _£12; hacks. £8 to £1S 10/ "tweeds, 20-' to to. r \t A-lfrlston on Monday we held a clear [ ance sale of Mr J. O. Diprose's live aud dead ? stock There was a good attendance, auc " satisfactory prices were realised. " " \t neverton on Tuesday we had a clear 1 in- sale of Mr W.' live and dead ' stock. There was a smaU attendance, bul I a good sale resulted. F : Messrs Alfred Buckland and boos report '" At the Haymarket on Friday last we bari 5 an average vardlng «f horses. Yonn? c xctlve spring cart sorts. t22 30' to £28 " active heavy draughts £31 to £36; baker'! 'I cart class „» 10/ to £23 10.; huggy horses J? .and backs, £13 5/ to £21; gig ponies »nn 1 ordinary riding sorts. £0 to -tS> 10,. Th< y thoroughbr«l. Lord "Oelavel, was passed ir ■ at '10 cuineas. • • c There was an average yarding of dairj r and store cattle at Westfleld on Thursday 5 "December 12. JFlrsf-class dairy cows an 1 wanted and sell readily. Store .stock ar, 1 lower in price. Best cows, at profit, tlo 10, 1 fo -as 10/- good cows, to calve In about sis • weeks, £S'to -li other dairy cows. £» ft 2 : £fi 10/- empty cows, £3 to £4 13/: yearling s '*- _r_bteen'months heifers. £3 to £5.5.-': g.ioe c_lvesT S 15/ to £2 6/, smaller £1 to £1 13/ >-—." he j,j our usual monthly sales a Pokeano on Monday. December 16. am " Rvnciman on Tuesday, December 17 A s both sales the yards were completely fibed and with the exception of best dairy cows 1- nil classes of stock were easier iv value s First grade dairy cows sold at from £9 ti d £11 others £4 10 to £S 10': fat cows, £5 5, to "£7 10/,' empty cows, £2 15/ to £i 0, it ebeice IS-mou—s dairy helfprs. i' 45/ fo £.' s 10/' yearling hetfers. £3 to £4 S/; —1-ee-and abalf t» fenir-year-o— steers, £0 10/ fo £ c 10/- two-and-a.-]—lf to threo-year-olds, fi _ 10/* to £6 10/; yearlings to tvvo-ye_r-olds c £3 5/ to £4, l&V; strons cslveis, £1 16/ to £ o it others iX l/'to — Mwli youn« bnUa, & D, t» £_J hB*XT*-o*. » » « iSA

• -i _T-_Toes-.-- '— jThe N_. L-oau_and Mercantile Agency,. report:— < At Westfleld _ards_oa Wedncseiay,. fat. cattle came forward in large numbers, and prices improved as the market proceeded, best o-en selling to 27/ per —OK); cows and heifers, 20/ to 24/; steers sold, at from £7 10/ to Sl-; cows and hdfers, £4 10/ to £8 5/. '. * Veailcalvcs came forward in good supply aud sold at laic sales. Heavy vealera sold at from £3 10/ to £4 10/; medium weights, £2-10/ to £3 3/; lighter sorts, £1 10/ to £2 2/; smaller and fresh dropped, 5/ to IS/. Sheep were yarded in exceptionally large nuntbers, -and improved in prices from 1/ to 2/ per head on last week's, quotations. 'Wethersi, in wool, sold at .-from 24/ to 25/; ewes to itf/O; hoggets, 17/ to 19/9; best . shorn wethers IS/ti to 19/9, others 15/ to 18/3, ewes 10/ to 17/3, hoggets 10/6 to IG/B. A small pen 61' hoggets realised 21/. .. Lambs in <>xtra large supply, and competition Was keen, aud good prices were realised, free-zing- buyers being unable toon v Best yuaiitv sold at from 14/6 to 17/0, others lu/6 to 16/6; inferior tatted, o/C to 10/. Pigs were yarded ia numbers and sold. at.late quotations. Messrs. Dalgery and Co., Limited, report having held their usual weekly fat stock ■sale at Westfleld on Wednesday, December IS. as Under: — Beef.—A large yardiDg. The demand was good, and prices Vera a shade higher. Extra choice pens of prime oi fetched equal to 25/ per hundred, ordinary quality ox at ■ 23/ to 24/, cow and heifer beef at 20/ to Veal.—A very large yarding, whleih sold .at late rates. Heavy rnnners .ahade up to £3 10/, suckers 30/ to 44/, inferior 3/ to _5/. Mutton. —An extra large yarding. Prices advanced 1/ per head on last week's rates. Heavy shorn wethers made 18/ to 19/B, good IG/6 to 17/6, smali and inferior 14/9 to 16/; heavy ewes to lt!/'<i, medium. 13/ to 14/6, light 11/ to 12/ y. Lamb. — A large yarding, whie_i sold at an advance on last week's rates. HMry sold up to 17/9, good quality 14/ to 16/, others 11/ to 12/9. pork.—A medium yarding, which sold at an advance of 10/ to 12/ per head on late quotations. Choppers made up to £3 IS/, heavy porkers £2 to £2 14/. light 22/ to 30/. Alfred Buckland and Sons report:— At our weekly Wcstfield tat stock mirk^t on Wednesday, December IS, we yarded tat cattle to the cumber of 506 head, w-nica la j the heaviest offering we have had for some j months. Competition was a bit irregular, ' but in many- cases last week's values were Improvpd on. Ciipice ox said to £I'._7/, prime £1 "' ■lo £1 5/: ewn and heifers, £1 to £1 4/; steers ranged in price from £7 to £12 rr>': cows v.n-1 heifers, £4 5/ to _3 IT/S. ' There was also a record entry of fat and ; young calves. wh>'i i >M steadily at lute l-rates, a large number OC'ne lnm-liaser] for export. Ruuiier*. £•". 10/ lo £4 S)/; choice heavy stickers, £2 10/ to £3 1/; medium suckers, £1 10/ to £2 7/; light, £i to £1 &/;- ---' small and fresh drooped; 7/ to 10/; weedy, 13/ to 5/. "(ISO sold.) The mntion per.* were taxed to their utmost capacity. t'i»* number sold luMng j'rating. and, in roi)s n e]uenfte, value-; were linn throughout lit prices wiir-Ji were an Improvement on late sales. Extra heavy. prime werher: 10- to £1 1/, medium -to. heavy 16/6 f(~T~t.. isnfiniAed .13/6 to 15/; liesi ewe-s-to K>/8-to 14/6, others o'/ to 12/6. (26TIS Isold.-) : j Lambs wore also penned .in -record nam- ' r bers. «nrt -met with .-i brisk sale at prices ; -i\--!ik-h .were fully 2' in advance hf late* sales. Besst heavy sold at from 17/fi to l»/9. ;g°od 15/ to 17/. light 12/0 to 34/6; stores, 9/ to 12.': weedy, 6/9 to S/6. (1275 .sold.) .... The pig pens were moderately filled,-and; with *t_e exception of heavy pigs, prices firmed considerably, especially for choice medium porkers. Bnconers. £'2 12/ to £3 3/: large porkers, £2 3/ to £2 10/, lighter £1 13/ to £2 1/: Blips, IS/ to £1 1/; weaners, 13/ to 17/6. (—9 soldj JOHNSONVTLLE SALE. ~~ f (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent:) -..-...s JOHNSQNVHi-E. this day. Abrabam and Williams, Ltd., report on their Jlbhnsonville sale as - 'follows:—l_u i extra heavy yftrdieg of prime bnllocka-nnd sSbeep came forward and sold well at recent rates. -Prime weighty bullous, £10 10/ to £10 17/6: prime bullocks £10 to £10 7/0, lighter £9 5/ to £9 10/: good vealeTs 35/ to 43/, average 23/ to 30/; sucking-pigs, 12/6 to 13/; prime weathers, £1 0/11; good wethers, IS/; extra prime heavy ewes, £1; prime heavy ewes 19/3 to 19/o, good 18/2 to IS/S. lighter 16/1 to 17/: prime lambs, 16/2: good lambs, 13/ to 13/6 to 14/; plain, 11/10 to 12/6." ADDINGTON. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCSCBCH, Wednesday. At the Addington live stock market today there was a large yarding of all classes of stock, in consequence of its being practically double market. There was a good attendance. Fat cattle were without change. . Store sheep sold well, except wethers, which were' easier. Keen elemahd existed for fat lambs at about late rates. The fat sheep sale opened well, and was firm throughout. Pigs were easier. There wus a good demand for store and dairy cattle. Store Sheep.—Wethers, two-tooths, 13/0 to 16/0, according to condition; fonr and six tooths. 16/6 to 17/4; two and four tooths, . 16/10; others, 13/11; merinos, very forward. 13/11: ewes, four and six tooths, good 19/3; two-tooths, medium, 17/4; two, foeir, six, -I and eigitt tooths, 13/9; good, fresh, soundi month lines. 17/; ewes and lambs, all I counted, aged ewes. 9/6 to 12/; youngeir \ sorts, 12/6 to IS/; woolly ewes, 24/7; woolly II merinos, 10/11. i Lambs. —A special line of Border Leiicesi ter cross lambs made 24/ to 28/1. The range of prices for ordinary prime lambs was 18/6 to 21/, and lighter 16/ to 13/. The average price paid by exporters was about 18/, but they only took about 200. ■ \ Fat Sheep.—Woolly wethers, 23/ to 27/3; ! woolly ewes, 23/3 to 24/6: woolly merino | wethers, 18/3 to 20/3; woolly merino ewes, 20/ to 26/: prime shorn wethers, 19/6 to 24/; lighter, 17/1 to 19/- prime shorn ewes, 18/ to 23/; others, 13/8 to 17/6; shorn merino wether*, 14/ to 17,10. Fat Cattle. —Steers realised i 9 5/ to £11 2/0: extra to £14 2/0: heifers. £6 5/ to £8 10/; extra, to £12 I*3/; and cows, £v to 1 no 15/. ■ ■ - ,_ Store Cattle.—Yearlings made £?.:■ _\omonths sorts.- £3 11/; two-year heifers, £4 I 12/ to £4 10/; two and a-half year steers, -£5 19/: and cows. £2 to £2 5/. Southland : cattle brought the following prices: Two and a-half to three-year sorts, £5 .19/; two and a-half year olds, £5 2/0: two-year-olds, £4 9/0; and 13 to IS months' sorts, £3 3/ to £3 15/. Dairy cows were In-keen demand, i and made £4 to £11 5/; and extra £12 I<7oFat Pigs —Choppers made £3 5/ to £5 10/; i heavy baconers, SS/ to 65/; and lighter sorts i 49/ to«6.V; these prices being equivalent to 4}<l per lb. The best descriptions of porkers I made from 42-6 to 47/6; and lighter 35/ to : 40,'. equal to ."wd to sjd per lb.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 9