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PROPERTIES FOB lAU- PKOPEB.T-ES FOB ■_-—B. . >l___OHE EAST—ITO J»CRES seven- _ A lrPrpT. -TT ATT "Hr* I roomed Honse: cowshed of f2 bailß, s___o_. IJ JlljL/ V ___I— --— «» ' liry, workshop, stable and loft: subdivided C!/**kT(o'C to 10 paddocks, all grassed, well watered; JovJ'_NJ& ilcanic soil; 10 acres ot timber bnsh, most- rMrv_*_n_in-v- —, «,•>•> T>i_-n_\ " puriri. £20 per acre. £1000 cash; bal- ™COKPOB_-*_NG W. WARD BAKU). < Lea- and ' l ß?__t R EAX ' pSTATE A GENTS AS© , of Purchase, two miles from railway J a tion and creamery: 158 acres ploughed * rjCTIONE__t_, I id sown In best EngtifOi grasses. 168 acres __, loughablc, 350 acres ewamp, easily drained. Tvrrvwira /wnriK-prn * II carrying rough feed; seven-roomed JNCOMES QOLLECTED. c ouse; cowshed of 11 hails, washhouse and *■ ltbuildings. Price, £11 3/ per acre. Cash, "fc/TORTGAGES A -RANGED. 2459; balance arranged. (200/41 ■***■ ■**■ TTAIWERA—23 ACRES, fenced on one DISTRICT MANAGERS OF '» side, river boundary; orchard; mile T»Hfir\ix * K<sTm_iwn? r~O c inn Waiwera Hotel. Price, £230. £50 J»«OENL_ A SSUBANCE (TW. f ash; balance 5 per cent. C2OO/4) i SPLENDID SECTIONS, best parts of (FIRE- AND ACCIDENT). t 3 Auckland. Cheap. Call for particnlars. s J? KJ7K— CLOSE TO MT. ALBERT STA- * JO *"'" TION—A NEAT AND WELL- c . \J. VV__/J_>loJLJt_xi, BUILT HOUSE. 5 large rooms and bathroom; esrected 4 years; kauri timber: all reLAND AND ESTATE AGBNT cently renovated inside and out: washhouse, ' ropper and tnbs, etc.: allotment. 66 x 165 ft. • QUEEN STREET free from stone; only 5 mlnntes' walk from tbe station, l'riee, £575. Terms. £'50 may —— remain at 5 per cent. 115,067) c iVHEATLEY, RAVEN qamuel yAiL E ,nd qons, j AND CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 87. QUEEN ST. I IUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, : y QQ QUEIEN RTRBET. X?OKA—A CHEAP COTTAGE AT PON°°i y X/00\J SONRY—S rooms, etc.; 2 fireplaces; gas, water, aud sewer drainage; PONSONBY—£II2S—House of 5 rooms washhouse, copper and tubs; patent w.c: L pantry, scullery, bathroom, washnou-e', allotment 40 x 70ft Price. £350. Terms ■■■ and l.; patent sanitary arrangement- £230 may remain at 6 per cent. (1y.49U) _ r,as, flrepiuce-s, gas ail through; everything CJAMCEL ATAILE AND C3ONS veil flmsned; sec-Jon 50 x 138; grounds K3 liceiy laiu out; feardeus and orchard iv iui. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 87, QUEEN ST. learlug. Situated ciose to beach; handy to —— •ars. Easy terms arranged. UooA;"— _<JlO-House G rooms, with OOHiA—COTTAGE INVESTMENT AT all conveniences; pantry, oatnroom, 3~»OUv/ NEWTON —4 Rooms, etc.. ln .'le; patent sanitary arraugiuuenti.; 4 uiuis. good ordta-; gas and water; fixed dresser; !roiu tram, 1 mm. Loin beach. Good allotment 33 x 05ft. Price, £300. Iv a deince. Terms. c—vjA; ceased estate. 115.533) KEAIL'I^KA— £050 will purchase a sp.en- QA-UEL -TTAILE AND CJONB, did House of 5 rooms: pantry, stul- © » lery, batnrooui. Oft hah; diuing-roolu 17 i REAL ESTATE AGENTS, S7, QUEEN ST. Li; interior unisaeii In oileel rimu; tilesd __________________________________ hearths; gas in every room. Section (SO x WiU. iiaucry to tram aud trains. (SK*»4j f? f»CT/V—CLOSE TO PONSONBY ROAD— i (_*_REY LINN—£IOO Deposit—New House iOtJU HOUSE* of 6 rooms, etc.; warded „s° f 7 r r ° UmS n" d "J 1 *r Uodern robe, built-in dresser, cupboards, range, gas h_tS V, T. ?'' *'-n Uer y. bathroom, porcelain t , lrous _ outt city water, washhouse, copper U H.ecf h,'. »h' " a . : " -"-"H """- boiler? etc Allotment. 40 x lloSft; concrete onn r' 7 and range; washhouse, _, ■ -_._«_. srirubs _ nd i_ W n. Very conw i-S-f 1 _"?*' "■:;■ , '«« venlent situation. Owing to owner's re-™ll-t ""' B , alaUre ° f pu^! c moval from Auckland, the property is for money, £495, on easy terms. (22<Aj „"?,'' ~„,„ Price _BKO t.™« £ion MT. PLEASANT KOAD—£BOO Is all that P osl l tivc sale - »«ce. lerm* 000 Us asked for an up-to-date House of ca u*ooi> 6 rooms and all coavemencess. The bouae has a good appearance outside, and the CJAMTJEL -\rAII-iE AND CJONS. interior is well liulshed. Terms, £125 cash, bauiuee arranged. (213 A; REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 87. QUEEN ST. CT. ALBANS ItOAD —£720—-New House of 0 rooms and conveniences; pautrv, bathroom, porcelain bath and basiu, h.*c. \XTHITWORTH TESTATE, water; gas Ulroaghont. reg. grates; ~» -*-* houte, cupper and tubs. Section 50 x 132. ASTLBY AVENUE, NEW LYNN. t ' l^v■vv'■ b ii? nC .J , SSt t _sS^;rt o!l st , "ill for the Sale of this Splendid Block vJ roomed House with all modern coovenl- __.. „.._ ~,. ~...,. ~„, .. ..„„, ences: pantry, scullery, bat broom. h-c. SIX MINUTES' WALK PROM NEW. >>vater. i luc . n ~r nss> i ea ,i lights, tiled hearths LYN.N STAIION. , and grntps; large kitchen, tilcd-ln range; rpHESE fine, healthy quarter-acre Sites, I fitted with cupboards, etc. Return veran- X commanding magnificent views, wLI dah; detached washhouse, copper and tubs, be SUBMITTED TO PUBLIC CUlll'ETlKalauce of purchaee money, £505, on easy TION ln February next. The outlook from terms. tbeui over the canal route, the Waltemata MANUREWA ,TVISTRI CT. and Manukau Harbours, and the surroundXT ing country, is unsurpassed. 00-A-IO ACRES, all ploughed. Six- TERMS TO SUIT EVERYONE. c*— Otiv/ roomed House and tsheds; good ore-hard; 2 from Manurewa Station. Handy to school, 1.0.. store, etc. Owner CJAMUEL "yAILE AND CJONS is prepared to exchange for rent-producing KJ v hJ property. Equity £450. * -r- TJLUCK AND CION rTTAKAPCNA—£6OO is all that is required Jb . j-}"- 1 •*-"" g'-'^--L to purchase a splendid little Seaside Home of 5 rooms and conveniences; bath- — _________________ room, porcelain bath and basin, friezes, picture rails, h.c. water, etc. Verandah back "VEWTOS. and front, commanding lovely views of bar- -^ hour. An lc!e:il borne. (e>4A) — SPECIAL -V-OTICE. JNVESTMENT jgLOCK OF QOTTAGBS We have n number of Sections in various r .*n*,n. mnr-r , c parbs of the City on which we are prepared £I__so~ P ?- G " Ot:SE t, : ? ae oi r> - one ;., build you an up-to-date Pottage, with ~'- , -- r - , " ot,», and two of 4 rooms; gas. all conveniences for £50 Deposit. Call and water ' eew,>r drainage, washnouse patent see us for further particulars. we - et S;v *• ea f h ' "ouble-fronted allotment, with uMt to each street by through depth of 101 ft. Capable of producing £2 WTT"R R4VEN 1 »- /6 v r weok rent - i ' ricP - *«s_ or wouia VV AJ-l- A , V __!_>. sel , ,„ two bloekt at _ 70u and _ rjoo . AND CO.. (15,503) | 99, Q UBEN S XBBET * gAMUEL yl___" AND gONS, REAL ESTATE AOEtNTS, 87, QUEEN ST. HOUSES. HOUSES. 4"TS e-ASII - MORNINGSIDE — New TJOWICK. j c ** •—' House of ej rextms; all modern con- •*-*- L"T" li and c. water; porce!3» < O laiu bath and basin: built of heart _-. jrw/x—SEASIDE SUMMER COTTAGE \ XZ ,r 7X of timber only: 2 minutes from i St-iUU „ f 4 rooms. 7ft verandah, etc.. I^7L~ V~V".\, I TV r vo^ > . l ! l T^7nV-. r '' x- soctiou containiug 2r -.'Op (.Sit .£' t ASH—NOHTI-K OPE — New bun- 10 . in f ront a_e|; clo.-e to the beach, LOVELY (*»■_■ gnlow Cottage of 5 rooms, with all SE _ \IEWS. An i*al snot to spend tae \ X"7X modern conveniences: h. and r - ! summer months in. The house is piruy £urowieu» water, etc: on nice elevated section ni3ncd . P r including furniture, £iOD. i p .\ cotiiuiauding excellent view. Price. 115.5191 o-St>£ii7s. ,GS) IVX AA CASH-MT. ROSKILL— House Of CJAMUEL \rAILE AND QONS, cWJL.v/v r» rooms: b. and i*. water; porce- SO V PO I flftf) lain baib flud haPID " Vpnetiaii REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 87. QUEEN ST. blinds, built-in vcardrobes; nice l . __ 4-1 AA section; In lawn, etc. Price, fo_s. _>KAA- PONSONBY— HANDY IJTTLE <"ASH - MT. ALBERT — New HOME eN EASY TERMS-live I -----1-"" Residence »f 7 rooms, bath, pan- rooms, and bathroom; well built and in good jO "t JJA try. h. nnd c. water: porcelain order; rauge. gas throughout, city water: i <"*•»_._> V/ bath nnd basin: steel ceilings; washhouse (copper and tubs); allotment 2slt |p I returned verandah: hied ward-i Sm x lotift. Price £500. Terms, £100 cash. ! 0 ~- L '-''-' robes, linen press: large section balance In 3 years at 5 per cent. (lCii^l; 1 i?*I?CA oO x 2GS. practically free from ! c-l-'JW stone. Price. £750. An idea! CJAMUEL AND CJON'S, I X?*|?tA home: close to trams. (CSS7) O V O I ivlOU REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 87, QUEEN ST. IL--J-A CASH—KINC.SLAND-Nice Cot-1 . tage of 4 rooms: bathroom, pan- ! tr >: washbonpe. copper, and tubs: /-.HARMING "I ITTLE CJUBUEBAS , se.-tion 0B x 114. The cottage bos i Xi S3 p-J ~ C\ just been renovated throughout. TTOME. I iltlU a bargain at (COOSI XX PO(\(\ e'ASII--RKMCERA—House of (j I 7"™!; roonm: ilonhla bay window: all EVERYTHING IN PERFECT CONDITION P ">AA conveniences: nice section, 44 x ct—tfV ,su. a nice home for £750 10121 ,X' COX-WELL-BUILT KAUKI HOUSE p*)(\(\ CASH--SIT. EDEN- -New Bunga j»vW7w of five rooms, bathroom and ,-vww ]ow House of 7 rooms; beautifully pantry, three fireplaces. e")ri> range, gas aud i p OAA finished: all conveniences: porce- water laid on; large washhouse, with copper 1 cW_AIV lain hath and basin: h. and c. and tubs; fowlbouse and netted fowl run. water: large section. Price only Fine Section, with SSft frontage (nearly —""' £.150. (CSIGi ' HALF AN ACRE), all viell laid out in lawn, MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS flower and vegetable gardens and frnii ■. . r.v7T T TT"M" trees. This is an ideal spot for a retired YV__i_N/___ t?V_;_l.U-IjIj U JSX, man or for anyone: requiring a home iv tbe lO.oft ROYAL INSURANCE BUILD. N'GS. suburbs. Elevated aud nealthy situation. " " NcTt Within easy reach of the city by freejuent QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. train service. Price. _I«VS. We have per- . , , jsoiuiily ijispected this property, aud i an recommend h with every contidcuco. .15,170) FO XV fe A. XJ Jfc_ QAMUEL -yAILE AND <^ONS, IXTTSOM iP.racken Avenne'l-Modern House. | REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 87. QUEEN ST. X-J 7 room-; sepilc i-ink drainage; allot- " linen: volcaui-. i acre section. Price, 1850. I AT i O N TESTATE, TLfANUREWA. I TJijLI.ERSLIE (Arthur Street, First-class I XJ. Properly. 7-roomed House and . oareni- CHOICE LOTS, ranging in area from ienees; .illotment J acre, laid out In garden \ %_, acre t0 4J a c r es. 1-HICES from £70 .aud orchard. I ricr 1.1.0. Hiln _.r; 5 per se ctlon. TERMS: 10 ncr cent i _„ . ...... ... , 'cash, 10 per cent in 3 months, 10 per ceut KF.MI ERA (M.-torla Avonue>-rirst-.-lass _, _, r_ o mhs. balance In o years at 5 per Level Allotment, J acre. Price f6 Jn/ re _ t . call or write for a plan. (15,835. per foot. 1133.1 : TJEMUEKA iVictoria Avenue) —Elevated ! OAMGEL TrAILE AND CJONS, section. KXJft frontage s 175 ft. Price. *-> __._,_.__.._„„ „. £7> 10 per loot. ' (1151 REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Bi, QUEEN ST. i (Gillies Avenue)— New Bungalow, * * — - XJ seven rooms; hot and cold water; well poiyf^— REMUERA—NEW BUNGALOW finished throughout; allotment 71ft _ 165tt. of 5 rooms, hathroom and scul- ' i-rice, £875. US*) i er y; plaster ceiling, friezes, picture-rail?; . —• . .... porcelain bath. Dome range, gas. h. and c. , TTtPSOM (3d sectiou car)—First-c'-ss __ ter . was hhonse. copper and tubs. Allot i } X\t Modern liesideiice, eight rooms, tide mp _ t> ni s over .^ it ,tapers to a pom: I , roof; level volcanic section, over at t)a ck.. garden and large number of young ' I'ricc. £1550. «"•>>*) frnit trees. Price, £825. Terms. £42(»T n a.v| EPSOM (Manukau Road)--Modern Brick rcnia'n. (15,398)1 House ceven good rooms; hot aud s cold water etc.; J acre section. Tric-e. CJAMUEL \'AILE AND CJONS. I clK> o. < 215 ' *° ' * *° , - «-„.. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 87. QUEEN ST. EPSOM (Claude Road) - vtell-Duilt Modem _ , Rr>ck House, eight rooms; hot and I cold water- splendidl drainage: allotment, XN A DECEASED ESTATE. i 66ft x SOOft, rich voicauic land. Price, A a _1«J0. <ls -»» rpHRIiE QH-AP TTOUSES i^l'SOM— Oue-storey House, nine rooms A ~ irj TT^DEN J nnd all modem conveniences; over one IYL £j a\ re ol laud; comcianding seia view, and 1 within six minutes of cars. (254) «-1 ."JOO - TWO SUBSTANTIALLY-! " /-IRAFTON ROAD—House, 12 rooms, all ctX-OU BUILT VILLAS of sis rooms !(3 in good order: freehold section, 40 s bathroom aud srn„<eiy: g„s and water; p7SP Price, £1300. Easy terms. wtohhOuSC. ceypppr and . lbs; abnfment, 120 , ~.,,.. ■-, j _ arori ,„ p dopth of l'ifift. ONL\ ONE '*' %/TT EDEN (corner View Road and Sher- DOOR FROM DOMINION ROAD Price. Q . OX burn Road)— Well-built 9-roomed House: £1280; or would sell separately for £t>4o ■• ail modern conveniences; section 50 x 150 ft; each. d good view; handy to 2d section. Price, t* AnK—V&ttY HANDY HOUSE of six 350 (200) 3Jt£t—' rooms: bathroom and scullery; >) ' ______ g»s and water; wasltfiouse, copper and tubs; _. , -—m a r—i in o_ orkAT allotment, 50 x 172 ft. Within easy reach iWr FRATER & SON ot 2d tram Beef-on. Price, £475. (15,393) BBTATB AGENTS. .gAMTJBL -y~A__B AND gONS. 108, QUEEN STEBET. Teleß_o«e -ÜB. JuUh ESTATE AGEJTTS. 87, QUEEN* ST.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 303, 19 December 1912, Page 3