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PUBEIC BOTZCES. -I kui i.?r.T.y7^« i v v What is necessary ? The best in- ||f; Jfify HHI gredients T aourand S o(orth-and % ULwßk "°^~^"—""" Edmonds Baking Powder. W--m%%~Wm "«"*». s" >%%&%& Wβ hold one of the fleesfc Rteeta. of Uieiw <"■ • I -l loimlr omunmls m the city. Still, they Given these essentials you cannot wert >•* *»«. «• «">« «»n. fail to have delicious pastry with Jones Bros., jeweller. a pleasing flavour and healthful «p«-Jt'»y°™FßE"y° n i^ne-BUramni«M.(ei«fn«.secti«) y - * I ask fof it. /Address your lettef m w^MHan^HMi^^^^i^^BHß^M^ WholeSOmeneSS. «° Edmonds" Baking Powder _ Works, Christchurch. " """ • I Rivror \ , NARER & SMITH, JL/ POWDER. 4»f BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, Wholesale Agents : E. EIXESTGHA M AND CO., LTD., AITCKIAHD. IOW ulterest ' TOBACCO. SMOKES COOL, RICH and MELLOW Sold in Plugs and 2-oz. Tins

. XMAS GIFTS. SANTA CLAUS _ arrives to-morrow (THURSDAY.) / Xmas, 1912 Jffe Boys and Girls will be glad to J . Mo) learn that their old friend, Santa I «BT Claus, arrives at I During his stmy at Xi» I smith W& Smitfc & Cauffhey's "TOYLAND," i 1 SANTA CLAUS Igl to-morrow morning: at IO^O, , a win h»ve wonderfai raj where he will be in attendance I I things to show the r# until Christmas. The grand Old I youn * folks - W Man will be delighted to shake j I Remember, boys I hands with all good Boys and & and girls, to leave I G>l*lS> § your name and-ad- m _^^_____^____________^^^__^^^_^_ I dr "* with him * I Vα* o«r KIOSK and LOUNGE 4orm« ; % M the betrays. A dclisMXul Cop of Tea, 1 or d«j»ty:lee*-may ke ohtaisjuad at aay , ™ 11 " 1 " 1 ™" 11 "" hpwr. Take Elevator. BtrilSi Flaln ehades. 10/6. Stripea, SAJ?ETT lUZOB BLAJ>BB atiraya la atook. V2/B 16/6 each. All sizes. »/* packet. g L 4/0, lf/o eacn. Oetebnted Imm and Comy-e. I OKIOSETISQ COAT 3. new and smart In oe«e from 8/* to «Jt jj Cdode.. all eizee. IS/6. 21/-, K/6, 25/- each. " -OOicr makes in i« ■■) £ CBEAM TEOUSBPS, for holiday and ath- TOBAOOO POUCIHES. 4/S, 4/U. »/n, 7/J, is lotic wear till. KfS. U/B, 12/6, U/«, y/|l, to «/«. ' C 11/9, to 17/6 per pair. »BBS3iSOi OA««a (Gent-'i), «« H/l. »/», | a aBEY PIMJSITEX. TBHUIB TKOUSEES. en« M/«. »/«, tt/S. S/6. 51/1. C/«, to g ,S bottoms, epedally Imparted. 13/6 per ■em>* a «j#» - * »* 1 SSriS WS"^ ,, WI, ,/U ' 7/ • POCKET BOOKS. 5/U. «A ./». to | i BUpMiIOB BOXSD SUITb, from specially- W£. g B selected latest material*, perfect flttin*. OBNT.'S OB JjAßrE3' OAJLD CASES. 1/1, fc g «/.. 48/6. SS/-.. l/».■«•.■'*/■. »/«. J/11, to s|fc I GIFES SISSSSSS Syrai « W r-r»TT ii? ■•nATwa i/a i/c fit BOTTO3SD, In Fancy Bozm of balfg> OOLLAS BOXfciß, */i. down i/l 11/S, U/t to U/C WHITE METAL CHAINS, eiceUent Tains. *VMT Pt/ H^ t TiF* BOBDBB. Pea Umo. M. IK 1/.; with Medal. 1/e tfo 1/8. o 1/t FAITCY TT*t-V HOSE—2 Paire Half Hose In BILK USTfTIATi HAJU)KM<.)HIKFH. 1/11, Fancy Box. 3/-, 3/6. 4/6, ami 5/-; 3 Pairs 1/9. 3/9. 2/11, 3/1. 3/11. to 5/C. , fft , * Gentlemen Ik Wk 12/eMS/6, 18/.. U/"., 22/6. 25/8. ' OOLOUBBD MB3CEBIBH) HASDOa- , «!■, L S/S; J. ./.. ? i I . fO < LSr- * BPleß<Ud ""*" "* Kropp, 8. J, 2 blade. 8/t « The Olub. J blmde only, S/(. TRAVELLING REQUISITES. EAZOS 6TSOPS, Hi, 2/5, J/J, 3/9, 3/11, 4/«, „*_ BKHH AND CAUGHEY ' LTD, almn 4/U. S/C 5/li. 6/11. 8/C M/». 11/ C. rtoSk BHAVnia BRUSHES. 1/11. 2/6. 2/», 2/11. <S» n»art •M*?'** utyje* o* Xr»»elliiie E«- ---' 3/6, 39, 4/5. 5/6, 0/11 quieitee. These mako exceUeut and useful I 3/6. 8/6. 9/6. IS/6. £&& I«w»t * KAZOBS. 25/- and »/•. . Caah Prices. SMITH CAUGHEY, Ltd. Great Xmas Bazaar now in full swing. PAIRY PMQfDPCg. • No More Worry about Your Milk Supply. Bine Up 453. AMBORYS LIMITED. -^T-*— *-—*-* —— — AMBURYS UMITED. - ' °"° t, " tt ° *" ~"* *°" ** AMBURYS UMITED. '"""^γ - " M "*^ d ~ w ™ *— *—• °* «—* uttl, AMBURYS LIMITED. s^2.'^f" lte * ,d * a ~ d » <,llfi »'"" 1 " , -« tt "'- Btt ' WE SAVE BEBH BSFOBE THE AXTCKXcAJTD WSOBUO VOS OTES TB3B.TT TBrtTtff. WHICH SHOULD PBOVE TBS QTTAXXTT ABD VAIPCTE OF OUB GOODS. raOIfXS 463, 1*46, 2008, 375&

MKOICAT.. f Stops feHing hair. No f mistake ai>out this. Use it, ff I and you will be greatly fj pleased with its prompt action. It also cleanses the scalp, and prevents the formation of dandruff. It improves nutrition of fodr-bulhs, making them produce a luxuriant growth, and it gives a fine, soft finish to the hair. Never colors the hair. Ask your doctor and do as he says. ________ To have beautiful hair, the general health must be good. Keep the blood pure and rich, and have the nerves strong and steady. Ayer's Sarsapai rilla win certainly do all I this for you. I Prepared by DR. J. C. ATEH & CO, i g3 -Lowell. Maea.. U. fl. A. QiiitrtKatCpld! Delay is dangerous. tT a $?0 Why risk more serious m^ troubles when you can be W tiLIA quickly cured by a few doses Jb& rap of Bonnington's Irish Moss &9 T —the family cough medicine. JT %tf@k Eefuse imitations. Insist .sffi , jßonninffton's IrisWMoss' "T4EAFNESS AXU ». *J HEAD XOISES % RELIEVED BY CS.a r.V G WILSON'S jS EAR M a£te °1d oie. glvlug W perfect satisfaction. hook cent free to the 138, Premier Bldgs., 220. <-oUlns bt.. ilelrxTHY -rvoES -gvEB-fORn rjusE TORALINE TAH.OIUNO. FINE XMAS SUITS AT A CASH SAVING. Men are beginning to realise that only a little time remains in which to order Xmss Suits. You can't get a better style and better quality suit than one produced by George Davies, Ltd., no matter how mach. you pay. Tailor-made Suits to your order from 55/- to 84/- Cash. Fine materials. Guaranteed to fit yon and please yon. Better order within, the next few days to be in time for Xmas. GEORGE DAVIES, LTD., " The Modern Tailors," 159, Queen St., and 30, Earangohape Kd, ; A TTf»l-Tan<T

J® H. PORTER & CO., General Drapers, Porter's Corner, Pitt St., Newton EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL SALE OF OT7XC QUBHN STREET STOCK TO A.BOVB ADDBESB. Notwithstanding the great success of this Special Sale, we have still several thousands of pounds' Avorth of Surplus Stock which must be cleared at once. LACE CURTAINS. TABLE COVERS. Kare ™ ue l^/m 1 s^t^ WOOL Nx BLAN ' linen-itnished white twill sheeting, child's white muslin dresses, 2/11 * lots. XkAj±a > at iD/11 ' worMl " l f° extra weight and absolutely free from filling, 72- PRINT UNDERSKIRTS, 5/1 L now 2/6 Tfc „•„», , _ T We hold a Very Large .Stock of CURTAINS in the A Pile of TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, in Tapestry, • BUSH AND CAMPING RUGS, innst be cleared at inch, 1/4*; 54-inch, l/- ; worth V 8 and 1/4* MAGYAR ZEPHYR BLOUSES, All Colonrs, 2/11 , CT SSSTLS* We d m - A iSS'SKScSk PLUSH COVER, in Plush, Prices, 3/H, 5/ll 5 w*re 5/6 and 7/11 "* •'"' Number cf Pairs. All the Single' Pairs, and where Tapestry Border, size 2J x 2 yards, 23/6; also, A Lot of ALL-WOOL FRINGED RUGS, ereel-' ' CHILD'S MUSLIN EMBROIDERY BONNETS 1/6 CREPES,.DRILLS, PIQUES, FOULARDS, etc^ there are only two or three pairs of a pattern, hare 3x2 yards, 29/0; usual 35/- Several Better lent patterns, 8/11; were .10/6 3 Special LineS in HearthpUCS aad 1/11*,-half-price etc, Jor a Jew days only at Ujd. been sorted out and marked at Clearing Prices. at 35/-and 40/-. worth considerably more i & ' Large Sample Lot of CHILD'S SILK HATS and FANOY TAD] p MADCOV SPECIAL—A Very Curtain, 3 yards long, 60 A Special Line in EMBROIDERED CLOTH COVERS, BEDDING. 50 Good, Strong Serviceable RTJGS, Pretty Patterns, BONNETS, Beautiful Goods, Half Umal Prices i 1 MOUC nft^ElKT. inches wide, Heavy and Light Designs, at 4/11 Crimson and Green. Bx4, 5/6; 2* x 2 yards, — suitable for Kitchens and Bedrooms, 3/11 • worth FASHIONABLE LINEN READY-TO-WEAR HATS, r-- _ o ~ 0 . . , _ per pair C/ll; 3x 2 yards, 8/11 5/ 6 ■» »/"i 5/11. now 2/11 * SpM«^S»ow-m the Beed WinAnother Lot of NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. TAPESTRY COVERS, Pilsa at Clearing Prices, 2* PURE SAMARANG TIAPOK BEDS, Special Prices 30 Rea L Strong-wearinz AXMINSTER RUG& a eood dew. Taevanety ia co and the clearing pricea 3i >"* ai BT ° /U - Wi W ' " 2 "- ""■ •"' to SL"«XJX^ , VS.SrSS .^£S;SS&&> nK^>M » Print and Ootton Dress Fabrics d £?T'L ta ASj E BLANKETS and RUGS. ' " W '' MEWS DEPARTMENT. *- ==-- == — SHE.TS an d SHEET.NGS. SZ& „ . SI t i^.!s—a »»--«--.— , TIT -'■, -H^^SSsShS A Few Sampk Pairs of HALL CURTAINS, at Big A of MON BLANKETS, for Single Beds, at 72-INCH HEAVY GREY SHEETING, 11 Jd; 54-inch, - NAVY. CEEAM AND BLACK LWTKE WORTS, iT^l^^frf 3^^^^*^^ Reductions 5/11 pair I B Jd; worth 1/3 and 1/- &/11, nmr 7/11 . oae-price, 4JdL . « euier qn»|itet at emflw Realisation Sale of our Queen Street Stock. J. H. PORTER 6? CO, NEWTON

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 10