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RACI>'G FIXTURES. December 26, 3ft January 1, 2—Auckland BariDg Club's Rammer. December 27. 28, 31—Auckland Trotting Club's Summer. Pcccmber 26 — Taratalil-Carterton K.C. Annual. peoeffiber 26 and 27 —Recfton J.C. Midsummer. Ceoemtia , 26 ami -~ —Thames J.C. Summer. percmter 26 aud 27—Taranaki J.C. Clirist-Decem'-'er 26 and 27—<"romwel] J.C. Annual. December 2ft an'l 2-* —Dunedin J.C. Summer December 2C. 27. a n>l 2S— Jlanawatu R.C. Summer. December 26—I'oranpahau R.C. Annual. December 26—Kttlfeonra R.C. Annual. Pereu:ber 31 and January I—Greymonth j c Summer. Junnarr 1 a° d 2—Hawte'e Ray J.C. Summer January 1 and 2—Vtnoent J.C. Annual, vnnary 1 and 2— Morton J. a Summer. jtEimry 1 and 3— Walrarapa R.C. Summer. January 1 and 2—Stratford R.C. Annua'. Januarr 2 and 3—Southland R.C. Summer. innnarV 2 and 3— North Otago J.C. Summer. January 3 and 4-Westland R.C. MidJammr™ 8— Wairio J.C. Annual. T.miarVlO, 11—Whancarei R.C. Annnal. January 2J and 23—Vox ton R.C. Annual. January 21 and 22— -Wairoa County R.C. Jatua^y i 2 23, and aj-Welllneton H.C Jannary 22 and 23—ttore R.C. Summer. January 23— Bay of Plenty J.C. February I—Canterbury J.C. Summer. February • acd >>—-Ki-inont R.C. Summer. February 6 and 7-roverty Bay T.C. Sn miner. Fenruary 0— Tp Kuiti R.C. Annnal. TTohniirT 1 - 13 — Uotorua J.*- . FehniarV 12 and 13-Taranaki J.C. Antamn. FeSrV 21. --South Auckland R.C. March 15 17— Otaaulju T.C. Summer. sJrii 9." 12—Auctliusd Trotting Club's Autumn. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. E A.M.—Gold La.-c won the Stewards'j Handicap the year Lady Lucy won the j New Zealand Cup ! The ex-N-Z- horse Shuja has been withdrawal from tbe Port Adelaide Cup. According to a Press Association cablegram from Sydney another effort is to be made to get a race out of Lady Medallist. Chum Pearson has arrived at BUerslie with Enatanpata which is now trained up ■RTiangarei way. Tne Gluten &Uy Rosea ricked herself while exercising recently, and is to be treated to a six months' spell. J. Williamson has received an addition to his team In a gelding which recently arrived from Waitara. So far his trainer has not received any particulars as to the gelding's identity. C. Jenkins has been offered tne mount on Goldfinder In the Auckland Cup, but so far nq ward has been received of his acceptance or otherwise of the offer. *?. Browne, who steered Santa Rosa to victory in the last Auckland Cnp, will have the mount on the son of Soult In this year's contest. F. Davis arrived yesterday afternoon by tie Main Trunk express with BobrikofT and the two-year-olds The Hague, Landrail, and Soltano. The quartet were on the tracks at Elleslie tfcis morning, and all look well. F. D. Jones, the Napier horseman, arrived In Auckland yesterday, and when the weights suit will ride Mr T. H. Lowry's horses In their engagements. The blood worm pest is stated to be very prevalent in the Gisborne district and reMntly Mr C. J. Parker lost a valuable jonngster through the pest. The withdrawal of the Hon. J. D. Oγmond's team from their A.R.C. engagements Is stated to be due to Haskayne and the two-year-old Lyrique going amiss. The Auckland Cup candidate ViceAdniUui, which put in an appearance at Ellerslie yesterday morning, looks as if he had done a lot of work, although still carrying plenty of condition. Jlidnlg'b.t Bun showed a bi: of dirt at tie comrlnslon of his gallop with Goldfinder yesterday morning, trying to kick his companion, which was on the inside of tJio trick, when they pulled i:p. Sir J. Jackson has been advised that Silver Cluse knocked himself while schooling righthanded recently, and as a consequence his owner has decided not to race him at Ellerslie. The son of Sylvia Park will be seen- out at the Christmas meetings on the coast In addition to Prince Soult, D. Moraghan bis also lost the services of his three-year-old Tragedy King. Coming on the eve of tie big Auckland meeting, the loss of two tor the Ellerslie trainer. All doubts about Labour Day not being Eeen out at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting daughter of Souk arrived from the South Dy the Rarawa. along with the hurdle torse Koran. Some idea may no.w be gained as to vrhether Labour Day vriil be a runner hi the Auckland Cup or not. Final payments for the Shortland Plate, Auckland Cup, Railway Handicap, Great Northern Foal Suites, Thirty-ninth Great Northern Derby, and Eighteenth Royal Stakes, and acceptances for the Robinson Handicap, Grafton Hurdles, Nursery Handicap, and Christmas Handicap, to be decided at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting, close with the secretary iMr J. F. Hartlandi on Friday neit, the 20th inst.,.at 0 p.m. Several heavy showers fell at Ellerslie flaring the early hours of the morning, and thongh a much more extended downpour would have been welcome, still a little is better than none, and the sprinkling will | io some good. The work on the tracks was] nainteresting, the horses being restricted to j nseful pacing. Several of the Cup horses I tave still to put in an appearance, but Saturday should see them all on the scene. •is tie day draws nearer for the decision "t the Auckland Cup. Interest in tho event Increases, and the work on the tracks dmrto» Uie coming siould be of an lncharacter. At present Goldilnder, Midnight Sun, Vice-Admiral, Bobrikoff, iUrtorpiece, Royal Soult, Santa Rosa, La Kaiiia. Labour Day, Monoplane, and Monomil are at headquarters, and, with one. or two meepUous, are doing as well ns conld fc w.elied. BobritoH, whirl arrived yestord.V. looUs much better than when here 'ast year, while Goidnnder, Midnight Sun, j Md Masterpiece all carry the hard muscu- j »ar so necessary for a two-mile journey. Vice-Admiral may "want a race before Le is at his best: but it is •ay :■<} Letter lot, taken all round, from eijlit s-io; : c up have contested the event for rears. The lighter-weighted division are *lso aiiove the ordinary, and as there seems *rer; prngpect oi at ieast Ofteen nmnnrs •addling up, tl>s race shoold be one of the *«« os record.

Tfce Sontiem crack two-yesr-ojd. Mowbray, which put ln m appearance at of 1L Hcbbs team, created a lot of tsrmiable comment. How-bray, with. Itartel as a companion, ran along a few furlongs at a good three-qnarter pace on the fewo-year-old track this morning, galloping attractiTeTrainers at times get curious communications, and one suci reached a local trainer *orlng the week. A dreamer iaa a Ttsit from the spirit xrorM recently irtuci convexed tie Information Btat a certain horae had Tvon a utr race at Eaerslie, and. immediately notflted tte taxser of tL drJnH° h « The traiDer at P is undecided whether to pay up to \ be ££ wfn P v rhapS the ««** of ** letter will induce lim to do so. There can be no doubt bnt that tne borse wiU sure.y win. for the dreamer says so, and promises the t rawer gallons o f .wine after the »eefo u L u nfor r ateiy - ae rorce in this country, and, therefore I am unable to pass tie tip on to my readers. MANAWATU SUMMER MEETING. (By Telegraph.-Press Association.) PALMERSTON N.. Tuesday. mi, acee P tan =es for the first day of the MJanawato Summer Meeting are as followManawatu Cup, one mile and a-half.— c a-\, SlDlpis 8 ' 9 ' Sea *2 uecn 8-9. Odessa Mlra aa _ B g Mcndip t> 3 Merrrvoma 8.3, Birkline S.O, Obligant 80 lejion r. 13 , g-r Soio T9 Master Lda 7 Saadstream 7.8, Kill 7.7, Mangaroa 7 7 Goodwin I'ark 7.0. Brown Trout 6.13, Otaha uIU, Mcutoa Girl 6.7. Fltzherbert Handicap, six furlongs Gladiole 90, Blue Lake 8.10, Hermia 8.0, Jlakara 8.7, Ermengarde 8.7, Flriwai B.U, irosper 8.0, Rangiatua 7.13. Obligant 7.1 i, Peroneal 7.0, Mouut Victoria 7.a, imag nitiou 7.0, Semaphore 7.9, Lady Mouioa 7.5, I L-auy oisi 7.3, Waiouru 6.13. Seatondale l b.ld, banguiuary 6.13, Thetis 6.7. j Grandstand Handicap, oue mile.—Ceylon - S-11, Mon Ami S5. The Hover 8 4 Tbruve 8.8, Prosper 5.3, Bonnie Boy 7.13, Arioui 7.10. Waipaku 7.8. Matlow 7.7, Cork 7.7, Kauroa 7.V. Maben 7.6, Lady Kiltiherau i.2, San Lass 6.10. FINAL PAYMENTS. Palmerston North Stakes, six furlongs (second day).—Mr A. Alexander's Bunxiy Heieu. ill \V. E. BUlwili's imagination anu Exertion, Mr D. Buicks \ luratiou, Mr JJiyhueus Lrmengarde, Gerbera, and Adeliuu, Mr J Hants Byron. Mr J. K. McUoujld s styx, ilr K. A. McKenzie s Geneiai Madero, Mr W. Nidd's Peronella, Mr T. O'Neil's Gludiole, Mr J. Keid's Ogier, Mr 1\ G. Kecs Ladlly, Messrs VV. G. aud G. L. Sieadb lion Ueve, Cuiprit, Baudiera, aoinuiiuriii, and Culture, Mr G. T. oejinuiK's fortliiud Lady, Mr J. Symons' Lord Somt, Mr C. Waiileys Prince Laddo. AUSTRALIAN JOCKEYS IN ENGLAJSD. FEEMA.NTLE, December 17. E. Wootron, the well-knowu horse trainer, has arrrired here on a visit ja.e sueuuousty deuies the repon thut he lutenoa returning lo Australia peruiiiueiuiy, as a result oi the treatment oi hia sou m England. He said: "There is too much money there for mc to do that." Tue reason for the general success of Australian jockeys ln Kngiaiid, he said, was mat tiiey hau more "devil" in them than the others. He considers that the Australian > u J e.s may he superior to the Engiisn, becuusu ut the hard way they are traiueu and. Uielr better lung ■power, but the Australian sprinters are not in it with the kn^-Uau. NORTH OTAGO RACES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) OAMARU, Tuesday.' The following are the weignts ol lv« urst day of the North Otago Jockey Cluu's uietiliig, whlcii takes place on January i\ — Summer Hurdles, one mile aud a-Ual£. — Gangway li.n, uiue iiiuiye li..a. uoiu i-in il.f, Biuiou rare lv.l, ueawmg lv.v, ba> Lupin U. 7, Captain \\ood y.5, Gulumich 'J-, K.j.x ii.v. Lalies' Bracelet, one mile.—Even Wa\e 11.U, U'.vhetoro xl.B, Golden Clasp U.a, Nauda Den 11.5, Uuu Kuuyl 11.3, iup Agitato, Mazurin lu.y, bunliemn IU.I, Piatiuum 1u.7, Joinioni 1U.2, Beta 10.2, itiacK prmee 10.^. ifresideut's Handicap, one mile and aQuarter. —My Lawyer v.7, CoronUoriu 8.13, fat. Aidan tf.ti, Medallist 7.13, lanuliausc. r.o. Xue Coruec 7 7, Tru« 7.4, uuouie 0.13, Kllmeny ti.ll, Anna Carlovna b'.T, lioou b.r, buiUh 0.7, Foam i'laie U. 7. Jiivenile Hancucap, four turlongs.—render 5.9, lmaier 7.11, saizuurg 7.U, Aye Aj c •■»■ bradamaule 7.4, i lora iiacDonaid 7.4, lotte 7.4, 7.4, Joau 7.4, Petrosus i.4, Formal 7.4. Miss Finland 7.4. Flviiig Hauiiicap, six lurlongs.—Obsono 0.7, bea King Vf.l, Pilgrim's Way a.ll, Tliistledowu 5.7, Kilts 8.4, yuery 8.3, Tauntoauser T.lL'. Lot* Soult 7.9, Gupon 7.U, irue Knight 7. i>. Armstroug 7.7, .Ngatapa 7.8, Ladrone 7.0. Special 1-orm 7.3, Huuk *"eiry Anua Car.ovua 7.1, Balaclava 7.0, Ljmd Hosts ii.l 2. Ked-.ving 6.y, Salary Pin 6.7, Lauy Marcia b.7. Aldeisyde Hack Handicap, flve furlongs.— Manillas 0.0. Glenowl 8.10. St. U.K. Ladrone S.b, Stcepuriua 8.3, Dileas Maple Leaf S.I, Respond a.U, Thrai 7.0, Quota 7.8, Pleasure Bent 7.5, Safety Pin 7.5. Lady Marcia 7.4, Takahu lian Cameron 7.1. Miss Devere 7.0, Martian Maid 0.10, Warlignt b'.l2, Thuriuga 6.L;, imp Gold Wave Nap 6.12, Orenthia 6.11, Achll'a 6.10. Concordia 6.10, Flonllne 6.10, Gregory 6.9, Ohapi 6.9, Grand Coup 6.9. Belfeld Welter, seven furlongs.—Pilgrim's Way 10.9. Kilts 10.5, Kilmeuy 9.9, Oiyol 9.5, St. Petersburg 0.4. Kimona 9.0, Redwiug 5.13, Eaglestone 5.9, Edltah 8.9, Oratava 8-«, Aimwell 8.3, Thrax 8.3. Officious 8.2. Safety Pin 8.2. Grand Slam S.I, Peppin S.O, Foam Flake 8.1, Optimeform 7.10, Even Wave 7.10. TURF TALK FROAI THE SOUTH. (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") CHRISTCHURCH. this day. Local trainers can find little to grumble at in the weather of last week, an-d the entire absence of rain has enabled them to give their charges plenty of fast work. Several horses, however, have been feeling tie effe-cts of the hard going, and will have to be treated very carefully to be. Nt to race in the immediate future. Most of the •work has been done on the plough track, which is beginning to get hard underneath. A shower of rain would do it a lot of good. Word has been received of the safe arrival at Ellerslie of 11. Cutts with Sir George Clifford's team, consisting of Masterpiece. Ni"-htwatch. Winning Way, Glecfinnan, Brown O"wl. and Heatherbrae. They all looked in the pink of condition when they C M Hobbs left for Wellington, en route for Auckland, on Saturday with Martcll. Mowbray, Peg, and Vice-Admiral. The Auckland Cup horse has done everything that has been asked of ihrfti on the Riccarton tracks, and appears to have recovered some of the form that he showed a yenr oeo Martel is a half-brother to Danube, and nas the reputation of being able to "allop very fast, but I am confident Mowbrav is the better of the pair. Peg has been galloping well, and will be seen to advantage when the class Is not too select. R O'Donnell <has also left for Auckland vrith Bon Reve, Bon Ton. Los Angelos, Colnrit. and Oxenhope. All these horses are in c.inital condition, and nnve been doing sitisfaetorv work on the Talfflniret tracks, s,l «r Tfi ft'id ha 9 decided to send tl-e Clrlriemasne ll.—Xatnlloid colt Ogler to Manawatu to coiitrst the P.-ilmerston Stakes, ao that V Hobhs , stable will be represented ut three important fixtures during Xnma week—Auckland. Manawatu. and Dnnedln. O"ier has not shown form enough to give him much of n chance in a race of this .i Uiref-yenr-old sister to Ct!ef rorhlcl White Cock:ide, and Scotch Tlnld, hns D- Roberts' stable till after the Dmiert-in meetlug. ns her usual trainer (E. Grlfren) will be awfty on the Coast with other members of his team. Something like thirty horses arc booked to"*leave here for t-he meeting by a special train next Monday. Gold Tin hns been showing symptoms nt lameness In the near htrx'nuarters, bnt McDonald does not consider it serious, snd has been keeping the son of Terrapin bnsy.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 9

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THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 9

THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 9