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jfon rs Age: First Quarter. December 17, a t 7.Sβ a.m. This evenms. 7J12. >ijcnse: To-morrow rooming, -4 "!2, HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening. 1.55; tojmorrcrw ciiie&anfia: To-morrow mondng, tom, rrow evening. 6.13. M.mukau Heads: Tcs-morow morning, 4.. r "i : 10-morrow evening. 5.13. Kaipara Heads: To-morrow morning, 5.45; to-morrow evening, G.i. AR.R.rVALS. TESTEBDAT. WAIEOA, s-s.. 100. t. Cooke. from the coust. —Castimore Brothers agents. BADEN-POWELL, s-s., 176, H. Petersen. if at Whangarei.—.Nortnern Coai Co.. MANAIA, E.s.. 1J59. E. Stepheoson, from V."-.a;careL PasseEgcrs; 96 eicursioDjsxs. 'lUip.-n Co.. agpnts. KAWAU, &-S.. E. OlEen, from Manra-sral - Nonnern Co, agecLs. THIS DAT TAPiiAN. s.s. 171, E. MrLeod, from V. aajiaLane.—.Norrhern Co.. agents. NGATIAWi, s.s.. 463, W. Bark, from f>>ti]ii. Passengers: Misses Cransion. "I abb. two Sisters of Merry Messrs Me-' l.arpc. lUrba.r<lsOL. —XorLheru Cv . agents : «. LA.N'iMA:-:. s.s.. 635. E MrLeod from I Euseeii Passenger?. Mrs. Iteed. Slpssrs.! M-'.iasaan, U. l\ Hill. McLeod, il-Jiraith, McKay. G Wright, Nelson, J. Ingram. ,;. Downs. Pnckey, Baker, Heed. I A.'t. — Northern Co.. agent*. NGAl'l'Ul. S.K.. BE>l, T. Haultaln. from Tsiiraiiga. Passengers: Misses Anderson. I.pler. jonps. Keily, McLaren, i'earce Me»- : <;!ine> \\helaL. Otto, Bayliss. Harris,! Frown. Messrs. Harnish. Robb, Brown Col-i I is. 1- iPlding. Snpil, Mulr, Sinclair, iienja- - n-in. li'lliana. Skinner. \ ickers Castling >»wshaii. Granger, Keeve. Lake. Blain. . y.-iy. F-ra-jford. MoDnnaid. Whelan Murray. Guy. Uayton, Dr. iicGUl.—Northern Co., MALWA, R.M ?.. 11.000. A. Thom-psou. from London, via Suez. Sydney and way ports. Passencers: Ri s bt Hoo, Earl of I iTorpocl. Coontees nf Liverpool. Miss Foil J.mbr. ijprain K. Eastwood. AD r audi teres servants; Lartr aud ili?s ?toat.' Hon.' • jptain ALj Mi-s. Colllus. Mrs. and Misses I Bufs iV<. Mr nad Miss Putrllffe. Mr and! 3-Irs. tpton. Mr. ar.d Mrs. ilills. Mr and" Mre. aod Jllsses M.irtin <tr>. Mr. and Mrs. M'jKo.t, Mr. aod Mr?. J. L. ! fcotr. Mrs. a-r.d M'=s Elprrick and i pi-lld. Mr. and Mrs. Talk. Mr nud Sirs i {-barman. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie. Mr Mrs.. l sr:d Mj.-s Adam?. Mr.. Mrs. ac<l Mies Kir-| ra!a;c. Mr. Mrs., and Mis? C. V Fell. 3D'l Mis. Lennox. Mr. acl Mrs Milce Mr. ;md Mrs. ColPnun. Mr. and Mrs Prockran nar\ tuain. Mr.. Mrs., and Miss T.izer. ! . .■Mγ ;ind Mr;. Mariimmi, Mr. and Mre. 1 Could. Mr and Mrs. Stevrnson. Mrs. anfl' >F ; =s ».,!. Mr and Mrs. Sinchnr. Mr. and, Tvirs. i onoell. Mr . Mr?., and Miss Cnle > :-!r. srd Mrs. Ihirlr an-1 maid. Mr. and i ■Vγ- I!«h>ii. M- acri Mrs. Pairfai Mr 1 end Mrs Harrowpll. Mr. aod Miss lieuss. Jfrs s>j,i Misws Edwards i3>. Mr. and M. B . | Apr>>:.irc. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. andi Vrf. WUloughhy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Hickev. Mr. and Mrs. Allan : Mr. ad Mrs. Witty. Mr. nrd Mrs. Wart. I "Mr. and Mre. Woyrall. Mr. and Mrs Martin j Misses Bmilt. ShIH. Wilsoa. GjJlespie. Hay ! Honk. Elake. Bayh- Srort. Stnen. Sharp I Andrew. Gilbert, Wilding. Ricaardson, Nes-1 Mt I'-mnon. r.ix. Nyasy Old-j . fieM. riulee. Johnson. Blnetr." Gould. I <'=slc>w. Cotter. Brady. Hanson C2|. Shore.; I'rApp. Sharpe Mesdamps P.obertsoni ] Balk. Ptri"?pr. Bnrle. Bertram. Brondfoot. Normaa, Butler. Bamch. Phillips, Shepherd. Horhrrt Jones Teoman. Messrpl "Hopkics. ES3e, Webb. Strinser. White. Pitman. Field, Oiley. Harrison. Kenelly. Water?. Oram. Grover. Lancsfnrd. 3rown. Ramsay. Allan. Cox. Forsyth. Dawson. dc Ftirrh."Mackenzie. Bokman. Johnson, Boiler. Horcnbrook. I,iTkir. O. Tozer <2), Gilflei | i'2>. Stawcll. Stapes, Owen, Caro. Rafter, ' Shaw. Joncn. Cot. Gamer, Walker.] Fairweatber. Fyfe. Drysdale. Irving.! Frernenson. MacDonaJd. Arkwright (2), Dr. ana Mrs. ("Tiristie, Dr. and Mrs. Rawlence. Dr. and Mrs. Stapler Major W. Jones. Captain Phillip, Archdeacon Cthwatt.— Tninn Company, agents. GLENE-LG. s.s.. 2SS. Jonas, from WhangaTci.—.Tas. Smith an-d Co., Limited, agents. WAIOTAHI, s.s., 278, C. Hopkins, from j Merrnry Bay and Kusotunn. Passengers:] Jlesdnmes Grindley and child. McGregor, i Cleaver WoMcocS. Graham, Wenn, Misses I >fcGre;ror. Cleav=r. Wenn Messrs Grind-1 ley, 'Wenr. O'Neill. Cantle. Aickin. Johnsron. Hannan. Oiler. Jennings, Polllrt, anfl Master Cleaver.—Northern Co.. a.cents. CHELMSrORI>, s.s.. 121. E. H. Gfwrtz. f r om Marsden Point and way ports. —Northern Co., agents. DEPARTURE? YESTERDAY. MAKFRA, R.M.S.. 8,075. H A. Morrisby. for Srdney. at 11.45 p.m. THIS 'DAY NGATOEO. S.E., 1.135. J. Clivistan. for Grey mouth. UNION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. BAST COAST. ™ Thnrsday—Mokoia arrives frorj. South; Rosamond arrives from Ttiioca Bay and Gisborne. Friday—M3r2ma arrives from Syduev: •Marama sails for Suvn, Horiornlu. Vancouver: Kittawa arrives from Gisbnrno. Sarnrciay—Mokoia sails for South: Rosaeod<l sails for Tologa Ba- and Gisborne. WEST COAST. Frid.TT—'"orinna arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth: Haupiri axrives from w eUingtcn. Picton. Nelson. New Plymouth; Plaiipiri sails for New Plymouth, Wellington, p'.cton. Nelson. Saturday—Corinna sails for Wellington. The B:*> Coal Co.'s collier Ngatoro. wfiici has been discharciDC a cargo of coa! d: i/hel>e-i. sailed for Oreymoufii at 11 unlock this morning. The WlEiaera |pfi Dunedin yesterday Eften.oon f,ir Auckland, via way ports. She is duo b»rc on Sunday. Thp L'liciaroa reached Wellington this irornin; from Sydney direct. .Sbe leaves Tcroiirrow erenio? for Southern ports . H"t>art. acd Melbourne. Thp roastal srpamer Nratia"wa. which re-tiirnr-ii ;c Aucklanr] this'moniing from rie Buy "f P!«Dry. was liniblo tf. work Opotiki io Uip low tidp3 She ieares for Opotiki ibis afrern-jon. The Ln;o a Co.'s srearner -which t-rriusJi: np Thr lnvoric's transhipments from V\>!lingron fJ:is wept, 1.-av-es for GreyiroTira th:s afternoon or this ereninc The Peninsula and Oriental R.M S. Ilalwa ( r :iptam A. Thompsoni arrived from ' don, via L.?etem and Australian ports, at I h -• cl"'-1, this morning, and berthed at the 1 E€ u yi-e»n Street wnart. where medical IMpectiOu i'-3s carried out. the vessel being cleared shortly after :"> o'cloct. The Malwa brought no le»s than iib" passecgers, inclad-1 ing Lc-rtl fVverpool. Governor-designate. | Lady Liverpool, and suite, in whose honour [he fLip v. as decked witb flags as soon He, por: -.tjs reacheri. The Malwa left TU bury L"j, i v ., a: : j . p.m. on November 1. merlin- with moderate weather across the i'av of Biscay, and as far as Gibraltar, i ■■'"h:ch n2s reached on November 5. and pjssrngers ilisembarked. At Marseilles. v-hi. c was reached on November S. 2GS pas- ••' r v Taken on. board, and on tbe .. , !,;• I'orr Said a northexly gale was mi k with, though the wearher was fine for tho passage of the Straits of Messina. Port Said was left n n the afternoon of November 13. aad on the passage down the Rerl Spi it was found that the lights at tfcp end, which had been extinguished *:: -c the ou:breat of the Turko-Italian War. again in "worki-nc order. Aden \ras - left behind on November 17, and ii northerly gale wi;h high seas was experienced in crossing the Arabian Sea. though the weather moderated as the vessel approached Colombo. She left that port on November 23, and in the nia to Fremantle met with n moderate N.N.E. gale. It was during - this portion of tbe voyage that a saloon p.-:sseu£Pr (Mr. W. RlddJei succumbed to "J heart disease, and was buried at sea on -* December 1. Calls .were made at Fremantle or December S. A lei Aide on the 7th. Melbourne o-d the 9th. and Sydney was reached I on the 12th. the ilalwa leaving for Auckland riirect on Saturday last. Fine weather was m<n with on the trip across tne Tas- t ma I- Soa. She leaves at 5 p.m. to-day for E Sydney, en route for London, where she ia due on February 10. ~ c PASSENGERS BY THE OEONTES. Melbourne. December 17.—The E.M.S. " OrotiiPiF. which has arrived from London "I r~c way ports, has on board the following J pa< for New Zealand:—Mesdames tl S'.tvci ("• riirst. TurnbuU, Alkman, Greig, v Ufilmitn Li—-ins, Shaddou, Misses Hamm, s It lack hedpers. Scansbnry. George, F stop Hi--t, Messrs. Ewra. Gilbert, Hirst i snd two sons Kinder. Batchellar, CoUins, b Grr-ri, Gre's, Comille, HotaHin, Liggins, n ;:,.pk-i'n.«>E. Nettleton, Page, Shaddoc, c Gallop, and 27 third-class. > •hlports. ' Per Vlaiwe, from London— 32B jjackagea v jsc, 25 «ackajc<« eattriea. _ .... U

EXPQBTS. Per Malwa. for London—2o bars bullion (value £15,000). COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICES. The following are the movements of the Northern S.S. Company's steamers in and out of Auckland to-day:— Expected Arrivals.—Rotomaliana, from Coromandel and WaiSeke. 6 Wufcatere, from Thames, 5.45 p.m.; Tanrwtra. from Paeroa. 9-30 p-m.; crre-sra. from Cabbage Bar and Amodeo Bay." 7.30 p.m.: Kanieri. from WhangaxeL IL3O p.m. Projected Departures.—WaiotaJii. for Great Barrier, midnight: CheLmsford, for Marsden Point, Mangapai. TVTiangaret Heads, Pama Bay, and Limestone Islaad. 4 p.m.: Clansman, for Russell, Opua. Whangaroa. and Mangonel. 4 p.m.: NgatiQwa. for Tanranga and Opotiki, 4 p.m.; Daphne, for Whangarei. 12 noon: Walmarie, for Paeroa. 6.30 p.m.; Manaia. for Whaxizßrei. 10 pjß.; Kawau, for Kaivau, Takatu. Ti Point, Little and Big Omaha. 10.30 a.m. From Onelranss: Barawa, for' New Plymouth, 5 p.m. MALWAS OUTWARD PASSENGERS. The Peninsular and Oriental H..M.S. Mnwa, wuich sails from Auckland at 5 p.m. to-day lor London, via. Austraiian and twistern pom. takes the loilowing pafcseugari:—for London: Mre. T. R. u'urrie. Misses Currie Ui, Mr. C. K. \Vigrajn. toi I boinuav: ilx. aud iirs. Jr , . Cotter. Mias Coi- ] ter. tor Colombo: Jdt-ssrs. f. a. Anderson aud F. Si. Wilaicg. for Adelaide: f. I Kowe, son, ana infant, ilts. U. E. Joigeui sou, son ajjd infant. For Melbourne: Mi.. Mrs., aud Miss JBenjieu, iirs. A. Malton, I Messrs. A. lappie, E. U. i'eirce. For Sydj ne.v: jdisscs jl. M. Cajiipion, Keeiian, F. I \lucdouald. t'Ullivaii. S. daunuers. liarrison J Ui, Aylctt, Mestiiimes Kent, Aileu, Hughes, Hodgf. \. J. aud £. H. Maiideno. Ooltman, M&iUtfienc, l'nttersou. .Messrs. U. Kent, J Eeam. 15. Alleu. .!. Cnambers, C. H. Spiller. IV. M. Halcc!. K. Uisi.y. VV. tlasiam, I \V. Kuigbt. E. Dnnkwater, C. R. Edniuuds, i (.U>itmiLil. r. J. tiiirrison. Patterson, A. A» I muss. Keenaz!. i. C- Maidment, iiasLer Coiunan. JPOBT OF -OIOI&XnXGA. ARB.IVAXS. THIS DAY. EARAWA, S.S.. W. F. Norbnry, from XeT I l'lruioutb Mioses Grant. I Huut. toweil, Hjgyinson, uivtr. J i fit. Ji'.-saauiei \» ills, liaauing, t'oweil. • i.ei&ut»u. Mtssrs \i ilus, Chisuoini. . ( LSLauii. oaiiiam, ilaii, hicL.eod, roote, j blUi(.'iis. s> eilts. ii.euuuu. fcleveusuus, Moore. j liraiu iu>. ijuruutr [ti\, idUgjiusou. (jcxjiijear. iiui«'i.Ml. l'raser, Wraj. jluon, Carter, L.u««r, Sadler. Steel. BIOWU, I LLuuUev. uawieoce, ooaford, Murnotu : Loi. i.\ .\laster Siiggiiusou. liamsay. and li ' btei-iUat.— .Nurlheru CO.. agents. LLAiilcUib. !s. Creeuuerg. from Ragiau iud Ka"hia.—iSortliein Co.. agents. 7Jai£&aAFHIO SHIPPING. ,1 rarengE. December IT—Arrived at S ! p.ui.: I'aeioa. s.s.. Horn Auckland. l'et-eniuer Uerj man barque ilartfl;i toinahu, trom (.'ape I lovn I Kaipara Ucotls. Derpmbcr IT.—Sailed at [■l.u'i i< ii..: liriiiiu, c. buow. imt Man'J&aii. : Kaiparu lii'ais, Deteujber IT—Arrived: I Jessie i iai|f. uarque. Iroui .Newcastle. j \> nutans. L>ecemoer IT.—Arrived: ! Kapui. >, i.v. . froLu AunUand. Sailed at , uuuii: I'andy. scow, for Aiictuod. j Ciribol lie. i'c,:euiber IT.—sallied at — p.m.: Squall. .-.>.. Lor Auckland: at uoou: Urete, I aux. fri-linoLer. for t)asi Coast bays. i J.jueltou. Llecemlier ii.—Arrived: Wakaj nui. s.s.. irom MontreaJ. via porta: Torch, I 11.M iron, I'ictou. sailed. Corinna., 8.5.. lor \NellingtoL, New l'lyniuutli, ai.d One- ' Uunedin, December 17.—Arrived: Karamea. s.s.. from the Bluff; ac T. 30 p.m.: Warrlmoo. s.i.. Irom Melbourne. Sailed: I i-aparoa. s s.. lor Lytteiton; at 3.30 p.m.: ! Wisiimera. s.s, for ayduey. via East Coast I ports and Auckland. Passengers: Misses i Sliei.plierd. Veali. Scantlebury, Drewe, I Miller, Bardley, hiorton, Drake, Mesdaines Brazer. Johnstoae, Smith, Hughes, Hackett, Hogg, StacLiir. Ounerou, Miller, Bell iQ>, Dougherty, Cuthbertson, IX.wns, Willjamson. Messrs Foster, Haniey, Downes, CuthbertsoD, CampbelL Bluff, December 16.—Arrived at 7.50 p.m.: Warrimoo, e.s.. from Melbourne and j Hobart. i East Cape. December 18.— Sqnall. s.s., J pas&ed north at 2.15 a.m. , I Wellington. December IS.—Arrived, at I 0.00 a.m.: ITUmaroa. s-S.. from Sydney. Manr.liau Heads. December 18.—Arrived. at 12.5 p.m. , Keliance, scow. Gisborne. December IS.—Sailed, at noon: Mokoia. s.s , for Tokamarn Bay and Anckland. Gisborne, December 18.—Sailing, at noon; Mokoia. s.s., for Auckland. Passengers from Gisborne: Misses Kice, McJPhereon, Cnssen. Qnipley. Mesdames Gatlacd and two chUdren. Porter aud child. Colebonrne and thrpe children. Snell. Keady, Robinson. Barge, \\atkins. Messrs Robinson. Keady, Jacobi, O'Keefe. Falconer, Beere, Kulh, Alley, Webb, Moore. Hick, Hanby, Master Coad, and 25 steerage. OVEKSEA SHIPPING. Fremantle, December 17.—Arrived: Mooltan, R.M.s.. from London, via way' ports. Newcastle. December IS.—Arrived: Kαrow. f.-vim Wellington. Sailed: Roseric for Wellincton: Whangape, for Inga. for Kaipara. TVrEELESS BULLETIN. Tbe Telegraph Department reports that tlio folJovrlnp steamers will probably be witl'in wirelfiss ranpe of the Auckland station to-night:—ilalwa. Maheno, Warrimoo. Marama, Makura, Navua, Wimmera. Tbe following: are expected to be within speaJrins distance of the Wellington sta-tion:—Warrinr->o. Manuka, Maxama, Makura. Navua, Wimmera, Malwa.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 302, 18 December 1912, Page 4