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Moon's A.-' S>w Moc>n. November 3, at <•::■=.. : Thi= eveninj. fi.T". Silor:F«-: T • n,..rr--.v morning. 4.3 P. HIGH WATER. mi.'iiinV. :.:.O. M:in:iknii H<-:i'U: To-morrow morning. 10.1; t-v -rrm- <-t.m in- I<l.lS. 10 ■:.:.'• eienins. U.S. ARRTTAL?. YESTERDAY. MIN.MA. -~. K. s:r-ph(>nisrm. fmni W'r.n-.z.irc. t'asspTicprs: Murphy. Pi.kmp-o Pome. Hays Kcrdha-m, MPsdamos r ■ -.-. I i-iy-s Simnionds. M;ickfsy. Fordbam. Erimunds. Kin;:. Messrs. Kin?. Bripry. J.,h:isl<'". r.i.i'-k. M.'itlhews. Pμ rtier Mnnrliei. X.-v. liny. "\Valian. Ma'-kie. J'O!i?'". 'Skinklivin." White, Bailey. F.d-munds. Tlanr,:.. Caraphell, K'»f-n Tilsroarsh. Ilav-ward. Brtnrn. W:.pock, Dh-key] Rnrk.'ll. Anderson. r!iir?p<.~. L>-vd, M.-Frwpn. Kiiiioy, and 11 t-teeraei- - DAPirXK. -.-- . -1 Tp from the r,r«! Rarrler I'nswneers: JlPsdnm." Barnes. Donaldson Birri , . Messrs. Don-alf , . foii. r.ird. Vivian. Harding — miiKN I'iiWKI.L. 5..~.. IT. Petersen, fi-.m WTiaujrarel Niirtnorn Poal »>., Trns i>av. CTIKI.MSFi iltli. s.s. K. 1! i;..ertz. from M.irsdfn I'<-ir:i :ind way jiort{>. —NV-rtiern ROSAMiIND. 5.?.. Mi-Kenzie. from Gl.=--bortie. via Wh.insarH. fni..Ti Co., .isr.'nts. iMiTii. s.s.. .1 M. Ja.k*jn fp>uj tie roast —J. .1. Andrt-ws, Rient.

DEPARTURES. YBSTKRHAT. NGAPfni. -.--. T. Hanltatn. for Tanfflnjra. GLFVETa;. 5.5.. .locaf. for Wriansmrpi. K-4NIETM. = -.. T. Mf}-«>r?. Wr,ansar»i. THIS PAY stow. J. Biddlcfc. for Whavesper. ;.-ow. t. Edllnpon. far Whst?2r " I T~N]ON PO.'S MOVEMENTS. HAST COAST. Frf-lsT.— R/vsamond arrivps from Toinrs j 8.-i- and Gisbornp. sails for Tolnza Bay aad Gi>horne: Mokoia for the Soath. " WEST coast. Friday. -Tl.itrpiri .-irrivpy from Wellintrton Plivnn. Sermon am] N.-w Plyiuouih. Saturday.- -Haupiri s-all- for W>lHncTon TVvn. and Nelson. VESSETLS IN POET. ELFRIEDE. schooner, at Hobson Street IRIS, cable steamer, at Pevonport KXA OKA. <=.? . ai Qnron Street wharf OTAKI. s.s.. at Railway wharf RON A. harque. at Railway wharf RTAHINF.. s.s.. at Railivay wharf TORCH. H.M.s.. ni stream \THAX«JAPE. s.s, at Jlailway wharf PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ELFRIKUE. Sfhooiipr. for Nnknalofa: to «ai! I"Ti>xa. s.s.. for Sydney, Novomber '~". KARAJfEA. s.>.. fur Lonrinn. via South; rio.-eniiipr r, KIA i"»RA. S.S., for London, via South N.-.vintwr 10 MAi.ttA. s.s.. for IS JIARAMA, s.s.. for Sydney: Nov. 10 MONGOLIA. S.S.. for Lonrton: Nov. 2>A\ r.A. b.s. fnr Fiji: Divombcr ."» RIAHINK. s.s., for London, via SouU>; November S RIMUTAiiA. s.s. Tnr via the Sonth; Nov. 20 TOFI'A. r.s.. for Sydney, via Island?: Der.2 ZEAJLAXDIA, s.s, for Vancouver: .Nov. 22 EXPECTED ARRIVALS. AMARAJS'TIi, barquentine, from Columbia River; to saU. from New York; dne DeeeniDer 5 APARIMA. S.S.. from Calcutta: due BUTESHIRE, s.s.. from New York; to sail November 5 CAiIEIiON. German cruiser, from Sydney; - dne Decem&er DLLPHIC. s.s.. from Liverpcol; due . Deember 10. FIONA, s.s.. from Fiji: November '.) lIATROTO. s.s_ from Fiji: due Nov. IC, HARPAGVS. s.s:. from New York: due E'pcember 'Si lIT'KANTi. s.s.. from Liverpool: due li (H .f>mhor 2S INIiRAI'URA. S.S., from London; due Nov. ■2H IIAKCjS-njKA 11ARC. from Japan: to sail. HI. ~ j.5., from Liverpool; due December l>. KDIAKA, s.s.. from Canada: due Dec. 29 MALWA, <Ls.. from London: due Der. IS. MAJiKNtX ss.. from Sydney: due l"loi\ 17 .from London: due Nov. 12 iL.vIi.AMA, s.s.. from Vancouver: due NovpmlS** 10 s.s.. from London; due Febrnarj 4. iMON'GOLIA. s-s., from Lo-ndon: di'c; Nov. 22. Si TURNER, barque, from Puget Sound; due WURITAI. s.s_ from Lorrdon; dne Dec. 9 NAIRNSHIKK. *.s.. from Liverpool: doe lipcember 30 NIWAEI". s.s.. from Liverpool; due Nov. 24 ICOTKNFKLP. s.s.. from New York; due January 8 BILVERTOWK, cable s.s., from London; due November 20 SOUTHERN CROSS, from Norfolk Island; dne December. STAR OF INDIA, s.s.. from London: sailed November 1: duo Dec. 24 STAR OF NEW ZEALAXP, s.s. -from New York: to sail December 14: due Jan. 1 SUTHERLAND, S.S., from New York; to sail. TALUNK. s.s.. from Cook and Society Islands: November ]4 TOFI'A, s.s.. from Sydney: due Nov. 2S IOKOMA£L", s.s., from Canada: due February 20. WAIHORA, s.s.. from Calcutta: to sail IWAK.ANUI. S-S-. from Montreal; dne Not. TVAJMATE, s.s., from Montreal; to sail. ■WAJRHNA. s.s:. from Newcastle: to sail XYAIWERA, s.s.. from Montreal; due November 1" ■\YKSTMEATH, s.s., from Liverpool: to sail Nov. 16 WIiiMERA, s.s.. from Sydney; due Nov. 1C

The I'nion Co.'s. collier sreitmt-rti. Wairnna aud Myra Fell, are a.t present loading coal at Ne.wi-a.'Sle for uA-Ockland direct. The Talaris ras to hnve left lUrotomrj for Aixiland direvt. S.he is due iiere on -Note-mi>er j4. The Kia <ira was floated ont of the Calliope doc-k this morning, and berthed at the Queen Street wharf, to. commenve Home <-ir:ro. The K:a Ora is fi.xc-d t-> sail for southern ports oq Sunday morning. The Rosamond wa> B.wkhl <.(T the mud sr Whansarei. vestc-rdey. an.l sailed for Auckland, nrrivin; here early t.hi- ;iftcrnr.on. The vessel i< t" load genera! cargo fur Tα!. za Kdy and iiisbonie. The srnatnpr Finn* is iftie n: Auckland on Snudav moriiin? from Fiji. Sue ha.-- a part ca-njrr. ut Mizar ;n:<l molasses to land at Chelsea. The four-Siastrd s.h.ion.-r. 11. V. Rendijsen. r>7D Loos, has bfen .-liartereij to Inaii lumber ..n the I'aritH: coast to an Australia:! or New ZeaJand port. The Auponri was unable :.i i-ross the Jlannkau har outwards for Ilokianra yesterday. LUid in i-jusequeni-e she did not s-Jii till 'his morning. It is now expeotei! that T/h.e Sew Zealand Phippius Company's steamer O-taki will imt s:iil ff>r Southern pons till Thursday next. Tii" i»»v| is 1-ainlinj: an PxceptionaJly larsre r-!:_'>. i-umprlstog 6.500 tons. Thp Northern S.s. Co.'s <'oromandel has T>°er liismantled and by J. .1. <-..i-. "Limited. The Coromandel had been :is a tender to the Whangarei ser-vtT-e steamer at Point, but ou the Inuiniratioa of the new seniw, «he was ■B-i-.h-lru^-n. Ib n (r-i>vorn 11 STP.irrvT liine-rnos. bailee! fr»7m Wellington last for northern Mghtbouses. She is to r- :i n .TlnsseH. Kalpara and She is due h.-rc :Uiont the insc£t a « S^?" O "'j wwer ' " n,>i Progress -has been lSf e a ,-" P £LS wiU probaWr

IMPORTS. I Per Mokoia. Ifote .Southern nort-- ITV> S^i o i»-- r ' sacks potatoes, -STi sa cks ' hacs <-iaff, sacks onft 1,0 bales a<ls cases meats. 135 b£es Stratr, and sundries.

OOASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Kxpec-ed arrivals and projected departnres in coastal pas.senge- services at the port of Am-kland to-day are announced as follows:^ p.m.; Tasraan. from Whakatane. 4 p.m. Departures.—Daphne, for Mercury Bay. r> p.m.. Walmarie, for Taeroa. lu.:in p.m.; Manaia. for Whangarei, Til p.m.- Gael for Walpu. 10 p.m. i\Ti-:n-coLONiAL sKuvici:. Tin- Huddnrt-Parker steamer Wimmera was docked in .Sydney t-Uis trip, and in consequence did noi <ail from Sydney for Aut-k----la.nd till lasl evening. Till- Wimmera is <lue here .in Mom Lay. and is to sail for rhe usual southern ports od Tuesday nest. She berths at the Queen Street wharf. The Victoria, en route fi-om Dunedlu to Auckland, is due here on Souday. and is- to sail for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. on Monday, as usual, She is to berth at the Queen Street wharf. MAKKKE J.F.AVES SYDNEY, Messrs Heather. Roberlon and C0..-tloc:il agents for the Tyser Line, are advised that rhe stoamor Marerc p:Ulert from Sydney ar L , p.m. yesterday for Auckland direct-. The LMarere has heen delayed In the New South Wales port for some time In the discharge nf a quantity of ]>on-der. The Marere is due here ai daylishr on Tuesday mornlns. and will berth at the Railway wnarf. She has i'.7"iS tons of general carlo to land nere. PASSENGERS FROM TUB SOETH. The Union Po.'e steamer Mokoia. which arrived froir. I'unedin and jiorts yesterday, lironslit the follow ins passengers: --McV d-arnes McKinlay. Mellor and child. Cutler, Loaders. Chrisp. rmler, -Allen. Bull Wilson Loader. O'Menm. Mlksps Hullab. Neill, Dennis.m, Vr\nr pj. Walters. Bull, Messrs. Taylor. Williamson, l"r«]iih:irl. Rarrett. (Jodfrp.v. lla'H-ke?. N>i!l. Hookey, VTanstone Wooflroffe, Smith .Corsni-y MiCanley, S'Jioiluui. McMellor i:(|, Finn. Qnonr.. Pninie. O'Mcani. Sen, Mixire. WHliams, Burton, and- 38--etPeragr. FRlSri.i _MAIL STKAMJCRS. . The I!.M.S. Moana arrive.! af Wellinston rx ili> a.m. f>-day from S.ui Kram-isco. vin Papcerc and Raxotonsa. She is to leave WolllngTon '.his evening fnr Sydney direct. and is due there on Tuesday Best. (hnward bound from Sydney to San Francisco, tho I'nion Company's "stpamer Tahiti arrive*] at Wellington yesterday morninc She is fixed to sail for 'Frisco at " p.m. today, an.l is due at the American port on November 38. The Aoranzi is scheduled to sail from San Francisco on November 13 for Welling J ton find Sydney, via Papeete and llarotonga. She is due at the southern New Zealand port oil I)pcpjT]b*r r>, and saJls on the sajne day for Sydney, where she is fixed to arrive on December 10.


Wbttianga. Norpmfcpr 7.- Knilcwl: Waiotahi, s.s.. for iipoiiki; Ataroa. s.s.. with raft In tow. for Auckland. Opotiki. November 7. -Arrived, at 4.20 p.m.: W.:Lk>tahi. 8.5.. from Mercury Bay. TChalia-lane. November 7.- Sailed, at XIS p.m.: T:ism:rn. s.s:. fi>r Auckland Pict-nn. November 7.—Sailed, lit 3.2S p.m.: Haupiri. s.s.. for Onebimpi. Port Chalmers. November .<—Arrived, at 11.1." a.m.: Karamea, s.s.. from Ijondoii. New Plytnouth; .N'.vemhcT S. —Arrived, at 7..W a.m.: Rarawa, s.s.. from Onehnnga. Tauranga. November S. — Arrived, at T. 30 a.m.: Ngapuhi. s.s.. from Auckland. Wellington. November R. — Arrived, at 2.10 a.m.*: Moana, s.s.. from 'Frisco. Dunedin. November 7. —Arrived: Monowai. S.S.. from Northern ports. Sailed: Tnviuni. .s.s.. for Greymouth. Napier. November S. —siailed: Victoria, s.s.. for Auckland. Passengers from Napier: Misses GlLflllan f2i, Asnton. Sprigs. MesdiLmes (io-wer and Arns. Hi. Qrd. . . Whitianga, November S.—Arrived: Ngaru. ?aiied: OTete, schooner, for OislTorne and OVKRBEA SHIPPING. Hoburt. November 7. —Sailed: Kotorua. s.s.. for Wellington. Sydney. November 7.-Sailed, at ~> p.m.: Wiinmera s.s.. for Auckland: ilarere, s.s.. for Nen- Zealand. Newcastle. November 7.—Hailed: Rakanoa, S.S., for New Zealand; Lauclerdale. «t.S'..' fbf Napier. Liverpool. November .">.—Sailed: Tiurtinul. s.*.. for Auckland. VIA WIRELESS. The, Auckland Radio Station advised at 9 a..m. to-day rhjL the sieojncrs Victoria, Wrmimera, KuaWne. Manuka. Moerakl, Moana. Tabi'i. and Attm are within wireless ranee. Tbe steamers within of the Welliiis;ou Wireless Station are the Victoria. Wrmmcra. ilocraki. Manuka. Tahiti, and Moana.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 268, 8 November 1912, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 268, 8 November 1912, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 268, 8 November 1912, Page 4