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1 . ;- ; "/;;t ■""Auckland Star" Office, ■"'/■. Thursday, June 13, 1912. '■■ '"■•'' I___,*_ Te_ort that, although trade is #_____»__ t°wn and country, there _or uneasiness, as it is looked 'J>^'___ely temporary. Heavy forward '&"* _ has been done 1u many lines for ' from next month, tin the end ''»!_. rear and after, which goes to show _T_l-S_ing part of the community U __rffi- futnre with confidence. That >* f of ready money is patent _«_ nresent time, and retailers might with _*_%_* themselves devote more attention '^-T-'■matter -of credit. About .two years ' __*ra--__n_ took a firm stand and curi___as_erably the long, indefinite terms P_a_t then in operation, and confined _S, _T__._t specified conditions. At the __&_«" experiment was viewed with much _53i.t__ but it has been found to have !_!____-_»My, and has placed business '* T_nfch sounder basis than hitherto,, and ''?■■_. __j_ ■no reason why retailers should & hP-ble to take up exactly the same §'__ -Soft goods .warehousemen are find-_wf_-on.-the qiiiet side. Grain, and pro_»mer_an_3 lave n<____s to complain _? .nd 1 hardware merchants are as busy £i_«_?i Local rope and twine manufacS_S.a__ira»ce that they haw been reluc'S' <xn_pelled to advance the price of '- &£ -Zealand hemp goods, on account of «T__n tone of the hemp maTket, bat the .'EHIf. -.Jfouila S<> ncls liave not beea take.—A Tisp of 1/ per 1001b /,»_ taieaplace in the local manufactured .' Oil.—For Immediate shipment ..jioiii Enghmd, a reduction, of jd per gallon ;'- fc iS-__ng to the continued strong _cB __7 prices are well maintained, but there kW change to report. _.piocas-are fluctuating wdthln narrow ___&; and market is steady. *__-&_? SP II4 Deas ' md lentils are very i___B_ prices have advanced considerably !{__ the last two months, and the latest K_S-ho_fl are that the market is likely to __*_S""S—l •'further. 'Canned Herrings. —Quotations for arrivals 'lnfi-horSy show a decline on previous rates, -J-fth a Btai further reduction hot Impro- : _i_o_.—The market is still very firm, tni supplies are none too plentiful. It is l certe—ty that prices win be still firmer Lfcre the aew pack arrives here in OctoberGlrcerine is now offered at the lowest ptfs-that have prevailed for almost three (Norwegian):—The operatives in &c ctiming factories in Norway are out on itrike with no sign of a settlement imml{_nt, 'and as stocks are comparatively low this line will probably harden up. Dates (Bulk)-— The shipments that arrived ■-H-TSst week were in very fair condition, •nd met a ready, sale at almost fancy prices. __tes (Carton).— The quality is not so good __Mt_e desired, but large Hues are taken no freely at enhanced values. Any Mocddn in the price oi dates is absolutely hnnossible till the first shipment of new •2__oa's-arrives here about October. art cheaper than for some years, _oe to there being a large quantity in the __ with dealers unable to get offers. Is easier. Jamaica and Cochin are higher. iUl __ •^-Cotes;—The advance previously notraea fc _]1 maintained, and it is anticipated that '.rices-will farther strengthen, •i to the short crop of ftfenft* gathered this season, prices are Jiigher. - , . JCaiawajs .—Holland reports a complete '(allure in the crops, and the European '''market has advanced £10 per ton. I "Pepper.—Both black and white are con- ' 'jlderably stronger, and prices are not ex--1 MCted to ease for the present. Tiere is an :*__t.of juggling going on amongst tne CHipse dealers in,> Singapore, with, some dit_t_ty in obtaining full ■ _ the ceicference of Victorian butter toy managers recently a good deal was BW shout the way margarine is competing 'nainst butter in England. It was stated ISS this year 'the "first class shops in Lon>4o_ were advertising. 1 margarine, and it ■(bold be seen in the ■windows with the ' .jjicaid, "iWhy bny butter when we can 'fat you something as good at half the ■m.?""- One speaker - stated that science enabled the margarine manufacturer to a wholesome, attractive, and palaW>le article against which no 'real or sentiKntal objection could be raised. In the IftaTOargarinawiis chiefly made from vegetible oils, and deteriorated very quickly, tnst __t has -been obviated now: by the tfse' . ot__ , -__ — Scientists (it was stated at 'fite'conference) are engaged in London _ttin__ctur__g .bacteria which produce the Sutter flavour in the margarine. It is quite jT-joft ..that in -the future margarine will _n_?_'i-be-looked upon as a serious com-t6Btt_-it_,_e .'butter industry. v !_te;kaTiri-gum market shows steady tousi.tiass).__ there are orders available for nearly "ill 'grides'. ..Although more gum has come '. to -Sahd'recently, still the stocks in local bikers' hands are gradually decreasing. Better grades of both black and white gums .re-jo. getting scarce, and good lots of East.'Coast sell readily. .'..During the last three days there has been * decidedly, better feeling on tie Exchange in-respect-to" shares in mmmg 1 companies. to some extent due to the fact feat fturce last report TOlbs of picked stone ;has Jieen .-reported _rom. the "Old Haniraki fmioe'jßtJ Coromandel, which caused those I Bttares-t'o sell up to 1/11, as compared with 1/8 a week ago. Occidental Consolidated teres .Bold up to 1/3, in consequence of a •tew jmudsot picfce<| .stone -being 1 reported, tod the _f_ndswort-.. United mine at Kuaotomi'.is also . producing specimen stone. *___- shares sold up to 1/2, in anticip-a-t gold : itlmt>t ■being got in the~No.-6 level. f___ Dra hui-Caledonian .shares changed ;fc__ at _c '.same figure. In Earangahake i;_sres Talismans sold up to 43/, and Crowns ___. 'strike'is still on at Waihi, but 'Karcs In companies canying on operations 'tatliat seetoa of .the goldfields have fir__ed : day or two, which may in;iW_* -belief that a settlement will ere . ■£_ be al ?lved at. Waihi shares sold at eggs JBSternay, and. Grand Jnnctions '-S^St-J? 23138 t0 ~/ 9 - Investment a niOTe business this 'week, Egg paces show no notewrarthy change. | ,-'.'-3N_-es'.—The .market has 'been some- -__!£. IBSi - tlle So?th, owing to the fjpess of tfie "position in Anckland, due r-.J__5 c «rcessive supplies that 3_ad acenmnK^2? ca, s"- T be WimmeTa only brought ___?. of 454 sacks from the •v- ' zai st °cks here have considerably ___g__9«ifl_ the result that this- market It is quite probable 'S"- 1 ™ 464 demand from Auckland in -__ _?_~-™ ay flnn tiK) "market-down ithere. I_3+wl_!_-_ di is now going <m freely j£-~3__it-,--.growers may ibe amdons to IJJS&S a conaession,. in -preference piti^__._ l ri _* oes - 'Once the potatoes have ■__L?__,; nto; ,the ' P lts Jt is expected that 1 ad Ta_e.' _ie__caki iironght 5 °_l Potatoes, ia nd more «re on '--*__L_. ..kanaka, due next Saturday. 111 ?- ta addition to the usual **£ly. shipments. Locally potatoes are .sgMed at £a 15/ .to £6 perton. S.o .far -the. !______ the restrictions -removed V £_. J? c importing of New Zealand potatoes «™ tne Commonwealth have been abortive. I ni«__f» c restrJ , cUons are olrce removed free he drawn from _he Sonth for i_™?T SuppUes are in -excess of the re--fe^i 3 ° ltbe iocal *™*» a t"e present fe-S __?;-*! __°t of onions are now ll^__«S___?'v_ <^_J h « ° &t market is '■ eiU ! cr S n the ' Souai - locally ship and 3/ ex. Ul l a steao -y demand for ___**-___._ business conld be ' * 4_2 i! . fs _ wre available at a 20/ 1 ■ a^r_KT_F er ? nil s , eea are ™ stea,J y ' ; «3* i t-_sS_" i f Z, , c le auire__ents will invWa_s__- : _"/ and 'A|«Biist.,-White and "■■'*«tt __w ? ats ¥« also Squired ' P to if. Eecleailea Algerian seed realise ' I _22. it ? ; majize ha T« been ex--1 WD nof _5 B The new crop * ?_ as " ls somewhat backward : Bi_ __.'_!„ area ™ der malze is smaller '•*W.___t,ril?' Bo ; > lJ? t °* ft « laQ d is S-tt-SoS? ior 11 ? Purposes. ».____£. ttern « na ff continues to come • j__S^ t *_-_SJ_,« f locaJ haT e fallen I . SiS? of wet weather, wfofch ; fe 9Wted _? ffZftS operations. JLoeal chaff '« £5 10/ _ f _ l , o/ L at Statk,n and Soirthern S <_v .« *L n * iatter tas aQ upward tenI t*. market in the South is firm--1 * _nd 3r h_ Very nrm - A stron ff -Australian IS> ani"s* c ansea-feed grain to be worth •' IWi p seea 4/6 I f Wca -_S lt _' CO .. tSD '™ st 0 TDle J""gm £ Wfc tS i', (, ! , PP' l °s are fair at the pre-A*ffln-_S CE ' ls 4y ' i t ' < 4 " / - 5: " I ! « l «mon O nT-_? at , sllov, ' s I> ° '■•-' an -Se upon the ■Sei^tm. cv i ms] y reported. : '" ID s w-heat is being ■ ; _■;- :. .• white straw Tuscan 1. worth I l"'*fe_f-_7 : ? le . Z;ealaDa3c brc-git a' large ) ! - -)M '<•«_ _™ *asic slag, Mgih crade being I li l „. _« 0/ ex and standard " fcoll - Snp-rpiho-phat_s are £_ . jeadilv, J

___S__ ______ (

The Hew Zealand Loan and Menan-HJe Agency Co-, Limited and KEdnced, snbmits the following markat report— .Oats.—Sales steady at 2/11, ex store. Wheat.—Firm at 4/7, ex store. Bran.—Steady sales at £6 54, ex store. Pollard.—Good demand at £7 10/, ex store. Chaff.—'Local supplies, coming to hand; very slowly, worth np to £4 12/6 per ton on trucks, Auckland station, tor ipriroe quality. Southern in good demamd at late rates. F'tmgns Nominally worth 4Jd per lbVery small parcels coming to hand at present. Butter.—Choice, 10gd to 11 . first grade, 10 _d; second grade, li-d; poor qualities for milling, 9Jd to lOd. Good demand for all grades. iEggs find a ready market-it .1/9 _>er doßen.


Farm and Dairy Produce. —'Batter, factory, I/O. per lb; fresh eggs, 1/7 per dozen wholesale; cheese, farmers' from 5d to 6d per lb, factory 6jd to 7d; bacon, sides 9d; hams, 9Jd. Flonr,-£K> 13/ (less dis-cotu-tsh wheat■meal. £ao 15/ per ton discoiro-ts): sharps, £7 »/; bran, £5 15/ per ton; oatmeal, £15 per ton for _..'_ ■wholesale. Grain.—Oats, 3/, ex store; Algerian seed oats 3/10 to 4/, Tartar seed 3/3; milling wheat. 4/, f-0.b.; fowl wheat, 4/5, ex store, sacks in; maize, 4/0, wiiolesale lines on the wharf. ___-_.nt-.e_t, £5 15/ to £ . ex store; local. £4 10/. O_io___ —I©/ to 12/ per cwt, according to comHtkm. Timber*—Ordinary building timber, nndressed, up to 24ft long, Jin to lin or more _ th_c__i«S9, and from Sin to 121n wide, first-class 25/, medium 19/6, secondclass 12/ per lOOft; rough lieart, 19/ per 100 ft superficial; surface planing, 1/ per 100 ft extra; planed both sides, 1/6 per 100 ft ertra-; three or four sides, 2/ do. Flooring boards: Planed, tongued, and grooved, ZT/6, 22/ 14/6. Lining 'boards: Planed, tongned, grooved, beaded-or V-jointed, 27/, 21/6, 14/. Ensticated and special wearther-oarding, 27/6, 22/, 14/6. Ordinary baDding- totara, scantling 15/, boards, 4_in to 12in, 16/; second-class totara, scantling, 12/; clean heart of tota_a for joinery, scantling, 23/; rough heart of totara, scantling, 16/; rough hteirt of totara, scantling, 6-x 2 and under, 16/: rongb. Iteaxt matai, scantiinj;, IS/6; ordinary bunding rinru, boards, 15/6; beart rinra, scantling, 4/6; heart rinm (traming and bridge quality), scantHng 17/, clean 20/; seccmd-class rlmtr boards, 12/.


iMessrs G. W. Binney and Sons report:— On Tuesday we offered and cleared extra large catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow under brisk competition. Hides.—Market firm. Extra stout ox, 7Jd to Bid; stout, 7d to 7id; medium, 6!d to 6fd; light, 6gd to 6Sd: cows', extra good 6|d to 63d, good 61d to 6jd, seconds s*d to 6d; stags', 4id to sid; kips, 5Jd to _d; yearlings, s_d to 6id; calfskins, best B_d to 9d, good 7d to -74d, meaty 6d to 6jd; cut and damaged hides, 3Jd to 43d per lb. j Skins.—.Market firm, with good conrpeti-1 ■tion. Picked skins 6/4 to 7/. -large ,5/4 to 6/. medinm 4/4 to 4/10-. best pelts and lamb skins 4/10 .to 5/; lamb pelts, 1/6 to 1/9; country, best pelts and lamb skins 4/ to 4/3, medium 3/ to 3/6, small 2/6 to 2/9; lamb pelts 1/3 to 1/6; dry skins, large double fleeces 7/ to 8/3, good 4/3 to 5/9, medium 3/3 to 4/, small 2/ to 3/; best pelts, 1/6 to 2/, small 1/ to 1/3: best lambskins 1/6 to 2/, small 1/ -to 1/3; lamb pelts, 9d to 1/ each. Tallow.—Market firm. Best mixed, in shipment casks, 27/6 to 28/6; good, 23/ to 25/6; _e_lmn, 20/ to 2_V/6; inferior, IS/ to 19/6 per cwt Bough fat, lid to IJd per lb. Cow tails, 1/8 per dozen; •Bones.—Good dry, £4 17/6 to £5 per ton. WcoL—Bags and dumps selling freely. Fleece, 6id to 63d; bellies and pieces, 4d to 4_d; locks, 2_d to 3d per lb. The 'Jiew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., lim-ted and Seduced, report as follows: —We submitted and sold extra large catalogues of hides, skins, and tallow .on Tuesday, nU lines being keenly competed for •at late rates. - Hides.—Market firm. We quote: Extra stont os, 7Jd to 8d; stout ox, 6jd to v . medium, 6id to 6Jd: light, 6Jd to 6gd; cowbest lines, 6_d to 6_d; good, 6id to 6jhl; Inferior,s_d tos|d; stags, 5d to s_d;.kips, 6id to 6id- calf skins, best 9ld, good 7_d to Sid; cut "and d_cmaged"; 4d' tb 6_d. ■ -' - ■ .: gbeepskins. —Market brisk. Best butchers' pelts and lambs, 4/6 to 5/3; mediuih, 3/9 to 4/2; small, 2/to 3/2; country dry and woolly skins, large, to 7/6; medium, 3/6 to 4/9; small, 1/.to 2/9. __,-___. Tallow.—Market firm. Best mixed, to 28/, good, 24/0 to 26/6: inferior, 20/ to 22/9; rough fat, l.d to 2d per lb. :B<mes, £5; cow tails, 1/8 dozen; horsehair, 1/2 to X/tii'-. Messrs A. Buckland and Sons' jeport:Hides.—Ox, 6Jd to 7_d; cow, 6d to 6JQ, calf, 6d to 9d;-kip, 6h& to 6Jd; horse, 0/ to 14/; damaged hides, '3d to 4Jd. Tallow, 26/ to 28/. . Bones, £5. • .Horsehair, 1/6 to 1/9. . S_ins.-B-St butchers-, 5/ to Km. otter. 4/ to. 4/9; country dry, good 4/8. to _b/v, other- 3/2 to 4/2; small and damaged, 3d to 2/11. " ' '


ALFJSED AXD SONS. At the Haymark-t, on * ii *3!j* at iJ2£Es came forward in average ™*m- |^ and grocers' cart class realised from £19 10/ to £25 10/, buggy horses and £12 10/ to £26 10/, light harness *<"*■•*_ k . 0 %9 5/ 'ilt_n. eS^ » _^x_^s € o_ f o O_T 3 |a'_r_.r we -held a clearance sale at. Im-A. J_ Patterson's, Pukektfhe East There ,wt _ia aUendance of teSPW. £&■**%* , I_So% S prices *»• «g"T& s ? h cows sold at from £__ to £12 o/, J***™* ' m-nde Jersey heifers £2 13/6 to ±_i i-/o, 10/ to £31 10/ nghtborses ■ *1_ 10/ to £13 15/- unbroken filly, 2yrs, ±.<, driH £"6 15/T spring cart, £15 5/; wagon, ' £17 15/" sulky. £14 15/. The implements j__rtto4, sundries brought usual; r*__S-t the usual number of dairy and! 'store cattle were yarded at Weatfield on | , TOK-Stey. June 6. Tie fopjer continue to; sell freely, especially good cows at profit,, best making from £11 to £13, -g«J«| 1 10/ to £10 10/, more aged £o to £<, empty cows £2 W to £4 4/. to-12-monUi I-Holstein beifer calves £3 1./6 to £«, l»-, monti fla_y -eifer- £4 to ,£5 12. calves, ! taSed eS_S) £1 V £1 W. yearlings. £2 S/ -to £2 16/.


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency .Company, Limited and Rednced,, report:— At Westfleld yards on Thursday last dairy cows and store cattle came tonward m nsual numbers, and sold at late rates. Best cows and -teUtera, close to profit, sold at from £7 5/ to'£ll others, £4 o/ to £6 _•/; empty- oo>ws, £2 15/ to *4 a/, calves, £110/;t».£2 7/. ___._ At Albert yards on Friday last horses ™ere yarded in average .-___ber_, and sold at late rates. Heavy ■M____S_ ? ; £28 to medium draughte, £18 to £23. light harness horses and ___.. £5 to *_•,; ponies, £1 to £4 10/. . On Saturday we held a. clearing sale of Mr J -D Cooney's, _s_sere, live and dead stock ' There was a very large attendance, and good prices were realised. Dairy cows .old at from £10 to £13- 5/; others, £5 to £8-0/. he__«. £3 15/ to £7 10/; calves, 13/ to £1 12/- Hoistein bull. £16 5/; horses, to £>« 10/; hay, £2 15/ per ton; gig, *_5/. Large .quantity _ sundries sold at satisfactory prices. __ . ~ At Pnkekohe yards on Monday we held a , sale, wlren over 300 cows and. I heSere came iorward and. met wttb a ready I _a-e ____ghont. Best dairy cows, close to from £10 to £16; oA^iexfers __as°fe?si»Sr-.uf _-_._-_«« £<?"& and inferior sorts, £2 10/ *? £4 At the Pnkekohe sale on Tuesday we nau a __J yardins of 7S_J__ at late rates. Dairy corns sold at £4 to £S [2/6; two to three-year-oldl steers > £3 to/ to £6 10/: yeartop, £2_ 16/ to £ , £3 19 ). ' e_f_? S 'l! 3 10/ %: othtrl, ._(' , 6_ _f'h«a of beet sM*t fully Westfleld \ rates. |


i Messrs. Dalgetv and Co. report faav—S beH their usual weekly fat stock sale at Westfleld on Wednesday, June 13, astmaer: Beef.—'A moderate yarding.. Prime ox •were about 10/ to 20/ per bead "higher <B_n I last week. Choice pens of extra prime ox Isold at equal to 25/ to 27/ per hundred;, ordinary quality ox sold at 23/ to 24/; cow and heifer beef at 18/ to 23/,-_*__-1 tag jtoujmßtg.

■_-!.— A tage ysrdlng, "which Bold alt. _te nates. (Hearty rnnajers fetched £3 10/ - *>© V: <3-ofce Backers made _5/ to -45/; ■others, 3/ *o 25/. 'Mutton.—An average yarding. Prime ; sheep, soM at eligbtly ihigher rates. • Inferior made equal to late sales; extra heavy prime wethers sold at 18/ to 22/3, hgbt ditto. 15/9 to 17/9, inferior 11/3 to 14/; ■extra iheary ewes fetched 14/ to 16/9, medinm ditto 12/6 to 13/9, inferior 6/ Co 9/& _a__>.—A small yaidlng. Those penned -eoid at high rates: <w©olly fetched 12/ to' 15/9. ■Pork-—An ia»e_age _rding. Baconers/' S2 8/ to £o 4/; heavy {rorkers, 30/ to 38/. light ditto, 16/ to 24/. Messrs. Alfred. BncMand and Sons-Jreport: On Wednesday, June 12, at oiir .weekly Westfleld fat stock market, our entry of fa-t cattle numbered 369 head, and" all of excel-' lent quality. There was an improved de-' brand, with a fj-nther rise of 10/ per head. Choice ox sold to fl 7/. prime £1 4/ to £1 6/, cow and heifer 18/ to £1 3/, steers -ranged in price from £7 to £13 15/, coW3 and 'heifers- £4 to £9 7/6; "20 extra prime bollocks from Messrs. K. and 'VV. Gollan, of Pampore, averaged £12 1/. The usual number .of fa?t and young oalves came for-■w_-rd. and sold at -last -week', advan-ed prices. Runners £3 15/ to £5 11/, dairy suckers £2 14/ .to £3 10/, choice •medium suckers £1 16/ 'to £2 12/. light and small 12/ to £1 10/, fresh-dropped 3/ to 10/ (65 sold). There was an average entry of mutton, ithe (major portion being very -heavy prime wethers. Competition was steady, and generally values were firmer. 'Extra heavy prime we__ers £1 0/9 to £1 2/3, prime ,-teaT. 18/6 to fl 0/3, .medium to Iheavy 16/6 to 18/6, Jight 13/ to 16/, best weighty ewes 15/ to 17/, good 13/ to 14/6, others 9/ to 12/6 018_.3 sold). Few lambs T»enned. well-fattened were better worth, bringing from 13/ to 15/6, others 10/6 to 12/6; stores 6/ to 9/ (174 sold). A full supply of pigs changed owners at last week's values, light baconers £2 6/ to £2 13/, large porkers £1 15/ to £2 4/. lighter £1 3/ to £1 14/, Slips 15/ to £1, weaners S/ to 13/ (113 sold). The 'New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency regrarts:— •At Westfleld yaTds on Wednesday fat cattle were yarded in average numbers, ». d sold at higher rates. Best oxen sold to ■27/ per lOCftb; others, 24/ to 26/; cows .and heifers, 20/ to 23/ per 1001b; steers sold at from £7 2/6 to £12 10/: cows and heifers. £4 to £8 5/. The veal pens were well filled, and sold at late quotations. Extra heavy veaiers, £4 2/ to £5 7/6; medium ■weights, £2 2/ to £3 15/; lighter, £1 10/ to £1 15/; smaller sorts, 5/ to 15/. Sheep came forward in usual supply, and showed an improvement in price, although quotations are the same. Best wethers sold to 20/6; others, 16/ to 18/9; heavy ewes, 14/ to 16/; others, 11/ to 18/6. Hoggets, penned in less numbers than -usual, and sold at advanced rates. Best quality, 13/ to 16/3; others, 10/ to 12/6. Pigs were yarded in less numbers, and sold at later rates. 'Large porkers, £1 15/ to £2 2/: porkers, £1 8/ to £1 12/6. No 'baconers or weaners yarded.


(By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHEISTCHCRCH, Wednesday. The weekly sale of stock was held at Addington to-day. There 1 were again large entries .of stock In the sheep sections, and good yardings in other departments. There was a lair attendance.- Fat cattle sold at about last week's rates. Store sheep were in strong demand, and fat lambs were easier by about 1/ per head. Tbe fat sheep market opened very firm, and closed at last week's prices. • ■ ■ - Store. .Sheep.—Ewes, line of four, six and eight-tooth halfbrede made 15/11; six and eight-tooth (good) to 16/2; two, four, six and eight-tooth (of a good class) 16/8; tour and i six-tooth (medium; 13/ to 13/9; full-mouth to 11/, aged and toothless sorts to 7/6. . Lambs, fairly forward sorts 12/ to 12/6, others 10/9 to. 11/0, ewe lambs (small) It/".; wethers, fairly forward 17/ to 17/7. twotooth (forward) 15/6 to 16/2, low-conditioned (small eorts) 12/8, and merinos 10/. . Fat Lambs.-—Tegs made 16/ to 19/4, a few extra to 21/, average weights 13/6 to 13/9, and light and unfinished 11/ to 13/. Fat Sheep.—The range of prices, was:— Prime wethers IS/ to 21/, extra to 24/6, others 15/11 to 17/9; prime ewes 14/6 to 19/7, extra to 24/3, others 7/6 to 14/; merino wethers 12/6 to 16/7; merino ewes, 8/. Fat Cattle.—The entries of fat cattle, which totalled.242 head, .compared with 190 ait previous __c, included a few lines of quite exceptionally; fine and' heavy cattle. ■Beef -realised 23/6 to 80/ per 1001b, the highest price being obtained ' far prime steers. Beef steers brought £7 10/ to £11, extra to £14 5/; heifers £5 10/ to £8 10/, extra'"to '£_ 15/; cows £5 to £B,_extra to £10 10/. ■ ' „ _' Store Cattle.—The yarding .was small, and consisted mainly of old cows. The demand was weak, there being few buyers, yearlings made -1 18/- to £1 19/, -two-year-old steers £4, 17/; two-year-old heifers, £4 to £4 5/6; cows, £1 15/ to £4 7/6; dairy cows, £4 to £10 15/. . Pies.—Choppers covered a wide range oi quality, and prices ran from 43/ to 103/. whilst heavy.haconers.realised 67/6 to 75/, and lighter sorts 53/ to 65/, these prices being 1 equivalent to 54d per lb. Heavy porkers made 43/ to 48/, and smaller pigs 35/ to 40/, equal to s_d per lb. Stores were in good supply, and the demand, was brisk •Large sorts realised 35/ to 42/6, medium 20/ to 32/6, ahdsma-i sorts 14/ to 22/6. W*ae». whi _ were in good request, bronght 9/6 *° 14/6 - _____-___—,__-—-_-

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 141, 13 June 1912, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 141, 13 June 1912, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 141, 13 June 1912, Page 9