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; BUGBY. ■""•'- THB-SECONO"EOtrSO: " The second round of the championships nnder the auspices of the Auckland Rngby Union' Trill be commenced at ' Alexandra Park to-morrow (Saturday), when in the senior grade City meet Ponsoaby, University play Marist Bros., and Parnell meet College Rifles. The teams are:— HABIST BROS. Seniors <v. University). (captain), Dennehy, Grace, Barrett, Gleeson, Callaghan, Harris. Carroll. Little. O'Brien (2), Tapsall. Walshe. Clarke, and Binns. Second Grade <v. Parnell).—Slade, Cairns, Courtney. Dennehv. Cornaga Harris, CoakJey.'Dohenj-, Olsen, Nolan. Little. McMillan, iFitzgerald, White, M.cGlashlan, Owens, Sheahan, and Codyer. Third Grade (v. Post and- Telegraph).—A. 'Potter. SJmtnons, Dines, Hilton, Montague, iPoland, Lynch. Ward, Noonan, Foreman, Carmody, Monagiian, Lennon, Mason, Gunsler, Hutchinson. and Josephs. Fiflih Grade (v. Ponsonby).—Armstrong, Barker (captain), Griffin, Howiett, Hing, Keenan, Murphy, Minogue, Moir. McGovern, O"Grady, Temn, White, Davidson. Ellis, Gireenan. EnwTigat, Mulvihill, Rice, De Lucca, and Culj>aii. Fourth Grade (v. Grafton).—Slade. Smith, JPrendergast. Camp Sell. Culpan (3. Buckler, McCuHongh, Courtney, Lonergan (2), Burns. Barley. Crawford. Fisker, Blackman, 6utcliffe, Downing, Tucker, McNaughton. PARNBLL. Seniors (v. College Rifles). —Hardwicke, Wolfgraum, Hogan, • Martin, Marshall. Cameron. Dowe, Harris, Muir, Glenn, Martin, Harper. Hansch, Intster, Magee, Forgie, Hodgson, Edwards. Second Grade (v. Marist Bros.). —Swaffield Handcock Colgan. Curter, Hardwick. Peach, Stanton, Kendall, Hill, Harrison. Warner. James, Fitzpatrick, Haddrill, ■Rogers. - '■- —•- .' Young Maori Party (v. North. Shore).— ■Hopefoa, Robson. Xgatai, Leef, WilUams, Kaika Bneby Nehua, Motni, Bennett. Wilson Tai, Hipirini," iNikora, Walter. Emergencies: Pauiian, Hopa. All players are requested to catch 2 p.m. 'boat to Devonport. Post and Telegraph (v. St. Benedict's).— Cox, Murphy May. ■- Linton,Claric, Cook, ..SuniTaii, .J<rfUKtqß-e,.;JoaeEi •Fitzwilliams Scliofield, M. Cory, Camp-1 : bell, Scott. Husband, Kennedy, Aicken. Third Grade (v. Ponsonby B). —Bro-wn-iee Hudson, Mackie, McNeal, Stevens. Tay3or Avery. Nelson. Shaw, Jones, McQumn, ■Wright, "Naeey, Speckley, Warner, Lay- : FUth~Gra*e- : <T. Ne^-ton-.B)^-CaTnerdnr Gyde. Woledge, .Dodds. O'Brean, GOmour, Stanley, Morgan, King. Wiite. McLean. Harrie Mitchell. Gyde, Higgins, McCready, Austin, Wright. Brenen. Xewmarket (v. Newton A).—Whisker, Clough, Churches. Hendry, . McLean. MunToe, Smith, Dunn. Ross. Williams. Wilson, [Liaeen. Tate.. Christe. Crawford. Clements, Wflson.-Wiiteman, jrihnston. —— -: COLLEGE RIFLES.' Sentoxs (v.~ ParneU).—Hines. D'Audney. jjatefitsoß." King; -Weston, Gordon, Webb. "Pratt. Walker, Sellars, Birnie, Bedford, Jacobi, Nisbet, Clay. Second Grade (v. Ponsonby).—Da-wson, ..lU&lexandef. Barker, Marie. Fisher. Lason. Taylor Pountnev Proude, Gray. Stevenson, Burton, Blorafield, Steele, W. Clarke. Emergency: Macmanemin. Boucher. Third Grade -win by default from Engineers, who have withdrawn. • _- ■ _ ■UNIVERSITY. Seniors (v. Marist Bros.).—Pearce. Macky, Fryer ■ Stewart, Gray, Marks, Mac Donald, Bflkey, -McKenzie. Dinneen. Hunt, MacDuff, Bainford. Wills. ' Secpnd , Grade (v. Pukekohe).—McDaviU, ■ . Blundell, Campbell 1.. Johnston, . 11.,-Faw-cett,—Xicholson. T»y;ssl- - ' der"--'''.Mnnr6,-.Blimineld,'" Re'TeU,"- Foailyfie,NeeaHajn. . '. ' ~~~1~ Third Grade A (v. Grafton).—Bull 1., ■Eintoul, Beasley. Doughty. Andrews. Sulli•Tan,- Leylands, Bull 11., Morgan, Campbell '11. Farrell, Smeeton. Gonlding. Airey. Third Grade B. (v. Wes-t End Rowing C!nb«.—Usiiis.l team iocludins several Three Kings Native College Boys. CITY. Seniors (r. Ponsonbyj(:-r-C. , A.. Moffitt, J. 'Fitzgerald; J. JJ.-Stewart, A. ■ Power,- R. H. Keating. H.- Thomas, P. Thomas, A. Barclay, S. M*zee, A. Tresize, A. Campbell. J. CRa«mussen J. McGuire, C...A. WiLtoWjight, A. Bruce. J. :CoUett, E- Forsyth - Second Grade (r. Nrsvton).—Birnie, McGuinness, MulvihUl, Cole. Moore. Ross, Diamond Gallaugher, Speight. Seal. Rasmussen, Sansbary, Mowatt, Waurvrrigbt, KerrTayior Magee. Trimble. Fourth. Grade (v. Ponsonby).—Nash. Killio Neave Timins. O'Hanlon. Lonergau, Menzdes Warden, Boggs, Hoare, KendaU, Morrison. Watson, Head, Stewart (2i, Hancox; McDonald. KEWTOX. Second Grade (r. City).—Clarke, ■ Lons, O'Grady, Hammond. Davidson, Mackey, Bindlen, Dare. Sa-onders. Coe. Longvillo. Bright (captain). Scott, Schofleld, Bradley, liewis, Casley, McKay, Doran, Ballantyne, fourth from Shore by de- ' Fifth Grade A (t. Newmarket).—Cantell, Walters O'Laohlan. Bushel. Coles, Hobson, ISavourr Olcal, ißhick, Rankin, Haines, Elder, " Ford. James, Prescott, Lovett, CRbbertson, IMonaghan, Neilson. . Fifth Grade B (v. Parnell).—E. Poison. (Johnston, BTuferd, Arnell, Tredrea. Sutdiffe, Grtbble. Delaney, Bundle, Kellcy, Neilson Nicholson. Harvey, .Miliar. Morris. ■Rowlands, Over, Schultze, Snort, Grantley, Pooley, Powell. GRAFTOX. Third Grade (v. University A).—Cape, ■Wallace Syers, .Wliffht, Murphy, Burns, (Poole, ibbertson, McKinstry, Collins, Williamson. Hanlen. Danrell, Cowan, Condon. iEmergencies:" Oxen-ham, Jones, Adlam, Edwards. »~ • FourHi Grade (v. Maxiet Bros.).— Hayes, Burns, Smith, Randell, Brewin Paull, Rowe, MeDermotit, Inrpey, Cornaga. Strong, Dison. KeMson, Menzies, Gillett, Pnillips, Martin, Shand. Askew, Xicholls. ■ Fifth GJAde (v. North Shore), at North ■Shore, 2 p.m.—Hayward. Edwards. Jordan, ißouvaird, Otter. Cowdry, Trembath, • Hannah, Marshall, Hill.- Annan, - Preston, Gall, Greealancl.r-Benjamlii; P!?" , ! , ~- ; SHdRB: : ";£ ~~~ Third Grade Maori-Party).— Xi Moyle,-N; Tremafn, K. Moore, Aγ Alford, T HilL G.-Wilding, E- Campbell, W. Moore, J Jarvis, F. Hunt, 8. Chatfield, M. Johneon, G. Herring, M. MeKubrey, T. J. Menzies. • - - ■-' ■ - "•"• — •Fifth Grade (v. Gralton).—W; Harrison, K. Jaggs,-Wi Parker, W. DavernT'G." T. Wheeler, A. Turner, C. Grey, A. Martin, W. Little. -B-'-KeßselL H. Baker. R. Bailey, R. Ainslie, ErPardington, T. Lowe, G. LockWood. MATCHES. • ' Remnera. Hendersdri," "Frase*, George, Shaw, Nelson, Lawson, Stones, Carpenter, Marsden, Wade, George, Gamble, Borne, Moore, Badeley. •. . , • • , ;■ Onebunga MetHodists' (v. Hardley and Hardley), *t the -Recreation grotina," ■ One; . h-UDga.-Vc. ,Kelsall,i;w. Bulcralg, W. ""Claydon;. J. Gflmajn, f: Xanetonr W-. UtmiiC-' &da, Balcraig, A. Boyd,. .w. ' Wilson, D. Glanfield, C. Jones, H. ClarkEon, J. Robins. NORTHERN UNION. \.The competitions under the auspices of —the- Auckland -.Rugby- League-will- be'<continuefl to-morrow, when Ponsonby United meet North Shore Albione at the" Shore, play" Manujsau Rorcce at Eden Park, aad City Rovers meet Eden 'Ramblers on the same ground. The following are the referees:— t: • 1 S&MOB GBAJJSEi ,' - • poasonby V-' " North. Shore, at North Shore;' referee, 3lr M. Hooper. Newton T. Manukau, at Eden Park: referee, Mr T. Cunningham. City t. Eden, at Eden Park; referee, Mr ■"•'X" Campbell.' SECOND GRADE. City v. .HobspnviUe. r* Hobsonville: re- - feree, Mr. B. Oliphant. North Shore v. Newton, at North Shore; referee,: Mr. : W. Parker. PansoDbyr/Yo-Noithcote, at Eden Park; referee, Mr -Knos. Ellerslie T; ptahuhu, at Otaßu3iu;-referee, •Mr'Powell. ' . - . ■--

....... .... _~..- .. *""" -Biirn'T- 'Cflyraf"Baen~Par&; referee. Mt iW;- linraay.. .•' - Northcotc -T. Ponsoaty B, at North cote; ■■''■* <:;.•,■'•'•*••-* -■-- ■•- • ' ■Her'ih Share v. Toneenby A, at Victoria Paric; referee, Mr.p.;.pc(ag. : ,. .. ;..,... . .....

FOURTH GKAIXE. Eden t. North Shore, at Domain; referee,. Mr R. Benson. City t. Mamikau, at Victoria Park; referee, Mr C. Johnson. .." Tie .teams are^NOBTH SHOEE ALBIONS. Seniors (v. Ponsonby United). —Bodgers, Ridings, Paul, Law, Haddon, Weston, Jackson. waters, Griffin, Bailey, Gladding. Clark. Seagar. Second Grade (t. Newton Bangers, 2 o'clock. Devoaport ■ Domain).— Coanagnan, McCarthy, Hood, Woodward. Pox, Seagal, Garrard, McGinn, iMann, Lowe, Howiett, Buchanan, Pearson. Third Grade (v. Ponsonby United A, Victoria Park, 3 o'clock). —JoEnson, Fox, Woodward, Cargill, Parker, Miller, Seagar, Coidicutt, Hynes, Martin, Grubb, Murdoch, ltewa; emergencies, Douglas, McLean. Fourth Grade (v. Eden, Auckland Domain, 3 o"clock). —Shaiv, Buchanan, Murphy 13), Foilas, Tain. Spinley, Kickers, Going, Cassidy, Harvey, Emerali, Allan, Shea. PONSONBT TOUTED. Seniors (y. North Shore, at North, Shore).— 'Mintham',"~Cossej-; .Koope, " Carlaw, Sceats, Kiiey, -Cttorley, Webb, Charters, lAJnbert, Warner,. Md'herson, Dunning, Flicker, Campbell. Second Grade (v Northcote, at Eden Park). —Liversidge, Young, Cireeuwood, Imnau, SchoUelu, tieechain, Oakley, Boswell, Staflnaway, Davis, Grundy, litown, LongDottoin, Danrell, Comaine. Third Grade A (v. North Shore, at Victoria Park). —Williams, liamsay, coroy, Bennett, Davis, Tieruan, Ellis, Cook, MeWblrter, Coulam, UagaD, Edwards, Kiluy, 'i'JiHersall, Lamb. Third Grade B K. Nortbcote Ramblers, at Xorthcote, a p.m.i.—Clark, Hyan, Williams, Bethel, Virtue, liarbv, lioberts, Baylisi, Hogaji, waimsley, .Scaoiieid, Morgan, Kope, Harper, Strong. EDEN EAMBLEBS. Seniors (v. City Hovers).— Keneally (2), Biggs, i>enyer. Frosser, Fauweatlicr, mnas. Waiter, uaiicon, isaiKur, £-<l>varus, iiorns, Uawkes, Daly, Ldly. Third Grade (t. city Rovers, No. 1 ground, Eden lark, at 2 p.m.).—Allen, MeSsweeney IS), Daly, Manseli oi,i, Taylor, 'Walkiiisjn, Meekin, Patterson, Denyer, Mouagiian, Sommerville, r'airweather, Goodwin. Fourth Grade (.v. city, at the Domain, at 3 p.m.).—Taylor, Mclvor, Atkinson, Vinert, Bowden, Hoiliiiger, Mcsweeney, r'rescott, Sorgrove, K-dwards, Lovatt, Martin, I Keliy, McVeigh, Biggs! XEWTON RANGERS. Seniors (t. Mannkau Rovers).— J. Perry, Healey, Blakey, Tobin, Knowles, Smdta, Farrant, Francis, itackrell. Cross, Dervan, BTQCkliss, ilalcpn, Muki, A. Smith. ""nORTHCOTE RAMBLERS. Second Grade (v. Ponsonby;.—Xeilson, Pugh, Wrightsou, Sbortridge, Grifflxns, Jordan, Peate. Jacksou, Jordan. Kidil, Lomas (2), Gilchrist, Goodall. Third Grade (v. Ponsonby B).—Somervflt, Dingley, Llewellyn, Good, Thomas. Short- ■ idge, Stone, Thompson, Reid. Adamsou, Lowe, Stilwell. Hall; emergencies, Hewitt, O'Leary, Sachell. CITY ROVERS. Second Grade (v. Hobson-rillei. —Berryman, MeCullagh (captaiu), Smith, Tim] Warner, Thomas, Kernott, Hibbs, Heko, Robson, King, Sheehan, Hartley, Harley, Bouvaird. Fourth Grade (v. Manukau).— Doran (captalm, Fostlewaignt (2), Duggan, Basham, Bass, Joues, Bell. Lunn, Holden, Claike, Catrick, Hawk'es, Warman. Olseu, MorganThird Grade tv. Eden-Ramblers).—Silva, Oliirer, Clarke. Hotran, Parkinson, Pye, Gyde, Dustin, Reed, Little (captain), Jainlson, Murphy, H. Avery, Postlewalght. OTAHL'HU. ?econd Grade (v. Klerslie. at Otahnhu). — Hedge; Brown, Patron, Martin, McManus, ißrennan, - O"Donnell, Madden, McAnulty, ■Otmond, Farrelly. McCoy, Goodwin, Murray, Carson. Topia, Vnort. Fourth Grade.— Intending players will practise at the football ground at 2 p.m. ELLERSLIE. .iSltereHe-United (t. Otahuhu), at Otahnhu. —Rran, Miller. Good. Edwarda, Page, Good, Chnr>man Smith, Gavin, AV'arren, Chaafe. W ylie. McCarthy, BlackDurn, lei:. ASSOCIATION. The Association football championships will be continued to-morrow (Saturday), ■nvben matches will be played at Victoria Park and the Domain. The teams are:— EVERTOX. Seniors (v. Brotherhood).— Cantell. Robinson, Ridley, Booth. Baker, Caradus, Websier, Isbister. Boyne, S-hergold, Brewer. Reserve:' Love. Second Division (v. Mount Albert).— CTlarke, Atktoson, HaJl, Fraser, Wallington, Corlett C. R. C. Clarke, Baker, Churchill, Smith,/ Mellor. Reserves: Mellair, Wood, Galloway. FOXSOSBT. Seniors (v. Carlton). at the Domain.—F. Olflnall W. Almond. F. A. Faults, A. Good, A. Marshall, A. J. Drake, F. Kitchie, J. A. Tatton, H. Webster. W. Pnrdie, J. Purdie, and A. Clements. Reserves: A. F. VTnite, R. Moxam. J. Taberncr. Seagrove. XOKTH SHORE. Second Division lv. Hotspur).—Crisp, iSamson, McKellar, Xunnerley, Cardno, Smith Ivatt. Wallace. Lockwood, Brai>ant, Wooiley. Reserves: Kichmpnd, Whitfield. Third Division (v. T.M.C.A.).—Miller, Rankin, Wyatt, Kheppard. Stewart. Griffiths, Wille'tts. Roberts. JJalton. Pulman, Sinton. Reserves: Water?. Harris. Fourth Division (v. City).—McAneney, Dacre, Coleman, Perritt, Douglas, Colebourne. Hay, Martin. Parker (2), Wieeler. Reserve: Taiae. Fifth Division (v. All Blacks).— Lunn, Ste-waxt, Horsley. Oakden. Brett, Dawson, Browne. Martin. Perritt. Craig. Dacre. Reserves: Alison, O'Connell. Black, McKeTlar. Sixth Division (v. V.M.C.A. B).—Balle, Hay, Coltman. Mynott, Macky, Goldicater, Broughton. Benjamin. Burgess, Waller. Reserves: Traces, Lacy, Waters. CITY. Seniors' (v,. eorinthaaas). atthe Domain.— CalJander. Millar, McLaren, Book. "Culpin, Seath, - -Wiittle, Sutherland, McGorum, •Baker.VAtklnson. Reserves: McMaiMm anil • CABLTOX. Seniors. (v. Ponson'by).—R. Champtalonp, K. Gilmore, H. Goode (captain), A. J«ew.cwnb.X.. t>. Bennett, R-.B.ennett. C. Knight, R.:Hoir, M. Gilinore, F.- Punch, G. Smith; _.JFlflfl Grade.*(v. Tresbyterian).—Forsyth, Xewcomb. Rankin. Kingstone, Oasley (captain), Hill, Robinson, Knowles, Cutler, Bailey, Bennett. SIOUST ALBERT. ■Second Division (v. Bverton), at Moont Albert.—Harbutt, Wilson, Mcßride, W. Stil-well (captain), Hosking,.Cox, B. Ashton, S. Weir, Rcrwitt, Hare, l«nngsford. Reeerve: Top Sam. ' '■ . ' Tiirrd Division (T. Tabernacle), at Mount Albert, 2 to 3.— H. 'Twining, G. Webb, W. Botterworth, McLean, D. May. V. Stewart, Hair, Lang, Finlay, W. Fowlds, Sadgrove. Eesei-ver'J, TTvining. ~: ■ 1 ,r- ir-"- ta^erxacle. Fonrii Grade (v. T.M.C.A.), at Domain, 2 p.m.—W. Anderson, Blomfleld. Winks, Forbes. Booth Barnes. Wakerley, Craig, Fletcher, Webster, Lugby," and Veart. Reserve: W. Jones. Third Grade (v. Mount Albert). —Youlden, Hogan, Tucker, Walker, Smailirood, Kenneriey, Massain, Swales, Ferguson, Isbister, Keei-,'•* Crais: ... . : Fifth Grade.—Mills. Hailing. A. Andrews, Healey (2), Hitchcock, MflDowell (2), Taylor,'.Swales, Adams. Reserves: H. Andrews, F. Crocker. BROTHERHOOD. Seniors fv. Everton).—E. Ridi&s, J. Kirk (captain), A. Alp, J.. Kane. W. %: Boberts, ■F. ■ Hbldaway, -A. Pearson,'M. 'Handling, A. McWhirter. F. Pearson, G. Wieatley. Reserve: W. Thomson. Second Division (v. «t. Join's), at NotUx Shore. —M. Oram. J. Bell, F. Hjtaes, W. Martin, A. Croydon. J. E. Bellis (captain), C. Beckmann, T. Bond. A. B. Piper, W. Carr, W. Crutciher. Reserves: A. Parker, A. Hurray, S. Alison. ■ CORINTHIANS. Seniors (v. City), on the Domain.—MeCarthny. Gosling, Harrison, Davies, German, Bond. Nidolson, Roberts, Flahartj - , Goldsalve, Daniels. Emergencies: Robb, Miles.- • '. , ..... SECOND DIVISION. W.Y.M.T. (v. Adult School):—!)!. M. Greenwood. A. Vena-bles, 'K. Rbsset, A Saunders, S. Clark. S. Gribhle, W. Ready ■E.'Spriggs,- J.- Halstead, .W:. Earo&kil), «P Amies, H. Gribble,' H. G. tey&l, F. J. Campbell.. • • ■ ■

■St. John's. (T. . NtoEb. Shore).— SwwTWon, .rag. Vxidsett, Casey, Mattbewe. S&nte, 'XcCowea, Medwel), Mniton, Monis, XeagTidge, Taylor. A4ult School (r. W.T.MO-), at Edeatele. , —Cnssey, Deverick; ; Bromley or Gin, i Mason. Browiie, Young:. Seddoa. Soex. Dance (captain), ■Cimtchßon, iMteDongaL Reserress MayelL Botspnts (v- Nortii Saiore).— UtaejoSm, Wal*work, Oraptman. A. N. OtJier, Wlgg,KowlandF, Bennett. Ozane. Crompton, Hayton, Bennett, Daties, Knaggs. FTFTH DIVISION". AH Blacks (v. North Shore). —D. Bissett, R. Bissett, X. Kicheids, E. Bissett, C. McBarker Sparnon, E. McQoade, T. Blssett, 'O'Connor, Love, G. Basset*, Tiorpe, Asbby.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 136, 7 June 1912, Page 8

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 136, 7 June 1912, Page 8

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 136, 7 June 1912, Page 8