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ICHAJfHON-SHTP MATCHES. _« foe MT. EDEN. AUCKLAND. =HOE£, AND UNITARIAN. nan GAME BETWEEN UNITED J AND COLLEGE BIFLES, n, Auckland hockey season opened in 7-t on Saturday afternoon, with the mi--,mcs of the firs: round in the grade kinship competition. Of the three f Sllames played at liemuera. greatest ! centred in the meeting of '\arsity . 2* the newly-promoted Ml. Eden team. "£ somewhat of a surprise was experi%Ato tie defeat of last year cham- *"'.- hv tie young team. Auckland won £: Ponsonby, and United and College , Spared a drawn game. At the Do--5r Tsttarian defeated Parnell. At report tie local team defeated -Varsity 3." :» FIRST GRADE. 1 JIT. EDEN I. 'VARSITY 0. I Th, game between University and the i «S>teu Mt Eden team excited a large Si of interest, in view oi the dash , IS form shown by the young team in % seven-a-side match last Saturday. Mt. I Men secured at the opening bully, but blues bore them back, and Die sects from tie start the ball flew over; """oal-line a few feet outside the net. , Tirsity continued to press the browns, ! mi after some quick work, what looked : 3. a certain goal ""as well saved, and ] ■xmties gravitated out of the danger I sit The young team; playing with. ret dash, con- began to give their; jiver opponents something to think j •tout, and about ten minutes of fast and | ticinn" play ended in Mt. Eden almost] soring from a penalty hit. Speight saving, ».ce too soon. The veterans were cer-1 aialv bavins an interesting time, and ree" pretty well as much occupied in deMdiag as in attacking, while towards the '■iter part of the spell breaches in the footing circle put them into one or two iirtward predicaments. The pace conered to be a cracker till the whistle sanded half-time, with the slate still Mount Eden set off to make the running - tie second speil, the blues' vanguard bete' badly beaten. The rieht full-back saved mi a long hit put Mount Eden into temporary difficulties, the position being accented by the goal running in and missing. Tie chocolate jerseys emerged from a hot ressle with credit, and a charge down field ended at the boundary, well within 'Varsity's territory. A few minutes later 'Varsity Wept down in a strong attack, which threatened to draw first blood, but Mount Eden was again equal to the occasion. Pensines were at this stage frequent, both sides transgressing,-and, as. the result of rw free aits in quick succession. Mount Eden cot into the most parlous quarter they had vet experienced. Again and again the Hues' bad them tied up before their goallias, and as often as the pressure came it iras removed, the goal-keeper being responsible for two timely saves. The chocolate jerseys returned thanks by sweeping play to the other end, the left-wing being prominent. Contrary to expectations, the voaig team were holding up to the severe pice "in a manner which evidently puzzled last rears champions, and as the end of tie spell drew near the excitement became teens*. A few minutes before time the Mount Eden vanguard made a brilliant tiarge to the opposing circle from a penally, and, after some smart passing. McLeod tore to the net, and found it amid Intense enthusiasm on tbe part of Mount Eden's supporters. The game ended shortly afterwards with the score: Mount Eden - 1 'Varsity 0 Mr. Hay was referee. AUCKLAND 4, PONSONBY L In the Auckland-Ponsonby match the blue ltd blacks went off with a dash from the tally, but the defence of Auckland was BO sound to be pierced, and Ponsonby were eon back in their own territory. They aide persistent efforts to break away, howler, but the attacks were short-lived for 'ie greater part, and on three occasions i the first spell Auckland turned the attack hio defence, tnd scored. Moore. Mason, and .Virion being responsible. In the second spell matters were more even, although Auckland had- less to concern themselves ■boat Mason scored another for Auckland, iraiie Osborne slapped one in for Ponsonby, lad the game ended: Auckland — .... 4 Ponsouby 1 Mr. Burbush was referee. EXITED 1, COLLEGE RIFLES 1. j College Rifles won the toss, and elected to defend the eastern goal, having the sun in their eyes. From the initial bully, Barry pit away, tut was quickly checked by Mompied. who sent the leather to Hesketh. The last-named player missed, and Dr. Pope reamed centre. Give-and-take play rented, Porter putting in some very fine Jcrfc. Sloman cleverly stopped Barry and Dawson's progress, and a well-judged hit •"ached Woodroffe. The ball came across to Fletcher, who dashed in, and with a Pra shot beat the white's custodian, and £« score read: College Rifles 1. United nil «a the Rifles pressed, but Woods'. ElliJW'S, and Porter's defence could not be token, and half-time sounded. United bad tit son in their eves upon resuming, but TOh big hitting by" the backs', Ellison shines conspicuously." kept the blues well on at half-way line. Aickin then got posses- ««£, and passed on to Barry. In turn the sphere reached Edgecumbe, whose progress «3 stayed by Woods. A succession of free Us to United improved their position, and 2>e forwards gained the circle. Pressing -srd. College conceded a corner hit. Aick.n rapped, and sent on to Barry, whose shot £ nt the net flying back, making the score «al College Rifles 1. Unit, d 1. ■i ,few moments after the second ■s*Jl opened. United secured a penalty ™7 against O'Loughlin. who sucweed in beating the United player, and ; Pa? was resumed on the 25. College I "Sain became aggressive, a shot finding the I set. but was disallowed pr off-side p',:;y. j Splendid defence was shown by llalUim, who ! "sea his feet to great advantage. Several ranter hits went dangerously close to in- , creasing the score, and shortly after time ! *Mi called, play being then at the 50 rag, I Vithoat any further addition to the score. | College Rifles 1 I tailed 1 I **• E. E. Madden was referee. UNITARIAN V. PARNELL. Cnitarlan played Parae'.'. on the Domain. »epme resulting iv a win for the former 2 » to 3. The game was a good one to *_«i. the scene of play changing freJjently and with great rapidity. Unitarian t*?M ""mediately the whistle blew, and "MO have scored twice, but both easy "Kits were missed, Pan.c.l retaliated, bu; *<*c driven back. I 1 made a good ™- from which lie.-.--.■„ scored. Thou Meowed a period of give-and-take piay, durg ff hich Hobson registered two more to S r ? aiit- Two other almost certain scores of iv aTerte d by good play ou the part ji fhe goalkeeper, and also by McCleod. ™w-ume was called with tie score 3—o. fit h? 1 ' 5 favour. The balance of the J fiafl also been in their opponents' jCpon resuming, Parnell opened the attack. tJJ'™ c driven back, and Wright registered Ifc.'™ 8 I" quick succession. Score —0. j° more again were scored, besides one JS'i'PPraach to it when the ball bounced •-T JB tJ¥¥t after a good nitjoiplaj', beloie^

off the deficiency by two with a couple of good shots. Parnell were now "beginning to show up, and the balance of plaj seemed to incline towards them. Alter maintaining their form for some Time. another score was made by Morris. Score; 3—3. Unitarian's play was at this time somewhat ragged, but towards the end they made a recovery, and Wright and Piper each succeeded in adding to the total, making the game —3 for Unitarian. With the exception of the beginning or the second half. Unitarian had the game well lv hand. They were a faster lot than their opponents, who did not seem to follow up their" advantages with enough vim. During the time they had the upper hand, however, they showed a much improved combination, which seemed too much of an effort to maintain till the end. UNSATISFACTORY GRADING. At a meeting of the Unitarian Club, held after the match in the Domain, to discuss the action of the Hockey Executive re the grading of the teams in the senior competition, it was decided that the club would refuse to play unless they were put on an equal footing with the other two new senior teams. This resolution also conveys the feeling of the Parnell Hockey Clnb. It was decided to confer with, the secretaries of the other clubs in the B section, with a view to forming a deputation to wait ou the executive. The protest now raised and tie decision arrived at by the Unitarian and Parnell Clubs is very much to be regretted, in view of what transpired at the annual meeting of the Auckland Hockey Association. Upon that occasion. Mr Norton, secretary of the Association, with the object of improving the standard, of senior play, plainly expressed his views, and sought for. on behalf of the executive, suggestions that would enable the governing body to act in such a manner as would meet the clubs" wishes. Practical suggestions were, however, not forthcoming, the amendments to the resolution being all out of order. Unitarian and Parnell delegates were present to uphold the executive's action in whatever course they took in the grading of the teams, and at a meeting of the clubs last Friday they all appeared satisfied with the explanation offered- The course now taken by Unitarian in completely in contradiction to what, through their delegates, they previously agreed upon. NORTH SHORE 5, 'VARSITY B 3. For Shore, McLoy. Manning. L. Little. Weston, and Little scored goals, and lor 'Varsity McLean. Crombie. and Menzies. SECOND GRADE. V.M.C.A.. 2, (Bailey 2), beat United, 1 (Carr). Areta, 7 (Maginie 2, Prober! 2, Burton 2, Coltman 1). beat Parnell, 1 (Sinclair). Mount Eden, 3 (Butler. Newman, Alexander), beat Training College. 0. THIRD GRADE. Mount Eden, 7 (Wilford 3, Brookbank 3, Newman 1), beat 'Varsity, 1 (Hill). V.M.C.A.. 5 (Jackson 2. Hay 2, Burton 1), beat College Rifles, 0North Shore, 0, beat University, nil. FOURTH GRADE. Mount Eden and Tui played a drawn game, each scoring one, Perm for Mount Eden, and Mollard for Tui. PAEBOA V. TE AROHA. £$y Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.} PAEROA, Saturday. A hockey match between Te Aroha and Paeroa, under the Piako Hockey Association, was played on the local ground to-day, and resulted in an easy win for the visitors by 0 goals to nil. Mr P. Summers, of Te Aroha, acted as refereeWAITOA V. NGAKTJA. TE AROHA, Saturday. Wattoa. beat Ngarua by 2 goals to 1. HAMILTON. HAMILTON, Saturday. In the senior matches Athletics v. City and Frankton v. Te Pahu both were drawn, there being no score in either game. This concludes the first round, four matches having been played, and the total points scored has been only nine. W. B. Smith, the City captain, was following up a long kick just on the sounding of the bell for time when he tripped, and, falling, broke bis arm. In the junior match. Frankton v. Gordonton the former won by eight points to six.

LADIES HOCKEY SENIOR GRADE. I Arawa, 1 (Miss Proberti, played a drawn game with Mt. Eden, 1 (Miss Harris). Training College, 1 (Miss Wylie), beat Kangatira. 0. i SECOND GRADE. Waihora, 4 (Misses P. Ghent (2\. Wiltshire and one off defending goal-keeper), beat St. James. 0. Tui, 3 (Miss X. Stott 3i, played a drawn ' game with Technical College A, 3 (Misses j L. Lawrence -, and C. Booth 1). I Omapere, S (Misses Poole 4, Foweraker 3, Haipley l), beat Technical College B. 0. Mt. Eden and Training College played a drawn game, neither side scoring. i Ao-te-roa, 3 (Misses Burton 2, Bolster 1), beat Hobsonville, 0. ' SECOND DIVISION". i The final of the seven-a-side match in the second grade resulted in Training College beating Ao-te-roa by three corners to nil. TRAINING COLLEGE V. EANGATIRA. This match was played on r*o. 4 ground, and from the bully Miss Pickering secured, and with a good run reached Kaugatira's 25, where Miss Pa ton stayed progress. Miss Crofts and Miss Cooke then took a hand in the attack, and matters were looking dull for the College. Miss Dawes brought relief, and bit to Miss Wylie, who transferred the scene of action to Rangatira's circle- Miss Cardno cleared, and Miss Wylie secured, and beating all opposition, guided the bail into the net.—Training College, 1; Kangatira, o. Play hovered round the blue and golds' quarters until half-time was called. The second half opened with a determined attack by the Collegians, Miss Wylie and Miss Mactier being most prominent. Rangatira's circle was reached, and although the attack was persistent. Misses Paton, Mather and Cardno's defence was too sound. A good run by Misses Lee and Campbell looked promising for Kangatira. but again Miss Dawes came to tbe rescue. The Collegians now assumed complete control, but failed to find the net, and time was called, leaving uio —Training College, 1; Kangatira, 0. ] Mr. E-. C. Madden refereed. J WAIKATO HOCKEY ASSOCIATION. ! A fully attended meeting of the executive : of the Waikato Hockey Association was ! held on Friday night, Mr F. Luiford presiding over the following delegates: Messrs Wheeler and Mclntyre (Kiwi), Blackford and Cox (Victoria), Casey and Kaffies (United), Rickards aud Butler (VVeisa). From the Wednesday clubs: Messrs Lepine and Killip (Hamilton), Smith and Claridge j (Morrinsvillei, Lusford and Crickett iKia . Kahaj, Abrams and Marqnand Hi Battery), ] Hunter and McKenzie (Frankton), and EH. Sturm (secretary). Mr G. S. Cowper. Hon. secretary of the New Zealand Hockey Association, wrote stating that the N.Z.H.A. could interfere In the matter of Waikato competing for a subassociation cup under the Auckland Association, but suggested that the Waikato Association compete for the Nordeu Cup.—lt was decided to defer the matter until word had been received from the Auckland Association. Mr Ford was elected to fill the position of delegate to the N.Z^H.A. It was decided to accept the Wednesday delegates as a sub-committee to govern Wednesday competirious. A sub-committee was also appointed to govern the Saturday competitions, and the Saturday delegates from the various clubs were elected. Mr Killip proposed that the entries for the Hooper Cup competition close on May 16.—Agreed. It was agreed thai the affiliation fee be 10/6. entrance fee 3/. registration fee lithe Chairman suggested that some steps be taken to obtain the services of com- ! petent persons to act as referees, and it was j recommended that the sub-committee make every effort in that direction. The Hamilton Club was granted permis- | sion to play Parnell on the morning of June I 3 (King's Birthday). I On the motion of Mr J. Abrams, It was I resolved that all the clubs be asked to contribute towards the cost of providing nets , to an amount not exceeding 10/ per club, the nets to become the property of the Assocla- ! rjon. ! The committee has been granted the nse 1 of Seddon Park from 3.30 p.m. each Satur- j day. A ground at Frankton is also avail- I able. It was decided that the Association j apply for a ground at Seddon Park on Wed- | nesdav afternoons. , Prior to the closing of the meeting. Mr | G. Killip. on behalf of the delegates, made I a presentation to Mr F. Luxford, as a mark j of esteem on the occasion of his marriage, i

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 9

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HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 9

HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 9