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M•■••>:;"? A;e: »w Moon. May IT, at 0.44 C T. " Pins** Th:; pveninc. 4..i2. '. us: i~~ To-morrow mo r ning, 6.43. HIGH WATER, Auckland , This frening. 4.23; to-morrow p:or'iinff. 4 43 ijiiCbunga To-mo;ro , morning. S.S; tor.i"!Tf'w cveoici. .^.J-S. Masukau Hoad* To-morrow morning, 6 : -- :i-»ai.irrow •■venin;. 7.5. K.i'.para Headi. To-moTrow morning, £.13: "iO-n;orrcn- pveninz. 5.33. AREIVALS. ?ATURDAT. Nc.ipuh.. E.?.. dfll. E. from '"'K-ei. Passensers: McsJames Aber- •■- :;;S:*', Thorburn. Hjrn»rt. Cross, Sands. 1 hpy-tp. r.r.irf)>-T. Mis*-»s Hanlon. A'iKjns. Nors-f Ar,.«enue. Messrs Hobson. I'cac.-irl;. Lambourof. Pikp. Klateby. Cnlr is. TomliEf-ou. G>:scotr, Hwlpnn, Ro~ers. lij.-rr. Ballnway. C'lats, Peek. Chamberlin. !:.vf~. Kelly. Tapp. Thorburn. -■"ibfrcromrne." vriiie. .Davis, l"inn d. Dr. l'r<"vr,st — Northern Co. agents. !sqna:i, Pi.. ?.6G. .1. Frew, from Cisborne. Glecclz. s.F ."iSS. Jonas, from Wiangarel —.Tamps Smith and Co. Ltd.. agents. Cltelnisford. s-> . X2l. E. H. Goertz. from Parecc-arenga.—Northern Co., agents. SUNDAY. "Wimmera. s.s.. So2i William Waller, from .VvrLhern and East Coast ports. Passenppr?: MesdamPi! Cummin?. Young and •■ tnld. Wilson. Scott. Manseil. Misses Shepthprd. Wrink; ilanson. Dndney. Dobbie. McKinstry- Young, Surrpson. Finlayson. Knrrori. Fprruisoii. Messrs Martin. Dimjninjrs. McLeod. Hart. Yarrow, Houner. ! ci'Suilivac. Rangi, Pursell. Hine. Goldsmith, Dali-nnple! Webster. Burt. Young, de LavTOur Mitf-iell. Fly-cer. Owens. Justons. Fin--1 ivsoD Himes. and ?*> steerage. —HuddaxtParker. Ltd_ airentEDaphne, 5..=.. 192. 1 Teixeira. from WhaVatanP. Passenjrer: Captain Faultner. — Northern Co.. agents. Paeroa S.S.. SI. J. Ta-w. from WhafcatanePassengers: Miss Lrwellyn. Messrs Reid. "Wfiasrer. Henderson.—Northern Co., ajrents. Waia-pu. aai3iliaxy schooner. J. \aira, from "Wlmirgarei. —E. Ford, agenx. T-hree -Cheers, scotv. J. Ropers, from WiaC£arei- —J. J. Craig, litd., agents. TTTTS DAT, Endeavour. auxLliaxy ketch, C Johnston, Irom "WhansaieL Mharross, scow, R. Clarke, from tip ron=t. Ngaiiawa, s_s-. W. Barb, from OpotLki. Passengers: Misses Jackson. Snowden. Mesdames EaiDwhara. Parkinson and two children, Messrs ELayirrakPr. Jenkin, Guss, Williams, and nvo Natives — Northern Co., ajrents. Tasman. s-S"., W. Grigjr. from Talrua and Mercury Bay. Passengers: Miss Euwrignt. Mesdames Wlnsor. lrwin. Oyde. Messrs Rogers, Gyde. McQuillan (2). Ellis. Irving, Thome, Craig, Dr. Ejide.—.Northern Co., agents. Xisraxn. β-s-. 6444. Hello, from Liverpool direct.Heather. Roberton and Co.. agents. ■Waitemara, s.s.. 5432, Nicholson, from Calcona. via ports. Passengers: Six Hindoos, through to Fiji.—-Union Co.. agents. Victoria, &.s-. G. V. Entwisae. from Pydney. Passengers: Mesdames Hart. D. fciummersell. W. Westray, J. D. Hamilton, A.-Erith. E. Colgan. B. CashmoTe, E. G. Banks. S. B. Earl. J. Bparup. A. Elliott. 3enrJey. J. F. Pesr.ier. McCullough. Misses Hart Westall. Kinder. C. Verraa. Pritchley, ■McNaUy, Hamiltoii. M- Thwaites. R. Shepherd. Messrs Kinder, 'RrandaD-Cremer. E. M. Harsbors, T. W. Punch. C. Dairp, B. iiordon. W. Wesojty, F. W. Fish, .1. l>. Hamilton. J. Burke, A. J. Ferry. W. TV. j Scott Gun'mer i2t. B. Cashmore. A. H. Adams. Abercromby. H. Baasen, S. B. 'Earl, ■ T R. Page. L. Bi<-kervaise. J. Bparup, A. K. Clarke... Larcon. A. F. Elliott, F. Broad. P. Rash. G. Lormer. W. H. Mc<~ullough. F. Bntler. H. Rymer. TV. Rhodes, ->'pstt. .1. Kerr, W. 3. Brown, «7 P. Cull, -. Burnie. .T. Waugh. Master Mr I lough. and 66 la the sxeera^e. —Huiidart-Parter Co., ajea.ts.DEPiKTCEES. SATUBDAI. Orari. ss.. 720 T. T. P. Weston, for WelLncton and NelsnD Marere. s,s., 6445. T. B. Linklater, for NapiPr and Welhnrton. Kanicri. s.s.. T Meyers, for Whangarel. Fram. bnroue. Stub, for Noumea and Surprise Island. rXION S.S. CO."S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Monday—Waitemata arrives from Calcutta, Singapore, and Newcastle. Thursday.—Aiua arrives from Sydney. Fin. Samoa, and Tonga: Monowal arrives from South: TVanaka. arrives from On maru. Timaru. and Bluff. Waitemata sails for TVeliintrton. Friday.—TVaipori arrives from Westport: Taviuni arrives from Timarn ; Squall arrives from Tolago Bay and Gisborne. Saturday. Monowai sails for South.; Squall sails for Tolago Bay and Gisborne. WEST COAST. Friday. —Rotoiti arrives from Wellington, Picton. Nelson, and New Plymouth ; Roxoiti sails for Wellington, Picton, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Th» Eakanoa is to load coal at TVestport for Auckland, and is to sail from the southern port about Friday nest. The mucin™ scesrmer John "WHliams is to take bunker coal team, the Craig steamer TtrnTrniTa to-day. The Wellington radio station aAvlsed at 9 a_m- to-day that the steamers Mannganui. iTCarrimoo, Hoeraki, TVimmera, and Arawa are expected to be within, wireless range Xhis evening. The Union. ■Co.'s steamer Atna Is due at Auckland on Wednesday next from Sydney ■via Fiiejjdly Island ports. She -was to nave tailed from Nukualofa on Saturday last. The barquentiue Alexa will leave Sydney to-night for Newcastle to load a cargo of <xal for Wtmgairni. Prom the New Zea3ac<i port ane -will retmn to Sydney wifli a cargo of pine. ■Tiifi ionr-inasted; baoroentiiie Makarweli iujdned at Astoria on April 1. after a passage of 56 days from Lyttelton. She was at once ordered to Gary's harbour to load another -cargo of timber for New Zealand. Mr. E. Kermath, of the Melbourne office of the Huddart Parker Co., joined the victoria in Sydney as purser, in place of Mr. J. Bechervaise. "who has been promoted to the .position at travelling purser on. the 2S.Z. coast. Tinder the Xorthern-Co.'s flag, the Daphne goes to Mfncnry Bay at 0 p.m. to-day, the Clansman to Ttn«gjpii at 6 p.m., the Aapouri to Tauranga at 4 p.m.. and the Ngapuhi to-TOiangatei at 10 pan. Tsesparattans in connection "with, the erection -of a -wlreiess apparatus on the GovernBn£nt steamer Tntanekai are in hand. So tfar only the small house has been erected, and it "will tie some -nine before the complete output is installed. The Northern Co. steamers Nga-tiawa and rwaiotahi have been delayed at OpotiM for some days owing to the shallowness of the •water on the bar. Should the vessels be able to cross outwards to-day they may be expected here to-morrow morning. The •Marere, of the Tyser fleet, completed the 3oading of explosives at the Powder Ground on Saturday afternoon, and sailed at 4 p.m. in continuation of her voyage for Wellington. The Government steamer Hinemoi ret'lrned to Welliucrnn from her visit to he ■' ook Strait ]i:rhtt>ousps on Friday last. The vessel did not see the particular rock mentioned by the captain of the steamer Elsie, b'jt found another one nearer to Trio Island, and further away from Clay PointThe rock is well out of The track of steamer?, and at low water springs it is bare. The ilinem-oa i≤ to leave this week fir Pa'Jiser. and will subsequently leave for tie southern lighthouses. WIMMr.HA FROM DTJNEDIN. The lliuWart-l'arker steamer Wimmeri a:rived from ljuiit im and way ports yesterday morning, and was berthed at the <«•■• ■".li-sirer-. wharf -.o discharge. The WimI - -vi. 1 '- l! 2: 5.0<.> j. m. to-day for bydii*:j' (lirc.T. NrvVARr. KOM LONDON. The Tyser steamer Nlwanj (Captain Mellei ari.vtd from Liverpool direct at 7 am lu-t.a;.-, surer a passage from th Home I it v i ou .lays 2 Hours. -The second officer rei*ris that the Nlwarn saiied from Liver" l"j"i i... Saturday, March 2U. and aMcr»n,.«,i Civ- v.eiiLer iS the Cape of Good Hope which was rounded ou Apr.} 15. a co-irf . i '•■'•j. ■;■;■:■ ~\~r- "-,* v l ';.^,- aLd v n M , a : i-'- '• '•■■-••eu, and t::<! or :.j saip seen -,vj s a'sali'r i '.■;■:■ : "'/'■'.".■ :4- h , '•";■ p:?U(?d i:p -<--> . ..!..-. r-'-'*'-~,we ri;... wests,. at-'- ■ |.a-«: .. ! .V; >.apo was Bjooei.itp.ia.rf he 1, ■ \ '•V' lc.-,' bi -. t c s'urM'y proved" a utSc"n! -■■-"■"'.:. of 'a- 10 v * :l - The Mwaru has H£t" Procleas 0 p^rt/to

IMPORTS. Per Wimrnera. from Southern ports: 2206 bass flour, 052 sacks oats. 1977 sacks wheat. 1021 bags onions, 7S sacks tares, 105 sacks barley, 47 bags peas, 45 sacks surrosene. 104 sacks oatmeal. 85 sacks malt. 22 bags bran, 60 boxes cartridges. 75 boxes confectionery. 60 cases cheese. 22 bales bags, 99 boxes tinplates, 67 lengths pipe. 57 bundles pipe. 359 boxes meals. 30 boxes soap. 309 bags bran, 56 casks ale. 22 cases bacon. 36 boxes medicine, 113 cases fish. 24 coils rope. 30 cases matches. 20 cases tea. 79 bundles sacks, 6S cases caudles. 24 casks gluepleces. 326 bars iron, 99 drums oil. 1465 sacks potatoes, a quantity of sundries, and transhipments ex Ruahinc and Pakeha from London. Per Victoria, from Sydney: 534 pieces timber, 317 shafts. 1749 felloes, 210 bags bark. 30 bags onions, 1364 bags bonedust. 215 bags peanuts. 3290 packages dried fruits, 620 bags rice. 80 sacks rice, 144 cases soap. 527. packages tea. 134 bags cornflour, 50 casks cement. 134 sacks flour, 439 bags empty bottles, 100 bales hemp, 320 cases sugar, 20 hhds white spirit, 100 drums carbide. 36 packages sewing machines, 84 cases separators. 47 packages grease, 10 bales corks. Transhipments ex following steamers: Kumano Mara, from Japan; Mongolia, from Europe and Ceylon; China, from Ceylon: Uganda, from India; Scharnhorst. from Europe; Wakntlpu. troni Tasmania; Pilbvrra, from South Australia; Harburg. i from Europe; Moorabool, from .Melbourne; Berlin, from Eiicpe. Per Waitemata, from Calcutta and way ports: 2100 bales gunnies, 'wool packs, etc. 10.600 packages oil, 2000 boxes candles. 2000 bags bonemeal, 550 bags bone char. 123 packages coir matting. ISO packages coir yarn, 237 packages tea. 270 basrs dnall. 30 bags coffee. 115 bags beans. 135 nags wax. 46 chests shellac. 2453 cases pines. 1800 bags Tire. 6S packages Malacca canes. IiOO packages rattans, 3400 bags tapioca. 115 bags pepper. 2995 bales kapok. 200 tons pis , iron, and the usual sundries, also 3000 tons coal from Sewcaetle. VICTORIA ARRIVES LATE. The Huddart Parker steamer Victoria did not arrive in the stream from Sydney direct till 250 a.m. to-day. The purser reports that the vessel left Sydney early on Wednesday afternoon last, and experienced one weather on the run across. In continuation of her voyage, the Victoria sails at 3 p.m. to-morrow for Dunedin, via East Coast and Southern pons. PASSENGEBS FOB SYDNEY. The Wimmera. sailing for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. to-day, takes the following passengers: Miss Squire. Short (2j, Harrison. Osborne. Ansholm, Webster. Poste, Braceweil. Hooper, Mellor, Graham, Me.sdames McClay. Graham, Brabazon. Shroff. Harrison. McDonald and child. La Barre and two children. Owens, Harris, Lusk. McKechnie. Langford. Blyth, Square, Messrs McDonald. Thompson, Campbell, Simpson. Masee. Chaplin, Steams, Blaire, Neilson. Palmer, Holden. Swindell, Millard. Wilkinson, Brabazon, Shroff. Harrison. McDonald, Owens. Ba.ster. Mulree, "La Barre, Blyth, Dr. Trevost and 100 steerage. WATTESIATA, FB.OM CALCUTTA. The Waitemata, 5431, Captain S. Nlcolson. from Calcutta, via Singapore, Snmnrsng. and Newcastle, arrived in the stream at 10,30 a.m. to-day, nnri berthed at the Railway wharf. The Waitemata left Newcastle fN.S.W.) on the 10th February, with a full load of coal for Probolinggo and Saurabaia (Java). She experienced fine -weather on the run, arriving at Probalinggo on the 24th February, alter a smart pissace. She left Probolinggo on the sth March for Sauraboia, and finally cLeared Java on the loth for Calcutta, arriving there on the 25th March. The vessel left Calcutta on the morning of the 3rd April, arrived Singapore on the 10th. and lett for on the 11th. Sue arrived at Samarang ou the 14th, and cleared for Newcastle the following day. arriving at the latter port on the morning of the 2nd Inst. Fine weather prevailed on the run from Samarang to Thursday Island, which was passed on the 23rd April, .thruce strong sooth-east winds until arrival at Newcastle. The Waitemata left the New South Wales port at 2 ajn. on the oth Inst., and experienced very strong south-west winds till arrival. The following officers are with Captain Xicolson:—Scott, chief officer; J. Clarke, second officer; G- Grey, third officer: P. Pascoe. purser: A. Grant, cttief engineer; N. M.cCaig, second engineer; W. "Wlyte, third engineer; G. Dickey, fourth engineer; F. Williams, fifth engineer; chief steward, F. lAntk..

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 114, 13 May 1912, Page 4