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AVON DALE J.C. AUTUMN MEETING. CONCLUDING DAT. BIG TOTE RECEIPT& Cold and wintry weather was experienced for the concluding day's racing of the Avondale Jockey Club's Autumn MeeUug. bnt this did not prevent a record crowd ' journeying to the western suburb to assist ; at the closing or tne season as far an Avon- - dale was concerned. The rain had made - the goiujr somewhat heavy, but the racing . on the whole was interesting, and in the . Autumn Handicap a dead heat between Sea • Elf .in.l Cloy .is recorded. Mr F. YV." Edwards was again successful ■ with his dispatches, and. as on the opening day, the management left nothing iv be desired. THE TOTALISATOP.. That there Ls no shortage of money for speculation as far as An. kland is concerned was again made evident, for curihi: trie - afternoon the t.ttalisiitor staff handled the " sum of £17.4«2. which, added to the amount put through on the opening day. makes a • total fur the meeting of £:M.404, as against £21.XSi last year, an lucressu of £^. THE RACING. The whole of the nine youngsters carded came ~ut f.,r I lie Nursery Handicap, and I'otoa was made an ixlils-on favourite, : nacost also tindlng support, the pair carrying considerably more ti an hair the investm.'iii.s ~[i the machine. [V-toa a.d I.annawst got into places, bin the winner turned up ■ in the little thought of Semolina, which score,] her maiden victory, ami returned her supporters a two-tisure dividend. The scratching., for the Flying Handicap reduce,! Hi,- 11.-1,1 to tblrtfvti. and Crown Pertrl ( in for most support, but Salute an.l AVaiowera l>.. hi.l f. ie.-.uls S..litn-!i> set the ~ii,,-. and looked like pealing ii.-r victory of the opening ii:iv. Inu her r.'l.-r let her run all over the ~.,ii:s" at the turn, and the ever-watchful IR-elcy slipped Waiouer:i up next the mils, anil sin' eventually won easily, while How winch returue] a good second dividend, just beat Soiltudo a nei-k for second honour.-. Tljc ■.■.•Cμ! field of fourteen saddled up for the Maiden Hurdles, and Ileyiiov curried n few more tickets than Nape Nape, with Sphinx iln- best harked of the otners. 11.-y----boy flattered his bickers for about half the journey, when ho was beaten and Sphinx anil Surplus, both of which were makifig their debuts over fie obstacles, took t;p the ninnies, aid coming in ihe last fence the former looked like a winner, when the seasoned Nape Nape came on the scene, jiti.-l finishing strongly, won by a couple <.f lengths from rip, which n'itstayed sphinx in the run home from the fence, and gave his supporters a good percentage on their Investments. Ten was the main for the Autumn Handicap, the prim ipal event of the .lay. anil St. Amahs was :!L'ain entrusted with the bulk of the money, with Gloy a goo,] second favourite. Sea link w;u-" the quickest to begin, and when they rounded the borne turn 10-ike.l to have the trump car.;, but [ running wide spoilt a good chance, and I Ilc.ynl Soult gettii;g through next the rai * "as in front at the distance, when his condition failed him. and Gloy an.l Sea Elf finishing strongly, fought out a stirrii:e duel, the judge being unable to separate them when [hey tl.isbed past the post. i Either world have won had Its rider been capable of a decent finish. Royal S nit was third, but St. Ama:« was a disappointment, aud was never dangerous. It i-nu-.e as something of a surprise to see Re.l I.upin' t.a. ke,l as if It was all over in r\ field of eight that contested the Dominion Handicap, hut his supporters we-e r?h: fo, he made a one-horse race of it. winning pulling up by live lengths from How Hells. which again had iv be ,o: tent with second honours. All the acceptors (ten) r-nme oat for the Steeplechase, and Hmttere was made a bet ter favourite than I'leiades. with TalalM also well backed. The nice was robbed of I half its interest by a mishap at the first I fence, which put six of the -timers ont of I'court, leaving only riciades, Taiaba, Ilautere and First Barrel to battle for the money, and they eventually finished in that order. The fine field of oij-hteen went to rh" post for the Ml I'.oskill Handicap, an.l C,lenf»rn. which had the services of I-ccley, was backed down to a very short pri c. and wit.! the exception of Ngatiii:uru and Haku, any I of the others would have paid n decent I price. Bonny, one of the outsiders, made i the early running, when Spalfish assumed I commnnd. anil looked like a winner; then j the favourite came on the scene, and appeared to have a mortgage ™ the stake. 1 hut Ngatimuni. finisliing on the otitside with a crreat liurs: of pace. put pai.l t.. his account by half a length, with a similar distance between second and third. i I The concluding event, tV Wnitakere 1 llandicnp which attracted fourteen. sr.w. ' Salute made ; i good favourite, with Captain ! Sonlt and I , .hie Garment also we ! btc'-ed. . The race was run as the light was failing. land it was hard in pick up the <■■ loir,, but I Salute was early in the lead, and eventually broke a long list of failure.* ng.iinst her. wiuninc by a neck from Cloudy Dawn, j which finished very fast from a long way back. Later details are: — I AUTUMN lIANTWCAP. of IDOsovs., One mile one furlong .1. .1 fraiVs b m Sea Flf. Syn*. by j Seator. lieiaval-St. Evelyn. 7..S il'onlprain, • T. 11. Barnabys b g Gloy. 4yrs. by I Gluten -Did. 7.12 (Stockleyi • Mrs K. A. Lindsay's br h Royal Soult. S.e (Bradyi " Also started: Sir Artegal SO, Tiresome 7.1. St. Amans '.«. Admiral Ron-It 6.13. Kiiwoen 6.13, La Keina 6.l'J, Sea Pink 6.11. When the barrier lifted. Sea Fink w.-n quickest to begin aud led out of. the straight. followed by Sir Artegal, St. Amans. Gloy. Koyal Soult. Lα. Reina. Sea. Elf. Tiresome. Kaween, and Admiral S»ult. in that order. Racing along the back. Sea Pink and Gloy Sea Elf, and St. Amans next. Royal Soult at the head of the others, which were bunched. There was little change I ill the position crossing the top stretch, and turning for home, where Sea fink had a leusth advantage of Gloy. with St. Amans, Sea Elf. and Royal Soult close up. and the others in a heap. Sea Pink ran out at the turn, and Royal Soalt cot throaph on the rails, and at the distance was in front, bur failed to hold his advantage, and Gloy and Sea E-tf challenging, the pair fonaht out a desperate finish, the judsre doclarinc a dead heat. Royal Son t was two and a-half lengths away, third, and then enme ?ea Pink. St. Am-ans. La Reina. Admiral Soult. Sir Artej-al, and Tiresome, with Kaween last. Time. 1.59 4-o. St. Anaus was favourite. DOMINION HANDICAP, of lOOsorts. Five furlongs. S. Pitt's b g Red Lupin. Syr«, by L-npin — I'orangi. 8.0 (O'Shea) .* '. i J. S. Keun's c m Bow Bells oyrs. 6.13 (Morris) ." L > F. Denny's eh g Cloudy Dawn. G-13 (Henderson) 3 Also started: Mnning-aj 7.3, Mahinrra | 7.r>. Ijidy Dot 7.0. Arawa 7.2, and Bogey 7.2. Bogey was quickest to begin followed by ! Mshinpa and Bow Bells, with Red I,upin ' Marangai. and Cloudy Dawn heading the second bunch. Crossing the top R P j . iAipir. shot to the from, an.' made a nip- | horse race of it. winning pulling up by five length* from Bow Bells, which was a i length in front of Cloudy Dawn. MaJjinsra ! fourth, and then came Bogey, Lady ■ Dot and Aniwn. -with Marantral last. Time 1.5. Red Lupin was favourite. ' I HANDICAP STEEPLECHASE, of 100 | soys. Three miles. P. Johnston's b £ Pleiades nged by ' Daystar— Myra, 11.2 (H-o-srardi ....". 1 J. P.uctlug's eh g Taiaha aged 'J l>. (.Jul'a-ni ; "....'.. o' J. Williamson's eh g Hauiere. ."vr-. " . 9.10 (Deereyj '...' 3: Also started: Ben lonian 10. R. rirst Barrel 10.1. Hu-nnlcaha 0.13, Till Oaknban 0.0, Cotnmender 0.8, Mlldura 9.7, RcbW 9.7. Tlie race was roubed of half its interest nt rhe first fence. Mlldnra was first to the obstacle, followed by Ken jonson, when he slipped Into the fence and came down, while Ben Jorson rnn off to the wing,' carrying off Ilunakaha, Commander" Tui Cnkobnn. and Rebel, the first-named' trio failing over the wing. This reduced the field to a <rnartet, and when they settled down Taiaha was in the lead, the order of the others being Pleiades. Hjutere ard First Barrel. These positions

were maintained practically" throughout until they raced along: the back the last time, when Pleiades took charge, closely attended by Ilautere and Taiaha, and then* was little 'between the trio as they came into the straight. In the run home Plei--1 ades always had the best of it. eventually winning by two lengths. Hautere was three and α-half lengths away, third, and First Barrel a lons way last. Time, 6.31. Hautere was favourite. Jones the rider of Ilunakaha. was the ■ only one to suffer, getting a nasty shaking. j MOUNT ROSKILL HANDICAP, of 100 soys. Six furlongs. Mr W. C. Ring's b e Ngniimuru. Oyrs, by Freedom— Modesty. l.O'Suea) 1 I S. Pitt's eh c 4yrs. 8.3 i.Dee- j leyi - D. TnrnwaWs b ? Spalfish, 3yrs. 7.S | i.Hendersonj 3 i A» started: Firelock 9.0. Haku Sβ, ! I Manurere 7.11. Clare 7.0. Xiiurod 7.x. Win- ] ! h-sston 7. Tohara 7.3. Wh.ikare-wn 7.2. ! I Lord DelaVal 7.2. Avalon 7.'J, Holdfast ! 17.'J, Flip Flap 7.-, Bonny 7.2, Ilukuhia j ' 7.2, and Cuckoo 7.2. When they were let go. Nirarod and i flare were first to move, but with a fur- ] lonz covered Bonny was in front, followed j !by Clare. Haku. Spalfish. ami Flip Flap. : I with i;ieufera at tin- -noad ..f the others. Crossing the top stretch, Spalfish up to Bonny and the pair raced in company ■ to the home turn where the field closed , i:p. At the distance Spalfish had Bonnj ] b-aten. and it looked as if the stake* : : would c.i his w:iy. but at the lawn rails ' Glenfern had taken 2i:s measure and uiat- , j ters looked favourable for the favourite !a treat run" from a '.-mx way back and.; i fairly Hying over the lust fifty yards, won .1 great race by half a I-im-th. with a similar distance between sc'.md and third lii.rstij. i".ouuy was fourth, and then came Flip Flap. Niinrod. Ilak". and ( la re, '< the last patr beinu' Mauurere and Win-, i hasten. Time 1.10. Gienfern was favour- : jiU, i W.HTAKERKI HANDICAP, of lOOsovs. i Five furlongs. ' V K. Ross' l.:k m Salute. syrs.. by Soult -UUy Musket, '.>:■'. ißraUyi l .F. Denny's .!i g Cloudy Dawn, 3yrs., _ •'. 1" iil.-:..lirS'T,i - T"-.:nan ::i,.| M'-Hush's l>r g Admira. Soult, ."yr-i.. 7.1 tStenniagi ■■> I Also ran: Koynl Soult > 10. Kohlnoor | 7.0. Captain Soult 7.. H. La jt'-iua 7.".. , I'ryie (i. 12,'Tarawai V..12. Grenadier 0.11. Hyperion li.o, Lady Hetty U.S. Tlie r .:.-..■ u> r.:n ,n » f.-i'.ias Utrht. and the colours were very Lard to pick up. ti.uily liiey'wre ie: go iv an even iiuc. lly- \ perioii was iirs: to move, but Salute at once took charge. :i;id showed th- way aioug Lie back, tv■• ■■ulour- ..f Parawal, Hyperion, and , Cloudy Dawn being most prominent of ih-othi-is. Salute still had ch:ir--e turn...: ;■■■;• ii'cnr-. .ni'i locked like wlonlug i'a.-!.y, 1":'. I>;iv. ;i. coming with a great run. Salmi" had to be hard ridden to win by a neck. Admiral Soult was three lengths: •i•«.!.■.■. ti:■■■: an:! then came t.-i Iteina. Impulsive. l;oval .Son , !, ami I'arawai. Time, I.IS i :,. SalWe was favourite. MAJRLBOROUGH RACING- CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. i.By Telegraph.—i're~s Association.! BLENHEIM. Saturday. j The following are the acceptances for the j Mari'uoroujrli Racing Club's meeting:— j Electric Handicap, live furlongs.—Dirge 0.7. Guy Lawless O.J. I'ortl.m.l Lady s>. Emma 5.7, Allurement S.rt, Mount Victoria 5.4. lie.-tor <;irl 7. \Z. Kama 7.11. V\ en UaS" \ 7.-,u. Miss Vina 7.5, San Juri 7.:;, Excitement 7.1. Mary 7.0. Flying Handicap, tdx furlongs. —Glen- i spring !l.e, I-ake 5.7. Mon Ami 7.5, ! Deacon 7.7. Merchantman 7.7. Moree 7.0. Autumn ilai;dic-ip. six furlonas. —Dirge 0.'.;. L«\i-pHki 0.1. Toney D.I. Portland Uidy 5.7. Allurement '•>..">. Daunton 7.'.t. Kama "■% Amberston'- 7..'!. In.lra 7.:;. i Opawa \V<-iter. seven furlonss.—Ton-y ] '.1.13 A'rihn it. 1 (>. Astonishment s.S. M.'diter- , raiio.ui --.4. F<Tf>«hnt .S.I. Stockade 7.1::. ; I'L'bnioke Welter, seven furlongs.— Cura- j tor 1' l->. Morrio Frank 0.4. Bally Shannon \ 0.4, Bc.-u-oii 8.10, Negative 8.7, I'arawanui ; B'l. Moloch S.:>. Aetna 7.12. I Marlborungh Tup. one mile and a-rpiarter. , —Undvcided '.M-. Sir Kiku S.G. Sea Queen I H.C. r'nri)Uiandi'l s..">. Waipuni 71:'.. Sin-pie | 7.5, Odessa 7.7. St. Felix 7.5, Mallow 0.13. , AUSTRALIAN RACING. I ißy Cable.—Press Association.— MELBOURNE, April US. The Glen Hnntly Cup resulted as follows: Avencer 1. Gnnboat 2, Swagger :t. Nine horses started. Avenger wou by h'llf a neck. — I

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 102, 29 April 1912, Page 8

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 102, 29 April 1912, Page 8

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 102, 29 April 1912, Page 8