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.THE DOMUnOK. Z+. -uttered taken in' the Auckland 2 *J?Son on Wednesday was *b&ue turning largely upon ""v what Mr Hall Helton, who optle jSr'ft' J'Parr,'had all the support of:the Labour Federation jii«£r™ ■•„« Mr. Parr's firm attinse S to the general labourers' f^3£ threatened strike.. The recorded were 13,636, and of •'.f ■^β?received 10,083, and his '*** *\uz which ensured Mr. Parr's IfeftSrSrll*' , majority of ~ election by , o £ Manning was t?/£or of Hamilton, Mr. .N.wth I** ed Jwattl Mr. G. Dickenson Mayor Mr- Somer3 Mayor of Te If Kfr KobWns Mayor of Tauranga, Mr A. Nathan Mayor of Taihape I ?S; Southern contests, Mr David : & (ex-Labour member) was '• '**?< Mavfrof Wellington, and Mr. : f Sand (Wr repre3entative) was Lted Mayor of Dunedin. W,!L the "oast week three members EggtfwST the Hon. Thos MactS'lPrtae Minister), Hon. A. M. teSfl Says, Finance, and Defend), > P W Russell (Hospital* and Chan- ! ftiiJ Shebeen in Auckland. The pSsStteS members of the Cabinet ' iW ° Sot nmch impressed with the liKj&lKire prospects, and have iSian&ppreeiation of the need for the waste land, and the eniVffliitr.of- the. fanning industry. 'fKuja Experimental Farm the tgSer opened the new training ' S&on department. The farm of which 137 were trans--toS the Agricultural Department S Waikato County as a Agricultural College. The that-the dominant HSwfew farm training at the Kintal Farms of the Dominion was vK^oaking , farmers, not the educa-S-rf- agricultnral experts or of m-ZrtSe-wludi could remain the funeSJttlsiwto Department and : ruaiveraity. It was recognised, howWβ that something more than working Sri firm was essential, and for that r *isoa courses in study.had been mapTa out To meet this demand for edu'Stinn of young men a new building for aSMtV wt / Bna - -to» »nd w«e now in occupation, proIfat roe*** about atscore of, emtaTfirmOT; Mc Department was also ! proTieion for young men at IS. andMounahaJri and hoped soon Jo aeeommodate. 40 or 50, with further . cpaneion in the future. •iv-Clie Eon. ; A. M. Myers -eras tendered » public reception as a mark of appredition by Ancklanders of the honour i- conferred upon him, at a large gathering !• in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, SiiichVis presided over by his Worship • lie -Mayor, and ' highly complimentary • ; gpeedies w«re.m*dei>y the Prime Misu- .■; ft& Hospitals and Charitable . ■Jai, aad .representative public men, ? ■who »1I .bore testimony' to tie capav UUtim : ; »nd zeal of Auckland's represen- : tative in the Cabinet. -Speaking of Do- : I minion finance, the Prime. Minister stated •that the year ending on March 31st had • f IMB aTecord one. The revenue from all -irareee ainountedto £11,061,160 and the (Mendifcnie to £10,341,000, leaving a net , surplus of 807,095. There.had 'been an '■&rta«e in the .revenue -of -.every Depart--8 quit except in 'territorial revenue. The mutt .Minister that during the l»st few -eyery one of the TreasUTy Mils amounting to £700,000, which were for yeare resided as part of the public •'' debt, lad ;ieen paid off ; but of revenue. v ■' Altogether £.8,000,000 had been trans- ' iaki frran revenue to the Public Works account; had that amount ib«n borrowed 'at three ea& a-half per tent, the interest would have amounted to ••_■ ; la conferences with the local bodies J. bving ■; control of h6spit*i3 and charitJ' »We ■ aid' expenditure in Auckland and :;Wail:at6./tlie Hon. G. W. Russell urged ,: the peed ipr better provision of trained nurses" in the backblocks and for the './' encouragement of medical men to reside - in distant settlements. N ■-■.: The echeme for re-arrangement of the shue capital of the Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. was adopted unani--;js mously at the meeting of shareholders Y.Hi London on 18th inst., and has since , :i leen approved at a meeting of the Com- . pany's debenture stockholders. The Scheme has now only to receive the formal approval of the High Court of Jus- -; tice ml England to become operative. . A sad . case of poisoning, with fatal wsnlts, occurred at Takapuna on Thursday afternooii. Two sisters—Mrs. C. little ana Mrs.. A. Nicholson, sen.— ifhile JMilfdrd Beach, were taken sud- , <!-aly . air after drinking, hop beer, and ; ajnost immediately became unconscious. Mis.', Nicholson, 1 despite every attention' ,di«l at.-"three,o'clock yesterday mornVugrina'Mrsr Little's condition is very Krinag -." . T The 'Arbitration Court, sitting at Cnnstolinrch, made,aH award in the aasterers. and packers'- dispute, fixing 's«*d«t.;;£2 5/ a week;., Sunday work, : 10/.|ln.extra application for an award ior snepnerds -was dismissed, on the : ground that no evidence had been given >5 « a desire on the part of tne shepherd* % ,in the farm labourers'" disr* The Union applied for permission M We P. artl ' !s by general advertisement. *PP«eation was refused on the ground i™ no reasonable steps had been •*"* to cite all persons known to be a Saged in fanning. - • -•-;,;.,;'. IMPERIAX,. . widow of Chas. Conder, a wellLondon artist, was smoking a bed when ier nightdress ■■S.ISS caught fire. She died wn shock. ' ;%■■?. Ijave recovered over £400,000 million specie that went down in ™ tV e ¥ Oi - tte and O- Oceana, ™ «c Kentish coast. -» William Hall Jones (High Com-Abated-Q453 New Zealand > wh 2Wtated ; £24s3 in the districts, where, 4a«te ° f COal strike suffer ing ' co/?*' 01 named who attempt''■^h^h Oy^me WSh Sea ' haS DOt 'of since. •eJSif 5, ° f Fwawone has been tmK&J*™ B ildmitted Jaol: &S#-Wi as a member. *»te Staveren ef Wellington, , ' " nt iwte^^.^ 0 attempted to •ii"/* de was' %»"iiJL, ■■"" / years ' imprisonment. •fSS. 1 ""? 1^ 1 that considered "Mtenee as a for-! be <:onflned, « a ■ l5 c i o 6V: i enc^at -the Titanic inquir, **» bt n . ow t fchat - the tra § ed y conid Wtel cited: if P ?° per precaution ismay'has been *• r , ed ****** quarters for *flm? , living the vessel when ii *!S;'b!!t¥l' ia3A - <*adren were SPWfePfcS^ 1 -I*",,1 *" ,, explained that ij^Wl^ >at after no more .! _, ,"*««« to- -he -taken off the l ;v ■•-.-■'.

hip. Had tie passengers., not laboured - inder the delusion that the vessel wa* _ lot in danger, and there was no neees I dty to take to the boats, it is quiu I :ertaia that many more would have beei. iaved. Several of the boats were onlj ] ialf filled. . i The steamer Zealandic has sailed from i London for -New South Wales with 122: . mmigrants. The vessel carries twenty ,ix lifeboats.. , A bill for the disestablishment of .he Welsh Church has been introduced { nto the House of Commons by Mr j Reginald MeKenna. - . The Army dirigible Gamma travelled ;o London from Farnborough (a distant )f 32 miles) with sis passengers. _ i South Africa has decided to raise r ;he age for compulsory trauirag froir £ 17 to 21 years. The Select Committee £ ias also resolved to enrol an aviatior j school. IK THE COMMONWEALTH. i A landowner named Chae. Price- I bund shot in the bush at Omeo, Vie j °Bail has been convicted and sentenced ; _ ,o death for the murder of his wife at 3in-ara, N.S.W. Accused in defence jleaded that his wife was suffering so ;erribly that he had murdered her to put ier out of her misery. Dr. Mawson's shdp the Aurora sails Tom Sydney early in May on a six ,veeks' cruise in the sub-Antarctic rerion. The vessel will carry out a sen?.* )f soundings and dredgings in unknown ■ ieas between Tasmania and Antarctica A young woman named Clarice Barke-n-as found dead in a storm-water chan lei at Glebe, Sydney. She was walking ■ -iome in company with a man name*.. vVillaam Gikhrist when two other m<si. iccosted them. She went away with them and Gilchrist caw the woman climo i fence and walk off. in the.darkness, A few minutes later one of the men fo!..owed her. He reappeared very quickly md hurried away with his companion Silchriet went to search for the girl and found her lying dead, a fractured wrist being the only mark of violence. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The German Imperial Chancellor stated in the Reichstag that none of the great Powers were seeking a quarrel with Germany but she might be forced into war by some of the noisy and fanatical minor Powers. The Italian -warships are bombarding the Dardanelles forts, and the eeo id sprinkled with floating mines. The "Times" alleges that this departure from the original plan of campaign was due to the unfriendly reception the Italians received from the Arabs. Masked men stuck up an express train on the Rock Island-Golden State, Ltd, line and robbed the passengers. .... .A. terrible tornado in flfllin'ois and North-western Indiana killed eighty persons. Another tornado in Southern Georgia killed six people. During fighting between soldiers and workmen of the Jena Company at Irkutsk, 150 men were lolled '' and . 250 wounded. . . . Lhassa is reported to be in a state of siege. A force of 2000 Chinese troops with three maxims mowed down 3000 Tibetans. • •"" .Two x steamers, the Derwer and. the Elsud, collided .near Galveston, Texas, and both were badly, damaged. A mutiny of the native troops occurred at Fez, but was suppressed by tne French. . ■ ■ ■. . . . .Lieutenant 'v'allestavray while fly&gat Verdun, fell and was killed.- -■ - « i A -station ..manager and his wife were, . shot in cold blood by natives of the Maskelyne • Islands. It is " thought ths murders were committed in vengeance for the recruiting of natives by some ot j the settlers. ! The Campagnie Transatla-ntiquo. Company's eteameg . La France has sailed ' from Havre for New York -with 1205 passengers. She is 700 feet long and as the largest and ... most elaborate vessel ever built in France. ■ :..

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 11

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THE WEEK. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 11

THE WEEK. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 11