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TO I_ET. "- '■ LKT, - rijoas.—MELiicen Uamiei. ■1 M rr ■ lex S-ro-'XeJ llc-'iie ltd coirreii'.-----i - ».—a;..-. '- A. ? i-iuc-r, Prlaces-st., <--- : -a. S2 rpO L£T, zi-K i-rooaiea Cottage, (Jrus — Bar, Masuiau; beantiiul t-coch; o/. — V: j. ) .. -:■ h-d Co. 506 r'l •;. i. i, Tii-:;-'.a, FuriUsaed .>ruomed J- ,: a.jf; Lit!.-on, gas.—Uobrikoff. 3--, .=----rd.. Takapusa. " 0 7; '.. . - . j;,. ; . I i.- -re.- ::!.i ci'cvs.: — ; .. ...- ■-■-■ s:ar;oa; r,-_.. 11,6. —App: ~ 1 .: A.-.L 7, Tir>-r- Lamp-. 5iT F[ . .--.'l". &-."->uais-J House, witi ail cor.-----t. •...;. ~z~e*; Q-..ceLt.irie. brighrun-rfi.. c : • d ;wic:c2-rd., K>;ii,-jcra. — Key neit rr ."■Tγ Be--.:**, !-ir_" lofty toct-Xiß, all — oz'ru- •■■■•"is. ' '■■ tr>:"ia-fiv tf niie, 11:. Eden. _:; W. \":cTi.ria-aT(.2ue. Mount rr--': LET. 4 r.xnted Cotrage: quite de- : 1 • . .: ■'-.:• *. -;' Grey-ii_—J. SI. Lea- — j. \■■»-* !_id.-iucc B-j!:diDj-?. t~ r- »: i"o n- , "i " "i" -.-:•■-..i-d Co:»jt'p widi conTenlA " ;..*—Ar-p.y T iljrkins. Vsuxhal! ..- ,- ■.<: i">r: Gi'"?. Deronport 'bus . 5^4 1 .-',"•"■-, •■; roAEiB; Tvimberis-y-rrt.. Ep^Du:, j .-. :-:;. ..-' in jwor>!.-jo=«i' stoi?, 0p.,. ! r p '-' \.-.- 7-roonn><3 li:'*i:>o: bathroom, -L -■;. • -v. <■::.: lirea: North-rd., on cor- — ..- •■ .... --;-.iiuirc hLU-.-at aci Sous. ".- —,--.■: :>•■--'•: ' " 5&-* ri-~ ■ . ■ a: Mi. ford Beach. Kuraislied — i'i-.:s'. h. .'-'.& •■. wau?r aud every coutfT.:»r.c : very near beacc. — Apply Hon. J. nv ■; t; i~-:«Kj:£. two T-::<onii."d Eesi--1 .. '■'•». .: : -.■-jTeu'.encps: large sec- -,. .-.- .' --. i•- per week. —Shephera. ,/. .' . i .-,- ~-7j... ' & r~ : . .-~* p.^-r;'- i.:-r"-rrl:. House ©( -i- -'V. fi- ;- : r;n ui"':»rr. conveniences, witni :. ■-:;.. -*. ■22 3 per week.—W. V: .-.'.- ;-. i .---n. --■■>?,. U e.~r.-<z. b7 . ri . 1.1.1 i ur-iSiic-d 5 Kooaf, •Jγ i L :;■ i J- •■ •- /" ..-■ -vcoe< or wii s~i'. House , :.--. ■:■■-.'. jr. — i 170 —Mrs. Mat.taon. I '~■■''•:* tc-:i**. FiP.fJ.s:.. Moraingslde. »a ■ r'- ■ - i."~T""T , "'--h-!nj-sT.. Ci:y. W . Warehouse -1 ::..; Oi3t c. very bandy to Queen-st.. L'-f: ry 'S-fi: 2-<torio<i new Brick Building; —.. vvt-e-i. i"'L'y ■"*■! Durfcarat:'.'\V. " "" "" "' "' 'I _' U ?}--.• 1.?."'. ~~■--■ ■■■: H-"nsP of '• rooms, with jL '.•f'l. -,'.■;.-•;!:".*.. 2T-i1 ?rrs. in exchange -'-- C: :.~.\ i '■ r-izzli- id section. — . -.- i , nday. u:..r. iiiSL.. J. Darraciough. : . -'./■-.--. r. ii:. E-dc-n-rd. ■ o rpi - LKT, » :ar..e :>iry Soojv.- best part -L " y. ,rr.'n-a!iapp-rd.. seal Id section; ,-■-„-- r: - .._....; large workrooms; _.v r_-.• ■ . «....-.* >•. ■" • wuiid let or lease. — Wr-.-i? .-..0 p. .SeKU.a F.O. S<> }•■•- 1 LHX, Uei.ue;a-rd. to??- St. Hart's -1- " i nt i). a large i-roomea House. batti-rio-r.. ~r:,pp<*r and wisithonse. p.w...\; every ~- .."•.-..i '•; lively view; LaJ-pe section. — K'w-ias'oa and Baker, rerner of Durham-it. • ■Hz— 5-' J . <^npr-J--^T. "V" , -" -A MARKET. — Large Shop, 6 rooms; _> a-- shei: corner lot.—J. A. Jaine?, C. ii«: 101 COM P»!ikTABLE 4 large Roams. 2-roomc-U \J L-γ-.n to, Norfolk-?!.: high position; !:>.--:■■ ui.c:=:ent: newTy papered and painted. — iD? . T .— premise>. next Xixoii's Grocery • tii",;. from 5 :v a. 43 T "..V-MK-D Cort.'.ze: 2-stalled stable Outj ' btiilc , .inirs and 4 Arrps or more: Mt. •--=■- •': tog , ': pel!. Terms. —lo. G-reat v rtSrf 100 r- / _ '."iff OlSce ground floor. 15/ firs: ; <_.' :' or, 12. V. second Boor. Birkp-nhead— ] -"-■ , ■■ - '■■ 7 r 15.. Onehunga—7 r., 2;i- '-. bo/.—J. E. Hay-man. 23. City -j ~ b --.r'BHirK SHOPS. CORNER OF j "-= : K.ANKUN AND PONSONBY EDS.,! — '.-• : . w.,h '.very r""nver;ience: rents low I i- j....»! i-naiiis. —Aprny on premises. 53 -?-•■■-, m Ce!it!er&aD's Residence, 7 large! -tj ■ •■ us. mailer throughout, best -part j r"--=cnr "7-e w=«klv.-—Write R-esideooe. 379, •j 3 . u£.-e " ■ 90 i Suite FOUR rooms", j *- -.:-jl)fe for "Dentist. Splenaid Light. C-JiU-.EB OF Ta=4.>aC£tS & TONSONBT I ROADS. ■ ■ 54 ] T"E3-VOl>-RD., 100 yds from Three Lamps—' ti '\ -"- .e-frc-n: Shop and dwelling. j C. F. BENNETT, RiZfc or New Zealand Building's, Swacsan-strefft. | / Mode:n Offices, ground V.* - ■■•:. siEsiy • c in suite.—App.y '..-_■ • liaven and Co_ Darti-'s Bui d- :• zs. ; 61 : Q'inr. Plt".-3t.. splendid business site; \ v? 5.,,j.i living accommodation.—Apply J. ! M Leniica, y.Z. lßSurance Buiiiisas=- ' . v <•:. __35 !■ "T - 0 R R" E N T. j .IT. F.DEX—Fine Residence, 7 large -.joins an! conveniences: stable and coaca_jii= . US.7 23/, i: ill Lease. >;'"*■ ~-~ E —S;s la_-ge Rooms and contc, -i cio>e to station. Fine section. EcEt iL' , . i rSXDJEN AND SPIERS. I ---■ I*s, Queen-street, j m 0 let, I CEiN-ST.- and WELLLiGHTED OFFICE subdivided into 3 (■ices, on 2:cut"a Soor. Rent. 17/B per wet. ;?tut Liii.i Agent or Solicitor. iiLESiiT ST.—TWO-6IOEEI FACTORY it \VA£EHOrSE. Rent. £2 5/. Week. J. THOENES, S3, QCEEX-3T. rp I . L. . E T,| - 1 BIRKENHEAD, I 11 ■ .urrES trl'UD LAND; 3 acres 1 -"/4 regard. biuaxure g:ass. EESI- ' I>ENtrE. * rooms. imitrooß, wasbaonse-, ■ a.l (■■/.isiiitivts; cv&TTULaig la apiendid order. i ilea: -V wc-ct. Ti.'JJt I3AI>FIELD i SON'S, 63, Qrjpen-street. m 0 L E T. ; ' EP&C'M.— 7-."ooraed HiD"C5e ami con-ren.; 4-i.-r<- ;f.n<i: rf'ut 25/ pjr week. , i CVtru.X'.A.— roomed Eonse anti eon-! t—...: i-a>-z-«- !;uk3; stable, etc.; rent j £IS v. : week. i OXEHVN'tA.-T R«>&m6 aad canven.-; sta'biia«. iarge iit-tf; rent 21/. QCEEN-ST.— jro-A ligi't; reason- - G. 3 'OSMOND. : Phoeaii ."-:ambers. Qneen-st. I . iQrp. New P. 0.) J . " I j ni • n L- EJ- T. i - i- C!TT, ALBERT STRET. CEXTHAIXI SITUATED WAREHOUSE ■ " OF FIVE STOEETS. " , Eirter a* a whole or single floors, each 5S . v.r 01 feet. Elevator, strong rooms, lava- ; '-i tories. j -I For — i -ier par» alars and rents, ["% SEVILLE NEWCOMB, ■■ ■ — ', g 11 is Majesty's Arcade, i^) \ . , ,1* VAILED. TO LET. |] /"TITY — iTf-j:3.dra-6j.. 3 Rooms. 10/; • "_ * --.—. >-!(!;-?:., 11 Rooms and convs.. £3; i V. '■■. :JJ^T-.-:-. 7 Rooms and Shop, 24/: -G4ou- i • < -•...->.!. -i Kooms and coati, 16/; Oilcfd- ; s -~" • :;x---5, V . ' - - 1 ( T") j.\.-uM'Y — vr.-utereataTSt-. 10 rooms i a"jd -O.:."?:, 3il/I>.- i -« t-—. IL.L r..N — i£rtcnside-rd_, 6 rooms and *IJL i-oi. ■-.. '-Z, ', Udcidaie-ri, 7 rooms and. p I rj!.- Vi A —6 Rooms and -con-vs. r -20,'. L. "H-f AYFIKI.t —9 Rooms and costs, (bath. ;■' -J- 1 - h. 5.r...i c.i, 7 acres frait, stable, 22/6 jj^-"-^- 3 QI'KNiNGa, ETC. " il RE V LV N Shop, good posi-j " --,i.,.,\ 1 tlii'.-SCE—- B liop and 4 R/)oms, aL ' - ill" ronvedenres, 20/. Shop and 6 rooms, a C conveniences. 20/. " -v'EWiIAIiXET — ilanukau-rd., Lock-up ' JN v,..n .--si-eUent stand, 25/. 1 T'liiriEK J'AiS (Id. Section).—Lock-up , iV &Lo[>: only 15/. < \"5 T ELLH.-~LEY-ST.— large Rooms, 20/. . < g-VHUEL VAILE &■■•: SOIL'S ■ ■ -■ |- V..

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 101, 27 April 1912, Page 2