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YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED AT Marvellous Offerings for the coming week. Just read the following list, then pay the Sale a visit asid see for yourselves. . ... your WEDDING Very Handle SPIRIT STAXDS in oak CLOCKS. Ladies' Enamel WRISTLET WATCHES, LADIES' S.STONE DIAMOND ELVGS, ARMY and NAVY BIXOCUiARS, for Our Entire Stork of ■' POSTCARD BLUE SEAL TA3ELQSE. »d a bo-t'e. Before boy l " s • . __~ orr :rarr.Of, mounted in E.P.N.S. To clear sonia Clock Co ? DIXLNG-ROOil keyless lever movements, three dif- Dree and Engagement, to be. cleared target raiding and long-distance ob- ALBUMS, at 10 per cent off our HAZE LIVE «XOTCIA pBESEIfTS. call a** ia«?eei: our _.. „., , _ euh _ a very useful pre3en t. CLOCKS, strikes hour and half-Lour, fcr ? nt coloured wristlets to fit _ any at 37/6 to £15, which is just half the serration;, in s!incr as*. Usual price already Reduced Prices. FLLLER'S 'aXD Vim FT enoraons stork. Cj?es of SEItVIETTE EIXGS; 6in caw-, only requires winding once every eight J* 35 -; to be cleared at 14/ Worth iisua 1 price £3 3/; to got at 31/6. ALBUMS containing 33 Auckland Vietr., POWDER Idla pacsetT WU — plain and Wrared. To clear at 9/0 days, stands 225 inches high in prettily _ d ™ b . le - , ~..,, CM COLD AM) SILVER BRACELETS, in all Telescope Pairs of FIELD GLASSES, Did. , M h. . COLGAT^' RmBOX DENTAL CREAM " ihV caJc. Worth double. carved frames; to be slaughtered st L^te S 'Gunmetal andl Nickel Silver the latest shapes and makes, Nellie with sunshade* : 30-miie range. A TABLETS of lOC large MEMORANDUM -.d *"*»» CKLA-1 ~..,, .Ci prTRn Silver TRINKET BOXES and Dreeing 12 /0 each. WRISTLET WATCHES, keyless and Stewart, Bamboo Slurs, Curb, Melba. wonderful as? . Usual price £4 in-; FORMS, usual price 1/, to go at 4d. CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER »M tin <fFPLING SILVER & tLtuTnO Tn! . KNICK-KNACKS, to clear out 30-hour Nickel ALARM CLOCKS, goo.l good timekeeper?; an absolute gift etc etc., to be cleared out at 2/6 to to go at £2 5/- n pair. each. I-D COALTAR'cotp 1 '"p> ftTEO GOODS, at 1/ to 2/9 each. timekeepers and very strong alarm-: , A l .^ 1 *:, ,_-.„„ __ . _.„ , 15 / eaoh. „ . Dozens of other GLASSES at half-price, Our Entire S:ock of TOY AND PIC- '^^4;I jV PuHltU *"<- Cases Of FISH SERVERS in beautiful to Cfo .at 2/11. " ™%r£i-n "VTRISTLET and WATCH A Few of the Very Uwi in Secret which we advife you to call and m?. TUBE BOOK?, to go at 23 per cent clfVver 1 * CTYCERIXF »vn rr Fta» PpKSTAL ip,« n d ro ..lyL»ndl: All to bo BEDKOOSI TIMEPIECES; v.rvbaudy COWBIXED. I*v« and keyless move- Join and Spring BAXGLKS, Solid Gold, off. P SiSf W TSS for 7/ FFITT STA-VK- 10 ii. -...- hijih vvic. : ; are cut at 10/11 the case. size and reliable; to cWr ac 2/3. ™N t Th is wat hth most inurel. end a great novelty, calll « a d inspect Thousands of FOUNTAIN" PENS to <!O*P 3 cS« for I'" Fan™* Glass b:O '..α-l »o g" - c.V.i.Vi-iiS in silk and. plush- Oak Frame ALARM CLOCKS, with ii- n ,o,ls . , ' ""I "J*™}. , , this line at 4.5/, 55/, and 75/ each. l/miFQ UAftin RAPC rlear at «d. cash. DDL* ™Wim BATO «oV 4 Sroaes. A very har. :*oiu« wed- - ; :n , d cl^'b ; , ;! ,„, Sheffield makers, hunzted di.iis and two bells; to pi *" , 12 ™ ASSTmTFn WATCHES V- LADIES" SOLID GOLD MUFF CHAINS. LADIES HAND BAGS. A Marvel of CWapness-Self-fillmg ~?: fr ? BATH A ' ' 4 Present. To clear a: lJ'«i u-iul •„; e .'; ~.. and th }v;: ~ v Rot.ierham, Erhardt. Demisson, Rns- ]>. yards long, at £2 10/ and £3 3/ One of the Finest Displays of LADLES' FOUNTAIN PENS.. usual price 50. wTJyrTF PO'VDFR r*n~r * * r*U fc3 i _ re ,:, 1; V. " PIRATE ALARM CLOCKS. «". Bonnet, unci ,11 the leading maker, each. HAND BAGS ever shown in the Domin- tr, clear « 1,. '.. . ' ELOCTE POVVDER (Roger and G,> c £" r . Mounted BISCOT r..VKKELS. &i ;; iin ; c :lver RATTLES and DCM- strongest «nd most reliabie clock made t0 . c c^ ar '" 1 - a " ( ' sactl - v half the LADIES' SOLID GOLD NECK CHAINS, ion, comprising all the vpry to3l CEDAR LEAD PENCILS. 4d. per 4«cn. CVMPHOT B^d6'»i " ;,«m sizes in Oak and ljana-i>a.i.i c. ~u s for blbif , ; _ in pretty designs. by this company; to <ro at 5/9. usual co - = -- in all patterns, very heavy, usual price shades and sl-aprs. Johann liber's . CARPEXTERS , PEN- m O TH BilLI * 1«"Wt 1/? to be cleared out at 7/il n <>. L - iy .al pri , e 0/R . to co a: 2/9. Ansonia REPEATING ALARM CLOCK?. 27/Bj to clwir at H/n. , MOTOR BAGS. CORDED BAGS. 6UOVL- CILS et o<l. per dozec. . £ AI;GE BOTTLE- ENGLISH LA%"EN-γ-t Handsome OAK or CHINA >Ai.AD s;ivcr . b;Kk >irr.T>OHS with tlu -k B?ve.% First -rade repeats 10 times; (PWFi I PRY vOLID SILVER iIL CLIPS, to clear at J)F.R STRAP DAGS, and every known N( " a BOuKS at "d. per dozen. ' nFr > v-*tFB it qj iXttiS with 2 servers 10 e.ich, ;c ,j C , la -, IT ,d c ilvc ,. Brushes to match. ire 14/ P. to so at S/11. _ T _ -t-i-cn J. 1/6 _ ~,a ). , Pvi ■■■= from -2/1! to "£6 10/-. WILLIS , PLAYING CARDS. usual pf dS-p ' f45 ■CAttW'«! nT-n-rp; fltS in EJ.N.S., carved and plain. A wonile rf\il bnnnin at 10/3 the pair. TRIPLE BELL ALARMS; very lord ?OT - ro GOLr) BROOCHES. Knglish Ball- LADIES EABHDCGS, to clear at 1/ a Your mspertinn cordially invited, and P-'ic* Od,, to Bid. Pack. BRAGGn' FLY, ANT)■ 3GSS r-na! price 65/-.: to cleir at :>_' ■>. ,-,-,.., usunl ; ( , c of tUese was 30 /. , and ?uarantcC( to wake the sour.d?-t nwrirpil. rs-.'al pr:r»fi/fi: to ? n at 3/6. pair. y e can safely .=-r,v that no finer spltr- Hundreds; of ROLLS OF CRINELF.J prrRT h n crlrnff SILVER SHHK HOBN and A -„;,. a , =0 , 1 -, ent silver P.N.S. BUT- sleeper, in nickel or copper. Usu.-.l SoL:ra r ' OT - !) WISHBONE BROOCHES, KENT'S COtD-MOL-XTET> X.Z. GREEN- tion Las ever b4en phrert before '•■■• , £APEIW nlTColowe. 24. per roll. EROVFX- V.&DSOB- SOAP- B.^fcM-.f..r BCTIOS* HOOK- Usual price l'-'-O; 10 TFi -. n ,.., JAM DISHES in various price IT '6 to co at 8/11. Eot v-ih Gems, usual price 10/0; 10 go STONE WATCH PENDANTS in vati- Auckland public. KETTABD ■ BOOKS—Annuals, Autograph ~/~ ' "_ ' . " '. '. ' * 3r ,t 3/11. TEA. AND COFFEE j.rettv designs: to coat 5/11; wonli SICfIATCRE " 00>I ALAPOIS: to - m is patterns, to dear r.t 4 '11. and AlUtrr.?. itsnp ■ Alb-jnis. Pt-c.. ** " t^ GE . CASHMERE - -BOUv Handsome TEA. AND COFFEE ; loub i., " fe clear M 5/9 SOT TD n °t.D -MnCXTED GEEEN- SILVER BROOCHES, PENDANT?, ana Pr mT rt " ": gOAP l/-. SkVICE, 4 pieces and lar Tra - V to E.P.v-. HONEY JARS and PICKLE CARRIAGE CLOCK?. PRESENTATION- STOKE RROCniES. to clear at '11. CHARMS, in clear at 1/ each. TRAVFI i tNR R3R C . . Thp;x*auds of Coi/.oi of 2IUSIC, all at cjAtt "cAKES CASHMERE -■ BQL*r!?jk Usual price £55-: to clear HOLDERS. Usual price 12/8; to go at CLOCKS. MARBLE AND ONYX foft worn to STERLING SILVER DOUBLE WATCH InH,L,I " mU J-.«o. 2d, pc." ctSJir-. or-ET <O4l' T*d ™,55A _ 4,0. ' CLOCKS, in numerous patterns r.nd SOLID f:;)LT1 DllOOCHZ?. set with CHAINS, scamped on every link, to DttE?-> SUIT CASE?. CABIN TRUNIN. ■ ■ , LARGE ?V' UN3REAXABLE CO^'lB? Ui*e S)» SILVER-MOUNTED SCENT e.P.N.?. FLOWER STANDS, single md make. All to clear nt oxact'.y half Amethyit ( size); usual price dear nt 7/3 each. BRIEF BAC.S. KIT BAGS, GLAD- '■ "ud °arh" " . ' i ■POTTLE- Usual price r'C; to clear at ,: 0 ,,i,',. to i ear at 2/0 and 4/6 each— usual pri<«. nnd all guaranteed to keep "''■ '-' -° at in : ' '•■ STERLING SILVER HAT PIN'S, to go 'TONE BAG& ; a.-.c! PORTMANTEAUX LARGE SIZE SCL'BF COMBS 3d eac'i. .. a rift at the price. the correct time. " ' SOLID GOLD SWASTIKA BROOCHUS, at 1/0 each. in great variety. All rrdn-ed to ha::' TQJi RPOIIRiTF's TOOTHBRUSHES 3d each. " i Silver Cut Glass SALT SPHINX- BREAKFAST CRUETS. TEA SET?, __ Diamond anl Ruby BROOCHES, Cres- XURSES , RED CROSS SILVER usual price* from 5 /fit M.'. i.—uioi I Cβ. Hundred" of" HAIF BRUSHES at 6d and "'LEES Usual price 7■'-: to dear at SUGARS. CREAMS. SPIRIT.FLANKS. ~..,,,,.„ cent EROOCHES. and dozens cf var!- WATCHES, very b»t make, wuh rQ .... r . T . TA ,- T^-r . ; . 0d each , ? arid h-n.-.rp-ls of r?pful lines !>H *-> WAS'jPCO. ous pattern?, to clear at exactly half Pal«e Hand. £oc.d timekeeper*; usual "" -•»-■— < ■>-■>'. ■" i p> - HAND MIRKORS ** 4id each Wiii EJP.X.S. ENTREE DISHES, very clear at h.-.lf-price. A rare opportunity A very Strong X.» ■>"..*; NICKEL WATCH the usual prices. price 35 ', to clear at 01/. QTATirs»'CRV FTP mr n n t <s)n-« rrrr , TV -. T>,-.-m — i CLOTH'eEI'^HX 5 ' Mto 6d each llwiSth adjusUble lids and handle. For Bridge Player, have a bi ? assort- suitable for vorkiinen: stands any SOLID GOLD LACE AND TIE PINS, STATIONERY, EIC. ! SS 5? LONG HVNTjLE TAILORS" CLOTII te make into two dishes. Usual price ment of >rAKKEP.S. etc., in Silver and amount of rough handling; to lie with all sorts of Animal Charm.-; at- Fjpin fIPPDA /■ MARIWF VrMTINT, PADS, 100 Sheets Pure Lin«n i- i firvrVprvr in Li- ? lr - P.'RT-cnTT:? for nd £i i/.- to clear at 45/- the pair. E.P.N.S. War?, which -we are clearing thrown out at 3/11. tachej. to clear out at 1/11, each rii_L.J. U_. en» C. ,tlMn "- Paper, 3 (n r 1/; uiual price, 1/ each. "','' ~1 ' ' "= ' TOILET AND NL~-ERY SPONGES 'd fiv'e-bottie EPN.S. EEVOLMNG CRU- at Ip»s than half cost. Gents Silver KEYLESS WATCEE?, worth treble. GLP.'cbES. COMBINATION WRITING PADS, vrif.i .'/..'~'''':., r^,- TiT T>r , vrr . r . r , ~, 4d and *6d. " " " •-■ ETS. tobetHrown out at 0.'6 each. AFTFP>NOnN TEA PPO.iV?: •"■! TINC.-! fully jewelled and unheata.ble .tim-»- GENT.'S TIE Solid Gold. Set with Miniature OPEIU GLASSES: very u s e- Foreign Envi.iopcs. M ruth. i- tti '" " ' u » v - Uj =- ft i J s d SHAVING BRUSHES, 4d each. rpv'c Tji v Pattern SALT CELLARS. in •.'!•• iiii-1 ca;e=; all '.ho bjst kr-ereri. Usual price £3 15/-; to clear Gems, from 2/11 to 10/ C. ful and handy to carry, in nice <-J«-. Extra Quality CREAM LAID EN- t-ottie. CA C q containing 2 cakes e»,. ail in Sree "colours-white, creen. and E.P.N.S.. at 5/]] a set. at 32/6. ' SOLID GOLD tIALL-MARKED WED- Usual price 10/6; to go fit 2/6 a pair. VELOPES, 300 for 1' BEST BLACK DOCT POLISH. 6 tina "bottle Scent tor 1&4 ruby An absolute gift at 1/11 each. ldn 7 . FISH *nd FRT'TT XXI F.= in Gents' KEYLESS ROLLED GOLD DING RINGS, very heavy and broaa, Trench Jockey Club FIELD GLASSES, Best Quality FOREIGN OPAQUE EX- tori/. WCOTFS TOILET SOAP bos of 4 •Slw/and EPyS TEA POTS. Plan silk and leather cases, all E.P.N.S., to WATCHES, reliable timekeepers, to clear at 7/6 to 12/0 each. with sunshade and nightshade affixed. VELOPES. 125 for 1.. COLGATE'S TALCUM POV.TIEK, Cash- raks? 10} d and Engraved*'to be cleared at 12 C -~ at 7"M [he case. double-cased and fully jewelled; to GENT. : SOLID GOLD SIGNET RINGS, 25-mile range, thorough';}' tested, with EEDOUTR STATIONERY CABINETS, mere Bouquet, Violet and Dactylis. LARGE BOTTLES SMELLING SALTS, •0 '7/6 and worth treble. SPECTACLE? of all qualities and to suit clear at 22.0. usual price 31/. to clear at 15/6. simg and casa complete. Usual pri:e containing Be.= Linen Writing Tab- s ; ze tins, for 9d. * 4^d bottle <ter]in.<> Silver PHOTO FRAMES, all any sicht: from 1/ a pair. The same a? above in LADIES' LADIES' SOLID GOLD DRESS AND £3 3/-; to dear at 21/6 a pair. let, vita Envelopes to natch i all WILLIAMS' SHAVING STICKS for 10d r O'IBLNATrON COMB ANT) MTKRO3 "-hafiw and=ize=; to go at 3/6 to S/6. JAM SPOONS. BUTTER KNTVEs, WATCHES, to go at 12/6. ENGAGEMENT RINGS, usual price S-Lcnse PRISM FIELD. OPERA and shades), to go at 9*d. "',■"-„'" ' " in r , fe 3d Presentation SILVER CUPS. A ? r?at BREAD FORKS, and PICKLE FORKS, Gents' KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES, 22/8, to clear at 10/6. MARINE GLASS COMBINED; £3- Special Line- STATIONERY CABINETS. i*l*luatl-M* 4Jd Hlrn^redg of SIDE COMBS and BAC - vari<?tT in all sort? of sporting cc- all E.P.N.?., with Stag and White in gun-metal and nickel silver casei; BAND RINGS, Plain, and with Stones. mil? range, with safety sling, case, and at 3d. each. t,r-»r jl. COMBS to be cleared at 6d fcisns:" to "0 at exactly half the Usual Handles, all to clear at 6d each, and Al quality movement. Usual price very wide and heavy, a marvel nt neck straps. "Usual price £5 126 : CABINETS OF FLORAL DESIGN STA- BAY 4 - id bottle. PULL-OUT COIiLAR STUDS Sd dozen. "rest,-21/to 50/. -north treble. 17/6; to clear at 5/11. cheapness, at 7/6 and 10/6 each. to clear at £2 17/3. IIOXES\, sd. each. COCOANT. j. OIL. 4Jd a bottle. BONE COLLAR STUBS., 3d a dozen. A Rare Opportunity fop Buying Wedding , Presents, Birthday Gifts and Presentations. No finer selection ever offered, at exactly half the usual ppiees. SPECIAL MAIL ORDER SERVICE. ; shop thr >ugh the post. Send P. 0.0. op Postal Notes fop any article you require, op write fop quotations and we guarantee the same satisfaction as if you were ouying , at OUP counters, as we have a Special Mail Order Staff, Who give your orders every attention and pack safely, and forward Immediately any article you send for. Visit to-day the Sale of SURPLUS STOCK at

BKAPEKY, CLOTHING, ETC PUBLIC NOTICES. ". IlllPiiii|piL aoHOi'Tr' s\ <r\wr I fill II A 1 Vi\% I Isl 1I S \ '' Wki p HVA! \ll/ r^ 7 ? C* T3 C i 'UP § < one of Rendel, ' s > The New Zealand Dairy Association's I and " ON TON I P^V-. 'MsMySi. Tlle woman * 10 is moved to make the above remark is usually a good judge "*~ O| >s*3">sa >iSSBSik. «» /**"*£ 3 ™*? teaman _iiu f% / «t&V ""-^Wv|K She kntnvs wliat is stylish, and can tell you whether or not a hat suits the '• |J|» |j§ O| W\ [£, J| Kg 3$ gjtj ii %■? *-.--_ f| [ W. %< if « % |~* i $*| •i A«if\>\V \a ***-*" wearers face, figure, hair or costume with utmost confidence in the correctness of g|j jjg R_ilJg M H BBil %3 %*} %& i "" % -tU «ftnfrf JSL jT §|| *' w\--l\\\\ ■i*^' her ment - ■ "* °*^"-^L l l' ( >**'•* SS 1 • •^ ' %\\» There are styles to suit everyone in - xxl- T ,, m >a ff •y '' v \ ' >', .r 1 iqr~n"-ir ■■ "* . '"-'■"-"'■»»«'«'«»; HlU'jit Rendell's Special Window Display off New If 1 I 1 i" P ' lß^^^^-'■ ,1 P Winter Kats at JO/6 each. IJ® fl J 1 | |\ ' g Here you will see bis wide-brimmed models, handsomely trimmed, high ■ v£rf% I ; -\f X ■ "¥" 7f 7" t, - ■ - lH brimeless shapes, and every new style you can imagine, and all marked at the ] jSifY >^*7~^*" N Y '/%'i ,: L--•'' !'/ ('K^-^^^^i 1 ?^r s s^. > d)'' £1 ' 'iMf %/\f' E pleasure in «^| one special offer of /Sl X X XL £-J==ZZ-£- JS. '-'^ :i >r^^^^-^^iP^'^^''\/'' ] '-' V V announcing that -.--®g : 10/e i / /ISrilfi?A g _ These hats have been made by our own Millinery Staff from genuine 3/6 I IMilMilif V a (I ft I V* 1114 ill 1/*/ A'l\ H*K St~/- r Royal Worcester Corset Co., Wk ' ViDler Plait ' " 'ill b*s Just arrived in Auckland, g ; Inth ° „ /' : iil en i will be-in attendance at M CHILDREN'S MILLINERY DEPARTMENT / I |f you will see some lovely Hats for Girls of all ages. IT3 "ES©T ''"' •' ' VT! few days tor the purpose ot & VELVET AND SILK HATS, in the latest styles for Girls of Sto 10 years, ! „. - •♦• f r.- m x. " /'.J lit \ ///'I '' ! I demonstrating and fitting the §& 5,11 to ii. . y ;] The crowning: point of a Continuous Triumphant Record. fclj. i 'jlj-.p I above ./-xnbas Co^ s . " fl ** N SMART COATS can be made here to match any style of Hat. ! The BEilO Riband Of the Industry | '•' j.i 15 T]^^ t I " ■ I^' PADDY HATS for CUUren and Misses, in two tones of Velveteen, all shades and i WOn foV the Association's Butter. ''%Ml *'• I 'I' 'l I I \ ' IIM WC 6eZeV ' e /Aaf the mOSt P to order, 2/11, 3/6, 3/9. J *"' •' '• ' 'I] .//Ii W^^U , stylish, popular, and perfect- |^ •* t gl^P ! " Come yourself ani bring the Children to seethe beautiful display of Stylish V$T ' > I" V /K)//'/,W?^\ ' v V " fitting Corsets in the World if,:£ K<&f£&\ ' Hats at Moderate Prices. ' ' i .«,_. -β-st^. B -b™™. ! \ I'M '14 are "Bon Ton- and "Royal $% Tit STji - ,r- . ~ , iTS 1888 TMUMIPH. I I-r .5; •! ■$/wMO/l \siPl&Sm Worcester" - Inv&ri.bly the |! // :J\ $ ; r! B i |"snl Awarded Gold Bledal at the largest Exhibition held In tha I \%}\\ '' \}*t' I Mmfl // \\ wXm Choice of leading Modistes, M ■UU ir i LIL-I l,^#i»_M—M—.CZP Si— Southern Hemisphere. | UVI I' H' '' W' * h // / W l||iM Fashion Authorities, and pro- &, OJ= KARANGAH i -UfH'-M'l' xninent Corseiieres. |- iS/H'k eral°Dr^»rMHHnm & Clothiers I ITS 1898 TRIUMPH. JTftffl \l| " 1 Bf/ shipment of | — Exhibited by the United States Government for educational ! Aj-KfrSll Models just to hand. g Ijjjif U 9ht Lanch eo n and Tea So , ms nOK o pt n. [| SSttXttSZ?- "* WW | - 1 ITS 1907 TRIUMPH. lll| B^ MMgß^ § Eclipses Danish in price upon the open London Market. i ff Baßa T V; y" " *—.\ — - ■ °~— e^ **" - (this credential, which is of very much more value even than 1 I S.rVST;*""! HA J^ 1 '""'" ~ $fe> " ~ - —— —■ = ! our Gold Medal Award, is confirmed by private advices-) I \ li\ Ai / IJl#s IMi I IH 1 V st€. I W ' ' —■ ____J E L OOTS _ SHOES. I j%CT MJrMLJ W W^^^^^^^-—" -^ /ii 3 ' if Wthi~». .„ ' I ' I 1 Cγ! wUD 1 UiVIIL Oowt/O iS IT ON YOUR TABLE? \ I: 4 /fi A LADIES'GLACE op PATENT WALKING SHOE for I ! «4-i 0 -- i• —~ '# i *&? $ ciows you will see this desirable shoe, also a Ij 11/ |j ti *• TTI in , s ■•■ ' A. A XJL V»i» <J» JL <J. y * SMART walking SHOE the New American Toe, BW/V The New Zealand Dairy Association*' a O ltd / | A Rfl £ S ADA IV! SA. C O ( °^ PCS,tePP iC Lifcrary) WhGlesaie Depot; w^U£SLEY STHMT. BstaU Everywhere. I %&B£ga -m^^m^mm^Hm^s^^^^^^dßsA^

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 11