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•■AiirkHud »«r" nfflrr. Tliarsil.iy, Mm** "*• Jot2 " ntr rrUflera, !ia»l»Z placed fbajr tumai ninthly orders last week. a» not booking v,rv heavily at the proem »W: coru»im'ntlv trtoiesaif" tnerchniit* Aftvc fbelr Miff, botfly MiracH bOTkiutf. pauAlng. Shipping, and railluc fs»d« *" st l ) n ihf f-ri-uttuml and inluinß districts. \\<, ,,i,s.Mp soft *ood« Amu report wry jepod l„. n.-- owine t" retailers hflUHnic thai* L',-il ..rssonanle «al«i. Til.- retail (tarpory fir--; live had an unprec»acleiitod «asJi, afla ■ rfin-iarnnr well suil'fled with tb» rwmlt» n/'iuV past week* shopping-. At tile BW fm e rumonrs -)f strikes are liavin« no. ■&- T . '.P i',a n encp on lrn<ie, as many retaflOT do not .-are to (■pp"-n:ate In large Hues worn there is a possibility tliet at iray numnart IcnilrcilS of t'jeir rr.BtfMnr-ns may lj not of

ri'ifnnsliin Canned Fruits.— <>uorn tiacw for Ufa- seer.on's. dua rr> arrive ScptemberVorMnhcr. hart- jit>-t come t.i hand, this pe'-itr mutl) earlier than previous, years, i'tiiouih prices are nilhiß hhrbcr, illKtrlbutins m<T:i».-ui( J report fair bookings. [lire ronr* : nuest tirm, while neiv tmaarm'*. prices rem -In lilprh and. stronger tlron wo* aiit'cipated for forward delivery. Arro«-r"»t. On ipi-mint of scarcity, thore trii! bo no deilin" I" price. Tnpioca.«. The |ii 'op Is fliK-tuntlnjr, ami ]i \s iliffic::ll to forecast the future. Peanuts. -Now spnson's are offprltiß, but ovinp to iho revolution in Chtnn, priced are rliere hei-ic smnf dlfflcnlty in Retting the hent varieties, whieh ™mt from the north "f rHina to port of shipment. Sultana.'.- The tendency rpnsT Inevltnli'y be for lower vntu.w. as ili» retail prices grr so heavy tlui! eonsnropt ion Is likfcly to he carta lied eongidprnhly. DntPll. —Good qiral'ty almost nnprocurtblp. and prices von' firm. Flops.—For jroori jrrecn quality and rich (roma. «jnn.t«tions steady. It looks as thoiicli stocks wit be dealt with at higher prices. fish - Sfoek-j am rather Itcht, and pri-PS slight]v lir-jii-r. Cream of Tartar, C'trie Arid. Tartaric Acid.-All market* arc wtlebtly easlw. Canary Seed. The market is advised a? active and iidvanclo-f. Fruit ha* been selling this week ljy Inrtinn at prices which must In many eases entail actuaj loss on or'hardists. The crop of punches has been so lurpe this seaion ftat Other fruit- have suffered In price. Sren peaches were sclline ;>„ low as 9d and 1/ per half-rjisp yesterday Good, sonml pears secured fair prices, lui* a lot of the frti't seems to have been sent in too ripe, and thai = implv moans a tual loss lo the pnww. For instance, at auction yesterday 6ve of over ripe Williams' Bon Chretiens were knockid down for 2ft the Int. and another flip for i!'. which would n« par the • •.-*=, of the eases. Good hard Tlon rhret-iei s. on ihe other band, sold up to .V per bushel ease. Plums were searce. and apples also ni'ed low. Tomatoes, on the other hand, whr n in ~ood condition sold at s.ttisfnctnry prices. hj would do pome of the fnilt srowers cood to attend auctions and see the condition in which some lines rendi the market, cither to delav In transit, or hecausc lb" fruit kus gathered ton ripe. i'hp specnlatinii P'lMie appear disposed to Ipjv? aiin!i ; )r sloe's severely alone, probably on account of' the prominence that has been ftven to ovcr-spllluc recently in the rolnmit" of the daily Press. There Is no tlouht that the results from mining for some lime past have not been calculated to enconrajie Investment, and until n new '"strike" is made at t'oromandel or Thiitnes speculation in miiTltlsr shares seems likely lo be drill. Wa-flil shares had n serious fail In prior this week. Prior to the puyroeut of the 2/ dividend. 43/ was tnni'hnf, bnt Since then as low as MS/ was reached, but yesterday sales were made up to 40/ WiHhi Grand Junction shares caitintie steady ai about 28/. Talinman I'i m solid a ted shares sold al 51/ and .">O/9, anil Crowns remain steady at abont 3Ai t'j .*».". Coroinnndel shares are wrtbour movement, and few Thames lines changed, hands since last report. TnnwMietinns were reported In Ktirnnul-r'alodoirian shaTes at )'". and Walotahls sold at :t'r>. The ero»srut at 1100 ft is now m this company's jtround. May Qneens cased a tittlp lately, bnt again sold at l<'fi yesterday. As the bard country lias been paFHed fhrmich there Ls hope now that the Bi-iglrt Sntfle reef may be ulet with shortly. New Sylvias are offered at 1/4. but buyers are atfeady nt 1/. An upward mot-ement took place in Occidentals durinjr Uie week, a feir ooundw of -ptejeed ftttnjf* enaifhiir thflfte 'Mares to advance "from Off to 1/1; but tjie Wvancp has not been maintained, and 1014 te uovr the bsuyinc neure. Waitanpi ConloMatcds have shown a further decline hi priff, belitc now offered as low n« 1/3. Slltes In the Wnlhi-PaeTon Gold Extraction Company Dare bad inqntry lately at 45/, with oci-rudonal sales at that ftjrure. The. fact that no mining shares chanjred hands at two calls yesterday demonstrates clearly (hat tbp pnbUc arc h&nshijr off for the present.

Only mnall quantities of flax are being sent in. as prices have eased again in sympathy with cabled advice of a decline in the London market. Good fair, average quality flux Is now quoted at £l7 3/ per tun. £l6 in' for f;dr average quanta, and £in for common. At such prices it is hurtllv in be-expected that flax milling will be active

Steady business Is now being done hi knurl gum. and at the present time heavy rtorks are not held by local brokers. Superior grades continue scarce, and for East foast the demand Is (food. Good ordinary, and re-scraped black, can he placed, while '■hips and dusl of all grades sell well. MwHum swamp pnm is not wanted, but Rood lots are readily saleable. Altlmieh better business Is helner done In frtrm of alt rmdps. quotatinns show no improvement, ad any nttenrpt to put up the price checks the demand.

Some interesting figures from the Government Statist In New South Wales appear in the hist number or "Dun's GnJiette." Tnese relate to the period from inno to l»10. and show that the number employed I" dairying has increased from 27.171 to <n.Si3 hands, whilr the number employed «B pastnralists increased duping the same period by 13.:!Sn. Purinjr I lie decade the area under crm , increased from 2.44n.."564 »cres up to 3,174.864. bnt the number of Persons employed in airrienlture decreased TIT2SI7, which Is attributed to the Introdnc tien nf modern labour-saving machinery. Investment stocks hare also had less ™iniry since last report. Rank of New waland shirres have however sold n t £lO "/«, and National Ranks at C". 17'6. A Mle was reported yesterday of mrion Hank shares at 634. Insurance shares had '•"'slnqin'ry this week, and the only J rnn «*ctlon reported W as N.Z. Insurance nt »J/6. Anrkland Has firmed up to bnyers « 68/6. and Union Ptoani shares were wnnted at 40/3. Havers of Kauri Timber. Pt!id-op Issne. now offer rrr■ / . while for contributing 16/6 is Ihe quotation. Potatoes. -Southern potatoes continue to fjme to hand regularlv each week, and the qnality is satisfactory. The local potatoes now being sent in are not first-class, etttiseqnpntry is a wide range In the Prices roHng—from £3 15/ to £4 10/, according to quality. In the South the Potato crops are reported to be looking •ell. and as there will evidently- be a large rorplus to export, it is anticipated prices Here will continue about the present level. Fowl wheat may detlLne in price with the J»ar approach of the new season's grain. The quotations to-day is 4 '2 wharf, and ♦/•I ex store.

MUltag- Wheat. Thert' Is no change to "Port this week iu the price of milting wheat Millers are. however, expecting lower prices to rule now that the new wheat is about ready for market. The total export of wheat and Hour from Australia this season is about 104 millions of bushels, «s compared with 13} mUUous for a similar Period last year, the value being 2 millions sterling, against 2J millions last season. Oats.— The market is easier this week throughout New Zealand, owing to the breaking np of the drought in Australia. The quotation locally Is 2/K, ex wharf, and "/9 to 2/10, ex store. Forward business ean now he done on the basis of those figures for some months ahead, so that It Is evident there is not much hope of lurther profitable export to Australia, laeally supplies of oats are short for the Jtoment, but good shipments are on board the Clan Ogilvy and the s.s. Wanaka. Manse.—Tie oitly arrival this week was a few shipments from Mntiti Island, which •eat into immediate consumption, and the ■"ttket is again absolutely bare. The jactation is nominally 4/ ex wharf for wholesale lines

Chaff.—The bad weather nas stopped the •peratloos nf ,. utt ing machines in the •Auckland district, added tn which supplies 22, v Sonth bave l "' etl ll;cht ' ' wlUi the JTOQit -Qjat the market is bare at the preS^,,r me - The first spell of tine weather ■noma enable ample supplies of local chaff ,0 ** sent in to market. «imSl?.? B T B ?' , P lles ure n °T- «loal to the a«m a ' t , tn '' P"***!"- time, as there have ZS,. B ° shipments from the South this Supplies urn, however, expected to "» tooted to-day at 10/ per cwL

Grass u< Ch>Tcr Seed*..—Steady Vmtßtma Is now repeated to bo sotting In, bat Ik Is feared the Beaton will not toe 00 good as •whs exportwl cwjnj to the rainy weather baring atonpen' burning off a tot of the felled bush tn many quarters. In the King Country some flO,0«0 acres were ready f4»r being fired, but of thin area, odigr aotae 20jut»> hm»e fceeo burned, and It. is- probable ' tie nest may Jotvb to watt tiH next aeaeun, which ia an unfnrtmiate thing for the fanners, and also restricts the bußtneas of saedsmen. Mbnutrea.—CbnaHewlblß business is now: being done in toonedmt and fertlliaers. Iu the Auckland district yery large aren* of hind itm been ploughed, up-ready-f or seeding, + *"*?.>- ______ ,1 CUBBESX fBICES. TCT&S. i Farm end Pairy Frofluee, —Butter, factory, 1/0* per lb; fresh, eggs, 1/2 per dozen wholesale; cheese, farmers' from M to 6d per lb, factor; Cjd. to 7<l; bacon, ablea 8d; , hams, Ojd, Floor. £lO IS/ (lew dlacoomts); wheatmeal, £io 13/ per ton (lata diacoanta); • sharps, £7; bran, £5 7/6 per ton; oatmeal, £ls per ton for 25's wholesale. Grain Oats, 2/!) to 2/10, ex atorcr milling wheat, 3/7 U» 3/Jt f.0.h.; fowl wdusat, 4/3 ex store, sacks In; maize, 4/2 ex store. Chaff.— Local, £4 10/, sacks In; southern, £5 10/, ex store. Potatoes.—£3 15/ to £4 10/ per too. Onions.— Lotal, 10/ per ewt. Timber.—Ordinary bnilding timber, undressed, op to 24ft long, t> Bln to lin Or more in thickness, and from 31n to 12ln wide, first-class 24/, medium IS/6, secondclass 12/ per 100 ft-, rough heart, 18/6 per l«Oft superficial; surface planing, 1/ per 100 ft extra; planed both sides 1/6 per 100 ft extra; three or four aides, 2/ do. Flooring boards: Planed, tongued and grooved, 26/8, 21/, 14/6. Lining boards: Planed, tongued, proored, beaded or V-jointed, 26/, 20/6, 14/. Rusticated and special weatheMjoardtng, 26/0, 21/, 14/6. Ordinary building totara, acantiing, 15/; boards, 4»m to 12ln 18/-second-class totara, scantling, 12/; clean heart of totara for Joinery, acantlmg, 23/; rough heart of totara. acantiing, 16/; rough heart of totara, scantling, Bx2 and under, 16/j rongh heart martai. acantlfug, 13/B; ordinary building rimti, boards, 16/6: heart rliuu, scantling, 4/6; heart rinra (framing and bridge scantling, 17/; clean, M/; second-class rhnu boards, 12/. WESTFIEtD FAT STOCK MARKET.

Messrs. Dalgety aud Co., Ltd.. report having held their usual weekly tilt stock sale at West field on Wednesday. Maceh6 as under: -Beef: A moderate yarding. Tor beef the demand was good, at rather higher rates than last week. inferior n'Willy and rough beef was slightly easier. ne>° ?mf;f DS " rime ox sol<l ttt u i> »° */ pe, 10O1K; ordinary quality ox. at 23/ and -4/; cow and heifer beef at euual to 30/ to ../ per lfmih. Veal: A small yarding, which sold at late rates. Heavy vealers £2 10/ «/*"'.'.?'' : suokers - 2J/ to *V; small, 4/ to JO/. Mutton: An average yarding. Prices were on a par with last week's rates. Heavy prime wethers, 17/ to Ift/; mediun .-ethers li>/6 to 18/6: backward Wethers, 1, to 15/'; heavy ewes. 14/ to 16/; light ewes, 11/ to i:i/. Uml): An average yarding. Prices were equal to late rates. Prime heavy woolly fetched 13/ to 16/; light, 11/ to 1-/6; shorn. 9/ to 10/6. Pork: A small varding. Choice porkers sold at equal to 6Jd per lb; heavy, at equal to ~»l per lb. The N.JS. Loan and Mercantile Agency report.—At Westflelri Yards on Wednesday fat cattle were yarded in usual numbers, and sold at fully last week's rates. Prime oxen sold to 26/ per 1001b. others 23/ to 25/; cows aud heifers, 19/ to 22/ti; steers sold at from £6 17/6 to £ll 2/6; cows and heifers. £4 to £8 17/6: veal pens were well filled and sold at high rates; heavt vealers £.' ito £.". 14/, medium sorts £2 2/ to £2 \T. lighter 23/ to 33'. smaller and ' fresb-droppod HI to 5/. Sheep were yarded | in nsnal numbers, and showed no improvement in price. Heavy wethers sold at from 17/6 to 19/0, others 11/ to 16/; heavy ewes 15/6 to 16/6, others 12/ to 14/; lambs were yarded in smaller supply, and sold at late rates, best selling to 14/. others 9/ to 12/, store 0/6 to 7/. Pigs, smaller yarding thun usual, and again sold at high rates. Messrs. Alfred Bm-kiand and Pone report: —At our usual weekly Westtield fat stock market on Wednesday. March 6, the yarding of beef totalled 239 head, which is below our average market. This Is accounted for by the very boisterous weather which has prevailed during the week. Competition was keen, and values advanced about 13/ per head, choice ox, to £l7/: ordinary, £1 4/ to £1 6/: cow and heifer, £1 to £1 4/. .Steers ranged In price from "£6 V<7 to'£ll 12/6: cows and heifers, £4 10/ to £8 17 U. Five cows from Sir. Rlr'harrt Reynolds, Cambridge, averaged £9 7/U. The 4T> veal penned again sold freely. Runners, £3 10/ to £4 5/; choice suckers. £2 10/ to £3 fi/; lighter, £1 11/ to £2 5/: si all and fresh-dropped. 3/ to £1 07. There was an average yarding of fat sheep. The demand was less keen than last week, and on the whole prices were a little easier. Prime heavy wethers, 17/9 to 19/: heavy. 16/ to 17/6: medium and light, 11/6 to 15/; best*heavy ewes. 15/ to 16/9, others 10/ to 14/6; aged and poor, I 7/ to 9/6. <T746 sold.) The 820 lambs yarded were of good quality, and met with spirited competition. Best, brought from 13/ to 16/9. others 11/6 to 14/: unfinished. 6/3 to 10/. The entry of pigs consisted of bnconers and porkers of choice quality. There continues to be an unlimited demand at Web. figures. Baconers, £2 13/ to £3 4/; large porkers. £2 «/ to £2 13/; lianter. £1 13/ to £2 5/; small weaners, 10/ toi 12/. (98 sold.)


At the Haymarket on Friday last we bad an average entry of horses. Active, heavy spring-cart and lorry horses sold at from £0 10/ to £29 10/; bakers' and grocers' cart class, £l6 to £24 10/: buggy horses and hacks, £l4 to £22; gig ponies and ordinary riding sorts, f4 15/ to £8 5/. The thorough-bred horse Master Jack realised 48zns. On Thursday. Febntary 29, nt WestUeld. the usual number of dairy and store cattle came forward, and was disposed of. -Dairy cows continue to be in strong demand. Best cows £0 lu/ to £l2. others £7 to £9; aged. £4 to £6 10/; empty cows, £2 13/ to £- VVe held our second sheep and ram fair In the Westneld Yards on Friday, March 1 About the advertised number were penned. There was a large attendance, but prices were lower for all classes. Best two-tooth ewes 14/ to 16/. smaller 11/6 to 18/; six-tooth to fresh full-mouth ewes. 1-/ to to/0- sound mouth ew.-s. 0/6 to 11/6; old ami cull ewes. ."./6 to 7/; purebred two-tooth Lincoln ewes. Jgn to lign;: woolly iambs, 8/ to to/; small and weedy. 3/6 to 7/: shorn. ■{/ |„ ■;/■ Utieoln rams. Ugn to figns: Bomneys. lifm to 4s_ns; Ign to 3gns; Shropshlres. 1&n; «ge«l rams. "V" Waiukn Yards on Saturday. Man* 2 were moderately Ailed with stock, wHKh changed owners at rilling ****** _,„. Hides.—Ox. 63d to «3d: cow fijd to «J<l. calf, bfd to W: kIP- »N to »»«; *'«S S ■ «■» to 5Jd: horse. 6/« to 8/0. Tallow. £1 2/6 to £1 8/. Bones. £5.

Horsehair. 1/7. , ~ a , O skinf toV: small and damaged. 5d to i/ 9.

yew ffliuro wfJ^F I'* 1 '* TILE AGENCT CO.. L.TD. At Westfield Yards on 8 bi-ld our weekly sale of dairy ana «J ore SlSte. DieTT-wi a fair jfltfwtjd Prte« wereran nme as late auotatione Best "airy cow«"d heifer*, dose », P**" «oid at from £7 I©/ to »*/. empty cows, £2 12/6 to *-*J-'> n £2 2/ to £3 15/: calves2o/to 33A Horees at Albert lards on Friday last at late mtes. Heavy d ™ a^bt „^ ,u f..TT, at from £27 to £3O; medium ditto £lB to £»HSat torn— horses £8 to £U>;back*, £0 to £l4; harness, £2 10/ to £6_lo/. saddle. £2 10/ to £4 2/6. «e •Jrwjtaed trotter. Bell of the Ball. 5 e »"JfL52 Bnk ' mares i.nd foal at foot, £2l to £4l each. At the Pukekohe Yards on Monday we held a soecial horse sale, yarded 280 homes of all descriptions. Corn-petition was keen for anything young and sound, others were hard to quit. 'Heavy draught horees sold at from £25 to £4O; medium draught, £2O to £33; light harness horses, £lO to £2O; hocks and cobs, £5 to £ls 10/, ponies £3 to £10; unbroken draught colts and tlilles. £l6 to £2B; hacks, £6 *»*]*: ponies and weeds, £2 to £7; sulky, £7 10/. At Papakura Yards on Tuesday we held our usual monthly sale. There was a full Yarding of stock, and prices were en a par with late sales. Dairy cows and heifers sold at from £4 to £9 10/: empty cows, *li to £4 12/0: heifers. £2 12/6 to £3 18/; twto-venr-dld betters, suitable for dairy purposes. £4 6/ to £5 IT/8j two-year-old steers, £4 1/ to £4 14/: yearlings, «S 10/ to £B-12/. (cood calves, £2 2/ to £2 14/; others, »/ to K3/: bulls, £4 to £lO 2/; beef sold at full? Westfleld rates. Hides.—Market brisk, .with goo* demand. We «iuote: Ox, extra ftont TW to 84, stout

7d t» Tid. rndlntn 6Sd to 6Jd. light «TJd to fiW; comtf, beat lines «W to <*u\ good o|d to OJd. inferior •')<] to Cd; kips, fid to 6id; cattAlns. bent to 9d. Rood Titl to Bd. cut and damaged 4)d tn (Ifd: tftflgß', -Hd t» r.Jd. Sheepskins,—Market brisk. Best toirtchera' skins, picked to «/, good lines 5/0 to •IA medium 3/9 to 4/6. mnnll 3/ to 3/6; httntoa' and pelts. 2/3 to 3/4: country dry skina. large-to-7/3, medium 3/6 to V to 2/6. Tallow,—Market Arm. Best mixed, to 28/; good, 24/B to 28/6: inferior, 17 G'lo 22/6. Itonoh fat, lid to 2d per lb., Bones, £5. •-, CowttJla, 1/8 per dozen. Horsehair, 1/ to 1/7 T. On ts.—-In good demand: market poorly stocked; 2/11 to 3/1 ex store. Wheat.—Sales firm and- market steady at' 4/7 ex store. Bean.—ln good demand at £5 15/ ex , atone. 'Pollard.—Short sur.ptv and sales firm at £7 101/ ex store. Chaff.—Owing to wet weather supplies of local liaye fallen off and the market is ■lightly firmer In tone. Worth from £4 to £4 7/6 per ton truck lors at Auckland, boutaern is In good demand at £5 15/ per ton, small parcels e* store. Butter—Choice, llf"': first pnule. 10J<1 to lid; second grade, lojd to lojd: milling qualities. lOd. All lines arc meetinp with ready sale. readily at 1/3 per down. , Pimgtis.—Small snp-piros reachinp Auckland. Nominally worth 4Jd per lb. Wbol.—We held our usual clearing-tip-sale of the season on Tuesday, when we submitted n catalogue of 135 ijnlPs. Competition wns keen at late rates, most of the offering being so!<l under the hammer. Fine croßsorpd realised fr>m Sd to ftrt- conTtwcr«wbrert, «4d to 7JH; lambs' good 7d tn Ifd, seedy 5Jd to <t»d: loeks mid pieces ?A to 4ld. nrDES, SKINS, KTC. O. W. BINXEY AND SON'S REPORT. On Tuesday we offered and ileared extra large catalogues of hides, skins, aud tallow. Hides.—Market firm, with jrood competition for nil classes. Kxtra stout nx 7Jd to Bid. stont 7d to 7Jd. medium «8d to •Id; light, «Jd to <4d; cows, extra good 6M to «}d, poorl Hd fo 6)d. seconds 5Jd to J>M; srap.t. 4>rl to Bid; kips. 3Jd to 6}d; vearlings, 5Jd to 6-ld; calfskins, best Rid to Hid. good 7d to 71d. meaty «d to OJd: 111: and •hides Sid to 4fd. Skins, —Market flrni. with good competition. Picked skins, 6/4 to 7': to 6/; medium. 4/4 to 4/10-. lx. S | pelts and lambskins. 3/ to 3/3: lamb pelts. 1/3 to 1/8; country, best pells and lambskins J/9 to ;y. medium 2/3 to 2/6. fiuall 1 !t to 2,': lamb pelts. 1/ to 1/3; dry skins, larse double fleeces 7/ to 8/3. pood 4/3 to r.'ft, medinm 3/3 (o 4/. small 2/ to 3/: hesi peits 1/6 to 1/0, small 1' to 1/3: best lambskins 1/6 to 2/, small 1/ to 1/3; fcimb pelts. Od to 1/ each. Tallow.—Market firm. Best mixed in shipment casks. 27/6 to IS'6: good. 23-' to 6; medium, 20/ to 226: inferior, IS 6 to 10/6 per ewt. Roitcli fat. Ifd to IZ<l oer lb. Cowtulls. I'R per dozen. Bones, -flood dry. fl 17/6 to £5 per ton. Woo!.- Paps and dumps selling freely, pipe"" u-ld to 7*d: bellies and pieces, -lid to ■' •: ;••> !..=-. 3d to 3id per lb. ADCIXiJTON. (By Telegraph.—Pre-* Association.) CHRISTCHIRCII, Wednesday. At the Addinptou live stock market today there were large entries of stock, and the attendance was larger than usual. (Jood classes of store ewes ujid lambs Mold at late rates, but inferior descriptions were easier. Fat lambs were down about 1/ per head, fat prime wethers sold at pood prices, but other classes of fat sheep were easier. fat pigs showed a decline in prices all round, fat pigs showed a declin in prices all rouud. Store and dairy cattle sold well. In store sheep two-tooth ewes made 15,6 to 17/6, four-tooths 14,6 to 15/6, four, six. and eight-tooth oversea sheep 14', good lines of locaJty-bred 15/6 to 16 . fresh mouths 14/ to 13/6, sound mouth 11. to 13/, aged 8/ to 0/6; best rape lambs 12/6 to medium 8/6 to 11/3, culls .",/ lo 6/6: forward wethers to 15/, others 11/6 to 13/. In fat lambs the range of prices was: Teps 16/ to 17/11. and ordinary weiphis 11/10 to 15/10. For fat sheep the ranpe of prices was: - Prime wethers 17/ to in/s. others 13/10 to 1«/W; prime ewes IS/ to 16/11. others 8/ to 12/6. The supply of beef totalled 198 bead. Steers made* £8 10/ to £V2 .">/. heifers £5 7/6 to £8 13/6, and cows £.". 15/ to £S 17/rt. Veal cahrea sold at 4/6 to £3, and np to £3 18/ for extra large, the entry being a small one.

A small yarding of store cattle sold well, yearrlngs making 31/, 13 to IS-month £3 13/ to £3 17?6. two-year nteera. £4 Ki/. twoyear betters £3 17/6. and dry cows U-V to £i 7fi. Dairy cows sold at £4 10/ to £9 ID/, aniLcxtra to £lOls/.

There waa a moderate entry of fat vh>» of varied quality, and there- was an easier tone In tie market, prtces betng -under Ihwe of late sales. Choppers made £3 5/ to £5-i 15/, large- baconers £3 to £3 10/. extra to" £4. smaller £2 VV to £2 U/6. eon*! to 54d to 5Jd per lb. porkers £2 2/6 -to- £2 7/«, -smaller £\ 15/ to £2. eqtm! to 6d per lb. Store* of aH deerTipfians -sold under keep amipetttlon. large florts making £2 »/, ■medium £1 10/ to £f J lB/. smalrac? to £1 8/,-and JOHNSOfSVII>IiE STOCK SAI^ES. (By Telegrapb-—Own- Correspondent.) .TOnNSONVdI/nK. this day. , Messrs. A4»«rtH»n» and Williams, I Ad., -report on their .lohueonrme-na-le as follows: A sood entry <imhe forward -«f 'lxJili prime eheep and Irallocks, whicli rraris»ed well tri) to late prices. Price heavy bullocks, £!> 10/ to £10; extra prime medium- Irottocks, £0 to O 5/: Tealer>. 17/ to 2S/: mediaim wethers. 15/ to 15/6; primp ewes. 13/B to 14/3; plain eww. 11/6 to 12/3; prime lambs. 13/ to 13/2: Hp>hter. 12/ u\ 12/6; prime Bhorm 12A.-ipiain fl/2 to 11/. " LOSDON MARKETS. {Received 5.4.1 I.ONPON, March R. Tallow.—At the sales 073 casks were offered and 782 s-old. Mntton.—Pine 35/6, medium 33/. Beef.—Fine 11476. medium 32/. Messrs Dalgety and Company, are in receipt of the following rable. under dale sth mst:- Wieepskios: The sales' have. *)eeu postponed until Indefinitely. j

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 58, 7 March 1912, Page 9

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 58, 7 March 1912, Page 9

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 58, 7 March 1912, Page 9