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Moon's Age; Last Quarter, August IT, 11 41' p.m. SiiL-ot: This evening, 5.14. tjuurise: To-morrow morning, 6.30. HIGn WATER. Auckland: This, evening,. 10.40; to-morrow morning. IXS. Oiu-lmn-gu: To-morrow morning, 2.50; toii... . -v. evening. 3.10. Mannkau Heads: To-morrow morning, l.'.'.Vj ;..-morrow evening, 1.50. k_ipara Heads: To-nioirow morning, 2.50; :» morrow evening, 3.15. ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. Daphne, s.a., A. Stephenson, from Wliangai" . -Northern Co., agents. Akaroa. s.a., \V. Parker, from the coast.— I'i.rkiT-I.anili Timber Co., agents. Hawk scow, ('. Anderson, from Ngunguru. -J.u'«.'i and Harvey, agents. Ranger, scow, J. Alleu, from Whangaxei. ■ —A.l.iiu Eicirall, agent. THIS DAY. Navua. s.a., 2SKW, It, <i. Hutton, from Suva il'ijii. I'a.-.-oiigors: Misses Barrack, Tatmletni. UttlewcKMi, Lambc. Jones. Mesdames J tin \ .-r. <ox, Smith and child, Findlay, Spi ncr, Waters, Harris, Messrs Hammond, Morton, Scott. Hoslie. I''li|dluy, Spencer, A.lams, Crosse. Dnguld, Duncan, and six steerage.—Union Co., agents. DEPARTURE'S. YESTERDAY. Mnheno, s.s., 0282, M. Livingstone, for Sydney. ll.inpiri. s.s., P. C. Ross, for Glsborne, Napier, and Wellington, via Limestone Island and East Coast baye. Passengers: Misso* Kemp. K. M. King. Kingston, Messrs G nark. I'ulpan, and six steerage. NsapahL s.s., E. Stephenson, for Wha""ciiui'smnu, s.s., C. H. Grecnbcrg, for Russell and flpua. N=:iiiawa, s.s.. T. Haultaln, for TauApanul. s.s., J. Wilson, for Awanul, Houbora. Wbnngaroa. and Mangonul. Tellenn ss J. Whittlngbam, for Talrua. I'aeToa.' s.s.. .1. Taw. for Mercury Bay, Whungamatu. and Kuaotunu. Knrnri seow, F. .lensen, for Kaipara. Southern Isle, aux. scow, M. McGregor, tvr .Nirunguru. TUI3 DAY. Navau, 8.5.. 2030, It. G. Hutton, for WeinTof'na ss 4345. D. McLean, for Samoa. Ton"! " KIM, anil Sydney. Passengers: Misses Winter, Stone, U. Moore. Bmkliani, i,.-it hum. McDotlgall (2). Henrys, Adams, Itarton. Cnddon. (.'. GriWile, .T. Buckley. V .wnfm .7 I'udden .T. Moore. MosdniTnes \"shwln and child, 11. Buckley, Wilson, W. <;rtbhle. J.indbefg, H. Dicken. Ames, 11. JMlm-mer, T. Granger, Wiiurtanley, Henrys, I, V. Smith. Petfieriek. PLlminer, "Moore. Kurkcvt. Holford. Messrs. M. Foley, 'I. Hayr, Sorrell. Dowling. McDongall,, Smith ij). ReytraJl. 11. J. Derrc-tt. R. E. Allen. E. B. Hcywood. Mclndoe. Somcrrille. KorstPT, Lelhor. 'Mason. Winstaulc-y cIK It. K. G. r,.»onre. L. Adams. T. Grantrer. IT. Pllmmer. J. Ames. R. K. Dohcrtv, W. Oribble. O. Mitchell. H. Woken. J. A. Wilson, Afhwln. <'npt. Holford Dr. T.ct-rham, Rev. J. G. Wheen, Master Sticht, ami two "steerage. t'NION CO."S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Wednesday.—Koromiko sails for Westport- Sqnall ?alls for Tologa Bay and Gfsl.ortie. Thursday.—Tarawera arrives from Southrrr Saturday.—Tarawera ealls for Southern porta. WEST COAST.

Friday.—Rnsnmnnd nirives from Wellingt .r ri'-ton. Nrlson and New Plymouth: no f anion.l palls for New Plymouth, Wellington., Flcton and Nelson. VESSELS IN POHT. Ityndfoid, s.s., at Queen-street wharf. ; •. :!jorn Cross, s.s.. In stream Maul, dredge, at Queen-street wlmrf. Kurvwiko, s.s., nt Hallway whnrf. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Hiv ■kenham, s.s., from Jnpnn, rla Newcastle; due early. I'a.-.iL'iaiua. barque, from Newcastle; sailed A lie u? i 1. of St. George, s.s.. from San Francirro.- -v in the Islands; sailed July 27; due An;;ust JB. V liak.-u iiii. *..«., from Bondon, via Melbourne and t-jdiicy; sailed July 6; due about .\i l-i *>. :;i). Gninilyhall, s.s.. Irom Christmas Island, via Adeluide; <lne end of August 1:... c ....... s.s.. rrcm ls.uU.iii: sailed July B; due about August 20 (pas3ed Cope of Uood Hope, August 1) Uauuicwu', Dannie, iroul Clarence RlTer, fo -sail. Australia, ship, from Marseilles, via Wei llnaton; sailed Irom April 8 (at Wellington August S) luuiiiliiua, S.S., from London, via Melbourne and Sydney; «alled Jane 10; due übuut August 10 Cme Qrtegal, s.s., from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed Juno 17; din- about August 24 (at Melbourne August It)) Clan i> ? |lvir, s.s., from Bunbury, via Lytteltun and Wellington; sailed August 2; duo end of August. Suney, s.s., trom Liverpool; 6niled June 24; .ka» about August'2o. Cape Corso, s.s., from Montreal, via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed July 30; due early In October Cape "Breton, s.e., from New Xork, via the South; sailed June 14, due about August 30. lomoana, s.s, from New Xork, Tin Melbourne and Sydney; sailed July 17; due about end of September. ludrnbarah, 5.5.,. from .Lrfmdon; via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed July 22; duo September 19. Kent, s.s., from Liverpool, via. Australian ports, sailed July 29, due end of September. Zealandic, new s.s. t from Liverpool, via Melbourne and Sydney; to Sail October 2*; due about December 17. Whakataue, s.s.. from Montreal, via Melbourne and Sydney; to sail August 20; .hip October 24. I'aparon, s.s., from London or Plymouth: to soil 4th September; due 26th October. Tokomani, s.s.. from Mooirealj to sail 20th September; due 24th November. Kuiuura. s.s., from Montreal; to sail 20th October: due 24th December. Opawa s.s.. from West Coast of "England: to sail 30tb Setember: due 17th November. Otakl s.s., from London or riyroonth: to sail 4th November; due 20th December. llu'mnni. c.s.. from West Coast of England; tn sail 30th November: due 17th January. Kakaia. s.s.. from Montreal: to sail 20th Nmcinber: due 24th January. WalmatP. s .s.. from Montreal, Tia Australian ports: sailed June ".; due Thursday K-'runca. s.s., from Montreal, via Australia; oniled June 20, due abou. September 3. Taltme. 8.8.. from the Society and Cook Isiiumls: due about August 24. \narima s s.. from Calcutta, Singapore, "and Sanwirang; sailed August 1; due 3. _ . Clan Ogilvy. s.s.. from Bnnbnry, via Byttelton and Wellington; sailed August 2; due about pad of August. jMirima. 11.M.5., from Vancouver and Victoria, via Honolulu, and Suva; to sail September 6; due September 2)3. TV Imm era. s.s.. from Sydney, due Sunday. Lord i/onsdalp, s.s.. from New York, sailed Julv 2d. due October 14. Trifeis. s.s.. from New York, sailed August 1, due October 25.

rnOJECTED DEPARTURES. rou l-ui— „ IWivun, 5.8., August 20. Kfil( STDNEI-Vl.-torin, s.s., lion-day. l-ult LONDON— Annvn U.M.s., fia the South, August 35 ruViino K.M.s.. via the Soulb, August 16 FOIt AVOXMOUTH- . Nairnshire, s.s., direct August 19. l-ULi VANCOUVER— . j! kuift, H.afca, Tla i"0l and Honolulu; Z.'ai.-mlia'r R.M.8., "via ""FIJI and Honolulu, September 2D ■'• ip s? Xavua arrived from, Fiji at 1 „ m. lu-day left again for. Wellington this ° " ! '"",'. .'.igo Maul, leaves for Glsuorne to;i ]. .. ..iiiinlug, having completed an exl Ue 3.8. Ilauroto. sailing for Dnnedin ■via puis this oltcruoou. takes the foll" im&Si'ni-'ers: —For Gl.iborue: Misses J. LatdellJ, ISrittaln, Mre. I.issaman, Messrs. "W. .7. Al-jttWws.'ll. r. Mallard, A. B. WillauiK. Samertleld; {taw-man. Cave. H. Dal:ju. MmßoiuiW, S. Hardey, >V.. 31. Jlorron, It. Mitchell,; J. w. Morton, Evans, rreeco, <J :* , " la ». A. W. Armstrong, Llssoman. lor Nupien whss -a Johnson,. Messrs. C. .Uackluni. i.-TCcDatr«._,Ji"<.r •vycUl.. s t«n: Mcsilamcs filaclt., Elotcher, ilessre. Black A. luoir.psou. For all ports: 20 steerage.

The s.B. Tofua left fbr the South Sea Islands and Sydney at 12.30 p.m. to-day. The s.s. Ruabjue in expected to arrive from the South nest Friday to take iu a part cargo for London. The s.s. Anglo-r-atsgOTHan, from NewYork, left Sydney at 3 p.m. on Saturday last, for Auckland, and should arrive here on Friday next. She has 700 tons of cargo to land at this port. ♦ IMPORTS. Ter Navua, from Fiji: 4385 cases and 1307 bunches bananas, 4G e.r. casks, 417« sacks copra, and a quantity of sundries. EXPORTS. Ter Maheno, for Sydney: 3 boxen gold, 25 empty tubes, 1007 sacks copra, 201 sacks sand, 10!) baps glass, 20 drums liquor, 67 packs horns, 508 sacks pnmice, 20 sacks linseed, 33 cases gnin, 30 caset; fish. 50 pieces timber, 101 bags ore, 10m sacks sawdust, 12 cases tongues, 24 dumps hair, 13 horses, and sundries. PORT OF OIfEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. THIS DAY. Rr.rawn, s.s., W. V. Nonjury, from New Plymouth. l'awonircrs: Misses Elson, ninck. Corney. Short. Tipler, Coombes, Mesdames Kva, Johnson. Stone and three ohiLdrcii, Dark, Callum, McClinton and two children, GLasson, Kenny, Fraser. Messrs Ftevens. Pole, forney. Allen, Mannoy, Keelling, "risen, l'ntps, Mason. Derritt. Death (31. Tanfielrl. Bns*ett. Hjid.ce. MeCorqnindale, liajor Stone, and 20 steerage.— Northern Co.. agents. DEPARTURES. THIS DAT. Kotnko, s.s., Fl.vnn, for Greymotith direct. —Vnlon Co., agents. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Olsborne. August 1". —Arrived: Coronation, ketch, from Mercury Bay: Alert, scow from Npnnjriiru. Kaipara Heads, Angnst IT.. —Sailed, at 11.20 a.m.: Hula, a.s.s.. ror Lyttelton. Cape Maria Van Dlemen. August 15.—The s.s. Maheno. from Auckland to Sydney, passed west at 11 a.m. to-day. Whangarnn. August 14. —Arrived, at 12.10 p.m.: Apnunl, s.s., from Auckland. Rnwipll, August 15.—Arrived, at 7 a.m.: Clansman, s.s.. from Auckland. Tanranpi. Aiiaust l."». —Arrived, at 6.3 a.m.: Nentiawa. s.s., from Auckland. Whitianga. August 14.—Sailed, at 10.30 p.m.: Chelmsford. s.s.. for Tanranga: Rambler, scow, for Auckland. August 15. — Arrived, at 6 a.m.: Paeroa, as., from Arekland. Whakatane, August 15.—Sailed, at n.45 a.m.: Taeman. s.s.. for Auckland, via Tauranyn. OVERSEA SHIPPING. Sydney, August 15.—Arrived, at 7 a.m.: Moernki. s.s.. frmu Wellington; Zinarft, scow, from Hokianga.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 193, 15 August 1911, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 193, 15 August 1911, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 193, 15 August 1911, Page 4