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AUCKLAND V. THAMES. THE VISITORS OUTCLASSED. AUCKLAND'S EASY VICTORY. The return match, Auckland v. Thames, Was played ou Alexandra. Park under ideal weather conditions nml before a very large gathering or spectators. The absence of wind and the dry ground gave the sides every opportunity for spectacular ploy, in which respect they did not disappoint the onlookers, the game 'being full of Incident and movement from the Jump. Thames, though outplayed, were not overwhelmed, o.ud kept tie local men well extended. The gaiue opened in Auckland's furonr and Ottersen started a passing rush from the centre which was smothered, and a rush by the Thames forwards called J. O'Brien into play, the full back And lug touch at the centre. A break-away by the Auckland forwards carried pluy back again to Thames' territory and a mlsneld by Montgomery allowed the Auckland forwards to smother him and Thames were In trouble almost on their line, a free relieving them. Immediately after a shilling mistake by the same player resulted in Ilayward being called on to clear, which he did excellently. For some moments Auckland continued to press till Dovell, fielding In fine style, broke aw-ay and carried the ball to the home team's 25. Here the Thames forwards showed some of their quality in smart hand work, in which McPherson was prominent, and a score against the locals was only averted by a free. Thames were not to he denied, however, and a moment or tfewo later from a free kick awarded them Montgomery landed a. lovely goal from two yards inside half way. Thames 3 Auckland 0 The game restarted at 'half way and first advantage- went to Auckland, Otteisen sending his hacks a-way. The ball travelled to Murray who short-kicked and 'tackled the full back in possession. Thames managed to clear, but Auckland opened up the game and line play by Gray put them on the run close to the visitors' line. Here Cunningham picked up in "the rock and sent out to Stewart, who transferred to Magee, the latter crossing 'the line in the corner. Magee (ailed to convert. Thames 3 Auckland 3 From the drop out -the home 'team again attacked, but a forward pass spoilt a movement that looked like a score. Another passing rush was attempted but the tackling was sound and the effort ended at the side line. From a throw-in Magee secured the. ball and passed out to Murray, who beat Ills man. who sent it to Gray, and the batter's pass gave McGregor a chance. iE. Hnyward sTrppe<l in attempting to tackle nnd McGregor jumped over him and scored BHfiind the pasts. Magee had no difficulty in converting. Auckland ........ 8 Thames 3 "When the game was resumed Auckland continued to .attack and were pressing when the bell rang to mark the end of/ the first 20 minutes. On changing ends, Barrett returned the opening kick with a high punt and the Thames return was smothered. From a' scrum Otterson sent the hall out to Murray, who bent'hls man and then attempted to pot a goal, the effort being ineffectual. The locals kept op the attack and three times in succession had the visitors forced from centring kicks. There was a man in front at the third kick out "and A scrum was set from which Ottersen sent his men away, but McGregor was crowded out nt the side line. Thames heeled from the following scrum but Griffln hung too long to the hall and when he attempted to pass Magee intercepted and passed to Murray, who sent on to Gray, enabling the five-eighth, though tackled, to ground the ball at the corner. Harper's kick was a good one but failed to get the bar. AncfcUnit 11 - Thames 3 At this stage the Auckland forwards were playing all over the visitors, who were puzzled by the bonts of short passing and had their noses kept down to defence work all the time. A free kick gave temporary relief while the blues' forwards were showing to ndvantage In the line work. McPherson and -Crawford broke away from the tine nnd carried the ball close to the Auckland line, where a fine chance to score was spoilt by- Griffin by hanging on too long. In Bcramfoling play Sellars snapped the ball and -broke away on his awn, but was stopped by the full back. Auckland, however, held this advantage and a period of random movements followed, which resulted iu Murray getting the ball rather luckily in a good position and running In without opposition. Magee converted an easy shot. Auckland. 16 Thames - 3 The game was fast, open and Interesting, and despite the one-shied score there was plenty of excitement. The locals were crowding on the Thames line lmmedlatery following the kick, but offside play by Harper enabled Montgomery to find touch past Che half flag. A passing rush inaugurated from the line ended in Murray kicking and Rickit finding touch near his own Hne. From the throw-in Tyler secured and passed to Wilkes, to Stewart, who scored, Magee falling to add the major points. Auckland » „. 19 Thames »—.... „ 3 The half time whistle went with Ancktend again on the Thames line. SECOND SPELL. The opening kick after the hrenther went to touch ou the Thames side of the 50 flag, and from the throw-out Ottersen got the bail, and Initiated a passing rush to Magee, to Murray, to Stewart, who was sent or>' within ten yards of the Thames line A free was awarded tIK visitors, but Montgomery failed to get touch, and J. O'Brien got the line again close to the visitors' corner flag. The Auckland forwards rushed the ball over the line, and Harper Jnst failed to get the touch, Hayward forcing In the nick of time. From the drop-out the visitors went away with a rush, and Griffin opened out a passing bout, which waa spoilt by Rickit falling to take his transfer, the effort ending at the centre. From a throw-out Magee passed with his foot to Wilkes, Who ran down touch and passed in near the Thames line, but the pass was dropped. Auckland continued to press, and twice McGregor got over, but was called back. Kventually, from a sernm on the line, Barrett nipped the ball up smartly and darted over. Harper's kl"k went under the bar:— Auckland „.. 22 Thames , :.......,:... 3 The kick-out was returned by Barrett to the _ but a free enabled Montgomery, with a very fine kick, to find touch oyer "half-way. The blue forwards livened up, and as a result of fumbling, Stewart wss caught with-the ball-and play rushed, down lb Auckland's..qr-arters. Smart line play between Tyler and Wilkes enabled '.he locals r§> resume the aggressive, and a centring kick by Stewart made matters look jwcnislng 1 " T Auckland, bnt a' loose pass •toy Gray • lost the -opportunity- The blue backs came away with a rush, but ' were .stopped by Murray with a mark, and the Mck went to the Thames quarter flag. Immediately after, a mark by a Thames player resulted in Montgomery getting the line well past half-way. A smart passing bout between -Gray, Wilkes, and Murray regained ground; but "the blues were playing TCKh a* great deal more dash and following very fast, with the result that a sweeping,' loose" rush took the ball into Auckland's quarters, where a mark was obtained, in front of the goal. It looked a 6ure score, -but Montgomery's kick was charged'down. At this stage H. Ilayward retired bri'rt, hia place being taken by Molloy - The ■quarter ended with the blues attncffiig, " TSevjlsltors faced the sun for the last twenty- minutes, and were immedlatelx; in laimefljtles. A forward rush, headed-by Harper, swept down into Thames territory. **ere « good chance was lost hv Gray dropping, the ball. Loose ptey followed, and-Magee sent out to a foot lass enabling:,the centre to transfer to Stewart who raced over the line and "ored-" Magee failed at goal:Aucklan* '■•?.T!T in'..". 2* Thames » tt The game re-etartefl. In the Thames side of half-way, where Ottersen got the ball from a knock-back, and Initiated a passing nrtj/jjWcli aided war the visitors' qnar-i

ter. Here Wilkes opened up another paasiig bout, but Murray was tackled with me ball. Again the Auckland backs got going, and McGregor was grassed on the Hne, the ball going over and being forced. Almost Immediately after the drop-out. It was .forced again from a long kirk. Both sides- at this Juncture were visibly tiring, but Auckland continued to hold the upper hand, and operations wore continually In the visitors' quarters. An excellent passing bout resulted in McGregor being throwu against the corner flag. From a free Majec centred, and Bruce getting to the ball, play iris once more on the Thames line, and Gray got over, but lost the ball, and the visitors got relief In a force. A spell of weariness, succeeded, nnd the Auckland forwards showed a disposition to shirk the closer work, though still maintaining their attacking position. A bright incident came with Mrttregor running Into a line-out, obtaining the ball, and repassing to Wilkes, who threw wldr on being tackled, enabling Harper to get possession on the line, but he was pulled up for a very slight knockon A good passing bont was spoilt by Stewart falling to hold a low pass, and a few minutes later a brenk-away by the blues was stopped by Murray, and the game ended a second after without alteration to the score. Mr. A. Campbell refereed.

AUCKLAND B V. FRANKLIN. WIN FOR AUCKLAND. A RUNAWAY VICTORY. Franklin, winning the toss, elected to play with the sun at their backs and Maguire kicked off for Auckland, sending 'the ball to Wllsou who -returned to half way. 'From a scrum on the line Webb secured, but failed to throw the ball on and was floored. Auckland forwards kept the blacks penned on their, line. Franklin kicking too hard from a scrum, Borrie snapped a mark in a good position. Mackny'e shot was a little wide of the post. The Auckland pack were soon back at It but n fine kick oy Mack afforded needed relief. 'lmmediately afterwards Hattrick beaded a flue rush taking the Ikill to 'the visitors' 25. From a scrum, Webb got the ball but Pollock came round the pack and smothered his pass. Rdsmusscn and Grace were -instrumental In shifting operations to the blacks' Quarters where Cranston marked smartly and Rhodes found .the line at half way with a powerful kick. From the ruck Rasmussen secured and sent to Pople. ■who raced across but, was called back for a forward pass. Wilson got the ball from a kick and sent to Power, but this player held the ball too long and an excellent opportunity was lost. From a loose rush in which Harris and Grace were prominent play was 'taken to the home team's quarters and Mackay, gathering up the ball, ran across. He took the kick himself and added the points. Auckland 5 Franklin 0 Give and take play followed till Webb secured the ball from the scrum and sent out to Borrie who made t> fine opening, but Wilson mAsocd this player's pass and Mack ran in and relieved. The Auckland forwards now took a hand in the passing nnd taking the play back to the home team's 25. An exchange of kicks followed the change over and then Webb sent the ball high to Rogers at full buck and Mncky, coming up fast, brought htm to earth live yards from •the line. Webb got the ball in the loose and came down the field in great style, being finally thrown out of touch near the blacks' line. From a force Rhodes kicked out and Webb .taking the 'hall on the full from inside his own half way, potted a beautiful goal. Auckland 9 Franklin 0 Immediately after the kick out Borrie got possession at half way and sent to Barclay, to Wilson to Mackay and Power, racing up from full back, took this player's pass and dashed across. Macky converted from an easy position. Auckland 14 Franklin o From the kick-out Geddes secured and sent to Bilkle to Wilson, who outpaced bis opponents, and scored behind Lne posts. Macky converted. Shortly after, from a loose rush, Macky snapped the ball, and ran right through the opposing team, and scored. Taking the kick himself he landed a pretty goal. Give and take play followed. Rhodes was now prominent in a dodgy run in which he beat the opposing back. lie was finally stopped by Power when in a scoring position. Glenn and Bllkie took play back to the black quarters, the bell going soon afterwards. Wlison, getting possession In the loose, beat his man ami sent to Macky to Cnrr, who was throwu out af touch. Webb secured from .1 scrum immediately afterwards, and transferred to Barclay, who sent to Wilson, who crossed with a flne run. Macky failed to convert — Auckland ! 7 Franklin o From a free kick at midfleld Macky had a shot, but the ball went low. Bcrrie gathered the bail up in the looso,aji<l sent to Wilson to Macky, and Power, coming up fast, again took his pass, and ran across. Miacky's effort -was unsuccessfulAnckland 30 Franklin 0 From the kick-out Webb gained possession, and sent to Barclay, who made a fine opening, and sent to Geddes, but Mack brought tills player down. The forwards took the ball on, however, and, from the scramble, Glenn secured possession and crossed the line. Macky converted from a dlflkrolt angle. Webb secured in ihe loose, and set off on his own, being tackled when in a scoring position. Wilson snapped the ball up in the ruck, and. after'a clever run, sent to Macky who scored. Macky failed to convert. Shortly afterwards Webb secured from the scrum, and sent to Borrie to Wilson to Geddes, who scored after a fine run. Macky added the major points.. The bell went immediately afterwards, and the game ended as follows: AucWand 43 Franklin 0

THE RANFULY SHIELD. AUCKLAND V. SOUTH AUCKLAND. Mr. D. Gallaher has chosen the following team to represent Auckland against South Auckland in the Ranfurly shield match on August 23: Full-back: O'Leary. Threequarters: McGregor, Murray, •Stewart. Five-eighths: Gray, Magee. Half-back. —Ottersen. Wing-forward: Wilkes. . Forwards: Sellars, Herring, Harper, Cunningham, Bruce, Haywnrd, Barrett. Emergencies: Hall, Wilson, Wolfgramm, Webb (Ponsonby). The team will practice at the City shed on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. THE JUNIOR RBPS. A AND B TEAMS. Mr W. Heath has chosen the following teams to play an A and B practice match on Saturday, with a view of choosing a junior, representative team: — A TEAM. Full-back: Hlnes. Three-quarters: Ifwerson, Fisher, Dickenson- „ _. Five-eighths:'Weston, Gordon. Half: Mat-thews (University). ■Wing: Walker (Ponsonby). Forwards: Anderson, Fordyce. 'Avery, Campbell, Bayley, Pountney, Shaw. B TEAM. Full-back: Forgle. Three-quarters: Chirk, Lonergan, Nesbitt. Five-eighths: Pearce, Cross. Half: Stanton. Wing: .Gasparich. Forwards: Walker, Needham, Comes, Hellaby, Sexton, Jacob!, Hammond. Emergencies. —Backs: Jermyn, Nlcholi, .Laxon, Walsh. Forwards: Hartland, Baxter, Northcroft, Harrison, BiUtey, Cargo. THIRD GRADE. e University beat No. 3 Engineers by 12 points to 3. City beat Onehunga (Methodists by 9 to nil. Parnell beat St. Benedict's by 11 to 3. No. 3 Garrison beat Grafton by 9 to 6. College Rlfle3 beat Laidlaw Leeds by default. FOURTH GRADE. Newton B v. Ponsonby B, draw, no score. (ponsonby A beat Newton A, 3 to nil. Grafton A beat Newton C, 17 to 6. Paroell won from Grafton B by default.

PRIMARY SCHOOLS. A. Grade. Beresford-street beat Remuera, 15 points to 6. Newton East beat Richmond-road, 2S points to nil. Devonport beat Newton West by default. Ponsonby v. Mount Eden.—No appearance of a referee. B Grade. Grafton beat Normal. 20 points to nil. Pitt-street beat Mount Albert, 17 points to nil. Bayfield beat Napier-street, 13 points to 3. C Grade. Newmarket beat Ellerslle, 3 points to nil. OUTSIDE MATCHES. Onehunga Methodist Juniors beat Combined Scouts, 15 points to nil. IN THE PROVINCE. GOLDFIBLD3 DEFEAT MANIAPOTO. (By Telegraph. —Own Correspondent.) WAIUI, Saturday. The representatives of the Goldtields and Manlapoto Rugby Football Unions met at Waihl this afternoon, Goldflelds winning by 27 points to 6. The visitors fought a good uphill battle, but were outclassed in all departments of the game. The outstanding feature of the home team's play was the clean and neat passing rushes of the back division. For the winners tries were scored by McCollum (31. Thomas 12), McClymont, and Lennard, three of the number being converted, those responsible for the extra points being Maddisou, Black, and Thomas. For Maniapoto, W. and D. Clark each kicked a penalty goal. The football match between Waihl High 1 School and Pacroa High School was won by the former by 22 points to nil. COROMANDEL DEFEAT OLD BOIS. COROMANDEL, Saturday. A team representing the Coromandel Rugby Union played a match in the Kathleen Paddock this afternoon against tne Coromandel Old Boys now resident in Auckland. The weather was splendid, and the ground In good order. The match was a very even one up to near the last, Coromandel lasting the longest, the match resulting In a win for Coromandel by 12 points to 8. Mr Chas. Billings acted as referee. SOUTHERN MATCHES. NORTH ISLAND DEFEAT THE SOUTH. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Saturday. In a game that was dull and uninteresting throughout the North Island country reps, defeated the South Island country players to-day by 18 points to 0. The weather was ideal, and there was a splendid attendance. The ground was in first rate condition, but the standard of play was very poor. Neither ♦earn played with any combination, and the game was simply a succession of forward rushes, with occasional lone-handed effort by one of the backs. In tie first half, Montgomery, Darby, and Desmond scored for the North, McKenzle converting Darby's try, while O'Brien kicked a penalty goal •for the South. Play was almost entirely in favour of the North Island team. In the second spell play was of an even nature. O'Brien kicked another penalty goal for the So»ith, and McKenzle converted a try scored by O'Connor for the North. The final score was: North Island 18, South Island 6. Just before no-slde, Montgomery, the Northern half-back, was severely injured in a forward scramble. THE WELLINGTON REPRESENTATIVE. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Saturday. The following Rugby t"am has been selected to represent Wellington against the Maoris next Wednesday:—Evenson. Cooke, Mltchlusog, I>aly, Ramsden, J. Ryan, .1. Tilvard, Sotheran, V. Sullivan. KlMott, MrFarlane, Mollltt. Perry. Wilson, Bell. Kmorgcncies: Hill, W. J. Ryan, K. Roberts, McLcod. WAIRARAPA. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) MASTERTON, Saturday. The Bush Rugby Union's senior competition was continued in beautiful weathtir, the results being as follows: Mangatalnokn (3) beat Makoniako (3); Nlreaha (0) beat Newman (6). At Masterton this afternoon Walrarapa second senior fifteen beat Wairarapa reps by 14 to 3. The winners, who had all the best of the game, only had 13 men. In the third class game. Red Star (17) beat Carterton (nil). WANGANUI. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WANGANUI, Saturday. The Maoris defeated Wanganul by eight points (two tries, one converted) to nil, after a good, 'hard game.

PALMERS lON NORTH. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) PALMERSTON N., Saturday. In the senior football match, the game resulted:—Athletic 8, I'nlmerston 0. Thirds.—Kia Toa, in, heat M'aiinerston, nil; Athletic, 3. beat Felldlng, nil. DUNEDIN. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) DUNEDIN, this day. Zlngari (5) beat Taleri (3). Pirates 12U) beat Union (5). University (14) beat Uuiiedln (0). Kaikoral {'6) and Alhumbra (3) drew. THE OTAGO TEAM. (By Telegraph.—Own Coriespondent.) DUNEDIN, Saturday. The Otago team to meet Wangunul 011 Saturday in the first Rugby lnterprovlnclai game this, season Is thoroughly representative, which was not the ease in the fifteen pitted against South Island Country Unions. Eckhold and Patterson, the New Zealand representatives, have been chosen ou the present occasion, while the University's three-quarter line has been kept intact by the selector, Mr Harris. The team comprises three members each from University. Zlngari, and Southern Clubs, two each from Taieri and Pirates, and one each from Athambra and Knlkorai. CHRISTCHURCH. INTER-VARBITY MATCH. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. Canterbury College was too good for Victoria College in the iuter-uuiverslty game this afternoon. The local men always made n better showing in outside matches than in club competitions, and to-day they developed vciy respectable combination. There was not much to choose between the teams, for the most part, but Canterbury took advantage of their opportunities. Colthard scored twice, and Mansell once, and the latter converted a try. Dobbie scored for Victoria College, the result being: Canterbury 11 Victoria College 3 CANTERBURY PRACTICE MATCH. CHRISTCHURCH, Saturday. With the prospect of a successful series of interprovincial fixtures the Rugby Union had a trial match set down for decision today, and though at times hard pressed the selected R5 finally won an interesting game by 22 points to 14. Gray, Burns, Pyle, Carroll, Bain,' Morris, Murray. Auld, Morgan, and Hassell showed fine form. For the B team Fuller, Weston, Tosswlll, Shadbolt, Humphries, WaTd, Maxwell, and Brown played well. Fuller and 'Shadbolt giving a first-class display. The game between Ltnwood A and Albion A ended In a win for the former teas by 15 points to 8.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 192, 14 August 1911, Page 8

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 192, 14 August 1911, Page 8

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 192, 14 August 1911, Page 8