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BRILLIANT PAGEANT IN LONDON. WITNESSED BY MILLIONS. SCENES OF INTENSE LOYALTY. J [PRESS ASSOCIATION. OOFTBIGHT.I '] ! '■.'■' LONDON, June 22. No language can exaggerate tie splendour and effect of the great spectacle London witnessed to-day at the Coronation of King George V. Besides its own population of nearly eight millions, half as many millions of visitors have gathered in this great metropolis to see the pageant of the Coronation or to take part in the sacred ceremonial of crowning the King in Westminster Abbey, as generations have done before for eight hundred years. The people of England have been joined in their reverence and rejoicings by Royal Princes and envoys from every part of the world, by representatives of venerable empires like China and Japan, by delegates from the East, by the actual presence of Indian Princes with pedigrees reaching further back than the Guelphs or the Stuarts, and ,by representatives of' the youngest and mostadvanced democracies; and besides ali those of al'en blood who have come to honour the Empire's King, the occasion has brought back to the Homeland thousands of sturdy children of the British race who have built up new States and new institutions of the parent type wherever the British flag has flown. RECOGNITION OF THE KINGLY TIE. To the forty odd Princes who came from foreign lands, the Coronation of King George V. was a pageant more magnificent than' any of them could ever have seen, but to the thousands of representatives and citizens of the British Dominions who are now in London, to ceremony was not only an act of religious consecration, but a recognitio ol the kingly tie which binds the Empire together. London has been prepared for this great event for many months. The experience gained at the Coronation of the late King Edward VII. nine years ago afforded many precedents in ceremonial detail and order of procedure, but owing to the serious state of King Edward's health at the time of his Coronation, the impressing and magnificent ceremony was on that occasion somewhat curtailed. EARLY CEREMONIALS REVIVED. To-day's ceremony, when George V. was crowned King, revived many of the features of earlier usage and ceremonial. Happily; however, a Coronation banquet was not included in the list offestivities. 'On most occasions, when that feast has been celebrated, it has become an orgie, and an unworthy supplement to the religious ceremonial which' is the essential feature of the crowning of a British King. / "" ' '_,'"" "' The Coronation of King Edward-afforded many precedents for the honouring of visitors, for street decorations, and for the use of the military and police in regulating the public ceremonials and n controlling the vast crowd lining the route of the procession. These precedents were followed or improved upon to-day. MAGNIFICENT DECORATIONS. The decorations were on a lavish scale.' The route of the Royal procession is five miles long, and every yard of ithad- been subjected to special adornment, with one exception, viz., The Mall, from Buckingham Palace to the new Coronation arch, which gave access to Charing Cross. The northern side of this long section was lined with stands, including one of large dimensions opposite Stafford House, which was mainly,devoted to the accommodation of colonial visitors. The whole avenue of trees in.St. James' Park was in .June verdure, and it required only a few coloured flags or masts to supplement- the natural beauty of the park. From Charing Cross to Westminster Abb.ey.was a wealth pf .ornamentation. Prom Charing Cross to the War Office there Traa -a- line- of masts bearing shields . and a wealth of national flags, connected by garlands..... In Whitehall had been erected Corinthian pillars, carrying the armorial bearings of all the Sovereigns from. William the Conqueror, these being con' nected by festoons of greenery.. '...'.'. ... ... NEW ZEALAND'S TRIUMPHAL ABCH. In the centre of Whitehall was New Zealand's , triumphal arch, designed by Mr. Frank Brangwyn, A.R-A. The arch was gaily decorated, the central feature Jbenig the Dominion's new coat of arms, capped ,by the Imperial crown. . The pilasters were magnificently decorated, and bore medallions, showing the portraits of King George, Queen. Mary, JKing' Edward, Queen Victoria, Captain Cook, and Sir Joseph Ward. The design of the arch is handsome, but it suffers through being rather loyf.' f i ~ - ■•••;•■•' -A little further south'the'Canadian prormee of Ontario had -erected two pylons, suitably decorated. ■ I; *. ............ All .Whitehall was a b'rpad sanctuary of masts bearing festoons of greenery and strings of flags. Bunting of every design was flying.everywhere. Parliament Square and St. Marguerite's CHUrchyard , were Completely «orered by stands. The sturdy business-like designs -of these - stands -were concealed under scarlet cloth, flags, and floral decorations. . ........ ON THE RETURN' JOURNEY. .' Going back to Charing. Cross on the return journey • the route was along Cockspur-street, Pall Mall, St. James'-streetj Jjccadilly, - and Constitution Hill r to Buckingham Palace. \ ■ ' . ' In Pall Mall the scheme of decoration, included masts, bearing crowns carrying the names of the overseas Dominions and - of other parts of the British Empire/Between the masts were festoons and hanging .flower baskets. This section of clubland was"not so, handsome as St. JameV-street, where a fine scheme of festoons had beencarried out, similar to the decorations at King Edward's Coronation. ..,;,'•, .? , Piccadilly was illuminated as well as decorated for its entire length on designs by Sir William Richmond, R.A., Mr. Frank ' Brangwyn, A.TLA., and others. There were no special decorations alotig Constitution Hill." " ' Besides the general scheme of decoration, detailed above there were "thousands of individual decorations. Someof the houses were completely garlanded with flowers, every building, and clubhouse of consequence along the route had prepared for illumination at night, and all the stands were decorated with bunting. ' : " • • • SLEEPING PEACEFULLY ON THE KERBSTONES. The public began to take their places at midnight, and dawn broke many sleeping peacefully on the kerbstones. By seven 4>'clock the thoroughfares were becoming impassable. The troops* numbering 60,000, moving to the line of route, the military bands, and numerous carriages and motors for privileged visitors were abroad- early,:and made up a scene of striking animaUjf.. Many peers and peeresses walked to Westminster Abbey, a great number travelling by special steamer from Chelsea. They made a strange boat-load. x>f brilliant colour, for all wore their robes.and Court suites, and , carried'their coronets in their hands. These landed, at Westminster Pier, and traversed 4he palace yard to the Abbey. . .. , ;; ; At eight o'clock there was slight rain, but at sooneteared. THE CROWD ALONG THE ROUTE. Every soldier on duty was in gala costume, their'brilliant uniforms contributing to a magnificent pictorial effect . ■ • . Twenty-five thousand police helped to preserve order,- and to -avoid fatal crushings of people; , '■ • .' . All the streets debouching upon the route were strongly barricaded. Still ■ the pressure , -was enormous, for quite two millions of people reaches Inner London this morning by; road, rail, and steamship.. , r . .' ; »i

The crowd, however, was less large than was expected, owing to the police precautions and the high price of seats, this sending many Londoners to the country for the week-end. For many days before the accommodation and feeding of the visitors has been a serious problem. Many were foodless during the long hours of waiting, yet all were well behaved. There were no scenes oij, vulgarity, violence or rowdyism such as at George fv.' s Coronation, wnen the very sanctuary of. Westminster had to be protected by a bodyguard of pugilists, and people were divided in allegiance. Everywhere to-day there were evidences of intense loyalty and enthusiasm. GATHERING OF THE PRINCES. The crowds cheered everybody of note, especially Lord Kitchener, who had control of all the military. Lord Kitchener rode up and down the line, inspecting here and rearranging there, before taking his most prominent place in the sion, and later joining in the Abbey ceremonial. The Imperial Prince of Germany, who has been more than ever popular with Englishman since his Indian tour, was greeted with a delighted cheer, and cheers were freely given for others who were recognised. The clearing of the streets and the stopping of traffic, foot and vehicular, had been perfectly completed by nine o'clock. At that hour every part of the route was suffused with dense of colour, the shimmer of steel, and a n eager and expectant multitude. Those of tho Regal Princes and distinguished representatives who had not lodged in the Palace had been accommodated in many hotels, some of them at private mansions lent to the Crown. All these assembled at the Palace after early breakfast. Buckingham Palace was the Mecca of the crowd owing to the possibility ot watching the arrival of the foreign princes and 'envoys at the Palace. The scene was most brilliant when the troops, in i their new uniforms, and the colonial troops, took up their positions. The Princess Mary and one of her brothers watched the scene from a window of the Palace. The New Zealanders wore a dark uniform, the South Africans, the Imperial Light Horse and the Natal Mounted Rifles were in khaki, alongside the kilted Capetown Highlanders. Six hundred Canadians, representing 136 units, were particularly noticeable in the guards of honour. The Duke of Connaught was the central figure in a company of brilliantlyuniformed officers superintending the formation of the procession. A number of georgeously-clad Indian princesses were seated in the quadrangle. THE PROCESSION BEGINS. Precisely at 9.30 a.m. the procession left Buckingham Palace for Westminster Abbey. There were 24 carriages in all, 14 in the first group, conveying Royal representatives and guests, ranking in precedence from front *o rear. The Prince of Monaco and representatives of Egypt and Ethiopia led the van, the German Princelings and China's gaily-dressed Ambassador came next, and then the Prince and Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Baden, the young Prince George of Greece, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, and Prince Henry of the Netherlands.

In the seventh landau were the French and Bavarian represntatives, with Mr. Hayes Hammond from Washington, the one solitary person, amid all the finery of gala uniforms, in plain morning dress. Of the occupants in the following carriages Prince Henry of Prussia, the Kaiser's brother, was the most conspicuous. Then came the Crown Prince Danilo of Montenegro, the Crown Princes of Sweden and Bavaria, Prince Chakrabonga of Siam (in native dress, wearing a splendid jewel), the Crown Prince of Roumania, Prince Alexander of Servia, and tho Crown Prince of Denmark. In the carriage with the Prince and Princess Fushimi of Japan were the Crown Prince and Princess of Greece. Next followed the rhike d'Aosta, tho Grand Duke Boris, and the Spanish Infante Fernando. In the fourteenth carriage were the German Imperial Prince and Princess, the Archduke Charles (representing the Emperor Francis Josef of Austria), and Prince Youssouf Zzedin Effendi (who may some day be Sultan of Turkey. CTRST MEMBERS OF THE ROYAI PAIOIY. The next section of the procession consisted of five State landaus, containing various members of the Royal Family the Princess Christian of Schleswig-Hol-stein, the Duke and Duchess of Teck, Princess Henry of Battenberg, the Dow-ager-Duchess of Saxe-CoburgGotha, the Duchess of Albany, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, the Princess Patricia, the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, and the Princess Royal. QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S ABSENCE. Queen Alexandra, her daughter, Princess Victoria, and heT sister, the DowagerEmpress of Russia, went to Sandringham early in the week. To correct a silly suggestion that the Queen-Mother , withdrew herself out of jealousy or ill-will, an absolutely ridiculously idea, it should be recalled that crowned personages do not attend Coronations, for all present must, directly or indirectly, make homage to the new Sovereign. KING'S CHZLDREW WTLDLY CHEEKED. The fifth carriage of the Royal section contained the Prince of Wales, his brothers (Princes George, Henry and Albert), and Princess Mary. These young people were recognised along the entire route, and were wildly cheered. Next to their parents, none in the procession got such a tumultuous reception. The third, or King's section, of the procession left the Palace at 10.30, escorted by the Royal Horse Guards. After the four landaus, containing Maids of Honour, Grooms, Chamberlains, and Lords-in-Waiting, came the last, conveying Earl Spencer (Lord Chamberlain), the Earl of Chesterfield (lord Steward), the Countess of Minto (Lady-in-Wait-ing), and the Duchess of Devonshira (Mistress of Robes), the most important officials in the Queen's service, and who played a leading part at Her Majesty's right hnad in. all to-day's ceremonies. TEE ROYAL ESCORT. When the landaus swept by there came into view a most picturesque section of the procession, a navy and army escort of nearly 200 of the best known men in. the service. There were aides-de-camp, general officers, inspectors-general, Field-Marshals Wood, Grenfell, and Roberts, members of the War Office staff, members of the Army equerries, escorts of colonial cavalry and Indian cavalry. Colonel Heaton Rhodes and Major Percy Johnson, of New Zealand, were included in this brilliant cavalcade. The varied uniforms made up a striking scene of colour, which stood markedly out even amid the blaze and glitter of the surrounding scene, where β-il was colour, and animation.

THE KING AND j QUEEN. . Behind this magnificent procession there rolled along the old Koyal coach, immediately surrounded-by an escort of guards followed by tlie bronzed, manly figure of Lord Kitchener, with the Royal Standard, occupying the place of honour next to his Sovereign. The King wore military uniform and the Queen was in a Duchesse satin Coronation gown of Princess pattern, and wearing the gifts of the Marys of the Empire. Their Majesties had a splendid ovation, and it is impossible to describe the enthusiasm with which they were greeted all along the route. Both looked radiantly happy. Lord Kitchener rode at the hind wheel of the State coach, and then came the Duke of Connaught. Prince Arthur of Connaught, and their equerries, and then Prince Louis of Battenberg and the Earl of Granard (Master of the Horse). THE COLONIAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROCESSION. The colonial contribution to the proceedings was not very strong. A troop of 25 Australian officers and non-commis-sioned officers formed one of the guards, or were on street duty. Australian cadets assisted in lining the route, and not far away a strong Canadian contingent of over 600 lined part of the Mall. Sixteen officers and five men under LieutenantColonel Bauchop (New Zealand) formed a guard near Queen Victoria's new memorial, with a detachment of the Australian bluejackets, who are undergoing training here. A BURST OF SUNSHINE. So the procession passed on till at length the Abbey was reached. The rain clouds cleared and a burst of sunshine greeted Their Majesties as they stepped from the State coach. The King and Queen paused before alighting to look round at the cheering multitudes, and then, amidst the clashing of bells and the distant roar of guns, they passed from view into the annexe, and retired to their robing rooms. IN THE ABBEY.

During the stirring tiuppenings In the streets the Abbey was filling up with, the privileged ticket-holders. Before 9.30 nearly 4000 people had entered .the sa-ared building. The peers, in their State robes of scarlet ermine, were on a sloping tribune, filling the whole ol the south transept. The peeresses occupied a similar gallery in the north transept. The body of the nave was crowded with officials and favoured persons. The choir was given up to those wiio had formed the second section of the procession. This part of the building, and the galleries over and flanking the choir, were also domted to Cabinet Ministers, past and present judges, the more prominent of the colonial officials, Indian j chiefs, and diplomats, the whole group consisting of the most distinguished persons in the building, apart from the members of the Royal Family and the peers. Sir Joseph Ward, in one of the choir stalls, was accompanied by Lady Ward, and like Sir George Reid, he wore a Privy Councilor's uniform. Mr. Fisher and the Ag«nts-General wore levee dress. Those who could not be placed elsewhere were sent either to the nave or "skied" with the pressmen in the trif orium. The occupants of the nave only saw the procession going from and returning to the east end of the church, as the choir screen shut off all view beyond it. THE ROYALTIES. The position assigned to the Royal personages was in the chancel adjoining but overlooking the sacrarium, or space before the altar. On-the south side was a large Royal box and small gallery above, where the King's friends and His Majesty's most distinguished relatives sat, being only a few feet from those taking actual part in the service. On the north side was a similar recess, called the "Queen's Box," this Ibeing reserved for specially favoured friends of Hex Majesty. The Prince of Wales, attired an the Robes of the Garter, whose train was borne -by pages, led the procession of British Royalties tin the Abbey to his seat in the centre of three detached

chairs on the floor of the theatre, at the foot of the peers' tribune, in the south transept. The chair to the right was occupied by the Duke of Connaught, and that to the left by another I>uke. His brothers were in Highland costume, and Princess Mary's robe carried a long velvet train, while she wore a small coronet. As the Princes passed the Prince of Wales .bowed, acknowledging their obeisances. The entire floor of the sacrarium and the space under the lantern -were devoted to the day's ceremony. Near -the Prince of Wades's chair were the two homage thrones, the King's being slightly higher than that of the Queen. These thrones are of handsome Jacobean design. A few feet nearer the altar stood the Coronation chair, and before it the stool for the Queen's crowning. To the right of these, on the south side, on the floor under the King's box, were two chairs of State, with faldstools. The altar and a side table.were loaded with plate. A door at the north end of the altar gave access to the Chapel of Edward the Confessor, part of which was used as' a small retiring room. CONSECRATING THE BEGAXIA. Ths first service of the day actually commenced in the Chapel of Henry VII., where the regalia was consecrated and taken by ecclesiastical •procession to an ' artificial structure or annexe -wMcli had been erected adjoining the west end. This buHdkig was laviishly decorated with Royal armour, tapestries, and. was used for marshalling t!he great procession up the church. It was no easy task to arrange the great stately show. The Duke of Norfolk (the Earl Marshal) and his staff of heralds, with their gold sticks, and every participator in the ceremony, ihad 'been well drilled by many rehearsals. ECCLESIASTICAL PROCESSION. (Before 11.30 a.m. the Coronation service began. As the ecclesiastical procession advanced through the west doors — the Archbishops and Bishops, vested in their copes, and the other dignitaries in their scarlet ihoods and surplices—a thrilling fanfare of silver trumpets heralded their approach. Sir Frederick Bridge's magnificent and supplemented choir then broke forth dn Parry's anthem, "I Was Glad," in the procession to the theatre. j THE STANDARD BEAKERS. The standard of Australia was borne by Lord Northcote, New Zealand's new standard by Lord Plunkefc, that of South Africa by Lord Selborne, Oanada'e by the Earl of Aberdeen, India's by Lord Curzon, that of Wales by Lord Mostyn, and that of Ireland by the O'Conor Don. The Royal standard was entrusted to Lord Lansdowne, the standard of the United Kingdom to the Duke of Wellington, and the standard of England to Francis Seaman Dymoke, and that of Scotland to Henrjr. ScryjDgeom .Wedderburn, . .. ~ .

BIBLE AND REGALIA. Ati Metorical. part' of the procession related' to the regalia; ' The Bishop of Ripon -carried the Bible, the Bishop of Winchester the chalice, the Bishop of London the patten, the Duke of Northumberland St. Edward's crown, the Duke of Somerset tihe Imperial orb, the Duke of Richmond the sceptre with the dove, Lord Beaufort the sword of State, the Duke of Beaufort the "curtana" (the blunted sword of mercy), Lord Roberts the eecond sword, Lord Kitchener the third sword. Lord London and Lord Grey de Rufchyn carried the golden spurs, the Duke of Argyll the sceptre with the cross, and the Duke of Roxburgh St. Edward's venerable staff. The Queen's regalia and crown were entrusted to the Duke of Devonshire, the sceptre with the cross to the Marquis of Waterford, and the ivory rod to the Earl of Durham. The king's canopy was born by Lords Cadogan, Rosebery, Crewe and Minto. The Queen's canopy by four tall, handsome duchesses, viz., the Duchesses of Hamilton, Portland, Montrose, and Sutherland. The King had eight young train-bearers, and the Queen was attended in a similar capacity by six earls' daughters. ACCLAIMING THE KING. This stately procession, numbering nearly 400, took their allotted places during the singing of the anthem. Whenthe King walked along the nave, the Westminster chair boys in the triforium shouted "Vivat Rex! Vivat Regina!" thus claiming, according to custom, that they represented the vox populi in the Abbey, everybody else standing silent. As the King swept past the Prince of Wales's seat the Prince made a deep obeisance. The King and Queen had donned their trains in the annexe. Queen Mary's train was a royal shade of silk veiling over silk velvet. It was 18ft. long and lined with ermine, the whole covering over 60 square' feet. It was a great, weight, and it required dexterous managing by the bearers to enable the Queen to walk comfortably. When the King and Queen reached the Chairs of State they said their private prayers. The first part of the programme was the recognition. Scarcely had the Archbishop of Canterbury .finished the presentation of King George as King of the Realm, repeated four times from the of the platform, when the people signified their willingness by repeated acclamations and resounding cries of "God Save the King."

The regalia was placed on the altar; the litany was sung by the Bishops of Oxford and Bath and Wells. A sermon by the Archbishop of York followed, thereby ending the introductory portion of the ceremony. THE CORONATION OATH. The Archbishop of Canterbury then administered the Coronation oath, that the King will maintain the laws of God, the Protestant reformed religion, • and the rights and privileges of-the Bishops and c-lergy. The' King advanced from his chair to the altar, knelt on, the steps, kissed the Book, and declared that he would perform and keep his solemn promise. His Majesty, who was received with cheers and ovations, addressing his people and his Lords, said he had been hailed as accepted to rule the greatest Empire the world had ever seen. He now presented; his own- homage like any ordinary mortal to the King of Kings.' THE ANOINTING. As an introduction to the anointing the entire congregation .knelt and sung, in unison the old hymn, "Veni Creator Spiritus," while the choir sang Handel's "Zadok. the .Priest."..; ■: ■•••: The Lord Chamberlain took off the Bang's outer robe, and His Majesty seated- himself in St. Edward's Chair under the pall and cloth of gold, supported by four Knights of the Garter. The Dean of Westminster poured oil from the golden vessel' or ampulla into a spoon. The Archbishop of Canterbury anointed the long's head, breast, and hands, and while the King knelt the Archbishop, standing over him, pronounced the blessing. The Dean of Westminster then clothed King George in the "colobrium sindonis" —a surplice or shirt—and a supertunic" of

doth of gold, also the girdle recently presented' to His Majesty by the Girdlers' Company. The Chamberlain then touched "the King's heels with the spurs. The girting with the sword followed, the King ungirting with his own hand and laying the weapon on the altar. It was immediately "redeemed" for a hundred new shillings by the swordbearer,' and during the rest of the service was carried before the King. SYMBOLS OP EMPIRE. After another change in the Eoyal Dress, when the Lord Great Chamberlain clothed the King with the armill or stole, into which had been worked for this Coronation symbols of the Overseas Dominions—the maple leaf for Canada, the wattle for South Africa, and the stars of the Southern Cross for Australia and New Zealand. For priests as well as for kings the stole is a symbol that they are invested with spiritual authority. Over the stoje the King was enfolded in a pallium or open pall, as opposed to a aupertunic or closed pall. In the present case the pallium was the same as worn by George IV., a magnificent piece of decorated fabric, which glittered ■in the sunlight as fresh as when made. THE ORB, RING, AND SCEPTRES. The King having been thus clothed, the Archbishop of Canterbury presented the Imperial orb with the cross, and after the orb the ruby ring and two sceptres, each with an appropriate admonition and prayer. THE GREAT CEREMONY. Nest followed the great ceremony of the day, which all present had come to witness. After brief, earnest prayers by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the King still sitting in St. Edward's chair, the Dean of Westminster handed the Crown from the altar, and the Archbishop reverently placed the great emblem of sovereignty on King George's head. Instantly the electric lights were turned up and the whole congregation shouted, "GOD SAVE THE KING." The peers, who up to this stage had sat through the service without their coronets, simultaneously raised them to their heads. The acclamations over, the Archbishop of Canterbury presented to the King the Holy Bible, describing it as the most . valuable thing the world affords. After the Archbishop's benediction, all the ■ Bishops and clergy joined in a loud ! Amen. This was followed by the roaring of cannon, the clashing of bells, and sup- : pressed sounds of cheering from outside. This, the first stage of the Coronation, endedv ..,*..—~ ■--._.,. ._i__

ANNOUNCING THE CORONA- ■ -„-. .. /. TION. - ' : •■ ■'•: ■ The ceTemony of crowning took placeafc 12.30 pan., and the' officials of the Abbey announced the news in the street. It spread quickly, and was received with loud cheering everywhere, the crowds singing the National Anthem, while the guns at the tower at Hyde Park fired a salute. "•- • THE INTHRONISATION. : Then followed the inthronisation. In old times the Sovereign was lifted or cfiaired by physical force of his subjects. To-day the ceremony is figurative. All the bishops surrounded His Majesty in the Chair of State. The Archbishop was first to do homage, kissing the King's left cheek. It was at this stage where Archbishop Temple, nine years ago, nearly fell at King Edward's feet. KING AND FATHER. Nest, the Prince of Wales, advanced to the top of the step of the dais, took off his coronet and 'knelt before his father. Others of-the Blood Eoyal in the Abbey also knelt in their places and joined the Prince, each declaring himself: "I do become your liegeman of life and limb and of earthly worship." After the Prince-of Wales had recited his homage, he kissed the King, and was retiring, bawing profoundly, when his father drew the Prince towards him, warmly kissing him, and placing his hand beneath the boy's chin; with a further obeisance the Prince retired. The peers next did their homage, the senior peer only of each Order coming forward—Norfolk for the dukes, Winchester for the marquises, Shrewsbury for the earls, and Devereux for the viscounts. Each touched the King's crown and kissed him on the cheek. When the homage ended with the..,anthem, "Kings Shall See and Princes Also Shall Worship," there were once more loud acclamations within the Abbey. CROWNING THE QUEEN. Up to this stage the Queen had been seated in her Chair of State, as when she first arrived. The Archbishop new proceeded with the Coronation of the Queen, which is on a smaller and less impressive scale. Queen Mary stood between St. Edward's chair and the altar. Four peeresses held the canopy, while the Archbishop of Canterbury poured oil on the Queen's head and placed the ruby ring on her 'finger. Then he took the newly-made crown from the altar and reverently .placed it on Her Majesty's head. All the peeresses, mostly in the north transept, or wherever else they •were seated, then put on their coronets. They were dressed in gowns of their own choice, and wore trains with 'bars of ermine showing their rank, and trains longer or shorter, according to the status of their peerage. Their jewels .were most resplendent. As they raised their right arms to adjust their coronets, the light flashed on the jewels like sunshine on the ripples of the sea. The Archbishop of Canterbury then placed"the sceptre in the Queen's right hand, and an ivory rod with a dove in the left, and offered up suitable prayers. Her Majesty, supported by her two bishops, the Bishops of Oxford and Peterborough, arose from her place of anointing, passed by the King on the throne of homage, making a deep obesiance, to which King George bowed his acknowledgment. Queen Mary then sat on her own chair of homage, close by the King, but two steps lower. -.. Thus, the King and Queen sat together, crowned, sceptred, and enthroned. COMMUNION SERVICE. The next stage in this magnificent ceremony yeas the acknowledgment, as the first act.of both Sovereigns, of their duty to Almighty God as members of Chrises Church here below. Accompanied by their officers of State, they advanced from tjie dais to the altar ; and humbly ■removed their crowns to partake of Holy Communion. The Kin<r personally with his own hand offered the bread and wine for consecration. The King and Queen, through their officers, also presented a frontal and dossal for the altar. The King also offered a wedge of gold, weighing a pound, ior the succour at the poor. Queen Mary presented a piece of gold of a maTk weight. The communion service was then proceeded "with. "AS HE THAT SEBVETH." The sermon was taken from St. Luke, chapter 22,- v. 27:— : —" I am among you as he that serveth."

Dγ. Lang, Archbishop of York, said:— "The King is sent to .be leader of the people in the service of God and man. From. God's altar he receives his rule. We pray that strong trust in God -will keep Mm faithful to God's great trust in him as king among the people of the Homeland, the multitudes in India, and the strong young nations overseas; but raised above private and local interests to unite a.ll in one fellowship of common memories, and sacrifices. After the benediction the service closed ■with the "T e Demn." THE RETURN JOURNEY. The procession returned down the Abbey amidst the cheers of the audience. As His Majesty passed the choir screen he was greeted by the Westminster boys with their " Vivat Georgius Eex! Vivat Rex!" The procession left the Abbey in the reverse order to its entry, and passed through the streets to Buckingham Palace, the route changing from daring Cross along Ctockspur-street and Pall Mall, as. above described. The journey was made in sunshine, and tie King and Queen -wore ■their crowns. The whole line of progress was densely packed with people. Many people patiently waited for nine or ten hours to see the procession. A. wave of cheering accompanied the Royal carriage all the way t.o the Palace the enthusiasm "being most intense. Here, after six hours' absence from the Palace, Their Majesties concluded this momentous day's ordeal. DISTINGUISHED GUESTS. The following New Zealanders were allotted seats in the Abbey: The Primate (Bishop Neville) and Mrs. Neville, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. S. Verret, Sir 0. C. and Lady Bowens, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rhodes, Sir Jas. Mills, Hon. W. CSmith, Mr. J. G. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirker, Mr. and Mrs. Moss Davis, Sir W. and Lady Hall-Jones, Lady Stout, Miss Seddon, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Rhodes, sen. Mr. McGowen, Premier of New South Wales; Mr. Murray, Premier, of Victoria; Sir N. Lewiss, Premier of Tasmania; Mr. Wilson, Premier of Westralia; Sir N. Lyne, Sir John Forest, and the other overseas Parliamentarians were seated in the gallery in the corner of the nave in the northern transept, where they had an excellent view of the ceremony. Madam Melba was included in the King's box, while the Duke of Norfolk specially invited Mr. Wicks, a nonagenarian, who was a chorister at the funeral of King George IV"., and was present- at the Coronation .of William ._u '~''2.- Queen Victoria, *-mA Kins. E4r7erd. '

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 148, 23 June 1911, Page 5

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CROWNED! Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 148, 23 June 1911, Page 5

CROWNED! Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 148, 23 June 1911, Page 5