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. Auckland Star Office. j . Thursday, June Bth, 1911. A'unos: without exception wholesale dis- i triptiling ii-.ii~.-s report a larger volume ..: business ,lining ihe present month than :he preced'.us ~ne, and trading has b-en i -cried on under more satisfactory ,-ondii terns .lliogeiher. Considering rhe nature ,■? rhe i-fiurus of imports and exports. ■ A-hi.-b *• ore pnbl.shed a few days since, and ■Ahicb e,--iis-u,i:.-d .i record, ii ,-an be reasoni.i.M.v ex peered business will remain on a .--niel ba.-:s r-.r .-..nsiderahle lime. ' '"'""' : '""l''' r!s r, '" m America. London and "h" ' ■t.iineu:. :og.iher with the face of ■ : '■"'. ■'"■'' '" prices of materials used by! | - : ■ l ' : -ti "'■"• ■:••- in '"■injunction with kauri ■ -"..'■": ''" ! '' ' " lv "r,i a more hopeful aspect- ,-■. iii- po-i.ion ~: ihe gun, market, but it: | |''- s ' '"' ■' '■"'• ; | ll!0 before the market can , nl. ri,, account of the risk in !*"''". "'" '""J article, slocks for some time| '■'■"' -i-'ve n j n v ,, rl . sm .,ij compass.) >.i ;,:i--;,ts are arriving per ihe s.s. Matatua ', .',';•. :h '' '" ; ' lk " f lhl -' ■-""•'s are sold to ar'- , l-'.tigiis \o better news his cornel lir.vign by cable of the st.ue of the marketi li-'iigkong. consequently little is coming , '■' ;.">■■'• ;•"■*""- to the very low prices' ■- "'-"'TS not wishing .-., augmen-t j-h-.r not in--onsi,lei-able sto.-ks on hand. I M-i:ion I'.irds.— A brisk inquiry has exist- - 1,7,':.,".'...,,'5!,',';,~".'...,".'...~'5!,',';, ,'.',',':!, " i '"" ks ; "' , ' going) 1 '.Ititled Fruits. -Owing to -the recent rise and ooliiinned firm posiiim of new season's I"? "', ;.,"" ! '' :b "'""'" '"" "our months stiU to -"• '""""" s '•"'•ally will be firm. | ' oriitloiir The favoured brands are rej ■"■"'!'■"'■" -'"'"I support, with n., change in I lli'-c During the week. some houses /.'■•■.•;;.'""-!""'''-l values, and only one disI P.i Vs.- Very hc-n-y bookings .ire record, i■• i--t iirn ,1 by n.-st r-ut bet-,.re Christ- ! vi| - •"'" ft spread delivery early next I ■'.'.'"'!"'■ T/nnerl.— There is a rota! lack of 1.. '■"•"•- m one p,-"ind tins 10.-aiiv. and • V.iiv". nit " !1 -*' l ' l - V tiwal-rinz supplies. . -m III).-Owing 1.. The failure of the ! 'itiVl.V"- .T"', 1 "' 1 .." 1 rh<> n "" sr I' 1 1 " " ""ere much < jo.-,,,' d'e'i'l a ' eia;? ' f '' rates u - u(> advanced a wTihl _ : , r 7 ,, _ hl "„ l :"' ;1 ,;,hM,r < m" M p * «• ~.'. ~!:' ;1 '"•"■-•'■hie -ir-r on the mill- - market yesterday. Waihi shares sold as , -«. 'I "' rh " last "■»»• and that' rt - ~ ',r - e °pm ,''', Mx r"7 a<l -"'"""" p '-P'-i* „ ' "".'' , ' '"''■' 'I.v the fact that in the \ ni or the men c-tni,..- out the contra,H,?\ S"' '," " r ' i,i:ll " n """ i " 1 " 'he Hon, II'TM hydro scheme |o se,-,,-e el -per m.oii-e p. H-.-r in-av i.iuse spec,,,,, tors to judge that the company will m'.t "■ such a serious loser if the mine is not manneil f.-. r a few months, bur. of course, t will pn-hahiy mean no dh-iiiend for share-h-'.d.-is i;; i.-ss ,„:.. is earned during that period Waihi ,;r...d Innction shares also -■':'.' ,| "''" 1 '■" 2.. ii. Even Talisman Con so.blared shir-v were affected sales being made d..wn to 4s n. notwUhsranding the fa, i that ihe return for Ihe month was a g,..„1 one. \" ,-uhi l'neroa Gold Extractiou shares had regular buyers at 23 for contribilling, and .".2 for piid-up issue, but no s.-0.-I'S,:. Thames stocks are still dull, as th,- developments in the crosscut ,; I""" feci are ict. so far. very reassuring, boulders being still met with interspersed ui;h country rock, and while that ,-uurln ij.-s there ;.- no! much hope of meeting wiili r--,-fs A f.'.v hundred May Queens changed hands yesterday at 1 5. which is equivalent lo l 6. as a p'-c.nv .-all was made this week, ll is hoped that the Bright Smile run of g.,M may be met with in the cross.-ut from the bottom of the Queen ,-f Reanty shaft at lilm'i feet, going south wards, bin something like 100 feel still requires to he driven to-get underneath where it niav be Saxons sold as low as 1 7. and sib-s w.-re made of New Sylvias at 2 1". An upward move took place in Kuranui shares, and inquiry was ni.lde fo: Aibnrnias. Moanataieri, and Magnets ai very low [.rices. Coromandel mines appear to , look a little more hopeful An entirely new reef has been located on Bremner's Freehold at Tlhi. and the stone is reported ■io show gold freely. The Old Hauraki mine is still on gold, and hopes are entertained Ihar a new run has been located at the 400 foot level Shares sold freely this week at ■j .", to 2 ::. Kapanga.-. on the other hand. ~'re et- ,■-'-c.-l -rock- have received a little more attention, sales of Tainia Mines being made frequently at It), and there ' have been steady buyers nf Golden Hills. ' Moii.inbs. and P.elts at prices which were not. however, accepted. [ More business was done during the past week In investment stocks. N.Z. Insurance so d at fi and "IS . wi*h further buyers " at the latter figure. South British sold up . to 70, and are still in request about tnnt -mice ' National Banks firmed a little. } being inquired for ar £6 0/6. while for 1 River Plates 40/ was regularly offered. 411 coal shares were wanted at late rates. i ~nd Has. new issue, changed hands at * 74/ and 73/9. while for old issue 70' was r the buying figure. Buyers came in again 1 fur Milne and Choyce preferenual issue at "4/ but no sellers quoted. Union Steam , shares were transferred at _/. and Marks Turbine at 7 6 the latter being still inquired for at If. Inquiry was made again this week for Union Oil shares at 31/ and Wilson* Cement, ordinary issue, sold at 39-1". ivtatoes —Since last report arrivals have been suU-What light, lv consequea, c of which t_e market in Auckiaud is mum more buoyant lhau it li- been for , weeks past. Still, *o far there _ no im-pi-uvemeut in price here uu account ot Ihe " weakness in tne position iv the South, due , no doubt to Lue fact thai ,-lltU heavy slocks l of potatoes aie at—l held in SuU—ilaud and ua— —-I lie market for this grain still continues very arm, as local supplies are rather baxe. The quotation lor short teed is now 3/ —t w__rt, and 3, 1 ex store. The position of the oal market iv Uius South is very strong, owing lo u__i__.=. being small, which naturally lends to restrict uusiness. Mdliug'Wheal.—the tone uf ihe markei for milling wheat is certainly easier, and ' lower prices may rule in ihe near future, _i reports uf the _urupeau crop prospects are veiy s_l_factory. towl wheat »«iiwj practically no change, the quotations it-maining 3,11 ex whan auu 4/ ex store. ijrass ai.d clover seeds generally show little business now. Algerian seed oats are still meeting with gO'-d demand. unions, supplies are slid plentiful, and the market snows no improvement, I ruling from i.l lv/ to i.5 per ton. Maize. -Arrivals since last report total 1-500 sacks, which, coming to a full market. caused pric.-s lo decline 2d per bushel, at - win— ngure an increased demanit has set iv. all lots avadable meeting with, rea-ly sale. chaff. The position of the chaff market I is still siroug, a, very little local is ottering the wet weather set in. There is, however, plenty of Australian chaff on the , »ay, or booked to come forward during the ! I nest iwo mouths, which will prevent any further advance in price. Offerings from the _ou—i are also much heavier than they 'were formerly. t-'irst-class local chaff is "I quoted at _'"■ .",- per ton ex store, and Ausil trallan compressed at _6. , I Manures. The business passing at the I present lime is uf a restricted character. •' | but a considerable improvement in the de- ; mand for all fertilisers may be looked for ■ at the ejid of this, ur early next, month. , NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MFRCANTILK AGENCY CO.'S REPORT. Al Albert Yard.- on Friday last horses t were brought forward! in usual Dumbers. and the demand was not as keen the . previous week. Heavy draughts sold at from _2:i lo to £41': medium draughts, ! _ls to _'_'.",. light harness horses and hacks. ; _» to £15; ponies. _2 to £o 15 : cart, £12 lv/. At Papakura on Tuesday last we held our usual monthly sale. There was a large ' yarding uf cattle, including over 200 head !of dairy cows, which met with steady competition throughout. Dairy now? and h.-lfers close to profit soid at from £o 10/ to -lo .", ; ~;hers more backward. £4 to ! £7 10 : t-.vo- to three year-old steers, £3 15/ , i !■> ii.": yeariing lo IS months. £2 12 to I _;: 7 6; 'good strong calves. £2 to £2 12 : '~1 hers.'lS lo 35": "empty cows. £.°. to £3 I 17 6; is months to two-year-old heifers, £3 j - to £! 11 The advertised dairy of Major Mackenzie averaged £7. and Mr. P, i ,;,>ihort>e. i-, 17 6; sheep. 7,6: sundries a: \- Wesn", i I "ti Wednesday pigs were yarded in sin..;! numbers, and sold at late We n:l,n :::-"■! and s,-,:d average catalogues ~- 1, .',.- -ki is and tallow on Tuesday, j ..-..petition b.ii.g keen for ail lines at late , Hides —Market firm. We quote: O-, j extra -tout 7d to 73d stout 6gd to 6|d, 1 medium tlid to 6M. light 53d to 6Jd; cows. ■ i best Hues &"4 to 6id, good 5Jd to 5Jd: . I scored and sloppy, 5d to sid; kips, ' i .".Jil to 6}d: stags. 4*d to sd; calfskins, best ' to Sid, good 6jd to 7_, cat and daMiSfid,^±d jto -id.

Sheepskins. — Market brisk. Best butchers' skins to 4/6. good 3/ to 3/S, small 2/3 to 2/S: country dry skins, large to 7'fJ, ] medium 3,0 to 56, small 1/6 to 20. I Tallow.— Market firm. Best mixed to 28/ | good 24.6 to 26/6. inferior 22/ to 23::; rough fat, lid to 2d per lb. Bones. £4 17,6. Cowtails, 1/S per doz. Horse hair, 1/5} to 1/7s. I ""..h-itsfcfns. 6,1 to Sd per lb. I Oats.—Sales firm and market steady at 3/1, ex store. Wheat. — In good demand nt 41. ex storeBarley—Sales steady at 3-3. ex store. Chaff.—Supplies of local are very short, and good samples meet, with ready sale at £5 15/ and £5 17 6 at Auckland, truck Bran. — £5 15/ and £7 2 6 respectively, ex store. Butter.—Choice lojd. first grade regis it-red H'hl. second-grade registered Ojd. poorer qualities for milling Od to O-Jd. fungus, 4,d per Hi. MBSSItS. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SUNS' REPORT. At the Ilaymarket on Frldav last we ha<! an average yarding of horses Young medium draughts sold at from £20 to £4o; butchers' and bakers" cart class. £10 5 t-, £15: light harness hoites and hacks. £10 to Lis-. p. nl i,. Si £3 , n £7 10. . Rubber--tired gig, gelding, and harness realised £36 10/, Hides. —Ox, s"d to 6«d: cow. od to H-I: stags, 4'd", kips. sid to —;it: calf. s<d to Sd: damaged hides. 4",1 to .",,1. Tallow, £1 ."I I w II *■'. Rones, £4 17 6. Skins.—Best butchers' lambs and pelts. 1 3-2 to 4/3: others. 1 s to 2/8: country dry skins, good 3S lo X'•'. medium 2,7 io _,_. small and damaged 5d n l'S. At Westfield on Thursday, June 1. dairy and store stock sold at ruling rates. «•„.•"<•« dairy cows at profit made from £0 t., CI! 10-': others. £6 to £8 In.': more aged and backward. £:'■ 1". io £5 IO'; empty cows, I £2 8/ to £3 15/: ,-alves. 13 to tl 1R"; IS month heifers. £2 15 io £■'■ 15 A line of small 2 tooth wethers made 10-h: nged ew-os In lamb. 4 to « «. Small nigs. 3." to fi/. For rhe time of Hie year there -vvhs n fair I muster of cattle at YV.-iliifcn on Saturday. .Inue 3. and prices; were much the same as last month. Springers brought from £4 10/ I to £S s': fat cows. £4 15 to £7 2 6: "mp.y voting cows £2 17 lo £4: yearlings. £2 3' to £2 12/: IS-montb steers. £3 ro £3 13 ; strong calves. £1 1" '•• £1 «*»»"• ] 3 ' ,o £1 s'. Small pigs. 4 to , Turkeys, 4 8 each. A quantity of sundries sold at fair values. AUCKLAND rniCES CrRRENT. Farm and Dairy rroeucc— Butter, factory. 1 H per lb: fresh eggs, 1 7 per dozen , wholesale: cheese, farmer-, rro— z.i w ou per U>; factory. 6.J to 7d: bacon, sides, 7}d, rolls Sd: hams. f»': rolled hams, *•"<". Flour.- £11 1" dess discouutsi; wheatmeal. £11 I" P'-r ton liess discouutsi, sharps, £6 15 per ton: bran. £5 1" ; oatmeal, £14 10 per ton for 25 s who e._le. Grain.-Oats. 3 1. ex store: Algerian seed oats, li-' per bushel; Southern milling wheat. 3 rt to 3 7. f.0.b.. sacks extra; fowl wheat 3 11. ,-x store, sacks in; maize, 2. 10 per bushel, for wholesale lines ou the wharf. than". - Local. £6 .'. ; Australian compressed. £ ( '»- , „i;„, ..->. £5 10,, ex store. ,i ni ,,ns. £4 10, to £•"' per ton. Timber- ordinary buiiu.u_ nnroer, 'lbdressed up to 24ft long, ".in '-'■> l.n ur mare in tliic-uess. and from 3:u to 12 iv wide, iirs---'ass "1 . medium lb/6, second-c;ass 12 per lOOft: rough heart, IS. 0 per looft auperficial; surface planing. 1/ per lotlit extra- p.aued both sides, 1,0 per lOurt extra; I three aud four sides. - uitto. flooring boards: fianed. tougued aud grooved. 26,6, 21-, 14/6. Lining boards: l'laued. tongued, grooved, beaded or V-jointed. 26 , 20/0, 14/. Rusticated aud special weather-boarding, 20 0, 21 , 14,0. ordinary building tola ra, scantling, 15 ; boards. 4iiu to 12in, 10,; secud-c.ass totara, scanning, —: ; clean heart of totara tor joinery, scanning. Si, ; rough heart of toiara scantling, 10. ; rough heart of totara scantling, ox 2 and under, 10. ; rough heart matai scantUng, U.'O; ordinary buiidiug rimu, noards, 15,6; heart rimu. scantling, 14,6; heart rimu ifraining and bridge quality), -oantliug. 1",/; clean, 20/, second-Class rami boards. 1-/. WESTFIELD STOCK SALES. JHessrs Alfred Hue—and and Sms report:— uu Wednesday, June 7, at our Westfield fai stock markei fat cattle were yarded to the number of 2US head, the quality of which was much better than the last few weeks, "lliore was an improved deniuu-i, and prices advanced 15■ lo £1 per head. Choice ox realised from £1 0/ to £1 7 ; ordinary, £1 4/ to £1 5,0; cow ..u.J heifer. 10/ to £1 5 ; steers ranged iv price from £7 2 6 to £14 2 0; cows and heifers, £4 10, io £>> 15, . A line of 50 nice medium-weight bullocks averaged £1" 1" 4. 'there was an average supply of fat and young calves. Heavy weignts were i-lightly lower, but choice medium suckers sold at nigh values, making from £1 15/ to £2 10. ; lighter, lb/ to £1 10/ ; small and fresh dropped, 2/ to 12, ; runners. £2 12, to £4 2, : 67 sold. There was a full muster of sheep, including a number of unfinished lots. Prime sheep were belter worth hy fully 2,6 head. Heavy wethers made from £1 1 to £1 4, ; medium. IS/ to £1; light and unfinished. 14/6 to 17 0; extra heavy prime ewes. 19/ to £1 "_/0; heavy. 16,' io Is. ll; others. 11/ to 15/0; aged and poor. 4 to 7.6: 1563 sold. Fat lambs also sold at higher rates. Heavy woolly, 14/ to 16 It; others, lo 6 to 13,: stores. 3'fi to S ': 30s sold. There was a moderate entry of pigs. The demand was less keen than of late, and. with the exception of choice medium porkers, values "were easier. Baooners, £2 to £2 8/i large porkers. £1 12/ to £1 16/; lighter. £1 2.' to £1 IO': slips, 12/ to 15,; weaners, 4/ to S/: 01 sold. The New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency Co. report:--At Westfield Yards on Wednesday cattle -were yarded in less numbers thaD usual, and mostly of Inferior quality, and prices improved, best ox beef selling to 27 per 1001b; others. 24-' to 26/: cows aud heifers. 21' to 251: steeps sold at from £5 . 6 tr, £10 17/6; cows. £4 to £7 17/6. Calves in short supply sold at late rates. Heavy vealers to £3: medium, 25/ to £2 10, -. others. 3/ to 20/. Sheep were yarded in full numbers, and for those of good quality, competition was keen at fully last week's rates. Rest wpfhers sold to 24,'; others, 16 to -joO; ewes, extra well fatted. 16/0 to 2.V: others. 1.V6 to 15/9; lambs, in short supply, sold well. Messrs Dalgety and Company, limited, held their usual weekly stock sale at Westfield yesterday as under: Beef. —A moderate yarding. Very prime ox -was slightly firmer, and sold at equal to 26,- per luOlb: ordinary ox sold ar equal to 22/ to 25/: and cow aud heifer beef sold at equal to 20/ to 23/. Veal. --A moderate yaTding. selling at late rates. Choice heavy, np to £3 s': good suckers, at 30/ to 45/: small, 2/ to 15/. Mutton. A large yarding. The demand was fair, at slightly better than late rates. Choice heavy wethers sold from 10 3 to 24': good, 166 to IS 6: unfinished wethers. 12 6 to 15/0: heavy ewes, 16/ to l.s ; moderate. 9." to 13/. Lamb.—An average yarding. Prime w-ei_hty lambs sold up to 16, : good, at 9/ to 12': medium. 6 6 to S 6. Pork. A moderate yarding. Prices were on a par with iate rates. Heavy porkers, 35/ to 42,': light. IS/ to 23/. JOHNSON"*"!--- STOCK SALE. \brah.ini and Williams. Ltd.. rep.-.rr on their Johnsonville sale us follows: -We offered a fair yarding of cattle and sheep. Bullocks met with a dull sale, bur the demand for sheep -was strong. P.est bullocks. £0 10/ -to £10 2.6: lighter. £0 2 6 to £0 7 6; light. £S 12 6 to £S 15.': fa.! cows. £6: veaiprs. 27': extra he_vr we-thers. IS 11 ro 10 10 -cod wethers. 17' ro 17 '6: pi—in. 15-6: prime ewes. 15 0 ro 16/7: medium ewes. 134 ro 13/9: light., plain. 11/: g,»d lambs, 10-o to 10/s, plain S3 to $ 11." ADDI.NGTO.N" STOCK SALE. iRy Telegraph. -Press Association.i CHRISTCHURCH. Wednesday. At the Addiugtou live sto.-k market today there were ::"->d entries of stock in : the ranis, though the offerings ~; sn.-.-p I were" not so large as the prev;,,u- week. j Reef s.-id irregularly, hu: nit— ~ ~_..t able change. The si ore sheep market had a better tone, prime fat lambs were hrmer. and fat sheep sold at improved rates. Good store cattle and dairy cows sold well. Fat pigs were In fair demand, but stores were dull of sale. Store Sheep.—Two-toot— ewes, 13/1; two and four-tooth, 13A; four and six-tooth. 13/4; soar—l memtt i, 9/5 to 10/6; aged and c___ -3/-4W -*_-*SROa*_*'_-.^_J-»a-_ii,

mixed sexes, 7.0.0 to S>,_; halfbred wether lambs, I,S: culls, 2/6 to 3 ; forward wethers, to I_, ; oLhers, ',1, ti to 10/9. Fa.t I—iiubs.—The inar-ei for prime lambs was tu-mer, bui light weights were somewhat easier, and sold as low as .\. There were 4»—. taken by exporters at * to 1,/."., and extra to _i,», ;sk were bought hy butchers at la,. lo IT/, and li_ were yassed a i 9/11 to 10,3. Fat Sheep. —Prime wethers, 11/6 to 3; medium, 15 tv 17,,-'; light, rj 4 lo 14 11; prime ewes, L 4/6 i v I_,._; extra 10 -1 ; medium, 11.1) to 14/; aged and light to 11,. fai Cattle. -Steers made _~T to £11, aud extra to _H l_> heifers £.", r„ _ 11 V2/H, and cows _4 10, to til lo.". equal io 24/ to 2*,' for prime, to :if. for extra, to .1, to 2.i 6 t->r medium, and to lli.'H tv _v h (or cow and inferior per li.jlb. Veal calves made 4-6 to .Vi . an.I exira to £4. I'lj-'s. -Choppers so!,! up to .so, heavy baconers 4. ii r,, m . li-hicr :m. to 45/— equal to 4d |>er lb; porkers 21 6 to -.'.2 6, and li„uier _-/ to 26.— equal to 4jd anil 4Jrl per lb. Store pigs:,, sorts made 2<" to .ti . m.-iiium 14 i,. l.s . .-mall ~ to 1-,', bai-ouers and weaners 1 'ti to 0 . Store Cattle.— Yearlin_s made 21/6; twoI year heifers. £2 4 6 to .£.", In ii; ihree-year sr.-ers. £4 10 1,, .L.". 1.", : three rear heifers. £.'1 17T.; four-year-old. £0: dry cows. :io to _:t 17H. ilo-.d dairy cows sol,! well, the prices ranirinj; from i:."i li.S to £'.) ;">,. and exira to _ln 10 .

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 135, 8 June 1911, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 135, 8 June 1911, Page 7

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 135, 8 June 1911, Page 7