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(A! BRILLIANT EUNCTIOST. Government House and its surroundings were en fete last night, and pre-! sented a brilliant ensemble during the j progress of the State ball, to -which some 800 guests w«re invited by their Excellencies Lord and Lady Islington. Tile limitations of the building itself for the accommodation of such a number were overcome by the temporary erection of marquees and canvas additions, while the decorations and special lighting arrangements completed the transfiguration of the vice-regal residence. The spacious unroofed verandah running along the front of the building- was for the occasion turned into a commodious supper room, the roof and walls of -which were of green canvas, and under the radiance of electricity and large numbers of candles, the tastefully decorated tables, at which about ?XX) guests could sit at one time, presented an exceedingly, attractive appearance. The partners in the official set of the opening lancers were: Lord Islington and Mrs. Godley, Lady Islington and General Godley, Hon. E. Mitchelson and Mrs. S. Thorne GeoTge, Hon. Seymour Thome George and Mrs. Mitchelson, Sir Robert Xiockhart and Mrs. Wolfe, Colonel Wolfe and Lady Lockhart, Mr. C. J. Parr and Mts. A. Guise, Mr. A. W. Beddoc and i Mrs. Parr. The following is a list of the invited guests:— Mrs I. Alexander, Mr and Mrs E B Alexander, Mr and Mrs J. Alexander, Mr and Mrs K. J. Alexander, Mr C. Captaiu aud Jlrs Archibald, Mr, airs, and Miss Atkinsou, Dr. aud Mrs Aubin, Mr and Mrs J. C. Allen, the Key. Mother Aubert Mr and Mrs L. J. Bagnall, Miss Bagnall, Dr. H. D. Banvford, Mr and Mrs N. Bamford, Captain Barton, Miss Shirley Baker, Dr. and Mrs Bedford, Mr l< , . N Bedford llr and Mrs L,. N. Benjamin, Mr R. Benjamlu, Mr and Mrs E. D. Beu.iamui, the llou. W. Beehan, Mrs and .Miss Beehun, Mr W. A. Beddoe, Mrs and Miss Biss, Mr and Mrs B. Blomfield, Mr and Mrs H. R BlooiniMd, Mr ahd Mrs S. L. I? Bloon field,- Major -and Mrs \V. K. BloomfleTd, Miss Bloonineld, Mr and Mrs Brabant, Mrs and Miss Browning, Miss E. D. Brigiain, I'roressor F. V. and Mrs Brown, Captain aud Mrs Brodie, Mr L. Erodle, Miss Brodie, Mr and Mrs Wallace Bruce, Mr, Mrs, aud Miss Brooktield, Mrs Boscawen, Mr and Mrs Bourne, Mr A. B. Bourne, Mr Bowles, Mr and Mrs Bush, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Buller, Mr and Mrs liurge, Mr and Miss Bucklaud, Mi- and Mrs Burgess, Mr H. Burgess, Miss Burgess, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Buddie, Mr and. Mrs Buckleton, Mr J. C. Burns, Mr and Mrs H. Brett, Mr and Mrs Geq. Beattie, Mr and Mn A. Buchanan, Mr and Misses Blades, • Mr, Baliyam, Mr F. Bathani, Mr and Mrs 1 Clifton Beale, Miss G. Beale, Miss A. M. Beale, Mr and Mrs H, Burns, Mr It. Berkeley, Mr and Mrs Sylvester Brigham, Mr J. li. y e. Badham.Mr J. l>. Beale. Bishop Crossley, - Mrs Crossley, Mr and Mrs F. C. Clapcote, Dr. and Mrs Clark, Mr and Mrs P. Curtis, Mr C..L. and M"iss Curtis, Mr A. Chatfield, Dr. and Mrs H. Chatfield, Mr and Mrs Herbert Cobke, Mr CHas. Cooke, Mr and Mrs Muuro Clark, Mr Li. Cubitt, Mr H. Chapman Mr and Mrs J. Craig, Miss C. Craig, Captain and Mrs Carpenter, Mr. F. Carpenter, Mr and Miss Carr, Archdeacon and Mrs Calder Mr and Mrs Clarke; Mr S. M. Clarke, Mrs Clarke, Misses Clarjie, Mrs McCosh Clark, Mr and Mrs H. Clark, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Coleman, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Colegrave, Mr and Mrs H. Cotter, Miss Cotter, Archdeacon and Mrs Cole, Miss Cole, Mr A. J. -Coates, Mr and Mrs W. A. Colbeck, the Rev. Corbett, Captain and Mrs Cuinining, Mr and Mrs Chatfield, Inspector .Cullen. Miss M; biiwsou, Professor and Mrs Dettmaun, Miss Dettmann, Mr mid Mrs R. W. Davis, Mise Davis, Mr and Mrs, E. G. Dargaville, Miss Dargaville, Captain and Mrs J. H. Davvson, Mr A. 1,. Deriniston, Misis ißlsie Dunster, Mr, Mrs, and Misses Devore, Mr, Mrs, and Miss Douglass, Dr. and -Mrs 'Dudley,' Mr and Mrs ifurr Douglass, Miss Douglass, Mr and Mrs G. Dunnet; Miss Dunnet, Mr and' Mrs W. A. Duthie, Miss Duthle, Mrs and Miss Dunlop, Messrs Hi' and C. Dunlop, Captain. Dyer, Miss Dyer, Mr and Mrs Sydney pansfield, Mr W. M, Dawn, Captaiu and Mrs T. H. Dawson, Mr and Mrs Elliott Davis.

IMr and Mrs Edmunds, Mr G. Edgecumbe, Mr P. Earl and Miss Earl, (Professor and •Mrs Egerton, Mrs and Miss Ersson, Sir Justice Ed-wards. ' . ~ Miss Fenton, Mr and Mrs W. Ferguson, Or. and Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Fergusson, Mr and Mrs 'Finlayson, Mr R. A. Finlayson, the Hon. G. Fowlds, »fra and Miss Fowlds, Mr and Mrs E. C. Firth, Mr A. Firth, Uisa E. Flrtti, •Mγ and Mrs Finn, Mr and Mrs A. P. Friend, Miss Friend. Dr. and Miss Girdler, Mr and Mi's Gauain, air and Mrs A. E. Glover, Mr It. "Griffiths, Mr H. Gorlitz, Mr C. A. Griffiths, Mr and Mrs 3. H. Gunsou, tile Rev. W. Gittos, Mr and 'Mrs Harry Gillies, Mr and Mrs George iGeorge, Mr and Mrs Percy Gibson, Mr and Mrs Harry Gilfillan, 'Mr aid Mrs A. J. B. β-ranani, iMr U. Griffiths, Mr and Mrs G. Gfflon, Mr and Mis D.. Gillies, the Eev. and Mrs GilJajn, Miss Gillain, Mrs and Miss •Gillies, Mr and Mrs Goldsmith., Mr H. D. •Goldsmith,. Mr and Mrs A. Gordon, Dr. and Mrs Guinness, Mr F. de C. Guiner, Mr and Mrs Gutteridge, Miss Gutteridge, Mr and 'Mrs Greig, Miss Greig, Mr and Mrs' Glover, Colonel and Mrs Gudgeon, Miss Gudgeon. I'Jeutena.nt and Mrs Hughes, Mrs and Miss Hall, <Mr and Mrs Hanna, Miss Hanna, Mir and Mrs W. N. Heather, iMr and Mrs Hadfleld, 'Miss Hadfleld, Mr and 'Mrs C. V. Houghton, Mr and Misses Henderson, Mr and Mrs Horroeks, Misses Horroclis, !Mr and Mrs George Hill, Mr and Mrs Haiiltaiu, Misses Haultain, Mr D. Holderness, Mrs S. Hainliu, 'Mr A. E. Harding, Mr and Mrs T. HaU, Misses 'Hall, Miss Haygreaves, MiHall, Mr C. A. •Hicfcson, Dr. and Mrs. Hammersley, Mr T. Hall, Captain Hawkins, Mr L. P. Hardle, Mr C. Hay, &H , D. Hay, iMlss Hay, Mr P. Hay, Mr and' Miss H-artlamJ, Mr and Mrs H. Horton, Mr and Mrs B. Horton, Mr H. Henderson, Mr and Mrs W. R. Holmes, Colonel and Mrs Holgate, iHr and Mrs Ho-rian. Misses Hollffn. Dr. and Mrs Inglls, Mr and Mrs Isaac, . Miss Isaac.

Professor and 'Mrs .Tarnmn, Captain and Mrs Hope Johnson, Miss Jameson, Mr and 'Mrs Norton .Towitt, Lieutenant 11. O. Joyce. Mr and Mrs Kenny, Miss Kenny, Mr and 'Mrs Kenderdlne, Miss Kenderdine,.'Dr. and ffllrs King. Mr E. H. 'WUlonghbr Kemij-, 3lr aud Mrs H. A. Keesing, 'Miss Keesfng, Mr D. X, Kirker, Mr C. Kettle, S.M., Mr J-nstice Kettle, Mr D; F. Kettle, (Mr and •Mrs Kissling , , Ueu'tenant and Mrs Knutsford, Dr. and Mrs Knight, aQss Knight.

Mr and 'Mrs Lrangguth, Mr H. W. La-sv-' son, Mr and Mrs C. tiawford, Mr Frank Lanrry, MJP., Dr. and Mrs I>ewis, Mr T. E. Lewis, Dr. and' Mrs' Lindsay, Miss Ijlndsay, Mt and Mrs Xiouisson, aiajor and Mrs Lusk, Sir Robert and Lady Locbnart, Dr. and Mrs Lcrwe, Mr and Mrs Leckle, Mr and Mrs Lorlgan, Mr F. W. Lang, Miss Rita X.yons. iMiss Kathleen Mair, Captain Mair, Dr. and iMre. Marsact, Mr. A. Mills, Miss McKenzie, Mrs. Mactier, Judge and Mrs. MacCormick, Miss MacCormick. IMr. Evan and Miss MacCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Macliay, iMt. Thomas Mackenzie, Miss 33. P. Martin, ■Lady and Miss Makgill, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalife, Dr. and Mrs. McKay Grant, i/U. T. Mackenzie, Mrs. R. S. Matthews, 'iMr. and Mrs. Ambrose Millar, ■Mγ. and Mts. MacFarlane, J.P., Mr. J. B. MacFarlune, jun., Miss PihylUs MacFarlane, Lieutenant A. J: Moody. Mr. and Mrs. 'Marcus, Colonel nml Mrs. Major, Captain and 'Mrs. Matthews,

.Mrs. and Miss Marriner, Dr. MakgUl, itfae ■Key. Maiden, Captain Melville, Mr. -Marriner, Mrs. 'Meyers, the Hon. 03. and Mrs. MKcheison. Dr. Milson, Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Mr. A. 'Milia, .Mr. and >Mrs. Mortou, M}ss Mprtou, iMlss J. and iMr. -M. \B. (MoTrbruy, Colonel and Miss Morrow, Mr. and airs. Mulgan, 'Mr. G. Mulgan, Mr. and airs, A. M. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Leo iMyecs Mr. nn<l Mrs. Massey, Mr. and iMrs. Montaii:, Dr. and 'Mrs. 'McDowell, Mrs. iMcliVirland, <Mr and Mrs. McFarlane, Miss Mr. aud Mrs. McLavughlin, Mr. aud Mrs W. McLaughlin. Dr. and f Mrs. Neill, MtC and Mrs. J.,M. Newton, Mr. aud Mrs. .Nieol, cMt. G. M. aiul Miss Niuol, Mr. and Mrs. iNathan, Sliss Nathan, Mr. D. and Miss D. Nathan, Sir. , and Mrs. Chas. Nathan, Canon and Mrs. Nelson, Miss -Nelson, iMr. and Mrs. Nowton, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan, Mr. E. and Misa •Nolan, (Mr. and Mrs. Nlckolson, Miss iNickolson. iMiss Ogston, Mr. and <Mcs. Offiorke Dr. Owen. ■ '..,,.. Dr. and Mrs. Parkes, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pan-, Dr. and Mrs. Paibst, Mt. and Mrs. I'ayton, Miss Payton, Mr. and Mrs. PauL" iMiss Paul, Mrs. and 'Miss Pierce Mr. G. ' ; Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pierce, *Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Poole, Mr. and - Mrs. Pollen, - Miss I'olleu, Mr. and Mrs. ■Priekott iMisa iPrickett, Mr. ,1. pritt, Dr. and Mrsl Purchas, Mr. G. Purcbas, Mr. and Qlrs. Pnckey. . Mr. iH. Price, .Mr. and Mrs. iPlnckey, Mr. Ij. Ai. lliillipps, Mass BaidwJu Peorce, Mrs. W. • G. 'Perreau. ...... .Mr. and Mrs. 3. ißeid, ?<lr. and Mrsl lUiiiph, Jiiss lUilph, <Mx. and Mrs. Reid,'Sir. and Miss Iteid, Colonel and Mrs. Heed, Mr. and Mrs. Uice. Miss Rice, *b» Jiev. 'E. ißice, I Mr. Riding, Mi\ and 'Mrs. Richmond; iMr. ! and Mrs. ituncie, Miss 'Ituntis, >Mrs. Vemoa : Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Itbodes, iMlss ' C"' Rhodos, Mr. and Mrs. -W. ttalnger, Mr.' J. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Harvy Rainger, 3lt. and • .Mrs. Joseph ißaj-nes. ■>**■. James Kobi " crts, Mr. and Mrs. Kyan, Mr. and Mrs,. ' Rhodes, MUsse.a Rhodes, Kiss Reed, Mr. 'Ricbter, Mr. .■>. O. Richter, Mr. and (Mrs.•-« iHarold Russell, Miss G. Rtpisell. Mr. an<l Miss Splcer, Mr.. Jtrs. and Miss ' Steele, 'Major aud Mrs. Shepherd, Miss Forbes Shepherd. Major T. Y. Shepherd, Miss E. Shepherd, Mr. W. Shepherd QJur Clive Sparks, Captain Shora. .'the 'Hon.. i Mowbray St. John. Mrs. St. John, Dr. and I Miss Scott. Mr. and! ilrs. Seeguer Profea- " cor tSeager, Captain and Mre. Sha'ppe, Mr. M. J. Sharland, CSaptain and 'Mrs. Smyithc, ■ Mr. ScoCt-Smith.QTrs. and Miss Smith,' Dr. . and fyirs. Sweet, Dr. and Mrs. Stride the Rev. Mark Button, Major and Mrs. StevenI son. ' ' . ■ ■ i '■'■•. The Hon. Seymour/Ehorne George, (Mr. v. land Mies Thome George, Mr. 3*UTray ■ Tiorne George, Mr. Grey Tiorne George, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney. Thome George, Dr/, •Mrs. and Miss Tno/nas, Mr., Mrs. and Misa ' jTowlc, Mr. R. Tovrle, -Mr. (Herbert Thomp- . ; eou, Miss Ida- Thompson, Captain end Mrs. ■ ! Thomas, Mr. .T. W. Tibbsi' Allss Tibbs, Mr. I V. F. Kerr-Taylor, Mrs. F. A. Thomas the Hon. J. A. Tole, K:C., 'Mre'. and Mlsse* Tole, iMajor and Mrs. Taylor.- • , Mr. Upull. ~ ■ . ■ . .',:, .-,-.. ■Mr. and Mrs. J- Valle, Miss E, Vaile, Mr."•'•■• F. A. Vickennan. ■ . ;.'■■.

Mrs. Hugli Williams, the RcV. and i3&s." Watson. Mrs. and Miss Wcusp, Mrs. Wy* Tern Williams, Dr. and Mrs. <B. WiUiama,, Mr. and Mrs. Winkfield, Mrs! Gny Wil•liaTOß, Major West Mr. M. 18. Ward, iMlse Withers, Air. A. Walker, Mr. and Mire. TValklate, Dr. and Sirs. Wa'tsou, iMr. and llts. Waller, Air. A. Waller and Stlss Waller, M-ajor, Mrs. and Miss WMtney, jilr. and Mrs. C. Whitney, ■Mγ. a"nd Mre. Wll-Jia-ms, *be -Rev. and 'Mts. 'Williams,' Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Colonel and Mr 3. Woife, IMr. F. Wlikes, Mr. and Mrs. R.. M. WilspA, Miss Wood, Mr. W. Woodward; Mrs. and Miss Wynyard, Mr. ami Mrs. H. Wynyaid. iMr. and Mrs. Yiates. Caiptaln Xfrang Ma. F. Young and Miss Young. , ■ ' ■:'... •;..-'

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 134, 7 June 1911, Page 7

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GOVERNMENT HOUSE BALL Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 134, 7 June 1911, Page 7

GOVERNMENT HOUSE BALL Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 134, 7 June 1911, Page 7