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PUBLIC HOUCES, rnHB QtnEsriON r\T fnjbua T)A^. !Tbe Qoe»tion of To-il»y, of ■ -- U\Hmorr<rw, aod of every Jr . . day U >■ >■ ■ HAVH iOU'TTSBD PRABS" SOAP? Iγ you Live. not, yen hare' not flone your by yonr skin and complexion. PEDES' haj.^etin.Mnafaig beautiful cob> plexione for jnearly;■ 120 yeaia. MATCHIiESS FOR THE COMPUEXION, ■^ •■ ■"■' - ■■-■' ' ; SfIMUUTION WITHOUT NERVOUS INJURY. Thtf a . the great. point about Choysa Pure Tea. Made rignt and served right, : there isn't Anything more refreshing than a. cup. of good tea. Most teas contain a poisoji that causes injury to the nervous' ay stem. But there .isn't - any; come-back . about" Chpysa Pure Tea.- It'wets the dry'" - Bpot immediately, and-is abaoiutely free of that harshness and bitterness so com* nion in tea. ■---- ,Then,. if you want good tea get Qhpysa. X"ou will Be~ 'pleased, "and ; your "viaitora" will lie pleased. The price is ho iudica- I tion of the* quality. Only one grade, the best, 1/6 per lb. All first-class grocers itock Choysa Pure Tea. TAILORING. "\i SUffs YOU CAN i^ IWEAR : AND ENJOY. { '"■% ! rrne averace suit ot Men's CJoi&ee has a short life but ratter th«- : - 1 Reverse 1 , of a merry one f or Ua wearer. If yoo wear" SINCERITY SUITS, . . ~ : .'■« READY-TD-WSffl; yon iwHl know true Qotoesf _r,: enjoyment. $ . - '','■■ They are e»t aa the Best .. s ■':• -Talier'e order pattern*— , ■ ; • tHere are tweeiy-sQc dUTezese. . etzee and over 349 Oliterent ' Patterns. You' can buy your' Sincerity Sriit In Whiter "Weight now if you wJih. - WTHIE & SONS. Ifb^ CLOTHING MAMTjraCIUKEBS.

• We wish it to ibe clearly understood that we have only two stores, the J.C.L. corner store and the J.C.L. upper store, both in Queen-street, ioim Court, Ltd., Auckland's' ■ leading diapers, Queenstreet. —(Ad.) The glove question. Eight here for- :- value and style in waiving and evening gloves. They are from the world's leading manufacturers only.—Geo. Fowlds, Ltd.—(Ad.) 9oz. blue denims, eopper-rivetted, firstclass material and workmanship, only 2/11 pair. Freight or postage paid to any part of the Dominion. John Court, Ltd., Queen-street. —(Ad.) YOu will feel weltdresse& '-about the head with one of pur hats on; \ You will save ; money", as they . are - ; moderate in price, consistent with' the best make I and material.—Geo. Fowlds,,Ltd. —(Ad.)

Ask for Wolie's Schnapps—it is the only genuine article .bearing that \ name.—(Ad.) Every amateur photographer can save money by purchasing supplies at the Auckland Camera Company, 91 Karanga- j nape-road.— (Ad.) i David lleikle and Co. have just Landed a shipment, by Tainui, of ladies' • and children's macks.; children's in all ; sizes, at keen kash prices. A shortage t of these in the trade. Prices, from 9/6, ] up.—(Ad.) For the boys. We have a particularly ,] good stock of overcoats and raincoats. . > Jerseys are here in great variety. We ] can please you.—Geo. Fowlds, Ltd.—Ad. i

. i 1 When a customer says: "Show mc ( something special in underclothing," we: can do it. We specialise in unshrinkable ! B makes from. English and Colonial mami- \ 1 factures. —Geo. Fowlds, Ltd.—(Ad.) <

iM TME J.C.Iw. STORES " , .'; .....J J, r ;,,'.;.' :; 7 '— : ;;~" ; J .TWEEDS-Dark groups with coloured flake eLt, navy, grey, green an<3 At PpiCCS. r: ;■ ■■ . brown; double width ...... .•.-. 1/14 yard ■ ■ -- v • '-'— --- -•'—'. ••■ '- c< ' ifwEEDs—Dark grounds with dark stripes; double width 1/3$ Acting under special instructions our London Buyers have selected a wide assortment of Dress navy .Coating serges—it keenest, prices; doiflite ...-;— — | .TWEEDS-Darh: coloured grounds with coloured flake effect; double width, Goods particularly suitable for the mild Auckland Winter. While we have a smart collection of : the " " ' •"'" l^^^^^^^Mt^^^A ' ffWEEDs-Dark colourings, with fancy stripe effects; double widthft/eTyd". Rough Mixture Tweeds, we are experiencing a great demand for the lighter Cloths and Tweeds which ■*"**■ EBTAME, * E ,««eE^nwue..:width . m\9&g , TWEEDS—MostIy in grey and fawn mixtures, stripe effects; double width, a vve are showing in an extremely wide range of Shades and Styles. NAVY AMARANTH SERGE—Double width. ,1/1iJ,.2/6, 2/11»^3/6,i3/ti;~4/?^t ■J VTWEEDS-Dark grounds, with coloured stripe effects; Foremost among these materials are :- ;., .. ;. .; .;; • NiVY g^^ffi^ :,_ double width 1/9 yard' C~4 # 1 *• -r I f OX ' S *P U GH AND READY SERGES-52in wide 5/11, 4/M and 6/6 >tfc - i s Satin aonels, Satin Cloths and Coatings - ■•■■ p.^co S T U « ESEßeE^^««___wv^^9 -^3 Wldt h 1/11} yard. A visit of Inspection to our Dress Departments will be appreciated. cream coating serge—Double width /.„.,„ ..."..:," ' i., I .^^^T. 1 ! 1 . CheCk and BtrlPe effectS; new double . "■ ' "" : " } " .._ • , ;;, . . ..: s.-.s . ,;.Vefc l/I^,'"^^W'^^V^-4/e>.--'i i ; TWEEDS—Medium weight, in a full range of colourings; stripe effects;' SATIN SOLI EL—A medium weight material with a soft bright finish suit- SELF COLOURED FANCY STRIPED COATINGS—Light in weight but . CREAM ESTAMENE SERGE—Double width""" \/9, 'f/ifi and 2/11..- ---' '' DAnJ? dth 2/6 yard. able for dresses or costumes, recommended for wear- in grey, pale when costume coat is lined will be found correct for'tiomfort; amethyst, CREAM AMARANTH SERGE—Double width t/11i 2/6 2/11 3/6 3/11 ROUGH MIXTURE TWEEDS—New Colourings; double width 2/6 yard vieuxrose, mid vieux rose, saxe, nattier, sapphire, paon, goblin, coronation vieux rose, saxe, paon, wine, myrtle, olive, Tight, mid: and- dark naw *»=•«« uouoie wmm \ynt, z/e, z/n, 3/6, 3/11 ■, . TWEEDS—Medium weight; stripe effects in a wide range of shades 2/9. yd' blue; Ught, midand dart navy, reseda, myrtle, olive, light, mid and dark cream, and black; double width 2 /3 -- CREAM CHEVIOT SERGE—Double Width '. .~3/U yd. - 1 SATIN CLOTH—A medium weight all wool material with a bright smooth navy; double width ~..../.. 2/3 yd. 54iiu FlfiE CREAM COSTUME SERGE; ..i v*6/ii''-y>< -■"-" 1 ;.- « I finish; an ideal costume cloth; in light reseda, reseda, saxe, light vieux COATINGS—With fancy stripe efEect; in navy, amethyst, saxe ana brown- • - «, a,i«k ~" ." :.:.x- i- .-..-.'_>: -.J ■", .* '■:'■■ rose, dark vieux rose, light amethyst, amethyst, light brown, mid brown, double width sub adq prown, COLOURED CHEVIOT SERGES—In a.full range of shadefe? :--; % mole, light olive, olive, myrtle, and five shades of navy; SELF COLOURED STR.PED TAFFETAS-In a range of double - ■ ' .'."". r "r " ijIaCSC doublewxdth 2/9 yd. wiath . vmyd.' COLOURED COATINGS SERGES-Fine make; all shades; double width-l-ui SHADOW STRIPE SATIN CLOTHS-Medium weight, exceptionally smart BLACK AND WHITE CHECK MATERIALS-SmaU medium and Taree •* Tv/ITJ' • BLACK LUSTRE —Double width, 1/. 1/Ili, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/11 and 5/6 effect; light vieux rose, dark vieux rose, saxe, light amethyst, mid ame- checks; double width B|d, 1/1 A 1/6* 1/11* 2/9 and 3/11 yd ' " -• ' ' 'Yoyo* . ' •3| BLACK SICILJAN-Double width 2/11, 3/11, 4/11 and 5/6 Sj nattiOT, PaOn ' mid br ° Wn ' Ught nayy ' mid nayy ' and black; a JJ SELF COLOURED STRIPED LUSTRES-In"a range of 12 shades; double SELF-COLOURED STRIPED SERGES-In a full range of shades; ■t^^c. fcg BLACK CASHMERES—DoubIe width 1/11*, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 3/11 4/11 " Wldth ' 2/6 yd. width 2/3 yd ■ BLACK KHANTONA—DoubIe width '-'/>/ ' ~„, ,«, .» SELF COLOURED FANCY STRIPED SATIN CLOTHS—Very effective; LUSTRES—BIack grounds with white stripes; double width 2/9 yd BLArD ta=«t .t, v, Vll-, 2/11, 3/9 lignt brown, mid t>rown, navy, saxe, nattier, Ught amethyst, dark ame- STRIPED LUSTrI Biscuit naw hhok »nfl T, NAVY SERGES—With white stripes; double width 2/lfvd, ■ BLAQK TAFFETA-Double width 1/64, 1/11 J, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 thyst, reseda, light vieux rose, and mid vieux rose; double width. sb-fpes douWe ' ° b ?/« hi ? — — ..-.. 2/6 yd. .._ :, BLACK BSARRITZ CORD—Double width 3/11 and 4/11 1/6 i yd. AMAjniuriATij a , "\ •••••••- ..... 3/11 yd. _ -r • •- BLACK PERMOS-Double width ™ 3/6, 3/11 and 4/11 FLAKE COAT.NG ground with white nake effect; light blwn, to a T/^ltnd^/?yd' ! :'"' "' ' •'■' '"" " ' ' m SANTOY -D°"ble width .„ , 4/11 and 5/11 mid brown myrtle, bronze, vieux rose, licht and mid. navy and black. SEDAN CLQTH—A material specially made for'costumes and" onera coats' BLACK COATING SERGES-Double width 1/11$, 2/9, 3/3 and 3/9 ouble Wldth '•■ V"* y d - has a bright finish and is recommended for we™ and dark ' " " f '" " BLACK STRIPED PERMOS—DoubIe width 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 and 4/11 STRIPED COATINGS—Dark colourings, with black stripe effect; double ""eux rose, light, mid and dark navy, oUve, myrtle, light and dark brown, BLACK STRIPED MOHAIRS—DoubIe width 2/3 and 2/6 w 1 "" 11 •• 2/9 yd. cardinal, marane; also in shades for evening wear: Apricot, pale sky, Ft/I =» H-rfT.*-.S—* i— ' . I BLACK STR.PED TAFFETAS-Double width Z 1/1H and 2/6 COAT.NGS-Coloured grounds with fine white stripe; light and dark, brown, °\ *"' "" "gS JVIaCenMSh./:./ <--r. -"^. BLACK AMAZON CLOTH—Double width , 1/1U and 2/9 vieu * rose ' reseda > olive > navy, amethyst, saxe and grey; double width. SATIN FACED MELTON CLOTH—Maw hrn ™ ■ * ",-"1" "i *"i* , • • :: '" ' - BLACK SEDAN CLOTH ~I 3/11"and 5/11 1 /11* yd. SAT^ d ° d " k gr % P 4 r % CREAM "-USTRES-Double width 1/8,. 3/6 3/1, . : C ° ATlN^f^t d 1U1 ? T el | M coloured &™ n& * with self coloured stripes in STRIPED CLOTHS-In self coloured or with black stripe; brown, naw CREAM SICILIAN—DoubIe width 2/11 * M :IL. — —, _« , , a good range of shades 2/11 yd. amethyst, purple, vieux rose, paon and nattier; double width 1/8 yd ■'■ ■■ „ ■ —-« :v .— r -.--2/11, 3/6,-3/11 w I ■■■■■.. L.V CREAM TAFFETA-Double; width ;„__. V 4J, 1-/6*, 1/114," 2/6, 2/11 3/fi carry an extensive stock of all DRESS LININGS. Our assort- '" ' ■ ■■■ rREiM vuiurnuk t., "' '■ ... ; |; s ment of shades will be found to be most complete. .—,,„ . CREAM KHANTONA-Double Width -• 1/8, 1/11*, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 ■ 8-^1 COl °" S " •"""••"- " 4 "d "sd" Vd'' Bd^ar!S d 10? J' ' ;^ W striped COAT'LININGS-In a Vuli'assortment of shades" " T *g>.VK sH-ks. or ' ' : 'CREAM PERMO—Double width ...... . .-..,..„.,„... 3/6 yd. V-, 1/4+, 1/6, and 1/11* —•••• *- «<r a WffVJl VI, .--;-- v . - ... . -. . : - FRENCH CANVAS—In black, fawn or white .... 6d, 8d and 9*d • . - . ++-• — . ' /;,,,'; \'.',-, "„ Right Goods. Right Prices. QUEEN STREET. Right Goods. Righrpß||E ' "ALWAYS BUSY/ , ■ -■- -■ ; "" : * ;~--- :: "'" J -^

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 9