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-May 6, O.« Cm. ■Sunset: This ovening, Sufirlse": -To-morrtnvmoriirng, 6.50. - " UIGJf WiTEH. ' ~ ' A-uckiitnd.: ibJs es^nlng,.JLo.3G; to-morro\v attu(iiiins, 10.50. • ----- " bmiliilnga': T'o-wmfow moiiiing, p.-Hl .tofafirrtnv evening. S.IG. Mannkan. ileade: Td-morrow nVarnlug, 1L24;. to-morrow eygoing, I.s<i. • * *• Kjup.ira " 'ij-ehds :** "To-morrow . jnorntng, 2.41/;' tomorrow evening, S.AL. ... ABRITAUS. . . TJESTEJRDAY. Ngapuhi, s.s.. E. 'Stepuonsou, from Whaegjrui. rassengers.- Meadumes Ritchie. SX>u;i, ' Calbralth, Prlct, ' irissea Burns, King. Patullo. Cfaue,' Raleigh, Jl.iw-JUi?.- Dpuil. GaibTalth, Aiderton, Jove.-i. Elite, Joues. Tomllnson J2), Woods, SifKenzlc', Wilkinson, 'Mson, -Ensoll, •Murraj', Smith, PobKon, ' StoEes. ' Aiekin, -Jlander, i1.J.'.., Colonel yolgate.—Northern Co.,"agents. Wttibtail. s.s:; C. Hopkins, from Mercnry Bay and KBaotiinu.—Nortlfern Col, ageifts. .-. - ,'•',-. ' • ■ j '■"".. yESTEKpAI. ,-.,'.. Glenolp s.s., Jonas, l'ur Whangarei. Kanß-ri, s.s., T. Meyers, fov Whangarei •THIS DAY. Invnnay, s.s.. . Z&T4, Housoton, for -Weiitnguui. tTN'ION' CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST.

Thursday .—Taiune arrives from Eastern Pa-cine; Hauroto arcives from South; Kavua arrives from We^tport.

Friday.—itnitnl arrives ...from Wellington : Squall arrives front Tolago Bay and GLtbornii; Rakanoa sails' Itor Wgstport: it 4 . Sattwlay.- Maitai sails for Rarotonga, Papeete, and San Francisco at 12 noon ; Ba'uroCb sails for South at 12 noon; Squall Bails tor Tolago Bay and Giaborne at 12 Doon.

WEST COAST. l^riday.—>ftosam6ncl arrives' from Wellington, Pleton, Nelson, and New Plymouth; Rosamond, sails -£or New Plymouth, Wei; Imjjtoo, Picton, and Nelson, at 2 p.m.; Kini sails Greymouth., 2 p.m. NOtICEHEEJi S-S. CO/S MOVEMENTS. To-flay: WaiotaW leaves for" Gteat Barrier; lenvfS- tor- Wh&ngarei; Kanlert arrives- from Tuuranga About 8 .a.m.; Kanieri .arrives from 'Whiuigarel about 1O p.m.; Ctausman leaves .lot .Ttnaseli; Wliangatoaund .Yuinganai. ~„',. Thursdays; KiLrawa arrives at ,Oneh.unga Iroiu Xew yiymouffi, and leaves again for New Plymout- at -3.30 (train .'2.10); Claymore leaves for Holvlanga; An-' jpoiad leaves :TOr -Tauranga; Kanleri leaves tor' "Whangarei" Ngapuhi arrives from rwianKaret; 'Wklotahi arrtaes • f rom - Great -'Barrier about G< p-tn. ■ B"rlOay 'Nga.putoi leaves lor Whangarel;. Kiuiieri arrive? ' from Wliongarel Town ■wharf about ll'-p-m.; Apanui arrives from •Awanui,- Houhora, \asid. Watharara abont 8 p.m.; Waiotahi. letiyes for .Mercury 3ay -arid" Tairua. EsSEGTsii "ufitarv&SLS. ifaheno, s.s., from Sydney; due Sunday. Saroii" Time-Male, sau, irom Christmas Island : Die. •> Indraleina, &«., from. Lmjepa, -via- Melbourne an'l Sydney : To sail May 29. Mineric, c«, from San. Francisco and Islands; sailed April 25; due May 24. ilimiro' s s', from New York, < via Mellionnic an'tfrSy-doeyv sailed April IB;.'due ;ii)out July r* l - - s?fait&mata. from CMeuTfcapsailqd-Aprll, - 10; -ake'-Diout' :Ua£ ifc-1 ": '1 ':'' ', -S~':.' ' Kiwiru S-β. from ljonuon, via Aleiooume and Sydney; salted, ffllareh 02; due,early in Mar '■ Btar of Australia, ml, from New York, via MeUiourae and Sjwtaey; sailed March 8; due .... .-..-./ -. ... .:.„......,:.' ... fi£n>.Newcastle; sail. S'wanley, 'from -Heir York, via Melbourne and" Sydney; "Bidfed December Z4.? due early _ _ ~ ©rarytoii Grange, s-s., .from west -coast oi ' fingia'nd" ports; "leTT Llv.erpt>bl April 1;. doe about June 7" ••- - Buteshire, °.» . fmm west cqast of Englnnd ports vMoarres Liverpool March 4. tWnkapui, "s:s.,.:Cr.SjnrgSfc Julm, vte. Melbourne and Sydney; sailed .Zltkck 26, due about May 22. lAscot, firom St. Jolm, via Melbourne nud Sydney; sailed April 16; due about' - June 25: ■..-.- •■ •■- > r , -OfJ pJiic.-s.a^,.: t feat X4v#rßPftJ; gflfed, March IS; due Miry 5.' - . " : " . 'Mal-efe,' s"X'' jf?offio"'■'L'oniflWi,'^lft'Meiboilnie and Sydney; sailed April 22 . . Etar.of- bcotlaad, t Loodon, via M-elboni-ae and Sydney/: Sailed Api;U S, - aiiG Juio'-12. '-- - : . -' Z"-.~ '" ". *,•"■ f?Q m -ipadon-i -sailed April 6;' diie May" l-i.\ . . .' 1...'"..: ".' J L'", . '. ' Purley, s.s., £rcnn ■San Francisco and tnp lslacds,;_'6aiLE;d .April'lT due_ ,_ v t Italuae, g.5.,-fipm.fioofc aiid' Society Islands; ' aue-'i11«r.""4." ' ■- --■-■-—- -'^= -,> r Eakdba,sa>, ttciw tenflouiJ (sailed, .^pril.s;;. doe'tfttout ilay-14: - ..., -:!.., Parihe'nls., s.s.V ffo*m New J6rk, yla STelCourne ami Sydoey; sailed March'2o,ffliii. ■ early rin .... A- „ _j' ' > — •- Mpr,aysnirq> "s,s,, from; Liverpoolt" MtHH&S' March"*; 'Wsydiey AjpirU'-sei-auE May 8 '-• » ■>■> ■■■ ■ '■ . L ,-. ;•-■:•._ .;:.:"V EaDda Isle,, bqntne., from.Newcastle; sailed A-pril ' . . .' '.'" "■ PROJECTED' DEPARTUBES, -■ ' FOU -STbTtJSrZ— ' --V • ■:••-, ilaheno; s.fe,; Moiliiay.''' '.' ■■"' " '-iv ■ -Aiuaj e.s-.,- via' Cto .-Islands,..May,.23. .., , FOR I/ONDQrf— ' ~,.,j^ Wliakaiane, s.s., .dlr.ect, May 6 KU. 6ra; s.s.,'direct, .iiay 13 '"• . ', - FOU EKISCO— ■ ..•■ — . foe M-.:'.!:' ;;. - ■ KaTuu ? 5.5,,~ "'iljjy 10: 4— ■' -Dr.C. H. Grimm mas JoliLeai"lJiej'HJVl.S. Mai'tai as surgeon. .. .f,.--,. ■■■ -Tiie- ■>' l 3iai.tii was tw'leaye -Welling-; ton .for. W;S diie Ji«fi 'on' Prl_day; T tfeSt, and sail- for. th.c Is?. ■laifls aiid San 'B%ah-ds«6 on; Satojoaj^ ~ "'•' , The si. at '.laartolra frran 1 "Kydney a-t 9 -Ti:mi yesterday- She. lejaxes J^eyulca-4i-t- 2--P.m.. ffco-jnocbo.w. -i£oj:"iS.aini> J a, a'oiga,'did Awkfeindi. &nii' wfll. ib.e:«tu<B'at this An--the'-iStto fnsk- - : /-t-~:-'*r. ■' -. -. lite; --UxiKle, -<a»i£t officer, 01. .the Is Oea-ving the vessef 'af AiicKlana/tiilS" trip -- ' "" •" •' •'WSfll? ■D-urtag'" Ga-ptialri- C. QlaJSOotuaWa; in. Jtlre. OW .OcNnitry, Gaujtaih-. King:, 'will .'lJie -QfecUje scpeclntendemt. for tdie . UttSflta. "Cea)aaijy ait.Duiieiilh." f~- -■"• • ■■'""'■";' 'Ca-ptoiii ■• tfi Todd restnn«a "ithe" "WiaHaka at * t/yitteKon;.' - 'f>a ' Saturday, tmii.-eaptain a,ctofc j niastJeJ{.<J!f. , iQia't' Treissei;' w.enlj-on. to pungdla f6r 'oyißis. Captain "W. HTTfchiiise,' teneiy&'Wb I'WtoJ•Sora, .ias resigned - from ithe -Union. -Comjwny's service owing to >He, tends to proceed to England aHortly. ' ■'■> ■ "Captain''' J: 'IWbertsou, "«f .tße 'Mon.owiai, transtßf:fe3'ito:itihe Hanrobq iait il^y ttelton x>a fiaturday--Jn ptoco of ..Capugin.! Colling*" who' Joined 'Uie.Sloaowai, " r ..." '■'"' "' '■'''■ ./Owing t<> 'hea\-y''weather theiClaiiSnian' Tvas "liWaßlfi.' to""leave 'Kuasell Oast nig&t. She was 'espectefl' to .take.iiei. departure Auckland .at /noon to-<Uiy, and may !be Hooked ' for' 'inididghit." : The s.s. Waitenwia, TOhich ipassed. TJiuraday Island on ■Mondafy evening, l>ound. from Calcutta to jAuckljind, Is expected to arrive ■ jut tills-ipott on 'Friday--<week nest--.:.. The s'.s. Haiuxrto wae to G)sboa<ne ivtl p.m. to-day-for Tokomaru 3ay and Auckland.. She. twill ' tie due '"here about 3 ip.m. to-morrow. ' .', The s.B."Nnviia Sltould axrive. froni Westport • ■to-morrow-.'. - .... ... • . Xfre l<arque'ljiuis-a.. Craig left Kopu on Monday last. Bound for lAdelaide with sW).onort -id- timber. :wW probably toai at ISdifhDurg for.: Aucklandi. .' '' ■ The Governmenit s.s. fllnemoa will be ■dm»-hiigk n.t--Wemngton. i fjmn.jlv P r. h> INnrthern liphtttoußes"aßout~®atuTday- next. Tb<> Kent which left Lyrtelton on i. W ,k P n V- I^ir '^ s ' formerly chief steward &•■, W ha ?; Tcsl CTod from the New ThT o * atp Ping. Company's service. ■~-3»al to 1i.0.. knots iper hour/" ' " JZui ■»hei"'M l >rayahir'o leff Newcifillc- on Monday last, i D continuation of I w<h "hT 1 * 0 tf6ni '"totßooV to-Auckland, and «-j orlgiaalcarfofromst John tills after.

Cable advice -received toy Cne local agents of the F.-H.'-S. ' Liite is to tie effect ttiat Hie Drayton Grange continued her voyage, from iiverpool to Wellington on Saturday last! She will be due at tie Southern port about Miy 26/ Sntt thence' comes on to Auckland. - •Mc Scales, tblrd officer of the H.:SI.S. A(>yungi, has been appointed- second on tie KM. ' "' . ". Mr fl.'M-cPhe-e'tias Joined the Wanahas ihird. officer, in succession to Mt Xi. Earl. Mr. J. Thompson,• has passed lite extra nias-tor's examination, will rejoin "the Koroniiko. It is understood that the Waitemata will not return'to the East on completion of discharge of her cargo- from Calcutta. £his mon,th. , ' . . _ „ Tlje s.s. Talnui leaves' W;ejlingt6n for Ijondon on y ISth. Ahoiner despatch from Wellington at cm early da.te iyiU /bp the Rjikain, now loading in the South. S.TEIAMIDBS Jl heavy gale prevailed on the cerast yea-'terda-y. aad thougli ■thepoAs an inipcovement In .the. wea.i.'ter Jlf-'hS,. Jffiyiy .fessels areunaile 'to keep their time-taWes. The carso. btelme'r Whiißatane. Whtou" left Totoinaru •Bay at midnight■ on -Monday, tuid not put" in .an appearance at time, of writing, iivhHe fche aiakanoa, jfrom Wes-Dport. jpassed 'Oape Maria Van Dieinen at 11.15 a.m. yesterday, and should have arrived here fhis oiornieg, .fhft uruible tp leave Auckland last night, but was expected to set trtrt at noon" to-day. &he is espeeted to arrive at' this port -early 'to-TOorraw im<jrning. H«r departnte )for ■ißnssell-ihias ■been i>ostpon«d 'from .this evenlag.unUl 4 p,ji. to-morrow, Ti.e Gael is t»ar-bound a-t one of the fiutf ports, and It lsuQ«ertain wh<?u sht wfllget on-t. Tliosc who intended leaving .by the vessel 'to-day ina.y proceed to Marsden Point br the JS'iaapuhi, leaving Auckland to-nigtot The Kaiwmi is taiMKmnu «t Mahurangl, and her trip to Idbtle .-and Big .Omaiia and iCawau will be taken 'b.v the Kottti. leaving Auckland at midnight to-morrow.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 104, 3 May 1911, Page 4