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EXAMINATION RESULTS. STJCC—iS3FTJL STUDENTS. The following students have passed the various examinations of the Auckland Technical College for the session 1010:—: ART DEPARTMENT. Freehand Di-jwlitg m Outline.—First grade: Mr— class——oralau V. Allen, Eveiyn J. -Barr, ijteru-udc L. Banilmtl, — isa v. —ass, —unci F. bell, Seymour _. —cut, Lila i>urluu, Winifred „. Heather, Cecil \V. Kenuoii, Amy E. lluse, i'hylils VV. A. Sullivan, oorothy E. Ti—ewell, Uorothy 1. Ward, Leslie M. Ward, Doy L. White. Second class-i-Uiadys C. D. Barker, Ivy E. Bell, Lily M. Boag, Dorothy B. Hale, Elsie E. Jennings, Thomas Y. KUien, Elizabeth Morgan, K_thleeu B. Murray, Mabel N'orris, Fauuie M. Rogei-son, Ida J. smith, Violet M. Sinltli, Howell B. 11. Stewart, Mary li. Tuthlll, Myrtle CM. Watson, I'hylils 13. Windsor, Eileen I Woods. Second grade: First class—Ainelie M. Ballautyne, Samuel Harris, Reginald Horning, Hilary A. —yams, James E. Inkster, Cecil W. Keudon, Victor Roscoe, Herbert W. Turner. Second class —Albert E. Cornaga, Oliver Curry, Alexander ti. Eider, Kegina4d Howard, Jessie Ross, John A. Stanton. Model Drawing.—First grade: First classEvelyn J. Barr, Gertrude B. Barriball, Ivy E. Bell, Muriel F. Bell, Seymour L. Rent, Ella Burton, Dorothy B. Hale, Kathleen B. Murray, .Mabel Morris, Elizabeth M. Phillips, Ida J. Smith, Amelia A. Snell, Dorothy E. Timewell. - 'Second class —Lawrence Allen, Edith C. Armstrong, Gladys C. D. Barker, Elsa G.Bass, Irene F. Burns, Alice M. Car-son-Dunning, Ethel XI. Clark, William J. Earle, James P. Farrel, Winifred M. Heather, Cecil W. Kendon, Thomas Y. Killeu, Conrad J. Kirk, Archibald M. Laing, Margaret D. McCaskill, Elizabeth Morgan, Fannie M. Rogcrson, Amy E. Rose, Nellie Ross, Howell B. H. Stewart, Phyllis W. A. Sullivan, Mary H. Tuthlll, Dorothy I. Ward, Leslie M. Ward, Doy L. White, Phyllis E. Windsor. Second grade—First class—Alnslie 31. Ballantyne, George Boswell, Beatrix C. Dobbie, Samuel Harris, i Cecil W. Kendon, John A. Stanton. Second class.—Reginald Howard, Victor Roscoe, Jessie Ross. Freehand Drawing on the Blackboard. — First class: George Boswell, Cecil W. Kendon. Second class: Gladys C. D. Barker, Evelyn J. Barr. Lily M. Boag, May W. Heather, Kathleen B. Hurray, Mabel Norris, Mary •_. Phillips. Violet M. Smith, John A. Stanton. Howell B. H. Stewart. Drawing of Plant Form.—First class (excellent): Alnslie M. Ballantyne, Stanley C. Mackle: First class: Samuel Harris, Hilary A. Hyams. Second class: George A. Drake, Annie Quinn, Jessie Ross, Herbert W. Turner. Brush -Drawing.—tSecond class: John A. Stanton, Dorothy I. Ward. Design.—First-class (excellent): Samuel Harris. First class: Herbert W. Turner. Second class: Alexander G. Elder. English Composition aud Literature. —Preliminary trrade: Pass—Reginald Howard. Elementary grade: Second class —Alexander G. Eliler, Herbert W. Turner. Practical Mathematics. — Preliminary grade: Pass—4Uexander' G. Elder. BUILDING TRADES DEPARTMENT. Theoryi and Practice of Carpentry and Joinery.—First grade: Second class—William T. Hobson, Francis J. Hobson, Allen •Burns. Second grade: First class—Montgomerie Ballantyne, Alfred D. Snedden, Herbert T. Burton, John M. T. Downey. Second class—Paul Williams, Claude C. Moore, Noel Cole, Kenneth W. Watson. Building Construct ion. —First grade: First class—Seymour L. Bent. John M. T. Downey. Second class—Alfred D. Snpdden, Paul Williams. Charles Caradus. William B. Hayes, Atkinson C. Jeffries. William S. Home. Herbert T. Burton. Second grade: First class—Montgomeric Ballantyne. Sydney Poole. Edward G. Batldeley. Second class —Noel Cole. Kenneth W. Watson, Conrad J. Kirk, Claude C. Moore, Noel S. Peacoclze. Practical Geometry.—First grade: First class—Seymour L. Bent, Paul Williams. Second class—Claude C. Moore, Allen Burns. Second grade: First class—Mpn/tgomerie Ballantyne. Second class—Sydney Poole, Charles Caradus. Architect oth 1 Design.—First class: Royden G. Jackson, Ralph B. Owen. Second class: Alva M. Bartley, Malcolm K. Dr-affin, Thomas H. Watson. History of Architecture.—Second class: Malcolm K. DraiTtn, Alnslie M. Ballantjote, Conrad J. Kirk. Ralph B. Owen, Royden G. Jackson, Alva M. Bartley. Trade Drawing.—Preliminary grade: Pass —Daniel A. Kennedy, Stanley Sander, Roy K. While, John H. Bailey. Stanley N. Lythgo. Joseph R. Roman. Cecil E. Shanaghan, Thomas Williams. Edward Berry. Woodwork. —Preliminary grade: Pass — Stanley N. Lythsro, Daniel A. Kennedy, Stanley Sanders, Joseph R. Roman, John J. Bailey, Edward Berry, Cecil E. Shanaghan, Roy K. White. Thomas Williams. Practical Mathematics. — Preliminary grade: Pass—Alfred D. Snedden, Dante! A. Kennedy. John M. T. Downey, Roy K. White. Second grade: Second class—Henry G. Clark. Paul Williams. Herbert T. Burton. Third grade: First class—Sydney Poolp. English Composition and Literature.— Preliminary grade: Pass—Daniel A. Kennedy, Alfred D. Snedden. William B. Hayes, John M. T. Downey, Edward Berry, John H. Bailey, William S. Home, Stanley Sanders. CABINETMAKING DEPARTMENT. Theory and Practice of Cabinet—aklng.— First grade: Second class—Albert E. Cornaga. Practical Mathematics.—Second grade: Second class—Robert Doble. - DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Theory and Practice of Plain Cookery.— First class: Margaret Clark, Bertha C. Pickford, Agnes M. Gilroy. Alice M. Hosking, Winifred M. Holt. Second class: Evelyn E. Phillips. Theory and Practice of Dressmaking.— Elementary grade: First class—Margaret Clark. Lena Davies, Marjorie Wllcoek, Evelyn E. Phillips, Daisy 11. _. Stacey, Katie Hicks, Pearl Taylor, Olive A. Foweraker, Muriel G. Semadeni. Clarice R. White. Margaret Phillips. Hilda M. Traccy, Elsie J. Webb, Marjorie Grosvenor, Elsie G. Moore, Doris M. Taylor, Steela A. Eaves, Hazel M. Lane, Ellen Thompson. Second class —Eileen L. Plddock, Eva M. Woodhead, Milliccut J. Ballantyne, Marjorie Wildman, Vera L. Barker, Lizzie Harry. Esma Carroll. Advanced grade: First class—Mary J. Hynes, Evelyn M. Moore. Dora R Carter, Maren Mlkkelson, Olive M. Cambldge. Principles and Practice of Millinery.— Elementary grade: First class—Katie Hicks, Stella A. Eaves, Ejsie J. Webb, Eileen L Plddock, Olive A. Foweraker. Doris M. Taylor, Pearl Taylor, Daisy H. K. Stacey, Hilda M. Tracey, Muriel G. Semadeni, Vera L. Barker, Annie Clark, Marjorie Wildman, —ma Carroll. Millicent J. Ballantyne. Second class—Clarice R. White, Elsie G. Moore, Margaret Phillips, Evelyn E. Phillips, Marian E. Hamley. Advanced grade: First class—Mary J. Hynes, Evelyn M. Moore, Hilda B. C. Peunalligeu, Olive M. Cambidge, Hilda Smellie, Hannah Harris, Eva M. Woodhead, Minnie Lnrney. ' Human Physiology for Teachers.—Elementary pxade: First class —Mary K. Herbert, Joseph A. Tatton. Second class—Ernest Itaytex, Hazel M. Lane, WilUam D. Tcesdale. Hygiene for Teachers—Elementary grade: First class—Joseph A Tatton. English Composition and Literature..— Preliminary (rrarle: Pass—Evelyn E. Phillips, Katie Hicks, Stella A. Eaves, Myrtle M. Watson. Margaret Phillips Doris M. Tnylor, F.lsie .T. Webb. Kileen T.. Pkldock, Millicent J. BBllantyne. Hilda M. Tracey, Pearl Taylor, Ksma Carroll, Clarice R. White, Vera L. Barker, Ivy M. Metcalfe. Practical Mathematics. — Preliminary grade: Pass—Katie Hicks, Stella A. Eaves, Evelyn E Phillips, Elsie J. Webb, Pearl Taylor. ELECTRIC A L ENC, INHERING DEPARTMENT. Magnetism and Electricity. —First class: Chnrles H. Venimore. Ralph S. Clarke, Noel Stcadnian. Second class: James F. Buekrell, George R. Danscy. Herbert R. Ryan James C. Welsh, Rudolph G. Cooke. Electrical Engineering. — First. gradeFirst class-Augustus R. Hynes Percy n' Mason, Christopher VoweU, Claude E. 'Burgess, Arthur A. Lepine. Second class—Frederick Mason. John H. Stephens. Richard R Bramley, Frederick G. Havill. Second grade: First, class—George V. Mullenger, William C. Wedderspoon. William H. Hodgson. Second class: Stanley F. Weir, Arthur S. P. Brookfleld. Fourth grade: First class —George V. R. Fraser. Charles McKennv. Electric Wiring. -First grade: First, class —John H. Stephens. Second class—George V. Mullenger. Heat Engines.—First grade: First classWilliam C. Wedderspoon, Ralph S. Clarke. Second class—William H. Hodgson, Charles Conch, Art—mr H. MeConvilie. Second grade: First class—Augustus R. 'Hynes, Claude E. Burgess. Second class—Christopher Votvell, jNoel Steadman, Richard VL —— wiejit -" *

Applied Mechanics.— First «rade: First class—William C Wedderspoon. Second class—William H. Hodgson. Second grade ' —Jfirst class—Augustus R. Hynes, Claude • E. -Burgess. el P ««««s.-Pir9t grade: First Per Vowel1 ' J °hii H. Steph- ; Machine Construction and™ s A' ade i Pil,st class—Augustus R. S&-S, Cnude E. Burgess. Second grade: Second class—Charles Conch, Noel steadw^i? ob , cfl ' Ma themaUcs.—Second grade: <=jj s ?— Augustus R. Hyn-e.- Second class—Christopher Vowell. Third grade: Second class—Ralph S. Clarke, Charles ' 5° m.' lal3Q e B. Burgess, Frederick G. ' Uayill, William C. Wcdderspoon, George V. M ulleuger. Emglisli Composition and Literature.— Elementary grade: First class—Percy H. Mason. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. Heat Engines.—First grade: Fireft classGeorge F. Smith, Kenneth J. Eosser. Second class—Frederick W. Brown, John _. Verran, Robert G. Fraser. Second grade: ' iirst class—James _, Webb. Second class —Roy E. W. Fordham, Samuel R. Entwistle, William J. Ormiston. Third grade: ' Second class—Harry W. Vaughn-n. ' Applied M echanics.—First grade: First class—Kenneth J. Eosser. Second classGeorge F. Smith. Second grade: First class—James _. Webb. Second class—Nornian H. Purdy, Eoy E. W. Fordham. Third grade: Second class —Harry W. Vaughan. Machine •Construction and Drawing.— ; First grade: Second class—Robert G. Fraser, John _ Verran. Second grade: First class—James M. Webb. Second class— Kenneth J. Rosser, George F. Smith. Third grade: Second class—Gavin D. Alexander. Workshop Practice.—First grade: Second class—Allan Grant, Reihaua Matin. Second grade: First class—Frederick W. Brown, Sinclair Shearer, Donald F. B. Brown, Thomas H. Stringer. Third grade: First class—Ernest E. Jones, Arthur C. Jolly. Practical Mathematics.—Second grade: Second class—Douglas Lush, Robert G. Fraser, John L. Verran, Gavin D. Alexander. Third grade: First class—Kenneth J. Rosser, Harry W. Vaughan. Second class— Ralph A. Lush, James M. Webb, George F. Smith, Roy E. W. Fordham. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING COURSE. General Elementary Science.—'Preliminary grade: Pass—Thomas J. R. Watson, Lauranee F. Blomfleld, Denison Roche. Roy Campbell, Andrew L. Smith, Donald McLean, Thomas Tester. Trade Drawing.—'Preliminary grade: Pass —Herbert Dormer, James W. S. Pennalligen, Lauranee F. Blomfleld. Thomas Tester. William A. Kidd, Thomas J. R. Watson, Donald McLean, Lawrence G. Miller, liarold Pike, William A. Couch, Harold AY. E. Dee, Denison Roche. Practical Mathematics. — Preliminary grade: Pass—Andrew L. Smith, Denison Roche, Thomas J. R Watson, James W. S. :Pennalligen, Donald McLean, William A. English Composition and Literature.— Preliminary grade: 'Pass—Roy Campbell, Andrew L. Smith, Thomas J. R. Watson, I„urance F. Blomfleld Denison Roche, Harold W. E. Dee, William F. M. Anderson, William A. Kidd. PLTJ-iBIXG .DEPARTMENT. | rmeory and Practice ot Plumbing,—First Urade- First class—Percy R. Tudehope, ! George _. Hawes, William A. Watson, Robert W. W. Stewart, William R. —vales. I Walter A. Bra—well, Robert Green. Second class—Alfred 'H. Battersby. Frank A. Pearce. Second grade: First class—Harry L. Farr, Frank C. Fountain. Septimus tE. J. i Lonergan, Frank S. 'Linder, Martin J. •Fogarty, James Daiwson, Cohu C. MclAyer. Second class—Albert V. .Hartley, Sydney Menzies, .Matthew T. England, Walter A. Turner, Edward Fowler, Ernest Tiernan, Frank Applegren. Albert W. Ltttlejohn. Third grade: First class—Charles F. Paull, C—tries _. Tilby, William iH. Wheeler, Harold Bartleet, Henry C. Spinley. Second class—David Cremen, Henry R. Cork, Donold W. Booth, Walter J. Cross. Drawing for Plumbers. —First grade: First ci ass _William It. Swales, George H. Hawes, Walter A. Bracewell. Second class—A—red H. tßattersby, William A. Watson. Second grade: First class—Frank C. Fountain, Harry L. Farr. Second class—Sydney Menzles, Ernest Tiernan, Albert V. Hartley, Matthew T. England. Frank Linder, Edward Fowler. Percy IR. Tudehope, tMartin Fogantv, Septimus E. J. Lonergan. (Physics and Chemistry.—First grade: First" class—Alfred H. Battersby, William R. Swales, George'_. Hawes. Second class —.Percy R. Tudehope, Robert Green, William A. Watson, John Wark, William R. Hogarth, Frank A. Pearce. Second grade: First class —Frank C. Fountain, Harry L. Farr, Matthew T. England. Second classEdward Fowler, Albert V. Hartley, Septimus E. J. Lonergan, James Dawson, Frank S. Linder. Colin C McLiver, Henry R. Cork, Walter A. Turner, Ernest Tiernan, Martin J. Fogarty, Frank Applegren. Practical 'Miuthema-cs. — Preliminary grade: Pass—Alexander Fraser, John C. Home, Daniel F. Osborne. Second grade: First class —William R. Swales. Alfred H. Battersby, George H. iHawes, Robert Green. •Second class—Walter A. Bracewell, Percy .R. Tudehope. Third grade: First class — Harry L. Farr, Ernest Tiernan. Second class —Frank C. Fountain, Sydney Menzies, Charles E. Tilby, Henry K. Cork, Septimus •E. J. Lonergan, Matthew T. England, Edward Fowler. Trade Drawing.—Preliminary grade: Pass —J. C. tHorne, Joseph Barnes. Alexander Fraser, George H. R. Orams, John _ecky, Geor\ge E. Keegan. •General Elementary Science.—Preliminary grade: Pass—Joseph (Barnes, John C. Home, Alexander Fraser. I English, Cojniposition and Literature.— Preliminary gr_le: Pass—John C. Home, I Alexander FraseT, George —. Keegan, Jack 1 C. Wilson, Joseph Barnes, Walter A. Bracewell. I COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. ! Commercial Correspondence and Precis Writing.—Preliminary grade: Pass—Edith I A. Haniley, Henry G. Clarke, Walter C. I Browne, James Dnnsrnuir, Edward J. P. Kennedy, Stanley W. Webber, Marian E. Haniley, Mervyn .1. C Barker, Nora Cle- j meats, Albert J. Bennetts, Cyril C. Ellis, j Frances E. Hayeom, Lucy F. Barker, Jack A. Grantley, Charles R. Jones, Harold G. Youd, George W. Barker, Irene T. Mason, , Samuel A. Jones, Lawrence P. Kavanagh, 1 Mary A. Stoddard, Ellzab eth It. Cltfifc, John J. Nichols on, William Taylor, Stanley Caro, Eric W. Snodgrass. Hilda G. Parker, ] Elsie Perry, Samuel Griffiths, Thomas N. I Pemberton, Clarence C. Turner, Amy G. Neale, Leslie H. H. luwood, Sylvia W. Skinner, Howard Barnett,' Vera M. Wright, Thomas J. Virtue, Henry P. Casse, Ross A. i Black—an. Reginald L. Haysom, Roy H. Page, John S. Kennerley, Marjorie Z. Townsend, Dorothy B. Mitchell, Alfred S. Cruigie, Joseph Wark, Albert T. Prosser, Ruth E. Virtue, Dorothy _•. Jones, Annie Campbell, Jessie Dunn, Constance E. O'Keeffe, Irene A. Rowell, Albert H. Nightingale, Irene G. Calder, Gladys Purdy, Robert K. Page, Charles A. Levy, Herbert Buchanan, Hazel J. Grandison. Elementary grade: First class—John B. Kenyon, Fanny Graham, Frank G. Moore, Ethel L. Mabbett, David A. McNeill. Franklin McKenzie, Alice M. Murray. Second class—lris E. Goldsbro', Kendall A. Vaughan, George E. Collier, Daniel Bradley, Andrew Cornaga, Annie M. Green. John J. Baxter, Robert N. Klllip, Arthur Handrock. Georgr&phy. —■ Preliminary grade: Pass—Charles R. Jones, Stanley W. Webber, Henry G. Clarke. William Taylor, —dm-.ird -T. I>\ Kennedy. Jaanes Dunsmair, Harold G. Youd, Samuel Griffi_s, aiervyu .1. C. Barker, Edith A. flamley, Ross A. Black—an, Walter C. 'Browne, Frances _. Haysom, Cyril C. 0311 is. Elizabeth OR. Cliffe; Roy H. 'Page. Sylvia W. Skinner, Jack A. Grantley, John J. Nicholson, Marian (E. Hamley, George W. (Barker, Albert Clarke, Samuel A. Jones, Albert J. Bennetts, Thomas IN. Penrberton, Jxihn S. Kennerley, Thomas J. Virtue, Reginald L. Haysom, Vera M . Wright, Albert H. —iglit_sal«, Alfred S. Craiffle, (Herbert Buchanan, Irene T. Mason. Mary A. Stoddard, Eric W. grass, Constance E. O'Keette, Lawrence P. Kavanagh, Lucy F. (Barker, Ernest Pardington, Clarence C. Turner, Elsie Perry, Leslie H. 'H. Inwood, Nora Clements, Rulih E. Virtue, Joseph Wark, Henry P. Casse, Dorothy B. Mitchell, Annie Campbell, John C. Gow, (rladys Purdy, Irene G. Calder. Irene A Rowell. Dorothy L. Jones, Robert K. Page. Elementary grade: First class—Fanny Graham. John iE. Kenyan, Kend-all A. Vaughan, Frank G. Moore, Franklin McKenzie, David A. McNeill, Ethel L. Jlaboett. Second class —Alice M. Murray, Annie M. Green, Iris E. Goldsbro', John J. Baxter, Andrew Cornaga, George E. Collier, Daniel Bradley, 'Robert N. Killip, Arthur Handcock. Junior Civil Service Class: First class—Willia— E. Hatvie. Edward S. Col lard, Elsie E. Jen--1 nings. 'Christopher Mulholland, Hannah FeIgan, Henry A. Colvin. Second class—Maude C. A. Jeffs, Bertha H." Darrooh, Melina Ellis,; I Arthur P. J. Lees. Minna L. Worthington, Arthur Parrish. Howell 'B. H. Stewart,' •Leonard S. MHls. Charles Cctes, •Frederick J. Weir. Shorthand.—Elementary grade: First class —Dora' E. Carter, litaka Te Tai, Violet Stewart, Marsaret M. Auld. Second class —Charles —. Jones, Noranan 3_ Speer, 'Charles Cates. Ernest "W. Cloke, Regin_d L. Haysom, Thomas N. Pemberton, Frederick J. Weir. .Intermedla'te grader First class—James Thomson, tMary F. Barclay, Ethel M. Foweraker, G_itrnde ML 'Foreman, £_us_ j_ Gra,|_ni, i : lo teace _. A. 'T^i"™<"% ?•

Audrey L. Connolly, Alice Leahy, Gwendoline F. Turners -Second elaes—Miriam D. Stevens, Essie V. Dale, Alice M. Murray. Speed (80 "words per minute): Pass^__cte Cork, Elizabeth McFady'en.

ißookkeeping.-—leme__ry grade: |Ftfirst class—Stanley W. Webber, Reginald". "J." .Purdy, -Albert Clarke, Charles J. Molloy, Gwendoline F. Elsie E. Jennings, James Dunstnuir, Henry G. Clark, Edith E. Gillnian, Lorenzo dl Luca, Gordon C. W. Wiles, Norman M. Speer, iEdward .1. F. Kennedy, Ernest B. Chambers, -Howell 18. H. Stewart, Myrtle Fleetwood. Margaret A. Gray, Thomas J. Virtue, Fanny Graham, Samuel Griffiths, Charles 'A. Ford, Ralph J. ■Murray, Mary J. Hynes, Jack A. Givintleyi Sarah Fegah, Olive M. -Cajmbidge, Frances' E. Haysom, Daisy H. K. Stacey, Samuel A. Jones, Alice M. Murray, Edith A. Han> ley Percy L. Carcwright, Mildred Laurie* •Arthur Parrish, Arthur R. Donald, John Kaika, Ivie E Jennings, Muriel G. Soma-, denl, George E. Collier, Eric VV. Suodgrass. .Second class—Ethel L. Mabbebt, David A.McNeill, Margaret M. Auld, Mary A. Stoddard, Annie M. Green, Henry A. Colvin, Howard Barnett, Marian E. Hamley, Leonard S. Mills, George W. ißarker, John J. .Baxter, .Alice M. Galloway, Norman Tacker, Hilda E. C. PennaHlgen, Mervyu J. C. 'Barker, Patrick J. Hackett, Ross A. Black_an, Ida E. Hobson, Dorothy B. Mitchell, —rnest M. GaUagher, Marian E. Olsen, -Ernest tPardlugton, Iris E. Goldsbro", Irene T. Mason, Williani Taylor, Stanley Caro, Hazel J. Grand!son, John E. Kenyon. Tn-I teranediate grade: First class—William —. Harvie, Oliver G. Durham, Edward 8. Collard, Leo Hynes, Beryl R. Rose. Second class—.Christopher iMulholland, Arthur P. J. Lees, Eric S. L. Pxescott, Emma Z. Graham, Elizabeth McFa-dyen, James Thomson. Accountancy.—First class: John Raine. Typewriting.—Elementary grade: First class—Violet Stewart, Dora ■_. Carter, Lucy F. Barker, Walter C. Browne, Lawrence P. Kavanagh, Elizabeth R. Cliffe. Second class—.Lorenzo dl Luca, Charles J. Molloy, Lemuel A. W. Bagnall, John E. Kenyon, Hilda Parker, Stanley Caro, Gladys Purdy, Jessie Dunn, Amy G. Neale, Dorothy Keegan, Charles A. Ford, Constance E. ■O'Keeffe, Irene G. Calder, John S. Kennerley. Intermediate grade: First class--—the! M. Foweraker, James Thomson, William G. Edmunds, Gwendoline F. Turner, Sarah Fegan, Myrtle Fleetwood. Second classFrank F. Turley, Ernest W. Cloke, Essie V. Dale, Iris E Goldsm-O, Miriam D. Stevens, tArth—• Handcock, John Cloke, Matthew Needham.

English Composition and Literature. —Preliminary grade: Pass—'Marian' •_. Hamley, 'Edith A. Hamley, Walter C Browne, Irene T. Mason, Charles B, Jones, Elizabeth K. Cllffe, Albert J. Bennetts, Albert C. Clarke, John S. Kennerley, Mervyn J. C. Barker, Sylvia W. Skinner, Lucy F. Barker, Frances E. Haysom, Mary A. Stoddard, Dorothy L. Jones, -Ed-ward J. I*. Kennedy, Irene A. Bowell, Reginald L. Haysom., Harold G. Yond, Daniel Bradley, Stanley Caro, Nora Clements, James Dunsmulr, Cyril C. Ellis, Thomas J. Virtue, Howard Barnett, Ross A. Blackinan, Alice M. Galloway, Joseph Wark, Constance E. O'Keeffe. Elementary grade: First class—Elsie E. Jennings, Minna L. Worthington, Edward S. Collars, William. E. Harvie. Second class—Maude C. A. Jeffs, Christopher Mulholland, Frank ,G. Moore, Mellna Ellis, Hannah Fegan, Frank F. Turley, Bertlm H. Darroch, Ernest W. Cloke, Ethel M. Foweraker, Fanny Graham, Jessie 'M. Grant, Kathleen G. Dacey, Catherine S. Jack, Ivie E. Jennings, Annie M. Green, Kathleen M. Burr, Ethel L. Matobett. Alice M. Murray, Marlon B. Olsen, Franklin McKenzie, ißoy H. Page. Arthur P. J. Lees, David A. McNeill, John E. Kenyon, John J. Baxter, Bernice Moyes, Henry A. Colvin, Robert N. KlUIp, Arthur Pairish, Douglas J. B. Walker, Arthur R. Donald, Archibald W. JLee, Arthur■ H. McOonville, Leonard S. Mills, George E. Collier. Commercial Arithni etic. — Preliminary grade: Pass—Lawrence P. Kavanagh, EdithA. Hamley, Dorothy B. Mitchell. Stanley W. Webber, Charles R. Jones, Mervyn J. C. Barker, Edward" J. F. Kennedy, Albert J. Bennetts, Harold G. Youd, William Taylor, Cyril C. Ellis, Walter C. Browne, Thomas J. Virtue, 'Marian-E. Hamley, Eric W. Snodgrass, Ruth E. Virtue, Charles A. Levy, Clarence C. Turner. John H. Nlcolson, Jack A. Grantley, diaries Cates, Thomas N. Pemberton, Ross A. Blackman, Howard Barnett, Hilda G. Parker, Frederick J. Weir, Mary A. Stoddard, Joseph Wark, Albert IN. Nightingale, Irene T. Mason, Patrick J. Hackett, Margaret Au'.d, Albert — Clarke, James Dunsmulr, Elsie Perry, Irene G. .Calder, Samuel Griffiths, Robert K. Page, 'Elizabeth R. Cliffe, David H. Hedley, Amy G. Neale, Doy L. White, Lucy F. Barker, I Leslie H. H. Inwood, Henry P. Casse, Irene ! : A. tßowell, Charles A. Ford, Dorothy L. Jones, Andrew Cornaga, John J. Baxter, Jessie Dunn. Herbert Vnchanan. Elementary grade: First class—-William E. TTarvle, EdwaTd S. Collnrd, Elsie E. Jennings. Jessie M. Grant, Frank F. Turley. Fanny Graham, ! Minna 'L. Worthington. Elizabeth E. MorI gan, Roy ,H. Page. Second class—Percy _. Mason, Meli—i Ellis, Maude' C. Ai Jeffs, Arthur P. J. Lees. Christopher Mulholland, Annie M. Green, Bertha H. Darroch, Hannah Fegan, Ethel M. Foweraker, Catherine S. .Tack, Bernice Moyes. Matthew Nec_ta—, Arthur Parrish, Olive Roscoe, Herbert W. Turner, Howell B. H. Stewart, William E. Watson, David A. McNeill, Trie E. Jennings, Frank G. Moore. Alexander J. Watson, Franklin McKenzie, Douclas J. B. Walker, Marlon E. Olsen, Leonard S. Mills, Ernest M. Gallagher.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 304, 23 December 1910, Page 7

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AUCKLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 304, 23 December 1910, Page 7

AUCKLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 304, 23 December 1910, Page 7