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THE ANNUAL STATEMENT. DOMINION DEVELOPMENT. SOME BIG VOTES. TOTAL OP £2,855.000. ©F Telegraph. -Parliamentary Reporter.) WELLINGTON. Tuesday. Thr Puhli,. Works Statement, which xrn-i pre-entr-ij i.> iho Hmi-e of Heprpspnt.:iiu- In- ih.-. f]on. R. ilcKenzie. Minis- ; - r "i Public W'nrk.-. gives further do- I ' '■>■'■ tin' summary which apprars in " - i l':i»*)nyi evening's "Star." The •'■' " !, l:i i;i.-e'o.-e-4 that for tho current j ?"" r il ! ~ [>i-";»j-ed U> provide additional :' ■" '- f*< under; Bnlfmer of Hiflf) lnans, -■■-•"»•"-•""""»: uudnr public Work.- and Land >■•-.:- :: i-nt Art. l!l]o. £1.750.000; under I i ■ A.! :•. Water Power Works Art. 1910. I :.■■.'"■'.■ io< i; transfer from Consolidated! Fim..!. tSOii.nOO; special provision for i irrij.ui..n work-. £100.000. This- gives a j p-<-- t< .-f t'3.Sl2.3e(i. Tho estimated e\|w>n<liniiv for puhlio works for the currn;:l rear lexi-luding separate accounts having iheir own ways and means) amo.ic;* t-> thus leaving a hiliin'" r.f inr)7..*iijti to be carried forward t' next The proposed transfer from J t 1 f Consolidated Fund was largor than, n.iti'-ipated when the Budget was brought I d<-r,vn. but great improvement in the p-\rrp]'' that had ?incp taken place had nnahled the of Finance to pro-ri.-tp a larjrcr measure of assistance than wa> originally considered possible. RAILWAY VOTES. After referring in detail to the railway votes, full particulars of which were included in th" forecast telegraphed this morning, the Statement proceeds:— The expenditure during the la?t finan-ci-1 year -m the Wellington-Hutt duplication works was £30.514; new Hutt road, including land for same, £25.468; Auck-land-Pi'nrn-e duplication works, £5476; Addington Rolleston duplication works. £02.jiJ: Dunodin-Mosgiel duplication iuid deviation of line. £Gfi.sl7: total. £140,531. For the current year provision for the duplication work? has been made to the extent of £135.000. namely: Aurklandppnrosf duplication. £1000: WellingtonJlmt duplication. £35,000: Addimrtonduplication, £3000; DunedinMospel duplication, £96,000; total, £135.000. The sum of £228,332 was charged during the year in respect of rolling etock and workshops machinery for the working railways department, and £59.758 in respect of additions to station accommodation, signals and interlocking gear, telegraph and telephone facilities, improving lighting of stations, fencing, stone-crushing anil excavating machines, etc.. making the total charge under the headof "Additions to open lines" £318.090. The cash disbursements amounted to £316,464. The £."IS.OOO allows for the. value of stores ronsiimed* but which were paid for during the previous year. The amount proposed to be. voted for the current year for additions to open lines is £350.000. of which £230.000 is for new rolling stock and workshops machinery, and £25,000 for interlocking signal gear, tablet etc. PUBLIC BUILDINGS VOTE. The total expenditure on public buildings last year amounted to £335,114. For the current year votes totalling £413.190 are proposed- Provision is made for the completion of the new Government House, and a substantial item on account of the erection of the proposed new part building?, also for departmental buildings in Hamilton. Gisborne, and other places, the total vote proposed under the general hfading being £50,000. The plans for the new sfagistrate's Court at Auckland are well in hand, but some minor details still remain to be settled. Votes are asked for buildings at Kaikohe, Auckland, TaAimarunui, Opotiki. and other places, and for additions at Hamilton and Gisborne, and for converting the police station at Warfcwortn into a Courthouse. A considerable number of applications for new buildings have been received, many of which call for early attention, but they have had to be postponed until other works now in hand and in contemplation have been dealt with. The total expenditure on gaol buildings , amounted to £4231. The new votes include provision for further work at Mt. Tvden, and for the new building at Gisborne, and for development work at Tokaanui Reformatory Farm. Last year's vot**s for additions at Wellington and a gaoler's residence and Tvardenr , cottages at Auckland have been omitted, as it is not now intended to proceed with these works. Regarding the police stations, apart from unexpended votes of last year, there are new items for buildings at Wark■srorth, Remuera, Takapuna, Mt. Albert, Ponsonhy. Taumaninui, Te Puke. Waitara. Whangamomona, and Taihape. For the Post and Telegraph Department the expenditure during 1908-9 amounted tr> £62.262. and during last year to £68.574. The expansion of the work of the Post and Telegraph Departs roent is so great that heavy expenditure for buildings must be looked for in the near future. In addition to large appropriations on account of the new offees at Auckland and Wellington, a large amount on account of buildings for -wireless telegraphy will be required. < >n mental hospitals during the year there has been £19,838. The proposed vr-;o for the current year provides, anions otb-er things, for the completion and furnishing of the Wolfe Bequest Reception House at Auckland. Provision also made for the purchase of land! anrl preparing bite and erection of building fur the new mental hospital at Tu.^aiiui. The film of f05.103 mus expend-e,l out of :!:•■ Public Works Fund last year on Mjool buildings. Provision is made on 'h- current year's estimates for £1-".S7S. on account of which a vote of £110/100 i> asked for. Under the heading of hospitals and rhari;:i!.if> institutions there was an <?xTH'nd't; lr p of £72.V.) on ne Vl - •building and : i m r,°»- U^ tS - TnU >' rar " s estimates total £23.064, on account oi which a vote ; ipSll

the farm?. The difficulty that officers, have in securing -house accommodation j iin some of the small centres Tenders I the erection of some Departmental residences necessary. Last year's expenditure amounted to £5895, "and this year's items total to £10,725, on account of which a vote of £5500 is provided. Under the heading of public health expenditure last yeaT was £319, and for i-he eurrpnt year only one small vote of £:2.50 is proposed for building works in connection with the Cambridge Sanatorium. POST AND TELEGRAPH VOTES. Dealing with telegraph and telephone extension, the Minister stated that £ 123.422 was expended during the year. The mileage of extensions and trunk circuits erected was 497 miles of line and 2.104 miles of ■wire, and of the telephone exchange circuits, 103 miles of line and "j.037 miles of wire. New telegraph and telephone offices to tihe number of 121 and 17 new telephone exchanges ■were opened, and the number of telephone ex-vh-ange subscribers increased by 2,104. Owing to the great 'importance of wireless telegraphy for defence, naval and mercantile marine purposes, the Government had called for tenders for two high-power stations in the neighbourhood of Doubtless Bay and the Bluff, and three medium-power stations in the neighbourhood of Gisborne. Cape Farewell, .md Sutnner. The tenders close at Wellington on the 15th of nest month, ;ind it : s expected that several, if not all. the stations will be in full working order 'before the end of 1911. The neces-,-a.ry buildings are to be erected by the Public Works Department, and will be put in hand immediately a contract is let for the "wireless telegraphy apparatus. This year's proposals total £151,000, including £,1,000 on account of wireless telegraph stations, the actual vote submitted for approval being £140,000. HARBOUR WORKS AND DEFENCES.

The Minister stated that for lighthouses, -harbour works, and harbour defences the total expenditure for the year -was £6.763. During the current year >the new -works to he provided for are the erection of two lights on the East Coast of the North Island, and the protection from landslips of the tnu-k leading to Godley Head fog signal. For ■the Te-erection of Tuabine Point ligM-h-ou-se £ 10,167 would be required, and provision for a vote of £5,000 on account is made on the Estimates.

Under the heading of harbour works last year's expenditure amounted to £4,548. For the current year, in addition to renewing unexpended items on last year's a-ppropriations, it is proposed to -provide for the following:—Wharves at Motukaxaka (Hokianga), Kirikopuni (Kaipara), Waauku and Lemon Point (Kawhia), "Waipu and KaTamea. The vote proposed for the current year is £7.000.

The expenditure on harbour defences laet year amounted to £5,372, and as further important -works are in hand or contemplated a larger vote will be necessary for the current year. Provision is accordingly made for an appropriation of £8,000. In closing his Statement, the Minister said t.he total -approo.pria.tion included provision for the following services:—Departmental, £45,000; immigration, £20,000; lands improvement, £12,500; contingent defence, £10,000, thus bringing the total amount of tihe proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to £3,105,935, against £2,624,450 voted and £2,218,975 actually expended last year. "The practical initiation of our hydro-electrical energy -policy •will, I am sure," concluded the Minister, "act as a great stimulus to industrial development of all kinds, and lead to -the starting of numerous new enterprises, to trade rapidly improving, and public revenue increasing; and with the amounts for public works services that are provided the fullest possible employment should be available for our people in the development of the country, and I therefore look forward to a, year of consider-1 able activity and progress." KOADS AXD BRIDGES. Dealing with Toad 3 and bridges, the Minister gave the following items of expenditure on important works during the past year:—Te Akau Block, £3444; Kawhia to Marokopa river, £2665; Pakihi, £2902; Ohura-raad, £6474; Otunui Block, £2527; Mangapoika Valleyroad (east end) (£ISOO contributed by settlers), £2590; Te Ami Settlement, £2705; Waimarama Block, £2771; Mason"s to Parapara, £2561; Piripiri Block, £3863. A special fea-tuxe of the operations of tihe past year was the expenditure on the construction of roads to facilitate the transport of material and produce to and from the newlysettled lands in the interior of the North Island, more particularly in the King Country and adjacent districts. A comparison of the distribution of expenditure as between the North and South Islands is, said the Minister, largely in favour of the North Island, the ectuad figures bemg: North Island £271,406, South IsJand £110,498; total. £381,904. In addition to the aibove the sum of £40.830 was expended on goMfields roads, and £28,468 on tihe construction of the new Hutt-road. Tire total sum voted 'by Parliament last year under all votes and accounts (exclusive of roads on goldfields vote) ior the construction, supervision and maintenance of roads and -bridges throughout the Dominion was £547,843. In pursuance of the previously expressed intention of the Government to entrust local bodies with the expenditure of the major portion of the votes, £183,444 was either authorised or offered to the various county councils and road boards for expenditure ibetween the time of the passing of the Estimates aiid tihe close of the financial ye-ar, and during the same period £79,900 was authorised to Departmental engineers. This year it is proposed to invite the local authorities to submit their proposals for the expenditure of the sums available forthwith, and if reasonable expedition is exercised in doing this there should be ■no difficulty in the formal grants being in their hands and available for expenditure witiin a few days of the actual passing of the appropriations by Parliament.

"While dealing with road matters," proceeded the Minister. ''I should like again to emphasis? one point, namely, that while the construction of new roads to open up back blocks is a work that may properly be regarded as devolving upon the Government, and while the Government may reasonably be expected to assist in the improvement and metalling of roads that were originally constructed as bridle tracks or were left unmetalled, the mere maintenance of roads and i bridges except in very special cases is a j work that should and must devolve upon the local authority of the district. j^ m ° ngSt the numerou s applications that Have been received for grants for road - d^ in g the current year quite an perCenta S e ""for Irks of

maintenance of no less than 3352 miles of dray roads and 2017 miles of bridle roads, or a gross total of 5369 miles of road. During last year the figures were much smaller, namely, 2597 miles of dray roads and 1246 miles of bridle road, or a gross total of 3483 miles of road. On road* on goldfields there was expended last year £40,830. For the current year the proposed authorisations total to £83.175. on account of which a vote of £50.000 is asked for. Last year's total appropriations foT roads were as under: Roads, etc., £216,360; back blocks roads, £210,200; roads on goldfields, £51,250; loans to local bodies' accounts. £S0.00O; national endowment account, £17,151 ;Land for Settlements Account, £19.132; maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund), £35,000; total. £599,09.!. The provision submitted for the current year is as under-. Roads, etc £270,480 ; back block roads, £229.520; road* on goldfields. £50.000; Loans to Local Bodies Account, £100.000; National Endowment Account. £15.035; Land for Settlements Account (say), £17,000; maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund). £30.000; totals, £712.935. After noting the progress of the mining industry, the Minister said the amount expended last financial year on the development of our goldfields -was £18,598, and a vote of £25,000 is proposed for the current year. For tourist and health resorts the net expenditure for the year 1909-10 amounted to £14,507. or £9778 less than the year 1908-9. The purchase of the Te Puia native township of 709 acres is at present being negotiated. Provision is made on the 'current years Estimates for a new hostelry at Mt Cook, on the Governor's bush site. The works provided for on this year's -rote total £22.560, on account of which a vote of £12,500 is required. WATER POWER.

The statement elaborated upon the proposed development of hydro-electric power, Mr. McKenzie saying the present position of matters is that the Department i≤ in possession of fairly compietn trial surveys, and much olt/her data' regarding both the Hutt EivoT and Lake Coleridge schemes, and a large amount of very useful information "in respect of several of the other schemes proposed. We are in a position to at once commence actual construction works in connection with either or 'both the former schemes, and instructions will 'be given for a commencement to ibe made accordingly as soon ac practicable after the passing of the estimates. As regards the Hutt scheme, three estimates of cost have been prepared by engineers, acting entirely independently of one another, and as regards the Lake Coleridjre scheme four such estimates are available. As regards the other schemes proposed, it will Ibe necessary during the present year to gather further details for submission to Parliament next season. The estimates provide for an appropriation of £300,000, which sum "will be ample to enable an energetic commencement to be made. An interesting report furnished <by Mr. R. W. Holmes, Ciß. to the Public Works Department in October last on the Kaituna water power scheme is appended to the Statement. Mr., Holmes says that in this project the water -will be derived from Lake Botoiti, to 'which is connected Lake Rotorua. Owing to the necessity of leaving the level of Lake Rotoroa unaffected, it will not be possible to utilise the •whole of tihe -water -which is derived from, the watershed, but, by -working upon the level of Lake Rotoiti alone to the extent of a variation of a maximum of a little over lft, sufficient water can be obtained to provide 37,000 horse power for continuous -working on the turbine shaft at the generating station. This -would enable a maximum quantity, or peak load, of nearly 78.000 horse power, or an average of 26,000 horse power (continuous working), to 'be delivered in Auckland. Investigation has <been made on the basis of the delivery in Auckland of a peak load of 10.000 horse power, but by constructing the woTk -with a small increase in expenditure, the peak load can be increased to 20,000 horse power Although the works required are of a comparatively simple character, the nature of the country and the peculiar region in -which they are situated -will render them more, costly than they would be if situated, say, in the southern part of the island, or in the South Island. It is proibafole that the Auckland tram-way system and the electric lighting of the city will in -the immediate future consume at least 10,000 horse power on their peak loads, so that it appears tihat it ■would be wiser to commence this scheme on the "basis of a supply of at least 20,000 'horse power ior the maximum demand, particularly as the capita] cost, and consequently the cost of supply of current, decreases very rapidly as the quantity supplied increases. THE ESTIMATES. VOTES FOR AUCKLAND PROVINCE. BIG APPROPRIATIONS FOR BOADS. (By Telegraph.—Parliamentary Reporter.) The following are the appropriations for the Auckland province, as «N>ntain*d in this year's estimates, all rotes under £100 being omitted: — PCBLIC BUIIiDtNG-S. .Departmental buildings, Auckland deeds office (additions), £oOU; departjaental buila ing tadditioiis), £1000; public works store and workshop (sew building, etc.), £luuo; Goverruiieut buildings (installing lire alarms), £500; Hamilton, £6000; liisborne, £7500. J OD-ICIAL. Courthouses.—Kaikohe, £300; Warkwortli (.converting police station into courthouse), £300; Auckland, £10,000; Hamilton (additions), £500; Tstumaruiuii, £750; Opo■tiki, £1300; Waipiro Hay, £80; Uisborue (additions), £930. <iaoL>.—Auckland, £2000; Gieborne, £4000. l'ulice Stations.—Waipu, £700; Wellsford, £750; Warkworth, £700; Takapuna (site and buildingj, £000; Mount Albert (sine and building), £1000; Richmond, Orey Lynn (site), £300; Edeu Terrace (additions and alterations). £1400; Freeman's (site and building), £1000; ParneU -(site and buildingi, £1500; Reniuera (site and building), £1000; MorrinsTille flock-up, office, etc.). £500; Hamilton (office and cells), £350; FTankton, £525: TV KuM, £1200: Tantuarunui (site and buildings), £800: Te Puke (sire and buildings), £800; Whangamomona, £800; Taihape (quarters), £500: Taihape (electric lighting, drainage, etc.), £225. POSTAL, AND TELEGItAFH. Kaitaia, £500; Kaeo, £7uo; Kodiukohu, £400: Kaikohe, £700; Kawatawa, £two; Manpnpai, £200; Dargaville {additions), £3oo; Warkworth, £!)Oo; lielensville, £B000; Avoudale (purchase of property), £2J50; Takapuna, £1500: Auckland (new buii'Jiug), on account, £35,000; Auckland, \V.\liesley-9treet, £«000; Auckland, Mt. Koskill, £1850; Auckland, Mt. Albert, £000; Kingsland, £1500; Ponsonby, £2000; Remuera. £15110; Epsom, £75; Ellerslie, £«00; Waiuku, £1100; Frankton, £1200; Hamiltan (additionsi. £*50: Kirikiriroa. £700; Te Awamutu (ad<iicit>ns). £500; Kawhia (alterations), £325; Otorohanga, £75; Taihape, £175; Thames (additions), £150: Te Aroha (new building). £200; To Aroha (additions, etc.). £350; Wafliou, £700; Morrinsrtlle, £75; Matamata. £800: Pntaruru. £700; Ongarup. £10fK>; Ohura. £700; Taupn. £600; Tokiianu. £"(«): Mntata. X7iH>; Taneatua, £700; Te Araroa, £425. AGEICtTLTCHAL. Motuihi Island (caretaker's quarters), £550; Buakura <buUdii>£6, feed, stores,

shed, etc.) £2500: Ruaknra accommodation for cadets, water supply, drainage, etc.), i £2000; Ruakura (manager's reside-nce), , £750; Wseraoga (additional cellarage, water supply, and buildings), £500. MENTAL HOSPITALS. 'Auckland. £1500: Auckland (reception honset. £800>>; Tnkanui (land and bnilding), £J2,500. HOSPITALS AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTION'S. Auckland. St. Helens (additions). £450; .Auckland Veterans' Home. £1000- Mercury Bay hospital, £100; Botorua (additional hospital accommodation), £2000; Cambridge sanatorium (buildings, alterations, ett\), £250. EDCCATI&N. For training colleges, Auckland, £295; Whanjrarei high ectool, £500; Orphan Home, l'ap&toetoe, £250. LIGHTHOUSES. Cape Brett, £500; automatic light on East Coast, North Island, £1900; Tuahine Point, £1015; lighthouses on East Coast, North Island, £5000. HARBOUR WORKS. Motukaraka. llokuinga, wharf subsidy, £1 for £1, £400; Ngunguru river deepening, £300; Waipu river improvement, £100; Mahurangi river deepening, £200; Matakana harbour improvement, £100; Leigh wharf subsidy, £1 for £1, £300; Tajigaihi wharf subsidy, £1 for £1, £225: Kaipara, Kirikopuni wharf subsidy, £1 for £1. £150: Kltzro.v, Great Barrier, wharf. £230: Waluku berthage and wharf aui-ouimodation, £150; Cabbage Bay wharf, £450; Whaugamata wharf, £250: Omokoroa wharf, £100; Kawhia harbour. Lemon Point, wharf, subsidy £1 for £1, £200. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. Helensville hot springs (on account of £700), £350; Te Aroba, new buUdlugs, improvements to building, grounds, etc., £300; Uotorua, new buildings. Improvements, etc., £1440; Rotorua, drainage works, £20;*; KiHonui. improvements to reserves, plantations, and gardens. £300; Rotorua water supply, £100; Rotorua, purchase of Native laud for internal communication between Lakes Uotoma-hana and Tarawera, £100; Rotorua, clearing entrance to Ohau channel. Improvements, etc., £100: Wliakarewarewa, Improvements and new buildings, £750; Toknami. bath house, £250; Waitomo oaves, erection of new accommodation house, improvements. £220; Ruakura aud W«.itomo caves, fencing, planting, tracks, and other Improvements. £200; Te Puia. purchase of native township land. £3180; Te Puia, gasometers for natural gas, £190; Morere, bathhouses, water supply, fencing, etc., £500. TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. 'New 'telephone exchange for subscribers, £30,000; additional wire accommodation, £5000: telephone extension In new districts, £20.000; trunk wires, £24.000: new submarine cable, £5000; "wireless telegraphy (preliminary arrangements), £2000; wireless leleisrapb. stations (en aeeouat), £5000. CONTINGENT DEFENCE. Drill sheds, etc., £7000; rifle ranges, fSOOO. AUCKLAND ROAD VOTES. NORTH AUCKLAND ROi-U DISTRICT. lAhipara to llereklno, £100; Awanui to Duuujj £500; Awauui to Fairbuiu (£L tor £J) iloo; Awanui to West Coast, £loj; (Jhamberlain-road, £150; double crossing bridge to Awanui, £200; Fairburn creamery to ij'lat Bush, £11O; Herekiuo Settlement roads, £200; Hodges bridge, £1200, ilokiuoiga County floixi damage £l for £-1): Hukerenui railway station lo Rlpouui, £10O; iwltaua to Jlanganiuka, £10o; iiaeo to Matauri, tloo; Kaeo to Umano, £100; Kaeo to Xowal. £HK>; Kaeo to WhaJugaroa t£l for £1), £*>*>; Kaihu to Jlangonui Bluff, £200; Kaihu stream bridge, £200; Kaikohe to Rawene, £300; Kaiinamaiu to Helena Bay, £ZM; KaiUlia to Ahlpara, £ltiO; Kaitaia to Awa-n-ul, £2<iu; Kauaerauga to I'urua, £10o; Kawakawa flaxmill-roud, £10O; Kohukohu to Mangamuka ferry, £300; Kohukolm township roads (£1 for £2), £50<>; Lambly'e bridge, £130; Mamari village lo Pukemiro, £10l>; Mamgakaliia bridge to Houto, £150; "Mangakahla stream bridge (£1 for £1), £250; Mangatoetoe, £300; Manga tn stream bridge, £300; Maugunui to cable station, £100; Ngapiplto stream bridge, £100; Ngaruawhine, £150; Ohaeawai to Okaihau (Ahua'hu Hill>. (£1 for £1), £200; Ohaeawai to Waimate, £lO0; Ohaeawai to Waitangl, £100; Okaibau to Waiheu, £200; Ouiai)Pre eurvey district, blot-Ua IX. and X., £100; Ompaere to Wainiamaku sextlemenr, £150; Opanakl to Hokiauga, £;»0; Opouteke river bridge, £1000; Opuawhangn tv Helena Hay, £100: Opuawhanga to Whananaki, £100; Oropere Hill-road. £100; Oruaiti Block road, £100; Orum to Kohumaru, £100; Otlra railway station road, £100; Otongai to Opuawhiinga, £100; l>eria deviation, £100; Peria to Victoria Valley post office, £300; Puruaroad and deviation, £150; Ramarama to Purua, £100; Ramarama (Upper), £100; Rawene foreshore road, £100; Rawene Hospital road, £12S; Stoney creek to Kaeo, £100; Takahue village to Victoria Valleyroad, £200: Taumarere to Opna. £15O; Totara foreshore t£l for £1), £100; Towai railway station road, £200; Towai to Ramarama, £150; Umawhero to Mangamuka, £100; Waihou to Puketi. £100; Waima river bridge, £450; Waimamaku to Pakanae, £400: Wainiamaku eettlemc-nt, £1000; Waimatanni to Tarawhatu, £100; Waiotemano, £100- Waiotu to Hukerenui (-Galbraith's) £150; Waiotu railway station to Jordan. £100: Waitangi Hill deviation, £200; Wuakane Keneke bridge, £160; Whakapura to Hukerenul, "Whaugarei, £100; Wliangaroa Coast-road, Whangaroa, £100; Carter-road, £100; Jordan to Hiiurangi, £100: Mangapai to Mangn.nui bridjre (upper). £200; ManearMil to Walkifkie (£1 for £1). £200; Mataponri to Wnananaki. £100; Mmmgataporp School Hill (£1 for £11. £150; Maunsratnpere to Tsmgtteroria, £300: McLaughltn's to Oaves, £100; ■Otaika to Msangakarampn (£1 for £1), £100: Otaika «<*ool bridge, £200; Paps roa to Walkiekie, £200: Parua to Taheke, £:i00; Poroti to Mangakahln bridce. £300; Poroti to Manngatapere, £100; Jluakak:i Vnllcy,! £100: Urquhart's Bay road, £100; Waikie-| kie to MareretTi. £100; Walkiekie post office to Tokatoka main road, £100; Waipu caves to Maagapai. £100; Waipu Ctvast-road, £100; Waipu Gorge-road. £100; Waipn North-road, j district flood damage, £12O: Wafpu river bridge (Jacobs). £150; Waipu to Ruakaka,' £500; Whangarei to Whaogurei Heade.| £100: survey, £750: supervision, £900. Total North Auckland: £24,785. AUCKLAND ROAD DISTRICT. Bonlder stream bridge, £100: Civil-road. £100; Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo cream, cry. £100; Hoteo North to Wayliy railway station. £100 : Kaiwaka bridge £270; Kniwaka to Mangawai. £200: Mangawai to Te Flana railway elation. £100: Mangaw&i to Waipn (coast road), £220; Maungaturoto to Bryndersviu, £100; Maungaturoto -wharf road, £100; North AlberUand to Te H-ana railway station, £100; Omaha to Matakana, through eections 34 and 35, £100: Te Hana to Hakarau (£1 for £1) (on account of £1500), £500; Turns Bridge (£1 for £1), £100; Waipu Gorge bridge (£1 for £1). £250; Waipu to Mareretu tOtamntea County section) (£2 for £1), £150: Waipu to Mareretti (extension to Nntsford), Ahuroa railway station to Koniokoriki, £200: Arapohne to Hoanga, £100; Arapohue Settlement road, via Edncation Reserve (£1 for £1), £625; Araraa, £100; Aratapo Domain to pound (£1 for £1), £100; Aratapu to Wrat Coast (through Domain), £300; Awaroa Creek bridge, £100; Battey-road, £100; Butley wharf to Bickerstaffe, £150; Birtles Bridge, £185; Burcbs to Tokatoka-Matakohe road, £100: Heleasville to Kaukapakapu (Inland road), £150; Helensville to Port Aibert (Rodney County section), £300; Helensville to Port Albert (Waitemata County section), £150: homestead-road, £150: Hoteo Bridge (£1 for £1), £275; Iloyle-road (£1 for £1), £250; Kainu Stream bridge (Dargaville) l£l for £1), £150: Kai hi to Kaihu. £].-.(>; Kaipara Plate to Tuhoa railway station (through sfN-riou 7|, £150: Kirikopiui to Mansakahla, £st«>; Kumeu Cemetery road. £100: Long Bridge (£1 for £1), £150: Lusk-road (£1 for £1), £100; Makaran to Komokoriki. £250; Makarau railway station to Taliekeroa, £200; Makarau railway station to K.-nikapa-kapa, £10o: Makarau railway station to Wainui, £100; Hangakura to Hoteo railway station, £300: Mangonui bridge (lower) to Hokowaiti, £100; Maropnl to Kalrara, £150; Matakohe to Tokatoka (Tokatoka cndi. £20(1; Mauugaru S.l>. Block 1., section 3(>. £100; ilaungaru S.D. Bluek VII., section 5. £100; Maungaturoto to Whakapiran. £200; MHital creamery road i£l fur £1). £2T,0; Mitital to l Tokatoka. £200: Mount Wesley to Kaihu. I £000; Xauuiai to Tokatoka, £1<X); Okaliti Creek bridge. £200; Omano to Maligarata, £150: Omano to Maraeknra. £150: Onehunga «ream to Kaipara Klats railway station, £100; Otamatea-road, £150: I'i.hi to l'aparoa, £400; Paparoa to Mataknbe. £200; Paparoa to Maungaturoto. £2.V>; l'apama to Wairere. £50: Parkhurst. £200- Prion's Hill (£1 for £11. £100: I'ort Albert to Wellsford station. £800 (£1 for £1), £5000: Kevriti to Waimauku. £150; Ruawai to Awaroa CanaU £300: Smiths Canal road, £100; South Head road, £100; Stouey Creek bridge, £230; Tangaihi to Tikintii. £150; Tanglteroria Bridge to post office. £100; Tangowahine to Avoca. £200: Taugowahlne ! lo Mangakahia. £30f»: Tauhoa Block to Ahuroa railway station, £100; Te H«na railway station road, £150: Te Pahi to Hoteo railway station, £230; Tokatoka to Hangonni Bridge (upper), £400: Tokatoka Swamp (main access road], £150; Waimauku to

West Coast, £1SO; Waimauktr to Waikoukoo, £1(W; V\ iiiuapirau 10 Blrtles, £100; Wharehiue tv Wellsford rairway etation, £150; Wuiltaker's iiill l£l lor XI), £100; isayer-roud to eectlou, £j,6; Walwera Parish, £3(i(j; llobsonvillu to Weisseru aud iirighams creek (£1 tor £1), £100; Little Scotland lo railway station, £100; i'MUips" deviation i£l for £l;, £150; Puhoi Ui Anuroa railway station, £loo; Puhol to Tahekeroa timud, £100; l'uhoi to Warkworth, £140; Rosedale-Wliarf voad, £100; Ruxtou and Li>;u.uer Bridges l£l lor £1), £100; •SUakas Uill (£1 ror £1), £100; htreamlands to Kaipara Flats-road (£2 for £1), £100; Wade bridge (£1 lor £1), £250; Wade tv Kahikatea Flat, £100; Wainui to Kaukapakapa railway station, £200; W'airau road (£1 tor £li, £100; Watwera to Waiuui (£100); to Ahuroa, £100; Warkworth lo Matakana, £100; Henderson Points bridge (£1 for £lj, £850; Henderson to West Coast, £100; Hetana Hamlet roads, £250; Huia to Whatipu, £100; New Lynn luia, • £3s °- Swaueon to West Coast, £100; Te Atau (£1 for £1), £100; TUiraugi school road. £130; Waikumete to West toast, £300: Wairere-road (£1 for £1), £100; Waitakerei to Swanson, £100; Waitakerei to West Coa#t, £100; Ardmore range rood (£2 for £1), £100; Brookby to l apakura rail-way station, via Alfreston (£1 f»t £1), £100; Dow-road, £150; Great 'faouin-road (Papakura Koad District), £1 I'll- £1, £250; Hnnua Road District, flood <iaiuage (£2 for £1), £200; Manurewa to W cymouth (£1 for £1), £230; Maraetai to rtlevedon, £150; Queenstown-road. £ir>o; lamaki bridge, Pamnure (£1 for £1), £200Waikopu bridge, £120; Wairoa butter facf "T kb y creamery. £100; Aka Aka Ai P "£ ekehe - 'tnroush Shepherd's. £100; ■£%, a swam P ron,l to Pukekohe railway station, £200; Awarcm la.idi.ifr. £500; Avra mart C i\ rlnff (E1 for £1 >- £1!i0: Byroad £100: Drurv to Walnku, vfn Karnka (fl for £1), £2T,0, (iluHgow-road. £]00; m i7 ly ,o (£1 for £1) |200; ■Glcnmurrny to Woo.lleigh (£1 for £1 , on accmmt of £i.-! 00, £.100: Utmt-rond nuni %™'-n £lm '' Hn " tly tO Kaimn ' J™, £W>: nuntly to Pukemiro, £100; ITiintly to Rangirirl £1OO: Kawal seVwnS *° S. m^ mlii £330; Ke!S' f Port Wafkflto. £100: Koherna Parish (across to ««*»tton 55). £100: Kormku J £ r S • ,«<*>: Murray River BankMcCn/ri IlV!^' 0 .? • aco(>a '>t of £300). f300: ™1 *T(!M' fl for £1) ' £100: Mention: rad. fioo: ,\eae Valley (fl for £1) flooS f° r fl> - £ '™ : Pol,lik main-road £3200), £1000; Kanririrl to Ranglriri rallwav station, £100: Kulherforrt-road. £300- Tasim'a ■to Morrinsville. £.X4O: Tanltrha I £100: to Walrangi rallw<iv staition! ;fl50; Tauhi, £140; Tp Akau hlock to Dunmore (fl for £1), £700: Te Puroa, £300; T# P;troa to Wn'ngaro-N-paTna'wnihia roatl (£1 Tor £1). £350: Tikotiko-roa<l. £100: Tramwayroad (Puni) r£l for a). £.10: Tnakaii bridpe to Hasten. f470: Tnakau to Pukekohe (£1 for £1). £100; Tuakau railway station to Tuakau bridge (£1 for £1). £150: Turangaruru to Wnipi-pi msin-road (£1 for f2) (on of £15001, £. r >00: Waerempa mam railway sta-tion-road (£2 for £1). £100: Waikato river bridge (ITuntly) (decking), £1000; 'to N-ganrawahia, £200: iWaipuiia Valleyroad. £100; Walrangl raihvay station to Matabnrn river (£1 fnr £1> (on ntvount £40001, £1000: Wairoa road district bridge* (£2 for £1K £520: Walnkn lo Awhltii, £350; Walukn to Pnkeko-he (£75. £1 for £1), £140; WJian-sanrta to Wailrato river (fl for £1), £100: Wilrox Dill (Tuakaii-Dniry road), £100; Ahirau to Ota-irtn, Commandpl. £200: Brown's Treek bridge, £200; Coromandel Couirty flood damage. £250; Kalmarama CVcok ihridgp. £200; KiEiotnnn tn Opttio settlement, £150: Line's Point-mud. £300; Matatoke-mad :in<l drain. £100; .Miranda to WarmkaTiirn, £400: Xgat«lpira East. f4O0; Opanl to Turira, £200: aMtJeinewtroad, £150: Poubu to Tolvillf, £300; Port Charles to Ahiroa. £200; Plpi Creek bridge and ;ipproa<-he?>, £300. i Thames ferry servioe (£1 for £1) (on ac- ' count of £1000), £300; Tnrua to KerepeUi, £200; Turua to lipiroa, £500; Waitakarurj Stream txiad, £250; Whurepuba district road (£1 for £li. £<Wu; Whitianga to Kaiuiarama, £100; WhlUanga to Obnha Creek, £2IKJ; (Tahaimii). (£1 for £1), £100; Kaimanawa to Uikutai-j tt'l for £li, £200; Mungaiti bridge road, £200; Mangalti to Te Aroba (d-eviatio.]). (£1 for £1), t'DOO; Maukoro landing road, £:«>»: . Netbenon to Awaitililofk. £12.1; Nethertoii to Kcropelil, £175; Nctherton to Tnrun, £200; Olilncmuri County flood diunuge (£1 for £1), £2000; Itiingloraroad to Komata railway station. £lo0; Tahuna lo I'iioroa; £500; Tali on a to Walkaka, £5(iO; Waibon river, bridge between Pnke nnd junction (£1 for £1) ion aocouivt of £1500), £500: Waikaka stream road, £200: Waitoa block to Waihon railway, ftiiinpmuri ami station, £250; Aotea to Uaglan, £41*0; Ci>gswellro;id, £300; j Eurrka main ro>id to raihvay station, £250; I Gordon to W.tbarctt. £a>o: Hamilton traffic bridge (£1 for £1), £4<mo; Heddon-roa<l, i £2.T0; Horo-Kowan bridges. £400; Kanl- ; tvhaniwlia stream bridigp (Sepl's crossing), i2lio; Kjiniwhaniwha lirldge (repalrii), £100; Kauri to Ilarepppe. £250; Kauroa to Pakoka, £100: Mangaokabu, £250: Mangaokabn bridge, £100: Proctor-«-o«d (Tanpiri), £250; INinui HriclßP, £030; Raglan to Waipa, £200; .Ruapuke to Aote», £2fX>: Sainsburyrnad, £ir>n; Te Kowbai to Terapa (£2 for £1). £200; I'emato to Ru&puke, £100; Temau to Teuku. £100; Te Uore bridge (repairs), (£1 for £\). £150: Tunaki. £230: Waikato river bridge (Ngaruawalila), (£1 for £IJ, on account. £500: Waing-aro Springe to Teoku. £20(i; Waingaro to Waingaro limtling £400; Waipa river bridge (Pirongia), £1 for £li. £1500; Wattetnna to Kanrt, £:Cio: Waitelnma to Wliatawhata, £2000: Waitomotomo bridges. £150: Whoanga. £700; Whatawhata Swemp-road, £200; Alexandria-road (£1 for £1). £100; Aranlrl station road. £100; Ometery-road (Te Aroha). £2 for £3. £300: throw's Nest Hill to No. 4 Maniiffatautari (£4 for £1). £200; French Pass to Taotnoroa, £190; Kakppuku improved farm settlement, £300: Kakapnkii. £2SO: Kakepuku to Punui brid»e. £150; Kihikihi to Waotn, £300: Pntaniru to Puketnnta. £-250: Ralp&ra. £100: Eoehes Gnlly bridge (£1 for £1), £100; St-aaley-roed (£1 for £1), £225; T<- Kawanj-Ncattimeiiga (£1 for £I|. £100; Tepuhi, £i 65: Tekaannl to Wb-arepßpa, £140: Waharoe to Tauranga-o Moena Creamery (£1 for £1), £150; Waihon river bridge (Mangeknero), £200: Waohn to Pntaruru. £250: Awliitl brtdgp. £125O; Oaves-road (£1 for £1. on account of £2250). £250: Hanzatikf to Waltomo, (fl for £1 on a<voniht of £4000). £250; Hautani-Otoro-hanga-rond to Xgutunui stream (£1 for £1), £100; Hautnrti to Otorohanga (£1 for £1. on account of £4000), £250; Hnaroa bridge, £S*>: Tlntiwal (£1 for fl). £100; Kiwi, £150: Kawhla to Aotea, £170; Kawhla to Marokapa river (£2 for fl, on account at £2SOO>, £250; Mangamalioe. £150: Mfln»«ohing» river bridge, £350: Mamratanpl fcrldfe. £220; NfjiLhunnr to Kaurn, £2.V>; Oamaro (£1 for £1), £100; Oparan bridge (on account of £2000*. £100; Otcke rlreT bridge, £12*; Otorobanga to Pirongla (£1 for £2), £1SO; nwaikura-mod. £100: Plron*ia to Kawbia, £500; Terail Maukn (£156 £1 for f2). £2UO: Waibarakeke bridge. £290; Waßebuna to Aotee, f400: Waitomo stream bridge, £300; Waitomo Valley (ißnsknrl Cavtes), £150; Wbakirpiran. £150; Wharnurna, £280; survey, acquisition and legislation of roarls. draiTis. irravel pita, tramways, etc., £1000; supervision. £2750, total, Auckland, £86,551. TAURANGa ROAD DISTRICT. Halrinl bridge and approaches, £200; Makehnto-Waihi, £100; Omokoroa (£1 for £1), f200; Papamoa to beach, £200; Tahawai deviation (£1 for £1), £100: Tauranga County flood damage (£250, £1 for fl), £850; Tanraaga to Te Puke (£1 for £1), £300; Uretara bridge (£1 for £1). £260; Wairoa river bridge (£1 for £1), £1750; Lake Uotoma to Te Teko, Whakatane, £300; I,ichfield to Atlamuri. Maketu to Tengae, Rotorua and Tanranga. £150; MaraetotaraWhakatane, f250: Matata to Otamarakaru, £100; MataU to Tamurenu! Junction, £300: Orakei-Korako-road, £100; Oruanui to JVlokai-Ornanni to Wairakei, £100; Rangitaiki river bridge (£1 for £1K (on account of £7501. £150; Rotokakahl Lake-road, £200; Rotorua to Lake Hotoma, £200; Rotorua to Ngongotaha, £100: Rotorua to Taupo, via Walotapu. £000: Rotowbero to Murupara South-road. £200; Tarawera bridge pp'tei-tlon, £161) ; Tirau to Ngongolaha, flint; I'tahina stream bridge (£1 for ill. £l(Wi: Waimann river bridge (Opouriaol i£l for £11. £100, Walmangu Geyser lo Kakaraiiiea. £100; Walmangu to Lake Rotomabana. £200 : Whakatane County flood damage ( £76. £1 for £21, £440 ; Whakatane river bridge (fl for £1), £2300: Whakatane to Te Teko (£1 for £I|. £250; surrey acquisition and legalisation of rwarts, drains, gravel pits, tramways, etc., £200; supervision. £450; miscellaneous, £150. Total, Tanranga. £13.210.

KING COUNTRY. Ararapap i£l for £1, on account of £50001. £250: Awakino to Tirau Point (coach track I, £1000: Hunt-road, MahorahoraMaire, £100: Mairoa (£1 for £1. on account of £2000), £500: Makotuku river bridge, £1W: Mangahoe - Mangakara £1000: Manguparare - Mangatoro £100; Manunut Village Settlement, £100; Mataroa (£2 for £1), £100; Mlnu to Mokau, £1000; Miroa, £250; Mokau ri-rer bridge, Katrowera-road. £550; Mokau rlv«r bridce, Mokau .(£2 for £3 }, ilOO; Kgapmenga, (£2

for £1, on account of f3500), £500; Ngatarawa £150: Obakune station-road, £10U; Obakune township (£1 for £1), £100; Okoke (£1 for £1," on account of £700). £200; Ougarue river bridge. Taumarunui, £1200; Orautaha river bridge. Pukekaha-road, £120; Otarapa, £275; Otuiti, £150; Owen-road, £100; Parakopo. £100; Piko. £240; Poro-o-tarao to Taumarunui, £100: Potaka (£1 for £1, on account o£ £.'!500), £250; Pungarebu (£1 tor £2), on account, £500; Raetihi townehip (£1 for £1), £100; Rotoaira to Waimarino railway station, £230: Taumarunui to Ohakune (£7OO, £2 for £2), £!)50: Te Kulti to Mokau £4000: Tokirima (Kaikararoad) to Maraekowhal block, £2000; Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (fl for £2, on account of £1500, £250; Totaro (£2 for ill. on account of £350, £250; Urewera. 000; Uruti (£1 for £1. on account o{ £20001. £400: Uruti stream bridge l£l for £1. iIOO, Weikaka stream bridge, £400; Walouni to Tokaanu. £300. £500: Waitangat* £100; Waltaanga North. £200; Waitara river bridge, Rerekino-road, £255: Wamra river brirfge, Waitara (£1 for £2. on accouirt), £500; Whenuakura. £150. BACK BLOCKS' ROADS. KORTH AUCKLAND ROAD DISTRICT.

Auckland special settlement to Mangakahia, £21X>; A-wanui to Mansonui, via Tulpa, £150; Awaroa stream bridge (on accouirt), £250; Broadwood to Buna Kuna, £200; Duncan-road, £300; Great Nortn-road to Otukai, £100; Haha. £200; Haruettroad, £100; Herd's Point to lakahue, £400, ller«ki.LO to Kaitaia. £l«xi; Herekino settlement, access to sections 26 atid 2i. ±iou, Herekino to Whangape. £100; .lluatua to Jlangaklno, £1SO; Hiu-hue, £100; "««*"« block to Punakitere settlement road, £100, Kaeo to Upokarau Valley. £100; Kaikohe to Huuihue, £»»: Kiiikobe to Mangakahia Church, £1000; Karaka to liotokakahi block, £200; Katui to Marlborough settlement. £150; Kaitui to Waipoua, £l.) 0; Kereponia, £100; Kobe to Awalti-road, £1000- Kohnkohu to Motukaraka, via Kuna Valley, £Sio; Kohumaru, £!«K); Maugamuka'to Oruru, £100: Mangamuka to Victoria Valley, £500: Mangonui to Kohumiiru ■block, via Kemnia. £200; Mangouulwae »tr««m bridge, Rotokakahi, £3UO; Matawheronla to Kaeo, £100; Maungatawhia. blo<* VI., aceese to sections 2 and 3, £200; Motukaraka creamery road, £200: Newtonroad, £100; Okaihu to Kaikohe, £150; Omanaia to Hokiauga Headß, £100; Opouteke block, access roed. £200; Opouteke block to Manatatbla, £200; Opua to Waimat*, £30; Onim to Hikuratigi. £110; Otam. £150; Otukai to Mangatete. via creamery reserve. £200; One to Whorekawa Point. £H>o; Pafea-nae block road. £150; Pakotai, £100: Parahakl to Russell, £100; Pananei. £100; Pirikaha, £200; Raparahee, £100; Takahue to Horekino, £300; T Xahue S.D., block VI.. access to eections 13, 15, and Iβ, £150:' Takahue S.D.. Week X., access. £100; T«kirn. £200; Tiipukvtarn. £«B0: Tekarae block. £1500; To Kio river brlige. £75; TJndfrw-ood-road. £100; Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hofclnnga road. £250; Waima «o Opouteke. £250: WaunatawjS. £1000; Waiote Kumarau, £T>00; Waiotemarama, £300: Walpoua S.D.. section 2fi. l>lock XI.. access. £250; Woirau block, aceese. £150". Waoku pttensitin block, access, £300; Waoku f>.D.. «tcpßs to twtion 80, block IX.. £50; Whakapaku roads. £]00; Whangape to Miingon«lwae. via Rotokakahi block. £350: W* track, £200; Miittngakaramea to TangHproria. £1(X); Maungaturoto t«> Cove, via Roweell's, £2W>; Poroti to TangHerorta. £OfK); supervißlon, £600; total North Auckland, £X,.080. IAUCKLAINO ROAD DISI'RICT. Tanglhna river bridge, £300; Waffwhrn te Wliangarlpo. £100; Waipu to IMnneretu extenskm to Nutsford, £2M; Avoca -settlement north-road. flOO; Avoea settlement southroad, £100; Avoca settlement weer-road, £150; Dargaville to Whaiiffarel county boundary. Hukatere access-road, £20; Hukatftre district roads, £150; Kaihu to TaawaMi, £200; Makara railway station 'to West Coastroad. f200: Mangakahia bridge to iMangakahla Chitrch, £1200: Opanake block uccesw«>ad, £100; Taita to Tutamoe, f200; Tangiteroria to Tangnhu.i block 11., Tikinul, to oreamery, f300; Waiaoa-road, Taugthaa block 1.. eections 11 and 12, £500; Ureat Barrier Island, Cape Barrier to Tryphena harbour, £150; Great :Barricr Island, HiUOtaonsa to Port Fitzroy, £150; Tletherlm»t»iH road, £200; Klrikiri to Te Akau, .throttgll section CO, £200: Klondyke, £400; Maungitawhlri to Wattakarurua. f-JOO: MatahurJ VaJley to Proctor's. £170: Miranda to Mar* marua, f250: Moewaka, £400: Otau to Hunua, £S00; Otaa-n«d, £300; Ponganni. £300: Taupiri parieh access to swtion 485. £150: Te Akau block to Tu-jkau-Ragkin road, £350; Tekirikiri, £300; Turner's Junction to West Cira*t. 'through block VI.. Awuroa, £2UO; Wairoa river to Otau. £.'!00: Coromandel to Mercury Bay. £1500; Gumtown-WJienuakitP, f400; Kalmarama to Waikawiui. £200:T«irua toHlkuwai u|>per landing, £:!50; Awaitl block acces.). £500; KaiUcre. £6<X); Maugawhara. £600; Tahuna access to sections 2 and 3. block IX.. Walloa S.D., £100; Tahana to Proctor's, £500; Torehapa, £120; Wmlkifci to Wattakarurua, £820; Waiti, £500; Karioi to 'Ruapuke mountain-road, fl50; Mangakino. £200: I'aklhl to Okete, £500; iPakoka bridge. £200; Pehehau. F270; Pehehau to Kaniwhaniwlia. £300; Ruapuke uvoiiDUiu-ruad, £300; Takapaunui to Ruapuke niountain-road, £250; Tepahu bridge, £100; Awaroa to Mahoe, £1000; Awaroa to Waiharakeke. £500; Caves-road. £250; Iliiuturu. £700; Hanturti to Otonrhanga. £230; Kaiiuango £750; Kauri. £300; Kawhia to Marokapa river, £S«; Kthl, £500: Kinoh-aku to Waiharake-ke. £500: l>emon Point to Te Maika-road, £500: Jl.-ihoe. £500: Mangalti, £400; Otorohanga to .tlangatiki-Waitomo road, £200; Tapuae, £100; TainnatatrtUH-a Eaet, £200; Taumatatwtara West. £300: Te 'Maika, £500; Te Maika to Marokopa. £200; Waitra river bridge, Kawa-road. on account, £200 eupervisiou, £S00; total, Auckland, £28,335.

taacranga road iwstrict. Ake Ake, £200; Apata Parish, access to sections 224 and 225. ilOO; (.lover-road, £-00; Faulkner-road, £150; Harray-road, £100; Kalkokopu bridge, £250; Kuimai, £40:); Kaltuna, £150; Karuo, £100; Komete, fluG; Sgamuawhlne, £2IW; Omanswa, £200; Kaugiuru Settlement to Btaghiru-'Maujforewa Gorge-road, £130; £c Tunul, £150; Thompson Track, £SOU; Walhl Swamp-road, £250: riaytonroad, £200; Dana«T-road, £100; Hererepn Nortu, £500; Hereperu South, £150; Hewitt-road, £250; Kiikokopu to Taheke. £150; Mamuku to Maraeroa Oturoa Block, £150; Maiigo<rewa Oorge to Mamaku, £200; Maniatutu, £100; Ngawaro to Te Puke, £200; Oponriao Valley-rood to Wainui and -Mataroe landing, £300; Pikowai NortU, £130; Fikowal South, £500; Pongakawii to Lake Roloehn, £15(); Pungarehu, £250; Pnheroa, £200; Kangiurn to Mansore , ""! Gorge, £100; Rnse-road, £100; Rotougate to Hamurana. £200; S-tanley-Track £3<X>, Stanlej-road to Oponriao, via section 345, Waimana VarlsU, £200; Walman* Gorge and deviatloD, £1000; Wuataro» £100: Whlrinakl Valley. £300; supervision, total, Tauranga, £97,000. KING OOCNTBY. Arapae, £1500; Awakluo Valley Lower, mm; Awaiino Valley, Upper. £200; Eherua, £250; Hapurua, £100; Horoplto, £asO; Uuhatahl, £200; Kaeaeac, £100; KaJrirnu, £500; Kairtinu stream bridges, £230: Kaitieke, £500: Kakaki, £200; Kakabi stream bridge, £600; Karioi to Kaugiwaea, £400; Karioi to Wait&ngt, £100; Kawautahi, £400; Kiritehere, £750; Klrltehere bridge. £130; Kiwi, £850; Konua. £200; Koka Akio, £750; Kopuiia, fl.00; Kumara, £200: Knruau, £500: Maboeuui to Totoro, £200: Makarakia, £100; Makokomlka, £150: 'Mangaetoroa, £200; Mangakahlkatea, £250; 'Mangukokopu, £150; Mangamu, £1300; Maugauui-o-te-ao, i-KH); Manganal-o-bridge, £500; Mangaohntu, £100; MangmotaWi Valley Wpper), £500; Mangapapu £500; Alangapoliiie. £1250; Mangaturuturu. £280; Marokopa river bridge (Mangapoliueroad), £400; Marokopa river bridge de Anga), (on account), £500; Marokopa river to Mahoenui, £750; Marokopa Valley, £800; tairoahuiao to Matiere, £1050: Miroatouiao to Mangaotaki, £200; Mohukatrno Valley, £400; Mokaniti, £200: Moki. £750: Motete, £300; Ngapaenga. £130; Ohura-road, £»000; 010, £400; Otautau, £250: Owiango, £400; Otnnni South, £250; Otuuui stream bridge, £200; Pakioi to Okete. £100: P-arahrka, £SO0; Parapara to Raetiui, £1300; Paro, £300; Patna, £250; Pehu. £100; Pipipi, £200; Plrere, £250: Pomorangi. £750; Pukeamhe, £150; Pukekaha, £160: Pokatea to Kokatonui, £1800; Pungarehu, £500: Baetihl to OJiura, £500: P»atamire. £200: RerekiTio, £200; Retaruke river "bridge, £330; Retarruke Valley, £500: Urtaruke Valley (upjiert. £400: Roto. £100: Ryan-road. £200: Tnuitnrnkan river bridge iKohnra'tahi-road, £."nii; Taiißitii. £250; Tr M;iirt-. £100; 'ie KaU, £100: Tokirlmii-rpad t« Wanpanui river. £000; Toiißaporu'tn to Mangaroa. £1500; Tnmto, £500: WaikaUti. £65u; Waikawaii, £1000: Waimarino to Uetanike. £300; Waiora, £100; Walpapa. £70; Waipana, £2UO; Waifaanga North-Waitawhena, £800; Wanganul Valley-road. £600. Whakahau, <£400. GOLDFIELDS , ROADS. AUCKLAND ROAD DISTRICT. Pupake (lauding to mines), £250: Bridles Point extension, £300: Brown Creek bridge, £200; Cabbage Bay to Cape Colville, £300; Cabbage Bay to Part Charles. £100: Cape Oolvllle to Port Charles, £200; Ooromandrt to Knaotunu, via Mataraugi. £370; Coronraniiel to Terereaga. £100; Coromandel to Waikawan, £250; Coromandel wharf road extension, £300; Driving Creek to Kifcowhekerere, £300; Ktfauram to WtOmn, £400; Swpgngp, ftaarry-road,. £100; Kajjcnsa

Mine-road, (metalling), £200; Kauri to Mahakirau, £100; Kennedy Bay to Matamataharakeke, £300; Kikowhakarere to Cabbage \ Bay, £100; Manaia. Creek bridge, £250; i Mercury Bay to Tairua, £250; McLaachlin's to Waikawau Creek track (widening), £113; Tererenga to Whangapoua, £110; Tiki 'to Te j Koumu, £200: Tiki to Kaimarama. £100; 1 Tiki to .Manaia, £100; Tokatea to Kennedy Bay, £230; Waitaia Co.'s low level road, £100; Whitianga to. Gumtown, £100; Hape Creek-road, £100; llikutai-a to Whaugamata, " Wires," £100: Hikuwai to Tairua. £500; Karaka Creek-road, £100; Kuuaeranga to Tairua, £750; Kauaeranga Valley-road, £250; Maratoto-road. £200: Moanatalri Creek aqueduct and tunnel, £100; Neavesville Broken Hills to upper landing, £500; Onrahu- | road, £250; Omahu to Whangamata, £350; Parawai bridge (£1 for £1), £-130: Pubx>t Creek-road. £100: Puriri to Neavesville, £80rj: Piiriri Valley-road, £270; Tairua to Broken Hills to upper landing, £261; Tapn to» Gumtown. £2C>O; Tapu Wharf, (protection), (£1 for £1), £150; Tararu Creekroad. £100: Thames to Hikntaia. £100; Thames to Waikawau, £300; Upper Landing to Tairua. £100; Waikawau bridge, £400; Waiotno Creek-road, £100; Waiotahl Creekroad, £100; Wfcangamata to Luck at Last, £100: Whangamata to Ohui, £200; Karaka Creek (clearing). £200; Adeline to Mnnsakiuo, £150; Bridge-road to Karangnhake, £200; Cadman-road (Waikino to Waitekauri) £204; Dominion Mine track, £100; Durbar Aline to Komata. £100; Golden Cross to Maratoto, £150; Hikutaia to Paeroa, £330; Hill-road to Talisman Mine, £100; Hou-nunga-road. £253; Karanga'hake to Rotokohn, £200; Komata Creek-road, £324; Komata Creek to Battery, £250; Komata to Maratoto, £100: Maekaytown to Walklno (£1 for £1). £100; Main Road to Rahu-road, £100; Maoriland Mine to Paeroa, £100: Maritotoroad, £600: Mill-road (£1 for £1), £100; Ohinemnii Bridge at Karangabake (on account of £1000. £1 for £1), £2T>O; old Tan-ranga-road, £150: Paeroa to Hikutaia-road, to Kobinson's, £155: Paeroa to Ketherton, £SO0: Paeroa to Te Aroha, £218; Paeroa to Waitoa. £384; Peel's Creek to Incognito, £100; Puke to Netherton, £175: Rahu-road. £100; Rahu-road to Cornish Town. £100; railway to Hill-rond. £100; Rotokohii-road, £11!): Talisman coal hopper to Hill-road, £100; Thnmes-road to Komata Railway Station, £100; Tv! to Pick and Dish, £100; Watbi to Whangamnta. £200: Walhl to Wherekiranptinga, £100: Waimata-road. £100; Waitawhetn-road. £100; Waitawhetaroart deviation. £100: Waitawheta to Waihi. £100: Waitekanrl to Golden Cross, £19S: WaitHtacrl to DurbeT, £145: Waltekauri to Maoriland Mine. £2(10: Waltekanrt to Waihi, £mO: Watorongomai to Waitawbeta. £200; Waioroncnmal lower horse track. £150. Total. £21.300. DEVELOPMENT OF OOLDFIELDS. Queen of Beauty pumping plant maintenance, £700: testing deep levels at Thames. £5000. ROADS TO OPEN" CP CROWN LANDS. North Auckland Road District : Kareponia block, £100: Kerikeri block, £H>O: Kohumaru block. £.TTO; Koutu block. £100: Mangakahia block. £110; Onwtwhnke block, £H."! 0; Opouteke block, £1200: Oiowhanft Mock, £1OO : Otaenga block. £f2.->; Otepe block, £115; Oue block. £720: Parahirahi iWock. £100: Pukemlro block, £100: Pupuke block. £600: Kangltane block, £100; Rotokakabl block. £240: Taketn block. £100; Tapnketaru block, £100: Tarawhatl block, £2350; T<> Bore block, £100: rmuwhawha block, £100,; VWomlo block, £100: Waipoua block (adflltlojaJ). £100: Walran block, £1HO: WhiriiraW block. £100. Total. North Auckland. £8360. Auckland Road District: Tangowahlne btoek, £500; Oteha block, flOO; Koheroa block. £100: Okawhao block, £100: Rotongaro block, »1840: Takaruru Mdck, £100; Te Akan block, £4000: Wain&\ block £100: Awaiti block, £100; Waita\(*9eta, £10f): Korakonul, £540; Tokaanui, i'lOD: Wharcpiihunga. £1:50: Wharepubunjta eitension, £100; Hauturu. £190; Kaimanco. £JO: Kakepuku to Kawaroa, £100; Mangamahoe, £100: Mangaoronsa. £10Ti: Mangatotara, £100: Moakaua block, £100: Orekcrpa, £100: I'irorua. £100: Pukemapou, £100: KarrHoto, £.-nnn ; Tapuac block. £100 ; Tapmieb l i l ...uku, £100: Tauraroa. £100; TaumataUitara, £JOn: Turitpa block. £100. Total of items provided for on 1909-10 appropriations in respect of which no specific provision has been made tmfler this vote for 1910-11. total Auckland. £IXKS>. Tanranga Road District : Mhidcn block, £100; Otawa,, MOO; rongakawa, tlOO; Manawahe, £1CKIO; Ma-ngorewa-Kaharoa. £730: Waltahanul. £100. Total of ftems provided (Br on 190*10 appropriation's In respect of which no ppectfic provision has been made under this vote for 1910-11, total, Tauranga. £2150.

COUNTRY BLOCKS. Civil Service No. 1 Work, £500: Civil Service Xo. 2 block. €500: Erua. £100: Hikimmu. £SUO; Horonlto, f 100: Horopito West, £1500; lrrwhau. £!XX>; BLahuwera. £Ji;7o : Kaitieke township. £100 : KakaJhl Ti-l lane settlement. £125: Mangaroa township block. CCii; Mangatlti block £4000; Mannnui block, £HXI; Marangae block. £2230; Matiere villape block, £180; Maukuroa block, £100; Maukuroa. £100: Ngararatae block. £100: \orlh Waimarino block. £1050: Ouakune block I extension \. £100; Ohakune No. 2 block. £473: Ohakune village settlement blockr £780: Oroogomai block, £100; Owhanpo block, £i4O; Papakaiiri block. H2W; I'arHketu block. £1000: Kangataua block. £1200: Rangataaa extension block, £lm>: KotnJ-uke block. £455; Eiarlaki block, Rnahemi. block, £100: Rnatitl block. £4000 ■ South Kaltieke block. £325; South Wnimaiino block, flOO: Tahuna block, £40f»U; Taptrtwahtne block. £J00; Tarinfjarautii block, £100: Waitangi township block. £100; Walwhat»whata block, £100. ROADS TO OPEN UP NATIONAL ENDOWMENT LANDS. North Auckland Road District: Koutou block, £140: Otakatrang! "Block. £100; Whakapara block, £3oO: Ngungnrn extension No. 2 block. £230: It.inira block, £230. Total. North'Anckland. £840. Auckland Road District : Opanake block (extension). Hobson. £700: Kopuera block. Manukau. £100; Huihuitaha block, West Taupo. £inu. Total. AnckUinßs £000. Taurangn Road District : Otawa No. 2 block. £100: Raltuna hlork, flOO; Pohukuru block. £inn j Tc Rereiißa block (extension), £270. Total.' Trim-iinga. £570. IMPROVED KAU:: SETTIJSMKNTS. Auckland. CifKKI. Ku:irls to give access to improved farm settlement blocks within the North Island Main Trunk railway area, £10,000. Lands (miscellaneous) : Te AJrau block formation of preliminary road to portion of block now under survey. £100: Waihl swamp (Makern) drainage, £3730; Mamaku water supply (on account £1000), £-00.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 272, 16 November 1910, Page 6

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PUBLIC WORKS. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 272, 16 November 1910, Page 6

PUBLIC WORKS. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 272, 16 November 1910, Page 6