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THE CHURCH'S THEOLOGICAL ~~ COLLEGE. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Nervr Zealand continued yesterday afternoon tinder the presidency of ttte Moderator (Rev. J. H. Mackenzie)* ASSEMBLY'S EVANGELIST. On the motion of Mr. J. Comrie, th« words "and that suitable financial arrangements can be made" were added to the Evangelistic Committee's recommendation: "That the Assembly empower the Committee to appoint one Assembly's evangelist, provided a suitable man can be found, and provided that the Assembly is not asked to accept any financial responsibility in connection with such appointment," and the report adopted. SABBATH SCHOOLS- EXAMINATION. The Committee en Sai>bath School* examinations, in the course of its report, stated that this year the Committee had adopted the plan of having the questions in SScripture drawn up by one examiner, and the eaane in Catechism. So far as could be ascertained, thi» method seemed to have jriven saitisfaction. The Committee again called attention to the growing disinclination on the part of many of the scholars ta take the Scripture examination. As an instance of this, the case of onp large Presbytery vac cited. While 422 presented themselves for examination in Catechism, only 215 took the Scripture paper. A comparison of the results of the examination -was also significant. In the same Presbytery, out of 422 entrants for Catechism, only 50 were under "0 per cent., -while 107 out of the 215 Scripture candidates failed to' reach that standard. To meet this difficulty, the Committee suggested that a charge be made in the number of marks required to qualify for first and second certificates in Catechism; that the Assembly enjoin all ministers and superintendents to be loyal to the Assembly examination «'lipitip.

The report wnt on to show that in the Dominion there wore 3i£Jß Sabbath School pupils at the 'beginning of 1910, of whom 4,020 were in the Auckland Presbytery district. Waikat.o had 1.480, Hawke's'Bay 1.833, Taranaki 80S, Wangajiui 2.059. Wellington 2,700, Nelson 1587, Westland 830. Christchurcb 3.249, 1.207. Oamaru 1.290, Dunedin 5,392, Chitha 1.702, Mataura 1.4tt1, Southland 3,]73.

The Committee recommended the following scheme for examination for , Friday, July 7, 1911 (the hour bo suit local convenience):—Subject: (1) Scripture— the lesson* April, May, and June, Wll of the "American International Series of Lessons." ii) Catechism —Primary division qiKwtiom. 13-28; .lunior, 29-52; Middle, 53-78; Senior 1, 70-107: Senior 2, 1-38. (3) Essay a. week later, Friday, July 14. 1911. An essay will he set on" "The Life of Christ." (4) Young People's Day will be held on third Bab'bath in October-—October 15, 19U. (5) That permidsion be g-iven to the Committee to set questions for examination on the graded lessons if it is considered expedient to do so. (6) That 85 per 'ertrt "Ise Teqvrrred tr> qualify for first class in Catechism, 70 per cent ior Scripture, and 70 per cent for essay. In conclusion, the Committee- desired to plaeo on record ite appreciation of the services of various examiners, and of the faithful work done by Sabbath School superintendents and teachers throughout the Church. Mr. Rtzperald moved: '-That the report b? adopted, and that the recommendations excepting No. 4 be agreed to, and that Assembly places on record its appreciation of the services of the various examiners."' In recommendation No. :i. "The Life of Elisha" was substituted for "The Life of Christ," and the motion, so amended, ■was carried. KNOX COLLET: E. The Knnx College Council, in presenting its second atrnual re-port, stated that early in the year alterations and additions were made to the College, which ena-bled them to provide, rooms for ten students, and thus to raise ilip number of residents from 42 to 52. Even so, the nuirrlxr of applicants exceeded the accommodation. The cost of the alterations was £:SOT> 0/7. During the year the trustees of the estate oi the late Mr. S. Wilson paid over £10S 6/5, the last instalment of Mr. Wilson's bequest to th« College. This made the total received from this estate £9.30S 0/5. The £108 0/5 above-mentioned had been addwl to the Endowment Fund, which had been increased by other gifts amounting to £154 IG/-, of which Poneke, Wellington, gave £100. The total to the credit of the Endowment Fund was £1,948 15/2. To this had to be added a bequest of £200 made to the College by the late Mr. Smith, of Green Island. The Council regretted that a heartier response to the appeal for an endowment of £15,000 had not been made. This amount was absolutely necessary for the development of the College. By the death of I>r. N-isbet the (Allege had lost one of its warmest friends and wisest counsellors. It was to him they owed the name ■"Knox," by ■which the College was known. The Council had expressed its sympathy with Mrs. Xisbet and her family. The members of Council to retire this year ■were the Rev<=. Jas. Chisholm, R. J. Porter, and Mr. .lohn Ross. And the Council recommended their re-appointment, and that Mr. \V. Gow 'be elected to fill Dr. Nisbeta place. The Council recognised that .the success of the College lay in the hands of the master, and recorded its appreciation of the wisdom and tact with Avhich Mr. Hewitson had discharged the duties of master. To the matron nlso—a true college mother— •they owed their heartiest thanks.

The Rev. A. Cameron pointed out that the College buildings would cost between £'26,000 and £27,000, and ho said that it was gratifying to know that after all expenses they would have about £300 in hand. After eulogising. the work of the College master, he moved the adoption of the rerport, with thanks to those who had contributed to the College funds, an injunction to deacons' courts to give their congregations opportunity to contribute to the funds, and that the Revs. Jas Chisholm, R. J. Porter. Mr. .lohn Ross, and Mr. W. Gow bo appointed to the Council.

The report and deliverance were adopted. Assembly decided to approve the proposal that a portrait of the Rev. Andrew Cameron be painted and hung in Knox College, aad to empower the Committee to carry the proposal into effect. THE NEXT LOCALE. The following motion was carried: — "That a committee, consisting of the

Revs* J. H. Mackenzie, L Jolly, D. Borne, Dr. Gibb, K. R. Sutherland, a Murray, E. M. Ryiburn, W. J. Comrie, and Mesßis. G. J. GarJand, J. W. Craig, J. G. W. Aitken, W. Bruce, J. Mitchell, W. 8w Fitzgerald, and H. J. Camming, be appointed to consider the question of the time and pJace of next meeting of Assembly, and to report to a> future seder■nut." The mover, the Rev. W. J. Comrie, was appointed convener. The Assembly resumed at 6.30. Rev. A. M. Pinlayson, convener, moved the adoption of the report on the beneficiary scheme for women workers (deaconesses and foreign nitsetonariee), also that a committee .be eel up to carry it into effect. After some discussion, an amendment by Rev. N. J. Comrie wae carried, referring the report to the committee, on beneficiary funds.

An overture from the Taranaki Preebytery regarding the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund, was referred to Ifche same committee.

The adoption of the report on general and financial statistics was moved by Rev. Chas. Murray (Sydenham) convener of the committee on statistics. The report ehowed that general progress had been made, the year's revenue showing an increase of £2800, including £1300 towards payment of debt and miscellaneous revenue. Ordinary expenditure was £7000 more than last year. Two n<'-w charges and 17 home mission etations had been added, and preaching pliices had increased by 129. The number of communicants wae 35,377, an increase of 1363. The report recommended, among other tilings, that statistical returns he sent in not lateT than August 19, and that tbe committee be empowered !to issue a Presbyterian handbook. The Rev. A. Begg seconded, and after considerable discussion, especially with regard to the proposed handbook, the motion was ■carried.

On the motion of Mr. P. B. FTaser, it was resolved to establish a Public Questions Committee,' to watch 'public events, and report to the Standing Committee from time to time.

.Mr. J, O. W. Aitken moved that a telogram bp sent to the Premier, asking for the names of the five churches which made application for lottery lice new, witih dates of application.

In the discussion which followed, some speakers considered that it would be dishonouring to the Church to ask for such iniormatioii from outeide, cut when it was pointed out that the five applka-

cions wore spread over a number of years and would be almost impossible to trace otherwise, the motion wae carried by a good majority. It -was Tesolved on the motion of Rev. J. Aitken, that ihe Church take over the entire financial responsibility for "The Outlook."' After so™ further discussion, the Assembly adjourned to the Choral Hall for the conclusion of the Home Mission Festival. HOME MISSION FESTIVAL. j At 5.30 yesterday afternoon close on 500 persons, including the members of the Assembly, sat down to tea, in the Choral Ha3l, as a preliminary to the Home Mission festival. At tUO the As-1 sembly adjourned to the St. Audrew'e Hall for business, the remaindor of the gathering remaining to listen to a musical programme beftrre the business of the evening commenced. Two organ solos wore contributed by Mr. Cyril Towsey, and sacred solos by Mitf) Mary Cooper and ilWs Margaret McKehae, who aleo sang a duet. Addresses by Rev. J. K. Ward, and Munuairte Piupi Tuhate, a native elder from Taumarunui, for whom Mr. Ward interpreted, helped' to pass the time until 8, when the members of the Assembly Toturned. and tok their seats in the rear oi the platform. The Moderator (Rev. J. H. McKenzie) then took the chair, the h&B being by this time packed. Rev. Dr. G-ibb, Northern Home Mission convener, in presenting the report on the year's work, said that in that period eleven new .stations had been established in the north. rAinds had also shown an increase, -and nearly all vacancies had been tilled. In response to an application, the United Kree Church of Scotland had offered to send out a number of men for the. work, paying part of their passage money out. To the Assembly he would say that if the work wan to be bucoeeaful it was necessary that the work should be nationalised, that the artifirifll boundary between north and south should be abolished. The Home Mission Fund had hitherto been used to pay Home misionaries and also to augment the salaries of country clergy, but now a special augmentation fund would be established, and the home mission organisation would thus be freed. He appealed for greater self-sacrifice on the part of individual church 'members in con. tributing to home mission funds. He moved the adoption of the report.

Rev. J. Kilpatrick, Otago Home Mieeion seconded, and the motion was carried unanimously, certain recommendations being reeerved for diacaeeion Uter.

Rev. Geo. Budd, convener of the 'Maori Mission Committee, moved the adoption of tbe report on that work. The Presbyterian Church hod at present three missionaries in the field, and these were doinjr veJuable home mission work, in addition to their duties among the nations. Much £Ood wae being done by the Maori girls' school at TuTaJrina, and it was intended to establish a similar school for boys at Taumarunui, where firming instruction would be given. For this purpose the sum of £2000 would be required, and it was hoped tha-t this sum would come from Auckland, aa Auckland would reap the benefit. Addressee on mission work among the Maoris were also given by Rev. J. K. Ward and Manuaute Piupi Tuhaia.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 271, 15 November 1910, Page 7

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PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 271, 15 November 1910, Page 7

PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 271, 15 November 1910, Page 7