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Moon's Age: Full Mood, November 17, 11.35 a.m. ■ . Sunset: This er en ing,. 6.45. . * •Suurlse: To-morrow morning, 4.24, HIGH WATHB. Auckland: This evening, 4.15; tO-<morrow morning, 4.40. Uuehunca: To-morrow morning 8.34- tomorrow evening, 5.03... — Manufcati-• Heads-: • -To-morrow- morning, 7.4; tn-morrow evening, 7.33. Kalpara Heads: To-morrow morning B.W; to-morrow evening, 8.58. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. ■vTalotahi, s.s., 278, C. Hopkins, from Mercury Bay and Tairua. Passengers: Mesdnines Bonellu, Batliurst, Misses Agnew (2), 'Messrs Pollock, Bonelhi, Balney, MoAully.— {Northern B.S. Co., agents. (ilenelK, s.s., 2SS, Jonas, from WihangareL —James Smith ami Co.. ngents. Btiden-INDwell, s.s.. 174. Peterson from iWhaiipfircl.—Northern CoaJ Co., agen ; ts. Kaeo, auxiliary sebnone.r; IK), j. ii. Skthnor, from GMsbornc ami way po.rts. Passengers: Misses Ashley, Walker, Brown, Messrs Evniis, Rose, Austin.—Muster, agent. Albatross, scow, 81, llolley, from Whangarei.—illaster, agent. K:ihu, 42, Johansen, from (NgiHiguru.—il{. {?. Reynolds and Co., agents. Bmvo, scow, 09, from 'Ngunguru.—blaster, agent. Vesper, scow, 46, from Whangarei.—Biddlcl; and Goldsbro", ngenta. Vintiex, scow,-44, from Whangarei.—ißiddick and Goldsbro', agents. Ngapuhl, s.s., E. Bic'i'lienson, from Wlu■nparei. Pnsisengers: Misses Stewart, Mc-In-tyre, Sutcliffe, Tnckei , , , Clow, Page. Simpson. Bnbncr, McsdamPs Gardiner, Harnett, Sissons, Nelson, Waluhouse, Kelsall, Cameron and two children. Glllori, Bennett, Master n,-irl>er, Messrs Ardunkne, Bowdou, Mnlbrock, Hawken, Kelly. Fonto, Barker, Wiseman, Bennett, Cameron, Jenkins, Smith, Frogsbrook, Hnzzard, Durban, Webb, Darw, O'Hnra, Hodgson, O'Keefp, Clarke, Brown, Masters, Tucker, Keyle, Tucker, Totman, Harrison, Bull, WeTili, Klrkbrlde, Grestram, Carpenter, Rev. JBrocklehurst, and 14 steerage.—Northern Co., agents. SUNDAY. Wlnnnera, s.s., 3022, William Waller, from Sydney. Passengers: Mesdames Stanton, ■Payne, Smith, Ritchie, 'Clarke, Bateman, Parker, Heyland, Scott, Cornajro, Sullivnn, Blisses Scofit (2). 'Stan.ton, Sinclair, (Brown, ißurroTvs, Robertson, Ityan, Yates, Levy, Messrs EUtegibbonj Burrows, BortbwlckiDanlel,' 'Payne,'Wiiistone (2), Abbot, Green, Robenteon, Part - , Maxwell, Sorenson, Purker, tflcaddey, BorrJe, Jury, Xicpl Scott, Hardley, Robertaon, Falvasser, Thomas, Black, lAUcn, Lonergnu' (2), Tangey, Gllllespie, Holmes,' Batten. Dr. Hilton Smith, end 55 steerage.—Jluddart, Parker and Co., agents. ' 'WesfciaMa, 5.5.r2884, V. G. 33n'twiS'le,"trom [Dunedin, via 'East Coast ports. Passengers: Olfsses iJIcGIII. Noooan, Fletcher, Mitchell, Saukey, Reynolds, 'Bpo/th, Nurse Lewis, Mestlames Manning, Goosle, Fletcher, llarsdcn and <fllild, itudtlock, GrifTen, Robertson, Bayley, Green, Cogar, McLeod, ILote, Thomassen and 'two ■children, Hafcten and <CilUl. tMessrti McAlister. CShea, ITiyea, iDurry, Adams, .Taniiedon, Thompson, 'Hill, Bln-ck, aiuxi'ffly. Fletcher, 'Pearson, ilnrpjiy, ISteimvhan, Clifford, Dodd, 6>pai-kes, Lewis, Johnstpu, Smith, CiOgar, Joblen, Butler, Wileon, MackreU, Leory, 'Rhodes, ißat>h, the Key. Habba. ■ and 24 steerage.—Uuddact, IFarker. an<J Co., agents. , . .. . Clio, topsail schooner, 84, W. Peltey, from 'Oraig, Lta".',..agents. " : Hnvoc, scow, (So, E! from Ngungui S. 'Reynolds an<l Co., agents. THIS DAY-. Arawa, S.S., 9372, Clayden, from Lyrtel.ton.—L. D. Nathan, Ltd., agents. Curlew, soowv W. Bir.rke,- from Tairua.— Jagger and Harvey, aeanta. Ranger, scow. Ei R. organ, from Great ■ißarrier.— Ford; Line, ngents. Rambler, Daniel, from Mercury Bay.—Ford Shipping Line, agents. Bee, scow, T. Donovan, from Ngunguru.,— 'A. Bmarili, aeeait. ; NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day — Clansman leaves for Russell End Opua; Waiotalii leaves for Mercury ■Bay and Knaotunn; JStgapuhi leaves for Whangurel Railway wharf; Aupouri leaves for Tauranga and Ohiwa; Kauierl arrirea from Town wharf; about midnight:' ' Tuesday.—Paeroa leaves for Whananaki; Kanleri leaves for Town wharf; Waiotahl arrives from Mercury Bay and Kjmotunu about ,6 p.m,; Karaw* arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about 8 a.m. ; Ngapuhl arrives from Whangarei Railway wharf about 10 p-m. ; Ngatiawa leaves for Opoti£L and Tauranga. : UNION , CO.'S MOVEMENTS. .. ■} . ..... , EAST. COAST. Wednesday.—;Kamona sails for Napier at 4 p.m. ; \Vhahgape ' sails for Westport at 4 p.m. Thursday.—Squall arrives frp.m. Tqloga Bay And Gisbome-; Tarawera arrives £rom Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, end Gisborne; Navua arrives from Tahiti and Rarotonga. Friday — Maitai arrives from Wellington; Squall sails for Tologa Bay and Gisiborne, at 12 noon. Saturday.—-Malta! sails for Rarotonga, -Tahiti, and San Francisco at 12 noon; Tarawera -Balis for G!st>orne, Napier, Wel•/lingtpn, Lxtteltojx and Dnnedin at 12 noon ; Waihbra. sails for Kaipara; 'i . WBSTCOAS*. ' Tuesday.—Klnl arrives from Greymouth ,end, Westport. Friday.—Roeamond airives from. Wellington; Pieton, Nelson, and New Plymouth ; ..Rosamond sails for New Plymouth, Wellington, Plcton ana Nelson at a p.m. HUDDABH PARKER AND CO.'S !,' . ..MOVEMENTS. ". eaila" dltec't, for Sydney at 5.30 p.m. Tuesday—Wimmera sails for Dunedin, -iTla East Coast ports, at 3 p.m. VESSELS IN PORT. iWimmera, s.s., at Queen-etreet wharf • IWestralia, 8.5.,- at Hobsou-street wharf. Kaeo, 0.5.5., at Hobson-street wharf Iris hVM.c.s., at Devonp'6l't ' Waihora, H.S., at Chelsea ■"-"-• iWharigape, s.s"., H.t tlobson-street wharf. Talune, • s.s.,- at Queen-street wharf. Delphic, pa. x at KaU\ypy wharf Joseph Craig, barque, at iiailway wharf. Jessie Craig, barque, at Hobson-srtreet wharf extension. Arawa, s.s., at Railway wharf. I . PBOJECT'ED pEPARTtJRB3; FOR SAN FRANCISCO— Moltal, a.s., via Cook and Society Islands; November'lS b-yjrU IyONnON — Arawa, via the South, Saturday • (Mongolia, R.M.S'., via Australia ana Suez, Nov. 24 Papaioa, 8.8., via WeilinEton, Nov. 26 I'OR FIJI— Jittv-ua, s.s., November 23 FOR SYDNEY— iWestralia, b.s., Monday FOR BASTEItN PACIFIC—. CEaluue, November 22 The s.B. Wimmera arrived from Sydney at 11-20 a.m. yesterday, after a flue wea-ther patssage. The Wimmera sails for Dunedin, via porta, to-morrow afternoon. The s.B. Stratnclyde, which put into port on Saturday morn lug to replenish her bunkers for the voyage jroin Valparaiso to New, castle, sailed heuee on Saturday night. The s".s. Snowdonian, due from Buubnry on Thursday next, has senile 600,000 ft of timber to land at Auckland; Wellington, L-ytr telton, aud Dunedin. THE SOUTHERN CROSS. The local agent, Mr <J. O'Htilloran, jun., is in receipt of -cable a-dvlces stating that the Melaneslan Mission steamer Southern Cross arrived at Norfolk Island from outayius stations yesterday. '.The vessel is expected to sail (for Auckland ■to-morrow, and to ui'i'ive here on 'Friday next. She reports "all well." FROM MONTREAL. The s.s. Turkislan left Sydney for Aucklaud on Saturday last, in continuation of ■her voyage from Montreal, and will be due to arrive here ou Tiiursday next TJae Ken- Zealand Shipping Co. are local agents lor the steamer. THE 'FRISCO MAIL. The U.M.s. Aorangi, which left Auckland on October 22, arrived at San -Francisco X,'.W V W+ laSt tlu 'e-table date. She is scheduled to leave 'Frisco on the return •vojaj-e on November IC, and to arrive at v\ellingtou on December S. The It M s gWltttl left Dunediu for Wellington oil Saturday last. She will be due at Anpfc land on Friday next, aud will sail thffoT '»"• ' ,e fc *f-jK B «?to»Btt and PaUete, en

LOADING FOR LONDON. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion steamer Arawa arrived fi-oni Lytteltan at 8 a.m. to-day to load general" cargo for London. Sue will be in port until Saturday next, wJien she sails for the South to coniplete. The Arawa la time-tabled to leave Wellington finally for London, on December 1. PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. The s.s. Westralin arrived from. Dunedin, via ports, at 12.30 p.m, yesterday. The Westralla sails for Sydney at 5.30 o'clock this evening, taking the ' following passpngers:—Misses M. Lewis, Buckman, Chilton, Collins, Morison, Prentice, Wright, Ruthe, Mesclflines D. Galloway nnd Infant, .T A. Kybiirn, W. Bonella, Ward, Collins, Messrs L. .Tonas, Brighton, R. V. Blackmore, C. Sirnosen, A. Garlick J. MoCullagh, H F.. Seemuller, T. P. Wild, D. Galloway, j' A. Kyburn. W. Boneila, A. Rockstra-n- M. Asher, T. W. Scotts, W. McLean, .7. LonerBan, J. Lonergan, Dr. Yon. Bukrw, and 60 steerage. WARRIMOO'S ROUGH TRIP. The Union 'Steamship Company's steamer WaiTimoo, wliieh arrived at Melbourne on Sunday. November 6, from New Zealand, via Hobart, had an exceptionally rough trip. On Saturday uight the steamer ran into a ffale from the north-west, aud was struck by a huge wave, which, clearing her bows, swept alpflg the decks from etem ■to stern. The passengers were down below, otherwise some of them must have been washed overboard. The speed had to be reduced to arrival. IMPORTS. Per Wimmera, from Sydney: 474 bags onions, 325 bags potatoes, 204 cases fruit. 45 cases tobacco, 74 cases drugs, 13G bags bark, 2 cases silk, (iG3 cases wines, spirits, etc., 1 case boots, 60 bags malpscint, 20 cases arrowroot. 20 cases nails, 1103 bags manure, l>2o bags chaff, 121 cases soap, 323 bundles shafts, 07 packages epokes. 19 bundles time, 993 bags rice, 1536 felloes, 197 bars, 5 rolls lead, 2320 pieces timber, UO cases .35 bundles pipes, CO drums carbide. 210 blocks, \i cases asphate, 824 sleepers, 6S naves, 34 poles. 10 cases creokery,. 235 cases tea, 40 drums paint,. 25 cases birds, 220. bales wood pulp, 10 bags almonds, 54 steel channels', and a large quantity of sundries and empties; also transhipments ex Era, Thuriiigen, Sedlitz, Frauken, Coblenz, Eastern, Morra- . 8001, W,£TTibee, Of soya, and Moldavia- .-'• Per Westnilia, from Southern ports: 838 bags flour, 20 sacks oatmeal, 430 sacks bian and pollard, 44 bugs grass seed, 231 sacks wheat, 12 bags manure, iiU sacks chicory, 125 sacks malt, '981 sacks chaff, 694 sacks oats, 63 sacks potatoes, SO sacks bones, 119 bales straw, 124 bundles standards, 37 colls wire. CI packages stoves, 54 packages ploughs, 6 packages, shoes, 100 drag books, 32 barrels, 20' drums oil, 13 reels alloy, 23 bundles'fencing '3G hogsheads, 4 barrels, 105 hogsheads, and 5 cases-ale, 49 coils rope 40 bundles, 20 bars iron, 9 bales, 49 bundles" empty."bugs; SO cases .matches ul cases starch, 9 crates biscuits, 10 cases pieties, 20 cases nails, 170 cases men to. 25 cases confectionary, 90 cases tinned fruits, 74 boxes butter, 56 cases tea, 53 cases bacon, 30 cases jam, and a quantity of sundries. . Pet Kaeo, from Glsborhe end way ports 435 sacks maize, large quantity wool, hides, skins, etc., and 60 tons general cargo.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 270, 14 November 1910, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 270, 14 November 1910, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 270, 14 November 1910, Page 4