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- 5I«?n"s Ace: XeTV Moos, Septeicber 4, 3-33 j β-m. Scz:sat: This 5-30. S'oarise; To-manvw 6—o. EIGH WATEB. Auckland: TMs crams to-morrow Onenanga: To-morrow morsing, O31; toEerrow evening ii/x Jiiijara Heads: Te-nsorraw monin?, V 53; tj-ffiorroT>' eretiirs- 6.36. ASEIVALS. Y-£iTERI>AY. A*vin~ ; £-£. T- H" ,^' r "' T, i from Xsnrsnzti. I P^c2 i 7ri: &253 Mciresor, Messrs. HitSsiiti. Ntita.l. W-jrwn- Ji--\jv*. Lα:-?. I-sriis- BECkton. and, Kj»paM. s-s.. k. ~ Stepiieason. from | WilL:rarei. PhSSenges: Hγ. and Mrs- j B«so2- Mr- acd ilrs. Sebirt. Misses I Car-desi Goia=. Cnwra, 3«ill2iSXi>n. BevTtui:n, j ll<~<ia-2es G-ty. Going, UorspoiK. Thorpe, t\i.. — vi<-C:=a;-k<in_ Mesas. Baker, (.'rase-] ilinninc. "scales. Bullae. England. Berry, | ilcCrs-cLss, SMe, MsOorutiin-j ca_e. de Montaik, ITTri-Toa. lldndoe, | F*^^-rr J >»aj- TrsJ-T- ■■■ - HlilOtt. SW*LI- I Peaex/ck. Henry, Lowe, HockiE. Clark, i Foster, Boc&t-r. WtfeSs, Paser <3fc Crisp, Demster Siir-Sergeant-Major Meikle, and I'j <tee^ice. —Nonnem Co-, agents. Xav-na. ~ iuSu, Smiih froai Dnnedin, i via >jrrs. psjseigers: ilisses Tate, joaes, ■Wirier Peoit.-. Wtyte, Baymoad, Ei2=:el Ccmceßy, Te Pirt=i, Wareing, Saddler, McDonald, TVi.'i.-rms. BatcUSe <;_l, aiesaa-nes Dosßeii, aad 3 diildren, Wajca. S=afl and 2 oiadrea. Dixon and F-aiH>s Barste, Collins and infant, fr-irh, iliiKeczie, Or. Fsgusoa, Bey Eart, Uescsrs. Seigel, Wliyxe, 21<rlrrtjre aad t-jy. Reld-a-Ick, CoKer, Perie, FEsMns. Mcrpeth. P<r=-er. Siaall, Diifcn, Kelsalir Booti. Eigb?. Gcrxiej-, ilirch«ll, Boerfiirsii. Sirrer. ILcUe, itsjes, Dallen. yiibr CaJpan. Wtvte, Keesing, Gntirie. H2H2T.2J-, Miller, illtciell, CroS. Hasted, Smith. Hnnt, Oxenham, iociie, <ie Firm. Wrlhers. gTfi<snpk. a) siesraKe. —tci&s Otx, agents. iL Livingstone, from Sydney Passesiseis; —S"or Auciland: Mesaames Scoct, McDonald, Slchmond, Wtt-j-iiia, Calbip, Fcod, Ssiaons, Breilaii, Smlttu Hope, EesSersoa, Cmig, SaTage, EeaSEan, Jokrrscsi, Moore, Keiti, aiosmon. ifisaes B=d*ioci, <inhio. Upjoim, Headdy, Cooper, Dewes, Tystai, Messrs. TJfrigiitcn. Gardiner. Scott, Chislwlm, TJionns, V««!""tf, SicJimcsd. EowseU (2), •ffTiHaTits, liayd, Biefiali, ifoston, Lang, Brown, Eastaxisi, Smitbsou. Hinmnsoo, : Watsoru Sha-ar, Laeey, -£lead. Kin?, GtssihkC Hauierson, Gmxnne, Loring, Pcmd. Wilson, Dodd, CoJe, Sfcinner, lieesin?, Hairi'sreli, Dasee, Goldswonij-, Eer. WaKers, Captain Stewart. For Gis-t,-e: 'Wt- 2nd Gray, Mr. Dcrj-la Rir Xapier: Mis. Carts , . For Weltfaryr""' Vγ- T&ngbt For Tallin: Mr. and Mrs. Leepaxte. Steeage: S6-—Union Co., agents. Taratrera, s-s_ 2003, C ildrean, for VwxeSia, Tia ports. THIS USX. Xorfnera Chief, barque, 363, JoJmson, for SaSpara arri Sjdner. ■DSIOX CO/S MOTiatEISTS. EAST COAST. To-flay — Mabeco saEs for Sydney at 5130 nn. TaesdJiy. for Gisborne, Xapier, WeUingTon. LytlElion, and Dunedin at 2 p ; Sjtoi for and Taniti at S p-m. ■Weduesdsj-.—Warrska arrives from B!u2, Oamarn, snd Timarn: Jp»"Tr»a arrives from Calcutta; Mcora for Sara and Laatoka. Thursday.—Hauroto arrires from Dunedin. LyrtelroE, Wellinglon. Xapfer, aud Gist>ome; Sqnail arrives from Gisborse and Bay. Friday- —Aparima sails for Wellington at 5 r, th ; WanaSa sails for Oamnru. Bfcff. and Timarn, via. Liniestoce Island, at S P-El-Satnrday.—Hanroto sails for Gisborne, XaDier. WeHinstoc. LyiteKon, and Dane<nW at 12 soos ? Sqcall saiJs for Tolago Bay and Gisbeine ai 12 noon. WEST COAST. Friday.—Bnsaicoiid arrives from Wellington. Pician, Kelson, Xenr Plymouth; Hosamond sails for Kew Piymouxli, Wellington, Picton, and 2«eison at 2 p.m. XOSTHEEX CO.'S MOTESIENTS. To-day — Ngapnhi leaves for Wbangarel; iiipoiiri Isares ior Tauranga and Oalwa; leaves for SusseH; Waiotahl leaves for 3lereury Bsy and Kuaocuxm: Caelirisford Leaves "for Wbangapota. Port diaries, etc: Kaaieri arilves from Whangarei about midnistt. Tnesday: Ngaponi arrrres from Wbangarei about S p.m.: Tasman arrives from Wiataiane abont neon: Kanieri leaves for Wfcar: ,-ttf- T - C2:ehiirfcrd arrives frtra Wfeangapona, P<Kt Cnarles.. e:e_, aixrat mMnisnt; Vss-e= One'nnnsa for Raglan. Ka-«--SU2, an-d Wiitara: Itarawa arrives at Oneixmsa. from New about S a.m.; rrrives fr?n< Merrar Bay aad £.caonffin ti<mt 6 p.m. T\&sti: — _. Cia2sna.n leaves EnsseU. Wn»ngar«;, iiansnnni; Xgajmci leav-s for Wts»car?l: TTaiotjM leaves for Great Barrier; Etrttwa leaves Oneimsss for New P!vs»ocrh: Xgatisira irrives from Kcjisii Ths barqcestiiie Sel a .> a Craig was doefr cd tiis afxeraooa. The baroae Nonhern Chief sailed for Kalpsra asd Sr'lney f5:~- morning. The s-s. >"i-voa arrived from Punertii. via pons, 9.30 p.ia. yesterdsy. She sails ior ice Ccot and Sodery Islands to-morrow Eight. The Oceaco, d-ce at Auckland frorcSaa fr<Tiriavi on September ISth. has 30C toss general car?o and 39,000 ft of riTnbgj ior disdrarse at tiis pon. THE JIAHESO. The ££. ?feheno arrived from Sydney a 6-15 » *" after a fine iveathei passage. Passengers: iiisses Ecnciman, 3 A. ifinper, Bagnall. Astley, F. Hiiaser Tate, *E- McDonnell, Mesdames Aeron idai. W. D. MOO 3. J. (i. TurtoE, J. W Cimeron, Bagna-L Kirkwood, Ast!ey an! boy, Bastard and child. G. Blood acd in fant, Francois and daughter, H_ J. Eai-ie and 2 children, Messrs S. A. Taylor, Coop er. Bastard, H. V. Long. H- H. Webb, J T. Eoblnson, j. A. Liiidsay. McLacaii!! MeKeace. E. Acton-Adams, W. l>. Moore J. G. Tcrion, J. W. Cameron. H_ H. Webb Kirtwood, G. XL Xiecoi. U Eeallon, Fran cois, Eev. E. Sirkwood and 50 steerage. . KETT ABEHDESX UXEES. PartiCTilars have just been received re pardics tte ne=r steamers Themistocie= am IHsia'ticnes, now bnildisj to- the Abei deen line, at tile yards of Messrs Hariam and Wotk, Ltd., Belfast. It is expectei tint the Crst-named vessel will be coe pleted ia ttae to take tie haaoeward sailin ie April, vriiile tie Dssiosiheiies will fo! low rwo =fnths later. Both are ship cf 12.000 t>=s register, and coctain man, fetrnres eoaincive to the comfoC Z salo--3 and ibird-ciiss passenger?. Wlrle#s teirtmipby will be St:« slso sutJisa r:ns- sicnalllEg apparatus. vraJc is fouai of great Sfrviee in fogsy weathe la Tarts where there are snbiKsrkie sign; Tae Theinii=t-?cles will be ntte witli ! »wliile tlie will be a triple screw rarbiae siennier. Bet ships win have snch a complete sysrt=-m < .■β-atertfgiit bulkhead* tiat any rwo coaipar may be completely flooded, acd tt Ttssel still afioatPASSEXGEHS FOR XEW ZEAXiAXD. (From Ocr Special Correspondent.) UONT3OX. July 2i Tie Snavr. Saxili a=c Albion Co/s E-M----ittenic left LonGon to-day for Xew Ze; InnvL Tvtth the following saiooE passeager: M- C. iL ilrs Bnsia—■ ant' ills* I. Dcza, ilr E. C. Dan Mrs E. Gi ! ie-= Miss L GE'ies. Jlr E. Greece. 51: Greene. Mr H. S. Huime. Mr W. Izard. Mi A Kelly, ilr J. W. Marshall, Mrs Ma ebaJi. liiss E. A- Marshall. Mr W. I Moore. Mfcs IT. Xery. Miss H. Xery. Mr ( I'nuiier. Sliss F. I"riesti=v. >Ir W. Hey 3lr G. Said Miss E. F. D. Ware. M!=s 3 Mr U. Ziman. M-s ZiDan. lib SL Zin»n. B. Zimaa. Mr A. Allp=. il: illea. AtUs D. Allen. Mas:er L. Alien, i A. S. Bali, ills- H_ A. Barnes. Mr P. Mrs C iir P. A. Bt k=. Mrs A. C. Carpenter. Miss M. G. Ca PesteE, itr <3. Churcli. Mrs Chnrch. Mr . E- BfcE*!. 3ktr T. EBey, Mr J. Eiphinston Mr I :u CE e oa, Mt V.". B. Goodwin. Mr J S°°^ I= Sj fa ' G<»fiiviD, ilss M. X. Har toife?6s* s - F - Harlej. Mr c He

1 Parkinson, Mrs Parkinson, Mr B. S. ShepI fcerd. Mr- 2. Standring. Miss H. M. Stt-veru .Mr W. Stevenson, Miss B. F. Wans. }ii*s X. M. Walls. Mr S. M. Wea- j 1 re- Miss il. Yeauuan, and abont 400 third , IiIPOSTS. Per jlafceao, from Sydnej-: 631 bags mannne. IZ.) paetagcs Lapofc, 175 pieces timber, ;?74 ba:rs bottltis. 117 drmns carbide, 410 rice, ibl '■ass onions. U4O pai-kages tea, 50 cases r Li >>iat-eo. 57 pieces stone, ISI wood ji:pes, 174 copper, 67 peanuts, Lij bnadles hessians. 97 steel plates, L>O) ca_s«s fmit. and sen dries. Per Waipori. frutn Wesrport: 2700 teas coal. Per Navaa, from the South: 370 sacks bran, 43 sacks sewi. 3552 iucks chaff, 1425 saei= vvheat. Jftis sacks potatoes. 070 sacks Soar, S5 sa'-Ss punliry rood, i 5 sacks bottles. 4>o sarlii oats. iiO sarks malt, 45 sacks bides, 241) bars iron, 44 bags saud, iKi) bacj etise* malchtT-, 150 boies dates, «75 casi-s mrats. s'j cast's tea. -•<.<> cases kerosene, and j Eiindrits.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 204, 29 August 1910, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 204, 29 August 1910, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 204, 29 August 1910, Page 4