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'• •%- ' - ' - - - ■ ■■. - : : ! "-■.-■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■■ [ : i m lUit ""* " ■«■■■■■■■■■■—■-»■ - CRIPPLED WITH PAIN. UNBEARABLE <__. b y j * PUnißflftTlP DAIUQ driving the cause of the;complaint.out of I Woman Sore and tin til ill A lib IA.HUi the system. As long as the cause is there, I Tender .in Every Muscle _."_.•__ *il "L DL __ T*. s with Rheumatism. *~ the suirerer will have Kneumansm. It 1 j> Suffered for Years. Cured by J s not on the surface-it is deep in the I Rheumatism, and that is to rid the blood SVSteni. JL_aCtlC /\CIQ IU tlie DIOOQ IS tile I of the poisonous acid that causes the pain. '" f T"">"L X-! T*. * J "L § Tbat Dr. "ft -lliams' Pink Pills do this is "About eight years since I got an at- CaUSC Oi r\JieUmaUSm. it IS CUTeCt Wiien \ \ borne out in. the following case: — . tack of Rheumatism in my right arm," said j."L * J * J * *- T**- •«- J' ' "About four years back Rheumatism Mr Adam Brockie, Abbottsford, Green Is- Uie aCIQ IS QITVen OUt. I. /IT"nTTGL€I_-S and j gradually appeared in both my hands, and Dunedin. 'at came on gradually. It LL" ] tl £'] L • _L 1 I in time I was quite crippled," said Mrs was a pTicknDS sensation in the muscles lUDDing IOUOnS iail s DCCaUSe UieV OniV j Robert Leach, 17, Leonard-st., Greymouth. of the arms, and like pins and needles . 1 aL JL T~\ 'KXT'W * D* I "I suppose it came on from putting my sticking in the muscles of the shoulder tOUCn Hie SU-iaCC LJt» W lillSlllS 1 Ul__ Si hands in cold water and hot water for my and hand. I was so bad I could not put ' Dll *1_ J l_ _' £' __>_. - -. . "j, household duties. It began with a ti-gti-S my coat on without assistance, and it in- 1 lllS tiaVC CUTeCI 3. ilOSt 01 _\__eUlliatlCS. < , and burning hot pain In every finger joint- terfered so much with my work I could *T""L 11 1 111- ' ' I could move the joints, bnt they swelled up scarcely pull the lever of the engine to 1 iieV aCtUallY make nCW b-QOCI aild tODC j ' dreadfully,' and the skin grew red and start or stop it. I bad been like this.about j . • j - .i i.. , . I . shiny. I tried all sorts of liniments, and seven years, gradually getting worse. The Uie SYStem tO 3L POUlt that eUabieS it tO ! had medicine from the doctor, but .'got no pains were unbearable. My adopted son, . |•' • --.-, * ". . » ■ i relief. My hands at times would be quite George Lightly, was also suffering from CXDeI the IVlieUinStlC DO'SOn th_"oU_fh UIC ' numb. At night I had to hang them over Rheumatism, and. was cured, by the use •™S~ i i t r i ' t 1 t t i the side of the bed. I could only sew or of Dr. ■Williams' Pink Pi'ls. My wife per- nsfll'ral rhannPt« f\T i"nf"» nnriir In frn*- i ! knit with the greatest difficulty; aU the suaded mc to try the pills also, and I did, ~. . iiaUUCK> Ui UIC M«-»UJT. ill LUG j, time the pain never left mc. The doctor said with the result that In less than a fort- »jriir»Tmrirr m nmnc — YV- ar*r*r\TlT\TC s\i~ ertma \ I had chronic Rheumatism, and I got very night I was completely cured, and I have aUJOinillg ColUl____s dIG aCCOUIIIS OI SOflie | down-hearted, as I quite expected to be had no return of the pain since. That is ' Tprpn |- rnYV_Q fViof _*nll nm7r\n/a TArVin S crippled in the future. In winter I felt about twelve years since, and I have been IC-CIIL _UIC3 U.-CS.L WIU UUUCOI Oily UIIC WilU g worse than in the summer. I was a suf- able to attend to my duties as engine driver rtuc T?l ifaa »>«>„ 1 let It » ferer for more than a year. At last I tried without any difficulty. I am positive it llOLb I V-lCUiliaLlb-11. S Dr. Williams' Pinfr PUls, and by slow de- was Dr. WHUanis' PiDk Pills cured mc, B gxees the.pains left my hands. My finger as I had not taken any other kind of mcdi- The shopman smiles Up his sleeve when he gets a gullible € joints got easier, and the swelling began to cine, and I have recommended them to person to take a Substitute, Don't let the lauoh be On YOU ' f go down. I kept on with the pills, and the others, and I was so delighted and impressed >__ U \X7'H" ' * f*\t 11 J 1 "> "L '* _ numbness and soreness went for good. I've with my own cure and that of my adopted tafee only L/C WlUiamS. "Ut all dealers, _S a DOX ; SIX f never been troubled since. I also felt much son, I was often tempted to write to the boxes I_SOa Or ITOE_ the Dr. illl___S* MedlCllie Co., of % brighter and stronger and toned u D In papers cures Dr Australasia Ltd., Wellington. .'.' /.V."." " I every way, and my appetite unproved. My Williams Pink Pills performed In both ° « health now Is excellent, there isn't a trace cases, and am only too pleased now to - .. - g of Rheumatism left." testify to the good they did mc." i"m*_Wr»_rtrf__iilii n_"^il'_>_rf**hf-rTf4 l, l r *Sfcffi_P- , ta^t-r_l_)-^

I "MEDICAL. A HorseChestnut **** — CARRIED j I IN THE /i POCKET I is thought by pome to ward off { Illness—PnosPHOßTONisfarmore 1 I effective. Get. rid of yonr old- J j fashioned ideas and be well by I / being logical. I PHOSPHORTON ft / tones up the system by the I I actual creation of fresh. J { healthy brain matter and j \ nervous fluid, and infuses I I that primary element o£ j / everyhe-lthysystem—Phos- I ( pborous — into the blood, | j thus invigorating and vital- J \ ising ev„:y cell in the body. 1 J Phosphorton \ ) rids yo_ of that langnidness ) I and debility; strengthens / I the appetite; aids yonr di- I 1/- ges—onand-wardsoffdisease - Ii X — preventing the system « l| being run down. JJ I Sold by the Proprietor at 2/6,4/6 «-_ jl I 66 a bottle. Packed and posted to I / any address. 6d.extra. \ I Kvery dose w_l do yoa good. 1 A. ECCLES / CHEMIST, j I Queen St., AUCKLAND j I Branches— I / Ponsonby Road Hobson Street 1 rTTTHI "T)OES -piYEBXPODX ITIAKI TOEALINE F OE A C OLD? MsHEADACHE, INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION AND BILIOUSNESS. The immense number oi orders fo: Frootoids, sent by post direct to thi Proprietor, ii ca_v__ci_g proof that __ public appreciate their splendid curing power over the above-named complaintFrootoids are elegant' In apjtearanc and pleasant to take j they are immensely more valuable than an ordinary aperi ent; they remove from the blood, tia sues, and interna 1 organs, waste poison ous matter that is clogging them am choking the caannels that lead to an from them. The beneficial effects of Frootoids ar evident by the disappearance of head ache, a bright, cheery sense of pexfec hea'.Vh taking the place of sluggish, di pressed feelingß, by the liver acting prt perly, and by the food being proper*, digested. Frootoids are the proper aperies medicine to take when any Congestio or Blood Poison is present, or w_.e Congestion of the Braxn or Apoplexy present or threatening. They have bee tested, and have been proved to aifor quick relief in such cases when oth< aperients have not done any good s -ii. Frootoids act splendidly on the livei a dose taken at bedtime, once a weeJ i 3 highly beneficial. A constipated habit of body will 1 completely cured if the patient will c each occasion, when -Offering,' take dose of Frootoids, instead of an ordinal aperient. The patient thus gradual becomes independent of aperient aed tines. Price 1/6. Chemists, medicine vendor or the proprietor, W. Gr. Hearne, chem_i Geelong, Victoria. /"iOTJGHS ASD COLD TAROP I N E. 1/ Bottle. FEXTON, CHEMIST, KARANGAHAPE-H BOOTS AND SHOES. /___T" TJ ,OE THE BKTTI <■"§•*© I class of. _§&-__«-_""f MADE TO ORDE BOOTWAKE, SEXTIE, 38, SHORTLAND S" Opposite Auckland Club. •••:■ f.i=4ur_lc«l.4ioft_i "ti-d*.

TATT.OBJMG. »»»»»»0»»» ' ~% ♦»»»«»♦♦»» ** _t i ♦ Months' More % { X Uncertain Weather. |! % |,f We are past the shortest day, ♦ l\ ♦ out there are, at least, three months ♦ U ♦ uncertain weather ahead. ' During V ]l _• that time, David Palmer wants to J jl ♦ sell a large number of excellent X Jl 1 Raincoats. The quality and the "£ [1 T prices will do it. 2j I V For instance, there is a special £I [ X Tweed Overcoat, stylish and fit O V J? to wear any day, wet or fine, only •* j \ X 20/6. ♦ I ,<> And — the famous Yarmouth ♦ I ♦ Dilskins,. light and absolutely water- __L| ♦ proof, 19/6. Riding Coat, double J j ♦ throughout, with slicker, _9/6. A T[ \ ♦ Special Patent Riding Coat, double. Xj J V with storm flaps, and slicker, pro- ' / 2 teeting Its wearer in every way I j 2 against the fiercest storm, only | 1 X 30/. ♦I 1 X Umbrellas, good ones, */6, 5/6, ♦ 1 ' ♦ o I_/G. J j • T "We "have _h.e goods, yon. J I • % need them. Call and see us. ♦ | i 5 j, ♦ / I DHVIO PALMER || ; I Tailor and Mercer || 4> KEST NATIONAL BANK. ❖ j | ; »«»♦♦♦♦»»♦»»'»»♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦•>♦»»' 11 H. WRIGHT,* 11 B Having £o__id it necessary — I to enlarge o_x premises, -we - are pleased to announce V that o_r extensions and " I alterations are now completed, and our este"b____- j ment is now one of the 3 ! ! _ 1 most up-to-date in _he city. "f 1 * 1 — f For one month, -we are offer- , j ing: Heavy Genuine Red—-- ! ■' "*■ tions on the wL.ole of our j Magnificent Stock, and in t the Tailoring Department i > IO per cent discount off , every Suit. : : j L . Our £5 Suit will cost you : j. o £4: 10/-, "but you must j I n order now. I „ c I s , Our liadies' Department is i t c exclusive. i t d H. WRIGHT, 1 ** Late Cutter _tccomble Bros., j i j London, % d j LOWEE QUEEN-ST., 1 , r ° j AUCKLAND. |\ • c Wmmmmmm m Baca—aawn—ma ! ,v 5 ] it ' )f MEDICAL. ci The daily use of LANE'S J MEDOLINE makes and keeps a the skin active and healthy. •■* Freckles, spots, and pimples » quickly removed. 1/= at lfc Chemists. 7 eid . , . I Benjamin s Gum ' -. L- / "for* wgr « « I If you suffer from sore throat, Hacking Cough, Hoarseness, Huskiness, £_ Irritation in the throat, a tightness in. the chest —If you have caught a Cold S or Chill, then take a few doses of Q | '' Benjamin Gum"—rit wili quickly relieve j the-pain and begin^t'oncfcto-cure. I IFs pleasant taste makes it th. II favourite foivchildren. •» [.- 1/S ;]

PUBLIC HOTICE. I Rubber Heels save _ H Tfley outwear three soles — H H and rob .walking of its fatigue. H I Wood-Milne I & Rubber Heels § _rs made in Britain — and | have the ■ largest sale of H MANNING'S [ OLPYNE. fTtHE Q.BEATEST QOUGH QTJBE r\S "prAETH. .U_.ES THE WORST COTJGH OH. COLD a E6J 04_ HOTJBS. i- -yj and -jy 6 _ • ! QOLD "pVEEYWHBBE, le / _____________________ *? -_rO__t friends will be _elig_te_ to set _ . * X Copy of the "Illustrated Guide to Anck- \ ie land," obtainable at the "Star" Office and j ly all Stationers Price. 8/. j, ri- **|*****! 3- COITVETAHCES. a- , id id "DOGCE AND Tircrg-EDDIE. " DEYONFORT AND TAKATUSA BUSES. ct ' ~" [g. Leave Leave Leave Devonport Milford-road Alison's 7" Corner. V 7.55 a.m. 7.10 a.m. 7.20 a.n_ 9.20 7.45 7.55 _fc 10.20 5.30 9.0 IX2O 10.10 10.20 uu 012.50 p.m. 11.5 11.20 en §12.45 l_._sp.rn. 12.55 p.m. i_ 01.50 1.40 1.50 en S l --*"* 2.50 3.0 l n 2_» | ra p. 50 3.40 350 ier 04.20 05.15 .4.40 ' at 4.50 c.O : 05.25 5.30 §6.30 6.15 06.30 OS.OO §6.40 ■r; §7.50 §9.0 '. 09.0 •k, 0*9.50 ' • § §10.20 , §10.50 ■• w11.30 - - - - on SUNDAYS. a Leave Leave' Leave jy Devonport Milford-road Alison's Uy Corner, j: 9.50 a.m. 9.0 ajn. 10.55 10.50 a.m. 11.0 11.50 12 noon 12.15 p.m. []1.50 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 1.45 _t 2.20 4.0 2.25 * 2.50 3.20 5.0 3.45 4.55 6.0 4.15 86.50 5.15 9.20 6.15 S. •-'--..._ 7-45 i] To Alison's Corner only. o Omitted Saturdays. § Saturdays only, w "Wednesdays only. ■.; .... * Omitted Wednesdays. FARES. —Takapuna, 9d.; Return, 1/3. „_. O'Neill's Point-road.. 6d. Victoria Park, 40. v Extra Night Trips, 1/. RESIDENT'S TICKETS—O'Niell's Point- __> road, 3/6 dozen; Hnuraki-road. 4/8 dozen; —• Alison's Corner, 5/ dozen; Milford-road, 6/ dozen; School Children, under 12 yearsj 3/ r dozen. Notice.—On Public Holidays, the Ordinary Time-table will be suspended, and EH moie frequent trips will be run to suit the public. Mail Contractors to "Wade, "Walwera, >R Orewa and Puhoi. • Coach leaves Devonport every Friday, 8 a.m., and returning every Saturday. 'Tr Cabs and "Wagonettes at shortest notice. • Opera 'Bus. at 11.30 eyer_ "Wednesday night. 1 J__ Telephone, IS,. j

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 162, 11 July 1910, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 162, 11 July 1910, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 162, 11 July 1910, Page 8