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(Extract from "New Zealand Gazette," 16th June, 1010.) .■foTOTICB OF INTENTION'TO TAKK Tj a XD POT? Tnir PFHPCJSES OF A NATIVB -LM. ' SCHOOL AT TE HTJKTJHI, WAIHE KE ISLAND. Notice is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions' of the Public "Works Act. 1908, to execute a certain public work, to wit, the construction of a Native school at Te Huruhi, in Block V., Waiheke Survey District, and for the purposes of such public work tne land described in the Schedule hereto ia required to be taken. And notice is hereby ttirther given that'the plan of the land so required to b e taken is deposited in the Post Office at Awaroa, and is there open for inspection; and that all persons affected by the execution of tae said public- work or by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of 6uch land, set worth the same In -writing, and send such, writing, -within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works, at Wellington, ' SCHEDULE. The parcel of land required to be taken: — a . ~~' § Approximate ""„ Situated _ Area of the Being: Portion "g-g In .- ge Parcel of of ' ■§ S Survey a gj Land required Subdivision =3 District £ to be taken. g • 'Of § a. r. p. 2 0 0 Te HuroM No. 5e v>, \Valih.eke _. ■Red. (1088e, red) [ _^ In the Land District of Auckland; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 26523, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public "Works at Wellington, in the Provincial District of Wellington, and thereon coloured as above As witness my hand, at Wellington, this fourteenth day of Jnne, one thousand nine hundred and ten. u=^^i E. McKENZIE, Minister of Public Works. J

AITT OF AUCKLAND 3FFICIAL RECEPTION TO HIS EXCELLENCY TEE GOVERNOR. I hereby extend a cordial invitation t( the Citizens to be present at the Ofllcla Reception of His Excellency the Governor Lord Islington, to Auckland, which wil bate place at Victoria Park on TUESDAS aext, the 12th inst., at 3 o'clock p. J m. C..J. PARE, • Deputy-Mayor. July Bth, 1910. A UCKLAND MASTER GROCEOJS ■A- ASSOCIATION. CURTAILMENT OF CREDIT. Cnstomers and the General Public an hereby notified that owing to the unitec demands of the Wholesale Merchants, term! for monthly accounts must be arranged, ani payment of such accounts must be madi not later than the 10th of the month follow ing that in which goods are purchased, am supplied, after which date all unpaid ac counts will "be considered overdue an( treated accordingly. This decision is to take effect as fron July 1, 1910. > : CHAS. GROSVENOR, June 25, 1910. Secretary. SI A UCKLAND GAS COMPANY, LTD The Transfer Books of the above Com pany will be closed from tee 13th. instan to the 27th instant, both days Inclusive. By order of the Board. W3r. F. STEWART, Secretary. rriIMBER .FLOATING ACT, 190S Notice is hereby given that it Is the \i tention of The Kauri Timber Companj Limited, to apply to the Commissioner o Crown Lands for a License under "Th Timber Floating Act, 1003," to use th Wharekawa Harbour and River, with' a Tributaries and Branches, for the purpos of driving and floating log timber. STANLEY MILROY. Secretary. Auckland, 27tU June, 1910. INVENTORS AND PATENTEES are not fled that MR U. H. RAY WARD is mh in Auckland, and uiay be-consulted at th Office of the Firm, H.M. Artdde, Queen-st. Auckland. MR RAYWARD is a member of the wel known firm or BALDWIN AND RAX WARD, the leading PATENT ATTORNEY! in Australasia, and his adrica and assistantis at the disposal of Inventors. VKTHEX THE AUTUMN LEAVES FALLVV DEMAXD AND DKINK ANDREW TTSHEIt AND po'.'i -pXTRA JfUNE Q L D QCOTCI ■yy-HISKY, IN BLACK BOTTLES.' -M-EW 2 EALAKD •yyiN-BS WANTED KNOWN, The following wines are procurable at jQEPOC PORT CLARET PRONTIGNAC SHERRY CO-NSTA2CTIA QUININE OD—PER GLASS—gD. PER BOT., Q / -J9Q gAKASGAHAPE TOOAID NEAR PENNY SECTION. YOU'LL HEARTILY ENJOY j TASTE OP XJSHEK. AND no.' jgXTRA "psiNE QLD gCOTCI yn-HiSKY, IN BLACK B OTTLES. j-IHEAIr MDSIC FOR WINTE] EVENINGS. We invite Inspection of Our Stock c Music of all kinds; at less than .half usui prices. Songs, Piano Solos, etc., etc froi 10 each. Music Bought, Sold, and changed. rgIHE JgOOK -pjXCHAX'GE, 10. VICTORIA-ST., next Central ~Hote yn-RIGHT, (Late ABERCHOMBIE AND CO.), CORSET AND SURGICAL BELT MAKEE TOP OF SYMONDS-ST. (Next B'allin's, Dentist). TT'S UP TO YOU TO JUDGE TH X GOODNESS OF A NDREW JJSUEIt ANX> po.' gXTUA -JJSINE QI.D gCOTCJ VyHISKY, .IN BLACK BOTTLES. H. M. K- EESING- . THE RELIABLE PLUMBER, AXBERT-ST." (near Wellesley-st.) KING UP 637 FOR QUICK ATTENTIOJ TO REPAIRS. SOUND WORK AT LOWEST CHARGES WE ARE BUYERS FOR CASH, in Lars? or Small Quantities, of Country Consignments soiicited. Cash rr mitted tue same (day as goods checked ]RBOS., DRAKE-ST.. AUCKLAND. . Phone 527

" VALUATION OF LAND AdV It is hereby notified that the Revised. District Valuation Rolls for the Districts mentioned in - tihe Schedule herennder will be open for public inspection at the respective places named in the Schedule tror\ MONDAY, lith' "July, until WEDNESDAI, 20th July, 1910, between the hours of' 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Objections- to valuations must be.lodged not later .than, Wednesday, 20th July. J. H. RICHARDSON, Deputy Valuer General, Valuation Department, "Wellington, Bth July, 1010. SCHEDULE. Name of District: OTAHUHU ROAD DOSUEICTi Place of Deposit: ROAD BOARD OFFICE, OTAHUHtr. IN the Supreme Court of iNe-w Zealand, '■Wellington District, Palmerston North, Registry. IN" the matter of The Companies Act, 1905," and in the matter of THE PALMERSTON NORTH SASH, DOOR AND TIMBER COMPANY, (LIMITED, now being wound up voluntarily. The creditors of the above-named company are required on or before the ■thirty-first day of ' October .to send their names and addresses, and the .particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their solicitors, if any, to WALTER RUTHERFURD and FREDERICK WILLIAM CONNELL, of Palmerstoa North, Accountants, the Liquidators of the said company, at .their office, Rangitikeistreet, Palmerston North, and if so required by notice in writing: from the said Liquidators are by their Solicitors or personally to come in and prove their said debts or claims at the Registrar's Office, in the Supreme Courthouse, at Palmers-ton iNorth, at such time as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof they -will be excluded •from the benefit of any distribution made .before such debts are proved. .MONDAY, the Fourteenth day of November, 1910, at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon, at the ■Registrar's said office, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the debts and claims. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1910. ' C. J. HEWLETT, . Deputy Registrar. FRANK H. COOKE, Liquidators' Solicitor, . : ! . •. ■ Palmerston North: \ UNDER " THE COAL MINES ACT, lOOS." APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO PROSPECT FOR COAL. TO THE COMMISSIONER' FOX CROWN LANDS AT AUCKLAND. Pursuant to "The Coal Mines Act!, 100S,"----and anj- amendments of the same, the Undersigned, being Directors of the Pukemiro Freehold Coal Company, Limited, hereby apply on behalf of the said Company for a License to JProspect for Coal in respect o£ the following: — ALL THAT AREA of Taupiri Parish (Block XII., Rangiriri 'Survey District), containing 160 acres more, or less, and known as Hakanca Lake, bounded on the North/by Part Section 30G. and other part of Sec, tiou 30G, Parish of Taupiri, on the Eust and South by a road, and on the West by a road, and by part Section CO, Parish of Taupiri. Marks—Precise time or marKln-g out privilege applied for: Tuesday, 2Sth of June, 1010, at 11 a.m. Address for Service —Messrs. Hill and. Morpeth, 105, Victoria Arcade, Queen-street, Auckland. Joseph. Catehpole, Chairman of Directors; Robert White, Director. Time and place appointed for the hearing of the application and aX objections thereand Survey Office, Auckland, on. Tuesday, 23bh, July, at 10 a.m. Objections must be filed in the Commissioner's Office, ami nottaed to applicant at least three days before the time so appc.lnted. .\. E. GOLD SMITH; Commissioner of Crown Lands. r\ A N N E D , A V P L E a. A celebrated doctor recently recommended Baked Apples for people suffering from weak digestion, as they are tiie most easily assimilated food obtainable. Often it is impossible to obtain fresh Apples, but DRIVER'S Perseverance Brand of Canned Apples are always' obtainable from your Grocer. The beat on the market. Wholesale from A. S. Paterson and Co., Customs-street. A UCKLA&D rXa.TH.OLIC TT^EPOT. "SECULAR v. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION" (Rev. Dr. Cleary). "CA'iiiuLiC BKLiliiV 1/ ittev. Bruno). "CREDENTIALS OF CATHOLIC CHURCH," 1/ (Key. Bagshawe). "FAITH OF OUR FATHERS," 1/6 (Cardlual Gibbons. "CATHOLIC DOCTRINES, Explained 1/9 I (Rev. Ryan). CARRIAGES," 1/ (Rev. Dr. Cleary). "AN IMPEACHED. NATION," by Dr. Cleary. • JJIocucKS AND S3ON, HOBSON-ST. RUBBER '_ . JIEES, PU.LLAN, ARMTAGE AND CO of Al-aert-st., having acquired the agency for Patent Process of putting on Rubber Tyres are prepared to tyre Wheels of all desert tions on lowest terms. Work guaranteed. Prices on application. 'Phone 124. cea - ■piA-NUi d.\,j lixcnanged ioi -L better ones.—Kugusii and *'orelga I'iiiuo Agency, l.fl. a. (Juldicmt. Mauager. T ll'i' l'lA.Nus.-io.e Ageuts, EnsllisU ici ri\ f, orel Sn Vlauo Agency, Lid.— 2/9~ U , 1 ? :Ue snowing a Fine Line of m-w-P r> d , Weariu S Flannels at this iii ti,A ietit , I Vi } lue eVer offered. Come and gtSTJ^g^- Tailor, Costumiur aud E ND 1 ,, - PiANO AGENCY, LTD.— jlj. Mo s t varied Stock, Best Value and T.heTue - Col(iicutt ' Manager, near (t LIX fuikes glass glitter. Ask your srocer for it. sd per mrge bottle. ■OATHS.—Most iloderu and Scieutinc in ■*-* Aew Zealand. Electric Turkish iiaths, Llectnc Baths, Hot liachs.-liayuer iiuild- \ a P or, ' WWieaey-et \v e; »t, oppo. JjAi.Nr UiusL'es. Apex Brand ireslatered). •*- —' t. Crosby and Sou, Mauui.iccuiurs, corner Aihvrt :;jul Durham sts. Q FOR 2,'J —A Wiudowlul of Knitted Ties) ?3 beautiful liesigus, 1/ each, 3 for 2/t3.— Sutt's, ijymoiuis-sr. rpUE. brand New Zejilnud Dairy Asaocla•f- tion, Limited, is guaranteed of the Mnest Quality of Table Butter. "PRICES MAItKEI* IN PLAIN FIGURES' 7" , — Enelish aud Foreign Piano Agency, Ltd.—S, Coldlcutt, Hnnagec,

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 161, 9 July 1910, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 161, 9 July 1910, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 161, 9 July 1910, Page 6