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•■ -\■■_ ■r; -:■■•• .._ ■ ■•,,,,-. : • ... : DKAPESY, CLOTHING, ETC. ' '■'''?"'"■ v'-±S.-'. ■'~i£?~:^~-' '.." - FURS UNDERCLOTHING , MILLINERY. ! EIDERDOWN , RUGS AND : .GENTS' - | '~ ".-.. QUILTS • BLANKETS ; ; OUTFITTING "/,';";. „.......; | BLOUSES I - . ..•■-:-■ ■' '■■ ' ~~"— ■'".■"•■• ;? J- .-'■ ' CARPETS r I - •-■ ' ■'-. • ■•• \ "■ .'- -'-'■ •■ ;.■-; ~.-.,. /:.■. . .'..., and;.-.;; '■ r ' ' ! '•■"■" ■'■"'''■ A ' ■■•■"Hγ :: ' O I I UNOLEOM&'; ■•• la ■-■■ - ■■" ■ •■■■■ '.1,.C- ■- - . .-. :■ -\ ' v ' ; .-' i - - ' ■' •••• -■•■ : FAESICS-'i.v tweed ,;-;..:- are now being displayed.- '••;■■:;• : ; ;•■;'" CLOTHS ".■''" '%■'".'% ~,.,....■ •■• • COSTUME •' . . ' ■ ..———■-. ; .;•■;•' .-; CLOTHS,- r Our splendid buying facilities have enabled us to secure for prompt ~ Raincoats cash the choieest-and most comprehensive array of Goods it has-been • ■••■■ - • _ -^ ' and our privilege to display to the ladies of Auckland. In all 740 ' SILKS' Mackintoshes Cases and Bales have arrived.. .The bulk have been opened up . .„_ • for Ladies and are ready for inspection. The collection represents every-day - ■. -. and Children necessaries and Fashion's most exclusive novelties —the most . . LACES ~.,.;, exquisite designs and the choicest weaves. -. • ■ • ••>•> Bought for prompt cash in huge ..quantities, they are marked in »'ai\iwc» "■ ! LADIES' . • ■•■ plain figures to sell for cash at ''S, '" LADIES '.'.»; EVENING '• .".... :..•".,■ ..«..>»-.•:.; • NECKWEAR coats ..' :' ■. i p rj i ■ n " ■'•■. , ; .-■' Aucklasios Lowest. P?igßs b .:: ■ :"• ' ....'■■ .. , ,' ., " J in.l.-— - i

PUBLIC notices. j£a£ke4& env 1 m6THGP WflTeßl gup■ - *_*&&*<=@*~ eobp .'- ---. new Jffl mzllk hot •! c - A3 NOT TO HURT A BABf 0)0 re ■* ffi ' iu ' - THE MOST DEUeATE FABRHi I USE ' . ; And j7ou will at once .realise i that there is | NO BETTER STARCH for all purposes, and Daddy's Shirt Billy's Collars and j Peggy's Blouse \ Will look just likes new. Tho Sterllna Qaolitiesof this very Popular Brand never vary. Always ast lor lib. Boies, Red Labol,

' {Children's Good Boots and Shoes- " • ... A* THE COPPER TOE is a relic of the past The children . demand better, light Boots and Shoes and find-what they want when they get THE Ir TRANSrr f BRAND . ■ GIRLS' "Tan I.eglets, Pumps, 4 to 6, 4/6; 7 to S, 6/6 G2E.LS' Glace Button Boots, 4 to 6, 5/-; 7 to 8, 7/6 GXBXS , last. Button Soots, 4 to 6, 5/-; 7 to 8, 6/9 GIRLS' Tan Bals., indestenctlble toes, 4 to 6, 5/-; 7 to 8, T/- . GIRLS' Tan 1-Bar Shoes, Pumps, 7 to 10, 5/6; 11 to 1, 6/6 GIRLS' Tan Slashed Bar Shoes, 7 to 10, 8/6; 11 to 1} 9/6 GISLS' Glace Button Boots, 7 to 10, 7/9; 11 to 1, 8/9 GIRLS' Glace Leglets, 7 to 10, 8/6; 11 to 1, 9/6 XNl\&irTS' SHOES, in Red, Wliite, Blue,-Tan,.. Black, ..Champagne, 4n endless variety ■■7 7 120-I22KABAN(iAHAPE itOAD


Fall clothing articles for men -will be j found in our selection. Let us show! what we —Geo. JFowlds.—(Ad.) A stimulant that aids digestion — "WOLFE'S Aromatic SCHNAPPS. Are you going travelling? Then you will want some bags. Before buying, in-! spect our range of trunks, bags, baskets, —Geo. -Fowlds.—(Ad.) ■ PUBLIC NOTICES. ON: TEA DKINKXNG ■ • AND WHAT Wl3 • KNOW. ! • ABOUT TEA IN ■ THIS DOMINION. NEW ZEALANBERS should know something about TEA, and so they do In a way. ■ • ... TEA is our j national beverage, just as Coffee is the national beverage of America, Wine of France, ana Beer of Germany. Although nothing short of the best should satisfy us we have been drinking miserably poor stuff. Not all of us, but you and us. and tome other people we know. It isa our fault—we couldn't get anything else.. Most TEAS have an injurious' effect on -the nerves and general health.- This.- is- caused' ■by imperfect treatment- of the ..-.leaf >3_nd ' bad blending.. The best expert knowledge in TEA culture and blending lias been expended in the production of a TEA that will ' satisfy and stimulate without bein"" injurious. The name of this TEA is " '■■ "CHOYSA," and there Is nothing so delicious' in flavour and so generally healthful as a mild stimulant. The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. Let your grocer send you a sample pound of '-CHOYSA" TEA and ; try it on its own merits. ■ PRICE, 1/6 PER LB. BOND AM). BELL, WHOLESALE AGENTS.

TAILOKUIG. • TAUjOKXKG. . ft ' " ■-•-.'• f"- 7 . CO.,' ■•• L - With our usual style of always '.J | ' Ifjp $$\ SjP i iIP '' ***' ■ ' ]J_ys ITT» ■■ • -With our usual style of always '-,' ' i *"' Wff SiP / * 't/p jjJ I' ■ ■ ' ,| ■ being ahead of" the times, we are '■' 'i 1 fwwF '/* v. w&ra '»>>•/!& ■■ ' % "VJY( V VV"I , O"W happy toanno-ncethe-arrival of - * ■ is |||ijj / j'i Ifils ' "iPs" ' ' '"'"-' X\ Hj VV J- -131 . . . our autumn Suit Materials ■|, i ISP ' iff Hils if /MM Geutlemeny—We Cater or Particu- - —and it is'nt too soon to think j|' /■" §|f Jf' if I Ik* Iw-Pr-''''' ' ■ *""""* ' la,. People, about your Suit for the coining ,| £ K|sf| 'jflflil l/ii /-£ > : ■ . * l_4J4j - cooler ■weather March is now- -• I a• ■ [S*'.l .14 ¥• ■ /££'**&. " = "" i. ■ F £ e : " W wand Ordering now, - ~.. Ij" "; ' alone. It is a suit made by us that makes t yon will avoid the rush, and will I | Z^Z=gi^g§/, /// .is^v, you look smart and business like. We re- | have a Splenihd Sblection of . a... SSgU, yCw > SS'Si ~" ss%, s j - •*— —■, i-I ■ I^^Mn e ar«s e r "■ ~., ' /.,,.. i■ j _ ' -p-m^—-—. : MHPE T© " GRDBK' ; i | . | P TS-RVATSFT co* l - SUITS' * 65/»" : " ;; I • ' : - i ' eahancsthe<:hai = to ! v 1 1. 151-v IAJN ±. mekchmt. ■ , . v «*/. ■"."■'! l^i^iir^phsaiq^VMa^SJ."j ■ ■ ■ ' - - --•-- . i aiid be healthier~witli.±li© -fe COVERED .TANS FOB FUENITUBB. ' .. | no A l>- '■* ■ " pi — , • There's that "Something in |, A-|^ .Dsrectpirp 1 'Phones— .■ Dalton's Suits that stamps the - - $' Corset, aS-dlSCOSintitaiiia X ' S79CUSTOMS-ST. WEST. wearer as a man of taste ■ - ■ *•• '■•■ "■' UL -.V-~-«tK B 1138—JEItVOIS-RD., PONSONBY. wearer as a man or .aste. . .. . | HSjaTeyOUrtealtfewithlfli | IS3 %SEt^-ST. ORXH ' IiD " Comer YeT °CtSon^ LLget ' j Irfitimg.-ajad oia^asMoaea,]! "■ ' " '• •■■-!.' ■•■ ■•. |-'Corsets.. ~-,..,, '•'... J/-,.- I *'^! (J^" VV-n I does , | Jladam,^yotr-cairribt'^isial''iflie7' l P -wr i ■ 4f9v ..„ I ' "Chic"'and" Svelte?**■'apjieaS^^ ilii'ittJ TTJji EVEBXBOIta TAKE Hbl iS M I%J- I of-French-andrAmeiican A ~~~WjL &\*. gS ■ M. \iL S /women unless you wear a corset ?! nPOTtATjTISTE] r™ '■'. ■ i -that' shapes' graceiiiiijisiidSßis 'M ¥*$A V\bT - I comfortably. . ■ ; ok '■■:.-'.s&s EOS a COLDI GENT.'S TSILOR .' | AtPaii^tnefoTrntainihead.o£ <i: k'; •- ■■ "fa .■' and mercer i■ j jgW-^-^-^J HENRY HUGHES" ueei, st -» .Hacida^.! f : :^ii^ScSoS^^:| « >i \ \j ; P ne w-D-&AliDirectoire Corset.;-.I XEGIS7J2.RED FA-TENT. AGhM.I. fl ■ ■ [| | », 1 ESTABJ..SHED-ISB2. - : , -.-_■ /. | , ance of tHe tf sSgoV'l TBsncliJsßK"! %t Rs. ■' : : ~: -I in France and- moreover," "U ihAUh MfIKR& r» -pUBT,IG NO IC H. holding the body in -shape ".Ti Registered Patent At- . 1 I ana JhWi!* ,, torneys, beg to announce that they Dave % ' f l^ P Om^ 0^?? 116 I /*»SI H sppointed MB A. L FBaNHTHCMJGH, Ax- Jf is more healthfoi^br-you than' X X s\ mm IW Obtained chitect. His Majesty's Arcade, Queea-st., | any other Corset. Don buysa ■' il WJhUW trtathMoStSS; i"^S' D St e rfct. reßreSent3tiVe for.. the | corset beforefir S t.:£tting l o lt ae,-J : TV-orld. Advice.toln- .■ ' '■ '"' : ' " , ! ""- ;- -IL— venture free-on application. MB I'ERSEraOCSE tviH' coirtinne his ' ■ .i*-..-....:"^»-tv"'-i%iii. Clients advised and assisted practice us an ARCHITECT, and will be SSwUSSISs/IZ^&IAED' in disposing of their inventions, assisted in PATENT MATTERS by MR c**<w%-'e - - "-~ ' ... ''C\ Auckland Office- Exchange Lane, Queen St. HAItOLD AXLW-ijS, who lias come up froaj W& ForSa!ebya!llcadmß!«iapMß.- ■ A-6-- -Hj',

YOU TAKE CARE to obtain the best possible, and moat suitable diet to protect your health. IJow much more careful should you be in the choice of a medicine. SAXDER-S EUCALYPTI EX-TRACT-has very valuable curative and healing actions; but the so-called Eucaiyptns Extracts, which are crude oils made by persons Ignorant of chemistry, have done great harm by their irritant action. Therefore, reject them! Insist upon a pure, active, non-irritant and uniform product. SUCH IS SANDER'S EXTRACT. Remember, that SANDER'S EXTRACT was proved by authoritative experts, at the Supreme Court of Victoria, to contain antiseptic and healing substances not contained in other Eucalyptus products. It Is quality, in " small dose, chat made SANDER'S EXTRACT famous, and its best advertisement is: SAXDER'S EXTRACT. For coughs, colds, throat and ' ' lung troubles, levers, diseases of the digestive and urinary system, 5 drops in a tablespoon water. To wounds, ulcers, eczema, etc, 15 drops to tablespoon olive oiu and apply.

WESTPORT "COAUROOKDALE" COAL The BEST ana CLEANEST Coal on the market. Makes Cooking a Pleasure, and for all household purposes it stands UNEQUALLED; while as a steam coal it is superior to North of England, Welsh, or Newcastle. The latter fact was proved by ractical tests at Woolwich. Dockyard. W^fw&H? fms&l Cfa @ "Id! Office: Eiidean's Bai!ulEUjs W VObPhFB i \aFoj ELB*ji<> Eetaiiea by Messrs. Wiasioat, U4. PHOTOGEAPHY. at tine || What Commander Peary, the Discoverer, says: m "Being satisfied since my first expedition in 1891 that the m Eastman cameras-and films were best suited for this class of work, t|| I have used both exclusively in all of my Arctic expeditions since, |§| and it is-to-this that I attribute the fact that I have brought back m a series of photographs which in quantity and quality probably e|| exceed other series of photographs obtained from the Arctic am regions." V \ IP 11 Wherever adverse conditions demand absolute dependa- m bility in photographic equipment—there the Kodak goods are M chosen. The photographic success of Commander Peary's 5$ expedition is fully demonstrated by the pictures—all of them M from Kodak films, illustrating his thrilling, historic narrative s> now running In HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE. M

j"~Th©~"Great ~i J Tonic ! ( is ii combination n£ PhospMYUS, I I Quinine, Nuj Vomica, Iron, Kola, 5 * Manganese, and other Neive and £ I Brain Foods. PHOSPHOKTON Is £ % not only a good tonic, but it is 5 I » absolutely as good as a tonic can x 1 be. 4 * It actually creates new Nervouo r Bj Fluid and Brain Matter by sup- i, 2 plying the Blood with its Electric » I Life Element Phosphorus — the f, 5 very core and centre of the brain [ fe Itself, restoring the fullest and s & ' most Tigorbus conditions of robust % k health of body and mind. '{ I If . you want to eat well, work j BjV well, and sleep well, ■ a I Take Phosphortoik. | I It builds up health and strength j l - with every dose. . '}: A 2/6 Bottle contains 32 Doses A is A 4/6 Bottle contains 64 Doses :- ff A 6/6 Bottle contains 128 Doses ! $. Tacked securely and posted any- j t where, for l!d extra, from i » Chemist, I I Queen St., AUCKLAND ! I Branches- rONSONBY-UD. I i urancnes. UOSSON-ST. g

TRAVELLERS 1 TOURISTS I AND i I Holiday-Makers \ \ Visit my new Trunk. Portmanteau 3 a and Bag Department which has just ; || beea completed in the basement of \ ! my premises. £ i The finest collection of Trunks \ ! Leather Cases and Bags of all Do- 5 I ■ scriptions at • • § I Lowest Cash Prices 1 § I ! 9 I ( Men's Complete i I Outfitter, I 1% ©UEEN STREET y*s %

"We have just received some new ideas "in "boys' suits. Yon should see them. They include Anan, Cromer, Whitley, Suffolk and Rugby shapes.—Geo. Fowlds. —(Ad.) ,v\' .■ Dressy young men will Tike- our fancy 7}„ KJX-designs. All that is natty, new and ■ nobby we —Geo. Fowlds. (Ad.) WOIjKE'S SCHNAPPS possesses virtue : ;fts ; of a remedial kind. fnHE TVTOHBT pOIKT- T7TETF. KAES , SOAR fure-In every partlele,..costs=3H>-niore " 1 " . ; Ordinary Toilet Soans.

igjJ—— __. —_ sMam a»»i I •-■ ■» J -v»iai^»»^-.^^^^.~.w.», J ..;.^.^-..iw-.r J ■ ■ - . KAIWAIUI XOr tDB purpose. . ' I; Mi- Arc-now holding their Sale of Sales of the Assigned Stock of Watkins, White & Co., Warehousemen and Importers, Shortland St., bought from the Official Assignee at a tremendous sacrifice. The Price List below will srfve l " \** r *%*''*■*' '"■ f s* -:, only of the prices we are,.cliarging, but when you call and see for yourselves you will be astounded at the wonderful value we are offering. ... ■ U anid!ea : :;'■.•: v '':7','':, Y i!™i STATIONERY, ETC. 7 LEATHER GOODS, ETC. ■ : S^^KSS'^S^T^ "p^¥"lS ; ■CASKET, containing 2 Cakes TOILET SOAP AND BOTTLE OF PERFUME, Bd ' s^^t>^2V°, 0 aw ' rait ? b,e . for » a^ s , wit Sd LEATHER WRITING CASES, usual price 6/0; Sale Price, 2/3. .■ " ; S^® 01 ?" 001 ™ 0 GUARDS, ill at 15/^ r were^/T^ ' BREIDENBACH'S LIME CREAM ANDGLYCERINE, *id and 7Jd a, bottle. WRITING usual price 1/; Sale Price, 3 for 1/. LARGE gTOCK Qp LADIEgJ ' BAGS AND PUESES( all at Half-price. EAEEI *.GS> the Latest Patterns, for pierced, and unpierced - - - EOGEE AND GALLETS BBILLIANTINE, 7id. ■ D ENVELOPES Id packet of go. . . f ,/ %<sTO> FITTED DRESSING CASES, in . Ladies' and Gent's, from' 7/6 each. PmCrrmTrA, CT -™ '' " ■■'■•.■''•■ ' A ' : BREIDENBACH'S BRTT.TJANTINE, 4JcL « ST QUALITY WHITE ENVELOPES, 5 packets for 1/. MW£s. MANICURE SETS, from 2/6 each. " STUp|, ; usual-price-ed each: SalerPric^Sd^dozen^Vi* ' WOLFF AND SONS' CRYSTALISE BRILLIANTTNE, 1/ a tube. FOREIGN ENVELOPES, usually sold at 6d a packet; now 3 for 1* §!»£ LADIES' COMPANIONS Fitted 1/6 each. ,V BoS STUDS -H In ,' M d ° Zen ( P ear sha P 6 >- ' : "" : - ' «tABG EE ANCT COT BOTTLES PERFUME/8d a bottle. LARGE BOX^STATIONERV, usual price V « 5 «w ?d a bo. I^TlL^^^ 1 «to " ■ .. ,? > V .GUSTAV BOHM'S BEST PERFUME, in Lilac, Heliotrope, and Violette, 6d and ff °, , 4 ,•,/o i„ .• « ' " *«iWk* LADIES' PURSES, Chain Handles, 5d each.' SILVER BACK MIRRORS,. 5/11 Brushes : * ''<*' :^9l *" . Sd a bottle; usually sold at from 1/6 to 3/6. . part, qi' "T **"* 1/; Sale PnM ' 3i • GENT.'S MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES, in Solid Leather Case, 5/6 pair. GENT.'S NICKEL' SILVER ALBERTS, 9d' oak : :"- . T -- ,- /: ■••<;'"• J ■ KDRSERY SPONGES, 2d and 3d each. ) .rrTnrVfmr a r t ~ % WATCH WRISTLETS, 9d each. " . LAR GE E. DINNER CRUETS, O-Bottle? r Kcke^^^reserv^otaea. - ' CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER, 2 4 d a tin. 1 JS T " -S' ? f BRIEF BAGS ' Solid Leather 10in 6/3, 12in 7/11. T APnr Sale Price 8/ - 13 L —" " - _ ft «*ws^«ae % ■ .COLGATE'S TOOTH POWDER, with Cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap, usual w ', nr„* ,/« , CANVAS SCHOOL BAGS, 9d each. „. ~ elSctrO pLaT^S'btt™ 1 IJ^i WOrth treble ' " — -•- ;. ' Price 1/6 Sale Price __-_, GENT.'S WALLETS, in Solid Leather, all at 1/6 each. BASIL SCHOO L BAGS, 1/ each. "" V-u.' 4 ,:,-,, *.„.,,. . Plc!Se BREAD KNIVES, usual nriee ' 1/9; cj-Te-'o'- «. ' ' price 1/6 Sale Price XOicL JjAoIJj bOIuUUJj i>Av*o, i/ -■'—■>'■■■-■-. , 1 ICIOjE AND "RRTTAn t , t> "\t c< p ji «-t:, i/j, o<iievEnce, 6iri. COLGATE'S CASHMERE BOUQUET AND VIOLET POWDER, usual price 1/3; 6d h Pay US * VlSlt WHile tlllS SPECIAL LINE LADIES' LARGE SIZE LEATHER' HAND BAGS, the very CUT GLASS POWDER BOX' EpS Tops^i/°aclf t^ a^ea^. Sate Price, lOd. BO TOOTT TO *. *V. -— PENS,' usual price 5/6; Sale Price, 1/6. Sale is m progress. You _-- Jg 1 ' . • ----- - «">' Blectrcplaß^ ' ..; COLGATE'S CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP, large size, 1/. if, >-/ • £ presS£( j to STRIAG KITS, 4d each. BISCUIT BARRELS, Solid Oaki Poreslain-lined, ■• T.'li^'i, .;- ERASMIC CO.'S SOAPS, in Buttermilk,. Oatmeal, and Glycerine and Cucumber, p , lTri - DV (_ TO ........ ....... ' , _ —,-, WffiTPHCO pi nfKQ IPWPI I C'BY PI COTPn-PI ATP PTf» Fittings,: to clear at 7/11. - . .., ,„,-,.-? ~.", „,„ JiandSr - ;an4 3 Cakes for 1/. CUTLERY, ETC. purchase. It Will beau WaTCHuS, GLOuKb, JEWELLERY, ELECTRO PLATE, ETC. GLASS SPECIMEN TUBES, SUver-motmted,.usual- price, 3/6- Sa i e , P ee Wβ. ICSSAINE AND CO-'S FRENCH BULLED TOILET SOAP, usual price 6d a LARGE STOCK OF RAZORS, including Bengalis, Ems, Crown and Swords, etc., education ■ for YOU and 30-HOUR LEVER ALARM CLOCKS, usual price 5/6; Sale Price, 2/3. .' pf/wiP A^rT^^^^^^^TT^ 0 '* ' "" ' ■ """ "' - a c - •—-- -" j: - • cake- Sale Price 7id a box of 3 -'•■ all at 1/11 each. i ~v , . . ENGLISH OAK CLOCKS (Double Alarm), Handsome Design, 6/9 each; worth I^V V o 7^ ~£ c^ : OXES ' from-6d each. "* vr;-/'- *"i*"3 ' EEAstnC ™"™ SOAP 5d a cake. ' J NICKEL HANDLE POCKET KNIVES, 6d each. ' Will prove to you that double. , " *• ' '-:. ■<*%s(* TRAYS AND BRUSHES, to Hatch, 6d each. £ : ' -S™ Sa^tA^o'a?; Id "cake. ... ■ TABLE AND DESSERT KNIVES, Sheffield make, Riveted Handles, 2/9 and when a Stock is bought CHINA CL ° CK AN D PAIR ° F ***** .(*-n»**). Sale 'S^^.^^^J^ SCREENS, ./ir^fc-,- - :r ,- : ' . WITCH HAZEL SHAVING SOAP, 4=d a stick. 3/9 half-dozen. in this way what ridicu- HANDSOME LARGE EBONISED DININGROOM CLOCKS, strike hour and JAPANESE PLATES. 4d each. • — ■ ..... ~.,,,,... ~.,,,.,..,i - , l CRADDOCK'S ¥FT)TrATFTI SHAVING SOAP 9d a stick. SILVER-MOUNTED CARVERS, Xylonite Handles, usual price 13/6; now 5/9 a J ." half-hour, usual price £3 10/; Sale Price, 35/. «I^p riws5 A 3-DRAWER CABINETS, 9d each. —' : " 4 SoS IOW set - IOUSIy low prices it IS EHIUKDT'S ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, Fully Jewelled, usual price 55/; LACQUERED TRAYS, 9d each. ! '« " *■**"' - COLGATE'S SHAVING SOAP, in nicUed box, XO 4 d a stick. 24 SETS CARVERS consigns of Knife, £* Steel, and Carving Rest Silver- possible to buy goods for. ' Q E 2 T V SILVER WATCHES, Perfect Timekeepers, 3/11 each. Jgg* ffi"?™** "' ' : ' ,,r, ' "^ ' TOOTH BRUSHES 3d each ' mounted, m Bilk-hned Case, suitable for presents, usual price 25/ ; Sale Country Customers send . GEKT/S GUNMETAL WATCHES, usual price, 17/ C; Sale Price, 5/11. LARGE STEEL TEA TRAYS lOd eaS pnCeS - BRISTLE HAIR BRUSHES, 5d each. . Price, 8/11 set. . LADIES' GUNMETAL WATCHES, Best value ever offered, 5/11. TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION all to hp *„», „+ 1 'U - ••' ?^"-"'f' LARCV TTWP ny Pr-VT. -RAVPC! nil at 3d each ; " BRITANNIA METAL—TEA SPOONS, 6d the half-dozen; DESSERT SPOOKS, our orders by post. We marke CENTRE SECOND CHRONOGRAPH STOP WATCHES, 7/6. DRESSED DOLLS, usual price 6d 1/ and i/« ?i » t . Blau & htor P' M? - ■ ~'- ?■. BOXES, all a^J d Tvm,-+ <«h «1, ■' 1/6 the half-dozen; DESSERT FORKS, 1/6 the half-dozen; TABLE p-nnrintPP eitrsfirrinn ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, in Hall-marked sterling silver and gold-filled MECHANICAL toys all P at^u?- P ri« andl/fa ? SoJaP " eo ' 3d "d' B *- 6 ' UNBREAKABLE COMBS, in Black and White, 4Jd each. SPOONS, 2/3 the half-dozen; TABLE- FORKS, 2/3 the half-dozen. War- gUaiaUtee SatlStaCtlOH, cases, usual price, £5 10/; Sale Price £2 10/. ' MAGIC LANTERNS, from 1/6 Cach " ; ■ —- • ,V« GENT.'S NARROW DRESSING COMBS, 4d each. . -. ■ ; ranted White throughout. ■ and will pay freight on (10 Years' Written Guarantee.) ' ,- On* Stock o* Tm« *wr T"' * ' i • ■ :.,.■. p : XABIES', BACK COMBS, set with Brilliants, 5d each. LARGE STOCK OF Al QUALITY E.P. CUTLERY, all at half-price. ' . ~ nnn , l,™,vT,f ~i, • 9-Carat GOLU BROOCHES, Handsome designs, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 to 15/. ENGLISH CHl^lprer^Tr^m^ - ' " :: '"- :; " : ' ■-■"■'•-• - UNBREAKABLE SCURF COMBS, 3M each. lARGE CUTTING-OUT SCISSORS, 9d a pair. ' . all goods bought during GENT.'S ROLLED GOLD DOUBLE'ALBERTS, 4/6 each; worth treble. '^-■^^^^.^^^^v^i^^'^f^ 4l^^^'^:^ .WHITE XYLONITE HAND MTBROES, ■ajd each. .. SPECIAL LINE OF SCISSORS, Black Handles, Best Quality, sin -3d, Cm ©d, C a l e O-Carat GOLD BAND RINGS, single stone, 10/6; three stones I<V6 >. CHINA «ti v <wt\. - S SETS-,"7;6:sct;rwSli 18/6. HOBSB HIDE RAZOR STROPS, 9d each. ' . Tin l/ 5 worth treble. . __ . . ° GOLD SNAKE RINGS, set with four stones, 9/6 each. ' '■ ■ ~..■ Basietware l lSiSw^'Tw"""''--'■-%"• " .Only Address; HART BEOS,, 249 Otteen. ®tr&&t Be4we *» a l^^i^^ bey ' s ••v-;*^ 5, "

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 67, 19 March 1910, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 67, 19 March 1910, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 67, 19 March 1910, Page 9