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■ - . . THE KINCEH- , BOUND. '*- ■ -.■■: The ninth round of the Auckland,, Cricket Association championships will , ' commence to-morrow (Saturday), when Eden •. play ■North Shore on the letter's ground; - Parnell meet University at Eden Park, and Grafton and Ponsonby try conclusions at Victoria. Park. The various other competitions will also be continued. The following are the teams: — ■•'•■' UNIVERSITY. : Seniors (v. Parnell), at Eden Park.— Graham, Jacobsen, Goulding (2), Speight, •Fenwick, Taylor, La-wry, Slsam, Gray, Wallace. ■Second Grade (v. Grafton), at Eden Park. —Fisher, Browne, Davy, Ellis, Marsack, Fawcett, Murray, Rennie, Buckler, Powell, J-acksou. EDELN. Seniors, (v. North Shore). —J. Alexander, G. B. Oumniings, G. Mills, H. .Gordon, J. N. HiiKKi, X. liUiott, W. li. Smith, A. O. Horspool, A. ' Murdoch, C. Itotiuison, E. A. George. ' ' ■ Second Grade A . (v. Walteinata).— W. A. ■Souiervell, A. Clark, A. 11. Freemcin, W. B. S-tc-phens, S, iliUs, A. Brown, L. Taylor, T. F. Buckley, R. .UcLauchlan, G. Alexander, J. H. Bruithwaite. Second Grade li (v. Parnell). —J. B. Kyd, ;M. Gray, W. Heney, W. Dlxon, S. Hamilton, O. Eyre, J_>. O. Bridges, W. Francis, R. Honeycomfoe, A. Jenkiii, J. Murray. Third Grade (v. Wolternsita).—E. Hall, A. O. Butler, A. E. Grindrod, R. Gordon, A. E. Freeman, W. H. Johns, H. Horspool, E. HeijSiway, L. Meredith, W. J. Smeetou, R. W. I'-unch. Fourth Grade (v. Paruell). .M. Alexau- \ der, G. Oliver, F. J. Baildon, L. N. Neal, ! E. Foster, 11. Bennett, H. Neal, L. Hen- ! nett, C. Silverton, A. Player, A. Seabrook, ! P. Durham. XORTH SHORE. Seniors (v. Eden). — Howden, Prime, B-usii. Kallender, lipence, Dacre, Katfe, -Townsend, Mather, Woodard. . Second Grade (v. PonsonbyK at Victoria Park.—McNeil, Coieman, Millar, Farquharson, Westbrook, Lucas, W. Walker, Wooley, Hunt, Holland, Phil&on. Third Grade (v. Grafton).—Jeffries, Ash--bury, Grace, McKeiler, Flentming, S. Walker, S. Walker, Stewart, Blackrwell, E. Jackson, L. Kent. Fourth Grade (v. Ponsonby).— (3), Goudie, Allison tonkin, Dacre (2), Jackson, . jackman, T. Allen, Moore. GBAFTTON. Seniors (v. Ponsouby;.S. P. Jones, R. Neill, D. Hay, F. R. Mason, R. Sloinan, C. Art'h«r, W. P. Gullett, A. Gray, F. Horspool, E. Horspool, J. Courtayue.. Second. Grade (v. University).—H. D. •Hill,.J. Lepine, B. P. Tidswell, C. X*. Eastgate, D. Jack,. C. Harvey, W. Harvey, O'S'hea. Hewson, W. Brierly, J. Gllmour. Third Grade (v. North Shore). —T. llorspooL, P. -• Lepine, Skinner, M-oore, Budd, Baker, W. Horspool, Waugh, Molloy, Cullerne, Williams. ■ WAITE<MATA. Second. Grade (v. Eden A), at Victoria Park. — Riddell (2), Miller (2), M-ackay, Steele, Stanley, Arblaster, Mayall, Hazelwood, Brown. Third Grade (v. Eden), at Eden Park. — L. iah-gsford, Lowe, Cavaye, A. Satchell, T. Satchell, McPhail, Webb, Clow, Hurley, Smith, Golden, Gracie, C. Langsford. PONSONBY. Seniors (v. Grafton).P. White, R. Woods, W. Robinson, L. G. Hemus, N. C. •Sredden, J. Gavin, C. Jacobsen, V. C. Kavanagh, W. McMath, E. McCoy, 0. Foreman. Second Grade (v. North Shore).— G. Jackson, R. Collins, F. J. Cossey, It. W. Cary, C. Young, D. Walker, C. L. Nisbit, W. Caradns, C. A. Snedden, G. H. Plummer, J. Beatson. Fourth Grade (v. North Shore). —F. Hobbs. W. Moore, G. Glenister, W. Wileox, J. Mc Kenzie, D. McKenzie, M. England, D. Cargo, G. Elwyn, D. Comber, Amodeo. APPOINTMENT OF UMPIRES. The following are the Umpires:— .- ■■--• ...'.-". SENIOR GRADE. Eden v. North Shore, at North Shore—S. ■ Bond and A. Sand. Grafton v. Ponsonby, at Victoria Park— J. Arneil and C. McKinney. - Parnell v. 'Varsity, at Eden Park— Lusty and- A. Pritehard. SECOND GRADE. r' Eden A v. Waitemata, at Victoria Park— ■ R. Frater and W. Sharpe. i Eden B v. Parnell, at Eden. Park— ■ Carson and H. Johnston. 'Varsity v. Grafton, at Eden Park—G. Harman and C. yon der Heyde. Ponsonby v. North Shore, at Victoria Park . —A Large and A. Morgan. ; " CHURCHES ASSOCIATION. AH Saints' (v. Ivanhoe).—Avery, Baker, . Buckley, Bull, Crawshaw, Furnell, Smith, Stepheneou, Watson, Wright, Wilson (2). Brotherhood A (v. X.M.C.A., at Victoria l Park). —Fisher, Lang, Seed, Warburtou, Taylor, Knsper, Laldler. Carmondy, Morri- [ son, Hammond, Shaw. Martan. Brotherhood (v. Papatoetoe, Domain). — • W. Winks. Wbeatley. Willey, Seed, Brown, ■ Benfell, Rogers, Polley, McAulley, T. Bailey, Bailey. ■• V.M.C.A. (v. Brotherhood A, at Victoria . Park). —Cullimore, Mills, Levesou, Buckle, Edmunds, Bicknall, Cooper, Fletcher. • Thomas, Golton. Cronin. i St. Peter's (v. Mt. Eden Baptist, at Do Stain'ton, Smith, Brown (2), > Doughty, Rowe, Johnston, Howard (2), Brinsde'n, Fanthorpe, G-asparich, and Rain- • say. ML Eden Baptist (v. St. Peter's, on Do " main), —Armstrong, Griurod, Rev. Elliott • (captain), Roberts, Stainton, Stuart, Baddi ! ley, Greaves, Coad, Woolford (2), and Cleve laid W Y.M.I, (v. St. John's A).— C. F. Jones. D M Greenwood, H. L. Richards, A. Eyre ' G. Eyre, C. 0. Eyre. J. Hfilsteart, S. B. ' Houguton, S. Lovell, W. Rowe, J. Campbell

JUNIOR GRADE. PM C C (v. Devon port Presbyterian).— "W Slainton, A. 11. Flntt, A. Ci;aneton, S. Unnt, L Gedye. A. Xeleon, R. Mitchell, R. Mundy, S. Bobinson, H. Hendriksen, C. 3 DeTouport Presbyterian (v. F.M.C.C). — Howie. Moore. King. Harty. Fraser, Coltman C, Gasson, McLean, Wyatt, Parker, Colebome.' , . *"" "' ASSOCIATED LEAGUE. * Wakefield. (t. Annva; at Victoria Park). — Beach Dryland, Lonergan. Gillespic, Masco, ■-Mincham. • Rutherford, Henry, Watson, .Clark, Nolan, Whisker, Callinaa. ■"- :' THIRD GRADE. ■ " WakefleW (v. Epsom, on Domain).—D. Ma~ee Cornaga, Webb. WhitSeld, Crnwford. SlaiWfiller (2), Duffin (2), White (2), Barclay, Fischer. OUTSIDE MATCHES. Tally Clerks (v. Waterside Workers).— McCarmock, Stronacli, Nolan. Hannagan, Douglass, Jones, Blincoe, Bell. McLeod, Gussey, Quintal]. EOI>KBY V. QUERY. ' ' Rodney.-First innings, 81 (W. Totkinston 15, W. Dunning 15, -'!'. Ash'ton 11, Pratt 11). Bowling analysis: Nesbit, three tor 10; Heney, two for '24; Greenwood, one lor 2A; Budd three for 6. Second innings: Fire wickets for 112 (J. Torkingtou 48, \Y. Dunning 25). Bowling analysis: Nesbit, two for 20; Heney, one for 15; Budd, one for ■ Query:— First Innings. 102 (Greenwood 33, ,Heuey 11, Mills 13, Fletcher 13). Bowling analysis: Bccroft, six for 25. Second innings: One wicket for 95 (Greenwood, not out, 30, Budd, not out, 86, Rennie 22). Bowling analysis: J. Dunning, one for 23. "Query won "by nine wickets. Kodney were not having a full'team, the majority of those playing being from Omata, and they: had. to nil up with Grammar School boys.' They declared "their second iliniugs closed at five wickets, and left Query 95 runs 'to get in 50 minutes. . The wbiuiug stroke (budd's second six) was made after a little over half-an-hour's play. N.Z LOAN "AND MERCANTILE AGENCY -GO., LTD. V. NATIONAL. BANK OF K.Z:, LTD. . An- interesting match was played yesterday on the Devouport Domain between teams representing the X.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., , Ltd.* .and The National Bank dl N-i!,, Lt4 r - -After a good game, victory rested with" the Bankers by six wickets. In the batting department, Ldversidge (17), Biss (10), Hardwicke (12), and Hartland (12 not out) did' best for the Loan Co.; and lor the Bank, Somerville (44), Dirfaur (15), Wyatt (18), ■ and v-:Brooks 09) performed well. Bowling for the Loan Co., Baxtfwicke, with seven Wickets for 48, 5 Hill,: four for 17, Biss, three for 26, were most successful; and for the Bank, Barnsdale took chid honours, obtaining thirteen wickets for 60 runs. .." ■' '■"'•• ■■ ■'■ ■'-': ■-'" '

New Zealand Coon and 'MeTcantile Agency Co.. Ltd.—First innings: D. Hill, c and b HamHn, J.. S. Hardwlcke, c and b Dufaur, 12; W. L'lversidge, c and b Barnsdale, 17; A.. .: Cavendish, st Sommerville, b Hamlln, 0; E. " L. Methereli, Ibw, b Dufaur, 1; B. Biss, b Barnsdale, IS; A. Sims, ibw, b Barnsdale, ,5; J. .Smith, b Barnsdale, 0; J. L. Hartla-nd, b Barnsdale, 4; F. Gannaway, not oiit, 2; D. Wright, b Barnsdale, 2; extras, 9. Total, 73. Second innings: F. Ganna*vay, b Barnsdale, 6; D. Hill, b Barnsiale, S: J. Hardwlcke, b Barnsdale, 5; W. Liversldge, c and b Sommerville, 6; R. Biss, c and Barnsdale, 6; E. L. Methereli, c and b Barnsdale, 3; A. Sims,, run. A. Cavendish, c and b Barnsdale, 4,? J. Smith, run out, 0; J. L. Hartland, not out, 12; D. Wright, b Barnsdale, 1; extras, 1. Total, 59. National'Bank.—First innings: C; HamUn, j b Hardwicke, 0; K. Sloinan, c. I/iversidge, j b Hardwicke, 0: D. Dufaur, c Wright, b Hill, 15; R. Souimerviile, c Cavendish, b Htixdwioke, 44; R. Bnrnsdiale, b Hill. 0; H. P. Cotton, h Hill, 0; R. Williams, Ibw, b Biss, 5; G. Jackman, c Hardwicke, b Biss, if; L. Smith. b Flardwicke, 6; J. Wyatt. i not out, 18; B. Brooks, c Smith, b Hardwicke 19: extras, 7. Total, 123. Second innings: J., Wyatt, st b Hardwicke, 0; IS". | Brook;?, b Hill, 0; D. Dufaur, c Smith,, b, Uardwicke, 3; R. Sloman, b Blss, 4; extras, | 3. Total for four wickets, 10. I

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 66, 18 March 1910, Page 7

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CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 66, 18 March 1910, Page 7

CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 66, 18 March 1910, Page 7