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.-:....- -.•-■. BDSHiBSS -DO-HE.* . . . ,-.-> . AT !THB,:S|.I3 P.M. . * T iTr SESTEBDAX. ■May Queen .'—l_ . .-,.......... 4/2 Mount "Welcome ...'.'...i_. ■:.:.:".....'.. ■Old tiaurakJ .-..' 4/3.' 4/4 V 3 New .Zealand Cr0w')........-.••-•••Sα! 5/ Talisman 'CojißDUda/tctl : ~53/ WaiW ..'. J. . '~1- 195/ • Wathl Bstcndcd i-.'j..;.,....^ Waiil Grand Junction :..,.4 J.-34/9. Mountain King ~...,..,......,...'. 1/2. OiairjM. Broken Hf115....... ■'....'.,.'. : JM" liiirplri Coal ..•."-..i -ISV9 " ■ I r ■ : - ' .... ,';.-.'

APPLICATIONS FOR EASEMENT. '■■" MAT QUEEN' COMPANY'S CLAIM. ■'"' ' ' In '■ connection with the proposed deep level at Thames, the various companies applied to the Warden for a certificate of easement to Tvorfc from the Queen of Beauty shaft, and drive, through the ground of the May Queen Company: The objection entered Pi' .the directors at the.May Queen Company was to the effect that the company had expended £417S 11/11, In addition to the subsidies, received from the Government and local bodies, in un\ratering and sinking the Queen of Beauty shaft to a depth of 1000 ft., on i the faith-of an agreement-, with the- Mines Department; that the work -n-atj one of public utility, and 'to a considerable extent benefited- the :" combined companies ' now applying for a certificate of easement,' for ■ the purpose ..of 1 driving a crosscut from the 1000 ft level of tie said 'state •"The agreement with the Mines Department stipulated that, in the event of any-' companies '/desiring to carry on mining operations from the. said shaft, such com- ; pany .or' companies, ,shau:d refund . to the May Qtieen" L,'innpany''iin equitable proportion of the siukiug cost, to .be decided by the Wprdsn. ; The May Queen Company therefore objected to the graining of tbt iipp'Mca'ti'on,' except pa paj-raent by the applicants . of the said £417S 11/11, in such several proportions - as the Warden might decide. " .• .* \ '.- ; Jl'r. Glenflon appeareil- for the company, i and ; Evidence ivas. given in su-pport of thd; plato by the Hon. El. llitQhelson. (chairman of : thg May Queen/Company), also by Mr. Bi v F.'Adams''(mining surveyor). ■ Theformer deposed to the amount expended,-the tlatter sotting out area of ground, that would be for njiriirig-by tße-iOOOft cross-i ■cut.. , '■"' '■■ . ..-■ ■ - :< . ■ . i • ? Mr,r M£Y6?gh, who Appeared, on" behalf ofj : the,-.cpmpanies applying far. the, easement,! admitted, that -tht:" ifay/ .Qugbn Company

Wsa. justly entitled, to., compensation-for the jvork ap'fually fdiine ip: deepening .the <}nepis of-Beauty shaft; but contended -that suph compensation should be fixed- in proportion, as the contributing companies benefited. He claimed' that 'by far 'the! greater benefit -in the deepening of 'the shaft was derived by the May Queen - Company, inasmuch as Itjhad now. bad a. prior, exclusive rightcto 'the'-'shart-'fbr-the-fcast-two years, and had been enabled to open ■up drives and develop its-mine' in every direction, ■ while..lite combined .companies.- would not reap -any benefit until 'the "crosscut ' wag driven Into their mines, so as to unwater them. , Even then, they • could not possibly open up and develop their mines without sinking their respective shafts and ''connecting, with, the main -crosscut, which would entail an, expenditure of approximately about '£5000 *for ' each company,' '.or an amount greater than that '• expended 'by the May Queen- Company. ->«.■.; •\ Mr. C. Hudson {chairman .of .the. Waio- . tahi Company), Mr. Warne (manager), aid Mr.' J. "Kneebone (director of the Saxon Company) gave evidence, after which the Warden stated 'that he would reserve.: his . decision,, and as. .certain changes of licenses 'were about to be made by the May Queen and ■ Moanataiari Companies it' would be advisable to get these completed before the decision was • announced, sp that the- assessment would apply to them .'.under tho new titles. MINE MANAGERS' REPORTS. afioun-taln King.— the north drive at the intermediate level, ii stope Is being car-, ried over the back of the levei. The reef is a nice -compact body of, ore,, varying -from 6 to 24in in width, .showing strong colours of gold. In the stope south, the reef averages loin,, and when taken down showed .gold more freely , distributed 'through. it. ' Missouri Mines.— work has,, been .confined to rising on the' Red Mercury reef a distance of 180 f- from where the stope'was carried along. The country is a firm class of andesite, with numerous mineral seams and silica heads' striking into .the reef.. The reef averages about ISiri In width, and Is a Well defined ...body of : ore, with hands 'of manganese running through the centre, .and still continues to show fair prospects' by dish and mortar tests. ■' v '•' ■'■ • New Waltaia.—ln : tho slopes above the Intermediate level - the, reef is at present lft wide, and producing high grade ore;' A start will made during -the' week to drive ithe intermediate level north. In" the bi6ek south of, 'the slide .at-No. "v level :the reef when broken down' averaged 0 to 12ln wide' The prospects were rather irregular' some portions, being poor, and others •worth'2oa per ton, The low. level is in.a total distance of 409 ft, only Bft,having been driven for the week, "contractors' being shorthanded on account of sickness. The country appears to be opening up. and shoots-well. ' Handsworth United,— two stupes off 'the bottom of the winze at the low level keep up a good average ■production of stone, 201b, coming 'to band : for the week: The N°,' 2. lead Is making nice and strong, and should ; -produce specimen stone as it advances south. " In the 'Otama 'section" the results.'Are decidedly encouraging, the'prospects having steadily improved all the week, aud on. the 14th nice dabs of gold were Showing In the stone. The country is also changing, and now looks identical with the •Handsworth ground. The specimen stone (about 80lb) and- general dirt (10 to 12 tons) will he treated during the latter part of ■the week, from which the manager expects a •bandsome-ireturn. • ' Most Of the dead work being done In the Handsworth --section (Umbering passes, etc.), the returns from this out should be more regular.

STANDARD STOCKS— '•■■• ' ••■■-''■ . , Sellers. Buyers. New'Zealand Insurance.... '77/6 . ■ *. ! -γ-v . - National Insurance ....... 29/0. ■,♦«.*■« ' • South- British. Insurance... 5S/O .57/6. EUkiibansl Coal .......... 23/0 .. 21/0 Northern Cool/;:.-.V -..:. . iS/0 v..--,-32/8 Taiipiri Coal ... ..—. 19/10.. 19/9 Westport Coal : ■« -, — .. 124/6 Westport' Stockton .'..;.' —■-.-. '• 7/tS Auckland Gfifl (£1) 67/0 . ; , 60/6 Auckland, Cias' (new)..... , . :: -rr; W , 44/« UiiiuQ hteaiuaWp ., —' i. SKS/G Northern .Steamship (p.u.).. — .. 13/9 Northern Steamship (coat.)' 7/0 ■ .. 6/7 Devonport Steam" Ferry ■.• — .. 31/0 Kauri Timber (p.u.)..-. a ... 40/0 ... — . ■ Kauri ' Timber Ccont.)..... 18/0 .. 17/0 L;O\B. Timber ...-'-,-.'..... 25/« .. 24/0 Itimiu Timber' ..........;.: — .. 25/0 barker/ Lamb 1 . .■...:...-.... 24/0 «... . — • • Auckland Tramway s . (pref.) —„_.;. r .22/9 AuekJan<i TKiinwaj-s(ord.j 22/0 .. .22/3 D.S.C.. Limited '.:........ - 3/0 .. 2/10 Hill-and^Plummer ; 21/0 ■ ,,.. —'. afilne and CSioyce (pref.). .- ... ,21/0 Milue. aq'd Cboyce (ord.) ., — "",';'■ 20/V New Zealand Drug .'.....:. — ' .'. 47/0 New Zealand Cement .....«,- 43/6 '-..t<40/6 Northern Boot ,.,.-' ,— ,v. • 13/0 •New Zealand Paper .3<lill? 22/0 .. 22/0 ( Toiusofji Garllck Co.; L'td... 1»/D .'. ' —' : kiNis-6 arocKS— ■ ■• ..■■»-- . I "'■•;."•> ■• ■ -' ■ '..:>i Sellers. Buyers: iMkon's: ConsoHdttted (cent.) 0/5.. i, -0/31 Knranul ,:...:; -•--• 0/8- ...0/5" Kuraaui-CaiedQnlan ......... 1/0 .. 1/5 Si& Queen .,...-. — -.... 4/3 : .. '4/2 Miohowal —-..:•..";.-v. 12/0 -■.•.■ a/ii New,Sylvia ..;. —^..... r -4/8 . .., 4/7 ! Occidental ..... 0/3i . . 0/3 Point liussell :..-..... .-,0/4 '.. 0/3' Saxon' ',".'i. '....y.,1..'....:... 1/9".. 1/8 Scandinavian ii..-j J.j...'..w) 0/2i-j. .0/2 Tiliames „ —'...— , 0/3 ".:.»0/2 Victoria 1W ,.,.. ,- «, 1/7 » .1/4 ■WtiiotaJii ■.;:......' V .J '4/4 .*. 4/^. Waitangi - ConsoUdated ' - -_ .' 2/0 ' '<. ■ 11 • :1/3J. Watchman - ...ii.'.i .. 1/tf '...' 1/2 •itonnt Zeehan. (cpnt.) ..... 0/6 ... 0/2 Blackivater ". ."....,.... —. ..'20/<5 Consolidated. ' GoWfleias..... 22/8 : - '/; 22/0 Progress Mines ; .v..v...- lti/0 ,■« 05/0 JTpur-ln-Hand , . 1/0 ... 0/6 Golden Pan .,.,..'„;,...-.;, 0/4 .. 0/2 Haurabi Freehold .'.'.£_.'!... 6/71 '-.' -'0/9 Mon*e Ciliristo 6/3 ... ' 0/2 Mount Welooin* .......'.... 0/6i .. 0/6 * Oid..HaBra3£i Mines. r ,. 4/4 .. '4/3 Old' Kapanga ...' ..».»".. 0/3 ,. p/7 Royal" Oak •' (coint.).. ■ 1/3 ';.■• 1/2 Union ........._.. , p/51 .. 0/3 iBendigo ..,.......,,.. ,b/6J. ,, 0/5 New Zealand'Crown."...-... , 6/i .. '4711 Golden 7 Belt (p:u.).'.1 0A0 .. 0/8 i&olden Belt (*oit.) .....'. 0/4 .. 0/21 Komata Keels 0/6J .. 0/5 Ma-oriland—Y.. .-..•.-.'.-.v.-.;.-.-.. 0/5 .. 0/4 i Phoenix ............. 0/4$ .. 0/3J Pride, of Weiii 0/4 .. 0/3 Rising Sun' I , . .X'.-Z.'.. ... -';'-"*■ 0/6 ." / '0/4 Talriia Broken'~Hflls..::..;.'1/4 ..' 1/3 Tairna Golden -Hills , -.3/10.. 3/1 ■ Talma Monarch 0/4 .. 0/3J , Taljsman - Copsolida-ted. .......53/0 •., 52/0. Waihl ...r. .I.:"..:..:..:. ..194/0! Reefs Consolidated ...-; 8/0 .. — Waihi Extended - , 3/4 .. 3/2 i Wailii Grind -junction.':..'. 34/9 .. 34/6, Walhl Grand Junction <op.)< .. 5/3 ■.. 4/9 ■HJandsw-orth ........ 0/10 .. 0/7J Mountain Kinjj ";.....;.;... 1/4 ' ..' ■ I/a New Waitala (ocmt)... ,.,.. 0/9 ... 0/6J JerwtiZ

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6

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THE SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6

THE SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6