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HOUSES FOB sale. IS I '-.-i--, . -,-. ■•■-■ —n — -rr— —'■ "■ " ''•j]___rH' nVDR SALE, Shop :, Dw"dlmg;.nei?# I A. •■: school; good stand; cheant ren?-tl t8 « ' week.—Apply 6, Napier-st. ■, ■ Pr - -^'#;» ,- W T ' JA built; 4 large rooms, sculiSy lot water; section .51 i .]_._.. iCvmiiu: ,' S§ dshed, including Brlnsmeau home all ready to step^lito^rti^ oll . - MODERN Hol^^ iSfilll : - trout; -beautiful 'pro^^:^^?-^'i-W-itet': - SUTLER.BROS, 147CW 'C^L^ <>Me ~- Sueen md Victoria-st^- 9 - b^ s '-?-*"Sitt ..... . ■?EMUE^-'PB__, : ■A K?m:]SK^ HOUSE. -6 large and ln'fri. _' '■ ----V'---; steel ceilings;.oS l i^ r^»..3T rod ßl ;_WS. with large native- plaster -areb^wit^<i?^ tti '%- I fi«,^fe w^S^sSfe Hot and. cold" i^.''dgs?JS?' , sS n K'' picture rails, iancr domii "^*>*™fi^>' svashfiouse?t ; audtj paths and yard; levei^&& ll^ li ! prom .stone: r- E^rXENSrvl^H^ , ?-,S cc to car.-Bargain. 'BaL si^-^P * »wner-fe^^'i^^ i(^^'.?Tl t , xnd doe^.^ , !%i^'irt^ar t aS? | t':-'' '' ■nstructed.ffle:.a^:6ELL.-'.'l^_>:^ f _» ' :axs and •"-•••-S°.hv'*«a- t- -- --£100 D K^ms:>:^ . ler y. waamimseV-. enamel JSt ' lavatory basin;, gas; h. *aSax4.' .wator trontage; .haek'.of fiectiohfS.Kb.& rd; suitable forbootr sion'orp^SfS? 4 " ':' lante. Kms S a^ w T^,^S| S I' choice property.'.- -.' .'■ -.--.-- - --.-V -—s.»- : r'./TK DEPOSIT.-? rs., Kraf^'>&_£_? 9f.:f .*■*■ by;-l mln.-to:car; bata. ii'nm)-.. water;' Back. yer^d^'gtt^^fSJ: 7 ; , lions .soIid,4 J SW|P«SEi - new of range!,. Daly £725. ' Wortif - s £50 DEPOSIT-C r',bib, t simnerv : St '*l dbS c Khyber Pass..: : £560, f' ■ mc. Sole agent: 7 -.* :. ,-i-t.'..-.- :H\!<--"—"■ £100 D Booms;., dwAVV 2d-sectioti-^t:^^^etarS' ; design; ' 5 robe; crabpards.-'dretee»i3«m«*l4'S&% 1 bath,. ■ lavatqry basm; * friezes, • picture' rails; -gas>attjagi; iikW mantels tile hWthi.-^as';fl"S^3£. f under -architects supei-visioa; ; cumstahces reason'owner ; BelliakS'»fls" » I ' cash offer. ...'....'.. .*" ""*" c . '-, : .CHRISTIE, .NEW .SYSTEM ''A'v}E^ r •' • fii'oo V.DErPOSri--.MT. <%£%"■ -' up-tordate. .BUNOAI J 7 f SEACE, ..just, completed; 7 'situated •, " - ■ronv 2d : section, in- select" 'a&um'.'trith j: >. large.iroorns,- reception* hall,*baj.*jiriMi«f v ' verandahs, steel. ceilings, Wdllghtt, lenim1 eni m I ! ''•- and cold"water 7 •*« ;! 7 ■ ■ V. 'Olca_2cjground," 40 ; x'-jisf an idealCiome.: '• '• ?ricS7so.,.v-:"--.'-:: 7 ,:. 7 ;-.':.- ■Cysmsm& -h it/CAA—VIEW EDEN^I&.: ; \ did House,-6'rckims'.and batteoom,' s'•-. jantry, .'etc,- with "all.mod..cony.;: j4«» seetaon,;wellraid very"cheap property. :-. 3asy "terms" arranged. ■ . '/.':.. CECIL-HD., '.'MT. ■ EIXEJ*-y?ilt» ; I =yC> 4-«J -:-fuiiy, built' eSrcomed-' ) . lenee,->2. :i bay- 'windows, ■. tetaro:iyeranuSl^'M , X ivide hall- (din S2-'i : 14) t . steel beillhgs, -r"' mam.. bath,' -tiled- hearths-'.choice;.papers;'."' - illot-"68 x.102, .very,nicely.jpald out;a?pii,ut. .' jatbs- Bargain: Terms'arranged.:: •' -' <?'7K''CASH-rMT. ROSKHJL—This' lovr V ?j '•'.• V deposit j "rflI 7 secure .-•Fine....7:rpomei }' ?1 iesidence in Bria.-toH-T'd:; ; -'nai. £Sso'as' rent \ i__r»KA —•EONSONBT. 7 —; niln. ,\ -;• >~ *:o\f . JERTOIS-RD [,r stands highr c0m...,; i nanding -view.. -The, : Mfneri ,and) occupier, ': J--.; who is leaving' Auckland -at: an early, date, Si- .> las instr'ucfed.';us.;to,sell,"»:at''thls;loW;Ug.a': ■;.; ire; to ..effect' an immediate salev-hls'spfen-..:' }S lid .residence of 6' LARGE; ROOMS; - 'tlraw-::«. ';?: ng:rbom>24 x- J 12,-'. ; tiiubg'itc>6m;'jl«..Sy4?3 h\ io.'L bedroom, lS -x. 12, with_every f ;.nio'dera .:■ X? onvenience, including t cold-;water:'.' ifj hroughont, -bathroom,. with '.nice; \batii,,'; :' bower,,and hand basin;. gas, ; flres;-,tiled.' $. : .;:..Shackiock ,;raage,-. ''ipnse':j;;:'iatid-::" J"' iomely- papered,-. : and" dainty' ■ :-,; mc ..etc; filed . .wardrobes, tne-' :|- ---joards; "etc"; PrOperfy;' 'w'ell:-'.w'orthranother,|f !■ ■•.but. i>wner---'6ac^ce3,-40.;-«et:JsSay,' i 3 ; ;- f Cerms• arranged. , * l -•.' J. k GEORGS "■ MAIMER «ATJCTJGNBBR, f, -...-. (4 ,doors;. above; Stewart Vm Wiua'-lXy:.;•-,, : * - -"-.- ■-■ - 1 - " U^ ?^':>^^. 7 if • 7 T.08.;«i1J5. - :;'- '" ' -';'" t" ..." '..■■-'■-.: TTW>R SALE,- Fish and- Chip- and 7' A: Oyster. Saloon Basinets; going concern. :, i® Owner leaving:' Cars' d00r.." £30.— - .■'rile P.. 9, Star "Office.-: •'';•*.•..;' '~^ 106 :r -'■' -_■'.-'! EiMAJTCLaX,': .ETC.: !-/" v :: ;*~\: > iV,.rT6: S E -,- i. ; .""-'-.'":.T:sb.i'v.*.-.: L & N.'Dir '; fti .-..;•:••-,.■ ;;«-,• r-Vv.-.v;;:;: >n- City .and ' Suburban FREEHOLD $ Pi)ETX at current <rate-.o£ ittterest,' > 8- '■".•.. , - ' ; -'" NEVILLE 'NEWCOMB,-].;J ; >'' '.-' ■ - : ■ ■ '.HJaV . '. ' ;." ;.... ;- •; j. --ji'-j-y*' . "... . 'FOB SALE. /.,;;"' .; : FOR" SALE, Bay Pony? : P> and quiet; also Set of New-Harness, to ; same.—Address P., 35,-Star Ofltee.g 7 '? - ; £~ \CRNlTUßE";;flv6'jrodms,:-: ett^.-'Oi'tibia. ■■ '' JO ■ , bedsteads, -lmoleiinK,-'' chaSfs,AkiWi™ ;-. utensils; etc.; £1S; *,option-takisg hpbse.— ; = Bridge; -Fruiterer, Domlffiop^ad/j-r-feM« ' : "Q'COT TRADE.rr-For~"Sale, l^SlatajßeteS' '1 A>r-Sewer,":Wai J Btit,;'arict ; ;■ oracr; treadle, or hand.—G..KL Jttson^*""r : - miulon-Jd. r ;;.■ , ■'. '«■ ■■.■■,■/.;':?"'''-; | YJtOB SALE, Edison Gem Phonograph!- pe<V ' i: *?''■« feet- order; splendid-t<toe";>wii!l'r&6i«iw v ii3"3/.—Address P..'-10,:; Star Oflice;' T':.;; 7 J i '(TO& SALE, :Bllliaxd-oUnhi_;" , rable l -C . with all" accessories, complete:;.£si: j neaiiy'.'nW.— -Apply. J.. Wiseman: and Sdsji ; Ltd,, : Queen-st.;., -. ':",'. __jffj.,-:' •«gWR- 7 8ALEi^-Garpenter.:."eavi^-i , I £— bas"->for-:'Sale::-!varie!ty. 7 :of Carpeator* : ' 1'ools; -as good: asinew.—Write .P. '■?»?««_.."jf Office. ; .-■■ ■■■:.-. ->"■■'■- " .....-.:. c; J .'#g.'> f 1; GRADE Jersey" Cow. | calf, calved,one ,mdnth.— Office. .'..'. ... ..' '■■•::-"'■.";'■'':■"--^':-..' ; ; . BICTCLE, .New -Hndson,-free ■ ; -.and-rim' brakes; in g<xxl ordrf; v Address- 0.,---48 - ■ Start Oflice. -. ■;.-'/- -,'/__j :: ' S~ nTAATPR:— have a- few OllectioDS ftr:;i Q,' : - -Sale.- -Prices from;s/. t0: : ,£50.-^'T'*if , i Domini'a"'St2nip' Co., "73, Sbortiaad-st. , a t TTOR-.SaliE, •■ £37 10/ net, .Set'Ondhtod _ S A? •'" h.p; > , Twlni-cy-linder Mdnirva'. Mot 6» . eyde;-engine •and-tyres-good- order;-nnioe.-j ; rous- spares.—Skeates and | st. ■,■ 7yy-:y r - ■y^-- 77 fe>fiS>ir.S:l LEASE of Shop, "n Karangahapertd:, ..-vjlth; 1 -- 6- 'living' rooms;: Id ; 1 stock-: and ■ fittings 'optional,—Apply- btar I ] Office. .' ' : ■■' ?- •' ' '" ''' 'S '.*■' J FOR SALE, New-Styiesln-2 | j • Vehicles; exceUent value.--Cousins Wi | Cousin's, Ltd., CoaehbOliaers, Lbrne-st. -- _i-3 I I7WR - --SALE, t-" privately, - ..FIREPROOF j A? ;■'; SAFES,:' in 'all .sizes-.,-by best '-EagUsf:| makers.—LoulsVLe'wis; .AntiUbneer.-Vlctarii;.;p : st. East, ■.-'"■"-- - ;: . -'- : ;:■-"" ->■"■-,■ ':■•'' M J! FOB", SALE, ■ Newi ? and.:. SeeOnd-iißl ; ! ' Bicycles;' from- £5»; on" easy -paynmarf I every :-fficycle".guaranteed;frosi--£l <lßSßifl I E. Reynolds and C0,,.-Newton. -f*&'jeg£ i ; OR~SALE or Htte,.Turnouts:of-itt'«_|i ( \ ' scriptions; Sulky, £0; Dealer's - ©Mr, 1 out"'£7; ; also, Light and. Heavy Carts ittm % £6 .— Bradley And Co., ; | ? '-g-x-'-i' ii--- ■■ - "E' i* -'B' i"'"s"'i^ ; .» -v -' "KAPAI." . -.--.-, ■ Call or write for Prices'. --;':■'•'•'-, ARTHUR i DORMER. Nelson-sti-JI'S •; 1 tHlec'tbic. -eightingp :i PtAN*MPi| j -H' Battery of "Chloride. Accnmulatore, *> f cells; approximates, capacity. 100"''*™psIS j hours "at 100 volts pressure; normal chifffM*' | rate' 16 amperes; normal discharge-IS.™.'.; I peress' has '.been replaced by:tobre.powenw<| battery.— Apply - ..Secretary, . Government: I Sanatorium; Cambridge.' -v-,-;:. t~;i'ol!sgm I W. A. B TAN A ™ o°(\ .1- " ' "'. IN -LIQUID ATiOS.' ; V" 7 ; I 1 „"' We have for Sale, the' followiSgl-r- .!,j,-, | UNIVERSAL MILLING "MACHINE',*,t™| ; .-■• all beads,. division . plates, etc, .and;*-,; | first-class stock of- ' New'- Cutters.'-?U - ; . 3 CARRON LATHE,-new, -ahd R in :first-cl8". i order.,,— - .. :-V.' ! -- :^^__®]; SHAPING MACHINE, ■ 12in, stroke;, veff/ fi -~ - little, used.-: ' . ■' V",:'"-': T-I YANKEE ; TWIST DRILL GRINDER, VS.: I .-,",; Millißg-.Cutter-Grinder" attaJ:hed.'-;/J\ -t These Machines must he .clearedr :ln:w|p•»- ---- that premises roay; vacated. „'■-' h '-' 7 -'-■"* -•■''• '' ' *■' "'' '"'••'l^'E^^l

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 2