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KING'S COLrLEG-E. The annual distribution of prlises in con nection with King's:-College took place a 8 o'clock this afternoon.' The prize list !; as - " ■■■'■ •:■ '-■ " ;•>•••• r ,r^,:; r '.UPPEB SCHOOL..:; v _languages and Literature.—Form y.. J "• *• Walker; ..proilme accessiU. N. C larqnliar,-,- 'Kemove:"J. 'ii.' w.- Bobertsou proiJme accessit, J.:-F. X.. Hunter. Uppei i\.: B. G. Hudsen; .prosime accessit, A « .heddon.. .Middle IV.: p. G. MacFarlaue iPf/>SJ«nfe;Lapcessit,-C. J. M. Clark. Lewei Purchas; proilme 'accessit, E Grlbujxt.:t. ;,* ' \ " Vt -v- ■' ■' ■' -'~i I ■ ; -■- Mathematics and Science.—Form V.: W. Sumner;-. prbxime.acceeglt. A: K. Duthie Kemove:: li. G. Fraser; accessit J- .A.jiliV.'.Robertsou.:; Upper TV;:-J- SA. B Hellaby; proilme accessit, J. C. Whitney Middle IV.: D. G. iMacFarlane; proxlmt accessiVC, J 5 , at,, Clark, tower IV.: A. A. Flnlayson; proxlme eccessit, A. D. Pur .Special Prizes.—Scripture (upper school), Ej.C;-Galiler; first in remove, .'X. C. Calder; Old '-'.'Boys' Uterature, J. H. I Walker; Curry Bswiy, C. W. Wily; Morton". Elocution, D. K. Duthie; O-Meara Form Kotes, J*- '--hi- -Horrocke; French Club "'prize, A. ■?S?2 ' McD »w«ll Writing (upper), •«. I. A. ■ ," or .'. drawing, G. Vβ.- Kiecheimann. ,>;:'■ ■■':':'. ;-.';. LOWER SCHOOL. Form III: Hi G-." Dyer.l, K. f-H. -Lamb 2. v. D. JDaxweil. 3. Form II:. K. I. frlmc 1; G: -H. Horton 2,' C. "Upper"!.: A. S. Miller 1, K. W. Barr-Brown 2, L. Ralnger 3. Lower I.a: J. C. Macky 1, G. H. Howbray 2. •: Lower >l.b: c. iMcDoweK .1, A.;;B. Ferguson 2. Special Prizes.—Caldei;. Scripture, D. J. R. Mannings and T. Moorhouse; Craig Progress, L. O. Martelli; special for Form i., A. M. Spencer; * Old ■ Boys' Essay, -H. .G. Dyer; Murray Recitation, G. V. R. ;Marrlnjerf;;'Bpeufye".-;- French Prize, A B. C. Pormer;; "McDowell Writing, R. Sceats; Drawing, F. .3. Gordon. ST. PATRICK'S CONVENT. *' Tie annual distribution of' prizes in connection, with St; P.atrick'B Convent. School took place_,this morning. ..Bishop Lenihan. presided. "Rer. ; Fathers Hblbfook, Wright, Ormond and C.ah'ill r were also present.. : A pleasing entertainment, consisting of music, recitation, and fancy dance*, was given by the pupils. Before: distributing the prizes, nls Lordship congratulated the children on the success of the school-year, iradV urged them to Higher endeaypure In : the : future.- ' " The; as follows:— Special Prlzes.wAggregate merit (gold medal presented by Mr W. Darby), Gladys Nicholson; good-conduct (gold medal presented by Rev.: Fγ.•Wright), Phyllis Foley; attendance (gold- cross' presented by Rev. Fγ. Holbrook), Chrlssie McX-amara; Christian doctrine (g6ld cross presented by Mr M. J. Sheahan). Annie Molloy; diligence"and' amiability, (gold, cross, presented - by-,The Children of Mary, Bt : Patrick's);'tenore v.Foley. ■■.- "T~\- ■■'• ; ■•-::•. I Music, (prize..presented by-Mr L. Myers).— Kathleen Owens. , .... I Order and Neatness -(prize presented by 'Mrs McGarry. : A /. i Drawing.—rAUce Bolton. ■ .-- , . : Needlerwork (priae; presented by Ber. ; Mother St. Mary's Foley. |- Standard V.T-Aggregate merit (prize;presented b.v Mr L. ;.Mrers)i Ivy Woods; good conduct, Eileen Bedford; Christian, doctrine Dorothy Ford and Jessie Nicholson (equal). ; Standard IV.—ARgregate merit, Rita' Dias; Rood conduct,' Gladys Geoghan; Christian 'doctrine, Kathleen pias. . .. ;^ jjStefldard ni.-r-Aggregate meritr Annie ' |* ! ! n rr-r^-G?!' ,l conduct, Eileen Lees. ; Stnnaard-i:—Aggregate merit.; Alf. Clark, ;Tieresa Tobln, E. Xlcholson (equal); good conduct. Lenore. Somerfleld. -*^ All the-pupils'ln'the preparatory classes with prizes. The certificates gained .br-the pupils during the year were also distributed. -~". .•,... ST. LEQ'S CONCERT, .DEVONPORT. ; .A':?*•-' Leo's Schoolroom last ntoht. the of prizes. In connecUon mth Bt-.Leo'a Academy = fook place; In cbm- [ blnatlon-■ with- a concert given -by ■• theBtu- :- ii ° f nj n V«-hp. are '-.undoubtedly a credit to, their teachers.. The. programme l.prosented.w.a*. of, more, than- usual excel- |' cn Pf- .The f ollowtnjr>,nupll3. took- part. In ?, «b-arade. .entitled r'Blue , ;';—Misses Coyne, M..SmlUi, G. Wrigley. and K. Enwright! ■In the absence of. the Hey. Father Furlong, the prizes were presented ' by Mr W sTVlieelerj the llst.being read. :by_..Maior (Smith. The fpUowing is a list of the >-.: .'.7 v I' Class and - r Latin, Marie j Boylan; = Bngllsli.>and. s Muriel Smith; music and proficiency, Mary Coyne; oil painting, Phyllis IVirth; shorthand and book-keeping, Margaret B-asklvllle.; Class Vl.—Good \conduct, Kate Bnwrlghtj «rithmetic and drawing, Gwendoline Wrigley;;proficiency,^ Ada %Yells. ':'. Class y.^?Arlthmetlc,' Jack Boylah; i-ead- ; lng and spelling, Doris Hopkinson; general' improvement,...Dorothy Jarman; Christian doctrine and -music; Dorothy O'Learv. ' r" - Kathleen Bonner; einjiag, Nora Ehwright;-writing,- -Freda Mcßwin; muile, Eeme Smith.: .-. Class IL/—Needlework r . Muriel Ching. ! .'.' PABOCHIAL , SCHOOL: ' Stanaard iV.T-'Neatnese, -Florence Clarke; writing;-.'. tHlMa McKearnan; proficlehey,Xellie Chrlstiau. doctrine, Annie .pxton; general improvement, May Lynch; arithmetic, William Crbll; composition, James Cassidy. . ' SV . : ;■, Standard IV.—Good conduct, Nlta" . : ■■■-._...,-. . ■ . , ■.-. ! Standard 111. Arithmetic, - Leonard Adams; general improvement,, Hilda" Cole'man. .- ■ ; , ■ " ■':'"■ * * •■ - s'tA3.s '■ Standaid Gladys BasklviUe. : Standard Allan iund; rmidlug, Douglas Ridings; neatness, Leaore .caefiajt. :■,"-■-.-.'. >,'■■ i-. ' -.".: ~'. ■ ..' ' ST. 'jbSBPH'S SCHOOL. 1 Aggregate merit (gold medal, presented by Holbrook), -Lottie:;Kean; dllt gence (gold medal, presented by Mr. Kohii), lEeple 'Moore;, good conduct (gold medal; ipresented by Rev. Fr." Ormond), Katie : Bmythe;~Cßrlstian-doctrine (gold cross,-pre-teented by the Chlldren,.of Mary, fit. Pat- ; tick's).: Teresa MpDevitt. . i-> '" ; Standard V.—Aggregate merit (prize presented -by ; '' Mr;' Kehderdlne), Emily -Henderson;*'general -proficiency-, Kitty:- Maxwell; t good conduct, Edna-Davis. ■ ; Standard IV.—Aggregate merit, ; .Clarict ' Casey and 'Eileen ;;Smythe (eq.ual)'; : good conduct,' Edith •Ryan; Christian- doctrine, Madge Gosling. '■'■'•• : Standard IH.-r-Aggregate mertt (prize presented • by.; Mr. Hiscocks), Mary Tuohey; general proficiency, Bernle: Sanford; • good •conduct, Mary Christian doctrine,:aimrgarct McKle. . - : .; . '..- ---■ Standard merit (prize pre- ! Sen-ted by Mr. Kenderdlne), Alice Rlgg; general proficiency, Myra -McKean; diligence, Isa Davles., ~~ ._.... . ," . I rAll v.the .pupils \ in/Standard I. and tht preparatory classes received, prizes. ■■' -' \ JMOXIKT AtiBEROJ -PXUBLiC .SCHOOL. „ The following Is the prize list of the.Mt. Albort school, for flrst-daes attendance , certificates and prizes:— "J. '.*■ " ; ■ '■ .■Standard VI. —S. Griffiths, I*. Wainbouse, A. Nightingale, A. EUisdon, E. Paltiidge, A! Taylor, A. Wekerley, J. Battersby, G. Tnrley. Standard V- —R- Cunntngiham, L. Culpan, A. Duncan,. E. Elder, R. BlUsdon,' E. iflidgate, L. McAdam, E..Small, H. Wuierley. Standard IV.—OJ' Gaeth','«-M. Olney, E: Orney, L. Pye, T. Tates, A. Astley, Fredk. Cunningham, E. Cockburn, A. Dadson, V. ;Firay, «. Griffiths, jr Kiyee, R. Pye,- A.' ;Stevon, S. Taylor, G. Bowen, L. Connelly, i-A.-- Connelly, jM,- Hoddenott, G. Ludgate, J.'Willle...: ; ■: •'.' ->-:-■<■ .' '.- - - ■■ : etendard"" lII.T-OSeW.' G-übb, S. :G. Whltaker, FJ McGeelian, H. Parker, J. ■Ryan, D. SteTenyKr Astley, C*. Nigh-tingale; I*.-WUHs.- -. ; ...-...„.-... ... ;: . ■ - ■Standard 11. Bowen, V. Gentlesj W Grant, G. : Paltrldge/ b: Parker, T. Pocock," ;U-Pye,'C. Steven; K. Taylor, E. Alexander - :H. Knfght, M. Davis.: . - ! Standard I.—A. Corr.G; Davis, C. Elder A. Grant, E.. Stacey, T. J ; Gubb, jD. N-lgh-tlngale, M. Patterson, J^'McLach- ; ' ; lan,-'C;«'Py:e. ■-> ?'■■;■■:: ■.; .- ■;■. ■-/■■■.:; S Primer" IV. — lt" : Gordon; ■-■.'!:■ Gubb, V -McDonald, L. 'Walker, l>;: Ludgate. L Ludgate, M-Ludgate, B. Parker, A. Wist. 1 Priniec 111..—.. G. Willis, H. ; M«Geehan ;J. Taylor, P. Elder, I*. Gentles, Flora McDoneld, I. Seccombe,—E. Vincent, F: i^udgatfr. j " ■ ■ : - -.-' ■■. ■ ) -Primer M«G«eham, TV. Ryan K. Hujne. '.'''".-.•■ •■'.".'r , ;;'-.;.-. ~' '" ' -' '■ -- Prtmeq? I. — BL Stacey. ■-■■'■■ . : Arithmetic.—Standard -VX.','. :D. Kenredvstandard; V.i E. Small; standard IV R KeJeJit;- standard Hi., C. Yon' RStten rtmdard 11., L. Pye; standard 1., E.-Mit-<u^F li ' A - etanP* VM. O!n*y; etawlard IV., B. Ber- «<«•; Standard ni., M. Fenmani standaie ■:■ ■■'■■'■■■ ;' : 'r ■ , ' : :: " -■.-■ y ■" -: v-' :

Writing.—standard' v>l., 8.. Harper; stan« dard V.; t> standard IV., M. Jackson; standard 111., C. 'McCormick; standard 11., Hi Knlffht; standaTd-1.,, Gr niujrham. . ■ ' Conduct—'Standard 1 VI., M. ' Alexander; standard V.; (Er Olney; sitandard IV., F. Farr; standard in., L. Willie; standard 11., A Wilson; standard-1., 1.-'Wheatcrofft. ' Composition.—Standard VI., A. Eilisdon} standard V., Qt McLeod; standard -IV., I. Worthington; .standard 111., B.^fasih;'stan-dard-11., R. Hurd;.standard 1., G. Mitchell.

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 299, 16 December 1909, Page 3

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SCHOOL PRIZES DISTRIBUTION. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 299, 16 December 1909, Page 3

SCHOOL PRIZES DISTRIBUTION. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 299, 16 December 1909, Page 3