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Moon's Age: Full Moon, March 7, 2.213 p.m. ■Sunset:. This evening, 6.29. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 5.38. iriGlt WATER. Auckland: Tins afternoon, 2.54; to-mor-row in,.ruing. 3.3. Onelnuiga: To-morrow morning, CIS; tolii. it. -.v evening. 7.2 r. M.mukau Hi-ads: To-morrow morning; 5.25; to-niurruw evening, u.o. K:ii*mra Heads: To-morrow morning, 6.53; 'to-morrow eveuing, 7.25. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. Ngapuhi. s.s., C. W. Cummings. from Wliaugarei. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Dull, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Snied»y. Misses Smedle.v. McCullough. Mitchell, Baine. Clarke. Fhipps, Chapman, Grnv[ Waiting, Mesdames Wynn. Core, Adams, Squires, ('.. D. Crisp. I.iudberg, Gribble, I/eigh. Johnston. Crisp. Johnston, Wilson. Fowler, Sarney, Mcludoe, I>uuk. AVtlSon, -Fliuilay. Atkinson. James, McKinnon. a__. lon. M.-Indoe, McElwain, Clifford, Rarner, Smith. P.insted, Utllet. Ryan. Purdle, Simpson. Harden. McLennan. Christie. King. Wallace. Fraser. Jameaux, Hutton. Fitkeithley, Downar, Captain Carpenter, aud 8 steerage.—Northern Co., agents. Waiotahi. s.s., J. Wilson, from Mercury Bay and Talrua. Passengers: Messrs. Peterson. Maltk. Murray, Harding, Allen aud Dyer.—Northern Co., agents. YESTERDAY. Manuka, s.s.. 4oor>, W. J. Newton, from Dunedin, via ports. Tassengers: Mesdames Browne and 2 children, Young, Taylor, Tre-lili.-o. AHardycp. Di.v and 3 children, Grnv ..adder, siare. Kingßley. Vial. Da.v. Nenr'e. Treauoro and 2 children, Bebe, " Stewart, Lit King and child. Misses Holland. ISn.-iud. Horn. Wright (_».. Suttou. Mill, Waiorliousc. Speight. Starkey. Duff. Woller, Law. Sheen, Faddy. Messrs. Brown. Horton, Taylor. Suilthson, Jones. Allardyee, William, 'Jeffrey. Franks. Ballantyne. Shanfl, -Porcr. Gray, Williams, Hannam. Aitken, Sohwet- j asch. Fain. Bourke, Garner. Coote, Hog-an. Vial. Augpl, Nelson Moore. Simsou. Gilford. RMI, Cater. Jordan. Hewlett, Aicken, Johnston. Livesey, Clark, Fabian. iSheen, Sergt. Treanor. Drs. Wylle and Purdy. Bland Holt Dramatic Company (39), and 55 steerage.— fnion Co., agents. Greyhound, a.s.s.. IT. Subritzky, from ! ■Whangaroa. Six passengers.—Master, agent. THIS DAY. Mokoin. s.s.. 3*>o2, R. E. Smith, from SydTlev. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Seymour. Turner. Freseo*t. Henderson, Brett. Clarke, Forrest, Tutthill. MacG.regor, liritr. Messenger. Roberts, Riddook, Morris. Eastgate, T-avlor. Wilson. Nurse Clayton, 'Mesdames Henderson, G. Roberts :ind child, Clare-ihorong-h. Kearney and child, Dnnsmnre. (While. Hurst. MacGregor, Mills, Wood and .chill. Davis and child. Ray-well aud child. •Rongdeu, Campbell, Moore-Jones and infnui. Wilson and two children, .Morris. ißee-helmann. Messrs. G. Forsyth. Hamptmiann. F. Levy. Millard, (i. Roberts. Hollow. ,1. Porta, Streiff. J. Carter. Dunn, C. ■Klpjiie, White. Wood. Saywell, McLeod, T. Jones, J. Dickson. H. H-ayrnan. Maroney, •Myers, S. Lindsay. C. Rest, V. Kasdom, Crossing. Rev. Kearney. Rev. Sutton, Masters Reichelmanii (21. Steerage—Misses IFogel. Cowie, Healey, Mclutyre, .Mesdames •Lnscombe, Mayo, Harrison, Saunders, Lee and two children. Robb. Bell. Edmunds and child. Snowling and five children. Bartlett and two children. Clark and Infant. Aubert, Collins, infant and two children, Hildreth, Edgar and infaiir. Jude and two children, /Forth and child. Harris. Foster. Fox. Messrs •H. Comet el. D. Chambers. Lnseombe, Janson. R. Blennerhurst. Skipworth. Dickson, Sro'tli. Holloway. Holmes (21. Brady, Blue, Campbell, Day. Bush'by. Duross, .lorgensen, An-hl>old. Smith. Nnughton. Wilson. Sheely, Batchelor. Gerard. ,Mu!holland. Wright. Fell Cli. Borten-Sha'w, Ixiovieh. Edmunds, Morris ir.i. Irving, Rroadby. Waite. Stone. -Pimm, .Robinson, Chambers. Thomas. Ruthern, Rumey, Bartlett. Laurence. Taylor. Cham'brrValn: Robinson. Willeocks. Vernon. Clark. AAti'iert, Ga-crett. Mofluo". Toyer. Forth (2). Filling, Forth. Messenger. Crook. Peel. Barber; Reicharfls, Sutherland, Wildish, Fei ti, Ri\r. Wood. Greenwood. Bradney, CMi-Calve. Rouse. '-"ox. Johnstone. Tee-ds, Manuel, James, lib-key..—Union Co., agents. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. Snnall. s.s.. Ross, for Tolago Bay and Gisborne. YESTERDAY. Kanieri, s.s, T. Meyers, for Whangarpi. Paeroa. s.s, E. 11. Goertz, for Limestone Island. THIS DAY. Xgatiawa. s.s.. Bark, for Opotiki. Captain r. Poole, late chief officer of tbe. s.-hoonei- Ysabol. has been appointed master of the ketch Kerern. which vessel has heen Subsidised by the Government for a special service between Auckland and Nine. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day—Clans_mnn leaves for Russell and Opua at i p.m.: Aupouri leaves for .Tauranga and Ohivva at r> p.m.; Waiotahi leaves for Mercury Bay and Kuaotunu and Whangarntta at 7 p.m. : Kanieri arrivej/from. Whangarei Town wharf Kanieri arlves from Whangarei Town wharf late. Tuesday: Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 0 p.m. : Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town wharf at 5 p.m. : Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth and leaves for same port at 4 p.m. (train 3.01 : Waiotahi arrives from Mercury Buy, Knaotunu and Whangamata. FNION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. " EAST COAST. To-day — Maitai arrives from Fiji; Manuka sails for Sydney nt 5.30 p.m.; Malta! sails for Wellington at (i p.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. .Whakarua, s.s., from New Y*ork, via Australia, sailed January 30; due abont April 6 . ■ Slapaona, «.s . from Kew York: via Australia; sailed an. 1; due lv March Walmate, e.s., from London, sailed jan. 18; due Feb. 2S Drayton Grange,, s.s., from London, sailed Jan. 9; at Melbourne, Feb. 22; dne about March 10 Xbyrn, s.s., from Bunbnry; due early iiutherglen, s.s., from New Xork, via Aussailed Jon. 21) Hawke's Baj, s.s., from Glasgow and Liverpool; left Liverpool January 24th; due about March 20 Niwaru, s.s., from London, via Australia; sailing February 9th. Indralema, s.s.. from London, via Melbourne and Syduey; sailed January 2!l. Delphic, s.s.. from Liverpool, via Australia; sailed December 31; leaves Newcastle Feb. Langton Grange, e.s., from Liverpool, Bailed Feb. 8. Tukun-aru, s.s.. from Loudon; sailed February lßiii; due March iilst. Tyuieric, s.s.. from San Francisco, via Apia, sailed Feb. 12; due about March Laira barque, from Newcastle; sailed February loth. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. FOR LONDON— Waimate, s.s., via the South, March o:aki, s.s.. direct, March ti Delphic, s.s., via the South, early ln March '•"OR SIDNEY— Manuka, s.s., to-day VESSELS IN PORT. Tofua, s.s., at Uobsou-street wharf CMulcciola, banjue, at Quay-st. jetty i;is,, ir« stream Southern Cross, s.s., in stream. Isanci, sen., in stream Southern Cross. ban*uentine, at raihvav uhail. Manuka, s.s., at Queen-street. Wharf. Mokoia, s.s., at Queen-street Wliarf. IMPORTS. Per Manuka, from the South: S2_ sacks sec!, (i", ca,ks a.c. .'l7 sacks pollard, r>o7 sacks bran. sacks oats, 11 sacks chaff, 12'tS sacks wheat, lbotl sacks lioui', BU hales bay. l'o'j sacks mail. Transhipments ex s.s. Athenie and Tongariro at Weiliugtou: 4:iO cases soap, 00 cases Jam, VI bales paper. 4i) lons scenery (Bland Holt Co.), 50 bunnies empty sacks. 4ti Orion ranges, 117 cases matches, _t* bales wool, 25 bars iron, aud Per Mokoia, from Sydney: 1&75 sacks flour, 422 bugs grtl. bark, 555 hags rice, .71) bags wheat, 470 bags manure. 4i*7 bass uaaize, 460 Uass bonedust. IXOO bags saat, UtiO ba'_vs. tapioca, 270 cases pines, 173 packages tea. 14s packages sultanas, 70 cask's .bitu_jneii. 100 cases soap, OO bales liesSian,' 440 leleg. arms, ISS tons pipe, 20 'hogsheads White spirit, 25 crates melons,. 27. reels paper. 07 eases grapas. 75 dxtuns carbide, sundries, and ti-aashipuaents ex Ghangsha. Olfelt&ach, Or.tona, Fganda. Tasmajiic,. Guttie, 'Gotilngeh, Yoj-ck, and r.eclerJct der Gxosse.

The Cerman four-masted barque Nal nnohored In the stream this morning. She sails for Newcastle at an early date. The A. 11. Board's new tug Te Awhlna was taken out for a trial spin on Saturday last, aud gave entire satisfaction to the officials in charge of the test. The vessel's mean average speed was 10.S knots. The s.s. Mokola arrived from Sj dnpy at 0 « en., mill iKM-thpd at tbo Qiw'en-strpet Wharf at 11 n.m. to-day. She left Sydney at I.KO p.m. on Wednesday last, and for the first three days experienced strong north to north-east winds and hoavy seas, which delayed the vessel considerably: thence to arrival light variable winds. The Mokola sails for the South to-morrow afternoon. THE UA-XCiKA. The s.s. .Manuka arrived from Dunedln, via ports, vi 0 a.m. yesterday. She sails for Sydney at 0.30 o'clock tills evening, taking the following passengers: Misses Aitken. Kinniard o>), Chappie, Feutou, Reid aud maid, Cloiian (3), Wakluun, Kendall (2), A. Brown. V. Smith. M. E. Sjuith. Kenderdine, E. South, G. CaJvroft, Forsyth, Stewart, F. H. .lunieaux, Itaiikin, G. Liggins, Hiassall, Clark. Laws-on, AValiace. Kuttle. Uayly. L. Smith, Sawyer. UJUillan, Dunc-au, Gordon, Fleming, Sjii'ifh, Foster (.2), Iloughton, Garry (2). Brown, Areedjunes DoMge, PatchIng. J. Payntiiiß, E. H. Sargeaut, MciKay. J-udd and thrp;; i-lrililren, T. Smith and child, Firth, V. 'Colder, Hoult, Smith, Brock, Lusigrow,. M. L. Bo.ltmi. R. R. Stow. L. Hill anfl two children. Berry, Hough'ton. Vasey aud trvo children, O. WJ-I-Ua-nis, Wi-igley, 11. McNeil, child and nurse, Wllls-Alleu, Myers, child and maid, R. Stewart «n<d two fhliaren. 01-ffillan. Hlnchey. Croslry-Smlth, Kenderdine. Forsyth, Stewart. McMillan. E. O. Wlllrams, McQuade, J. -Re-id- aiid, BaUe and two -chlidi+ri. n. Ca'rtwplgttt and two children. M. Muir. Cla-rkr, Messrs. Best, Firth, Wheeler. C. P. Marshall, B. 11. Sargeaut. ■ Patching, J, Poynting, J. Weiss, W. A. Dndfipld. Exoii. C. Rogers, S. Wilttaker. McMillan. Doidjre. McKay, .Tudd. A. I Myers, Chaffer. TicHirldge. McQuade, Wrigti?y. T. 11. Nesbitt, E. Meyer, R. ft. Stow. L. Hill. 11. Higgins. Cnisby-Smith, Harrison, H. McNeil. Wills-Allen. Metherell. J. J. Garry, J. A. Garry, (Ml/fiHan, Hinchey. P. 11. Foote, MacMafton, P. A. Edm-tstoii. 's Jj Massing, Stairjii.-jnd. F. T. Wilson. Mllkowskl. Campion, Ltisignow, Branscombe, R. is. .Young. Brock. C. W. Carr, Collins, A. 11. Hill. 11. .lUjrlns, Crosby-Smith Harrison WhJte, McKeinion. W. Queers W. Sl-stteiy, J. Slattery, W. Rumnell, \Y. A). I'lph, S. Morelaml. H. J. D-avls. Ilarman. K. Cartwright, M. Muir. Dr. Ansreubeistcr Major Mliitney, Dr. Du3lpJrt. Dr. B. (iianvlllcCorney. lion-. F. C, Biernie. Rev. Fr. O'Coainell. Col. Rowe. Masters {'I), S. Macky, M. Bolton. F. Macky, aum luo steerage.

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Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XL, Issue 51, 1 March 1909, Page 4